So Much For Hope Over Fear
By Charles Krauthammer
Washington Post
WASHINGTON -- Catastrophe, mind you. So much for the president who in his inaugural address two weeks earlier declared "we have chosen hope over fear." Until, that is, you need fear to pass a bill.
And so much for the promise to banish the money changers and influence peddlers from the temple. An ostentatious executive order banning lobbyists was immediately followed by the nomination of at least a dozen current or former lobbyists to high position. Followed by a Treasury secretary who allegedly couldn't understand the payroll tax provisions in his 1040. Followed by Tom Daschle, who had to fall on his sword according to the new Washington rule that no Cabinet can have more than one tax delinquent.
The Daschle affair was more serious because his offense involved more than taxes. As Michael Kinsley once observed, in Washington the real scandal isn't what's illegal, but what's legal. Not paying taxes is one thing. But what made this case intolerable was the perfectly legal dealings that amassed Daschle $5.2 million in just two years.
He'd been getting $1 million per year from a law firm. But he's not a lawyer, nor a registered lobbyist. You don't get paid this kind of money to instruct partners on the Senate markup process. You get it for picking up the phone and peddling influence.
At least Tim Geithner, the tax-challenged Treasury secretary, had been working for years as a humble international civil servant earning non-stratospheric wages. Daschle, who had made another cool million a year (plus chauffeur and Caddy) for unspecified services to a pal's private equity firm, represented everything Obama said he'd come to Washington to upend.
And yet more damaging to Obama's image than all the hypocrisies in the appointment process is his signature bill: the stimulus package. He inexplicably delegated the writing to Nancy Pelosi and the barons of the House. The product, which inevitably carries Obama's name, was not just bad, not just flawed, but a legislative abomination.
It's not just pages and pages of special-interest tax breaks, giveaways and protections, one of which would set off a ruinous Smoot-Hawley trade war. It's not just the waste, such as the $88.6 million for new construction for Milwaukee Public Schools, which, reports the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, have shrinking enrollment, 15 vacant schools and, quite logically, no plans for new construction.
It's the essential fraud of rushing through a bill in which the normal rules (committee hearings, finding revenue to pay for the programs) are suspended on the grounds that a national emergency requires an immediate job-creating stimulus -- and then throwing into it hundreds of billions that have nothing to do with stimulus, that Congress' own budget office says won't be spent until 2011 and beyond, and that are little more than the back-scratching, special-interest, lobby-driven parochialism that Obama came to Washington to abolish. He said.
Not just to abolish but to create something new -- a new politics where the moneyed pork-barreling and corrupt logrolling of the past would give way to a bottom-up, grass-roots participatory democracy. That is what made Obama so dazzling and new. Turns out the "fierce urgency of now" includes $150 million for livestock insurance.
The Age of Obama begins with perhaps the greatest frenzy of old-politics influence peddling ever seen in Washington. By the time the stimulus bill reached the Senate, reports The Wall Street Journal, pharmaceutical and high-tech companies were lobbying furiously for a new plan to repatriate overseas profits that would yield major tax savings. California wine growers and Florida citrus producers were fighting to change a single phrase in one provision. Substituting "planted" for "ready to market" would mean a windfall garnered from a new "bonus depreciation" incentive.
After Obama's miraculous 2008 presidential campaign, it was clear that at some point the magical mystery tour would have to end. The nation would rub its eyes and begin to emerge from its reverie. The hallucinatory Obama would give way to the mere mortal. The great ethical transformations promised would be seen as a fairy tale that all presidents tell -- and that this president told better than anyone.
I thought the awakening would take six months. It took two and a half weeks.

After two and a half weeks, it is becoming clear that Obama does not know how to lead as well as he knows how to campaign. This is not going well at all.
ReplyDeletePretty much as expected. Going to be a disaster all the way through.
ReplyDelete"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."
Cept for Iran's nuclear program.
The pornographers are happy though.
In fact, David Ogden, a Playboy legal hit man with allegiance to the bunny flag may soon be the United States deputy attorney general.
Well, if you're talking pork this doesn't even qualify as bird seed. Especially when you consider the welfare checks of $1.4 trillion USD every year to military contractors and big oil.
