A little street hustling from the Obama camp. So much for property rights. The Obama star struck crowd will have to deal with some of the tricks the golden brown boy learned on the streets of the projects. God willing.
(hat tip Doug, the traitorous)
WASHINGTON (AP) - Is MySpace always mine or can it belong to someone else? At the cost of losing 160,000 friends, Democrat Barack Obama's presidential campaign has taken over control of the MySpace page listed under his name on the popular social networking site.
For the past two and a half years, the page has been run by an Obama supporter from Los Angeles named Joe Anthony. At first, that arrangement was fine with the Obama team, which worked with Anthony on the content and even had the password to make changes themselves.
But as the site exploded in popularity in recent months, the campaign became concerned about an outsider having control of the content and responses going out under Obama's name and told Anthony they wanted him to turn it over.
In this new frontier of online campaigning, it's hard to determine the value of 160,000 MySpace friends—about four times what any other official campaign MySpace page has amassed. But the Obama campaign decided they wouldn't pay $39,000, which is what Anthony said he proposed for his extensive work on the site, plus some additional fees up to $10,000.
MySpace reluctantly stepped in to settle the dispute and decided that Obama should have the rights to control http://www.myspace.com/barackobama as of Monday night, while Anthony had the right to take the contact information for all the friends who signed up while he was in control. That includes the right to tell them exactly how he feels about the Obama campaign.
Anthony referred The Associated Press to his MySpace blog, where he has written that he is heartbroken that the Obama campaign was "bullying" him out of the page he built. He said the candidate has lost his vote.
Meanwhile, the Obama campaign is trying to rebuild his friends network from scratch and was up to more than 17,000 by midday Wednesday. "We support the MySpace community, and look forward to building our relationship," said campaign spokesman Bill Burton.

ReplyDeleteWe're a year a a half away from the election. The Clinton Machine hasn't even established it's WAR ROOM yet.
ReplyDeleteSure Obama 'yo Momma is the dandy now but just wait until the Clinton chipper shredder gets fired up on the take him down now setting. He'll be g-o-n-e.
Hillary hasn't been working on this centrist-kinder-gentler-I-love-the-military pose for nothing.
It's probably taken some strong pills and psychotherapy for her to do it but she badly wants the POWER. It might mean a trip to Fort Marcy Park for Obama but that's politics.
Also it is rare when a US Senator is elected to the Presidency. Last one that comes to mind was LBJ and he first ascended over the dead body of JFK, so he was technically voted in as a sitting President..But before that? Yep JFK, with a good deal of help from the dead of Cooke County ,Ill. and Richard Daly. And before that you have to go back to Warren G Harding. That's the full list folks Kennedy and Harding straight from the Senate to the WH.
Yep, I'll be a world beater for Obama Heussin, a first term Senator to make it to the WH.
In fact I understand Hillary is already trying to hire a NJ state trooper to become Obama's driver.
good one.
ReplyDeleteDid I hear someone say Mitt (segue)
ReplyDeleteMitt Romney’s September Dawn
Robert Novak tells the story of a September 11th that occurred 150 years ago:
Opening Friday, a motion picture called “September Dawn” depicts a brutal American massacre that has been forgotten. On Sept. 11, 1857, in Utah Territory, Mormons slaughtered more than 120 California-bound settlers from Arkansas. Retelling at this time the Sept. 11 carnage of 150 years ago does not help Mormon Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign.
The basic facts of the Mountain Meadows Massacre are not in dispute. Mormons mobilized Paiute Indians, accompanied by Mormons disguised as Indians, to attack a peaceful wagon train. The settlers beat back the attack but were left short of food and ammunition. They disarmed at the request of the Mormons, who said they would lead the settlers to safety but instead turned on them, murdering every man, woman and child above age 8. All that is in doubt historically is whether this was ordered by Brigham Young, president of the Mormon Church and territorial governor of Utah. “September Dawn” says he was responsible; the church denies it.
Today’s Mormons, including Romney, cannot be blamed for those events. Nevertheless, the candidate has followed the church’s example and ignored the movie. Romney will not comment on “September Dawn” and indeed will not watch it. That follows his decision not to defend his faith or actively fight religious bias that has impeded his candidacy.
And this in this, I think, is the back story that has been a part of the Romney campaign from the beginning.
