The truth of the matter is that I am not convinced man's affect on global warming is proven science, but I am dead certain China is an environmental nightmare and American politicians from Nixon forward sold out to Wall Street and collectively jumped the shark with the Chinese.
It is appalling to me to see what they are doing unopposed in the US and in Latin America. The Chinese are intellectual property pirates and have used the west to build an industrial and soon to be, an economic and military colossus. The Chinese choose an American industry to target and compete with that industry by stripping away all safety and environmental common sense rules, all legislated regulation, all worker social programs and bring products to the United States that no domestic producers can replicate at similar prices.
The US policies toward China have been diabolical to the point that the only way a US company can compete is to close US factories and set up new facilities in China. The Chinese recycle the dollars into a military expansion and a colonization effort on a global scale. The government of the United States of American let them get away with it.
The fruits of this folly became clear to a rookie US president in Copenhagen. I sincerely hope that Obama learned a lesson. Read this story and tell me if you share my indignation.
How do I know China wrecked the Copenhagen deal? I was in the room
As recriminations fly post-Copenhagen, one writer offers a fly-on-the-wall account of how talks failed
Mark Lynas, Tuesday 22 December 2009 19.54 GMT
Copenhagen was a disaster. That much is agreed. But the truth about what actually happened is in danger of being lost amid the spin and inevitable mutual recriminations. The truth is this: China wrecked the talks, intentionally humiliated Barack Obama, and insisted on an awful "deal" so western leaders would walk away carrying the blame. How do I know this? Because I was in the room and saw it happen.
China's strategy was simple: block the open negotiations for two weeks, and then ensure that the closed-door deal made it look as if the west had failed the world's poor once again. And sure enough, the aid agencies, civil society movements and environmental groups all took the bait. The failure was "the inevitable result of rich countries refusing adequately and fairly to shoulder their overwhelming responsibility", said Christian Aid. "Rich countries have bullied developing nations," fumed Friends of the Earth International.
All very predictable, but the complete opposite of the truth. Even George Monbiot, writing in yesterday's Guardian, made the mistake of singly blaming Obama. But I saw Obama fighting desperately to salvage a deal, and the Chinese delegate saying "no", over and over again. Monbiot even approvingly quoted the Sudanese delegate Lumumba Di-Aping, who denounced the Copenhagen accord as "a suicide pact, an incineration pact, in order to maintain the economic dominance of a few countries".
Sudan behaves at the talks as a puppet of China; one of a number of countries that relieves the Chinese delegation of having to fight its battles in open sessions. It was a perfect stitch-up. China gutted the deal behind the scenes, and then left its proxies to savage it in public.
Here's what actually went on late last Friday night, as heads of state from two dozen countries met behind closed doors. Obama was at the table for several hours, sitting between Gordon Brown and the Ethiopian prime minister, Meles Zenawi. The Danish prime minister chaired, and on his right sat Ban Ki-moon, secretary-general of the UN. Probably only about 50 or 60 people, including the heads of state, were in the room. I was attached to one of the delegations, whose head of state was also present for most of the time.
What I saw was profoundly shocking. The Chinese premier, Wen Jinbao, did not deign to attend the meetings personally, instead sending a second-tier official in the country's foreign ministry to sit opposite Obama himself. The diplomatic snub was obvious and brutal, as was the practical implication: several times during the session, the world's most powerful heads of state were forced to wait around as the Chinese delegate went off to make telephone calls to his "superiors".
Shifting the blame
To those who would blame Obama and rich countries in general, know this: it was China's representative who insisted that industrialised country targets, previously agreed as an 80% cut by 2050, be taken out of the deal. "Why can't we even mention our own targets?" demanded a furious Angela Merkel. Australia's prime minister, Kevin Rudd, was annoyed enough to bang his microphone. Brazil's representative too pointed out the illogicality of China's position. Why should rich countries not announce even this unilateral cut? The Chinese delegate said no, and I watched, aghast, as Merkel threw up her hands in despair and conceded the point. Now we know why – because China bet, correctly, that Obama would get the blame for the Copenhagen accord's lack of ambition.
China, backed at times by India, then proceeded to take out all the numbers that mattered. A 2020 peaking year in global emissions, essential to restrain temperatures to 2C, was removed and replaced by woolly language suggesting that emissions should peak "as soon as possible". The long-term target, of global 50% cuts by 2050, was also excised. No one else, perhaps with the exceptions of India and Saudi Arabia, wanted this to happen. I am certain that had the Chinese not been in the room, we would have left Copenhagen with a deal that had environmentalists popping champagne corks popping in every corner of the world.
Strong position
So how did China manage to pull off this coup? First, it was in an extremely strong negotiating position. China didn't need a deal. As one developing country foreign minister said to me: "The Athenians had nothing to offer to the Spartans." On the other hand, western leaders in particular – but also presidents Lula of Brazil, Zuma of South Africa, Calderón of Mexico and many others – were desperate for a positive outcome. Obama needed a strong deal perhaps more than anyone. The US had confirmed the offer of $100bn to developing countries for adaptation, put serious cuts on the table for the first time (17% below 2005 levels by 2020), and was obviously prepared to up its offer.
Above all, Obama needed to be able to demonstrate to the Senate that he could deliver China in any global climate regulation framework, so conservative senators could not argue that US carbon cuts would further advantage Chinese industry. With midterm elections looming, Obama and his staff also knew that Copenhagen would be probably their only opportunity to go to climate change talks with a strong mandate. This further strengthened China's negotiating hand, as did the complete lack of civil society political pressure on either China or India. Campaign groups never blame developing countries for failure; this is an iron rule that is never broken. The Indians, in particular, have become past masters at co-opting the language of equity ("equal rights to the atmosphere") in the service of planetary suicide – and leftish campaigners and commentators are hoist with their own petard.
With the deal gutted, the heads of state session concluded with a final battle as the Chinese delegate insisted on removing the 1.5C target so beloved of the small island states and low-lying nations who have most to lose from rising seas. President Nasheed of the Maldives, supported by Brown, fought valiantly to save this crucial number. "How can you ask my country to go extinct?" demanded Nasheed. The Chinese delegate feigned great offence – and the number stayed, but surrounded by language which makes it all but meaningless. The deed was done.