ReplyDeleteYou want to banish the money changers and influence peddlers from the temple? kill Rome. Just be careful Rome doesn't crucify you first and then remake you into a Roman whore when you're dead.
15. Walt:
ReplyDeleteWell geez, whatever happened to
The thought boys will be boys
Especially in Chicago town
The pride of Illinoise
What did we ’spect of BHO
Career was on the line
Should he have taken the high road
And everything’d be fine
We know the answer to that one
The good guys finish last
Just look who voters just ignore
Like this November past
22. buddy larsen:
well all this begs the question, are we better off with an honest dumbass or a crooked brainiac? What? We have a crooked dumbass? Awww, fuuuuuuug.
23. buddy larsen:
ok walt. you’re too good to challenge, to anyone with any dignity anyways.
where o where is elliot ness,
his old stomping ground is again a big mess
when we loved the Sopranas
it cost us our mannas
now whatever we had, we got less
25. buddy larsen:
even less dignity than minutes ago;
FDR said our fear is but fear
BHO says that’s wrong ’cause it’s here;
Franklin wanted to recover
Barack just wants to cover
the sheep so they won’t see the shear
CBO: Obama stimulus harmful over long haul
ReplyDeletePresident Obama's economic recovery package will actually hurt the economy more in the long run than if he were to do nothing, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said Wednesday.
CBO, the official scorekeepers for legislation, said the House and Senate bills will help in the short term but result in so much government debt that within a few years they would crowd out private investment, actually leading to a lower Gross Domestic Product over the next 10 years than if the government had done nothing.
Obama to Meet Families of 9/11, Cole Victims
ReplyDeleteMove comes as US drops charges on terror suspect.
One 9/11 activist told the Washington Post that "fireworks" could fly at the Obama meeting.
Guantanamo Judge Denies Obama's Request for Delay
The decision was lauded by some survivors of the attack on the Cole, who said it illustrated the independence of the military judiciary at Guantanamo. ...
Chicago mayor refuses to release stimulus project list...
ReplyDeleteIt seems like there was some point last week when Millions of citizens had the same, or almost the same thought:
ReplyDelete"This guy has never done anything!
Exxon Mobil: You know what creates jobs? Oil Drilling.
"We will be spending over $200 million a year and that’s based on 2008 dollars. With escalation inflation it will obviously be higher than that. And we’ll have over 400 jobs per year involved with this project. We’re already over 150, if we can commence drilling in six weeks we’ll be over 200 and we’ll continue to ramp up from there."
150 jobs! LOL!
Drill baby, Drill!!
Bale O'Reilly Mashup
ReplyDeleteNo joke, Mat:
ReplyDeleteThat 150 makes up for half the 300 the LA Times jettisoned this week.
That 150 makes up for half the 300 the LA Times jettisoned this week.
My heart bleeds.
.on January 27, President Obama signed Presidential Determination No. 2009-15, which allocates $20.3 million for Palestinian migration and refugee assistance.
ReplyDeleteToday a memo sent by President Obama to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton seems to invite Hamas to “migrate” into the United States of America.
The presidential determination covers the “Unexpected Urgent Refugee and Migration Needs Related to Gaza.”
“By the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, including section 2(c)(1) of the Migration and Refugee Assistance Act of 1962 (the “Act”), as amended (22 U.S.C. 2601), I hereby determine, pursuant to section 2 (c) (1) of the Act, that it is important to the national interest to furnish assistance under the Act in an amount not to exceed $20.3 million from the United States Emergency Refugee and Migration Assistance Fund for the purpose of meeting unexpected and urgent refugee and migration needs, including by contributions to international, governmental, and nongovernmental organizations and payment of administrative expenses of Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration of the Department of State, related to humanitarian needs of Palestinian refugees and conflict victims in Gaza...
And all of this surprises who?
ReplyDeleteThat $20 million, just a down payment. And the US has a long history of taking conflict refugees unto our breast.
Smile, wi"o", Ohio will get its'
"Fair Share", and they'll be 'legal immigrants', to boot.
Texas Wind Transmission Projects Announced
ReplyDeleteBy Kate Galbraith
Texas leads the country in wind power production, but is in urgent need of more transmission lines to carry the increased capacity. (Photo: Bloomberg)
Texas regulators last week identified 13 companies that will build transmission lines to aid wind power production in the state, as reported in Texas newspapers.
