Let us see how the new American "Ace of Hearts" and his handlers play this little hand. First a little inconvenience in the Senate Rules:
Standing Rules of the Senate
1. (a)(1) No Member, officer, or employee of the Senate shall knowingly accept a gift except as provided in this rule...
(19) Opportunities and benefits which are..
(E) in the form of loans from banks and other financial institutions on terms generally available to the public; or...
Now the problem where the three card monte begins:
Obama Got Discount on Home Loan
Campaign Defends Lower Rate as Lender Competition for Business
By Joe Stephens
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, July 2, 2008; Page A03
Shortly after joining the U.S. Senate and while enjoying a surge in income, Barack Obama bought a $1.65 million restored Georgian mansion in an upscale Chicago neighborhood. To finance the purchase, he secured a $1.32 million loan from Northern Trust in Illinois.
The freshman Democratic senator received a discount. He locked in an interest rate of 5.625 percent on the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage, below the average for such loans at the time in Chicago. The loan was unusually large, known in banker lingo as a "super super jumbo." Obama paid no origination fee or discount points, as some consumers do to reduce their interest rates.
Compared with the average terms offered at the time in Chicago, Obama's rate could have saved him more than $300 per month.
Obama spokesman Ben LaBolt said the rate was adjusted to account for a competing offer from another lender and other factors. "The Obamas have since had as much as $3 million invested through Northern Trust," he said in a statement.
Modest adjustments in mortgage rates are common among financial institutions as they compete for business or develop relationships with wealthy families. But amid a national housing crisis, news of discounts offered to Sens. Christopher J. Dodd (D-Conn.), chairman of the banking committee, and Kent Conrad (D-N.D) by another lender, Countrywide Financial, has brought new scrutiny to the practice and has resulted in a preliminary Senate ethics committee inquiry into the Dodd and Conrad loans.
Within Obama's presidential campaign organization, former Fannie Mae chief executive James A. Johnson resigned abruptly as head of the vice presidential search committee after his favorable Countrywide loan became public.
Driving the recent debate is concern that public officials, knowingly or unknowingly, may receive special treatment from lenders and that the discounts could constitute gifts that are prohibited by law.
"The real question is: Were congressmen getting unique treatment that others weren't getting?" associate law professor Adam J. Levitin, a credit specialist at Georgetown University Law Center, said about the Countrywide loans. "Do they do business like that for people who are not congressmen? If they don't, that's a problem."
Under financial disclosure rules, members of Congress are not obliged to disclose debts owed to financial institutions for personal residences. Names of lenders and rates paid on mortgages sometimes can be determined by scrutinizing property transaction records. In March, in response to media questions, Obama posted on his campaign Web site records related to his house purchase.
Last week, during debate on a bill to help homeowners caught in the foreclosure crisis, some members of the Senate ethics committee proposed an amendment to require that lawmakers disclose their mortgage lenders and loan terms in annual financial forms starting next year.
In Obama's case, he received a lower rate than the average offered at the time in Chicago for similarly structured jumbo loans. He secured his final mortgage commitment on June 8, 2005, and during that week, rates on similar loans for which information is available averaged 5.93 percent, according to HSH Associates, which surveys lenders. Another survey firm, Bankrate.com, placed the average at 6 percent.
"It's certainly safe to say that this borrower did better than average," said Keith Gumbinger, an HSH vice president, noting that consumer rates vary widely. "It's a good deal."
The Obama campaign called the rate "consistent with Northern Trust policies, and it reflected the base rate set for that period discounted to address the competition for the account and other opportunities, such as personal financial services, that the relationship would bring to Northern Trust."
When the Obamas secured the loan, their income had risen dramatically. Obama assumed his Senate seat in January 2005, with an annual salary of $162,100. That same month, Random House agreed to reissue an Obama memoir, for which it originally paid $40,000, as part of a $2.27 million deal that included two future nonfiction books and a children's book.
