Baghdad, 23 May (AKI) - A delegation of Sahwa al-Anbar, (Anbar Awakening) the tribal alliance in the restive Sunni province of Al Anbar, has made an unprecedented visit to Sadr City, the Baghdad stronghold of radical Shiite imam Moqtada al-Sadr, according to pan Arab daily al-Sharq al-Awsat. "We have taken this step to place national interest ahead of any differences" said the head of the US-endorsed Sunni alliance Hamid al-Hayas. "This is an effort to bring closer together the Sunni and Shiite Iraqi points of view. We want to deliver a message to all the political groups to put aside their differences and act for the common good" he said.
The whereabouts of Moqtada al-Sadr remain undisclosed, but he was represented in the meeting by three MPs from the 30-strong bloc in Parliament loyal to him and prominent individuals from the Sadr City area.
At the end of the meeting the two sides signs a joint document in which they vowed to fight the terrorism of al-Qaeda. The group has become increasingly isolated within the Sunni insurgency because of its indiscriminate targeting of civilians.
Al-Qaeda in Iraq has been seeking to impose its fierce Salafite philosophies and strategies and consolidate its power over the many resistance groups in the Sunni Arab galaxy, some of whom view foreign fighters and Wahhabis with suspicion.
In recent months the heads of the powerful al-Anbar tribes have coalesced in a big to counteract al-Qaeda in Iraq and have begun a tentative dialogue with some elements in the al-Maliki government about entering the political process.
As well as coming under increasing pressure from US and Iraqi forces in Baquba and elsewhere, the al-Qaeda in Iraq fighters have been increasingly in clashes with other insurgent formations.
Yes, but what about Iran. Iran IS AQ. Anyway, I am in Houston this week, and let me tell you, my brethren, AQ is the least of Houston's problems......
ReplyDeleteAl-Furqan Foundation, the official producer and distributor of multimedia for the Islamic State of Iraq, issued to jihadist forums today, Wednesday, May 23, 2007, two videos of the group’s attacks in Haditha, in al-Anbar province, depicting the detonation of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) on American targets. One of the videos, 4:33 minutes in length, shows the bombing of an American Hummer in the area of Beni Dher, and is followed by footage of other soldiers arriving to the scene and the vehicle’s wreckage, including the flesh of those killed.
ReplyDeleteNear the close of the video an identification card is focused upon of an American Marine named Mario Daniel Gonzalez, who was killed in a Hummer bombing on November 14, 2006.
The other video, 1:49 minutes in length, depicts the simultaneous detonation of three IEDs on an American foot patrol in Haditha, in the area of Albu Hayat. Two arrows on the screen indicate soldiers, and the bombs explode as numbers entered into a phone keypad is heard.
Forces in Haditha
Just become a Muslim-American
ReplyDeletethen you will fret far less about all of this.
You'd just have to worry about how well prepared you were for your spontaneous Jihad, which is much easier than survivalism, a bankrupt and ahistorical American tradition.
ReplyDeleteResults just in show 200% improvement:
ReplyDelete4 Senators now know the difference between Sunni and Shia.
...As determined by Multiple Choice Test.
Survivalism is for antisocial hermits of the old order.
ReplyDeleteremember when we used to care about our firefighters more than martyred Iraqis and Palis?
ReplyDeleteThe things infidels say...
Thanks for bringing that up:
ReplyDeleteI forgot how C4 explained that firefighters were NOT heros.
How something so basic could have slipped my mind...
Age Sucks.
C4 just seeks the peace of Islam.
ReplyDeleteWe've all a Baghdad airport road to travel.
Survivalists who once toiled in annonymity in the forests will now proudly display their Dhimmitude in the public square.
Just as the Hobbits of Islamberg toil in their shire of jihad, so too must we toil, be it an internal struggle of keeping the SUV upright as we crush 5 people at once.
ReplyDeleteor keeping
ReplyDeleteyou can tell I wasn't educated in a Madrassa :(
Houston, we have a problem,
ReplyDeleteand it ain't AQ.
Does Stability Control improve the experience?
ReplyDeleteHouston just needs its Mugabe.
ReplyDeleteWe could make that mandatory for all rentals to Muzzies.
ReplyDeleteNo Jewish Center deserves less than 4wd and positraction.