China's game
All this raises the question: what is China's game? Why did China, in the words of a UK-based analyst who also spent hours in heads of state meetings, "not only reject targets for itself, but also refuse to allow any other country to take on binding targets?" The analyst, who has attended climate conferences for more than 15 years, concludes that China wants to weaken the climate regulation regime now "in order to avoid the risk that it might be called on to be more ambitious in a few years' time".
This does not mean China is not serious about global warming. It is strong in both the wind and solar industries. But China's growth, and growing global political and economic dominance, is based largely on cheap coal. China knows it is becoming an uncontested superpower; indeed its newfound muscular confidence was on striking display in Copenhagen. Its coal-based economy doubles every decade, and its power increases commensurately. Its leadership will not alter this magic formula unless they absolutely have to.
Copenhagen was much worse than just another bad deal, because it illustrated a profound shift in global geopolitics. This is fast becoming China's century, yet its leadership has displayed that multilateral environmental governance is not only not a priority, but is viewed as a hindrance to the new superpower's freedom of action. I left Copenhagen more despondent than I have felt in a long time. After all the hope and all the hype, the mobilisation of thousands, a wave of optimism crashed against the rock of global power politics, fell back, and drained away.

China getting more restrictive on trade, US says
ReplyDeleteSAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- China imposed more trade restrictions in 2009, increasing concern that the country is failing to comply with its obligations as a member of the World Trade Organization, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative said in an annual report Tuesday.
"Despite the progress achieved in 2009, several specific issues continued to cause particular concern for the United States and U.S. industry, given China's WTO obligations," the U.S. Trade Representative wrote in its report.
Intellectual property rights, industrial policies, trading rights and distribution services, agriculture and services were the main areas of concern, it said.
The report came a day after the WTO upheld a ruling that China is illegally restricting imports of U.S. music, movies and books. See full story on WTO ruling against China.
China joined the WTO in 2001, a move that opened up lots of new markets for the country but also required it to cut tariffs, scrap other import barriers, grant greater market access for goods and services from other countries and protect intellectual property rights.
Thank God for China.
ReplyDeleteMaybe they awoke at least a few sleepwalkers.
ReplyDeletewoke up?
They were doing us a huge favor, and didn't even know it.
ReplyDeleteIn fact, they, surely, thought they were doing the opposite.
Totalitarians always have problems with deals like that. They're so used to controlling information in their own countries that they don't seem to realize that closed doors, in the West, really aren't closed at all.
Fuck you.
ReplyDeleteEither announce a new post
or take my name off this worthless mutherfuckin blog!
I don't exude pearls of wisdom for swine!
Fuck you too, Rufus,
ReplyDeleteyou have yet to address my assertions in the previous post.
You are Crap!
You guys asked for it...
ReplyDeleteYou will recall the Resident Rodent pooh poohed this story.
The Resident Rodent is FOS.
...but you already knew that,
I repeat myself.
Was AirTran Flight #297 a Terrorist Dry Run?
Like Climategate, there is another story the national mainstream media has either missed or largely ignored, and that is the story of what really happened on November 17th on AirTran's Flight 297 from Atlanta to Houston.
Much confusion remains about exactly what transpired that afternoon on a plane preparing for takeoff at Hartsfield International Airport. By every account, the undisputed facts are that a large group of men disturbed procedures and upset the flight crew to the point of causing a delay. At least one passenger allegedly refused to comply with repeated requests from flight attendants to discontinue his use of a cell phone (in compliance with FAA regulations) while the plane was taxiing on the runway, causing the pilot to turn the plane around. The entire group was asked to deplane, and TSA officials questioned them before allowing them back on the flight. The original flight crew was replaced. Twelve passengers not involved with the group of belligerent Middle Eastern men deplaned and requested another flight.
Couldn't have gotten me on that flight for a million bucks.
A billion plus an appropriate armement package, perhaps.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHave another drink there, Pineapple Doo Doo Head, or PDDH, as I'm beginning to think of you.
ReplyDeleteWhat exact comments (if you can remember them) are you referring to sot?
This is the link
ReplyDeleteto more brilliant commentary and outstanding links than you will ever find on this POS Thread!
...a bunch about what a stupid brain dead muthafucker you are Rufus.
ReplyDelete...but I repeat myself.
The explanation for your situation has to do with Chelation.
Follow the link above, vacuum head.
Chelation therapy is the administration of chelating agents to remove any remaining brain cells inside Rufus's Skull.
ReplyDeleteOkay, there's a girl, there, and she's wearing a tee shirt, showing off her real nice boobies.
ReplyDeleteIs that it, doo doo head?
(or DDH, as I'm narrowing it down)
Rufus is the Walking BrainDead.
ReplyDeleteNo, Rufus, you have to read the WORDS.
ReplyDeleteBut, of course, anything beyond pictures is beyond your abilities.
Have you ever considered resigning your membership here?
ReplyDeleteYou're just upset because Mel O Dee hasn't been around tonite.
ReplyDeleteDDH + Mel O Dee
DDH + Mel O Dee
DDH + Mel O Dee
OMG, I've been stumped by a dead brain.
I'm a Member, here.
ReplyDeleteAw, shit; I'd never belong to no club that wuz THAT lax in it's membership requirements.
ReplyDeleteRobert has the medal of the Flaccid Penis, right?
Ode to al-Bob and MLD
ReplyDeleteWe used to say that a pony that wuz "stump-broke" had been, "Stumped."
ReplyDeleteYou been "Stumped," DD?
I'm sorry. Did it hurt?
heh, heh, heh
Wuz it Mel O Dee?
Wuz she wearin a "strap-on?"
heh, heh, heh
You motherfukahs are too cruel for me, take me off of this blog to Mel o dy.
ReplyDeleteMel O Dee stumpt DDH.
ReplyDeleteMel O Dee stumpt DDH.
Mel O Dee stumpt DDH.
tra la la
early in the mornin
MLD is a fellow doo doo head?
ReplyDeleteTo my friend Linear
ReplyDeleteMay your engine overheat
May your battery spark and jump
May your timing spit and miss
Your transmission give out
May you run out of gas
Your tire blow a hole
50 miles out of town
Oh, no, DD. Youse is the onliest geneine Doo Doo Head, here.