Around the same time, the University of Chicago Hospitals promoted Michelle Obama to a vice president and more than doubled her pay, to $317,000.
The couple wanted to step up from their $415,000 condo. They chose a house with six bedrooms, four fireplaces, a four-car garage and 5 1/2 baths, including a double steam shower and a marble powder room. It had a wine cellar, a music room, a library, a solarium, beveled glass doors and a granite-floored kitchen.
The Obamas had no prior relationship with Northern Trust when they applied for the loan. They received an oral commitment on Feb. 4, 2005, and locked in the rate of 5.625 percent, the campaign said. On that date, HSH data show, the average rate in Chicago for a 30-year fixed-rate jumbo loan with no points was about 5.94 percent.
Jumbo loans are for amounts up to $650,000, but the Obamas' $1.32 million loan was so large that few comparables are available. Mortgage specialists say that many high-end buyers pay cash.
Obama's Republican opponent, Sen. John McCain, has no mortgages on properties he owns with his wife, Cindy, who is a multimillionaire.
Unlike Countrywide, where leaked internal e-mails documented a special discount program for friends of chief executive Angelo Mozilo, Northern Trust says it has no formal program to provide discounts to public officials. Loan officers may consider a borrower's occupation when establishing an interest rate, the bank said.
"A person's occupation and salary are two factors; I would expect those are two things we would take into consideration," said Northern Trust Vice President John O'Connell. "That would apply to anyone seeking to get a mortgage at Northern Trust." He added that the rates offered to Obama were "consistent with internal Northern Trust rates at that time."
"The bottom line is, this was a business proposition for us," he said. "Our business model is to service and pursue successful individuals, families and institutions."
O'Connell referred additional questions to the campaign.
Since 1990, Northern Trust employees have donated more than $739,000 to federal campaigns, including $71,000 to Obama, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama's house purchase has been a source of controversy. In 2006, the Chicago Tribune reported that on the day of the closing, the wife of Obama's longtime friend and fundraiser Antoin "Tony" Rezko closed on an adjoining lot that had been the estate's side yard.
The Obamas bought the house for $300,000 less than the asking price of $1.95 million, while Rezko's wife, Rita, bought the neighboring lot for the full asking price of $625,000. Rita Rezko later sold a portion of the undeveloped lot to the Obamas, enlarging the senator's yard.
Tony Rezko already had been linked to a grand jury investigation involving public corruption. Last month, he was convicted of 16 counts in an influence-peddling scheme that reached the highest levels of Illinois state government.

Harry Reid:
ReplyDeletePaying income tax in America is Voluntary
ReplyDeleteThis War is Lost
- Police Woman's baby cut from womb -
ReplyDeleteKENNEWICK, Wash. - Police said a pregnant woman was killed after being stabbed multiple times in the chest and her nearly full-term baby was cut from her womb. A 23-year-old woman has been arrested.
The baby boy was hospitalized at Deaconess Medical Center in Spokane in critical condition.
Court documents said 27-year-old Araceli Camacho Gomez, of Pasco, had her hands and feet bound with yarn and suffered "massive trauma to her stomach area" late Friday night. An autopsy showed she died of the chest wounds, but had other wounds "consistent with the cutting of the body to remove an unborn child."
Her body was found early Saturday in Kennewick's Columbia Park.
A Kennewick woman, Phiengchai Sisouvanh Synhavong, has been arrested for investigation of first-degree murder and is accused of trying to pass the infant boy off as her own in calls made late Friday night to emergency dispatchers. She was being held without bail Monday, with another court appearance scheduled Wednesday.
Court documents say gloves soaked in blood, a boxcutter, bloody paper towels, yarn, baby bottle and baby socks were among some of the items found in Sisouvanh Synhavong's purse.
The Power of the MSM has been, and will continue to be, on display, through November, at least.
ReplyDeleteTheir most powerful weapon:
News that is not reported is not news.
Dodd's contributors over the years would have had him kicked out of the Senate a week ago had he been a Republican.
