“Soft despotism is a term coined by Alexis de Tocqueville describing the state into which a country overrun by "a network of small complicated rules" might degrade. Soft despotism is different from despotism (also called 'hard despotism') in the sense that it is not obvious to the people."
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Former Professor Charged with Assault for Allegedly Beating Trump Supporter with Bike Lock
Eric Clanton, formerly a professor at Diablo Valley College, has been charged with assault for an April incident in which he allegedly bashed a Trump supporter over the head with a bike lock. The victim’s head was left bloodied and wrapped in bandages.
Clanton, however, disputes the charges. “I’m currently facing years of prison time as the result of accusations made in the most shockingly hateful parts of the internet. On April 19th I began being targeted by a dedicated swarm of internet trolls known for spewing racism, xenophobia, and misogyny onto the web,” Glanton wrote in an online blog post, apparently blaming 4chan users for his arrest.
Although Clanton insists that his charges have been levied unfairly, he has not specifically denied that he is the masked individual behind the bike lock assault. This is “just one example of the police doing everything in their power to facilitate and to legitimize the violence and the rhetoric of the so-called alt-right,” Glanton argued.
“Dealing with an unintelligible internet force smearing and threatening me online was not easy, and created stress to say the least, but I had every expectation that very few people would take them seriously, especially considering the character and credibility of their sources,” he wrote in his blog post.
In May, police searched Clanton’s home in San Leandro, leading to his arrest in Oakland, where he was taken into custody. He has been charged with four counts of felony assault with a deadly weapon, with the special allegation of causing great bodily injury to one of his alleged victims. To the charges, Glanton pled not guilty. His preliminary hearing is scheduled for September 28.
Monday, August 28, 2017
Sunday, August 27, 2017
Repeal Obamacare? Check. End illegal immigration? Check. Build the wall? Check. Crush the Deep State? Done, by God, done!
There is no difference between Republicans and Democrats. Put them together. They are the swamp.
Exclusive – Brent Bozell: The Slow Death of the Republican Party
Brent Bozell III27 Aug 2017
Kris Connor / Getty Images
The Grand Old Party is about to commit suicide.
All this talk about Trump this, and Trump that, masks a far bigger political controversy. The Republican Party leadership in Washington, D.C., has fundamentally betrayed its constituents and they are about to learn that they’ve been double-crossed — for years.
Every Republican candidate’s stock speech sounds the same, the thunderous roar about a government out of control, federal spending out of control (insert charts and graphs and why, if you stack hundred dollar bills, they will reach the edge of the universe), federal taxes out of control (insert comparisons to socialist countries), the federal bureaucracy out of control (insert metaphors about chains, yokes, and the like), the family shattered with federal funding of abortion a crime against humanity (watch for it — there! The heart-wrenching sob), and our military is emasculated.
Two more items were added to the menu, courtesy of Obama. Obamacare Will Be Repealed! and Illegal Immigration Will Not Stand!
In 2009, the Democrats controlled everything, partly due to the Republicans’ cowardice on Capitol Hill, and in part because of some of the most inept candidates and campaigns America has seen in years. The Obama folks could have played it safe but went for socialist gold, using the power of the legislative and the executive branches (and later the judiciary, thank you Justice Roberts) to advance their agenda.
That included federal spending on a level unmatched in human history resulting ultimately in a $19 trillion in debt we simply cannot pay, and with so many tens of trillions of dollars in unfunded liabilities that “infinity” is not far behind. One seventh of the economy was confiscated by the federal government with the passage of Obamacare. Our national borders were declared open and discussions over our national sovereignty closed. And to top it off, the Democrats all but declared themselves above the law.
The GOP harrumphed that this would not stand, by God! If only… if only America would vote them into the majority.
In 2009, the Tea Party was born. The Grand Old Party was rejuvenated. Happy days were here again.
Just one year later, the Republicans captured the House, and with that, the power of the purse. They now had the authority to stop the insane spending on so many obnoxious and wholly unnecessary ventures. They could end Obamacare simply by not funding it.
Instead, under the “leadership” of John Boehner, it did absolutely nothing. Why, if only we had the Senate! Then we could take on the President!
So in 2014, after spending hundreds of millions of campaign dollars running hundreds of thousands of television and radio ads pledging to end illegal immigration while repealing Obamacare “root and branch” (author: Mitch McConnell), they were given control of the Senate.
And within a month McConnell re-authorized both, along with every single other thing Harry Reid and Obama wanted for yet another year.
But that’s because we can’t do what we promised until we have the Presidency! The excuse was as predictable as summer heat in the Sahara.
In 2016, they were given that too.
They were given everything.
In January of this year, they formally controlled both houses of Congress and the executive branch. Every single thing they’d ever promised was now possible.