Like it or not, the Morman Church has played a part in American history, and the truth of that history needs to be discussed. One of the flaws that the Latter Day Saints have exemplified is the inability to admit, or even discuss, the mistakes that were made in the past. As it is, the movie does nothing to help their image, or Romney’s:
Brigham Young — played by the British actor Terence Stamp — is portrayed in the film as a 19th-century Osama bin Laden. Calling himself a “second Muhammad,” he insists on the “shedding of blood” of “gentiles.” He is seen fighting the United States, which was sending troops to Utah.
The church has always accepted Young’s plea that he had nothing to do with the massacre. But Voight is certain that he did based on research for the movie. “If any miserable scoundrels come here, cut their throats,” Young said in his “Blood Atonement Sermon” (which concluded that he would not fight “unless they come upon us and compel us”). The movie’s researchers found in the church’s archives a generic threat against interlopers: “I will loose the Indians on them, and I will slit their throats from ear to ear.”
Novak argues, rightly I think, that Romney’s efforts to ignore questions like this only hurt his campaign for the While House.
The Saints have always been a bit "out there". Even where they are the "mainstream", they are on the fringe. Nice folk, for the most part, but a little bit different from the norm.
ReplyDeleteRomney nominated guarantees a Democrat as President. That will guarantee both houses, plus the Presidency in Democratic control. Total control of those two branches will guarantee the domination by the left wing of the Democratic party. That should be real grist for the blogger mills.
ReplyDeleteI guess that settles it.
ReplyDeleteSomebody get the NJ Highway Patrol on the phone, we need a driver for Mitt Romney.
The Republicans are going to drop a couple of former Western red states that will fall from the attrition of illegal immigration and illegal voting. That is a permanent change. The only hope that the Republicans will have is to retain the rest of the South and West and pick up a few North Eastern States. They only have a chance with Ohio, Pennsylvania, and possibly New Hampshire and Maine.
ReplyDeleteMake sure he is carrying his blackberry.
ReplyDeleteI can believe cutler's lament about Rudy.
ReplyDeleteHe is a man of many flaws.
There are many distinct differences 'tween him and me. There are more and greater difference 'tween me and the position of Mr Obama or Ms Clinton.
The Commander can make a huge difference in the prosecution of a war. Leadership can make a differece. As an enlighten poster noted yesterday, the US is not omnipotent. Far from it.
Rudy could identify the Enemy, that would make a big difference.
Dissatisfied Iraqi Sunni in Anbar are not a threat to the US. Well, at least a lesser threat than aQ operatives exfiltrating Pakistan for missions in Europe and the Americas.
ReplyDeleteAfter the Taft debacle, Ohio will be lost for at least a couple of cycles.
New Jersey could be in play, PA, also. If Rudy were the nominee, NY could be in play. Major shifts would be required in the Dem playbook.
The GOP's current crop of "leaders" do not understand offense. This current crop have always played defense, from a majority position.
Those days are gone.
AZ could easily swing Dem in '08.
The heavy influx of Californios has already made a major impact.
They have to want to win and they have to get away from the single issue litmus test. If the Republicans do that they can stay relevant. The Republicans have to coalesce on universal conservative American values, that respect the individual rather than adulate the state. The party needs to be of the people as should the government. Too many people put far too much trust in government and those is power. There is a party set up for that and that is the Democrat Party.
ReplyDeleteHere is an interesting story of military ineptitude. A Sgt was shot and killed, because "everyone" in this Marine unit failed in basic weapons training. Also in weapons storage. Who ran this arms room?
ReplyDeleteThey rack the weapons with magazines in the weapons?
After a life fire training excercise NO ONE cleaned this Sgts weapon? The Standards have definately slipped, of late, if that's true.
"The death was the result of individual and small-unit negligence and a lack of supervision," Maj. Gen. John Paxton Jr. wrote in the report. "The tragedy could have been prevented."
Investigators found a "declining respect" at Pendleton for ammunition that is not accounted for. That mind-set likely formed in the Anbar province of Iraq, where members of the battalion did combat tours and where accountability of ammunition "has dulled," the report said.
Paxton recommended a review of live-fire safety and training procedures at Pendleton.
The report recounts events that led to Algrim's death, beginning 10 days before the shooting, when Hohman, 23, became ill during a training exercise with live ammunition.
Hohman left his rifle in his platoon's tent and was treated in the emergency room at Camp Pendleton's hospital. His rifle was moved from the tent to the site of the next training exercise, an urban-combat simulation with blank bullets, but no one checked to see whether the gun was still loaded.
