Why are we talking about rough interrogations of Islamic human garbage?
Last weekend a 24-year old Moroccan woman was assaulted in Antwerp by a group of male Moroccan youths. They began by reproaching her for not wearing a headscarf. When she answered back, they beat her up. When the police intervened to protect the woman the officers were attacked by about thirty youths hurling stones. Fortunately, the officers were able to relief the brave woman and escort her to hospital. She has meanwhile been discharged from hospital, though one dreads to think what may await her when she returns to her own community.
“We have no figures, but we notice that there are more and more incidents of verbal abuse towards Muslim women by male immigrants who cannot stomach that they do not wear the veil,” says Sven Lommaert of the Antwerp police, in one of today’s papers: “Often the abuse is limited to insults, but sometimes the women are attacked.”
So begins another tale of the noble Islamic man.We often hear Islam is a religion of peace hijacked by yada yada yada. Bullshit. Islam belongs in the category of our religious beliefs such as cannibalism and the live sacrifice of animals. We waste our chatter on the humiliation and interrogation of some of these captured Islamic warriors and there are 750 million woman at the mercy of these Islamic punks. Excuse me while I spit. (the picture depicted is of another beaten Muslim woman and not the woman in Antwerp. Is she being protected?)
Please read the entire article in the link.
A Modest Proposal:
ReplyDeleteShow how much we in the West respect Islam by Sending all the males back where they belong, and giving the women a chance to give voice to that til now silent "moderate muslim."
Dept of Pigs and Monkeys:
Beauty of a Joo, from Kew
Clash of Civilizations? How, I see but one civilization in the clash.
ReplyDeleteUpon approval of content, I don't mind using my name. I'm on a hilltop in the hills far away from the madding crowd, well-armed, alert, and with a crew of large loyal dawgs. bring on the small-unit Muzzies. More than a platoon, I might be in trouble, but what the hell.
ReplyDeleteIn perusing the Belmont Club this morning, I see the ace contributors there are still confusing the Reformation with the Enlightenment.
ReplyDeleteThe Reformation was not a struggle to liberalize the Church; rather, it was an effort to return Christianity to its roots. Instructive is the contemporary conservative trend of returning the Court to strict constructionism. Both the jihadists and the Constitutionalists are illiberal.
One would think C4 would be all over this. If he can find the means of faulting the Jews for both the Reformation and the Jihad, he will make an appearance, no doubt.
Was she wearing a veil?
ReplyDeleteSudan man forced to 'marry' goat
I’ll have my wife with the Masterpiece sauce, please.
The "dispensations" system, wherein for a fee the Roman Church would sell you a "pass" from God, was at the core of the Reformation.
ReplyDeleteMull this, awhile.
ReplyDeleteDoug said...
ReplyDeleteFirst you bring Allen up short,
Now you bring up my Jooish Root!
You and C-4, and Webb, 'Rat.
3 Peas.
8:31:07 PM
What have I missed?
doug is doing a nice job creating the Belmophant.
ReplyDeletetrying to link the elemonts?
ReplyDeleteIt's not all about Allen, Allen!
Refering to GEORGE Allen!
Seems Webb has a C-4 like acolyte in his "netroots" organization.
Then Sausage refered to some famous Joo w/a 9 inch member who does demos of Auto-Felatio.
What the Hell is wrong with you Allen?
That's Just Wrong!
ReplyDeletere: Allen cut short
On principle, I like to know who cut me short and why.
I'm just minding my own business, when from the blue, Doug, finds I've been "cut short". If my Viagra needs adjusting, I'd like to know.
BelmoBar Homophants.
ReplyDeleteCut off at the Pass, again, Allen!
ReplyDeleteI started with quotes from Mr Allen (R VA) during his Meet the Press debate with Mr Webb.
Mr Allen did not come off as to bright, IMO and duece's. To say Mr Allen was dumb as a rock, insulted rocks.
Then as the Campaign moved forward, a female reporter asked Mr Allen a question about his family heritage and background. Seems his mother was/is of Jewish heredity.
Mr Allen seemed to take offense at the question being asked. The level of anger in Mr Allen's reply was, doug thought, misrepresented by the reporter. In any case Mr Allen, like Ms Albright and even JFKerry has now rediscovered his Jewish roots.
doug seemed to think it was part of an anti Joo conspiracy, to taint Mr Allen in the minds of his Southern Babtist base, some how orchestrated by Mr Webb's people.
How he made that leap, was, as I recall, something said or written by Mr Hewitt, or posted at his site.
ReplyDeleteThat's a relief, I think.
That is wrong!
Ha--many an ID slip, twixt cup & lip.
ReplyDeleteTis a Tortuous Webb we weave.
ReplyDeletedesert rat,
ReplyDeleteYeah, I recall your take on Senator Allen. It's hard to argue with facts; the guy did not come out of the exchange looking good. He needs to have a talk with his mother.