They now had the power to enact every single spending cut they’d ever solemnly pledged. All those wasteful programs designed to fill the liberal sandbox — PBS, NPR, Planned Parenthood, NEH and the rest of the alphabet soup; all the hundreds of billions of dollars in corporate welfare to multi-billion-dollar corporations; all of the hundreds of billions of dollars directed toward leftist social engineering — poof! All of it could come to an end with a stroke of a pen.
They now had the power to restore fiscal tax sanity too. Remember the flat tax?
The fair tax? Slashing the highest corporate taxes in the world? Giving you a tax break? All of it could be done with a snap of the fingers.
Repeal Obamacare? Check. End illegal immigration? Check. Build the wall? Check.
Crush the Deep State? Done, by God, done!
There was not a damn thing the Democrats could do to stop them from draining the swamp.
Except the Republican leadership didn’t mean it. With the exception of the Freedom Caucus in the House, and literally a handful in the Senate, the rank-and-file didn’t either. Not one word of it.
The opportunity arose for the vote to repeal Obamacare, and after huffing and puffing, and huffing and puffing some more, the dust settled and socialized health care remains the law of the land, perhaps permanently.
The opportunity arose for tax reform, to enact the cuts America desperately needs. It was never a matter of if, it was a matter of how much. It is now mid-August and nothing, absolutely nothing has been accomplished — even attempted!
And now we face the final test: the debt ceiling. Will we or won’t we stop the spending madness? Will the Republicans enact the cuts they’ve promised, or will they now be the ones to kick the can, piling evermore trillions of dollars of debt on their own grandchildren?
By every indication that’s precisely what they plan to do. The signal has come from President Trump, from Speaker Ryan, and from Majority Leader McConnell. The debt ceiling will be raised and no fiscal sanity will be restored.
There is no difference between Republicans and Democrats. Put them together. They are the swamp.
Just as Republicans have the power to enact the agenda they’ve pledged in toto, so too do they now own the federal government, in toto. It’s no longer Obamacare. It’s GOPcare. It’s no longer crazy liberal Democratic spending. It’s crazy liberal Republican spending. It’s no longer socialist Democratic Party taxation, it’s socialist Republican Party taxation. All the legislation authorizing all these programs, all the graft, all the waste, all the obscenity, all the immorality, and where Planned Parenthood is concerned, all the killing — all of it is now formally authored by the Republican Party.
Come the Congressional elections next year, and the presidential election in 2020, the Grand Old Party will once again bellow its hallowed promises. But this time it won’t work. This time there will be no straw men to blame. This time their voters will know those hallowed promises are not even hollow promises. They are lies.
These voters are tasting betrayal. They will not vote to swallow more vomit.
We are watching the GOP systematically committing suicide.
Brent Bozell is the Chairman of ForAmerica, a national grassroots organization whose mission is to use social media to reinvigorate the public with the principles of American exceptionalism: freedom, prosperity, and virtue. ForAmerica has over 9 million members and is a non-profit 501(c)4.
Please, I'm Begging You. Don't Keep Attacking and Destroying US Symbols.
New York Times Warns Purging of Monuments May ‘Mobilize the Right and Alienate the Center’
Adam Shaw26 Aug 2017
As the alt-left, supported by members of the Democratic Party, look to tear down more and more monuments across America, the New York Times is warning that the increasing scope of the left’s iconoclasm may be alienating centrists and mobilizing the right.
In an article Friday about the movement to rip down monuments and images in the wake of the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, this month, the Times says the disputes have proliferated with “dizzying speed” and suggests that the left’s fervor has started to produce questionable results:
But since the violence in Charlottesville, Va., two weeks ago, the anger from the left over monuments and public images deemed racist, insensitive or inappropriate has quickly spread to statues of Christopher Columbus, the former Philadelphia tough cop Mayor Frank Rizzo, Boston’s landmark Faneuil Hall, a popular Chicago thoroughfare and even Maryland’s state song. An Asian-American sportscaster named Robert Lee was pulled from broadcasting a University of Virginia football game so as not to offend viewers.
The article goes on to say that as the campaign moves past Confederate monuments, and begins to encompass a number of other grievances, “they have become to some an example of politically correct sentiments gone too far, with the potential to mobilize the right and alienate the center.”
When asked about the removal of statues this month at Trump Tower, Trump said:
George Washington was a slave owner. Was George Washington a slave owner? So will George Washington now lose his status? Are we going to now take statues to George Washington? How about Thomas Jefferson…are we going to take down his statue because he was a major slave owner?
