We do not want or need a world citizen to head our country, we need an American President.
Obama, in Berlin and at his most vacuous announced, " Tonight, I speak to you not as a candidate for President, but as a citizen - a proud citizen of the United States, and a fellow citizen of the world."
Obama has undergone a metamorphosis from presidential candidate to world messenger. He has clarified his religion. He is not a Muslim, he is a divine messenger. He is the fruit of his hippy mother, the fruit of flower power. Obama is a Baháist. A Baháist is a follower of a religion founded in 1863 in Persia and emphasizing the spiritual unity of all humankind. Obama has revealed himself to humanity in Germany as a new age guru and not just a messenger but perhaps, "The Messenger".
Here is the official web site of the Bahai
Throughout history, God has revealed Himself to humanity through a series of divine Messengers, whose teachings guide and educate us and provide the basis for the advancement of human society. These Messengers have included Abraham, Krishna, Zoroaster, Moses, Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad. Their religions come from the same Source and are in essence successive chapters of one religion from God.
Bahá’u’lláh, the latest of these Messengers, brought new spiritual and social teachings for our time. His essential message is of unity. He taught the oneness of God, the oneness of the human family, and the oneness of religion.
Bahá'u'lláh said, “The earth is but one country and mankind its citizens,” and that, as foretold in all the sacred scriptures of the past, now is the time for humanity to live in unity.
Founded more than a century and a half ago, the Bahá'í Faith has spread around the globe. Members of the Bahá'í Faith live in more than 100,000 localities and come from nearly every nation, ethnic group, culture, profession, and social or economic background.
Bahá'ís believe the crucial need facing humanity is to find a unifying vision of the nature and purpose of life and of the future of society. Such a vision unfolds in the writings of Bahá'u'lláh.

The Obama end poverty in the world bill moves to the Senate. $2,500 from each of us, man, woman, and child. We are the world.
ReplyDeleteA pittance al-bob. Rise and expand thyself:
ReplyDelete"At the heart of the Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh is the force of transformation, both of the individual and of society.
The transformation of the individual is not an isolated process, not ascetic nor centered wholly on one’s self-fulfillment.
In Bahá'í terms, the process of one’s individual development and fulfillment is tied to the centering of one’s energies on the betterment of humankind and serving the needs of the community and the larger society."
You mean communism. Been there done that doesnt work.
DeleteYou mean communism. Been there done that doesnt work.
DeleteObama Bilk You Bill
ReplyDeleteI've been to a couple of Bahai services as the lady down the street is one, and we did a lot of sharing stuff over the years. Good people as far as I can see. Bahai's have been taking a beating in Iran for a long time. I'm not one for world governance though. There's a fella named the bab, I think it is, plays a part. I'll go look it up and report back.
These messengers have included Abraham, Moses, Zoroaster, the Buddha, Krishna, Jesus, Muhammad and, most recently, the Báb and Bahá'u'lláh.
ReplyDeleteThe book "The Audacity of Hope" shows a lot of similarities between Senator Obama ideas and baha'i principles: unity, consultation, fight the extremes of wealth and poverty, enjoying human diversity,... just to name a few.
ReplyDeleteBut if Senator Obama were a Baha'i, he would not be in politics.
The Bab
ReplyDeleteDamn! The Bab claimed to be the Mahdi!
Iran would be a lot better off under these folks than the mullahs, I'll go that far.
My friend down here adopted three kids, had two of her own. It was too much for her husband, who fled. So, I got heavily hit with errands and stuff. Really nice woman, who worked her heart out for those kids. One is in the Air Force now. Not sure what happened to the others. Totally self sacrificing lady. I put her in for Idaho Woman of the Year, one year, but she didn't get it. She should have, though.
When I went to the Bahai services with her, which were really big dinners, there was one part where I wasn't allowed in the inner sanctum, so to speak. They went off and prayed by themselves for a bit. Anybody can join. Got to go through some instruction stuff, of course. Great cooks, I'll say that. One was a doctor here, another a teacher. Looked like average middle class folks to me. American dress, etc.
Marco, I see you are a Bahai from Portugal. I really meant it when I said the Bahai's I have known are great people. It was not my intent to disparage in any way, with my reference to the bab, etc.
ReplyDeleteBobal: These messengers have included Abraham, Moses, Zoroaster, the Buddha, Krishna, Jesus, Muhammad and, most recently, the Báb and Bahá'u'lláh.
ReplyDeleteYeah, when I watched the towers fall down I heard Muhammad saying "Got the message?"