Texas leads the country in wind production, with close to three times as much wind capacity as the second-place state, Iowa. But with wind farms sprouting up so quickly, building more transmission lines has become an urgent priority for the state.
The nearly $5 billion in transmission investment will result in around 2,400 miles of lines, which will bring power from remote windy areas in the western part of the state to cities like Dallas and Houston that need the power.
Subject to final approvals, transmission companies like Oncor, which is slated for a $1.3 billion segment, and Electric Transmission Texas, which has been given a $789 million piece, will pay the up-front costs — although that will clearly pose a challenge in the current credit crunch.
The companies will recoup the money later from customers.
As my colleague Matthew L. Wald has reported, lack of transmission is an issue across the country, causing some wind farms to close down even when there is plenty of wind.
Texas's effort — which involves breaking the state into zones and asking developers to compete to build the lines — is being closely watched by other states, like those in the Western Governors Association.
However, such efforts are easier in Texas — a unitary market with its own grid system — than they are in other areas that must route transmission across state lines.
No word on how many jobs this will create. Must be less than 150.
One Verdict Is In [Jonah Goldberg]
ReplyDeleteFrom the Jerusalem Post:
Israel did not violate the laws of war and made marked improvements in its fighting capability during the recent military operation against Hamas in Gaza, yet the gains from the conflict in the long term remain uncertain, a US study concludes.
The analysis of the 22-day conflict in Gaza by Anthony H. Cordesman of the Center for Strategic and International Studies finds "impressive improvements in the readiness and capability" of the Israeli Defense Forces since the war against Hizbullah in Lebanon in 2006, and unequivocally states that Israel did not violate the laws of war despite the large number of civilian casualties among the Palestinians.
"[Israel] did deliberately use decisive force to enhance regional deterrence and demonstrate that it had restored its military edge," the report states. "These, however, are legitimate military objectives in spite of their very real humanitarian costs."
02/06 01:34 AM
It's Friday.
And it's not raining.
Meanwhile Fred Kaplan weites:
ReplyDeleteWhat Are We Doing in Afghanistan?
We're still figuring that out.
Jay Cost:
ReplyDeleteNone of this is to say that the President isn't going to be able to pull in some Republican support on this bill. He might. Regardless, I think bipartisanship is of limited use in governing this country. The Presidency is a powerful office, but it isn't powerful enough to overcome partisanship.
I must say that there were rosy predictions, all around, about how the Bush tenure would turnout.
ReplyDeleteI mean the guy even wore a suit, while busting brush at the ranch in Crawford. :)
But, in the end, it did not turn out well, at all. A fiscal disaster and the election of Barack Hussein Obama.
How much worse could the Bush tenure have been, given those two salient realities?
Now, one could point to the positive things that did not occur ... like no major terror attacks in the US of A. But Obama still has that going for him, as well.
That Mr Cheney fears another attack could occur, just another day away from the office, knowing in his heart that no one could manage the Whirled, like he and Scooter did, back in the day.
Those fellows are all just like peas in a pod.
Different day, same shit.
What Are We Doing in Afghanistan?
Jobs creation program.
(Just ignore the on the job suicide rates).
Nazi War Criminal Escaped Justice in Egypt, Converted to Islam
ReplyDeleteWorld | Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 11:39:10 am PST
He was a pious Muslim convert who went to the Al-Azhar mosque daily, living in Cairo, Egypt, until his death in 1992.
And he was also one of the most monstrous Nazi war criminals still at large, who performed medical experiments on imprisoned Jews in the Mauthausen concentration camp: Fate of Dr. Aribert Heim, the Most-Wanted Nazi War Criminal, Is Uncovered.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSome of us opposed the original TARP proposal, based upon the mere fact that
ReplyDeleteIts the essential fraud of rushing through a bill in which the normal rules (committee hearings, finding revenue to pay for the programs) are suspended on the grounds that a national emergency requires it.
But 'something' had to be done, even duece said so. Well, the 'crisis' has not been averted, in the public's minds' eye.
Something must still be done, or a catastrophe will ensue.
A little nip, a little tuck, the Stimulus package will pass.
The CBO uses straight line analysis, doug. Republicans have told me, for years, that their results are flawed.