While initially derided by some media commentators, Trump’s comments seem to be proving more and more accurate. Mayor Bill de Blasio has not ruled out removing a statue of Christopher Columbus in Columbus Circle near Central Park in the face of pressure from the left, while the Green Party’s 2016 vice presidential candidate Ajamu Baraka called for the removal of monuments to Washington and Jefferson.
Now, with Trump looking to be accurate in his assessment, some Democrats are getting nervous. The Times article cites Paul Begala, a Democratic strategist who warned that the Democrats are “driving straight into a trap Trump has set.”
“While I understand the pain those monuments cause,” Begala said, “I just think it in some ways dishonors the debate to allow Trump to hijack it.”
Begala and the Times’ apparent nervousness is supported by recent polls that show significant public opposition to the purging of the statues.
A recent Rasmussen report found that 90 percent were against the removal of Jefferson and Washington from public places. The Times itself notes that polling shows a majority of Americans favor keeping Confederate monuments, while it says support for changing street names and other symbols “falls off sharply.”
Adam Shaw is a Breitbart News politics reporter based in New York. Follow Adam on Twitter: @AdamShawNY
Saturday, August 26, 2017
Defending America By Knowing America: Killing England
Make no mistake, we are close to a civil war. If you don't believe that, then let me rephrase it:
If you you don't know that you are already in a civil war, you already are losing. The Left has seized control of the schools, the bureaucracy, the media and is now on a mission to nullify, erase and redefine US history.
The Schools:
Safe spaces and ‘ze’ badges: My bewildering year at a US university
Fear of causing offence on campus is stifling free thought – as I’ve found to my cost

As a child in Glasgow, I learned that sticks and stones might break my bones but words didn’t really hurt. I’m now at New York University studying journalism, where a different mantra seems to apply. Words, it turns out, might cause life-ruining emotional trauma.
During my ‘Welcome Week’, for example, I was presented with a choice of badges indicating my preferred gender pronouns: ‘he’, ‘she’, ‘they’ or ‘ze’?
The student in front of me, an Australian, found this hilarious: ‘Last time I checked, I was a girl.’ Her joke was met with stony silence. Later I realised why: expressing bewilderment at the obsession with pronouns might count as a ‘micro-aggression’. Next stop, ‘transphobia’.
It was soon obvious to my fellow students that I was not quite with the programme. In a class discussion early in my first semester, I made the mistake of mentioning that I believed in objective standards in art. Some art is great, some isn’t, I said; not all artists are equally talented. This was deemed an undemocratic opinion and I was given a nickname: the cultural fascist. I’ve tried to take it affectionately.
After a year on campus, on a course entitled ‘Cultural Reporting and Criticism’, I still feel unable to speak freely, let alone critically. Although it doesn’t apply to my own course, friends have told me about ‘trigger warnings’ that caution they are about to be exposed to certain ideas; the threat of micro-aggressions (i.e. unintended insults) makes frank discourse impossible. Then there is the infamous ‘safe space’ — a massage-circle, Play-Doh-making haven — where students are protected from offence (and, therefore, intellectual challenge).
During class discussions, I’ve learned to discreetly scan my classmates’ faces for signs that they might be fellow free-thinkers. A slight head tilt at the mention of Islamophobia, a gentle questioning of what exactly is meant by ‘toxic masculinity’. I was thrilled to see a scribbled note — ‘This is utter shit’ — on someone’s copy of one of the reading requirements, Maggie Nelson’s The Argonauts (an introduction to queer theory). In this way, I found the members of my secret non-conformist book club.
We met in a disused convent in Hell’s Kitchen and discussed campus-censored ideas. We read Douglas Murray’s The Strange Death of Europe, Laura Kipnis’s Unwanted Advances: Sexual Paranoia Comes to Campus and Walter Benn Michaels’s The Trouble With Diversity: How We Learned to Love Identity and Ignore Inequality. We were a diverse group: a Catholic woman, a black conservative man, an anti-theist neoconservative, a Protestant libertarian, and a quick-witted Spanish contrarian. We were united in agreeing that we should be free to disagree. We made our own unsafe space, and at the end of each meeting, we were invigorated and parted on good terms.
It seemed to the members of my book club that academia is losing its way. It is riddled with paradox: safe spaces which are dangerously insular; the idea of ‘no absolutes’ (as an absolute); aggressive intolerance for anything perceived as intolerant; and censorship of ideas deemed too offensive for expression. It’s a form of totalitarianism and it’s beginning to infect British universities, too.
The morning after the US election, New York was bluer than ever. My classmates were in tears, including one professor. Protesters chanting ‘Not my President’ took to the streets as cries of ‘How did this happen?’ ‘What will we tell our children?’ and ‘What a terrible day for [insert identity group]!’ echoed down NYU’s hallways.
