In new message, bin Laden calls on Pakistanis
to wage holy war against President Musharraf
to wage holy war against President Musharraf
LEE KEATH, Associated Press Writer
CAIRO, Egypt — Al-Qaida chief Osama bin Laden called on Pakistanis to wage a holy war against President Gen. Pervez Musharraf in a new recording released Thursday, saying his military's siege of a militant mosque stronghold makes him an infidel.
The storming of the Red Mosque in Islamabad in July "demonstrated Musharraf's insistence on continuing his loyalty, submissiveness and aid to America against the Muslims ... and makes armed rebellion against him and removing him obligatory," bin Laden said in the message.
"So when the capability is there, it is obligatory to rebel against the apostate ruler, as is the case now," he said.
Bin Laden's voice was heard over video showing previously released footage of the terror leader. The video was released Thursday on Islamic militant Web sites and first reported by Laura Mansfield, an American terrorism expert who monitors militant message traffic.
The message, titled "Come to Jihad," was the third from bin Laden this month in a flurry of videos and audiotapes marking the sixth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks in the United States.
Maj. Gen. Waheed Arshad, a Pakistani army spokesman, said the army will continue its fight against terrorism, regardless of any threats.
"We have the aim and objective, as our national duty, to eliminate terrorists and eradicate extremism. The Pakistan army will continue to carry out its role against terrorists wherever they are found, whether in the tribal areas (of northwest Pakistan) or elsewhere."
"Such threats issued through videos or in any other way cannot deter us from fulfilling our national duty," he said.
State Department spokesman Tom Casey said the message was "not surprising" since Pakistan is an ally to the U.S. in the fight against terrorism.
Earlier Thursday, al-Qaida released an 80-minute documentary-style video that had a new speech from bin Laden's deputy, Ayman al-Zawahri, who boasted that the United States was being defeated in Afghanistan, Iraq and other fronts. Speakers in the video promised more fighting in Afghanistan, North Africa and Sudan's Darfur region.
The Pakistani military stormed the Red Mosque after it became a stronghold for Islamic militants and at least 102 people were killed in the fighting, including one of the militants' leaders, Abdul Rashid Ghazi. The siege was followed by a series of suicide bombings in retaliation.
In his message, bin Laden said Ghazi and his followers were killed for seeking the application of Sharia Islamic law, and he condemned Musharraf for allying himself with the U.S. in the fight against al-Qaida.
He quoted fatwas, or religious edits, from hard-line Islamic scholars on the duty to overthrow infidel rulers.
"So Pervez, his ministers, his soldiers and those who help him are all accomplices in the spilling the blood of those of the Muslims who have been killed. He who helps him knowingly and willingly is an infidel like him," bin Laden said.
The tape of bin Laden speaking in Arabic with English subtitles was also released in versions with his voice dubbed in Urdu and Pashtu, two languages widely used in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Al-Qaida leaders have railed against Musharraf and urged Pakistanis to rise up against him in past messages — but the call from bin Laden now may be aimed at adding weight to the rallying cry. The Pakistani president has come under four assassination attempts since 2002.
Bin Laden and al-Zawahri are thought to be hiding in the lawless Pakistan-Afghanistan border region, where many analysts believe they have rebuilt al-Qaida's core leadership.
Thursday's other video underlined al-Qaida's growing technical sophistication in its videos, interspersing al-Zawahri's speech with scenes from the Sept. 11 attacks, interviews with experts and officials taken from Western and Arab broadcasters, and old footage and audio of bin Laden.
The tone was triumphal, with al-Zawahri calling for attacks on French and Spanish interests in North Africa and on U.N. and African peacekeepers expected to deploy in Darfur.
"What they claim to be the strongest power in the history of mankind is today being defeated in front of the Muslim vanguards of jihad six years after the two raids on New York and Washington," al-Zawahri said.
The video included footage of al-Qaida's leader in Afghanistan, Mustafa Abu al-Yazeed, meeting with a senior Taliban commander. In contrast to past videos showing al-Qaida and Taliban fighters in rough desert terrain, Abu al-Yazeed and the commander were shown sitting in a field surrounded by trees as a jihad anthem played, extolling the virgins that will meet martyrs in paradise.
Abu al-Yazeed said al-Qaida's ties with the Taliban were strengthening. The Taliban commander, Dadullah Mansoor, vowed to "target the infidels in Afghanistan and outside Afghanistan" and to "focus our attacks, Allah willing, on the coalition forces in Afghanistan."
Another clip in the video showed Abu Musab Abdulwadood, the leader of Algeria's main Islamic insurgency movement, addressing bin Laden and vowing that "our swords are unsheathed."
