Doing this blog has given me an insight into the amazing ability that propagandists and members of the print, web and broadcast media have to lie to us. A little Photoshop and a little less integrity and many things are possible. Sometimes all you need is a little snip and crop.
I am practicing to become an AP reporter.

What is the General doing here?
Not what you think.
You'll have to do better than that, Deuce, to top the original "fake but accurate" Reuters photo from Beirut, which would have gotten a Pulitzer prize, but someone thought the patterns of smoke kicked up by the nuke looked suspicious.
ReplyDeleteWTF repeat WTF
ReplyDeleteRadical Muslim paramilitary compound flourishes in upper New York state. Many in other states too.
Situated within a dense forest at the foothills of the Catskill Mountains on the outskirts of Hancock, New York, Islamberg is not an ideal place for a summer vacation unless, of course, you are an exponent of the Jihad or a fan of Osama bin Laden.
The 70 acre complex is surrounded with "No trespassing" signs; the rocky terrain is infested with rattlesnakes; and the woods are home to black bears, coyotes, wolves, and a few bobcats
Bad Guys In USA
In my 5:07 post regarding Islamic radical training sites within the US a few observations are in order.
ReplyDeleteIn days gone by one could hope that these sites in the recruitment phase are being infiltrated by our intelligence community. My confidence level in that regard is not all that great today.
I would hope that all communications going to and coming from these compunds is compromised , but once again, are they in our current world?
I have mentioned in previous comments that it wouldn't be all that hard for the AK-47's Hugo Chavez bought to make there way to the US, and along with other equipment that assaults on US prisons are a distinct possibility, freeing prisoners to form larger fighting groups. Certainly gun shops would be targeted along with National Guard Armory sites. Bingo..big big problems. All of this could be easily coordinated and the locations of the facilities are in the local phone book. The 5:07 comment mentions that these sites are doing a good deal of recruiting from within the prison system so they will not only have the men but the inside knowledge of how our prisons are run, guard schedules, soft points, etc.
Think we aren't in a war with Islam? I wouldn't bet on it.
That there is a 70 acre training camp in up state NY is proof enough, habu, that the US is not at war.
ReplyDeleteCould you imagine a NAZI or Nipponese camp there in 1942, a NorK camp in 1951 or a NVA training camp in the Catskills, circa 1969?
I can't.
But then times change.
As does how the US prosecutes wars.
ReplyDeleteWe don't need no stinking Photoshop!
An Apple Farmer neighbor of mine was tearing down a Barracks at Camp Roberts at the same time we were, so we'd trade rides sometimes.
Each day we'd pass a Billboard for Mission San Miguel.
It had a Padre standing in front of the Mission with his hand on the shoulder of a young Indian.
Nasty old farmer that he was, one day he said:
"I always wanted to sneak up there at night and paint his hand over her breast!"
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure under what circumstances the US would ever go to war in the forseeable future, which as I have pointed out was the last second that just ticked off the clock.
To get a formal declaration of war through our Congress...not gonna happen. So we are left with not wars but "engagements", "actions" all synonyms for war.
However as you pointed out "times have changed". Would you have ever expected the US authorities to allow 12-14 million illegal aliens into the country? 400,000 per year?
For our country to prosecute the Border Patrol agents who stop some of them, with lots of dope on'em, and then have our court system award the illegal $400,000 in damages? I could never imagine that, but it's here right now.
So are these training facilities.
The incomparable Mark Steyn on the subject..coincidence.
ReplyDeleteFortress America's gate is open
The Iranians already are operating in South America's Tri-Border area. Is it the nothing-can-be-done crowd's assumption that the fellows who run armies of the "undocumented" from Mexico into America are just kindhearted human smugglers who'd have nothing to do with jihad even if the price was right? If you don't have borders, you won't have a nation -- and you may find "the jobs Americans won't do" covers a multitude of sins.
Walk right in,set right down, daddy let your mind roll on
ReplyDeleteUnder the topic of memory association...