I doubt the Baptists are even as remotely discriminatory as Senator Allen seems to be.
He gave up the cup for the lip, beneath the slip.
ReplyDeleteand ended up a drip
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteBest part of that boy, ran down his mother's leg.
ReplyDeletebut yes, he did seem defensive about his lineage. that's inexplicable. except as a DC reflex.
ReplyDeleteI am proud of all my forebears, even those hung in Colorado.
ReplyDeleteJust a bit misunderstood, them boys was. They'd have returned those horses, someday, maybe ...
Mine didn't wear skirts 'cause they were Gay.
the last of the anti-jew southern babtists need wheelchair assistance to get to the polling places, anymore.
ReplyDeleteand still, the underwear question remains unsolved
ReplyDeleteThis is a worrisome analysis:
Let it all hang out.
ReplyDeletei meant the kilts, not the babtists. the babtists wear multiple layers.
ReplyDeleteExcept, put the url between the quotation marks (where the example used is belmont's url), and where you see BC instead put your own chosed link word, the one you want to be blue.
C'mon, get modern.
Baron Bodissey is being unreasonable and insensitive:
ReplyDeleteFive Arguments Against Conciliation
The Baron is probably not a proponent of the Islamic reformation thesis.
time is always essential--many of us click the blue, but procrastinate the cut n paste--and often forget it. it's sad but true.
ReplyDeletebuddy larsen,
I'll talk to my daughter later to see if she can help the old Trog. She thrives on that sort of thing. ;-)
you'll feel better for it! and your links will gain greater spread--
ReplyDelete(best of luck to daughter!)
back on discussion--yes, G.Allen, due to two chance race reactions, no longer glows as the Golden Boy. Politics is friggin brutal.
ReplyDeletethat desecration dissertation fella,
ReplyDeletehe's GOOOOD
he is, for a fact!
ReplyDeletebuddy larsen,
ReplyDeletere: (best of luck to daughter!)
She's an old salt. I think the word she now uses is "House".
Shows what happens to folk, when they are not polite.
ReplyDeleteReferencing the monkey statement, not his mother.
But it is a two sided sword, Mr Jackson and the "Hymietown" remark forever disqualified him from becoming President, as well.
That is one thing about Mr Bush, he is always polite.
Worse thay've got on him is
"Yo! Blair", he forgot the "Mister" and even then some of the Brits tried to crucify the both of them.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteThis is a test This Just In
ReplyDeleteThis is a test This Just In: The Iraq Study Group Has Nothing to Report
ReplyDeletePop the champagne corks for Old Man Allen!
ReplyDeleteWill the third time be a charm?
ReplyDeleteThis Just In
rufus, i bought about a dozen oils, nat-gas, drillers, and service co's back in the middle of last year, and twice now have held right thru price collapses (in May/June and currently). feel like an idiot for not grabbing the trades--but the black boxes are so freaking fast that the danger to me has been to be caught "out". but, on this one, I'm gonna double down, i think--and fairly soon. maybe today. and then use a few trailing stops (which i normally hate, as they are a "please f**k me" invitation to the specialists).
ReplyDeleteI like that Bastardi--especially his guts in keeping his name as is.
ReplyDeleteI am getting the Washington Post up, instead of belmontclub.com, but not the specific story I wish to report. That is, when I type "This just in", instead of "BC", the link is not made. Any suggestions?
great buy on Nat gas right now, will Amaranth fire-selling--(NGV6) @ $4.87
ReplyDeleteTrouble with the links? Allen, are you sure we were not separated at birth? If so I escaped the rabbi.
ReplyDeleteBeing an uncut version.
ReplyDeletethe specific story has to be "opened" in the browser window--then "copy" the url in the address bar, and "paste" it between the quotation marks.
ReplyDeletevery cicumspect of you
ReplyDeleteBy Jove! I've got it!
ReplyDeleteThis Just In: The Iraq Study Group Has Nothing to Report
ReplyDeleteBy Dana Milbank
Wednesday, September 20, 2006; A02
ya did it!
now, to italicize, just add < and i and >
ReplyDeletein front of the word(s) to be italicized, and then
add < and / and i and > after the word(s) to be italicized.
To bold just do the same, using the letter b instead of the letter i
and now you're as far along as i am, anyway.
Now you can be like doug, and use ALL CAPS BOLD and ITALICS all-at-once, to make MAGIC links!
ReplyDeleteJust a thought:
ReplyDeleteDid the the RNC pay for Chavez to appear at the UN and in front of black democrats in Harlem?
Thanks buddy for the help. Ditto
ReplyDeletequran desecration
Thanks buddy for the help. Ditto
ReplyDeletequran desecration
rove, the magnificent bastard!
ReplyDeleteAllen, you're welcome, you're welcome.
ReplyDeleteRat, Please Translate Buddy's "*Link Example."*