Barry is a blatant grifter and crook, who sheds Marxist supporters and criminals like the Shuttle sheds (Chlorofloro-free)foam on liftoff.
...to silence, on the whole from the MSM.
Poll Gas prices change energy views...
ReplyDeleteWASHINGTON - High gasoline prices have dramatically changed Americans' views on energy and the environment, with more people now viewing oil drilling and new power plants as a greater priority than energy conservation, according to a new survey.
Changes across demographics
Among the survey's most astounding findings is the dramatic increase in a span of five months in the support for energy exploration and production among groups that have traditionally championed conservation as being the answer to the country's energy problems.
For example, the percentage of liberals who said expanding energy exploration was their most important priority doubled from 22 percent in February to 45 percent; increased by 19 points to 50 percent among independents; and by 18 points to 46 percent among women.
Young people, who in the past have overwhelmingly leaned toward conservation, saw the most dramatic shift. Just over half of the people from 18 to 29 years of age saw expanding energy exploration more important, double the number in February.
The poll showed people remain sharply divided over oil drilling in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, which is now off limits. But in the June survey the number of people favoring drilling there increased to 50 percent, compared to 42 percent last February. Those who opposed drilling fell from 50 percent to 43 percent.
Charles said,
ReplyDelete"This is pretty much what’s happening in california right now. the state is being looted by bad budgeting.
Even as the tax base leaves the state–the state employment rolls are exploding.
The mexicans know quite well that when the state goes bankrupt the USA will bail them out. of course they will curse the USA for insulting them for their incompetance along the way.
After all they were not incompetent.
Rather they were looting california.
… and doing a good job of it.
Would it be their fault that california goes bankrupt.
No more than it is the fault of mexicans for coming to the USA.
Rather the fault is with americans for being weak and feckless."
ReplyDeletethe guys over at the elephant bar have a good post on the US dollar.
along the way they point to the way a large number of countries around the world are piling up dollars in their treasuries they can’t do much with but maybe cause trouble.http://2164th.blogspot.com/2008/06/can-dollar-be-saved.html
If the President of Northern Trust is tellong the truth
ReplyDeletesaid Northern Trust Vice President John O'Connell. "That would apply to anyone seeking to get a mortgage at Northern Trust." He added that the rates offered to Obama were "consistent with internal Northern Trust rates at that time."
"The bottom line is, this was a business proposition for us," he said. "Our business model is to service and pursue successful individuals, families and institutions."
Then there is no problem, if he is not tellong the truth, there may be.
I know a fella that works for Northern Trust, they'll move heaven and earth to get a client of means to sign up with them. Almost anything to close that original deal.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAce got a break of 0.305% Going to be hard to hang him on this one. Obama being a credit worthy individual.
ReplyDeleteHe locked in an interest rate of 5.625 percent on the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage, below the average for such loans at the time in Chicago.
rates on similar loans for which information is available averaged 5.93 percent
No, it's going to be hard to hang him on that alone. I'm disappointed in Obama, any Chicago politician should do better than that.
Already host of the most lucrative hours since radio's inception, Limbaugh's total package is valued north of $400 million, according to media insiders.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe what some of these people make. Just can't believe it. I don't see how the advertising income bears it. Through 2016--50 million dollars a year. jeez
$50 million per annum
ReplyDelete$1 million per week.
Fifty weeks per year, five days a week, three hours a day, 900 minutes per week.
At most, half of which can be sold
450 minutes
$2,222 per minute, just for DJ.
Double that to cover G&O expenses
A single, one minute, ad should be about $7,500. Discounted to $4,500 for multiple insertions.
If we allow for only a third of the time for commercials, 300 minutes per week, the numbers would change, accordingly.
All of the income is not based upon ad sales, there are the fees the stations pay, to carry the show.
But still, gives you an idea of the scope and scale of the enterprise.
