Opposition leader Binyamin Netanyahu: Instead of restraint, Israel should topple the Hamas government
December 5, 2006, 9:27 AM (GMT+02:00)In a radio interview Tuesday, the former Likud prime minister questioned the current state leadership’s capabilities for preparing Israel’s armed forces for the “next war.” What should be done now, he said, was to wipe out the burgeoning Palestinian terrorist infrastructure and stem the vast stream of weapons entering Gaza. Instead, the Olmert government was exhibiting weakness by its decision to let eight days of continuous Palestinian ceasefire violations from Gaza go unanswered. In this period, 16 Qassam missiles were fired against Israeli civilian locations.Amid widening criticism of the government’s decision to accept the Hamas “ceasefire” and its violations, Netanyahu said earlier said that Israel’s restraint had the effect of strengthening Hamas and weakening Palestinian moderates.Defending the decision, prime minister Ehud Olmert argued to the Knesset foreign affairs and security committee Monday that the Israeli military operation had not stopped the Palestinian missile offensive. DEBKAfile adds: This further stung the military whose anti-missile operation in northern Gaza he halted mid-stream.
Olmert also explained that if the ceasefire is allowed to gather momentum it could stimulate diplomatic engagement.
I agree with Netanyahu. Hamas is an Islamist organization whose primary purpose is to bring jihad and sharia to Palestine. The total destruction of Israel and annihilation of all Jews is the centerpiece of the Hamas charter. The missile attacks haven't halted for one day during this latest charade that we call a ceasefire and the Palestinians call "hudna." The so-called "moderate" party; the Palestinian Authority (Abbas' Party) has its own wing of terrorists, Fatah. The PLO and then the Palestinian Authority have so effectively developed martrydom to a pseudo science wrapped in a religion that now even 64 year old grannies strap on a bomb. Will we appease this madness until a martyr straps on and detonates a nuclear device?
After the big Christmas Tsunami, I realized that mankind forgets the hard lessons. Instead of learning from mistakes, we repeat them. Fifty years of experience dealing with the Palestinians should be enough for everyone to realize that you can't deal with them. But apparently every new Presidential administration forgets the lessons of the past and tries to reason with an unreasonable, irrational people. That is the definition of insanity.
Netanyahu is right: Olmert's actions have been inexplicable and inexcusable. Hopefully, the Israeli people will listen to BeBe before it is too late.

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ReplyDeleteIsrael has never been rewarded for restraint and always respected by her enemies when she gave out better than she received.
ReplyDeleteIt is better to give than receive
Does it mean nukes?
ReplyDeleteI want to say one thing. Whit and I welcome as many posts as anyone cares to put up. they should be interesting and it is appreciated when they are relevant. Obviously with late breaking news, we want to know about it. Personal attacks, cheap shots and insults unwelcome and are not necessary. The multiple personalities, when done well are entertaining. The cut and paste trashing of the blog is unwelcome and we ask that it not be done. We put a lot of energy into our work. The regulars here at the bar do as well. New people are turned off by it and I want it stopped. We want to keep improving and ask for your cooperation and help, and welcome one and all who share our vision to exchange similar and opposing ideas and beliefs.
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ReplyDeleteWhat are Israel's options at this point?
ReplyDeleteThis is good news.
ReplyDeletepresidential council urges greater role for ethanol.
Hey, habu, welcome back! Hope the vaction was a real blast for you and a good time was had by all.
ReplyDeleteI had noticed the subfreezing weather reports from Big Sky Country and thought of your field of frozen blue ethanol petals, wasfully wilting on the praire.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the welcome. Just been roam'n the purple mountains mind'n my own business.
Good to see folks are do'in fine.
Gwyneth and I won’t sleep a wink tonight. Unfortunately, we will do so on different continents.
ReplyDeleteStudy finds global wealth uneven
Just arrived from Alpha Centuri, anything new shaking?
ReplyDelete"Olmert also explained that if the ceasefire is allowed to gather momentum it could stimulate diplomatic engagement."
ReplyDeleteHow can a leader of Israel make a statement like that and expect to be considered a serious person by anyone with an IQ higher than a bowl of artichoke dip?
He's either blackmailed, delusional, or outright insane.
He's gonna get a whole bunch of innocent people killed.
ReplyDeleteHere's more for that missing Israeli thread.
Wretchard has much the same thought as I on the Israeli effort to prove to the “international community” that it is a good citizen.
Too little, too late
My first post on the subject was here at the EB in the morning.
Offering Video, Israel Answers Critics on War
ReplyDeleteI have always thought BeBe is more realistic and aggressive in defending Israel.
I'm not that up on Israeli politics but this guy in there now seems like a Jimmy Carter type.
ReplyDeleteWhy worry about the Franco-American UNSC Resolution 1701? I linked to this during that little dust-up in Lebanon, as Dr. Rice was negotiating the breakthrough deal.
France and the Rwanda genocide
That “fabulous” Baker boy
Links from the American Thinker
ReplyDeleteThis is likely to be one of the most timely threads to come our way during this season. More reports show a pressure cooker about to blow.
I don't know if it's 2164 or whit or both that do the graphics or choose the theme pictures but they are, I am sure, pleasing to many people. Sometimes eclectic, sometimes Norman Rockwell or Winslow Homer but always seem to fit.
ReplyDeleteAre they from a file or do you folks compose them? (the eclectic ones)
ReplyDeleteI just also noticed that Montana has a mandated 10% ethanol/gas mix.
I really do think this time, if BIG OIL will allow it we may make some real progress on the alt. fuels challenge.
Did you listen to the Girlski II with the song?