Two weeks later, I spent a slightly surreal Thanksgiving with my friend’s family in the DC area. My friend’s father is the former Republican senator and twice presidential candidate Rick Santorum. As I stuffed my face with turkey, I couldn’t believe my luck. Santorum’s insights into the new administration were as close to an insider’s scoop as any student journalist could hope for.
I was sure that, despite their differences in outlook, my classmates would be fascinated to hear about what he had to say. But before I had mustered the courage to share my experience, I received the following email from a professor: ‘Dear all, hope you are all recovering well from any encounters with Trump-supporting relatives over Thanksgiving. I should be all right myself in a day or so.’ Naturally, when this professor asked me, ‘How was your first Thanksgiving?’ I chose to speak exclusively about marshmallow yams.
This is daft, certainly. Even funny, in a macabre way. But it also raises a serious point: the university experience in America is now not one that will adequately prepare students for real life. In real-life democracy, people disagree — and normally they don’t die or suffer emotional injury because of it. In normal life, there’s no reason not to like someone with whom you disagree politically. On campus, opinions are often ontology: you are what you think. But this is dangerous logic: if I hate what you think, I must hate what you are.
At the end of the year I hosted a party in my grungy sixth-floor apartment in Washington Heights, where my classmates finally came face-to-face with some real-life conservatives. I had naively hoped people wouldn’t talk about politics. But my hopes were soon dashed. A friend’s boyfriend came wearing a Reagan and Bush T-shirt. When confronted about his choice of outfit, he shrugged confusedly: ‘It’s laundry day.’ Another friend, an African-American conservative, who was wearing a US military cap, was furiously berated from across the room by a liberal of colour, ‘How can you be a conservative and black?’
When two classmates pointed in horror to the (admittedly large) crucifix on my wall — my own identity signifier — I climbed out of the window and on to the fire escape. The game was up. An image of the dying Jesus had scuppered my intellectual, perhaps even moral, credibility. I would be returning to NYU in the autumn, the flag of ‘cultural fascism’ forever nailed to my mast. A highly intoxicated friend, who had been enthralled by the whole experience, soon joined me. Handing me a cigarette, he congratulated me on ‘bringing people together’.
Friday, August 25, 2017
What a Horror! Christian Hungary, Protecting Christians in of All Places, Hungary
It gets even more deplorable as Hungary states that marriage is between one man and one woman:
Gallup poll: Eastern Europe tops anti-migrant list

Nine out of the world’s ten countries that are the least welcome to migrants are in Eastern Europe, according to the latest Gallup poll on migration published on Wednesday (23 August).
Six of the nine European countries are the new EU member states from Eastern Europe — Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Estonia and Croatia. The remaining three lie on the so-called Balkan route that thousands of migrants took in 2015-16 on their way from Greece towards Western Europe and include Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.
The tenth country on the list is Israel.
Only three European countries are ranked among those most accepting of migrants — Iceland and EU members Sweden and Ireland, the Gallup poll showed.
The EU has coped with a massive influx of refugees, mostly from Syria, since 2015. The majority of the migrants sailed to Greek islands in 2015 and 2016 and then moved to mainland Europe, but southern Italy is now their main point of entry.
The Italian government registered 85,000 arrivals on its coasts in the first six months of the year. They have urged the EU to stem the flow of migrants and demanded that the Commission make member states admit tens of thousands of migrants, under a largely unenforced emergency plan launched nearly two years ago.
The Commission has already taken legal action against the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland over their reluctance to take in migrants.
Gallup’s Migrant Acceptance Index is based on three questions that the pollster asked in 138 countries in 2016 and in the U.S. in 2017. The respondents were asked what they thought of the prospect of migrants coming to their country, moving into their neighbourhood and marrying one of their relatives.
People in Eastern European countries, who are generally hostile towards migrants, are also among the most strongly opposed to accepting any Syrian refugees in their countries, the poll showed.
But it said there was evidence that “people in those countries — many of which have had long histories of conflicts with neighbouring countries — were already predisposed to be suspicious of outsiders, and the influx of refugees further inflamed these attitudes”.
“Even before the crisis, the majority across Eastern Europe said that migration levels in their countries should be decreased,” it added.
The poll added that the rate of acceptance was higher among the more educated population in urban areas and among first-generation migrants themselves.
Thursday, August 24, 2017
Voter Fraud - Fraud or Fiction?
U.S. Has 3.5 Million More Registered Voters Than Live Adults — A Red Flag For Electoral Fraud
Elections: American democracy has a problem — a voting problem. According to a new study of U.S. Census data, America has more registered voters than actual live voters. It's a troubling fact that puts our nation's future in peril.
The data come from Judicial Watch's Election Integrity Project. The group looked at data from 2011 to 2015 produced by the U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey, along with data from the federal Election Assistance Commission.