That little old 0.305% is a $60,000 payoff. The Senate rule for a lunch limit from a lobby source is $49.99. That is 1200 lunches.
ReplyDeletethe old joke being, "now that we have established what you are, let's negotiate price."
ReplyDeleteWhile at Politico they report
ReplyDeleteMcCain game plan worries insiders
Not quick out of the box, is John McCain.
Some are concerned, others say there is still time for a "turn-around".
The Election is in 125 days.
The die is cast.
ReplyDeleteIf I got the proper noun-verb syncopation.
The feckless Republican base is looking to 2012. McCain is toast.
I happen to agree with much of the bashing in the last thread - what was it Groucho said about never belonging to any club that would have him as a member.
It's time to bury Congress in letters. Let the doctorates Susan Price and Condi Rice shuttle back and forth until the screamers in the M.E. are properly medicated.**
(1) Foreign Oil independence in 5 years.
(2) Border security wall finished in 2 years.
(3) Electric car in 10 years.
I can abso-effing-lutely guarantee that the Dems will be like kids in a candy store - too distracted to focus on time-scaled objectives; riding too high on "save the fill-in-the-blank" platforms.
**When good sense prevails, I'll probably pull this comment. But my tolerance level is breached.
Only a pay-off is there was a quid pro quo, and there is no indication of that.
ReplyDeleteIf there really was a competitive offer, then it's just another day at the office. Since the Senate does not consider mortgages important enough to detail in financial reporting.
Northern Trust is no Countrywide.
It is, as O'Connell says:
"Our business model is to service and pursue successful individuals, families and institutions."
And, as Adam J. Levitin said
"Do they do business like that for people who are not congressmen? If they don't, that's a problem."
Countrywide did not, Northern Trust does it all the time.
The $60,000 discount to Obama turning into a portfolio worth over $3 million they now manage for Obamas.
Was Northern Trust wrong to pursue the Obama account or make that discount? It is a common business practice, for them.
Obama will skate, where Dodd could stumble, based on the differences 'tween Countrywide's business model and Northern Trust's.
I'm not sure it is the Republican base, rather than the Republican candidate, that is feckless, slade.
ReplyDeleteIn fact I'd argue that it is the candidate that has fecklessly abandoned the base, indication that he'll continue on the Bush course, in that regard.
I recall saying that if McCain took the $84 million from the Feds, and was concerned for his Party or Country, he'd pursue donations to the RNC.
ReplyDeleteNow there are reports that he is not, indication that he's in it for the skim on that $84 million.
McCain not fundraising down-ballot
By Aaron Blake
Posted: 07/01/08 07:23 PM [ET]
John McCain has begun to raise eyebrows in Republican circles for his lack of fundraising help on behalf of his party’s House and Senate campaign committees.
The Arizona senator has yet to send a fundraising appeal for those committees nearly four months after becoming his party’s presumptive nominee, and he skipped out on a major fundraising dinner for them in recent weeks.
As we discussed, earlier, Joe Arpio volunteered to both endorse and campaign for McCain. This was weeks, if not months ago, and McCain was "examining the offer", still is.
More from the Hill piece, which stands shoulder to shoulder with Sheriff Joe's experience, with McCain.
The e-mail in the mentioned below, one that Obama sent his list, raising funds for DNC and State organizations.
The e-mail was in response to the $21.5 million the GOP raised two weeks ago at the President’s Dinner, a big fundraiser for the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) and National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC). McCain skipped the dinner, even though the party’s presidential nominee usually attends.
NRSC spokeswoman Rebecca Fisher said there are no commitments yet between McCain and the committee, but that Obama’s fundraising e-mails put things into perspective.
“Trust me, we all noticed,” Fisher said of the e-mails. “A, that would be huge for them. Just seeing that he did an e-mail for [the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee], we said, ‘That’s going to be a significant e-mail.’ And B, we noticed there hasn’t been one on our end. We look forward to when John McCain does one for us.”