I still believe those Republicans, from back in the day. The CBO projections are systematicly flawed, have been, still are, will be.
Poor Afghanistan. Always the red-headed stepchild of the GWOT or the GSAVE, or what have you.
ReplyDeleteIraq, in contrast: The war that sold itself.
To which one observer replied, "How...ironic."
Pakistan Frees Nuke Scientist
ReplyDeleteArchitect Of Nuclear Weapons Program, A.Q. Khan, Was Under House Arrest For 5 Years For Selling Nuke Secrets
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThere was the era of
ReplyDeleteFree Love
Now it's the
Free the Terrorist
Then there are those wars that kind of sneak up on you.
ReplyDeleteHow long before AFRICACOM moves from Stuttgart to Africa?
Smile, wi"o", Ohio will get its'
ReplyDelete"Fair Share", and they'll be 'legal immigrants', to boot.
That's why I bought a Glock...
Just submitted a new security plan for our temple...
Taking concealed carry permit next month...
Bring the nazi hamas to ohio....
btw, we already have 80,000 islamic somalis...
ReplyDeletenow ohio is the center of Identity theft...
Final Seconds Before The Crash
ReplyDeleteCBS has different video.
Listen to the conversation between air traffic controllers and U.S. Airways pilot Chesley Sullenberger moments before the plane goes down in the Hudson.
Dyslexia Strikes WIO
ReplyDelete"Bring the nazi homos to Ahia...."
"btw, we already have 80,000 islamic somalis...
ReplyDeletenow ohio is the center of Identity theft..."
Who did that Clinton or Bush?
Pakistan Frees Nuke Scientist
There should be an international contract on his head.
Mətušélaḥ said...
ReplyDeletePakistan Frees Nuke Scientist
There should be an international contract on his head.
Great Minds Think Alike...
Now the great father of the islamic bomb ( a theft who STOLE the information from the west) will be out and about in that safe, law abiding place called paki-stan....
I cant WAIT for someone to chop his head off...
2164th said...
ReplyDelete"btw, we already have 80,000 islamic somalis...
now ohio is the center of Identity theft..."
Who did that Clinton or Bush?
Not positive, but it the war started in 1991 so I'd say the majority?
under clinton
43. peterike:
ReplyDeleteMy oh my, His Highness done went and had himself a hissy fit.
Obama, speaking to about 200 House Democrats at their annual retreat at the Kingsmill Resort and Spa, dismissed Republican attacks against the massive spending in the stimulus.
“What do you think a stimulus is?” Obama asked incredulously. “It’s spending — that’s the whole point! Seriously.”
The economic ignorance of his remark is, of course, staggering. But not a bit surprising.
I like this little bit even better.
“When you start hearing arguments, on the cable chatter, just understand a couple of things,” he [Obama] said. “No. 1, when they say, ‘Well, why are we spending $800 billion [when] we’ve got this huge deficit?’ – first of all, I found this deficit when I showed up, No. 1.
“I found this national debt, doubled, wrapped in a big bow waiting for me as I stepped into the Oval Office.”
Ahh yes, what a genius. So the way to save a man dying from a bleeding stab wound is to stab him five more times. Thus ever is the logic of Socialists.
Well, I’m sure he’s gonna save a ton of money on defense spending. Peace Dividend II anybody?
44. Doug:
Give us a break peterike:
Only 1 percent of those billions is wasteful spending.
The POTUS tells us so.
Answering my own question: I give it two years; they move to Djibouti - and pull Yemen across the Gulf into their orbit as well.
ReplyDeleteNew Economic Genius in Town:
ReplyDelete“What do you think a stimulus is?”
Obama asked incredulously.
“It’s spending — that’s the whole point! Seriously.”
Yeah, Seriously,
(By that time, we might be sending whole DOS families to Baghdad. Seriously.)
ReplyDeleteColombian rebels' new strategy: release hostages
ReplyDeleteEarly in 2008, the FARC worked with Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez to orchestrate the release of two groups of hostages amid a flurry of international ...
"The release of four hostages Sunday marks an attempt by FARC to regain public credibility after a devastating year, say analysts."
ReplyDeleteGood luck with that, guys.
I'm gonna have to go live in a cave, I don't think I'll surivive reading what they're up to the next four years, it'll kill me....