ReplyDeleteHabu's Bad Guys in USA link:
at the very bottom right of the article -
Paul Williams is the author of THE AL QAEDA CONNECTION
i read the book a couple of years ago, it is not a feel good story
Chapter 8 discusses collaboration between AQ, Hezbollah, and Iran (and the tri-border area); very interesting.
p.99 had a sentence...
The next attack, according to AQ defectors and informants, will take place simultaneously at various sites throughout the country -
Boston, Chicago, Houston, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Philadelphia, Washington,DC
and Valdez, Alaska where the tankers are filled with oil from the Trans-Alaska pipeline.
Thought it was an odd coincidence when i read these two this year
Iran Will Strike U.S. with "10 Slaps" So "It Will No Longer Be Able to Get Up On the Stage"
The state of Alaska, in coordination with U. S. Northern Command’s Joint Task Force – Alaska, will respond to a series of simulated terrorist related events throughout the state.
Silly associations on my part more than likely
ReplyDeleteGreat grey matter drilling dude.
Yep, I think when it pops in the USA it'll put a good many Americans into actual paralysis.
That will be followed by panic, weeks if not months of war and a good deal of killing. I haven't read the book you referenced but I do not think my scenario of a coordinated jail break with already inside-the-wire jihadists is out of bounds at all.
Disruption of food and water supplies via contamination, communications will immediately come under assault...could be quite a show.
And who knows, maybe our intel folks HAVE already prevented some coordinated attacks witnin our borders.
I know one thing I don't want to get caught down here in Florida if the balloon goes up, I wanna be in my Montana fortress. They know how to shoot up there.
If we leave Iraq, will the Mussulmen take that as another sign of US weak horse paper tigerism? And decide the time is ripe? Tic-toc-tic-toc
Actually, habu, the greatest threat to trigger such a US scenario is if we were to escalate a conflict, with Iran.
ReplyDeleteHezbollah is their action arm, after all.
I know that when we are sitting around, shootin' the breeze with the Colonel, the greatest threat he describes is an assualt on small town USA in a blue, gun controlled State.
It is a mission that the MS-13 boys would get off over. No suicide attack, but a simple crash, smash and burn raid. In and out, rape & pillage. 30 minutes to an hour, right down Main Street, USA.
No mussulman connection in plain view.
Could be why the USS Ike reportedly transited the Suez Canal, heading north.
how would one even know?
ReplyDeleteplot to burn U.S. forests-'plan of economic attack'
Florida Wildfires Force Highway Closures
Tourists Asked To Avoid Catalina Island This Weekend
The wildfire burning in the wilderness on Minnesota's northeastern border and into a sliver of Canada forced another round of evacuations on Wednesday.
ABC News - Video Player - 3rd video, Raging fires across nation
It is a possibility
That's the one I've thought of since 9-11, and not talked about.
ReplyDeleteWe had a single guy in our forest for over a decade keeping lots of CDF crews busy from time to time.
Ended up taking out about half the canyon and much more next to us, along w/about 20 homes, as I recall.
1 Guy.
So I guess the happy horseshit consensus here is we're worse off than we were on 9-10.
ReplyDeleteMy son says I should be more positive.
ReplyDeleteI am having a diffficult time squaring that line of thinking with the previous 230+ years of Islamic aggression toward the United States, and their escalating tempo in the last 25 years.
They have managed to find a pretense for all their previous attacks. The thories of Mussulmen aggression toward the USA are beginning to coalesce around the Islamic feelings of inferiority,jealousy,desire to reestablish the Caliphate but realizing they don't have the power to do so. Consequently the revert to baser instincts, not rational behavior. I believe this is one of the points Mark Steyn made in an article I posted yesterday.
This is not to say that MS-13 is not as big IF NOT BIGGER threat to the US today.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThe US is a series of one soft target, after another.
ReplyDeleteIf one had the desire and ability to exploit it.