The whole story stinks of CYA on many levels.
ReplyDeleteThat be cool,
almost like rap,
can't match the 'Rat,
Doug, the Traitorous,
on the rats tail,
Doug, the Traitorous,
That dude won't fail,
Treachery is happenin!
Next thread has no comment cliker thingie:
ReplyDeletePlease put this comment in for me, Mr. Blogguy, sir:
ReplyDeleteIngraham just got a report from an RCP reporter (linked on her site, I think)
brought tears to my eyes:
ROE's WORSE than Ever!
Like public school,
how can they learn how to fight,
much less fight,
when lawyers, not the enemy, are their survival focus?
Here's that RCP blogger, looks kinda like son of Hack!
ReplyDeleteEasy login, (I was pissed, until I found out)
Name, password.
Jeff Manual Blog
In F...... Iraq!
After what seemed like days of waiting (though it was just over 36 hours), I finally learned tonight that I've gotten an embed slot with the 1-4 Cavalry of the 1st Infantry Division. I'll fly out sometime tomorrow via helicopter and join up with the unit for a week of living, eating, sleeping, and operating alongside these combat troops. To say I'm ecstatic - and am looking forward to it - would be a vast understatement.
ReplyDeleteArmy Spec. Wyatt Harper, from Fort MacPherson in my own state of Georgia, was a real trooper throughout this effort, putting up with my incessant requests and reminders and getting fast results when it seemed that such an assignment would not even be possible, let alone timely.
So, at some point tomorrow, Victoria and I will again part ways. She will bring you some of the best that Baghdad, MNF-I, and perhaps other people and locales have to offer, while I am stuck with a low-echelon unit, living in the dirt and getting a front-row view to our troops' prosecution of this war.
I'd take the latter any day.
Depending on internet uplink availability, I plan to have some (hopefully) quality exculsive combat video and photography for you in the next few days, as well as write-ups as regularly as I can do them.
Said all three patrols got hit by IED's yesterday.
ReplyDeleteGet hit by small arms, occaisional rockets, when they step outside the door, enemy knows where they are.
Opened new school project, fire came in from all directions.
Look, any fool knows YHWH was a dude, and you too, dude, can become a creator, if you just live right. What's 'out there' bout that?
ReplyDeleteSad news
ReplyDeleteApollo 7 command pilot Wally Schirra dies at 84
Walter Marty Schirra, Jr. (March 12, 1923 in Hackensack, New Jersey - May 3, 2007) was one of the original Mercury 7 astronauts chosen for the Project Mercury, America's first effort to put men in space. He was the only man to fly in America's first three space programs: Mercury, Gemini and Apollo and has logged a total of 295 hours and 15 minutes in space.
ReplyDeleteThe Saints I've closely interacted with were a bit insular and clanish. Life revolved around the Stake. Lots of Bishops
ReplyDeleteBishop Flake, Bishop Snow, that kind of thing.
Wasn't for me.
And besides, when's the last time you had two well dressed, polite dudes, shaven too, come to your door, and treat you right?
ReplyDeleteDid I ever tell the story about a professor here and his four daughters? He used to run a little bar here, part time too. Always wanted to go to his daughters weddings. First one ran off in the night, so he missed out. Can't recall the circumstances of the second one, but he missed out, but by the time the third one can along, he had been divorced by his wife, and she said, 'If you come to the wedding I'm going to shoot you' so he again missed out. Finally the fourth one met up with a nice Mormon, and he was now on talking terms with his wife. Big wedding planned in the Temple at SLC. Changes the oil in his VW Bug, buys a new suit and shoes, gets a hair cut, heads of to SLC. Walks up to the Temple just in time, but no, you ain't welcome, you not a Mormon, you is verboten as being unclean or something. 'But it's my daughter getting married in there'--no matter, they won't let him in.
Really pissed him off, missing his last chance, and he told me he would never speak to a Mormon again. If he is still alive, I think he's not in the Romney camp.
Any day now, reconciliation in Baghdad, will begin.
ReplyDeleteRight after the summer vacation, August or September.
Letting the Iraqi, friend or foe, set the pace of US initatives is pure insanity. The US can't even provide training in floor buffing, it'd be culturally insensitive, you know.
Let alone lessons on how to run their Government or Army.
Stay the Course!
So sad.