ReplyDeleteWhat is "Occupation" said...
.on January 27, President Obama signed Presidential Determination No. 2009-15, which allocates $20.3 million for Palestinian migration and refugee assistance.
Today a memo sent by President Obama to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton seems to invite Hamas to “migrate” into the United States of America.
The presidential determination covers the “Unexpected Urgent Refugee and Migration Needs Related to Gaza.”
How much can poor old Lady Liberty stand?
Curry said that Suleman said she intends to return to college in the fall to complete a master’s degree in counseling.
ReplyDeleteG-d Almighty, In Counseling, I'm Going Back To Bed
I'm going back under the bed.
Let's face it. The country voted for a moslem loving morally challenged jiveass idiot.
ReplyDeleteThe country voted for
More like against the other options. Only there weren't that many options.
Clinton and Bush share equal billing, in regards admittance of the Somali. More than half of them came on GW Bushs' watch.
ReplyDeleteWe have admitted 83,991 Somali Shariah-supporting immigrants to the US in 25 years. More then half, 43,682, came since September 11th!
How did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are telling
Always there is a tendency to want to blame the 'liberals', or at least the Democrats.
ReplyDeleteBut when the research is done, the truth of the Republican reality rears its' head, almost everytime.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteBut bob, we voted for him in 2000 and 2004. The muslim loving idiot moved back to Texas, you told me yesterday, and here you are, bashing him, today.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't go as far as you did, calling Mr Bush morally challenged and jive-assed. Though leaving those Border Patrolmen in jail for years, before commuting their sentence, not even complete and total pardons was morally abhorrent.
Kind of urban ghetto half-assed, rather than jive-assed.
Interest in "Peak Oil" tracks gasoline prices, who would have thunk it?
ReplyDeleteHere's An Article About Energy Independence And Why It's Both Impossible And Unneeded That's Got Stuff In It To Tick Nearly Everyone Here Off
ReplyDeleteThe New Urbanists:
ReplyDeleteTackling Europe's Sprawl
In the last few decades, urban sprawl, once regarded as largely a U.S. phenomenon, has spread across Europe. Now an emerging group of planners is promoting a new kind of development — mixed-use, low-carbon communities that are pedestrian-friendly and mass-transit-oriented.
by bruce stutz
ReplyDeleteAll the excuses that Robert Bryce brings up, and they are nothing but excuses, have been shown to be erroneous and fallacious. Innovation needs a market. The market is growing. And innovation is changing the market. All this is occurring at a blistering rate.
Unfortunately the market is still not level. Unfair subsidies given to oil by way of a $1.4 trillion dollar a year insurance premium subsidy that US taxpayers are paying, still prevails. People talk of the pork in the stimulus package, but like I said earlier, it is bird seek compared to the protection money the oil industry receives. is bird seed compared to the protection money the oil industry receives..
ReplyDeleteChevron Makes Big Oil Find Off Texas
ReplyDelete(You'll be happy to hear domestic crude is falling in both quality and quantity Mat!)
ReplyDeleteGo Greens!
Chevron Makes Big Oil Find Off Texas
Yey! Happy motoring is here again!
It will be, for at least the next twenty years, happy motoring.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI recall trish speaking of Ms Power, and then her rise to semi-prominence followed on by dismisal from Campaign O. Seems she dissed Hillary.
ReplyDeleteSamantha Power
Author of "A Problem from Hell", tipped for a top position at National Security Council
At the NSC, Ms Power is expected to be given a portfolio dealing with global governance. Her counterpart at the state department will probably be Carlos Pascual of the Brookings Institution, another firm supporter of the UN. He has argued for beefing up its peacekeeping capabilities.
Shifting horizons
By Gideon Rachman
A video clip from a 2002 interview reveals Power calling for…”sacrificing … billions of dollars not in servicing the Israeli military but rather investing in the new state of Palestine” and in a “mammoth protection force.”
ReplyDeletePower suggested that the US would need to send a “meaningful military presence” to go in on a scale greater than any previous force. Though “imposition of a solution on unwilling parties is as a “dreadful… a terrible thing to do, … fundamentally undemocratic,” she said, it was essential to stop Israeli and Palestinian leaders who seem “politically destined to destroy the lives of their own peoples.” She suggested that just as “external intervention” in Rwanda might have prevented genocide, doing the the same in “Palestine-Israeli situation” would likely prove “lesser evils.”