As reported by the National Review's Deroy Murdock, who did some numbers-crunching of his own, "some 3.5 million more people are registered to vote in the U.S. than are alive among America's adult citizens. Such staggering inaccuracy is an engraved invitation to voter fraud."
Murdock counted Judicial Watch's state-by-state tally and found that 462 U.S. counties had a registration rate exceeding 100% of all eligible voters. That's 3.552 million people, who Murdock calls "ghost voters." And how many people is that? There are 21 states that don't have that many people.
Nor are these tiny, rural counties or places that don't have the wherewithal to police their voter rolls.
California, for instance, has 11 counties with more registered voters than actual voters. Perhaps not surprisingly — it is deep-Blue State California, after all — 10 of those counties voted heavily for Hillary Clinton.
Los Angeles County, whose more than 10 million people make it the nation's most populous county, had 12% more registered voters than live ones, some 707,475 votes. That's a huge number of possible votes in an election.
But, Murdock notes, "California's San Diego County earns the enchilada grande. Its 138% registration translates into 810,966 ghost voters."
State by state, this is an enormous problem that needs to be dealt with seriously. Having so many bogus voters out there is a temptation to voter fraud. In California, where Hillary Clinton racked up a massive majority over Trump, it would have made little difference.
But in other states, and in smaller elections, voter fraud could easily turn elections. A hundred votes here, a hundred votes there, and things could be very different. As a Wikipedia list of close elections shows, since just 2000 there have been literally dozens of elections at the state, local and federal level decided by 100 votes or fewer.
And, in at least two nationally important elections in recent memory, the outcome was decided by a paper-thin margin: In 2000, President Bush beat environmental activist and former Vice President Al Gore by just 538 votes.
Sen. Al Franken, the Minnesota Democrat, won his seat by beating incumbent Sen. Norm Coleman in 2008. Coleman was initially declared the winner the day after the election, with a 726-vote lead over Franken. But after a controversial series of recounts and ballot disqualifications, Franken emerged weeks later with a 225-seat victory.
Franken's win was enormous, since it gave Democrats filibuster-proof control of the Senate. So, yes, small vote totals matter.
We're not saying here that Franken cheated, nor, for that matter, that Bush did. But small numbers can have an enormous impact on our nation's governance. The 3.5 million possible fraudulent ballots that exist are a problem that deserves serious immediate attention. Nothing really hinges on it, of course, except the integrity and honesty of our democratic elections.
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Monday, August 21, 2017
I supported Trump and opposed Clinton over US Middle East policy. Trump promised to get out of Afghanistan. What has changed?
The Lies on Afghanistan
There has never been progress by the U.S. military in Afghanistan, unless you are asking the U.S. military contractors or the Afghan drug barons, of whom an extremely large share are our allies in the Afghan government, militias and security forces, there has only been suffering and destruction. American politicians, pundits and generals will speak about “progress” made by the 70,000 American troops put into Afghanistan by President Obama beginning in 2009, along with an additional 30,000 European troops and 100,000 private contractors, however the hard and awful true reality is that the war in Afghanistan has only escalated since 2009, never stabilizing or deescalating; the Taliban has increased in strength by tens of thousands, despite tens of thousands of casualties and prisoners; and American and Afghan casualties have continued to grow every year of the conflict, with U.S. casualties declining only when U.S. forces began to withdraw in mass numbers from parts of Afghanistan in 2011, while Afghan security forces and civilians have experienced record casualties every year since those numbers began to be kept by the UN.
Similarly, any progress in reconstructing or developing Afghanistan has been found to be non existent despite the more than $100 billion spent by the United States on such efforts by the Special Inspector General for Afghan Reconstruction (SIGAR). $100 billion, by the way, is more money than was spent on the Marshall Plan when that post-WWII reconstruction plan is put into inflation adjusted dollars. Oft repeated claims, such as millions of Afghan school girls going to school, millions of Afghans having access to improved health care and Afghan life expectancy dramatically increasing, and the construction of an Afghan job building economy have been exposed as nothing more than public relations lies. Often displayed as modern Potemkin Villages to visiting journalists and congressional delegations and utilized to justify continued budgets for the Pentagon and USAID, and, so, to allow for more killing, like America’s reconstruction program in Iraq, the reconstruction program in Afghanistan has proven to be a failure and its supposed achievements shown to be virtually non-existent, as documented by multiple investigations by SIGAR, as well as by investigators and researchers from organizations such as the UN, EU, IMF, World Bank, etc.