Even if the Federals "knew" they mignt not "tell". They seem to do that a lot.
There have been no terrorist attacks, post 9-11, in the US, even if there have been.
And McVeigh and Nichols acted alone
If I was Abracadbra, I'd strike at the US, without fingerprints, if attacked.
ReplyDeleteIf I wanted to strike at the US, first, I'd hire it done. It's not like they couldn't fund it.
Or the Wahabbist's Golden Chain, for that matter.
A false flag operation, Iranians are capable, more so than the aQ operators. Especially in concert with the Cubans and Senor Hugo.
The Chinese Canal capable oil tankers and the two refineries they are building for high sulphur Venezuelan crude are not finished, yet.
ReplyDeleteGood points. I think Abracadabra wants it to be known that he precipitated an attack or ordered one. It fits with his "end of days, lasts messenger clean up detail" theory.
Whether it's hired out or not, if it happens we'll just be right where we are now..who do we strike?
We "thought" we had good intel from all sources domestic and foreign and look what that got us ... can a sandbox be a quagmire?
Depending on whose in the WH we'll either pursue "legal" remedies or we'll piss around again.
Or we could just resolve ourselves to become the Islamic punch toy in our paralysis to figure out who the enemy is because asa we know,
So at one time the wizened old farts kept a vigilant eye over the younger flock, and might even be paid some attention to from time to time.
ReplyDeleteAll thought crimes now, and any plan or worse yet ACTION would be quickly squashed and properly prosecuted by the Compassionate Behemoth.
If Orwell only knew.
Thanks to the shock troops like the "conservative blogosphere," the Behemoth usually does not have to move a muscle, as the "defeatists" are put in their place and ignored, as the seers with Ivy credentials pontificate on a multitude of untried clever new ways not to win wars.
Some of Steyn about mussulmen
ReplyDeleteThat’s the advantage of madness as a strategy. If one party to the dispute forswears sanity, then the obligation is on the other to be sane for both of them. Thus, if a bunch of Iranian pirates kidnap some British seamen in Iraqi waters, it is the British whom the world calls on to show restraint and to defuse the situation. If an obscure Danish newspaper prints some offensive cartoons and in reaction Muslims murder people around the planet, well, that just shows we all need to be more sensitive about Islamophobia. But, if Muslims blow up dozens of commuters on the London Underground and in reaction a minor talk-show host ventures some tentative remarks about whether Islam really is a religion of piece, well, that also shows we all need to be more sensitive about Islamophobia. Do this long enough and eventually you’ll achieve the exquisite sensitivity of the European Union’s Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia. In 2003, their report on the rise of anti-Semitism in Europe found that “many anti-Semitic incidents were carried out by Muslim and pro-Palestinian groups”, and so (according to The Daily Telegraph) a “political decision” was taken not to publish it because of “fears that it would increase hostility towards Muslims”.
At times like these, I just reflect on how lucky we are that we have leaders compassionate enough to put sensitives such as Normie Mineta in charge of transportation.
ReplyDeleteNever again will this country be subjected to the horrors and humiliation of detention facilities for populations reeking with sleepers, spies, or agents of any kind.
Thank Goodness for Mr Roger's Nation.
Is there a First Amendment right to engage in espionage? Dorothy Rabinowitz seems to think so.
ReplyDeleteDescribing the actions of Steve Rosen and Keith Weissman, two former top officials of AIPAC, the premier Israel lobbying group, who passed purloined intelligence to Israeli government officials, the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist characterized them as “activities that go on every day in Washington, and that are clearly protected under the First Amendment.”
If what Rabinowitz says is true—if passing classified information to foreign officials is routine in the nation’s capital—then we are all in big trouble.
AIPAC on Trial
I would like to ask a simple question of every presidential candidate:
ReplyDeleteif the US is hit with a nuclear weapon of unknown origin, what would be your automatic first five targets?
Obama Hussein has 5 different speedial 9-11 presets.