ReplyDeleteOnliest you. WAS linear that started all this...
So what does
ReplyDelete"Mel O Dee stumpt DDH"
Vacuum Brain?
Yeah, but LT's our frind.
ReplyDeleteStumpt = Stump broke
ReplyDelete...I MEANT DDH!
ReplyDeleteYou know, when you back that mare up to the stump, that you're standing on.
ReplyDeleteDoo doo head,
to me.
I prefer goats.
ReplyDeleteIt's a Muslim thing.
I thought that bag of dried mushrooms was for the soup.
ReplyDeleteDoo Doo Head
ReplyDeleteYou know, short for "Pineapple Doo Doo Head."
But, I think I'll just call you, "DD," for short. That be okay?
Shit, score one for the "Deuce."
ReplyDeleteWell, I've finally had a good laugh, thanks to El Duco.
ReplyDeleteI'm goin to bed.
Duco gets no credit.
ReplyDeleteAll credit is due to my shame.
This place sucks.
This is the link
ReplyDeleteto more brilliant commentary and outstanding links than you will ever find on this POS Thread!
...but I repeat myself.
Allen said,
ReplyDeletetrish wrote: "L'Occitane Rose body wash, for me, MeLoDy."
You are a dear!
"The fragrance opens with the tops notes of Bulgarian, Moroccan and Turkish roses artfully blended with essential oils and distinctive cinnamon. At the heart of this L’Occitane perfume is violet and blackberry. Cedar, sandalwood, vanilla and musk essences are at the base of this truly captivating fragrance. For every woman and every occasion.
"The only things missing are wart of toad and testicle of snail. O well, you can't have everthing. Essential oils could come from small Irish
A Modest Proposal
Okay, one last thing: The "Tiger" ad was hilarious. Good one. Mos Specially for a Doo Doo Head.
ReplyDelete$49.95 / 75ml
ReplyDeleteI shit, I noed that was too intellektull for a Doo Doo Head.
ReplyDeleteIt was an LT link.
Great Link, LT.
I broke out laughing. I'm still smiling.
Contribute to the doo doo head fund.
ReplyDeletedoo doo heads are victim number ones.
"victims number one"
ReplyDeleteWatermelon Marxists
ReplyDeleteBy John Griffing
Global warming as a science is defunct. Evidence of scientific dishonesty abounds, and the recent e-mail revelations may be the last nail in the coffin. When all is said and done, temperatures are falling.
But as a tool for watermelon Marxists -- green on the outside and red on the inside -- climate change orthodoxy represents an opportunity to achieve age-old dreams of communist wealth redistribution.
Don't take my word for it.
Listen to Cass Sunstein, Obama's new regulatory czar and perhaps the most powerful bureaucrat in America:
It is even possible that desirable redistribution is more likely to occur through climate change policy than otherwise, or to be accomplished more effectively through climate policy than through direct foreign aid.
He added:
We agree that if the United States does spend a great deal on emissions reductions as part of an international agreement, and if the agreement does give particular help to disadvantaged people, considerations of distributive justice support its action, even if better redistributive mechanisms are imaginable.
Furthermore, Sunstein thinks that "[i]f we care about social welfare, we should approve of a situation in which a wealthy nation is willing to engage in a degree of self-sacrifice when the world benefits more than that nation loses."
Sunstein is not alone.
Sacked environmental czar Van Jones talks of "eco-apartheid." To a like-minded audience, Van Jones exclaimed, "Give them the wealth! Give them the wealth! No justice on stolen land...we owe them a debt."
President Obama is presumably on board, having pledged to "bankrupt" the coal industry, among other telling remarks:
If Obama is too stupid to realize that he was humiliated, then he deserves to go back again and again. The more energy he wastes chasing climate glory, the less he's using Air Force One to campaign for socialized medicine or re-electing Dems. Good for him.
ReplyDeleteTo my friend Doug
ReplyDeleteMay the pineapples turn sweet
May the waves come and go
May the tourists retreat
And in your bungalow
May Sonia
Whisper to you
What all men should know
90% of Comments to WaPo article cutting Michael Mann to shreds
ReplyDeleteI luv you, al-Bob!
ReplyDeleteCome into my canoe.
ReplyDelete...just sop it up w/a paper towel, please.
To my friend Rufus
ReplyDeleteMay you drink
Beyond thought
May your plans
Make alot
Of money for you
And may you rule your realm
With kindness, till death overwhelm
To my friend deuce
ReplyDeleteAn intelligent man
Whose artwork commands
Great respect
And high praise too
May you put up with us
And the occasional cuss
That all this talk demands
To Bobal:
ReplyDeleteMay the Melodic Fur be with you.
May your sweetheart and wife never meet.
May the wind at your back always be your own.
May your wild oats never turn to shredded wheat.
May the Fur be with you!
Why is cunt so much more attractive than dick?
ReplyDelete...and what does this have to do with Copenhagen?
ReplyDeleteTo my friends WiO and Allen
ReplyDeleteI don't know how you do it
Facing the challenge
Of being the best
In a sea full of crap
Your culture survives
May it always thrive
As the world goes its way
The Whirelled spins round the drain.
ReplyDeleteIslamic terrorists treated as citizens.
ReplyDeleteElephant Bar Sitcom
ReplyDeleteCasting Director's Report
Bobal and MLD.
Final casting completed.
Elephant Bar Sitcom
ReplyDeleteCasting Director's Report
Field of finalists narrows for role of WiO.
Leading candidate for the role in his native habitat.
I deleted my spam post to re-post this:
ReplyDeleteWas AirTran Flight #297 a Terrorist Dry Run?
Like Climategate, there is another story the national mainstream media has either missed or largely ignored, and that is the story of what really happened on November 17th on AirTran's Flight 297 from Atlanta to Houston.
Much confusion remains about exactly what transpired that afternoon on a plane preparing for takeoff at Hartsfield International Airport. By every account, the undisputed facts are that a large group of men disturbed procedures and upset the flight crew to the point of causing a delay. At least one passenger allegedly refused to comply with repeated requests from flight attendants to discontinue his use of a cell phone (in compliance with FAA regulations) while the plane was taxiing on the runway, causing the pilot to turn the plane around. The entire group was asked to deplane, and TSA officials questioned them before allowing them back on the flight. The original flight crew was replaced. Twelve passengers not involved with the group of belligerent Middle Eastern men deplaned and requested another flight.
