"AIDS in America today is a black disease," says Phill Wilson, founder of the Black AIDS institute.
Report: Black U.S. AIDS rates rival some African nations
LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- The AIDS epidemic among African-Americans in some parts of the United States is as severe as in parts of Africa, according to a report out Tuesday.
"Left Behind - Black America: A Neglected Priority in the Global AIDS" is intended to raise awareness and remind the public that the "AIDS epidemic is not over in America, especially not in Black America," says the report, published by the Black AIDS Institute, an HIV/AIDS think tank focused exclusively on African-Americans.
"AIDS in America today is a black disease," says Phill Wilson, founder and CEO of the institute and himself HIV-positive for 20 years. "2006 CDC data tell us that about half of the just over 1 million Americans living with HIV or AIDS are black."
Although black people represent only about one in eight Americans, one in every two people living with HIV in the United States is black, the report notes.
The report uses just-released data from UNAIDS and existing CDC and Census data to highlight grim statistics:
AIDS remains the leading cause of death among black women between ages 25 and 34. It's the second-leading cause of death in black men 35-44.
In Washington, more than 80 percent of HIV cases are among black people, that's one in 20 residents. iReport: AIDS in Washington's older population
"Five percent of the entire population (in DC) is infected... that's comparable to countries like Uganda or South Africa," Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told CNN for the recent "Black in America" documentary.
According to this report, if black Americans made up their own country, it would rank above Ethiopia (420,000 to 1,300,000) and below Ivory Coast (750,000) in HIV population. Both Ethiopia and the Ivory Coast are among the 15 nations receiving funds from the President's Emergency Plan For Aids Relief. The United States has given about $15 billion to PEPFAR nations in the past five years. CNN

It's Culture...
ReplyDeleteI ask, how hard is it to slap that rubber on, or, just get a good wife,(this is highly recommended) and be true to her?
ReplyDeleteJust stay out of prison, al-Bob, and you won't have to worry whether he's wearing a rubber, or not.
ReplyDeletePak PM to Bush: We Are "Fighting The War For Ourselves"
ReplyDeleteThe Australian quotes Pakistani Prime Minister Gilani warning President Bush against attacks on al-Qaeda inside Pakistan. His chosen words are wont for substantive evidence of effective actions and tangible results.
Speaking immediately after his meeting with the US President, Mr Gilani said: “This action should not have been taken by the United States. It’s our job because we are fighting the war for ourselves.”
If the missile strike was proven to have been a US operation, it would be a violation of Pakistani sovereignty, he said.
“Basically, Americans are a little impatient. Therefore in the future I think we’ll have more co-operation on the intelligence side and we’ll do the job ourselves,” Mr Gilani said.
(tries to picture "slapping on" a rubber)
ReplyDeleteWhat's so sad about
ReplyDeleteAIDS is it's so totally preventable. Even if you are a gay man. I've listened to that Karel on KGO many a night. He's the token gay guy on the program. He doesn't have no truck with gay guys that screw up. "You slap that rubber on there" It's your fault if you get AIDS. It's totally your fault, gay men. I like that about Karel, he takes responsibility. And preaches it too. His former partner died of AIDS. He's got a new mate now, and I think, they are taking their precautions.
WASHINGTON -- Sen. Ted Stevens, the longest-serving Republican senator and a storied figure in Alaska's political history, was indicted today on seven felony counts of making false statements in a corruption case.
ReplyDeleteProsecutors said the 84-year-old Stevens, required to file financial disclosure forms with the Senate on gifts greater than $10,000, had accepted innumerable gifts valued at $250,000 from the oil services company VECO and its CEO from 1999 to 2006 without reporting them. The gifts included material and labor used in the renovation of Stevens' private vacation home in Girdwood section of Anchorage, including a new first floor, a garage, a wraparound deck, plumbing and electrical wiring, as well as a Viking gas grill, furniture and tools.
Given the failure rate of the unmentionable device, I would imagine that non-monogamus gay men that engage in anal sex would eventually contract AIDS, whether or not they slapped on said device.
