You cannot believe that George Bush, Ted Kennedy and John McCain are people that you want to decide about your future on anything. Bush is particulary galling in that he has been preaching about staying the course in Iraq and is all for throwing in the towel on illegal immigration.
McCain should save his money on election dreams. He is finished. There are a lot of nervous Republicans this weekend. Be sure and give them more to worry about. Call and email. This thing can be stopped.
Keep up the good fight ladies and gentlemen. I agree with deuce-'this thing can be stopped'.
ReplyDeleteI'm with ya..lets meet at the Arizon border and terminate a few.
ReplyDeleteDR...I saw a piece in The American Thinker today that mentions that Major Dundee has been rereleased with 13 minutes of good stuf in it. Things that explain why some tactice were used and Dundees lovelife..TAT seemed to greatly approve of the changes
I'll write my political whores but I think the fix is in. After all, 80% Americans have been complaining for years yet these representatives of the republic continue to 1) leave the borders open and 2) push this legislative abomination.
ReplyDeleteWhy should the pols listen to the voice of the people now?
lugh makes a good point over at the Belmont on the extension of votings rights to people that did not own proprty.
ReplyDeleteThe absurdidty of further extending voting rights and access to the purse of all Americans by very poor people from foreign countries is about as sane as leaving your wallet on the dash board of a Mercedes convertible in Tijuana.
I'll be emailing everyone I can think of, today, with every threat that I can possibly come up with.
ReplyDeleteThe main jist of my correspondence will be that I'll not only vote against anyone who supports this steaming pile of shit, but I will actively work against them. I will make reference to my access to American Legion, VFW, and all other Veterans Associations. All I can guarantee is that they'll know it's not just a form letter.
Having read lugh's post at Belmont I tend to agree on the property side but demur on the women. Most of the women I have know might be described as 'ruthless' when it comes down to it. Maybe I just hang out with the better class of women, though.
ReplyDeleteIf I were broke I would be trying to use the system for all it is worth too. But when people actually own something and are faced with taxes, it makes them more law abiding, and more industrious and responsible. Don't want to live under the bridge or in the national forest. Therefore the most stable, and peaceful society should be that one in which almost all people have at least a little property stake.
When you get hundreds of millions crowded together it's hard to see how the system can provide that for everyone.
I'm not against illegal immigrants, I'm against imimigrants, though I'm the ancestor of immigrants as we all are. Times have changed. It's not the same situation anymore. At his point we should be highly selective, and exclusive.
Bob of al harb,
ReplyDeleteMost women are bored with the workings of government. They want everyone to be fed, clothed and happy. Better to sit down and chat through every problem than club the obtuse into submission.
The soldiers are best when in dress blues and marching at the local fair.
The women in my life mostly ask me who to vote for because it's boring to read all those words in the newspaper.
We don't hang criminals anymore because women don't like it.
We don't fight and win wars anymore because they make women cry.
We don't call losers for what they are anymore because women don't like hurt feelings.
Women vote their emotions and it will get us all killed.
And...by the time women get riled, the shit will be outta control. More a bar room brawl than a battle. From a position of weakness.
And I lay it all at the feet of the women's sufferage movement.
I wrote all of my critters. My federal rep wants to deport them all.
ReplyDeleteTequila-fired Mexicans keep ploughing into honor students and newly married couples on our highways. Seems the Mexis all survive and everyone else gets killed. Sucks too that most of the Mexis have been detained and sent back home, only to come back again to kill.
My senators - well, they're senators. Who knows how they will vote. Depends on who's gonna write them the biggest check, the whores.
Told the lot of 'em that the GOP will finish slitting its own throat if this one passes.
It's amazing living in a time when a government commits suicide.
I think it is a mis-statement to say that Bush is "throwing in the towel on immigration." He, like McCain, have always been prime drivers of this type of legislation. They're not capitulators.
ReplyDeleteAs McCain said in the last debate, "I've always been consistent on immigration - and I vow to have legislations completed on it." Nobody had the sense or balls to tell him, "Yes, we know. That is the problem - you're consistently wrong."
Otherwise, I agree with the post.
Citizen Revolt Building
ReplyDeleteEmergency Senate Fax Campaign To Stop Amnesty
Tell The Senate: “No Amnesty for Illegals!”
