First order of business requires we give the Amnesty Bill the proper name. I nominate: "Families United Can Kill Your Own United States", or FUCK YOUS, for short. It captures the true nature of the bill and how it will affect all of yous guys.
There is a story on CNN that highlights one of the guaranteed consequences of the George W. Bush, FUCK YOUS bill. That of course is that some very nasty business types will be interjected into our society, along with the very nice people. No one is taking the time to examine the many potential consequences of FUCK YOUS. The pols are in a big hurry to pass FUCK YOUS and hope you forget they fucked yous all.
There will be a lot of people, amnetized, from who knows where, that believe and practice things that are outrageous, dangerous and deadly. The forgiveness and welcome will not just be nice little Christian cleaning ladies from Tricloragaloopydo.
One of the many included will be Muslims of many different persuasions. It will include a group that everyone in the US seems to love, and no one seems to know much about, the purple fingered Kurds. Trust me on this, the Kurds, as a group are no particular bargain, and neither were all the Albanian Muslims that flooded into the US after we decided to help the Kosovars. They came in droves. Remember the Albanians from Cherry Hill who wanted to target Fort Dix? Why should Christian Mexican families be treated the same as radical Muslims from Pakistan and Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Palestine? They will be there in line with the nice Christian cleaning lady. FUCK YOUS makes no distinction from country, race, religion or practices. It is very multi-cultural, deliciously diverse and guaranteed to blow your mind. We may even have some honor killing in our future:
Relatives arrested in girl's stoning death
Four people have been arrested in connection with the "honor killing" last month of a Kurdish teen that was captured on cellphone video, authorities tell CNN. Two of those arrested are relatives and police are also searching for the victim's cousin. Dua Khalil, 17, was dragged into a crowd in a headlock and stoned to death in Iraq's Nineveh province. The killing was videoed and broadcast around the world -- throwing 'honor killings' into the public eye.

Illegals deal alienates everyone
ReplyDeleteBy Stephen Dinan
May 19, 2007
In forging an immigration deal this week, President Bush turned away from Republican allies in favor of striking a deal with Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, banking on the senior legislator to deliver enough Democrats to pass a bill.
But the strategy may come back to haunt him, as many Democrats said they can't accept the agreement and Republicans lined up to criticize both the deal and Mr. Bush, their party's leader.
And it may only get worse for Mr. Bush, as political forces drive the issue: Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor running for the Republican presidential nomination, injected the issue straight into 2008 presidential politics, announcing he was running television commercials calling for better enforcement as the solution to illegal immigration.
"The president's willingness to accept the granting of amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants has sent a harmful message to Republican voters around the country," said Rep. Mike Pence, Indiana Republican. "But I also believe that'll sort itself out in the primaries of 2008. At the end of the day, this is an issue where I find myself focusing less on politics than what policy I think is in the best interests of the American people."
Last year, both Mr. Pence and Sen. John Cornyn of Texas appeared to be promising allies for Mr. Bush. Mr. Pence met with the president in the Oval Office to talk about the congressman's plan to have illegal aliens leave the country and apply to re-enter from outside.
When Democrats won control of Congress, Mr. Bush tacked left, negotiating with Mr. Kennedy, Massachusetts Democrat, and producing a deal on Thursday that many Republicans say is amnesty.
This is Bullshit.
ReplyDeleteYou Fuckers that betray our Maximum Leader are BDS Mental Cases.
Get with the Program!
Follow our leader!
You know and everybody knows that family reunification will be devalued unless we follow our leader, wherever he he leads us!
Gawd Bless GWB,
and Gawd Bless Amerika!
"he" (he)
ReplyDeleteMat, have you seen The Big Lebowski?
ReplyDeleteJust watched it again.
If not, I Gaurantee you'll be offering me thanks by the time you get to:
"nobody fucks with the Jesus"
by the time Saddam appears, well...
Walter Sobchak (John Goodman), is a Vietnam War veteran, and the Dude's best friend and bowling teammate. Born a Polish Catholic, he converted to Judaism when he married his wife, Cynthia. They divorced five years prior to the events in the film, but he still attempts a relationship with her and remains devoted to Judaism. Walter is a paranoid, mentally unstable man who deals with situations passive-aggressively and stubbornly. He is boisterously confident in his actions, though his plans usually backfire, often ending disastrously. Walter runs his own security firm, Sobchak Security, and places bowling second in reverence only to his religion, as evidenced by his strict rule against bowling on Shabbos.
ReplyDeleteThe Dude, Donny and Walter.Theodore Donald "Donny" Kerabatsos (Steve Buscemi) is a member of Walter and The Dude's bowling team. Charmingly naïve, Donny is an avid bowler and was a surfer in his younger days.
ReplyDeleteCornyn I never worried about, Pence, I did,
ReplyDeleteGWB is such a "Boner"
that I need not have worried.
Stop the Madman!
My recollection is two good court appointees, (one under fire) and letting the Special Forces run free in Afghanistan for a few months.
ReplyDeleteEverything else has been all downhill.
We should remember that Barack Hussein is on the same page, re:
ReplyDelete"family reunification,"
How could we go wrong?
Nixon Poster
ReplyDelete"The Dude Abides"
ReplyDeleteDo more art reports.
ReplyDeleteFrickin' ammo prices are outrageous nowadays. 5.56mm is going for 40¢ - 50¢ a round. A case of 1,000 for $450.
ReplyDelete7.62mm is right there with it. $100 for 200rd battlepack. Ugh.