Couldn't have gotten me on that flight for a million bucks.
A billion plus an appropriate armement package, perhaps.
Elephant Bar Sitcom
ReplyDeleteCasting Director's Report
Latest casting call lineup for the role of Trish.
Elephant Bar Sitcom
ReplyDeleteCasting Director's Report
A likely finalist for the role of Rufus.
I am certain that had the Chinese not been in the room, we would have left Copenhagen with a deal that had environmentalists popping champagne corks popping in every corner of the world.
ReplyDeleteWhat does it say about the whirled when the Chinese are leading it? To me, it says that the whirled has gone mad. I have never seen the profound lack of common sense and discernment which is currently on display.
Above all, Obama needed to be able to demonstrate to the Senate that he could deliver China in any global climate regulation framework,...
Deliver China? Come on, give me a break. Is this guy serious?
No one can "deliver China" especially now that they're the "big dog", the Daddy Warbucks, the big Kahuna.
We are whirled of idiots ruled by our idiot betters.
China watches while the rest of the whirled is in a race to the bottom.
ReplyDeleteReposted. Rufus liked this.
ReplyDeleteFat New Endorsement Deal for Tiger Woods
Copenhagen is a perfect illustration of the current whirled situation.
ReplyDeleteThe developed whirled is dissipated.
The third whirled, encouraged by watermelons, is grifting the developed whirled losers.
China, sitting on the squandered US fortune, is anticipating the rest of the century.
If America is going down the tubes...
ReplyDeleteAnd the Yuan is rising (against china's will)
And America SLOWS it's consumption of chinese shit...
What will the chinese use for money once the current 1 trillion or 2 is gone..
and what will china do once the yuan is valued fairly and the rest of the world can compete against the chinese exporting machine?
In more important news...
ReplyDeleteLebanon and Syria have joined a mutual defense pack with Iran
Lebanon has dismissed the UNSC resolution 1559 calling on all militias to disarm, which opens up the ability for iran and syria to trans ship arms without qualms of pesky things like laws....
Hamas snipers are shooting at egyptian construction workers installing a metal underground wall separating gaza from egypt...
Iran is reaching out to Egypt....
Rioting in Iran
Those are good questions.
ReplyDeleteChina has a huge domestic market to develop and a state of the art manufacturing base plus a huge cash reserve.
Doug: Why is cunt so much more attractive than dick?
ReplyDeleteTastes great. Less filling.
Doug: Come into my canoe.
ReplyDelete...just sop it up w/a paper towel, please.
Canoe: (n.) An oval shaped object with a slippery surface. can usualy fit about three men inside.
WiO:and what will china do once the yuan is valued fairly and the rest of the world can compete against the chinese exporting machine?
ReplyDeleteThe problem with all totalitarian societies is that a large fraction of your potential workforce is in the "party" devoted to monitoring citizens outside of the party (ie. checking that everyone bought health care insurance, for example), and their salaries are paid for by tapping the total output of the country. In a global market, the country with the most individual freedom has the highest productivity.
whit: plus a huge cash reserve.
ReplyDeleteIs it really that big?
1 - 2 trillion?
wall street BONUSES this fall alone were 150 BILLION, that's 10% of the total debt the chinese hold...
The Chinese are building infrastructure like gang busters no doubt...
500 new coal powered energy plants...
But the simple fact is china is a poor nation, sure it has a ton of wealth (collected by a tiny %) and it is surrounded by land border of enemies...
Not all is rosy in chinaland...
The population is exploding, shortage of women, pollution beyond compare, non-existent work standards, let alone shaky construction technics that wouldnt pass a 2nd graders construction grade...
Nope i could see china having real issues from the explosion of dissent, separative peoples (mongols, moslems, tibetians and about 400 other ethnic groups) as modernity arrives....
There is no reason that China Incorporated is held together as ONE, other than force.
As the 3 gorges dam is completed, heavy metals are now leaching into the water supply causing millions of people to contract GENERATIONAL high levels of toxins that have yet to be predicted...
Couple that with earthquakes that level THOUSANDS of homes, factories, schools and the west never hear about...
China is 3x'ing it's military budget and yet is something like 13% of the USA's.
North Korea sits on it's lap and refugees are streaming into it and what happens if Nkor goes insane? millions of nkor people let alone a nuke situation....
yep china is a clusterfuck for it'sself and all that surround it...
glad we sit across an ocean...
In short, stand by for twenty-degree rolls and heavy seas...
ReplyDeleteThe world economy is not convalescing. It's just been pumped full of unaffordable medicines. Borrowing madly, countries as diverse as Greece and Dubai have been buying time, not fiscal health.
Eighty billion in bad debts may not sound high in President Obama's Washington, but Dubai's just a city pretending to be a country. It produces nothing. There's no inherent wealth. It Madoff-ed the world with extravagant brochures and nutty projects.
In Ireland and Spain, housing bubbles created the illusion of roaring economies -- and pandering governments inflated already generous social programs. In Italy and Greece, state giveaways, bubble economies and rabid corruption created national debts in excess of GDP.
The Baltic states' economies are tubercular. Central Europe's headed for the post-modern equivalent of debtors' prison. And even Britain (and the global bankers' fortress, the City of London) is still in deep treacle. Then there's California (and New York).
Then there are the great unknowns, a Russian economy that may be far more fragile than anyone wants to admit, as well as China, opaque and insatiable...One of the reasons China's desperate to keep expanding its trade is that its banking sector is flimsier than chopsticks -- plagued by uncollectible sweetheart loans made to favored firms and institutions.
What of our own country, with its soaring debt, congressional irresponsibility and an administration whose No. 1 priority is expanding unaffordable entitlement programs? Draw your own conclusions.
"Tastes great. Less filling."
"shortage of women"
Can you IMAGINE, T?
I propose a one child only policy.
ReplyDelete...only girls.
bob said...