That's a special case, spying for the Israeli.
ReplyDeleteAsk Johnathan Pollard, Israeli citizen, post conviction.
But by far the most egregious damage done by Pollard was to steal classified documents relating to the US Nuclear Deterrent relative to the USSR and send them to Israel. According to sources in the US State Department, Israel then turned around and traded those stolen nuclear secrets to the USSR in exchange for increased emigration quotas from the USSR to Israel. Other information that found its way from the US to Israel to the USSR resulted in the loss of American agents operating inside the USSR. Casper Weinberger, in his affidavit opposing a reduced sentence for Pollard, described the damage done to the United States thus, "[It is] difficult to conceive of a greater harm to national security than that caused by... Pollard's treasonous behavior."
This should end the suggestion that Israel’s spies are harmless. They are not. The United States’ nuclear deterrent cost an estimated five trillion taxpayer dollars during the 50s and 60s to build and maintain, and less than $100,000 for Pollard to undermine.
At Wiki they say
According to Eric Margolis in the Toronto Sun, Pollard provided Israel with the names of American agents in the Soviet Union. Margolis also alleges that the names were later traded to the Soviet Union by Israel and a number of key CIA agents were executed as a result [7]. Seymour Hersh in The New Yorker claims that "a number of officials strongly suspect that the Israelis repackaged much of Pollard's material and provided it to the Soviet Union in exchange for continued Soviet permission for Jews to emigrate to Israel" and that "a significant percentage of Pollard's documents, including some that described the techniques the American Navy used to track Soviet submarines around the world, was of practical importance only to the Soviet Union."
The Israelis backstabbed the US for more immigrants, from the Soviet Union.
With friends like that, who needs the Mussulmen.
ReplyDeleteGreat question that 1. Will never be asked..2. If asked would never be answered with specifics.
" ah well first we'd need confirmation that it was an atomic instrument"
"ah, first the forensics would heve to be tested"
....yes, Mr Candidate but Iran just sent us a note saying they did it, ha, ha..
"ah well, we'd need to authenticate the note..
....Mr Candidate assume it's authentic, 100%.
"ah, well, a commission would have to look into exactly why they chose Cold Pit, Minnesota as their target, then....
With remarkable chutzpah, Israel, which receives up to $5 billion in U.S. aid annually, refuses to return documents stolen by Pollard, or allow U.S. intelligence to debrief Mossad agents who ran Pollard in order to learn the full extent of the disaster. While Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu kept calling for Pollard's release on "humanitarian" grounds, he refused to free prisoner of conscience Mordechai Vanunu, now serving 18 years in solitary confinement in Israel for telling a British newspaper about Israel's nuclear arsenal.
ReplyDeleteIsrael ranks right up there with Pakistan, not letting the US speak with Dr Khan about his nuclear network.
ReplyDeleteEach of them, our "allies". ranking right up there in loyalty with Mr Maliki and the Iraqi govenment.
As to the photo, duece, refocus his eyes on the female, then you'd have something, it'd take fifteen minutes or so, max.
ReplyDeleteooooooh Dr da Mossad gonna get you fo point'n out chutzpah thangs.
ReplyDeleteYou might as well have said our Congress has a "amen corner"**
**Dear Mossad,Habu has eaten Gefilte fish and did other things for Isreal. I only know DR by this site. (Sorry DR we all have our breaking points)
habu, if that puts me on the Mossad's list, well, they'd be scrappin' the bottom of the barrel.
ReplyDeleteBetter they spend some of the effort in Lebanon and Syria.
That'd be harder than operating in the US though, grant you that.
Bill Gerst was on Ingraham saying that little Chinaman was an Agent over there way back in Vietnam days.
ReplyDeleteThen he came here and got all the right jobs to get complete info on Aegis, a new even more silent electric motor for subs, etc etc.
Forget if he even went to prison, or made it back to China.
I'd be glad to take some of them China Dolls off his to do list, if he did.