Did you follow that? Powers, way back in 2002, suggested that neither the Israelis nor the Palestinians are capable of resolving their conflict; and that in the interests of regional stability and ending the bloodshed for both sides, that the U.S. should intervene and possibly impose a settlement on both sides. Sounds like advocating an invasion to me, doesn’t it?
Tikun Olam-תקון עולם: Make the World a Better Place
Essays on politics, culture and ideas about Israeli-Arab peace and world music
Does anyone think that US Forces will be welcomed with open arms in Gaza? This won't be will be peacemaking and a bloody one at that.
ReplyDeleteUnless...our forces work as the UN works in Lebanon. Which is with a blind eye.
I mean, what are we going to do? Standby as Hamas rains rockets on Israel? What happens when we try to shut down the smuggling tunnels? We'll have to pour billions of dollars into that rat hole just to buy cooperation.
ReplyDeleteI hope we have our COIN perfected.
Does Power, et al propose that we also occupy and patrol Israel? I can just hear the protests from the Muslim world. "Why aren't you occupying Israel?"
I guess that what will precede a significant middle east peace making/keeping expeditionary force is a detente with Iran.
ReplyDeleteThomas P.J. Barnett says that by deposing Saddam before dealing with Iran, we empowered Iran. He says that Iran is now our partner in rebuilding Iraq and that a nuclear Iran may be acceptable.
Meanwhile in DC, Senate Democrats say they've reached a deal on the Stimulus... They cut $110 billion and the package is 42% tax cuts and 58% spending.
ReplyDeleteTotal package is $780 billion. Whew, for a while there I thought they were going to blow the budget.
ReplyDeleteThank God for bipartisanship.
ReplyDeleteWhen Jeruseliem is Internationalized, with the same Nation force struicture used in the Lebanon, those being Italy, Russia, Framce, Turkey for the most part.
ReplyDeleteIt becomes Capital to both States, with fairly ajudicated decisions on water and property rights.
When the borders of Gaza are opened to the whirled of free trade and there will not longer be an economic incentive to maintain those hundreds of tunnels.
Taking the decision to lift the Israeli impediments to Palistinian development out of Bibi's and Israeli control and replaced with a UN Peace Administrator.
Slim a little, trim a tad, shoehorn a bi-partisan Senate agreement.
ReplyDeleteTake it to Conference, see what happens.
As we skirt with catastrophe on a Global Scale.
My prediction is that there will be no more Arabs/Jihadists in Judea/Samaria when oil is no longer a factor. Sinai and Gaza will be retaken. And Southern Lebanon too will be incorporated into Israel.
ReplyDeleteJust as everybody else carved their territory, so will Israel. There will be no double standard here.
It was 2002. Step back into that year for a minute. Look around at what was happening.
ReplyDeletePeople were saying - and suggesting - all kinds of goofy things. Granted, some of it is only goofy in hindsight. But much of it was prima facie goofy - and still is.
"Hindsight" being the key word.
ReplyDeleteI have found that people that say really goofy things, who are put in positions of authority, often do rather goofy things.
TO: President-elect Obama
FROM: Carlos Pascual
DATE: January 1, 2009
SUBJECT: Investing in Peace: From Rhetoric to Operational Capacity
Stabilize a country and you help stabilize an entire region.
Stabilization and reconstruction, or what the international community calls peace-building ...
Stabilization is the first requirement after conflict. It is incumbent on the international community to guarantee peace and impose law and order in the absence of a widely accepted rule of law. In addition to basic security, there is a “window of necessity” to meet humanitarian needs and give people confidence in the future. The process must start to disarm, demobilize and reintegrate (DDR) warring opponents. Elections, when conducted too soon, can be detrimental, forcing competition among previously warring factions before wounds have healed and potentially entrenching criminals or warlords in political office.
Unraveling the past means that, eventually, societies recovering from conflict must address the factors that drove them to fight in the first place. If they do not, these issues—such as exclusion from politics, ethnic or religious persecution, massive poverty, corruption, and land and water disputes—will at some stage resurface.