ReplyDeleteTo my friends WiO and Allen
I don't know how you do it
Facing the challenge
Of being the best
In a sea full of crap
Your culture survives
May it always thrive
As the world goes its way
"What of our own country, with its soaring debt, congressional irresponsibility and an administration whose No. 1 priority is expanding unaffordable entitlement programs?
ReplyDeleteDraw your own conclusions."
Vacuum Brain Rufus says it's all good,
Full Speed Ahead!
Definition of a perfect vacuum:
ReplyDeleteInside Rufus's Skull.
ReplyDeleteI admit I'm no better than al-Bob.
MLD, if you have a sweet crotch,
contact me, al-Doug@96753
...then there's the resident Rodent:
ReplyDeleteClaiming individual rights for the fuckin ARABS ripping off Air-Trans/Plotting for the downfall of the frigging US of A.
Vacuum Brain, al-Bob, and the Rodent, if that doesn't spell the end of this great country, I don't know what does.
ReplyDeletebob wrote:
ReplyDelete"Of being the best
In a sea full of crap"
Thanks, bob (I think). It is truly an honor to be a floater. :-)
"Each man is questioned by life; and he can only answer to life by answering for his own life; to life he can only respond by being responsible."
What is to be said of a man who can write voluminously for years without once using a question mark?
"I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things."
...lots and lots of questions there...
When men abandon their innate divinity and think themselves little more than serpents, entropy becomes the norm.
Why is this important? Suppose you are a man who two months ago discovered that your arrested prostate cancer has spread, stealthily into your hip; suppose two weeks ago you discover that your wife has raging ovarian cancer; and suppose you have a twelve year-old daughter - you need answers; you need consolation. If your life has been lived as a snake, you won't find peace.
But, bob, you already know this.
Have a Merry Christmas, my friend, holding close the love of your youth.
Grow old along with me!
The best is yet to be,
The last of life, for which the first was made:
Our times are in His hand
Who saith "A whole I planned,
Youth shows but half; trust God: see all, nor be afraid!''…
Not once beat "Praise be Thine!
I see the whole design,
I, who saw power, see now love perfect too:
Perfect I call Thy plan:
Thanks that I was a man!
Maker, remake, complete,--I trust what Thou shalt do!"…
Robert Browning, Rabbi Ben Ezra
...then there's the god damned JOOS!
ReplyDeleteTo my friends Trish, Miss T amd Melody
ReplyDeleteEvery bar must have
A trinity of femininity
To move us ever on
As Goethe said
And to slap us down
Keep us in line
When we lose our heads
Those women are a little plump, Linear.
ReplyDeleteFloaters are Traitors in a Sea of Crap.
ReplyDeleteOnly the must goes in the low-flows pass mustard.
No more clogged toilets.
I shit you not.
The only way to keep anyone "in line" here, bob, is to shoot them.
ReplyDeleteI regret this is not possible, just pleasant to contemplate.
The Fascist Comes Out.
ReplyDeleteAll hands on deck for the fascist.
Have I offended everyone yet?
ReplyDeleteSome journalist remarked recently of the internet: It's 1 AM in a south Boston neighborhood, everyone's drunk and the bars are closing.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAs usual, doug-o, you misrepresent my position.
ReplyDeleteAs per that airplane flight, the Federals came, investigated and found that there was no threat to the plane.
Citizens on the plane then got off, rather than protect their right to travel. They were intimidated by the rag heads, those Muslims being in "full attire".
Rather than stepping up, as citizens, to protect their rights, they ran away from the common responsibility. That public servant, a Federal employee, ran, rather than defend his rights.
His call, but telling as to the gumption of that servant, leading the retreat, rather than organizing a defense.
That you would have followed that coward, truly Polynesian.
We have a motherfucking, Amerika Hating Communist as POTUS,
ReplyDeleteWhat are we going to do about it?
Wed Dec 23, 11:10:00 AM EST
ReplyDeleteYour grammar is unintelligible.
The FACTS are that Air-Trans has been targeted multiple times, either as a scam rip-off for dough, or as a practice prelude to another 9-11.
You, sir, are a shill for the enemy's of America.
"Rather than stepping up, as citizens, to protect their rights, they ran away from the common responsibility. That public servant, a Federal employee, ran, rather than defend his rights.
ReplyDeleteHis call, but telling as to the gumption of that servant, leading the retreat, rather than organizing a defense.
That you would have followed that coward, truly Polynesian."
WTF are you talking about?
The citizens are guilty because the federal agent is fucktard fascist wannabe?
What are we going to do about it?
ReplyDeleteWed Dec 23, 11:12:00 AM EST
I nominate Doug the J3 and I wanna see some fucking plans by COB today.
What I'm going to do Doug, is take that piano and shove it up your ass and turn the hydraulics on and then you'll see how sweet my pussy is.
ReplyDeleteLots of Motherfuckers here are guilty of defining 9-11 down.
ReplyDeleteNot gonna influence me, except to strengthen my resolve against all such wusses.
I cannot wait, MLD!
ReplyDeleteMy lifelong Fantasy!
"I nominate Doug the J3 and I wanna see some fucking plans by COB today."
Translation in ENGLISH, ;uuleze, cunt?
;uuleze = Puuleze
ReplyDeleteCunt = Cunt
So my wife is not an officer, does that make me inferior?
ReplyDeleteGood, I'll get Bob to join us. He can sprinkle some oak leaf clusters of gold on your balls while you're trying to figure out if this really is your life long fantasy.
ReplyDeleteWhat a filthy mouth we have today, Doug.
ReplyDeleteJ3 is Plans and Ops.
COB is Close of Business.
Fuck you, Cunt.
ReplyDeleteSee what you did, bob?
ReplyDeleteIt's Doug's favorite new word.
What's the matter Doug, the mushrooms aren't good for the soup, either.
ReplyDeleteYou and all-Bob are entertainment, MLD.
ReplyDeleteI have yet to fathom what "Trish" really represents.
...other than a military dedicated to defeat.
ReplyDeleteon the one hand,
ReplyDeleteon the other hand...
"I wanna girl
ReplyDeleteJust like the girl
Who didn't marry dear old dad..."
Piano Bar - catchy title for a new blog
Has a winch ever been used during rectal repair? No, I don't mean the surgical tech.
Thanks, bob, for introducing "cunt" to the bar. I
just cunt understand why.