If there is treason against the United States, the President needs to find out who is behind it and not spare any effort regardless of the reasons or excuses behind it.
ReplyDeleteI am amazed that we allow Chinese to have access to Top Secret US research when they clearly have split loyalty.
If there is evidence that there is a concerted effort by any foreign power, Israel, The UK, China it should be investigated and let the chips fall where they will. It would strike me as very foolish of the Israelis to engage in state sponsorded spying on the US, as they can probably get whatever information they need by just asking for it. The risk/reward ratio would seem to be there for them.
I would want to see the evidence before I jumped to any conclusions.
I should have proofed this:
ReplyDeleteThe risk/reward ratio would seem NOT to be there for them.
I would want to see the evidence before I jumped to any conclusions.
The risk/reward ratio is no longer considered to be a factor worth noticing when it comes to
ReplyDeleteNew Age Amerika.
Well, the Federals, they keep most of the evidence sequestered.
ReplyDeleteKind of have to take Cap's word for it, or not.
The Israeli look out for Israel, not US. We should take a similar approach, but tend not to.
Lately, in regards Iraq the Administration makes the case we need to stay, not for US, but for the Iraqi.
It'd be a "humanitarian disaster" for them, not US, if we left.
It'd be better if those US spokesmen told US why it's in the US interest to stay, not how it benefits the Iraqi.
But then again, "We are the World".
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ReplyDeleteWhat you folks are talking about will cause me to lose sleep, again, tonight.
ReplyDeleteOur good ol USofA is so open to attacks. I can sit here and dream up a dozen ways to wreck havoc with only five dedicated men and a pickup truck.
It is a great question, just how to respond, if we get hit. I think I might like to have Habu in the White House at that point.
I have had this thought, that if we get hit, Las Vegas might be the spot. It is a symbol, and there is military there.
My wife just came in, talking about Romney. I am going to vote for that man, she says. She had never heard him speak before, and I had told her she would like him. We should all become Mormons, she says! Don't worry, it will pass, I have been through this sort of thing before:)
Israel has few real friends other than the US. It seems ridiculous that any responsible Israeli politician would take such a stupid risk as state sponsored spying on the US.
ReplyDeleteI agree but whether it's the President or Congress they both need, in big decisions, cutouts.
They call them Commissions. Filled with august Washington insiders they spend millions, produce a report and then write books. The decision is by then tied up in the Court in Alexandria where the government can't prosecute because it would divulge sources and methods of intel and endanger ongoing operations and hopefully still alive moles.
Oliver Stone and Michael Moore make a movie staring an ageing Warren Beatty and Jane Fonda.
Bills of impeachment are introduced by Alcee Hastings at the request of Al Sharpton.
It would be ridiculous and irresponsible for a President of the US to allow 400,000 infiltrators to enter the US annually.
ReplyDeleteYet it has been going on for over a decade, at those levels.
12 to 20 million infiltrators.
Politicians often do ridiculous and irresponsible things.
Ask Ms Lewinsky, G Gordon Liddy or
Oliver North about politicians that do order ridiculous and irresponsible activities to go forward.
Well, if you google CAIR, you get this:
ReplyDeleteResults 1 - 10 of about 7,720,000 for CAIR. (0.24 seconds)
Just don't let her attend one of those
ReplyDelete"Fund Raisers"
without you as escort, Bobal.
She'd be married off and off in a heartbeat.
You know them Mormons!
No Doug, you are wrong there, she ain't going to play second fiddle to any other gal.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteTalking about Eyes here is one that will catch your eye.
ReplyDeletethat is absolutely incredible Bob!
ReplyDeleteI told ya we ain't gonna have no EMBRYONIC Stem Cell gazin!
ReplyDeleteSorry, that's just a premie old folk.
ReplyDeleteMercy killin.
Carry on.
From an European Author writing a book about the Internet movement of ex-Muslims:
ReplyDeleteAs I’ve stated in previous essays, Jihad is, simply put, anything undertaken to advance the spread of Islam, peaceful or not. Which means that Jihad is always present, even if there should be a temporary absence of violence because Muslims are too weak to use force.
