Washington, DC -AP
Friday, May 18
Reginald McTavish
The Architect of the Capitol unveils an important new portrait of President George Washington standing next to President George W. Bush. In traditional style the yet unidentified artist, has captured the essence of the two men, historically juxtaposed side by side. He has successfully depicted the different leadership styles, two George's, shoulder to shoulder, with Washington being respectfully the taller of the two. The artist has been sympathetic to Bush but authentic and frank. It is always dangerous and difficult to place two historic figures from different eras in the same painting, but this has been done brilliantly.
The artist captures Washington in a regal posture yet with a two thousand yard stare in stunned disbelief, peering into the future of the Republic. In muted earthen tones, the artist portrays the essence of Bush, relaxed and casual, yet representative of his leadership skills and accomplishments. The painting is sure to be an enduring legacy to the first President, George Washington, the founder of the country and President George W. Bush, the ender of the country as we knew it.

Lt. Gen. James N. Mattis, speaking before a gathering of Afghan officials, soldiers and villagers, said that visiting the tomb of Massoud gave him "some of the same emotions I felt when I visited the grave of George Washington, the father of our country."
ReplyDeleteMassoud was a hero in the struggle against Soviet domination of Afghanistan and later the Taliban regime, but he was kept mostly at arm's length by the United States. The CIA, although eager to help topple the Soviets, had an on-again, off-again relationship with Massoud, preferring sometimes to back rivals favored by ally Pakistan.
But on this day, Massoud was hailed as a visionary by both Afghan and U.S. officials. The latter included two Marine generals, an Army general and a State Department representative.
Battle Against Taliban
From the Corner at Nat'l Review:
ReplyDeleteTed Kennedy on Immigration:
1965: "The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants. It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs."
1986: "This amnesty will give citizenship to only 1.1 to 1.3 million illegal aliens. We will secure the borders henceforth. We will never again bring forward another amnesty bill like this."
2007: "Now it is time for action. 2007 is the year we must fix our broken system."
(As she gets ready to fly overseas)
Thanks T, musn't pack too large a tube of toothpaste. A threat to the Republic you know.
ReplyDeleteAppropriate that a real Horses's Ender would become the Ender of the country as we knew it.
ReplyDeleteLock, stock and GOP.
The same blind disregard for results at home as abroad.
A man of Big Ideas.
That's All Folks.
Big Ideas.
Everyone should write their Republican legislators and demand that they demand Bush veto this immigration bill. That is the only way to stop this.
ReplyDeleteWhy does anyone defend this moron? Where is jwillie and Rufus and Larsen on this?
ReplyDeleteFrom a previous thread:
ReplyDelete"I wouldn't be surprised to see "peasants with pitchforks" here shortly."
FWIW, I both live in DC (now) and actually own a pitchfork.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSome pissed off people.
ReplyDeleteI know we have our differences but be careful in your travels. As DR has pointed out several times, it's "situation awareness"...have a great flight and stay safe...I even think you could get a free Merlot by mentioning the EB.
I posted this below on 'The Fix is In' but re-post it here as that thread is history. Take a deep breathe to calm your BDS before your read it.
ReplyDeleteAssuming that S.138 is the bill in question, while not anywhere near perfect, it does appear to be a step in the right direction. In briefest abstract, it does recognize the problem of illegal immigration, increases the number of border patrol agents, creates new laws regarding the apprehension and prosecution of illegals, includes specific wording for dealing with street gangs, does impose penalties for illegals already here and forces them to periodically to return to their country of origin before re-entering the US legally, provides for some fencing and other security measures, encourages the hiring of ex-military members for border patrol duty, etc. etc. Perhaps most importantly, it dramatically reduces immigration based on having family members already in the US and places priority for immigration for those with skill sets viewed as desirable for the US, i.e. highly educated, technologically skilled. This would be a big step toward reversing Lyndon Johnson's change in immigration policy from "lets invite people from countries who share our cultural values" to "open the borders and let everybody in".
Read S.138 and then decide if it's something you can live with, or if you want the Democrats to write the next version after their huge landslide wins in the 2008 elections. This may be our last great chance to get anything less than a bill that is complete insanity.
Yes, Ms T, stay safe.
ReplyDeleteBon Voyage!
P.S. If you mention the EB, don't mention Habu in the same sentence, the Air Marshals will appear and bungee cord you to the seat.
Reporting for the Compton Times is EB's own Mohammad Sirhan-Sirhan.
ReplyDelete" I think the juxapositioning of the two Georges is fitting in dramatising the different styles.
The first of Leadership, the other of Leadershit."
This is Mohammad Sirhan-Sirhan reporting from Compton,Ca.
Several points on the bill:
ReplyDelete1. Whatever form it passes in, it will be modified every year forward. Each modification will make it worse.
2. A $5,000 fine is absurd. It costs more than that to get a lawyer and do it legally.
3. Any return to country first should be permanent until a new process is in place and they get to the back of the line to the regular legal applicants.