ReplyDeleteIt'd help preserve the property, which Americans prefer to people and ideas.
ReplyDeleteSaudis could setup a Hedge Fund to give every Muslim an SUV
Downer added he was proud his country was standing alongside the U.S. in Iraq and Afghanistan.
ReplyDelete"It's politically tough going both here and in Australia, there's been a lot of political controversy," Downer said. "But all the great struggles in history have been tough and there have been substantial sacrifices."
The visit lasted about 30 minutes. Rice and Downer were scheduled to spend Thursday in Silicon Valley meeting with executives and touring an after-school enrichment program Rice founded when a professor at nearby Stanford University.
Helping US on Iran
Martyr Futures.
ReplyDeleteDowner's from Down Under.
ReplyDelete"Islam accepts a much broader view of what constitutes a martyr, including anyone who dies in the struggle between those lands under Muslim government and those areas outside Muslim rule.
ReplyDeleteGenerally, some seek to include suicide bombers as a "martyr" of Islam."
Always the broader view with those Muslims
ReplyDeleteIt's Hip to be Dhimmi!
ReplyDeleteThe Broader View includes the Broadsword for the Broads.
ReplyDeleteEach must make the desert exodus from freedom to slavery is his own way.
Talkin' about muzzies and SUV's, I saw an ad for a rig that had some sort of radar, would slam on the brakes so you couldn't hit anything even if you tried. Mandatory for muzzies.
Homing Radar, my friend.
ReplyDeleteWaste not, want not.
There was some talk on one of the radio shows I tried to listen to today about having demos, maybe the Liddy show, hope something comes of it.
ReplyDeleteA caravan raided is a caravan earned.
Boehner makes a Shitty Remark
ReplyDeleteHabu might say, don't pick it up, it's got no clean end.
ReplyDeleteFriends and relatives anxiously awaited word in the hometowns of the other captured soldiers: Spc. Alex R. Jimenez, 25, of Lawrence, Mass.; and Pvt. Byron W. Fouty, 19, of Waterford, Mich.
ReplyDeleteA yellow ribbon was tied to the front door of Jimenez's father's home in the former mill city north of Boston. Ramon Jimenez, who speaks Spanish, said through a translator in a cell phone conversation that he has been buoyed by the support of friends and family.
"The hope is very high that God is going to give Alex back to him," said Wendy Luzon, a family friend who translated the conversation and has been serving as a spokeswoman for the family.
Awaiting Word
Back on Topic:
ReplyDeleteMuslims to the rescue!
What ever can we offer them as Jizya?
Yankee Doodle's baby-killing cannot implement foreign policy but our Muslim betters will stop at nothing.
ReplyDeleteOne for the history books.
IED reenactment on the Washington Mall.
ReplyDeleteFemale "troops" (wives)
of course.
An F Troop for a new age
ReplyDeleteperhaps we could offer our women as jizya, maybe our firstborn virgins
Long live the Madrassas
ReplyDeleteThe Carnegie Library in our town was one of the first brick buildings built there. Thanks,Andy.
Whatever happened to squishy?
Let me guess, Doug: you're a Cicada truther?
ReplyDeleteI will raise clean-coated goats as jizya for the feral mujahadeen, so they might practice for the virgins
ReplyDeleteA "Firstborn Virgin"
ReplyDeletewill become an oxymoron.
Why do you think you deserve your wife when Muslims are so humiliated?
ReplyDeleteBetter that the Saudis make the first borns and trade them among themselves.
my goats will have comely, glancing eyes and serve intoxicating milk beverages from their ample udders
ReplyDeleteSquishy was a piece of work. Perhaps he converted as well. Peace be upon that
ReplyDeleteI offer the golf clubs I've never used, the rubber raft I won in a drawing at the Quik Stop that I never use, and my 1960 F-600 Ford 2/ton truck, that they will never be able to use. And my back country maps of the Nevada outback.
ReplyDeleteYou found out about the Fed Bred Cicadas?
ReplyDeleteAnd my testimony in any Islamic court.(If I am allowed to testify)
ReplyDeleteOnly a goat may sate a Saudi. #2 under the Koran for things a Saudi would need on a Desert Island - or anywhere else for that matter
ReplyDeletelugh stepping into the gutter in shame
ReplyDeleteyes holy eoalderman (pbuy)...what was i thinking...may our scrotums be self-severed
Squishy a muzzie? Damn.