Since I come out of the Christian tradition, I was raised to view Jesus' ministry as God's last best message, delivered in person.
Prof. Juan Cole is Baha'i:
Yes it is true that the Baha'i Faith believes that it is time for mankind to learn to live together as one family regardless of each person's national loyalties. But just because Obama has mentioned that he not only views himself as an American but as a person living on this same planet, does not make him a Baha'i.
ReplyDeleteAccording to your link which was included in your post,
Mr. Cole resigned from the Bahai Faith in 1996
The Baha'i Faith does not have clergy and therefore, strong personalities with their own aims and goals, find it very hard to exist inside a framework were the only "position" available to a person is "service to mankind".
If you want to play an active role in improving the conditions of life on this planet and bring about peace and love between people, then the Baha'i Faith is, in my humble opinion, the most effective way to do that. If on the other hand, you also have other goals, then the Baha'i Faith is not the place for you.
I think that as a Baha'i, I am happy to see that the subject of unity and world citizenship comes on the radar. But taking the Senator Obama US presidency notion out of the equation and all the other partisan and faction driven feelings away, is it not love and unity the basis for everything, and specially resolving the problems and issues at every level of human interaction. Is it not a viable and prudent proposition to believe and work toward unity and world citizenship at the heart and brain level, the first necessary baby steps towards peace and resolution of all problems (albeit step by step). Or to put this proposition to test, what should be the mindset to resolve global world embracing challenges such as global pollution, economic upheaval, energy speculation and blackmail/greed, religious wars and fratricide. Don't these issues transcend national and geographical borders. Is it not the solution at more global level. The oneness that Baha'u'llah, brought over 150 years ago, is by itself revolutionary (paradigm shift) and shocking as was the message of love and forgiveness , brought about by Christ. Interestingly, these notions, when brought to humanity when they are brought to humanity, are first refuted and violently fought, however, interestingly fulfilling the needs and exigences of their time. If the notion of Baha'u'llah and the Baha'i faith are scary, because identified as a messenger of God and World Religion , then I propose that a fair minded observer, first look at Baha'u'llah and his teachings, as a philosopher and philosophy to the test of our times and problems and proposed solutions.
I am a Baha'i and know for a fact that Barack Obama CANNOT be a Baha'i as it would go against our religious teachings. Baha'is are forbidden from participating in partisan politics - and by that I do NOT mean voting, I mean labelling yourself as a democrat or republican - meaning that a Baha'i cannot run for president. Barack Obama is an open-minded Christian who coincidentally holds some Baha'i beliefs, like the oneness of humanity.
ReplyDeleteThat is interesting that you Accuse Barack Obama of being a Bahai... that is assuming that being a Bahai is a bad thing...
thanks for the laugh!!!
I needed that....
if you have any more funny things to say keep it coming.... or better yet sent them to Jay Leno C/O NBC Television
In the 19th century in Iran, there was a custom by the Shiite clerics to accuse whoever they hated of being a Baha'i or Babi, And the very accusation was enough to take the poor guy who was not necessarily a Baha'i to be looted and lose all his properties, no t to mention his life. Now the history is getting repeated and it is amazing that it is not the radical Shiite Mullas of the dark years of 19th century in Iran, but political enemies of a democrat candidate of 21st century in the United States to face a similar accusation. The radical Shiites must feel today they are not alone in prejudice. They have allies in the US, who they could be proud of.
ReplyDeleteiam Egyptian Bahai . i wish luck to obama who i think is non bahai as bahai faith prevent us from polotics. but i wish to be the first dark skin man to be president of USA .as bahai faith call for equality between all peoples
ReplyDeleteDeeply Amusing! Are all your articles so very well researched?
ReplyDeleteIt is impossible to be a member of a political party and to be a member of the Baha'i Faith, they are mutually exclusive. No Baha'i, anywhere is the world, can be a member of a political party, Demorcrat, Republican, Socialist, Communist, Green, Liberal, Conservative or any party in any country you can name.
Baha'is can certainly vote, but only if they do so on a non-partisan ballot, meaning that as a Baha'i in the United States I cannot participate in primary elections if it requires that I take a Democratic, Republician or Independent ballot.
This does not mean that Baha'is cannot participate in government. There are many Baha'is who serve in high levels of the judicial, executive and legislative branches of goverment, just not as elected officials.
But, thanks for the compliment. Barak Obama does use language that reflects the general beliefs of Baha'is all over the world, such as, we are citizens of one planet, that universal education is the best way to increase civilization, and that we are all members of one human family.