Tonight, the American people will hear again the great lie about the progress the American military once made in Afghanistan after “the Afghan Surge”, just as we often hear the lie about how the American military had “won” in Iraq. In Iraq it was a political compromise that brought about a cessation of hostilities for a few short years and it was the collapse of the political balance that had been struck that led to the return to the violence of the last several years. In Afghanistan there has never even been an attempt at such a political solution and all the Afghan people have seen in the last eight years, every year, has been a worsening of the violence.
Americans will also hear tonight how the U.S. military has done great things for the Afghan people. You would be hard pressed to find many Afghans outside of the incredibly corrupt and illegitimate government, a better definition of a kleptocracy you will not find, that the U.S. keeps in power with its soldiers and $35 billion a year, who would agree with the statements of the American politicians, the American generals and the pundits, the latter of which are mostly funded, directly or indirectly, by the military companies. It is important to remember that for three straight elections in Afghanistan the United States government has supported shockingly fraudulent elections, allowing American soldiers to kill and die while presidential and parliamentary elections were brazenly stolen. It is also important to remember that many members of the Afghan government are themselves warlords and drug barons, many of them guilty of some of the worst human rights abuses and war crimes, the same abuses of which the Taliban are guilty, while the current Ghani government, and the previous Karzai government, have allowed egregious crimes to continue against women, including laws that allow men to legally rape their wives.
Whatever President Trump announces tonight about Afghanistan, a decision he teased on Twitter, as if the announcement were a new retail product launch or television show episode, as opposed to the somber and painful reality of war, we can be assured the lies about American progress in Afghanistan will continue, the lies about America’s commitment to human rights and democratic values will continue, the profits of the military companies and drug barons will also continue, and of course the suffering of the Afghan people will surely continue.
Matthew Hoh is a member of the advisory boards of Expose Facts, Veterans For Peace and World Beyond War. In 2009 he resigned his position with the State Department in Afghanistan in protest of the escalation of the Afghan War by the Obama Administration. He previously had been in Iraq with a State Department team and with the U.S. Marines. He is a Senior Fellow with the Center for International Policy.
Sunday, August 20, 2017
Saturday, August 19, 2017
"WE Can't Take it Anymore"
Trump: 'Gonna win so much people will say we can't take it anymore'
"I'm So Tired"
I'm so tired, I haven't slept a wink
I'm so tired, my mind is on the blink
I wonder should I get up and fix myself a drink
No, no, no
I'm so tired I don't know what to do
I'm so tired my mind is set on you
I wonder should I call you but I know what you would do
You'd say I'm putting you on
But it's no joke, it's doing me harm
You know I can't sleep, I can't stop my brain
You know it's three weeks, I'm going insane
You know I'd give you everything I've got
For a little peace of mind
I'm so tired, I'm feeling so upset
Although I'm so tired I'll have another cigarette
And curse Sir Walter Raleigh
He was such a stupid git
You'd say I'm putting you on
But it's no joke, it's doing me harm
You know I can't sleep, I can't stop my brain
You know it's three weeks, I'm going insane
You know I'd give you everything I've got
For a little peace of mind
I'd give you everything I've got
For a little peace of mind
I'd give you everything I've got
For a little peace of mind
(Monsieur, Monsieur, Monsieur, how about another one?)
I'm so tired, my mind is on the blink
I wonder should I get up and fix myself a drink
No, no, no
I'm so tired I don't know what to do
I'm so tired my mind is set on you
I wonder should I call you but I know what you would do
You'd say I'm putting you on
But it's no joke, it's doing me harm
You know I can't sleep, I can't stop my brain
You know it's three weeks, I'm going insane
You know I'd give you everything I've got
For a little peace of mind
I'm so tired, I'm feeling so upset
Although I'm so tired I'll have another cigarette
And curse Sir Walter Raleigh
He was such a stupid git
You'd say I'm putting you on
But it's no joke, it's doing me harm
You know I can't sleep, I can't stop my brain
You know it's three weeks, I'm going insane
You know I'd give you everything I've got
For a little peace of mind
I'd give you everything I've got
For a little peace of mind
I'd give you everything I've got
For a little peace of mind
(Monsieur, Monsieur, Monsieur, how about another one?)
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Birds of a Feather
Why? Why Not?
Why does the universe exist? Physicists have found the answer and it will blow your mind
QUANTUM physicists have finally answered the biggest question of them all – why is there a universe?
An explanation of pop-up particles known as Quarks
The puzzle of why there is something rather than nothing – from which all the biggest questions of metaphysics spring such as ‘where did we come from?’ ‘why are we conscious?’ – has been largely solved by scientists studying the physics of the infinitesimally small – and applying them to the incomprehensibly large.
These Quantum physicists first theorised, then proved, that particles simply pop into existence, usually in pairs, from absolutely nowhere.