On the other hand, “aggression” is anything undertaken by non-Muslims to obstruct the advance of Islam, non-violent or not.
Based on this information, maybe we could make a sketch of a dictionary to explain what many Muslims actually think when they use various terms Westerners and infidels understand very differently:
* Peace: “Peace” in Islam equals submission to the will of Allah through his divine and eternal law, sharia, and the extension of the Dar al-Islam – or 'House of Islam' – to cover the entire world.
* Freedom: Hurriyya, freedom, means freeing all people from being slaves of the laws of men and making them live in perfect slavery, in submission to the will of Allah and his laws.
* Religious freedom: Subjugation of non-Muslims to religious apartheid and second class citizenship in their own country under Islamic rule.
Dictionary for Infidels
I've heard Space Based images beamed back to Earth are one of the Prime Causes of Global Warming and associated traffic congestion, and etc.
ReplyDeleteLeast that's what Algore says.
Deuce, a few years out there will be a replacement for Hubble, in the works now, that is going to be able to look back almost to the beginnings.
ReplyDeleteI wish I understood this stuff!
ReplyDeleteyeah baby
bob, my wife has the same opinion of Mr Romney.
ReplyDeleteThinks he's "got it"
But realizes he can't be elected.
Still is Rudy or bust.
Who else can carry NJ, for the GOP?
Ten to hear Mr Cheney discuss politics, you'd think he and Mr Bush were going to be in office, forever.
If his concern is for the US, as he said, then he should know the need to maintain a strong GOP presence in DC. Instead the Administration has blinders on.
He should have listened to Mr Maliki, as he was standing right next to him when Mr Maliki said:
" ... We have discussed the efforts that are exerted and should be continued to be exerted to continue the solid relationship between the two countries and look at best ways to support the efforts of the Iraqi government in order to succeed in this experiment.
We talked about the challenges that we are facing in our own political process, but we also talked about the achievements of the Iraqi people as a result of the support from the United States as well as other countries in the world community. We have achieved in Iraq -- we have achieved our own constitution, we have achieved freedom, we have achieved democracy and we have achieved sovereignty throughout our country.
So there you have it, a democratic Iraq has emerged. Or so says the Iraqi in charge.
The Oil Deal is in limbo, reBaathification is on hold,
Summer vacation is still on the schedule.
Roger that, Habu.
ReplyDeleteRudy seems to be doing his best to Torpedo the Good Ship Giuliani with his fussin and preachin about abortion and such.
ReplyDeleteShoulda just said it ain't POTUS's Beeswax.
ReplyDeleteSeems like "peace" is in the interest of who defines it , at least in the case of Islam and Lenin.
Lenin described "peace" as a state where all resistence to marxist-leninist philosophy ceased. Our diplomats had one helluva time wrapping their minds around that during the entire cold war. Certain members of Congress never did understand it...they always thought in terms of piece as a younger intern.
Well, Mr Cheney either believes that the US will have a definative victory, by '08, or he and Mr Bush are committing the US to a "Long Defeat".
ReplyDelete' ... Cheney said: “We didn’t get elected to worry just about the fate of the Republican party. Our mission is to do everything we can to prevail ... against one of the most evil opponents we’ve ever faced.”
... growing unease applies with even greater force to Republicans in the Senate, who hold 21 of the 33 Senate seats that will be contested in next year’s congressional elections. Many Democrats believe that they could improve their narrow 51-49 Senate majority next year to a filibuster-proof 60 seats or more.
Such is the Democratic party’s confidence that some Democrats are talking of bringing about the same kind of splits in the Republican party that so damaged their own party’s electoral fortunes following the Vietnam war a generation ago. “There are a lot of people on the Republican side who are not happy with the situation,” said Trent Lott, a normally hardline Republican Senate leader.