You mean the IC, Doug, because technically that's the bread and butter.
ReplyDelete"...other than an IC dedicated to defeat."
Fixt it for ya.
That's right Doug, it's entertainment. Isn't that what you or someone said the other's the Internet, it's a game, no one's here to make friends. So what's with the fuck you, cunt? Because that sounds a little like animosity to me.
ReplyDeleteFor Trish, MLD.
ReplyDeleteNo animosity toward you,
I gaurantee.
Right back atcha.
ReplyDeleteWhat ever it means.
If someone wanted to convey their point/the facts
ReplyDeletewould not one think they would speak in ENGLISH??
Now, Ms Melody, it is still about boob. His choice of words is being amplified by the echo chamber of doug-o's skull.
ReplyDeleteYou, dear lady Sumo wrestler, are just collateral damage.
Ms T understands, she favors increased collateral damage as a part of the psychological play of the game.
As for that flight that never was, doug.
The NASA diver should have stayed on the plane and protected the citizens from the threat he perceived, after the Security Federals cleared those rag head attired passengers to fly.
That he did not, typical of our public servants.
As opposed to:
ReplyDelete"You mean the IC, Doug, because technically that's the bread and butter.
"...other than an IC dedicated to defeat."
Fixt it for ya."
Agreed, 'Rat, sorry for the misunderstanding.
ReplyDeleteI wasn't taking it personally at all but those are very strong words and usually mean the end to a very interesting fantasy. That's the way I took it. Sweet Melody turn resident bitch and you couldn't handle it. So you had to end it.
ReplyDeleteWed Dec 23, 11:56:00 AM EST -
ReplyDeleteblee blleee boob boo blleee be boo
I could be wrong.
ReplyDeleteAs ODNI we aren't even going back to the military. And have only kept a glancing relationship with it here. And isn't that lucky for us, keeping a healthy distance from the determined defeatocrats of the Armed Forces of the United States?
ReplyDeleteI think so.
The IC...It's so much cooler now.
I have no dog in this fight with you, MLD, other than to elbow my pal al-Bob.
ReplyDelete"The IC...It's so much cooler now."
ReplyDeleteThanx, per usual.
...fits in with the current Admin.
ReplyDeleteI do think that whit referenced this tidbit, really a ground breaking development that was skipped over, in favor of the secretions or love, that have cum to permeate the EB.
ReplyDeleteThe brazen murder of several family members of a Mexican Naval hero threatens to start a dangerous new chapter in the country's drug war, in which cartels increasingly resort to terror tactics to try to force the government to back off. More than a dozen hit men carrying AK-47 and AR-15 assault rifles burst into a house in eastern Mexico around midnight Monday, gunning down several relatives of 3rd Petty Officer Melquisedet Angulo, the 30-year-old who was hailed as a national hero last week after being killed in a battle that left drug lord Arturo Beltrán Leyva dead.
-- Wall Street Journal
Because, amigos, that cold easily happen, here in this part of North America, too.
ReplyDeleteBetcha an Amero to a bagel, there was not a Muslim on the hit team that gunned down the family of 3rd Petty Officer Melquisedet Angulo.
ReplyDeleteMexico is long ago and far away, Amigo.
ReplyDelete...I missed your response to my complaint that amnesty would only encourage the next wave of illegals.
Could you please repeat it?
Doug once told me that Latin Americans are THE threat - and the Muslim thing is by comparison a lot of hooha.
ReplyDeleteI know this, Doug.
ReplyDeleteAnd, as I'm being used as collateral, I'm certainly not damaged.
"That you would have followed that coward, truly Polynesian."
ReplyDeleteGood deal! Polynesians have now been targeted for ethnic slurs. What a relief! The XXXX finally catch a break and get some company.
Next up: "Polywood is controlled by fat, tattooed, pig eating Polynomials, intent on ruling the world through the manipulation of Campbellian and Zoromasterian myths."
This is just too kewl.
Do Polynesians have a Sabbath, or are they always on the dark side, doug?
"Today, December 22, 2009, a date which will live in infamy, thousands of stinky, pineapple wielding Polynesians attacked the USS Ronald Reagan in international waters. The dastardly attack was launched during a moonless night from hundreds of motley catamarans and canoes.
Naval spokesman, Ensign Shirley Glib (aboard the Reagan), reports that, while casualties were light, the Reagan will be pulled from the line and its many tasks of global policing to undergo repainting. Most casualties came from roaring intoxication, the pineapples having been highly laced with local 100 proof hooch. On a personal note, Glib petulantly stated that her reassignment due to unforeseen pregnancy will be delayed and that her %!"?> replacement will be spending Christmas and the New Year with HIS family.
It's hard to keep up sometimes.
ReplyDeleteThere is a war going on in North America and religion, that is a very, very minor factor in it.
ReplyDeleteCatholics and Protestants, Christians all.
But then this fight, it is not about Biblical interpretations.
It is all about supply and demand.
Of products deemed illegal by the Federals, a list of prohibited items, growing since 1913.
Both are, in my book.
ReplyDeleteChavez and Castro are our friends?
...or the (Zeyala or whatever) guy you relexivly backed in his quest against the rule of law, Trish?
What about the second wave of illegals following Amnesty, 'Rat?
ReplyDeletePolynesia is a geographic area, one in which doug-o resides.
ReplyDeleteDoes that make him a Polynesian, or is he still an American.
Can Polynesia really be part of America?
It seems hard to fathom, from a map. Looks more like an expansion of soverignty, outside of America.
Setting the precedent for US to become the United States of the Whirled, rather than being limited, in a stifling way, to the Americas.
We encouraged them to come, doug.
ReplyDeleteSure as shootin'
Those folks making FICA payments with no hope of recovery from their black market Social Security numbers, they were. The Federal Socialists just loved the way that was working.
Who is "we" whiteman?
ReplyDeleteI never did.
When I pledged allegiance did that mean no dissent?
ReplyDeleteI also never hired anyone to clean my toilet, Mexican, Filipino, or otherwise.
ReplyDelete...although it is a point of fact:
ReplyDeletemodern Filipino immiigrants are by and large, Patriots,
the majority of today's "Hispanics"
not so much.
"That you would have followed that coward, truly Polynesian."