An NRCC source said McCain has agreed to help the committee in some capacity but the details were being worked out. ...
Examining the opportunity, in Colombia.
He does not fund raise down ballott, nor for himself.
Where is the leadership?
Who is being feckless?
Looked at that way, deuce, you're right. It does add up, that 0.305%.
ReplyDeleteSenator Dodd's dealings were worse, I think. Can't recall the details but it was more.
Is there an honest man or woman in Congress?
It's not over, Slade. McCain is yet to pick his running mate.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIt's beneath John, to ask for help, or money. Or give any, either
ReplyDeleteHe feels deserving, well, just because ...
You'll come to rue the day you came to know, Big John, the Maverick.
Then he'll be gone, back to the Senate and in 2011, to Arizona, full time.
Border security wall finished in 2 years.
ReplyDeleteShould of been done by now. Didn't we build the transcontinental railroad in less than that? With picks and shovels, and mules.
It isn't gonna get built. If it does I'll eat my hat.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteGrassfire.org Alliance
ReplyDeleteFence Act Update
To: Robert
I'm shocked, but certainly not surprised to learn that the virtual
fence--essentially the same one that proved to be a colossal
failure last summer, is making a return engagement to our Southern border!
The Arizona Daily Star is reporting that Boeing will construct
57 "virtual" towers in the coming months. But most ironic--each
of these towers will be protected by a fence 80x80 feet, with
12 foot wide access roads near each tower!
Robert, this latest example underscores the fact that DHS
has no intention of building the double-layered fence that was
promised us and signed into law--a fence that has been proven
to be highly effective at stopping the flow of illegal traffic!
Instead, our government continues pouring taxpayer billions
into failed technology that one retired border agent says
would be "better spent on steel fences and additional agents."
It's obvious to me that Washington is ignoring, misleading and even
lying to us about the border fence...
It's time for citizens to send Washington a message!
++ 48-Hour Phone and Fax Blitz (July 9-10)
Beginning on July 9, thousands of phone calls and faxes are
scheduled to pour into offices throughout Capitol Hill.
Robert, for this initiative to be successful, I need to
hear from you right now. I need to know that I can count on you
to call your Congressman on July 9 or 10.
Please click here and let me know:
Already more than 40,000 phone calls and faxes have been scheduled,
and with your help I believe we can reach 75,000 by July 9--but
I need your help in the days ahead.
But I must hear from you right away:
After filling out the form indicating that you will call,
please do me another favor by forwarding this important
border security message to 25-30 friends.
Invite them to take action with you by completing
the form, and help us reach our goal of 75,000 calls
and faxes to Congress demanding the fence be built
as promised.
Have them click here:
As I told our Communications Director, Ron De Jong, This is
our last, best effort to get the border fence built as promised.
I'm counting on friends like you to phone and fax beginning
on July 9.
Thanks for taking action to secure our borders with Grassfire!
Steve Elliott, President
Note how Gannett, which owns the Phoenix daily, the AZ Republic, leads the two Presidental families political finance woes, this way:
ReplyDeleteWhat's new: Cindy McCain's wealth; Obama's discount loan
Some of the campaign and political news making headlines this morning:
• The Politico -- Cindy McCain's wealth becoming issue for her husband's campaign: "In 2004, Republicans demanded fuller disclosure about the considerable fortune of Teresa Heinz Kerry, wife of Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry. Now, the GOP is reaping what it sowed. ... Already, Democrats have blasted Cindy McCain’s less-than-full financial disclosure, asserting that it calls into question John McCain’s commitment to transparency and suggests that he may be 'hiding' information about how his efforts in Congress benefited his family. Worse though, the burgeoning focus on Cindy McCain’s finances could attract attention to an aspect of the Arizona senator's family life that is unlikely to be advantageous to him on the campaign trail -- the affluent lifestyle and free-spending habits of the McCain clan."