Indeed they have theorised further that the universe really does not like ‘nothing’ – and perhaps the state of nothingness is an impossible state.
These pop-up particles are known as Quarks and they make up wisps of existence known as Mesons and Baryons.
The new findings seem to break the classical physics law of the Conservation of Energy – that energy can neither be created nor destroyed – showing that new energy can appear within a closed system from nowhere.
And scientists have theorised that the once this principle is proven the rest is just a matter of scale.
A spokesman for science explainer channel Strange Mysteries said: “According to quantum mechanics the idea of nothingness persisting for all time is unrealistic as there’s no such thing as empty space.“Even in a perfect vacuum particles and anti-particles flash in and out of existence, and they return to no-where when they’re done.
“Stephen Hawking found that space is unstable. Empty space, in time, eventually starts to froth and bubble.
“These bubbles of spacetime form particles out of nothing just like those weird particles, and we think a similar bubble may have formed out of nothing to create our entire universe.”
Nobel prize winner Frank Wilczek of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who specialises is quantum chromodynamics, the theory that describes how quarks behave deep within atomic nuclei, has found that the universe simply doesn’t like a state of nothingness.
Something – existence – seems far preferable.
He said: “You can form a state that has no quarks and antiquarks in it, and it’s totally unstable.
“It spontaneously starts producing quark-antiquark pairs.”
Victor Stenger, a physicist at the University of Colorado in Boulder added: “Something is the more natural state than nothing.
“According to quantum theory, there is no state of ’emptiness’,”
Professor Wilczek added: “There is no barrier between nothing and a rich universe full of matter.
“Perhaps the big bang was just nothingness doing what comes naturally”
Many quantum physicists have even drawn the conclusion that nothingness itself cannot exist.
Quantum physics involves a trade off between time and energy - something that lasts a long time must have little energy and vice versa.
The universe is more than 13 billions years old which suggests very low energies.
The instant after the Big Bang, know as Inflation, was a period of massive energy and expansion but the negative energy of gravity precisely cancelled this out – leaving a zero sum.
The zero sum actually gets around the Conservation of Energy problem because if there is zero overall energy to conserve, the problem evaporates – and a universe that simply popped out of nothing becomes not just plausible, but probable.
Alan Guth, a cosmologist at MIT who came up with the inflation theory 30 years ago said: “I like to say that the universe is the ultimate free lunch
“Maybe a better way of saying it is that something IS nothing.”
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Content originally published at
Fox News reporter Doug McKelway was in attendance during yesterday’s deadly events in Charlottesville, VA, where he reported that the police were called off as soon as things started turning violent.
“But when the tear gas started to fly, thrown by protesters, the police themselves began to evacuate then. I asked the guy who was in charge, “Where you going?” He said, “We’re leaving. It’s too dangerous.” They had a chance to nip this thing in the bud and they chose not to.“People were throwing soda cans filled with cement…
Of note, "Unite the right" held a rally which was legally organized with a permit from the city, as was their first amendment right to do so, and Antifa showed up with cement-filled cans and other weapons with plans to violently protest the event - creating a dangerous atmosphere which the police did nothing to control.
Stand Down
The ACLU confirmed that Charlottesville police were ordered to stand down, which allowed the KKK and Antifa to meet face to face with no interference.
Some have suggested that the violent atmosphere and lack of police presence was a factor in the decision and ability of 20 year old white supremacist James Alex Fields to drive his 2010 Dodge Challenger into a crowd of counter-protesters, killing 32 year old paralegal Heather Heyer and injuring dozens of others.
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Don't divert from the party line on Charlottesville.
- GOVERNOR OF COMMONWEALTH: Terry McAuliffe (D) (McAuliffe's response that law enforcement's handling of the violence was successful because there were no bullets fired and "zero property damage") McAuliffe is white.
- ATTORNEY GENERAL VIRGINIA: Mark Herring (D) Previously, he served in the Senate of Virginia since a 2006 special election. Herring is White.
- MAYOR: Michael Signer (D) is the mayor of Charlottesville, Virginia and an author, advocate, political theorist, and attorney. He is a Virginia Democratic activist and former candidate for lieutenant governor. Signer is white.
- VICE MAYOR - Wes Bellamy, (D) (Charlottesville Vice Mayor Wes Bellamy repeatedly calls Trump '45', refuses to call him president) Bellamy is black.
- CITY MANAGER: Maurice Jones (D) first served February, 2008 to April, 2010 as Assistant City Manager. Charged with leading the City’s community relations efforts, Maurice served as the primary staff contact on the City’s Dialogue on Race initiative; worked closely with Police Chief Timothy Longo to establish the Citizens Advisory Panel; managed the City’s Quality of Service and Efficiency Study; and worked with neighborhood associations and residents on variety of community issues. Jones is black.