“The assumption has always been that Mr Bush was planning to bequeath the Iraq war to his successor and that the Republicans in Congress would go along with him,” says Charlie Cook, a leading political analyst. “But that looks increasingly difficult by the day. We could be facing a Nixon in 1975 situation where senior Republicans ultimately prevail on George Bush to change course.”
An even stronger measure of Mr Bush’s declining sway within his own party came on Thursday night when he addressed his party’s official convention at a gala fund-raising evening in Washington. “Our mission is to keep the White House in 2008 and retake the Senate and the House,” he said.
Mr Bush managed to raise $10.5m for his party at the event compared to $17m last year and $38.5m the year before. For the first time in many years both the Democratic presidential field and the Democratic congressional leadership are out-fundraising their Republican opponents by about 50 per cent.
“This is the most important American political debate since the 1968 to 1973 Vietnam period,” says Richard Holbrooke, a senior foreign policy adviser to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and potential future secretary of state. “For the first time in America’s history, the next president will come to office inheriting two ongoing wars in Afghanistan and Iraq – that is the situation we are in.”
Meanwhile, Mr Bush is searching for someone credible to fill the new post of Iraq war “tsar” in the White House. Up to six US generals have reportedly rebuffed the White House’s overtures.
“You’d have to be very patriotic to take on a job like that at a time like this,” says Mr Cook.
Finacial Times
Well I believe more suntan lotion is needed
ReplyDeleteAfter Six Wear
Habu's gone rogue
ReplyDeleteDear Santa
Hell, habu, the beach is best.
ReplyDeleteKeepin' it "real"
Rio Mar
Can't take the sand in the crack...
ReplyDeleteno sand here
This is Habu signing off...keep off the ridgelines
ReplyDeleteO damn you Habu, quit flashin' that stuff in my face. I am an older man now , and trying to be dignified, dignifried, just knock it off now.
ReplyDeleteYou gotta have a strategy at our age Bobal:
ReplyDeleteI could see this comin, and I took a good, cold, shower.
If that had been about laughin around stuff like Border Security at home and abroad, I woulda said "Strategery."
ReplyDeleteMullah Dadullah Bites The
Goodnight to you all.
Mullah Dudullah.
ReplyDeleteNice Pink Sheets.
ReplyDeletePoor Baby.
"“Mullah Dadullah was the backbone of the Taliban,” said Asadullah Khalid, governor of the former Taliban stronghold of Kandahar. “He was a brutal and cruel commander who killed and beheaded Afghan civilians.”"
Don't pay them 30,000 Paki Madrassas no nevermind.
All's Well in Islamaland.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAre Llamas Islamists?
ReplyDeleteMullah Deadullah
ReplyDeleteIn November, Israel agreed to a "cease-fire" in which it would refrain from any large-scale campaign against Gaza-based terrorists, while the Hamas-dominated PA government would halt the rocket fire from Gaza into Israel. But since November more than 250 Qassam rockets and mortars have been fired from Gaza -- some by Hamas, with others by various Palestinian factions, all with the tacit approval of Hamas.
ReplyDeleteWhile Mr. Olmert and the country's civilian leadership hope to avoid a ground operation, officials say privately that their hand will likely be forced on the issue -- particularly if the terrorists firing from Gaza hit a school or a day-care center.
That almost happened a week ago in Sderot, an Israeli town of 20,000 less than a mile from Gaza, which has been the target of hundreds of rockets from Gaza during the past two years. In Sderot, nine- and ten-year-old children in day-care centers routinely practice what to do in the event of rocket strikes, and a week ago a rocket fired from Gaza struck a Sderot house close to a kindergarten.
Battleground in Gaza
84%: Peace Not Possible
ReplyDeleteThis proves that the Israeli public is smarter than the people that are in the Knesset, where it seems at least 84% of the members of Knesset are chasing after peace. Maybe if we replaced 84% of the members of Knesset with average Israelis we would have a better future for Israel.
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