• The Washington Post -- Obama got a discount on his home loan: "Shortly after joining the U.S. Senate and while enjoying a surge in income, Barack Obama bought a $1.65 million restored Georgian mansion in an upscale Chicago neighborhood. To finance the purchase, he secured a $1.32 million loan from Northern Trust in Illinois. The freshman Democratic senator received a discount. He locked in an interest rate of 5.625% on the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage, below the average for such loans at the time in Chicago. The loan was unusually large, known in banker lingo as a 'super super jumbo.' Obama paid no origination fee or discount points, as some consumers do to reduce their interest rates. Compared with the average terms offered at the time in Chicago, Obama's rate could have saved him more than $300 per month. Obama spokesman Ben LaBolt said the rate was adjusted to account for a competing offer from another lender and other factors."
American Economy for Sale:
ReplyDeleteIt's estimated that the ethanol mandate is saving American motorists $35 Billion/Yr at the pump. It's, also, employing 268,000 Americans.
The Price for Rick Parry, and the Republican Governors, to sell it down the River? $100,000.00 from Pilgrims Pride, evidently.
I think some laws might have been broken, here.
You'd never guess what Obama calls for today, doug.
ReplyDeleteAll hands on deck!
ZANESVILLE, Ohio - Stepping into the thorny territory of church-state relations, Sen. Barack Obama called yesterday for more federal dollars devoted to faith-based organizations that work with the poor.
"As I've said many times, I believe that change comes not from the top down, but from the bottom up, and few are closer to the people than our churches, synagogues, temples and mosques," Obama said in a speech while touring the Eastside Community Ministry, a Presbyterian Church-based social services facility in Zanesville.
"The challenges we face today - from saving our planet to ending poverty - are simply too big for government to solve alone," he said.
"We need all hands on deck."
A thousand points of Federal largess, keep those candles burnin'.
Papa Bush will be so proud, his son'll have a legacy.
I was just going to mention that too. Gives a big speech about his 'personal commitment to Christ' and, as Rat mentions, faith based initiatives. jeez, when the Republicans do that they are hooted at. Right wing Christian wackos, fundanazis, etc. they are called.
ReplyDeleteBut, he made an error lately when he said something to the effect that California's voters shouldn't have a say in the marriage debate there. Shouldn't vote on an initiative.
Yes siree, what this country needs is Federal dollars to Reverend Wright's church, to do the jobs government can't do!
Farrakhan needs Federal some money too.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteDoug, there's a picture of your Caesarian Lady in the paper today. She is very heavy, and looks to be Laotian or Cambodian or something. Had recently gotten married to one of her kind, and had been telling people she was pregnant and going to have a baby. And 'acting strangely'. Some of these people don't fit in so well. Looks like one immigrant cut the guts out of another immigrant to steal the baby. Lord Jesus Christ, in your mercy...
ReplyDeleteWaiver Story.
ReplyDeleteI used to work with numbers - effectively an accountant dealing with data streams. One day I discovered an “error” which was actually a significant form of non-compliance with design code. It was subtle and required a carefully worded memorandum explaining the discontinuity - up to 4 pages single-spaced as I recall.
I was feeling a little fluffed up for catching it.
The reply was forwarded to my attention in a matter of a few days - 4 words - one for each page.
“We got a variance.”
After all that work they sould have at least said thanks for the watchful eye, but we got a variance. Sent you a coffee and donut.
ReplyDeleteRat -
ReplyDeleteI hail from a [semi-] traditional family. The Dad did all the public arguing. When I was a kid and because of some special circumstances I can remember him taking on the lawyers, the doctors, the city politicians, the state administrators, and state legislators. For awhile there it was non-stop.
You [and Rufus] write about your unpleasant experiences with McCain. I believe it. Have no reason not to. By their very nature, these encounters range from unpleasant memory to actionable flashback.
Each mind it’s own context.
I have effectively run out of things to say other than McCain in 2008.
As a footnote, the oil companies can no longer hide behind peak oil. Word is out. It’s now a matter of building bridges with the technicians and accountants.