Al-Zawahri called on supporters in North Africa to "cleanse the Maghrib (western region) of Islam of the children of France and Spain. ... Stand with your sons the mujahedeen against the Crusaders and their children."
He denounced Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir for agreeing to an international peacekeeping force in Darfur, saying, "the free mujahid (holy warrior) sons of Sudan must arrange jihad against the forces invading Sudan in the same way their brothers arranged the jihadi resistance in Afghanistan, Iraq and Somalia."
The video also included old, but previously unreleased footage of bin Laden, according to IntelCenter, a U.S. counterterrorism group that monitors militant messages.
The images show bin Laden, with a beard streaked with gray and white cloth draped over his head, in front of a map showing the Middle East and South and Central Asia.
He condemns Arab Gulf governments that have allied themselves with the United States, saying they have "sold the Islamic nation, colluded with the enemies of Islam and backed the infidels."

LAWRENCEVILLE, Ga. (Associated Press) -- A man captured neighborhood cats and kittens and fed them live to his pit bulls, authorities said Thursday. Tye Hilmo, 21, was charged Thursday with aggravated cruelty to animals.
ReplyDeleteHilmo was already in jail on drug, firearm and probation violation charges, Gwinnett County sheriff's spokeswoman Stacey Bourbonnais said.
The new warrant charges that Hilmo "did give injured live cats and kittens to his pit bull dogs and let the pit bulls kill the already injured cats and kittens. Hilmo would capture and injure neighborhood cats for this purpose."
He was arrested Sept. 10 after investigators serving a search warrant on his house found guns and two pounds of marijuana, Bourbonnais said. He has been jailed since then.
Authorities found the bodies of two kittens near Hilmo's residence. Bourbonnais said they also found a gruesome image on Hilmo's cell phone: a picture of one of his pit bulls and one of the mauled, dead kittens, and beneath picture a caption that says "Good Dog."
Musharraf has committed irtidad(apostasy). He has been declared kafir(unbeliever). His act(attacking the mosque, allying with Uncle Sam) which precipitated takfir(the practice of declaring kafir) is mukaffir. The sentence for irtidad is execution. Musharraf is now one of us, it would seem.
ReplyDeleteWith a little help from wiki.
ReplyDeleteYou'll soon be ready to pack a brief case and strike off into the world as a CT expert!
The Motherplane -
ReplyDeleteAccording to Muhammad, the Mother ship and her fleet of Baby Planes were built on a Niponese Island situated off the coast of Japan. ...
They already have the plan that would work!
(the practical part that is)
"These mountains pulling up out of the earth from that blasting by the bomb, will kill people for fifty miles around the crater."
These planes will take one trip across America, who is regarded as that Mystery Babylon (which is why America has most of the UFO sightings), dropping bombs. America will be engulfed in flames that will burn for 300 years. When the fires finally subside, America will be uninhabitable for six centuries. Three bombs will be dropped on England and she will be destroyed.
The defense apparatus of these craft precludes any harm coming to them or their crew.
"The well-trained crew of the Mother Ship, the Wheel, can dodge the enemy and make the enemy to look for the Wheel where the Wheel is not…
When America thinks that she is going after this Plane…then those scientists on the Plane go to work and create a barrier (force field-author) so that she can’t come forward towards the Plane. She can not shot at it…They are going to get rid of (America’s) jets on the ground first…(The Scientists) will destroy all of America’s airplane bases which will also destroy her planes that you now see running up in the air at the speed of sound or faster…There are Scientists on it (the Plane) who know every spot where America has her dreadful planes, searching around with deadly weapons, seeking to destroy the Mother Plane."
Sorry, Whit:
ReplyDeleteHe's already signed up to crew on the mothership.
Been studying this Shiite every nite for YEARS!
Eugene said...
ReplyDeleteHi. My name is Eugene Gershin. I'd like to welcome you to Obadiah Shoher's blog, Samson Blinded: A Machiavellian Perspective on the Middle East Conflict.
Obadiah is a pen name of a politician. He writes extremely controversial articles about Israel, the Middle East politics, and terrorism.
Obadiah advocates political rationalism instead of moralizing. He is economic liberal and political conservative.
Google refused advertising our site and Amazon deleted reviews of Obadiah's book. Nevertheless, Obadiah’s is the largest Jewish personal blog, read by more than 100,000 people monthly. 210,000 people from 81 countries downloaded Obadiah’s book. The blog was voted the best overall in People’s Choice: Jewish and Israeli blogs Awards, received Webby Honoree and other awards.