Senate leadership is racing to pass an amnesty bill before Memorial Day—and they aren’t interested in hearing the opinions of grassroots Americans! Only a massive grassroots initiative can short-circuit the Harry Reid, Ted Kennedy and George Bush open borders push.
Citizen Revolt Building
Already 792,000 faxes and petitions have been sent to leadership opposing amnesty for illegals -- over 100,000 faxes scheduled since the Senate announcement! Join with Grassfire today in sending a strong “Secure our Border and NO Amnesty for Illegals” message to the Senate by scheduling your faxes!
Cutler said,
ReplyDelete"I think it is a mis-statement to say that Bush is "throwing in the towel on immigration." He, like McCain, have always been prime drivers of this type of legislation. They're not capitulators."
Seems to be the one thing the Chimp believes in More than his 12 Step HeySous.
Almost as much as the Bones of his Family Heritage, and Constant Companions in DC.
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting at Belmont on this subject.
Wretch is becoming a joke on the order of Condi Rice in my estimation in terms of being an educated egghead almost completely out of touch with the most basic vital realities of survival.
Hey Deuce!
ReplyDeleteDidn't you have a post where I had comments for Mat recommending
The Big Lebowski?
(or did I accidentally post at Miss Manners in my Drunken Stupor?)
I put My Heart and Soul into that Advertisement!
ReplyDeleteMissed his immigration thread amongst the numerous posts.
Sorry, Wretch.
We're gittin Testy Out Here!
My post at Belmont
ReplyDelete(in addition to the Fax Link)
The citizens privacy concerns in that little border town that will be under the watchful eye of the "Virtual Fence" hardware, from Predators to all-present spycams, brought to my attention issues PROVING that it is the worst possible non-solution "Solution."
Duncan Hunter got the San Diego REAL Fence Built During CLINTON, and it is over NINETY PERCENT EFFECTIVE.
In California, a Quarrel Over Frogs
ReplyDeleteANGELS CAMP, Calif., May 17 — Every May, they come. Thousands of slimy little athletes, primed for the biggest event of their careers, the World Series of competitive frog jumping: the Calaveras County Fair and Jumping Frog Jubilee.
Then, of course, it’s back to the pond.
But after nearly 80 years of peaceful jumping, a civil war of sorts has broken out among the human overseers of this annual, undeniably bizarre event, which was inspired by Mark Twain’s classic 1865 tall tale,
“The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County,”
about an inveterate gambler and his gifted amphibian.
ReplyDeleteOpen this place up!
Lugh @ Sat May 19, 11:54:00 AM EDT,
ReplyDeleteBut the enlightened FEELINGS of the fairer sex brought us
William Jefferson Clinton!
How could that be bad?
And they'll make it impossible to ever have a Duncan Hunter or Tom Tancredo for President.
In 08' they'll give you "Mitt" Romney. Hope you enjoy.
ReplyDeleteBeats Hillary or Barrack Hussein~
ReplyDeleteThe fairer sex also helped bring you Ike. I still have a drawer full of "I LIke Ike' buttoms from the days my aunt was on the republican committee here. And FDR too who wanted unconditional surrender.
ReplyDeleteIf they are so intolerably bad, maybe they shouldn't be on juries? And if they are so lacking in good sense, they shouldn't be allowed out alone. Particularily being so emotional, and vulnerable to evil enticements. And it's hard to think how we can keep them from voting if property rights are the criteria, as the fact is, they own more of it than we do. We die early, and leave it to them, and that's that.
We could all become muzzies I quess, and install sharia, that would put them in their place.
But then, what would we be fighting for?
Rudy McCain?Two frontrunners take Manhattan.
ReplyDeleteOver 1,000 New York Republicans crowded into the ballroom of a Times Square Sheraton Thursday night to hear from presidential contenders Rudy Giuliani and John McCain, but the real elephant in the room was immigration reform. Neither candidate addressed the issue in their speeches, even though rank-and-file conservatives spent Thursday talking about little else.
ReplyDeleteThe Women in Ike's days didn't watch Ophra, pursue single motherhood while sleeping around, dress their young girls like sluts, etc etc.
Deny reality all you want, but the slurs and comparisons to the Muzzies are out of line.
Married women with multiple kids still often use good sense in the voting booth and elsewhere.
Single, Ophra-watching "liberated" sluts, don't.