ReplyDeleteVeteran of the broken Heart Brigade.
What us menfolk go thru!
I don't believe in the golden plates. I think some hominid dude wrote that stuff out, longhand, and in English too, no matter how many witnesses they say they got.
ReplyDeletePure Immoral,
Pure Criminal,
Pure Suicide.
Monkey Boy and his make pretend "War."
That's why we be TRAITOROUS!
ReplyDeleteBuilding up a head of steam again, for those that defend the system,
No matter what it costs the troops,
the "War" effort.
On the other hand, the Mormons believed in stocking up before stocking up bacame popular. They all have a year's supply of food, medicine in their garages. Say they will share too, if things get tough. But share with who?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIt is an interesting book, though.
ReplyDeleteI doubt that Mr Smith could have written it, himself.
But that is an assumption, he may have been a man of letters, living out on his subsistence farm, there in New York.
In any case, doubt Mr Romney makes it to the Oval Office.
I vote Romney in a heartbeat over any of the current crop of dems. Gotta run.
ReplyDeleteThose folks are socialists, doug.
ReplyDeleteCareer government men.
In their area of "expertise" they can be depended upon to give an informed opinion. But not always an accurate nor timely opinion.
They live in an insular world of selfselection and hierarchy. Cultists of a sort, especially those that make their whole purposeful life of it.
As the Country grows larger, the military continues to shrink, both in physical size and as a percentage of the population. That being the most telling tale.
Jr and I laugh about it, which group is more "into" their tattoos, MS-13 gangtas or US Marines.
Which gang wears the best ink?
Just like domain names (URLs), you can't own it. Someone else gets to determine who gets it.
ReplyDeleteE.G., if you registered jamesdean.com 10 years ago; because you were a fan (of movies or sausage)and built the traffic to where it pays, then the estate of James Dean, or Jimmy Dean, et al, can demand transfer.
ReplyDeleteMaybe they thot that sick Marine, guy worked for a DEMOCRAT, somebody like Jim Webb, so they did not check weapon as SOP.
Just like US Senate, where all charges were dropped for DEMOCRAT Senator Jim Webb's assistant.
Trademark law is like that, yes it is.
ReplyDeleteGood thing, too.
Just one reason to be sure of ones position prior to investing the time in such a project.
All they get, though, is the name. The content remains the intellectual property of the original owner. As occurred in this case, with Mr Obama.
Exactly geoff,
ReplyDeleteThat's the LAW,
But a campaign spending millions can't pay someone for 2 years work/160,000 contacts???
F... THAT Campaign!!!
Lawyer for rich bitch Feinstein's husband sent honorable senator MEMOS about which company was up for a vote, so she'd know HOW to vote!
ReplyDeleteNo problem, no confict,
No Prosecution,
Feinstein is a DEMOCRAT!
...like land baron DEMOCRAT Senator Reid, and all his land baron sons.
But they do not get the contacts, they are just gaining control of the site to close it, or run itthemselves, regardless of the 160,000 contacts.
ReplyDeleteKids are making those decisions, I'd bet. If Obama did, himself, it'd disqualify him for the President job, but I don't think he's qualified, anyway.
Mr Romney, I could go vote for him, rather than Ms Clinton, but I doubt he'd be able to win the election.
Duke Cunningham's in jail,
ReplyDeleteJim Jeffords, DEMOCRAT Louisiana, is still Honorable Senator Jeffords.
(who got the refrigerated cash?)
"I can believe cutler's lament about Rudy.
ReplyDeleteHe is a man of many flaws.
There are many distinct differences 'tween him and me. There are more and greater difference 'tween me and the position of Mr Obama or Ms Clinton.
The Commander can make a huge difference in the prosecution of a war. Leadership can make a differece. As an enlighten poster noted yesterday, the US is not omnipotent. Far from it.
Rudy could identify the Enemy, that would make a big difference."
I actually said I'd vote for Guiliani. I just said that:
A: IMO, he fell into a hero vaccuum after 9-11.
B: For people who hate the way we're going now, I can't see Guiliani doing much different from Bush insofar as strategy is concerned. Probably will manage more competently, but he isn't going to declare war on Islam or widen the war in Iraq.
"Dissatisfied Iraqi Sunni in Anbar are not a threat to the US. Well, at least a lesser threat than aQ operatives exfiltrating Pakistan for missions in Europe and the Americas."