.30-06 is still reasonable through the CMP at $220 per 960 round case. 23¢ per round ain't bad.
9mm with a NATO headstamp is going for $219 per 1,000rd case. Nice stuff, but not great at repelling zombie hordes at long distances.
Reloading supplies for the above calibers are joke too. Good luck finding primers and FMJ boattails.
Seems that it's all going into or just to the Iraqi. Apparently we're going to send them 260 million rounds of 5.56mm to go with their spiffy new M4s and M16A4s.
Nice to know we're helping get our own guys shot with American weapons and ammo.
"Nice to know we're helping get our own guys shot with American weapons and ammo. "
Also good to know we don't harm IED Makers and Arms Smugglers in Syria, Iran, and Pakistan.
Support the troops:
Throw out the Bums!
Yesterday CNN had a nice video byte where we learned about the recently immigrated and successful brain neurosurgeon from Mexico.
ReplyDeleteHi Doug,
ReplyDeleteI just remember that the movie's soundtrack had some nice tunes. I'll have to d/l the torrent. Hollywood can get their royalty donations from the Saudis.
Ted Turner is still the dude at CNN isn't he? I haven't watched it for years. But years ago Ted gave a commencement address at WSU and he said something to the point that we have too many people in the country, and the 100 or 150 million might be about right. If he is the boss at CNN, and holds opinions like that, and I know he used to, then I can't understand CNN's attitude. I must be missing something here.
ReplyDeleteComing Attractions at a town near yous.
ReplyDeleteDoug, what do you think of the Wall Street Urinal's take on all this? WSJ
ReplyDeleteJust askin'.
Australian Qaeda supporter home
ReplyDeleteADELAIDE (Reuters) - The first Guantanamo Bay inmate convicted of terror charges by a U.S. military court returned to Australia on Sunday to serve out his sentence in a maximum security prison, police said.
Under a deal with U.S. prosecutors, most of his jail term was suspended and Hicks will be able to walk free from prison before January 1, 2008.
"Lou Dobbsian opportunists"
The Urinal's description of people that tell the truth.
They, and Buddy Larsen, even tho they know economics forward and backwards, can't figure out that people that cost 30k a year while paying 10k taxes, aren't really a great deal.
Especially now that a majority of them coming in don't even want to assimilate and vote for anything but more socialism.
But, as Cutler notes above, a majority of them are Brain Surgeons and the like.
Them being the ones the professional crooks and liars write about.
All the family members that never paid a dime in taxes getting free retirement on us is a great thing too, just as the WSJ DENIERS.
ReplyDelete"One man who was kidnapped said Friday that his captors identified themselves as ``Gulf people,'' an apparent reference to the Gulf drug cartel. He said they carved a ``Z'' on his back with a knife, referring to cartel's hit men who are known as ``Zetas,'' and demanded money. "
No worries for me, Bobal:
We all did that to each other back when Zorro was big.
Now I'm "Back" in Style!
Bob, the WSJ is a collection of totally worthless business whores. You have a much better chance of getting accurate business news from "The Nation" than you do the wall street j.
ReplyDeleteI have seen absolutely no evidence that the wsj has any reverence for the truth, whatsoever.
How do you like Investor's Business Daily, Rufus?
ReplyDeleteI had a friend here that did well in the markets that had a subscription.
Editorials are a lot more conservative and small-business oriented.
Only slightly better, Doug. I, quite honestly, don't trust anybody that writes about the markets. I figure if they want me to buy something, they're wanting to sell it to me.
ReplyDeleteHeck, Doug, only about 3% of mutual funds will beat the S&P index over 10 years.
ReplyDeleteDollar Cost averaging in index funds beats all that!
Through a fluke of personal misfortune tho, I took a bunch of Money out of Magellan back in '81 when it was still reliably outperforming the market year after year under Lynch.
What, the Dow was 800 then? !
Money just woulda spoiled me, I guess.
Yes!!! We used to put ZZZ's on the blackboard before every class there one year when we were all into it! Whole blackboard covered with Z's--some really artistic, just great. Teach would make two of use wipe it off right before class.
ReplyDeleteAh, this is what a life review in a near-death experience must be like. Just like it's right now in my mind.
Thanks for the memories, Doug!
All regular folks have those horrible "what ifs" regarding the 80's, Doug. I was too busy trying to make a buck to think much about it. Damn, I wuz dum.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I haven't been much on the Urinal lately. Dad used to get it so I used to know pretty much what they were going to say before I picked it up. Always down on the farm programs, which irked me. Editorially they were easy to predict.
ReplyDeleteBut then sometimes you run into a great article. I like the feel of the new downsized paper, easier to read at McDonald's where you sometimes find one here.
I read an article once that had done some pretty good research(at least it seemed like it) that 'proved' you could do just as well throwing darts at the stock page and buying those, as following the investors advice.
ReplyDeleteI don't have a stock to my name so if the market crashes I won't even notice till later, when the ripples hit me.
I've decided to quit complaining about BC, and just trying to say how I really feel.
ReplyDeleteNo matter how offensive to more tender sensibilities.
This shit has gotta change fast!
Fucking Muzzies say whatever hateful shit they want to say, we're supposed to eat it.
ReplyDeleteI'd kick all those students out!
There was a gal in our Honolulu Blog right after 9-11 that had some job dealing with the public.
She had great descriptions of the demeaning way they would talk to her and treat her.
But, being a good Christian, I suppose she deserved it.
ReplyDeleteYou've just had a small taste of what it's like to live next to Amalek.