ReplyDeleteI thought their exoskeletons were all turned to dust and hidden in the piles of asbestos coated rubble.
ReplyDeletebob al-harb
ReplyDeletegive them your ammonia nitrate for the holy-bomb
Self Severed or Full Service?
ReplyDeleteammonium, please!
ReplyDeleteare cicadaes harem to our muslim rulers
ReplyDeleteSquishy on jihad.
ReplyDeleteI'm not so foolish as to part with my nitrate.
ReplyDeleteImagine the life of simple service as a Eunuch in an Islamic Cirque du Soleil:
ReplyDelete-IED re-enactments
-Assassination of Massoud in 3 Acts
-Grievance Dances
A Piece of Work Upon That,
ReplyDeleteso to speak.
I've a bid on a Peugeot Dealership in the works.
ReplyDelete...the brilliant artistic minds wasting away in Gitmo as we try to destroy the Muslim intellect with Eminem and Rock & Roll...
ReplyDeleteself-severing indeed
"Squishy on Jihad"
ReplyDeletehas a real ring to it,
ReplyDeletemy FAVORITE is the uranium enrichment dance, especially the glowing jihadis as their skin sheds off on stage...brings tears to my eyes every time
Course, so does
the entie audience sits in silent rapt awe, not even blinking for 20 minutes
ReplyDeleteThe Green Glow, Lugh!
ReplyDeleteThe Green Glow!
I could see South Park doing that.
ReplyDeleteOur betters at the Broadcast helms know better, however.
Lighting effects enhanced by the ever varying flames and occaisional explosions of Peugeots in the background.
ReplyDeleteFull Disclosure:
ReplyDeleteI may have an iron in that fire.
GITMO should at least play "Burka Baby Got Back" by Sheik Mix-a-lot-of-chlorine-with-high-explosives"
ReplyDeleteI offer them my whiskey breath, my lentil flatulence, my under arm odor after a hard day plowing.
ReplyDeleteThe dance of the Skin Heads
ReplyDeletebecomes the dance of the Skin Sheds.
I can see those black bags shimmying on stage now...but the pile-o-shit on the floor behind them is a dead giveaway of the goat inside
ReplyDeleteMay your ammonia tank explode in your enclosed garage for such impure thoughts, Al-Bobal!
ReplyDeleteI heard that the idiot Micahel Moore in his new movie goes to Gitmo to prove the prisoners get better treatment there than the firefighters here in the states. I don't know if I heard right, but I thought the lefty line was, they tortured people at Gitmo.
ReplyDeleteYeah, it brings up a good point: we eunuchs could keep our infidel shaving habits as we would be unworthy of the dyed red beards of Islamic Lions
ReplyDeleteSkin Sheds and Goat Heads.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if the islamists just flip the back of the burkha up and take their women from behind? and the women uulate when they come?
ReplyDeleteNo, they just imprison the Islamic beat generation there. The squares can't stand the thought of Muslims and poetry readings.
ReplyDeleteI really haven't had a problem with that since the severance, Aldie.
ReplyDeletedo islamists shout allah akbar as they plant their seed?
ReplyDeleteI know sophisticated gay men are all a-twitter at the thought of swarthy youths making them ululate like good dhimmis
ReplyDeleteAs far as the women go, I suppose its like shitting in their culture, only the shitting gives you either a dowry or a suicide bomber
Never have to worry about getting the name wrong again.
ReplyDeleteWell wait that was unfair, sometimes you can get your daughters to be martyrs and still get some dough, though its no dowry ever since Bush's war
ReplyDeleteThat's probly why multiple wives work out so well for them.
ReplyDeleteThe crazed mohammed used to gaze at This and stammer incoherently.
ReplyDeletewhat would they do, tatoo a wife number on her ass so they'd know they were doing them in proper order?
ReplyDeleteAlbobal is off to the walmartbazaar, bless you believers.
ReplyDeleteArabs are progressive enough to retain their foreskin, so their penis has the sensitivity of a billion cat's whiskers.
ReplyDeleteThat's why goats, boys and women are like different types of dates or olives to them. Its about the Arab pallette. Us dhimmis cannot understand, but that's my best way of describing it.
lugh gotta read the koran to the grandson..g'night all
ReplyDeleteCrap, aldie tied me, and I got an error:
ReplyDeleteHeres what I was GOING to say, Lugh:
Whichever Uulates Loudest
Gets it First.