Barak Obama even looks like a Baha'i, in that our Faith has encouraged, supported, and rejoiced in interracial marriage for more than one hundred years
I love your choice of top image. Beautiful.
ReplyDeleteWouldn't it be wonderful if all politicians embraced the teachings of the Baha'i Faith? Soon, we would have world peace, social and economic justice, human rights and just treatment for minorities, love, compassion, unity, and brotherhood: God's Kingdom on Earth. But, alas, one cannot be involved in partisian politics and be a Baha'i at the same time. However, as others pointed out, as a Baha'i you can vote in general elections. And we do.
ReplyDeleteYou don't have to be in politics to be able to advance the goals of world peace. In fact, there is a wisdom behind this restriction. It is counter intuitive notion, but if you approach the subject humbly and with an open mind, you will find a great wisdom in this and all of the teachings of the Baha'i Faith.
ReplyDeleteWe have entered a new age, one of planetary travel, the exploration of the universe and the investigation of the very essence of matter itself. But should we mock people who still believe that their Messiah and His winged angels will descend from the sky on water vapor?
ReplyDeleteAll signs point to the earth becoming one country, as Baha'u'llah commanded. But should we mock those who, for whatever reasons, cling to the tribal and isolationist world views of their forefathers?
Obviously, the Baha'is of the world have much work to do, relative to educating all people about human reality.
Obama, in Berlin and at his most vacuous announced, " Tonight, I speak to you not as a candidate for President, but as a citizen - a proud citizen of the United States, and a fellow citizen of the world."
ReplyDeleteThis makes perfect sense. He was not speaking to them as a campaigner because few in the crowd were eligible American voters.
Aren't we all citizens of the world? Wouldn't there be less wars and more harmony if we all considered ourselves part of a larger cultural group?
"Yeah, when I watched the towers fall down I heard Muhammad saying "Got the message?"
Since I come out of the Christian tradition, I was raised to view Jesus' ministry as God's last best message, delivered in person."
Don't let the misdeeds of evil men distort or impair your view of humanity as a whole.
I watched the towers fall too. I was on 42nd street looking downtown through the window and wondering if there were more planes in the sky. There were prayer circles all over Central Park as I walked uptown. Then I was with hundreds of thousands of people crossing the bridges on foot. Fear is immobilizing. It was hope and faith that helped everyone that day.
Another interesting thing about 9/11...Crime dropped considerably in NYC in the weeks after. People realized that there was something greater than there own needs and allowed for increased harmony.
And I was also raised in the Christian faith, but I just became a Baha'i this month because I truly believe that God would not just stop communicating with humankind.
Christianity is built upon Judaism, and yet in Judaism, the belief is that God stopped talking to his people after Moses.
Like any parent, God is sending us constant messages through artists, inventors, philosophers, politicians and religious leaders.
While the cultural message changes from generation to generation; the spiritual message has always been the same love, unity and perspective will overcome all obstacles.
Maybe the world is ready for a new beginning after all of the tribal/national/cultural wars. The time is right, and the message is being presented to the world on numerous levels.
Let's hope that we can overcome our isolation and fear so that we can advance as a planet.
There will be more and greater trials ahead...
Obviously, the Baha'is of the world have much work to do
Well said by "Truth".
ReplyDeleteHow many people on this blog want to live in a world where the majority of mankind considers themselves as citizens of the world, while at the same time, continue to preserve their own unique cultural and national identity?
It can be done. Why can't we all be united in the notion that we are all citizens of this mother ship earth, but have something unique to bring to the table in terms of our unique historical and cultural background?
The best way for us to show love for our own country, is to love all of mankind.
try this for some of the sentiment - Finlandia
ReplyDeleteWhy can't we all be united in the notion that we are all citizens of this mother ship earth, but have something unique to bring to the table in terms of our unique historical and cultural background?
ReplyDeleteLook at what a shining example of that America has been in certain ways. We are able to study, experience and enjoy all that the world has to offer through the generosity of those who came here with their own cultural knowledge.
try this for some of the sentiment - Finlandia
I hadn't heard that song before and had a hard time hearing the lyrics so I looked it up on Wikipedia.
Here's one of my favorite verses from that page:
When nations rage, and fears erupt coercive,
The drumbeats sound, invoking pious cause.
My neighbors rise, their stalwart hearts they offer,
The gavels drop, suspending rights and laws.
While others wield their swords with blind devotion;
For peace I'll stand, my true and steadfast cause.
here's the lyrics as sung by the Indigo Girls.