Building the infrastructure, laws and institutions of a democracy and market economy entails creating the foundations for a prosperous nation state. It is the most complicated stage of transition. Laws and regulations must be written and adopted, people must learn new forms of governance, investments must be made in appropriate infrastructure, and governance theory and training must be put into practice.
Nurturing civil society is an investment against revolving authoritarianism. Outsiders cannot build civil society, but they can offer training to media, civic organizations, business groups, environmental activists and others who can advance community interests and guard against abuses of power. Women have often played a critical role addressing health care, education and water and land issues that can contribute to an environment of trust.
Coordinate U.S. efforts with international partners. As argued earlier, most stabilization and reconstruction missions take at least five to ten years. The costs and required skill levels exceed what any single nation can provide. The United Nations, for all its limitations, can bring legitimacy and mobilize support from countries such as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and China. Already, the European Union, the United Kingdom and Canada have funded much larger stabilization and reconstruction capabilities than the United States. NATO, the world’s strongest military alliance, is barely able to sustain a massive stabilization and reconstruction mission in Afghanistan.
Already, the European Union, the United Kingdom and Canada have funded much larger stabilization and reconstruction capabilities than the United States.
ReplyDeleteMazel Tov.
Let them keep on truckin'.
Did Mr. Pascual mention that the US has been occupied in Mesopotamia with little help from some of those he hails.
ReplyDeleteI particularly thinking of Schroedoer, Chirac and Zapatero.
ReplyDeleteThe bestest buddies one could never ask for.
desert rat said...
ReplyDelete>When Jeruseliem is Internationalized, with the same Nation force struicture used in the Lebanon, those being Italy, Russia, Framce, Turkey for the most part.
And Jews will die....
>It becomes Capital to both States, with fairly ajudicated decisions on water and property rights.
And Jews will be blocked from their MOST Holy place the Temple Mount...
>When the borders of Gaza are opened to the whirled of free trade and there will not longer be an economic incentive to maintain those hundreds of tunnels.
ANd Jews will die
>Taking the decision to lift the Israeli impediments to Palistinian development out of Bibi's and Israeli control and replaced with a UN Peace Administrator.
And Jews will die....
Just like those same international groups allowed, helped and continued the practice of Jew murder for sport and pleasure...
Thanks but no thanks...
the world has lost all rights in "protecting" anything Jewish....
All this stimulus package is, is Chigaco patronage writ large.
ReplyDeleteNotice, much doesn't come on line until right before the elections 2012.
Ben Franklin was right.
What you do, see, is you make the morons dependent on a government check, then rule the country.
ReplyDeleteAnd, you turn over the medical world to guys like Ash, who has never done a GODDAMN THING, promising immortality.
ReplyDeleteWe're FUCKED.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIt's a damned sorry thing to see America go the way of Rhodesia.
ReplyDeleteIt will just take a little longer.
Made a mistake there, in my last post, so I correct--
ReplyDeletebobal said...
Assholes like ASH, running the medical world.
O Christ.
And, while I'm at it, this Senator, Stabenow, I have learned, whose husband got caught fucking a little lady in some motel room, and wants to nix freedom of speech in our country, her husband was a big boy in the failed Air America.
The reason that much of all this money isn't going to be spent until later, until around the next presidential elections, is for buying votes, at that time.
Is there anyone here that would want ASH as their surgeon, or anesthesiologist?
ReplyDeleteWhat I see is a lowering of the forms, a devolution, a sloughing off off the old hard things, a regression, a regression to something easier, a return to fallehenism.
This is a phenomenon well attested to in art.
ReplyDeleteDon't let Ashley get under your skin. There's only one medication to cure people like Ashley, and I've already prescribed it.
Blogger bobal said...
ReplyDelete" And, you turn over the medical world to guys like Ash, who has never done a GODDAMN THING, promising immortality."
I it is funny you should bring this up again Bobal. I was reading he NY Times Sunday magazine and I came across this little tidbit:
"You can find examples of this disorder in just about any realm of American life. Walk into a doctor’s office and you will be asked to fill out a long form with the most basic kinds of information that you have provided dozens of times before. Walk into a doctor’s office in many other rich countries and that information — as well as your medical history — will be stored in computers. These electronic records not only reduce hassle; they also reduce medical errors. Americans cannot avail themselves of this innovation despite the fact that the United States spends far more on health care, per person, than any other country. We are spending our money to consume medical treatments, many of which have only marginal health benefits, rather than to invest it in ways that would eventually have far broader benefits."
