Recipients of mail from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) were surprised this past week to receive a fund-raising appeal signed by former Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright.
Secretaries of state, by tradition, stay away from partisan politics while in office. Former holders of the position generally follow the same practice. Nobody can remember fund-raising solicitations from Colin Powell, Warren Christopher or Henry Kissinger.
Albright's letter requested "a contribution of $50, $75 or more" for the DCCC to guarantee a Democratic House majority. "The single most effective step you can take to shape the outcome of November's elections is to support the DCCC," she said, as "the only organization whose sole mission is to win a Democratic House majority."
Well, Mr Kissinger was out raising money, from the Sauds, for himself.
ReplyDeleteHe has represented their interests quite well.
Mr Powell? Why would he raise monies for Republicans, he is not one. He is a Federal careerrist, first and foremost.
Mr Christopher, who even remembers him?
So Ms Albright is a partisan Democrat, what of it. She is a citizen and political, bless her little heart.
Is Ms Albright one of them thar uncovered meat thangs that the Imam was jaw'n 'bout....someone please tell me she ain't never gonna be uncovered meat. Lawd it would rU-in my last good vein and I would hate to think that all them others went in vain. Please the leg press story still gives me the shakes
ReplyDeleteYour points are on DR, but the distinction is in the delivery. Artfulness should be the coin in trade of "The Minister of The United States". Albright is one of those people that highlights her own mediocrity and does it in a teeth knashing way. Although the Secretary of State serves at the pleasure of the President, the office is confirmed by the Senate. The person may be political but the Office is about the United States. A better person would understand that. She is not and does not.
ReplyDeleteHabu, the leg story does press the upper limits of the capabilities of the blue vitamin.
ReplyDeletegrocery market run yep ...the feminizaton of America continues, but then she does have that double black belt thing too.
ReplyDeleteMs Albright no longer is a SecState, but a normal citizen.SecState is not, thankfully, a life time appointment.
From the JPost
Teheran delightedly announced the establishment of a second network of uranium-enrichment centrifuges, days after Ahmadinejad had hailed the tenfold expansion of his nuclear program over the past year, shrugged off the UN Security Council as "illegitimate," and asserted that Israel had "lost the reason for its existence" and would "disappear."
If the Bush administration is unwilling or incapable of acting to stop him, then the choice will rest with Israel - by no means the only goal of Ahmadinejad's ambitions, but certainly his initial potential target.
Incidentally, as James Woolsey, a former director of the CIA, pointed out to me last week, there is nothing to stop a nuclear North Korea simply flying in a bomb at Teheran's behest. The necessary materiel is neither bulky nor especially difficult to transport, he noted, and there's nobody checking the cargoes flying back and forth between the two countries.
ReplyDeleteThe desecration of art is inexcusable. ;-))D
Albright and Helen Thomas
How will that work for the Dems, I wonder.
Yeah, the Repubs have lookers; the Dems have hookers.
The writers at Investors Business Daily they also see the US war situation as mirroring that in the 1970's.
ReplyDeleteThey believe we are are about to repeat either the 1864 or 1974 election.
Once again, as in 1864 and 1974, we face a pivotal election. Yes, we need a change of plan. Mr. President, turn Sherman lose.
The election where military action made a difference, 1864, those initial victories by General Sherman, those that swayed the Electorate and destroyed the Insurgents base, came in August, not 9 days from the Election.
The Sherman Option has been tossed aside, as regards the 2006 Election.
Incidentally, as James Woolsey, a former director of the CIA, pointed out to me last week, there is nothing to stop a nuclear North Korea simply flying in a bomb at Teheran's behest. The necessary materiel is neither bulky nor especially difficult to transport, he noted, and there's nobody checking the cargoes flying back and forth between the two countries.
ReplyDeleteMr Cheney was without doubt, when he told US, a 1% chance equaled a 100% threat. It was enough to go to War, in fact the mere 1% threat demanded action.
What's up now?
New Doctrine at the White House?
The Iran NorK Axis nuclear threat is well above 1% probability.
More like 100%
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ReplyDeleteSome sites aim to please; we cite prevarication with desecration.
ReplyDeleteThe Iranians have already "armed up" more than a 1% chance of that.
ReplyDeleteThe warheads could have been delivered prior to the NorK test.
Coupled with Mr Rumsfeld's statements that in the 21st century Wars will neither be Won or Lost. That Deterence is the key to future conflicts, that the US Military can deter terror, if given enough time. General Pace being in complete agreeement.
Look towards the canary, Haifa is held hostage to destruction, at a minimum. Hezzbollah missiles, capable of carrying a W54 sized warhead, reached the Plains of Armageddon, last go round.
You know , trish, that the Omni-pwer cannot act in any way but:
ReplyDeleteby design rather than inability, ineptitutde, or indifference,
The US Military with it's pinpoint accurate bombs, bullets and lasers cannot err, except by design.
Our boys are that "good".
The only part of the Federal Government excempt from incompetence, right?
Or the Generals would have been replaced, like Mike Brown at FEMA. His dismal record of successful performance mirrored that of the Generals.
ugly woman