Please help us spread Obadiah's message, and mention the blog in one of your posts, or link to us. We would greatly appreciate your comments at www.samsonblinded.org/blog
Best wishes,
Eugene Gershin
Jewrusalem.net – Israeli Uncensored News
The Most Effective Leader on the Face of the Earth today:
- Robert Kaplan
on Hewitt
ReplyDeleteOrganically created Model Democracy.
Please try to keep your leftist-librarian Anti-Americanism in check, Trish!
...as best as a Paulite CIA Cheerleader can, that is!
ReplyDeleteNext up:
The B-2's.
Today's Carriers.
ReplyDeletew/a crew of 2.
How many here ever regarded it as a Billion Dollar Albatross, a monument to Pork?
I once did.
Trish might have, but then again, she's never wrong.
B-2 and F-22 our Deterence
ReplyDeletefor China.
Next up:
Special Forces, the A-10, and Nepal.
"which is why America has the most UFO sightings"--peueypeuey-pe-u-ey--Elijah Muhammad don't know squat. The country with the most UFO sightings is--China.
ReplyDeleteDid I mention This?
ReplyDeletePlease help us spread Obadiah's message, and mention the blog in one of your posts, or link to us. We would greatly appreciate your comments at www.samsonblinded.org/blog
ReplyDeleteJewish spam isn't kosher.
I didn't read it:
ReplyDeleteHow 'bout a quick Synopsis?
That's cause China has by FAR the largest group of Nutters, assuming they're equally distributed, Worldwide!
ReplyDeleteI see Coast to... start to appear, and get a good laugh at your expense, AlBobbleheadAl!
Hadn't read ed yet:
ReplyDeleteRegardless of what Pop's says Ed, I'd off that MF in a heartbeat, if I could get away with it!
You're gonna be a cat lover, too?
ReplyDeleteIs it that the cats were wounded, first?
My predator fish, a clown knife, eats gold fish, regularily. I hope that does not make me an animal abuser.
By the same token, if he took my cats and fed them to his dog, I'd want my ten pounds of flesh back.
But that's why we have police. Hate to see someone get jacked like OJ, takin' the Law into his own hands, reclaiming his "stuff".
Power can grow out of the barrel of a gun.
But not always as expected.
I have to compensate,
ReplyDeleteI'm Handicapped:
I hate lawyers!
Tecktonik dance craze takes Paris by storm...
ReplyDeleteIowa man jailed for onion attack...
Illegal immigrants fleeing Florida crackdown overcome Canadian border town...
TMZ.COM Apologizes To Judge Ito After Video Mess...
Could anyone else possibly come up with something as dumb and well-botched as OJ?
ReplyDelete...a mask alone coulda done wonders.
...reasonable doubt.
"August home sales dropped 6.8 percent from a year ago, according to a monthly report from the Des Moines Area Association of Realtors.
ReplyDeleteLast month, 1,053 homes were sold, 77 fewer than a year ago.
The total value of homes sold in August slid to $190.5 million, a 4.1 percent decline from last year.
Despite the sluggishness, the average price of homes sold increased to $180,953, climbing $5,090 — or 2.9 percent — over a year ago. Active listings were 6,898 last month, 120 fewer than a year ago.
Homes were on the market an average of 76 days in August, one day less than a year ago.
The group reported 605 homes sales pending, 90 homes fewer than a year ago."
My guess this is similar to So Cal, ie a different mix this year than last.
In So Cal, the Inland Empire tanks, while the Multimillion Dollar Beachfront properties keep sellin like hotcakes.
Every year, a little more like Mexico.
The Canadians will have no option but to send the Mexicans back to their country of origin, the United States.
OJ didn't even wear a glove. He should have asked Mark Fuhrman for one.
Columbia: Ahmadinejad Yes, ROTC No
ReplyDeleteShoulda asked Furhman for a plan and storyline!
ReplyDeleteBritish Police's New Spy Drone...
ReplyDeleteI think Romney is right on that one T:
ReplyDeleteRegardless of what REALLY Happens at Columbia, the Iranian people will hear all about his great PR Coup.
...although now that I think about it, the many wired younger folk might get part of the truth online and by cell.
Dang, Ms T. I was just in the process of posting that very article. Disgusting isn't it, Columbia.
ReplyDeleteBOBAL: Columbia will allow a holocaust-denier to speak, but not a recruiter.
ReplyDeleteThe Decline of Truth
ReplyDeleteI've got a splitting -/- headache.
ReplyDeleteSacre Phew!
ReplyDeleteThe one time I was in Paris(the city:) )circa summertime 1970, they had little urinal stalls there along the Rue FancyDance, and the piss would drain right out into the streets. Convenient, if you can get up after being knocked over by the stench.