- POLICE CHIEF: Chief Al S. Thomas Jr. (D) Currently chief of the Lexington Police Department, Charlottesville’s first black police chief.Thomas is black.
Now I ask a question: Who is responsible to maintain law and order in the City of Charlottesville, in The Commonwealth of Virginia?
Obviously it is Trump's fault.
Obviously it is Trump's fault.
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Monday, August 14, 2017
The only people dumber than the Neanderthals and Brass Knuckle Draggers are the insufferably tedious referees known as the Stupid Media
Charlottesville riots show media manage to make situation worse
Eight years after it was proved — even more convincingly than the moon landing — that a black man can get elected president of the United States of America, we still have slow learners stuck in the past.
It’s the “Obliterate History Neanderthals” versus the “I’m White and I’m Proud Brass Knuckle Draggers.” Truly, dumb and dumber — and not always in that order.
The only people dumber than the Neanderthals and Brass Knuckle Draggers are the insufferably tedious referees known as the Stupid Media who shape the country as a barking mad carnival, whipping up hysteria for every armed showdown.
Now an accused Knuckle Dragger and confirmed cat owner, James Alex Fields, has entered the haunted American lexicon of having three names: Lee Harvey Oswald. James Earl Ray. Son of Sam — whatever.
James Alex Fields stands accused of ramming his beloved muscle car into a crowded street during a showdown between the two sides excessively hyped by the Stupid Media.
Now was this a planned attack aimed at maximizing the elimination of as many Neanderthals as possible? Or was it Brass Knuckle Dragger road rage sparked by somebody kicking or throwing something at his muscle car?
My experience with drivers of Dodge Chargers is that they are prone to road rage. And high rates of speed. Who knows, maybe it was a pre-conceived, carefully thought out attack aimed at maximum annihilation of Neanderthals. But the “I’m White and I’m Proud Brass Knuckle Draggers” aren’t known for being particularly sharp. But then again, neither are the “Obliterate History Neanderthals” and their self-styled “antifa” moniker.
The real question is why the Stupid Media gives these loudmouth malcontents so much free airtime.
The Neanderthals have worked so hard in President Obama’s “postracial” America to expand the meaning of “racism” so as to include so many stupid and innocuous things that it is hard to keep track of what exactly is “racist” anymore.
You’re a cop? Racist. A black cop? A racist racist. You’re white? Lord, help you.
After the mayhem Saturday, the Stupid Media descended upon the mother of James Alex Fields and cornered her in her garage for one of the most bizarre — though strangely illuminating — press conferences in Stupid Media history.
“I just knew he was going to a rally,” she explained. “I mean, I try to stay out of his political views.”
Stupid Media tells her it was a Brass Knuckle Dragger rally.
“I thought it had something to do with Trump,” she replied, hesitantly. “Trump’s not a white supremacist.”
Trying to be helpful, the mother of James Alex Fields then offers: “I just know there was — he did mention it was ‘Albright.’”
“Alt-right,” a member of the Stupid Media corrects her, though it is not clear that the Stupid Media was present when James Alex Fields told his mother about the “Albright rally” he was attending.
She confirms for the Stupid Media: “Albright.” Stupid Media strikes back again: “No, alt-right. It’s like alternative right.”
Again, not clear if Stupid Media was present when James Alex Fields discussed his plans to attend this Albright conference.
Who knew Madeleine Albright was a “white nationalist”?
Anyway, as the gaggle of Stupid Media buzzards poked their bald heads in her open garage, the mother of James Alex Fields was clearly confused by everything she was learning about her “white nationalist” son.
“He had an African-American friend, so — ” her voice trailed off, hoping the assembled Stupid Media would get the point.
Well, she stuck the landing with “African-American,” then immediately walked into an airplane propeller by excusing her son on the virtue that he had a black friend. Every enlightened person knows there is nothing more racist than notifying others that you have a black friend.
But what exactly is this so-called “alt-right” the Stupid Media keeps talking about? Best I can gather, it’s racists who are not totally racist. Or not as racist as “white nationalists.” Or, maybe, it’s racists who like black people. Or maybe it is just people who voted for Donald Trump. Who knew Mr. Obama’s “postracial” America would be so damned confusing?
In her defense, the mother of James Alex Fields did not appear exactly proud of her offspring’s behavior, even before Saturday’s madness.
“I don’t really get too involved,” she explained. “I moved him out to his own apartment.”
Good news here is that there is life after grown children living in your basement. Bad news is you may still be paying for them.
Desperate to fetch some good from the awkward situation with hungry buzzards staring into her garage, she offers: “I’m watching his cat.”
• Charles Hurt can be reached at and on Twitter, @charleshurt.
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