ReplyDeleteGet back Joe-Joe! ...caught you with just a triffle of that brownshirt showing...
Hey, if brown is not your color, try yellow. XXXX had to wear it for centuries and look what it did for us.
What about the second wave of illegals following Amnesty, 'Rat?
ReplyDelete"Both are, in my book.
ReplyDeleteChavez and Castro are our friends?"
You weren't speaking of Venezuelans or Cubans. Rather of Mexicans in the US.
And you said that whoever Trish's husband was hunting down, it was of comparatively little or no import.
That was some time ago, when you and a lot of other people were spun into the ceiling everyday on this particular topic.
Then we elected a "crypto Muslim" to the WH and the object of daily concern changed again.
It is indeed hard to follow some of the lines of argument here.
ReplyDeleteAs for me, Melody has been so nice to me, I will always put my armor on, mount my steed, aim my lance at anyone who should attack her.
Well, I've tried to crawl down from my explosion the other day, best I can.
I'm sitting down at the end of the bar, alone, nursing a Khalua and creme, and I know who I wish would join me.
Merry Christmas to all the merkins at the EB. Quite a kerfuffle.
ReplyDeleteHarry's Health Care Hiatus
ReplyDeleteRep. Stupak: White House Pressuring Me to Keep Quiet on Abortion Language in Senate Health Bill
What's Pallin saying?
Israel has made a major policy annoucement in light of the prisoner exchange with Hamas, approx 1000 Hamas terrorists will be exchanged for one Jewish Corporal.
ReplyDeleteWe, the State of Israel accept the Arab position that Jewish blood is in fact more valuable than arab blood. From now one the ratio of 1000 to ONE is the rule. If hamas shoots one rocket we shall shoot 1000 back. If they murder 10 civilians in a terrorist attack, no we will not be the animals they are and murder 10,000 civilians but rather we will assassinate (to use the good arab word) 100 hamas/islamic jihad/pa/plo/force 17/martyrs brgd/whatever name of the week leaders The arab world wants to cement the fact that JEWS are worth more than arabs? SO BE IT..
ReplyDeleteUs real XXXX'ers LOVE yellow, after all we are the canaries in the coal mine of the world.
If we were multi-colored they would want our feathers...
If were looked like chickens? they would eat us...
So I'll keep Yellow as the XXXX Color, along with purple, blue & white...
Going down to Albertson's this morning, to get the milk and eggs, and the paper, there was a beautiful deer in the park there, that I drive by. This may be the same one I saw last year, eating from the crabapple trees there. I'm only a couple blocks away from a wheat field. He comes from over there. Full sized deer, antlered. Beautiful, the way they walk, a little disjointed, if you know what I mean. A little halting, step by step.
ReplyDeleteThe goat is the traditional Swedish Christmas symbol.
ReplyDeleteGo figure.
Christmas Goat Destroyed
I'll need to ask Bob about this along with his recipe for carp.
Well Good Morning, Habu.
ReplyDeleteThe best to you, this Holiday Season.
I'm a happy man. I have spoken with, and touched the hand, of my goddess, Sarah Palin.
ah, I know she isn't perfect.
But I like her alot.
What do you think of her?
Would she make a good President?
I wouldn't put too much trust in that idea, Q.
ReplyDeleteI don't know the answer there.
But then, I'm three generations gone from Sweden, and really don't know what they do.
I like their women though.
I will always remember, on my one trip there, how my brother and I were walking along some seashore, and came upon a maiden, full breasted and nude, maybe 25 years or so, blond, sunning herself, and how she gently turned over, and covered herself, delicately.
Re: Quirk's goat link
ReplyDelete"Vandals are seldom caught, but in 2001 a 51-year-old visitor from Cleveland, Ohio, spent 18 days in jail for setting it ablaze."
WiO......PLEASE!!!.....Tell me it wasn't.....
"In 2005, the goat was burned down by two arsonists dressed up as Santa Claus and the Gingerbread Man. They were never caught."
...those pesky Polynesians...they're everywhere; they're everywhere...and so clever too...almost like "you know who"...If Santa Claus had not been wearing a mauve merkin and the Gingerbread Man a coconut shell codpiece, no one would have been the wiser.
Merkin is a word I didn't know. Now I've looked it up, and since "fuck you" is the phrase of the day, well then, "Fuck You" too.
ReplyDeleteMay your heart give out
You big phoney lout
And let's hope you die in Florida
And not disgrace the land of Montana
Goat thing?
ReplyDeleteAint me....
I aint got no goat thing....
But it is funnier than shit to go to the Restaurant Depot and see in the meat cold room halal whole goats.....
I took my kids just for shits and giggles.... They were SOON shocked...
No moreshocked than dam XXXX Tongue meat in the deli case.... (that STILL gets to me)
Every people on the planet have something odd to eat...
Dont even start about my trip to Paris....
Now there was my trip to Munich, sitting in a very nice hotel's MENS sauna, when these NEKKED Swedish girls just came on it...
ReplyDeleteThey had to correct me about my towel, they said I should not hold it in my lap but rather sit on it...
I took them up on it and man, were they disappointed... But 20 years later? I still have a perfect memory of them....
:) heh
ReplyDeleteI quess we can call them 'liberated' WiO.
ah, hell, I remember that girl to this day, lazy by the Baltic, or where ever it was.
ReplyDeleteAnd that Sioux woman, there in the Dakotas, the most beautiful woman in the world, in the universe, there at the airplane gate, burned into my memory.
Scroll down just a tad for 3 Good articles on Manufacturing Output vs Jobs.
ReplyDeleteBottom line: Jobs down - Output Up.
"I don't know the answer there."
ReplyDeleteYou disappoint me Bob.
With your Nordic tradition? Your love of Campbell. Your being a bard.
Heck, you could have made up something pretty interesting. We wouldn't have known the difference.
Didn't Thor have some kind of a cart pulled by goats? And Odin, didn't he have Frigga by way of intercourse with a goat?
ReplyDeleteRe: "merkin"
I caught that too. But, hey, as Uncle Milty used to say, "Ya got lemons? Make lemonade...sssh!"
Between merkins and Polynesians, it's turning into quite a day.