Thanks Mr. obvious.
At the same time, it was those dissatisfied Iraqi Sunnis that were working with Al Qaeda in places like Ramadi and Falluja before they realized they made a deal with the devil. We're the new devil.
ReplyDeleteWill Joe ever GET a list from myspace, namely WHERE is that list?
Hillary should BUY it!
ReplyDeleteMy mistake, I read that as "I can't believe."
ReplyDeleteGet a bit testy when you're implicity called a goose-stepping leader worshipper somewhat out of the blue.
"Probably will manage more competently"
He prosecuted the Freaking MAFIA, for years, EFFECTIVELY.
His dad communed with the Mafia.
He ain't no Boy George, Cutler,
get real!
Maybe a COMPETENT POTUS might help?
ReplyDeleteMaybe a POTUS that does not believe in the Mr Rogers Fairy might help?
ReplyDeleteAs if Harry Truman wouldn't kick Boy George's ass!
ReplyDeleteWe live in complicated times Doug, "probably" isn't a swipe at Guiliani, just a reflection of that fact.
ReplyDeletethat was no shot at you Cutler. if you took it as so, i do apologize.
ReplyDeleteComplicated times require someone BETTER than incompetent George, who never met an enemy he didn't hug.
ReplyDeleteYou sound like Ash when refering to W!
Mine was,
ReplyDeletedeal with it!
Why can't some people admit the disasterous list of failures of leadership by that guy.
On and on.
I just fail to see the king's new clothes.
ReplyDeleteEverything these days is too COMPLCATED to have a solution.
ReplyDeleteActually, any person with balls like Patton would not NOTICE the complications if he was in charge.
Doug, what is that imbed link? or were you going to bed?
ReplyDelete"Why can't some people admit the disasterous list of failures of leadership by that guy.
I just took a swipe at the ridiculousness of, for example, banning racial profiling, which is the result of the second's policies, just a few threads ago.
As to the last, I'm happy that through Bush's gullibility there's ironically at least one American enemy that can't be blamed on him. (That's not a compliment, just an ironic observation.)
I consider the fact that the first was CIA director for so long to be itself irresponsible and an illustration of the apparatnik nonsense that is tolerated by both parties.
Patton would have declared war on the Russians in 1945 - and gotten his ass kicked by the larger, tougher army.
ReplyDeletethe one at Thu May 03, 12:17:00 PM EDT ???
I just think fighting the Mafia, eliminating NY City Crime, Handling 9-11, having a father that ran a bar that served Mafia, are better creds than an Alky that ran dads Baseball team.
ReplyDelete(exageration alert, but still)
THEN got religion, and has permanent rose colored glasses.
Doug said...
ReplyDeleteAfter what seemed like days of waiting (though it was just over 36 hours), I finally learned tonight that I've gotten an embed slot with the 1-4 Cavalry of the 1st Infantry Division. I'll fly out sometime tomorrow via helicopter and join up with the unit for a week of living, eating, sleeping, and operating alongside these combat troops. To say I'm ecstatic - and am looking forward to it - would be a vast understatement.
Army Spec. Wyatt Harper, from Fort MacPherson in my own state of Georgia, was a real trooper throughout this effort, putting up with my incessant requests and reminders and getting fast results when it seemed that such an assignment would not even be possible, let alone timely.
So, at some point tomorrow, Victoria and I will again part ways. She will bring you some of the best that Baghdad, MNF-I, and perhaps other people and locales have to offer, while I am stuck with a low-echelon unit, living in the dirt and getting a front-row view to our troops' prosecution of this war.
I'd take the latter any day.
ReplyDeleteNow what?
I was refering to Rudy, as the "he" referenced, not you, cutler.
ReplyDeleteThere are many examples of finding "company men" in societies.
"I just think fighting the Mafia, eliminating NY City Crime, Handling 9-11, having a father that ran a bar that served Mafia, are better creds than an Alky that ran dads Baseball team.
ReplyDelete(exageration alert, but still)
THEN got religion, and has permanent rose colored glasses.
Who said I don't agree with you?
I hate nepotism in politics, as well as the notion of any 'leadership class' in general.
You said he didn't do much, as I recall, except step into the hero vacuum.
ReplyDeleteI'm saying he has a resume, and conservative people like Ted Olsen and some Calif conservative that worked w/him as a prosecutor and respect his work/ability.