That’s why God invented graduate students and staff.
ReplyDeleteI do respect your opinions and comments. Sometimes I think you are too close to this McCain thing.
Reminds me of growing up in Tenn. and watching Al Gore (Jr. and Sr.) act completely idiotic, but nobody outside the state would listen...
Next thing you know, Jr. is VP, then running for Pres....
I have a liberal friend who says she will vote for Obama. I said, "you mean the Marxist with the hateful, angry wife?" She said, "yes."
Statistics are the Kiss of Death. Which is why I'm skeptical of the future embrace of Risk Management in any meaningful way. The environmentalists have beaten it up thoroughly and they're supposed to be trained. Risk is fundamental to prioritizing. Without it you have gridlock or do-nothing which is where we're at.
ReplyDeleteThe next 4 yrs (and possibly/probably 8) are going to be a miserable mess. Regardless of which one of these assholes gets elected.
ReplyDeleteFor that reason I'll vote for Obama. I'd just as soon the Democrats get the blame for it.
F^ck if I don't agree.
ReplyDeleteMiserable Mess would be a blessing.
"I'm not sure it is the Republican base, rather than the Republican candidate, that is feckless, slade.
ReplyDeleteIn fact I'd argue that it is the candidate that has fecklessly abandoned the base, indication that he'll continue on the Bush course, in that regard."
On top of 12 years of 41 and 43.
At least 41 didn't make us all pay triple for the war, nor did he intentionally supersize govt as did the compassionate one.
"I said, "you mean the Marxist with the hateful, angry wife?"
ReplyDeleteShe said, "yes.""
Don't leave out the Marxixt that plays the race card relentlessly.
A Bridge too far for me regardless of Citizen Cain.
"But most ironic--each
ReplyDeleteof these towers will be protected by a fence 80x80 feet, with 12 foot wide access roads near each tower!"
A Picture saying more than mere words could ever express.
Here's a meager attempt:
A REAL Fence protecting a "virtual fence."
Well. It's a damn fine day down here. *Somebody* was on the job.
ReplyDeleteThe drinks are on me. A pint and a shot of warm spit for the Undertakers, barkeep.
Colombia Frees Betancourt
ReplyDeleteThree Americans among 15 hostages rescued from rebels.
Greenie Dream for Our Future
ReplyDeleteWhile Pakistan has mobilized its military in FATA regions, it has yet to aggressively and directly combat Taliban and al-Qaeda with significance.
ReplyDeletePrevious reports indicated mortar and other indirect engagements. Pakistani television reports 30 members of security forces have been abducted in Kurram agency.
While newspapers and traditional broadcast media are experiencing declining revenues, Limbaugh's golden microphone has turned diamond-laced:
ReplyDeleteEarnings now pace him ahead of the annual salaries for network news anchors: Katie Couric, Brian Williams, Charlie Gibson and Diane Sawyer — combined!
ReplyDeleteI'm laughing my ass off. Great Picture, Doug.
The lady is minding her organic farm! Our future in organic farming, or, when we go back to mules.
McCain was down at the end of the table and we were talking to the head of the guerilla group here at this end of the table and I don't know what attracted my attention," Cochran said. "But I saw some kind of quick movement at the bottom of the table and I looked down there and John had reached over and grabbed this guy by the shirt collar and had snatched him up like he was throwing him up out of the chair to tell him what he thought about him or whatever. I don't know what he was telling him but I thought, good grief, everybody around here has got guns and we were there on a diplomatic mission. I don't know what had happened to provoke John but he obviously got mad at the guy and he just reached over there and snatched him."
Recent Comments
Let's elect a woman! Vote Obama!
Let's elect a woman! Vote Obama!
That's a good thing, right?
This event shows me McCain wouldn't just answer the red phone at 2...
We need a real MAN in office with some real balls!
I'll vote for...