And, the women weren't living under the welfare state, which has destroyed the black family, and now even greater numbers of Hispanics and anglos.
ReplyDeleteThey weren't taught Complete BS in NEA Union Monopoly "Educational" establisments, barraged with additional BS on TV and propaganda against non-disabled "white" males, etc etc etc.
The women in Ike's day weren't doctors, lawyers, on the boards of corps. and such either, but mostly school marms, or librarians, or secretaries. Or riveters.
ReplyDeleteAfter 9/11 nearly the entire country was gung ho, and now, nearly as many men as women have doubts about Iraq. The folly men have shown through out history is a tough act to follow. And the single Oprah watching slut often had a man that ran away when things got tough. Takes two to make those babies, or at least, it used to:)
I agree about the general state of the culture, and the schools. But recall, before the tv, their was the circus, and the tent revival meeting, and lord knows what.
Barkeep...CC and Dew for Bob of House of War
Historically women have been a wonderful balance to men AND I think they are critical to any discussion.
when they got the vote, America has just gotten softer and weaker. Only entered WW2 after we were attacked (even though all the men knew it was coming). Sobbed us out of the Korean war and fucked us out of Vietnam (after the rallies).
Doug is correct in that women have changed in the last 30 years and these new women are part-and-parcel of the why we can't even fight a war anymore.
We need a constitutional reset.
Barkeep...Glenlivet neat.
I like everyone here too much to get in an argument, thanks for the drink. Barkeep, for lugh and doug, whatever they want, on the house;)
ReplyDeleteNo harm, no foul, Bobal.
A Request of the EB Patrons.
How 'bout going to my Fax link above and writing your version of a personal message here for me and others to pick and choose from?
I certainly don't claim to write on the same level as some here, and the communal mind is always better.
Think I'll send 100 of those babies tommorrow.
This is worth listening to on the illegal immigration crisis.
ReplyDeleteHey, 'Rat,
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of format change do you need to do on those graphics?
I'm a bit rusty, but I used to build some pretty intricate photoshop actions which could do a lot and process 300 pictures in no time.
If it's easy enough, I can cook one up and send it to you, they are tiny files that you load into photoshop.
ReplyDeleteYou're an articulate sort, something along the lines of those two comments of yours I cut and pasted would be good.
If you want to download that file to send around,
ReplyDeleteon Cutler's WMA File, right click, click "save target as."
Robert Rector on Immigration
Ah ,hell, let's just give them the deeds to the country, then with nothing more to give the argument will be over--Tax Amnestry for Illegals And I had thought we had reached the point of final absurdity. I wonder what else is in that bill.
ReplyDeleteWeird, I can only get the first 80 seconds of that file to download, but I can stream it.
ReplyDeleteLike I said before, Bobal, anyone who still argues our leaders are on Our Side, are as blind or evil as those that would have led the marches to the ovens.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteKennedy was toughter than Bush, for god's sake. What the hell, have we slipped into wallyworld here or what.
ReplyDeleteWell, thamks for remembering about the Major, habu.
ReplyDeleteWe're building some of those "guide" books, doug, like the one horse guide I showed you in beta. We're going to alot two pages to each, like the girl's layout. An 8x6 inch immage.
After building 130 of the buggers, the tech head gets back to me, they need to be two 4x6's, side by side.
I don't think there are any "tricks" to to do, but an almost total redo.
I'll post that Rector piece on some of the sites that had the BC Deniers as founders.
ReplyDeleteSo do you need to resize all the 8x6's to 4 by 6's first?
ReplyDeleteOr break the 8x6's into two 4x6 images first.
Or none of the above?
I wish some street protests against this would begin to break out around the country.
ReplyDeleteI also wish the good Lord would take jimmy carter, but he took Falwell instead.
ReplyDeleteCould have tried to cut them in half, but the verbage does not "cut" well, in my experience.
ReplyDeleteSo I've just started to rebuild.
Today I had an up that is interested in the mountain camp. Took most of the day.
Doug, I found your posts. Sometimes I post something and then demote it. This was demoted but back because you asked for it. Next up
ReplyDeleteThe Canadians Are Showing More Good Sense Than The Americans
ReplyDeleteBy the way, didn't the Canadians get rid of the anchor baby provisions in their laws sometime back? I think so. Another thing we need, a constitutional change getting rid of that anchor baby provision.