For those who wondered how we knew the goat vandals were Polynesians given only the merkin and codpiece, well suffice to say, we of the MXXXXXXX are highly trained professional observers. You have to wake p-r-e-t-t-y early in the morning to sneak a Polynesian past us.
Don't know the answer to that, Q.
ReplyDeleteBut if you are accute, and know your numbers, you will realize, that the numbers of the warriors from Valhalla, add up, with a little fixing, to the old numbers from Mesopotamia, and in the Bible too, if I am not confused.
You can check Joe Campbell on that.
This goes to show, how basic ideas are transferred around, in the myths of humanity.
3 Good articles on Manufacturing Output vs Jobs.
ReplyDeleteBottom line: Jobs down - Output Up.
Dont need to READ about it... Just DID it....
We lived through the largest December ever with 30% LESS labor....
I am tired but I can pay my bills and taxes and start the year in the BLACK.....
And my season JUST started til the end of may....
Margins are squeezed, fedex and ups are raising shipping rates by 4.9% come jan 4th...
But I figured out how to use the Flat Rate Envelope better and moved over 1000 boxes with that instead of a 3 pound box....
saved about $2700 JUST on that....
Planning for next holiday...
Designing my boxes to FIT optimum shipping rates...
Having my part-time employee stock up now for feb, even going so far as packing, wrapping and enveloping my boxes so all we do is slip in invoice and poof - out the door...
Yep, gots to LOVE this recession.....
Driving the meaningless competition out....
Thank G-d that easy money is GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Say it with me brother....
(also, Mazel Tov!)
Pesky Polynesians?
ReplyDeleteWho ever heard of such a thing?
From the islands of the tropical Pacific?
Where they allowed a handful of foreigners to control their countries, their futures and eventually their culture.
"Well, I've tried to crawl down from my explosion the other day, best I can."
ReplyDeleteBob, you still sound a bit glum. You got's to lighten up. You owe it to your fans. Its the holidays.
Keep pumping that Kalua and thinking about that Swedish maiden. In no time, you will be back to that same solipsistic, randy, sot we all know and love.
Maybe you could give us a poem. Perhaps some ribald limerick on one of your favorite subjects. How about Ash? Of course you'd have to think up some words that rhyme with Canuck.
The Government expanded their mail subsidies to your line of distribution, wi"o".
ReplyDeleteWe've been using the third class mailing subsidies for printed materials for thirty years, because the subsidies were there to promote exactly what we were doing. In fact we designed many of our products specifically to optimize those 3rd class mailing standards.
Many folks complained of the cost, but I thought the ability to put a 32 page tabloid in any readers mailbox for around thirty cents to be fortuitous.
Neither FedEx or UPS could do it.
Allen, I got to go to bed.
ReplyDeleteBut I'm sure I'm right, on Valhalla, and the numbers from Mesopotamia, and how it is reflected in the ages of the Patriarchs in the Bible.
I don't know what this means, except that it is a reflexcion, in the old writings, of an earlier way of thinking about things.
It's buried there deep, the old concept of fate, and the stars, which as I understand from the Bible narrative, there was a movement away from.
I will look this up, and get back to you.
If I'm wrong, I wish to be told so, so I can get my thinking straight.
By the way, I'm no poet, just a bunch of crappy doggeral.
But I wish I was.
Maybe in another life.
it pains me but i have to agree with DP on his assessment of our public servants. all the ones i have ever known have been the biggest maggots; i have always wondered how they got their jobs and why.
ReplyDeleteone bad ass Hawaiian!
BJ Penn (on top) world light weight MMA champ
ReplyDeleteMeant to mention this a coupla threads back;
Was channel surfing during dinner and caught the end of "Employee of the Month."
Thought of you...
(Not the second ending during the credit roll... wished I'd missed that, spoiled my happy place. )
gnossos, you mean the Soprano's episode?
ReplyDeleteAnyway, new topic on the EB, just in time!
"By the way, I'm no poet, just a bunch of crappy doggeral."
ReplyDeleteBob, your starting to get me worried. We're not going to have to call suicide watch are we?
Actually, that first poem on the last stream wasn't bad. Of course, you'll never get it in the "New Yorker" with that cunt line.
Thanks Bob, being the second of four girls, I had no one to stick up for me and I needed a lot of sticking up for back then.
ReplyDeleteAnd your poetry is wonderful.
ReplyDeleteI think maybe he passed out. I usually put vodka in my Kahlua and cream.
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking Doug finally passed out. (fingers crossed)
ReplyDeleteI apologize for my crude remarks.
It would be nice if you took back this untruth:
"And you said that whoever Trish's husband was hunting down, it was of comparatively little or no import."
I believe you are confusing me with someone else, or I uttered something I have never believed, which seems unlikely, as I also don't remember concocting that particular lie.
(I must have rolled over on the Barroom floor at the exact moment you typed that, Whit)
ReplyDelete...I appreciate the fact that I received no bumps or bruises in the course of my beauty rest.
ReplyDeletePhysically, that is.
ReplyDeleteThe Miracle of Light--God is Light
ReplyDelete...To put the vastness of creation into perspective, Blair uses a sheet of paper: "Imagine that the distance from the earth to the sun (93 million miles, or about 8 light minutes) is compressed to the thickness of a typical sheet of paper. On this scale, the nearest star (4.3 light years) is at a distance of 71 feet. The diameter of the Milky Way (100,000 light years) would require a 310 mile high stack of paper, while the distance to the Andromeda galaxy (at 2 million light years one of the most distant objects visible to the naked eye) would require a stack of paper more than 6000 miles high! On this scale, the 'edge' of the Universe, defined as the most distant known quasars some 10 billion light years hence, is not reached until the stack of paper is 31 million miles high -- a third of the way to the sun on the real scale of things!"
Note to management--
Y'all might consider a sidebar blogroll spot for Washington Rebel. Not only is their blog a worthy addition, they provide nice gratuities in return for the favor.
I did say the Mexican/Hispanic threat was the larger.
ReplyDeleteAs I stated above, though, both are.
ReplyDeleteEverbodies gone on and left me talkin' to myself.
I had to leave LT. Watching Doug embarrass himself was making me feel uncomfortable.
ReplyDeletewhat happens at 200?
ReplyDeletewell lets find OUT
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