»Read More
ReplyDeleteFrom the standpoint of morale, enthusiasm, and confidence, the presidential election can be called no contest--Sen. Barack Obama over Sen. John McCain. The Republican candidate has not used the long period since he clinched the nomination to establish an effective campaign strategy. The level of depression among Republicans outside the McCain inner circle is worsening as Obama inches his way rightward, toward the middle of the road (at least rhetorically).
Actually, it still looks like a close race on a state-by-state basis. Despite the enthusiasm gap, this remains a winnable race for McCain in a terrible Republican year. The truth is there remains voter resistance to Obama that to some degree is based on race.
While Obama has been inching rightward carefully (most recently on his "I am patriot" speech), almost overlooked is his announced opposition to the California initiative on same-sex marriage. That could mobilize social conservatives nationwide.
Another impetus to energize the social right may be the announcement of support for "equal time" legislation by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)--the so-called fairness doctrine. This represents a threat to the very existence of small religious radio stations across the country that could stir Christian conservatives out of their political lethargy.
On the surface, the meeting at Washington's Mayflower Hotel of some 150 financial supporters of Sen. Hillary Clinton with Obama was a love-fest. Beneath the surface, though, Clintonistas were unimpressed. The candidate who is so overpowering in football stadium rallies did not capture the hearts of his former opponent's fund-raisers, who deemed his performance "underwhelming."
Retired Gen. Wesley Clark talked his way out of what was shaping as a serious chance to be Obama's running mate when he delivered a mindless blast against McCain's war record (in the process, eclipsing Obama's carefully crafted patriotism speech). Clark improved as a candidate during his 2004 presidential race, but not enough obviously.
House Appropriations Committee Chairman David Obey (D-Wis.) shut down the entire appropriations process to protect Democrats from having to vote on oil drilling. Republicans feel they are winning the national debate with their argument that insufficient supplies rather than speculators cause spiked oil and gasoline prices. The GOP leadership has instructed their troops to press for more drilling without defending speculators.
However, it looks like a case of the operation being a great success but the patient dying. All indicators point to the Republicans being blamed for the gas price explosion (see New Hampshire, below). That kindles more talk of a change in the House Republican leadership after the '08 elections.
from Outlook
Not quite Paris.
ReplyDeleteHer French citizenship was worthless for 6 years.
We need to set up a tab at Doyle's on electin day for Rufus, maybe keep him away from that voting booth.
ReplyDeleteBTW, the other day I saw a report from france where they were having a public demo by Paratroopers.
ReplyDeleteOne guy ended up with a load of live ammo on fully automatic.
...injured 17, some critically.
Didn't get much press here.
election day, erection day, lection day, electin' day whatever
ReplyDeleteWhat is "Outlook?"
ReplyDeleteThe Gazillionaire as a Youngster
ReplyDeleteShould have said, Robert Novak's Outlook Newsletter.
ReplyDeleteMcCain Campaign Shakeup
ReplyDeleteMust have been the warm spit spritzer.
ReplyDeleteHonda grows while US auto industry falters
ReplyDeleteWednesday July 2, 7:05 pm ET
By Tom Krisher
Honda's small-vehicle lineup fuels growth while US automakers struggle to make more cars
DETROIT (AP) -- When consumers astonished the U.S. auto industry two months ago by quickly shunning trucks and going for gas mileage, the biggest beneficiary ended up being Honda Motor Co.
The No. 2 Japanese automaker, with the most fuel-efficient model lineup in the industry, never put both feet into the U.S. truck market, instead focusing on slow-but-steady growth with popular cars like the Civic and Accord.
It paid off in June. While its major competitors reported double-digit sales declines and burgeoning truck and sport utility vehicle inventories, Honda had a modest 1 percent sales increase. Its car sales were up almost 20 percent from the same month last year, and the Civic and Accord were among the industry's top sellers.
GM shares fall below $10 for first time since 1954
GM (General Motors) down -15.06% today, to close at $9.98
F (Ford Motors) down -7.43% today, to close at $4.36