Make sure you introduce your grandson to jelqing before he gets too old, lugh.
ReplyDeleteHe may be able to have certain priveleges if he acts in Saudi films. Entrust in their fairness and historically accurate explanations.
Tell him a bedtime story of Heroic Martyrdom for me.
Jelqing is an ancient Sudanese Arab technique, passed through the ages from father to son. Or is it? This version of history seems to have its inception around the time people started selling "Ancient secrets to enlarge your penis". The validation of this rewrite of history is often traced to the bible.
ReplyDeleteShe doted on their paramours, whose flesh is as the flesh of donkeys, and whose issue is like the issue of horses.
--Ezekiel 23:20
This does not suggest that size or ejaculatory power was as the result of jelqing.
That guy up in Washington is probly the Ultimate Martyr for Allah.
ReplyDeleteYou, know, the one they call the horse's ass in the video.
Doughty American dads are no doubt too timid to ever pass on such an invention.
ReplyDeleteProbably why the Arabs became the stewards of the Classics too.
He who dares...
ReplyDeleteHe bravely gave his tissue to the issue.
ReplyDeleteDo obese martyrs consequently have more martyrdom?
ReplyDeleteA question only a Muslim Doctor should ponder, so please refrain.
ReplyDeleteI hope I can find an in-network Muslim Doctor in my PPO
ReplyDeleteSicko 2 will show the plight of Muslim Americans forced to goto Hindu or Sufi doctors.
ReplyDelete"It is humiliating!"
ReplyDeleteGood News In Anbar according to Time Magazine.
ReplyDelete(Hat Tip Wretchard)
ReplyDeleteGood read, Bob. Thanks. Really paints Bremer as an idiot.
ReplyDeleteIn Washington, National Security Council spokesman Gordon Johndroe said U.S. and Iraqi officials were planning to increase again the number of Iraqi security forces to help quell violence in the country.
ReplyDeleteThe review was undertaken as President Bush's new military-political team in Iraq _ commander Gen. David Petraeus and U.S. Ambassador Ryan Crocker _ assessed strategy for the four-year-old war.
"Gen. Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker have been working on the specific tactics" needed for the strategy President Bush announced in January _ a troop buildup to calm Baghdad so Iraqis can make political and economic progress, Johndroe said.
Increasing Iraqi Forces
In case anybody missed these at BC:
ReplyDeleteRWE said...
The history of GPS is a lesson in human error in its own right. It was opposed by some in the US Congress and the antiwar left for exactly opposite reasons, was scorned by most of the U.S. electronics industry, and discounted by the USAF itself. Now, today, it is viewed in much the same way as a public utility, and one that you don’t get a bill for, to boot.
Right now, while Selective Availability has been turned off and all users receive the high grade signal, it can be turned back on at any time if the military situation demands it. The U.S. controls the supply of chips that enable the high grade signal to be used in the event that Selective Availability is turned back on. The fact that such a degradation of the signal would have no impact of any kind on the vast majority of civilian users of the system is neither here nor there; the psychological impact is what creates the worries.
The Russians have their own system, which they have been trying to get up and running for 20 years plus, and Chinese have started to deploy theirs, while agreeing to participate in Galileo. Whether all of this duplication meets actual needs or is more on the order of the need for even tiny countries to have their own national airline is not clear. Maybe it is simply because it was ignored and discounted by so many for so long who were proven to be so very wrong.
5/22/2007 05:37:00 AM
Kent's Imperative said...
This is debate of the 90’s for which the time of hard decisions has finally come. It is no longer a matter of abstract defense “strategery”, but concrete operational decisions that will have to be made in the first hours of future conflicts. A European system (or even its PRC counterpart) would be the first choice of belligerents expecting to lose access to US provided signal. Such as system would constitute a key center of gravity for sophisticated adversaries...
We should book mark any good news, for reference in future discussions.
ReplyDelete"Albobal" it is!
ReplyDeleteWhere's the center of Gravity?
ReplyDeleteIs it in any of those pics you've linked Albobal?
Hillary won't dress like a Human despite Aide's Advice.
The difference between that French Lady and Hillary is stunning.
Rosie vs. Hasselbeck