Is this really true? For all your high falutin bestest ever in the world medical care you guys are still stuck with these godawful, inefficient, paper records? My God man, take a good hard look at your system and dream of the small things - like electronic databases.
Trish, ya, that was my thought too regarding the Powers desire to wade in with guns blazing - ummm, tried that and it option?
That's not goofy, Rat. That's SOP.
ReplyDeleteAnd you look for the hand-off wherever you can get it. Sometimes you can't get it.
NATO would like to get rid of the booger on its finger, for instance. Last we inquired, the UN wasn't interested.
Are you guys nuts??? Even a dental hygienist like Mats can pull up a record of what was teeth were cleaned, what gum was flossed, and when the last x-ray was done by consulting their little ole computer.
ReplyDelete"It's a damned sorry thing to see America go the way of Rhodesia."
ReplyDeleteWhat the *fuck*, bob.
Are you typing from under the bed again?
I'll try hard, Mat, I promise, but it's hard.
ReplyDeleteA hard thing to do.
These electronic records not only reduce hassle; they also reduce medical errors.
You're truly an ignorant moron. And you have no idea of what you're talking about.
I'll try hard, Mat, I promise, but it's hard.
Just do what I do. Grab the internet baseball bat and hit her hard. She likes it when she's abused. It's a cultural/genetic/mental defect they have.
This coming from a boy who cleans teeth for a living. Tell us, o wise one, how medical databases increase error. I know you have trouble with reading, but that was an NY Times article I cited asking for US folk who have experience with their system as to whether it was a true depiction of what is occurring in America - the reliance on paper records and having to fill out forms each time one visits a medical professional. It sounds pretty incredible to me. I suspect the article is a bit o loud propagand...or maybe that's true. Bobal, what say you?
ReplyDeleteEven a dental hygienist like Mats can pull up a record..
Actually, they can't. The dental files belong to the Dentist. As do the radiographs and everything else in the dental office.
There ya go - you've got to seek permission to see the holy information.
ReplyDeleteThis coming from a boy who cleans teeth for a living.
LOL. Well, my little Jihadist faggot, how about you fly over from Vancouver estate, and we'll clean your teeth.
Trish, ya, that was my thought too regarding the Powers desire to wade in with guns blazing - ummm, tried that and it option?
ReplyDeleteFri Feb 06, 09:43:00 PM EST
We're teed up for some high profile jaw-jaw, ash.
It's a show we haven't seen in awhile.
Foggy Bottom, a nation turns its lonely eyes to you. Woo woo woo.
There ya go - you've got to seek permission to see the holy information.
You really are an idiot. And an ignorant idiot to boot. Electronic records require 3x the time and work. I know. Because I have first hand knowledge of this and you don't.
yes, I'm sure you know best mattie - please tell us how efficient that old typewriter was compared to the modern word processor...inquiring minds want to know.
ReplyDeletetrish, it's...ironic.... that the old 'liberals' are the non-interventionists.
And my daughter's going to work for them. Er, us.
ReplyDeleteLet it never be said that I didn't contribute to a peace effort somewhere.
yes, I'm sure you know best mattie - please tell us how efficient that old typewriter was compared to the modern word processor...inquiring minds want to know.
We're not talking about typewriters. We're talking about time required to make a record. And I'm telling you it takes 3x longer to do it electronically than to do it by hand. Plus, electronic records are susceptible to hardware failure, handwritten notes are not.
Mat sounds like the typical elite progressive collectivist.
ReplyDeleteAny authoritarian solution he can embrace if it's trimmed in the color green and promotes the environmentalist/anarchist agendas.
Until those solutions threaten his own little guild, and then he's as reactionary as any redneck logger at a convention of owl hooters.
Promote innovation, mat. Don't be such a dinosaur.
Got to leave the dead trees behind, mat.
ReplyDeleteGo with the SOP, in the 21st Century. Electronic innovation will turn your practice around ...
and around and around.
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ReplyDeleteGot to leave the dead trees behind, mat.
What's wrong with recycled paper?
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