ReplyDeleteBahai's are forbidden to participate in partisan politics...
ReplyDeleteit is seen as having dis-unifying elements which is obviously contrary to something called UNITY which is held in very high regard in the Bahai Faith...
so no Obama is not a Bahai...he is very open minded and seem to be focused on building bridges between people who have cultural and religious differences that tend to create walls...so I can see why someone may have thought this...anyhow that's your answer.
Oh and JUAN COLE is not a Bahai...let's also be clear about that...left the Faith along time ago.
I really think this blog is funny. Trying to make Baha'i principles as the anathema to a great nation is pretty entertaining. I advise those that wish to do things like this to exercise independent and completely objective investigation of the truth before making any claim about any one or any religion.
ReplyDeleteThe suggestion that Barack Obama is a Baha'i can only be the result of not actually knowing much about Barack Obama or the Baha'i Faith. While they may share some metaphors or even goals, the very fact that Obama is a partisan politician disqualifies would disqualify him as a Baha'i in good standing. If a politician in today's partisan atmosphere were to become a Baha'i, he/she would have to resign from their position--that is no mystery to Baha'is.
ReplyDeleteHow can you write such a nonsense.
ReplyDeleteHe is a christian and not a bahai. When will stop those lies ?
ok, i'm a baha'i and he's crazy. he's not "the messenger" or anything. we don't do that sort of thing. baha'i believe in bahá'u'lláh as the messenger of this age, not barack obama.
ReplyDeleteok, i'm a baha'i and he's crazy. he's not "the messenger" or anything. we don't do that sort of thing. baha'i believe in bahá'u'lláh as the messenger of this age, not barack obama.
ReplyDeleteDefinitly Mr. Obama cannot be a bahá'í simply because bahá'ís are forbidden to participate in politics. Bahá'ís even avoid discussing politics, because the Bahá'í Faith is to unite people of the world and party politics surely disunite them. Futhermore Mr. Obama can not be a Messenger because Bahá'u'lláh, the founder of the Bahá'í Faith said that not before a gap of at least a thousand years there will be another Messenger of God.
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2020.05.04酒店工作因為一名酒店S女公關的確診,造成全台酒店、舞廳無限期停業,收入靠酒客的酒店上班坐檯小姐頓失每月數十萬元的收入,紛紛開始找副業度過難關。據八大行業透露,不少酒店小姐轉行當foodpanda(空腹熊貓)、Uber Eats的外送員,因收入不夠支出,還會再兼職當傳播妹,上月底有酒客到台中市KTV時,找熟識、現在酒店PT失業的酒店小姐外送到包廂坐檯,該酒店打工小姐進包廂時,還穿著熊貓制服,也讓酒客莞爾,小姐致歉兼撒嬌「工作難找啊!」知名八大行業酒店經記梁曉尊說,他旗下有130多個坐檯小姐,這次「被停業」後,小姐急著找副業拚經濟,有人當起超商店員,有人花了兩千多元跟熊貓買了相關的制服、設備,兼差當起美食外送員,還有人變成網拍業者,忙著拿貨,上網拍賣,擔心一個不小心就喝西北風,但也有人乾脆當放長假休息,不過每天都會有小姐打電話詢問「老闆,什麼時候要開工?」。梁小尊說,這次停業對酒店業造成的影響真的很大,他有個小姐是高雄人,年紀才20多歲,2年前才到台中工作,當酒店小姐的收入不錯,每個月都有10幾、20幾萬,今年初才剛買千萬的房產,準備在台中定居當台中人,每月要繳的房貸要5萬多元,現在突然沒工作,只能趕快找兼差,期待政府趕快想開,宣布讓酒店等特種行業復業。酒店經紀梁小尊/梁曉尊說,現在不少酒店的坐檯小姐都轉行當傳播妹,外送到各個知名KTV,因為此次政府宣布停業的是酒店、舞廳跟有男女陪伺的視聽業,一般的KTV不受到影響,不過酒客沒了酒店,還是要喝酒,有包廂的KTV就變成最好的去處。梁曉尊/梁小尊說:上月底才跟朋友去台中市一家KTV唱歌,因為知道認識的酒店小姐沒工作,打電話聯絡小姐到包廂坐檯,小姐出現在包廂時,他跟朋友看到都笑出來,因為小姐已經兼差當起熊貓外送,沒空換上漂亮的禮服就衝到KTV,擔心客人找別的小姐,所以連衣服都不換,趕緊衝到包廂內上工。