4. There should be a $50,000 fine against the employers of illegals.
5. There should be no retroactive benefit for past social security taxes. Payments made to false ssn numbers should be forfeit.
6. There should be no status for families until they are citizens under the regular process.
7. The applicants should be rated by country of origin. An applicant from Saudi Arabia should not be the same as one from Mexico.
8. All applications should be done through the American Embassy in the country of origin.
Make sure that you understand that this bill will make 30,000,000 new Americans who will be demanding social services. They will be voters for school boards town and city councils and national elections. They will be 80% democrats.
A TGIF offering ..sound on
ReplyDeleteAmerican Pie
Hugh Hewitt is an extreme moderate on immigration.
ReplyDeleteHe says it is complete crap, and gives away the farm.
2 miles of fence so far, and they halve the amount mandated by Duncan Hunter's bill passed last year!
Dumb C... AZ Gov in one breath says fences don't work, in next breath says that AZ has been overrun with illegals since fence was built in San Diego!
From the Free Radical Inert Argon Thread:
ReplyDeleteBubba and Sheehan perform some intimate acts for a Hillary Fundraiser!
"FWIW, I both live in DC (now) and actually own a pitchfork."
ReplyDeleteYou got a permit for that?
I've got a pretty mean shovel myself. And a gas-powered weed whacker.
Romney at HughHewitt.com
ReplyDeleteHH: Now Governor, in McCain-Kennedy, there was a provision for the awarding to illegal immigrants of social security benefits for the years they had spent working in this country.
Do you favor that?
MR: No, I think that’s another mistake in the bill. There are a number of things that are wrong in it. The provision of social security for illegal aliens, I think, was a mistake. The provision that said that you could get in line to become a permanent resident or citizen by paying three of your last five years of taxes, that was a mistake. And the whole concept that people who are here illegally would receive an advantage towards being able to stay here, relative to people who’ve been waiting in line in their own country, that doesn’t make sense to me, and it says to people globally, hey, if you want to get ahead in coming to America, don’t wait in line in your home country, but go over there on a tourist visa, and stay over. That’s the wrong signal.
Sure can be blatant about stealing our money and giving it to illegals, can't they?
ReplyDeleteSeem to ENJOY breaking covenant with American Citizens.
Defenders of these sleazeballs would have been leading the March to the Ovens.
ReplyDeleteAmerican Pie reminds me that Rush said Bo Diddley (78) had a stroke while performing in KC.
ReplyDeleteStroke leaves Bo Diddley struggling to communicate - 14 hours ago
ReplyDeleteKANSAS CITY, Missouri (Reuters) - Rock 'n' roll pioneer Bo Diddley, hospitalized by a stroke on Sunday, was up and walking around on Thursday but still ...
Was on the left side.
...speech and communication.
I've also got a Massoud portrait in the living room.
ReplyDeleteDid you help jam the House and Senate switchboards, Doug?
ReplyDeleteIf we had a real justice Dept there would not be a Democrat Senate:
ReplyDeleteFeinstein, Reid, and William Jefferson would all be out ala Duke Cunningham.
No such luck.
Go Gonzo!
Blow Jobs, not War Heros:
ReplyDeleteRedState vs. House Repubs
Joe Wilson’s son is an Iraq War veteran. At a time when the Appropriations Committee is considering defunding the war, who better to put on Appropriations than a man whose son fought in Iraq? Instead, the Steering Committee chose Ken Calvert. Rep. Calvert is probably the worst possible choice.
In 1993, while a serving Congressman, Ken Calvert was arrested for receiving oral sex from a prostitute then on methadone to combat a heroin addiction. If that did not raise red flags for the Steering Committee, the fact that the FBI seized his records last year in the course of the FBI’s probe into Jerry Lewis should have.
Though there is no present word from the FBI that it is looking into Calvert, the Los Angeles Times uncovered a series of very shady land deals involving Calvert or business partners of Calvert. Calvert denies all wrong doing and, in a post at RedState.com, tried to explain away one of the earmarks, but ignored explaining the others away, content to claim a hit job by the liberal media.
According to a May 16, 2006, Los Angeles Times article, Rep. Calvert has a history of securing earmarks for property near land he owns or has a financial interest in
No, Trish, I was in town.
ReplyDeleteDid you?
Suggestions for today?
ReplyDeleteBush will NEVER Veto this Bill.
Has to be stopped before then.
Hard to think of ANY Candidate besides Bush that would not have secured the Border after 9-11.
ReplyDeleteA no-brainer.
Or, alternatively, a non defender of our borders and our country.
Fine Man to be President, esp in time of War.
The Counter Terrorism blog refers to it as a national security disaster.
ReplyDeleteThe Federal immigration bureaucracy that will be tasked with administering any of these reforms will be the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS) under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). CIS is already unable to effectively deal with its existing benefit adjudication missions. Virtually all internal and external Government reviews of CIS performance have established significant problem areas, including lack of resources and management performance. The bad ghosts of the old INS, from where CIS sprang, linger in a big way. To expect an already overburdened and poorly managed Federal agency to properly deal with a sudden huge increase in mission workload is a fantasy.