That's former heavyweight champion Charles "Sonny" Liston
ReplyDeleteYou'd think they'd be going head to head with ADM
ReplyDeleteYour Rodney King avatar will only draw the attention of the Catholic one.
The catholic one will draw the ire of the oui one
ReplyDeleteit's "Sonny "Liston who was one mean fighter til Cassius Clay hit him with a "mystery" punch that to this day I can't see in the fight films. Neither could anyone else.
Habu1 said, "I have always thought BeBe is more realistic and aggressive in defending Israel. I'm not that up on Israeli politics but this guy in there now seems like a Jimmy Carter type."
ReplyDeleteExcept that even Jimmy Carter started ramping up the defense budget again after his liberal ass got spanked by the Soviet Union going into Afghanistan. Olmert is talking about giving up the West Bank again, only a few months after getting "rewarded" for giving up Gaza by a series of kidnappings and thousands of rockets.
One Ruby to Rule Them All
ReplyDeleteI'll switch
ReplyDeleteOne Blogger to Ruin Them All
ReplyDeleteWretchard never spoke highly of spankings and asses.
ReplyDeleteIt appears to me that Olmert is steering the car over a cliff. What's his M.O.? Can't be peace ,he has to know they'll never let Israel alone. Has he been in a cave or what?
Spankings are the opiates of the asses
ReplyDeleteIntestinal gas is composed of 90% exogenous sources (air that is ingested through the nose and mouth) and 10% endogenous sources (gas produced within the digestive tract). The exogenous gases are swallowed (aerophagia) when eating or drinking or during times of excessive salivation (as might occur when nauseated or as the result of gastroesophageal reflux disease). The endogenous gases are produced as a by-product of digesting certain types of food.
A Story in 11 Words
ReplyDeleteOnce he put the condom on, it was a seminal event.
Reproductionism is penisism.
ReplyDeleteThanks for airing that out for us. It's my understanding that we flatulate about 30-50X a day. Does that jive with your research?
ReplyDeleteIt might have been from you but I saw somewhere that one of the NASCAR teams will be running ethanol exclusively for the season next year.Should be a gas, I mean,fun.
Anyone know where to get more pics of Atlas?
ReplyDeleteI also read that in a recent sports car test they ran the ethanol and it was like a rocket..I'm not sure if it was E-85 but I think it was .I'll try to find the article.
ReplyDeletedoug..where have you tried so far?
ReplyDeleteCould well be lemme check a minute
ReplyDeleteLooks like Indy yeah NASCAR looking.
Rufus..found it Lotus is using it..I've been a two time Lotus owner. I'm proud they're stepping up
ReplyDeleteLotus on Ethanol
Two little AP articles that outline the problems of a solution in the post modern middle east
ReplyDelete1. BAGHDAD, Iraq -- Iraq's prime minister reversed course Tuesday and said his envoys will talk with Iraq's neighbors about the possibility of a regional conference on quelling the violence here, despite opposition to the plan by some key political allies. ...."
2. TEHRAN, Iran -- Iran, whose president has described the Holocaust as a "myth," said Tuesday they will hold a conference to discuss the evidence that the Nazis committed genocide against the Jews in World War II.
The two-day conference scheduled for next week was initiated by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who has called the systematic killing of some six million Jews, which has been extensively researched and documented, a "myth" and "exaggerated."
So there it is the Iraqi are going to discuss important matters relating to regional stability with Iran, was there a Holocaust in Europe?
Yeah, they will keep the cars at under 200mph or close to it because of the danger to the crowds. Even with the roof flaps you get up to 220-230 mph one of those things could get way way up.
ReplyDeleteThey'll probably downsize the engines in keeping with the size of the street machines. The cars aren't very big to begin with.
I'd like to see Formula 1 go back to 1,1/2 litres and ethanol
Habu said, "It appears to me that Olmert is steering the car over a cliff. What's his M.O.? Can't be peace ,he has to know they'll never let Israel alone. Has he been in a cave or what?"
ReplyDeleteHell, Osama really does live in a cave, and he's got a better grasp of what's going on than Olmert and Bush.
ReplyDeleteWe've just really muffed that entire deal. Rather Mr. Bush, who kept thinking had some kinda "secret" pat hand going. Looks more like he had a tin foil hat going..
I think it was at the Battle of Shiloh in the Civil War when "Fighting" Joe Hooker petered out and when asked why he didn't press his advantage he said, 'I guess I just lost confidence in Fight'n Joe"
Jeez we can't have both Israel and the US with 'Fight'n Joe's at the same time or like mark Steyn said the "green Zone " will be in our back yard.
WC..excellent point and sooo true
ReplyDeleteMake that Battle of Chancellorsville
ReplyDeleteIt wouldn't surprise me if they looked at some old F-1 engine designs. The Ford-Cosworth engine was very compact and was used for more than a decade.
ReplyDeleteI know the Chief has a tough one on his hands but I just read today that there are over 100,000 contractors in Iraq. Most of them are mercenaries which means we have a helluva lot more me at arms than just in uniform.
I don't know what mastery he's got but Maliki it seems to me has stopped listening to us and is now going regional to save his butt.
A good many writers are saying we can't leave without a win and I agree but we better get started or it'll be over ....Russias stepping on us in the UN..Iran is going to "help" keep the peace? Iraq/Iran killed each other by the millions less than twenty years ago. All very confusing.
Glad it's above my payscale.
Nite time for me..best to all
ReplyDeleteHabu is up to something nefarious. Be on the alert. For, the "magic punch" was in the rematch. The first fight ended with Liston on the stool in his corner, declining to answer the bell. Beware the CPUSA re-writing history--it is a KNOWN TACTIC!