ReplyDeleteI said I didn't think he did much on 9-11, and that nonetheless, he subsequently fell into a hero vacuum.
ReplyDeleteHe did a lot insofar as crime in NYC is concerned, but he also was going to step down from Mayor hardly the positive figure he became after 9-11 as "America's Mayor." He had just been through, for example, an ugly public divorce that didn't reflect too well on either him or his ex-wife.
Black guy in LA calls Hedgecock:
ReplyDeleteLike me he was CHEERING the LAPD for dealing with the illegal scum refusing to follow orders.
Or their unpatriotic MEXICAN American Citizens and MEXICAN Reporters with MEXICAN Flags!
OK Cutler,
ReplyDeleteNow tell me THIS:
What the Hell is Deuce trying to say to me about the bed/link?
Black guys talking about farm animals and the like in his Mexican neighbor's yards!
ReplyDeleteThat's how I became a convert, some guy had a blog relating the Hell his life had become after THEY took over the neighborhood.
ReplyDeleteBeer cans all over, drug dealers, loud music and noise all night, threats, and etc.
He was preparing to move.
Wish the blog was still available.
All these pie in the sky Texans refusing to admit we're losing the country.
Move to LA, where 1/4 of them in the whole USA live!
I think he's hitting on you, hehe. :P
ReplyDeleteANOTHER Bush failure/CRIME:
Yeah, but why did he copy and paste that post?
ReplyDeleteDoes he think that turns me on?
BTW Cutler, appologies.
ReplyDeletePersonal reasons for the bad mood.
You are miles ahead of where I was at your age.
...or now, history education wise.
No idea.
ReplyDeleteThe biggest warning against massive illegal immigration from one country is Canada.
A two-part state.
Except in our case, France is just next door, and still asserts moral right over the land in question.
ReplyDeleteWe could track a single Canadian Calf that had Mad Cow,
but it is IMPOSSIBLE to track illegals.
Hedgecock used to be Mayor of San Diego so he knows about immigration, walls, etc.
ReplyDeletePlus, UCSB alum, along w/Joe Wilson and I!
" BTW Cutler, appologies.
ReplyDeletePersonal reasons for the bad mood.
You are miles ahead of where I was at your age.
...or now, history education wise."
Awww Doug, now you're hitting on me.
It is no problem, it is testy times in general. Noone likes seeing us fail so spectacularly, especially on our watch.
"We could track a single Canadian Calf that had Mad Cow,
ReplyDeletebut it is IMPOSSIBLE to track illegals."
Little known fact: We deported 1-2 million illegals after World War II, in buses.
Different country.
Deuce left, and I'm gettin horny!
ReplyDeleteWally may be the only Astronaut in all three programs, Mercury, Gemini, and Saturn.
ReplyDeleteLived in San Diego, so Roger knew him.
ReplyDeleteYou didn't answer:
Does that list of 160 k Obama supporters exist, and if so, where/under who's custody?
I just hope I don't get too assimilated into the DC crap, and lose track of reality. By and large, our leadership go to the same schools, the same social events, and share the same assumptions. Few people are willing to actually fight over ideas and come to blows with people with any power or influence. It is all about personal careers and fitting in with the general political trends.
ReplyDeleteThey're intellectually lazy after 50 years of being the top dog. In the absence of vision, they fall back on the familiar. Everything that happens today, must be like yesterday. Hence we're stuck with 50 year old alliances and allies that no longer even like or help us.
Limbaugh refuses to spend time there.
ReplyDeleteIngraham is great, but you can tell she lives there.
Powerful Place.
"Hence we're stuck with 50 year old alliances and allies that no longer even like or help us."
Jim Baker '08!
I do not know, doug.
ReplyDeleteIf the original owner has not pissed off mMr Murdock, he should be able to set up a mirror site.
I've never utilized Mr Murdock's mySpace, though my daughter maintains a page. I'd assume the fellow kept a copy of his work, but as we learned at BC, the value of free services are often worth the price.
cutler has discovered the Skull & Boner effect, doug.
ReplyDeleteThe gravitous of the elites.
GWBush and JFKerry,
frat brothers in a secret society.
Born & bred
I was emphasizing organizational group think more than nefariousness.
ReplyDeleteAlthough, as in the case of Rep. Jefferson, the boys and girls clubs can get nefarious as well.
I'd tellem I was selling them to Hillary.
ReplyDeleteDrive a bargain!
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