No, I didn't, Doug. I do letters.
ReplyDeleteI've been going over to the Corner and looking for mention of what other people might be doing.
Mark Krekorian over at The Corner does have suggestions (so, I see, does Ace of Spades, if you wanna go that route) and I am sure that more will be forthcoming.
Threatening to forsake the Party altogether, especially if you have a history of active support and contribution, is a pretty powerful message.
No pitchfork required.
Congressman Royce (R.-Calif.) Responds to Immigration BillSaying it's "no grand bargain," Rep. Ed Royce (R.-Calif.) says this of the Senate bill to provide amnesty:
ReplyDelete"[It] will provide amnesty to those here illegally, no matter how the Senators "spin" the issue. Amnesty failed in 1986, as it prompted a massive increase in illegal immigration with the anticipation of future clemency. Amnesty says that individuals need not respect our laws, it awards people who break the law and flout our sovereignty."
"...They were wrong then and they are wrong now. The consequences for this country are potentially catastrophic."
In recent remarks, Royce listed what the Senate bill will include:
1) Mass Amnesty
2) Massive Immigration Increase
3) Mass Foreign Worker Program
4) Enforcement
5) From Chain Migration to Points System
6) Costs
5) From Chain Migration to Points System
ReplyDeleteThey are telling us they are going to end chain migration.
But in order to do that they must triple chain migration.!!!
Then in the distant future, after everybody is here, they promise to stop chain migration and move to an ill defined "points system". History shows this will not happen.
6) Costs
ReplyDeletePerhaps the most staggering issues is the cost. Amnesty will cost the American taxpayer two and half trillion dollars. The true costs of this amnesty will slam taxpayers and endanger this country's economy at a time when social security will face insolvency. When all the Senators who played politics and passed this bill are gone, our Social Security system will be bankrupt.
The Heritage Foundation recently released a report that analyzes what low-skilled households cost the U.S. taxpayer.
For every dollar they pay in taxes they get three dollars in benefits. The drain on the U.S. economy will be unsustainable.
I think Ace's idea to deregister as Republicans immediately will work if enough of us do it.
ReplyDeleteDid Desert Rat commit Suicide?
ReplyDeleteNo just wallowing in the realization I've been right all along, doug.
ReplyDeleteJust once it'd be good to be wrong.
But, no. Instead we get to watch the demise of the United States and the rise of the North American Empire. Exciting times.
I had been hopin' that it was just my imagination, running away with me. But nah, it's much much worse, than that.
That and my tech head tells me that 130 pages of art work has to be redone, to fit a redefined format. Puts Jr's rollout way behind schedule, instead of just a little.
Piss me off. Royally
HH: Now Governor, in McCain-Kennedy, there was a provision for the awarding to illegal immigrants of social security benefits for the years they had spent working in this country.
ReplyDeleteIs that in the current version of the bill? I am currently working to pay for 2 college educations and one private school for my kids. Therefore I don't have the time to wade through this massive bill. If anyone with time on their hands is so inclined, go here and click on the underlined link S.1348* and see if you can find it.
I am against open borders. I am for controlled immigration. In the near term this bill may be better than the status quo.
Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to work I go.
Here's an idea: Organize a 7 day labor strike against the bill.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteGreat post on the other thread re: J.Kirkpatrick and the democracy thing...as she says more or less it's not a one size fits all world.
Bush a bit to messianic in pursuit of the Wilsonian dream.
Have written my Senators, and working on one to my Representative, for my part.
ReplyDeleteTake care, Miss T. Saint(whoever the saint of travels was) be with you.
St. Christopher be with you, T. I should have remembered the name, but we don't have saints in my church.
ReplyDelete"You got a permit for that?
ReplyDeleteI've got a pretty mean shovel myself. And a gas-powered weed whacker."
To the arsenal I'll also add a target bow, a few baseball bats, and a hell of a swing.
I'm reading that this bill was drafted with some input and help by reps of La Raza. Ah, but of course.
ReplyDeleteThe race is on, it.
ReplyDeleteThe interesting thing, about the 12 to 20 million immigrants, in the country today.
ReplyDeleteThe individuals that I have met are reasonably well educated. Kinko's managers and the like, in Mexico. These men were employeed, here in the US, in low end jobs, due to their illegal status.
Give these fellows work permits, they won't be in those entry level, grey market jobs another day.
lol good one...one has to wonder if destroying the GOP was Bush's plan all along
ReplyDeletenice documenting of KGB Teddy's quotes by teresita. not sure where you plan on going though...it's a red world out there and i don't mean GOP!
scrilla said...
ReplyDeletelol good one...one has to wonder if destroying the GOP was Bush's plan all along
At the risk of sounding paranoid, I've been thinking exactly that for some time now.
Bush is clearly an open borders, national-sovereignty-be-damned internationalist.
Maybe his "job" was to destroy the Republican Party, and also to overextend and exhaust the U.S. military?
Dark thoughts, indeed.