Why not?
The hunting season for big game begins this weekend in many parts of Newfoundland and Labrador. Most big game hunting seasons in central and western portions of the island and in Labrador opens Saturday. The hunting seasons for other areas of the province open Oct. 6.
Non-residents wishing to hunt big game (bear, moose, caribou) must apply through one of the Provinces outfitting companies.
For more information on available outfitters visit the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador Hunting and Fishing site. Non-resident small game licences are available through regular vendor outlets (i.e. general stores and sporting goods stores) and at Government Services Centers. Federal Migratory Game Bird Permits are available through Canada Post Offices.
Non-resident hunters must possess a valid non-resident hunting licence. He/she must also possess proof or verification of having met his/her own jurisdiction hunter education requirements and must present this information immediately upon request of a Conservation Officer. Non-resident big game hunters are required to be accompanied by licenced guides. Guides are supplied by licenced outfitters. Small game or waterfowl hunters do not require guides.
Non-resident big game licences are only available through licenced outfitters. Hunters should contact the outfitter of their choice to determine the availability of licences and to obtain the required application forms.
Hunters must use a U.S. Customs Declaration Form 3315 for all game entering the United States from Canada. American hunters should obtain these at U.S. Customs when leaving the United States.
Hunters must possess a game export permit to take game out of the Province. Export permits are available free of charge from all Forestry/Wildlife Offices and licenced outfitters.
Non-resident black bear hunters also require a CITES permit to transport black bear parts outside Canada.
Non-residents hunters must declare their firearms when arriving at a Canada Customs Port.

My very limited experience of moose is they aren't fraid of much, kind of think they are king of the forest. Every once in an ever so rarely they will wander in from the forested areas around here, into the farmland, usually solo. Hang around a bit, then royally wander off. They leave a heck of a big footprint, I can testify to that.
ReplyDeleteKind of 'nonchalant'--that's how I'd describe the moose I've seen.
ReplyDeleteAt least one Brit has Awakened
ReplyDeleteAP--An outfitted hunter from Tennessee shot and killed a grizzly bear in th South fork of the Kelly Creek Drainage in the upper Clearwater Basin.
It is the first confirmed grizzly bear on the Idaho side of the 5,700 square mile Selway-Bitterroot since 1946.
The 450 lb bear, a six to nine yr old male, with silver tipped hair on its back and neck, was in excellent condition....
The bear was not marked with a tag indicating it had been studied in another area. DNA tests would be done to see if it came from another known population.
The closest known grizzly bears are found in the Northern Continiental Divide, Bob Marshall Wilderness and Glacier National Park.
People have long speculated the vast area made up of the upper Clearwater Basin and the Selway-Bitterroot could hold a remnant population of grizzly bears. Several people have reported seeing the bears there, but none of the sightings could be confirmed.
"This is the first verified record in some 60 yrs" Servheen said.
He called the area excellent grizzly habitat. The federal government was set to reintroduce 25 grizzly bears to the area but the plan was shelved by President Bush soon after he was electd in 2000.
"It was never funded",Servheen said, "It's just been sitting there in suspended animation."
The griz is protected, but the hunters probably won't be prosecuted as they turned themselves and the bear in and are cooperating. (How you mistake a full grown griz for a black bear Bob does not know)
Officials from the state and feds will try to determine if there are any other bears in the rugged and remote area about three miles from the Idaho/Montana state line. It was noted the bear had fresh bite marks on it muzzle.
"Normally they only get that from fighting with another grizzly bear and it was fairly fresh," he said. "We need to do more work on that and look at the hide real close."
Male grizzlies are known to travel great distances and this bear could have wandered in from the Northern Continental Divide. If a female had been found with cubs it would mean there is a resident population there, said Steve Nadeau of Idaho FandG. Other bear hunters in the area are being advised to carefully identify their targets.
"It shows there is a dispersal path through which bears can get from some other ecosystem to the Bitterroots," said Sterling Miller, a wildlife biologist with the National Wildlife Federation at Missoula. "That is very comforting to know."