ReplyDeleteSenator Ted Stevens Indicted
ReplyDeleteGood. At 84 he ought to be in a rest home anyway. I say clean 'em all out, both parties. And don't think this is a single party issue. It isn't.
Rat and I on the same wave length again.
ReplyDeleteWhat is this 'device' you mention, al-Doug? Oh yes, it's unmentionable.
Stevens yet again brings up the W factor:
ReplyDeleteWhy the fuck does "his" administration ever effectively prosecute DEMOCRATS?
(Pig that he is, Stevens deserves whatever he gets)
It's the "protective" device you mentioned "slapping on."
ReplyDelete"ever=never" prosecute
ReplyDeletehad accepted innumerable gifts
ReplyDeleteas well as a Viking gas grill
That gets 'em every time. Like a Royal Coachman, to a trout in August.
Maybelline, why can't you be true?
ReplyDeleteOh Maybelline, why can't you be true?
You've started back doing the things you used to do
Democrats nevertheless believed he might be vulnerable after news of an FBI corruption investigation in Alaska that produced guilty pleas from two close associates of Stevens, a July 2007 raid on the senator’s home in Girdwood and 2006 raids on the offices of six Alaska state legislators, including his son, Ben. In May 2007, VECO Corp. executives Bill Allen and Rick Smith pleaded guilty to bribing four government officials, including an unnamed “State Senator B" who received hundreds of thousands of dollars from VECO, an Alaska-based oil-support contracting firm, for unspecified consulting work.
ReplyDeleteAllen had donated over $50,000 to Ted Stevens’ reelection campaigns since 2000 and had overseen the remodeling of the senator's Girdwood home. According to newspaper reports, bills for the construction were sent to Allen and VECO.
Days after Allen's guilty plea, Ted Stevens withdrew his support for an oft-maligned marketing program that had funneled over $100 million to select Alaska companies.
Ted Stevens
Sometimes I think our Federal prosecutors are the only thing between us and pure chaos. They ought to be going after these politicians. I like it when they do.
ReplyDeleteWhat to do with Ted Stevens now? Really too old for a jail cell. At 84, he basically got away with it.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteraids on the offices of six Alaska state legislators, including his son, Ben.
ReplyDeleteThe seedling doesn't fall far from the tree.
All the charges are felonies. Justice Department officials declined to discuss how long a prison term a conviction on the charges might bring, noting that the maximum sentences allowed by law are rarely imposed. Mr. Stevens was in Washington on Tuesday, and was allowed to turn himself in for paperwork processing.
ReplyDeleteSo, this probably means another Republican seat goes Democratic this fall. Here in Idaho our Senator "Wide Stance" is out, but will be replaced with another Republican. I'm afraid to contemplate what the protocol is for gay guys on the make in airport restrooms.
Ahmadinejad Blames The West For AIDS
ReplyDeleteLake Baikal Warming
ReplyDeletePoof! The Bounce is Gone
ReplyDeletePosted by TOM BEVAN
Is the bounce gone, or was there ever a bounce to begin with?
After the Gallup tracking poll came out last Friday afternoon showing Obama's lead widening to 6 points from two points, I noted that we were seeing the first signs of what might be considered a "bounce" for Obama. Coupled with an up tick in Rasmussen's tracking poll on Friday, Obama's lead in the RCP National Average moved up to 4.8%.
Obama's lead extended to 5.0% in the RCP Average over the weekend as Gallup's track went from 6 points on Friday to 7 points on Saturday and 9 points on Sunday, while Rasmussen ticked up to 6 on Saturday and back down to 5 on Sunday.
What a difference 48 hours makes. With the release of the Gallup/USA Today shocker yesterday afternoon showing McCain leading by 4 points among likely voters, coupled with Rasmussen tightening down to just a 1-point Obama lead today and Gallup's tracking poll falling back to 6-points, Obama's lead in the RCP National Average is back down to 2.5% - the tightest it's been since June 7.
P.S. We should be looking at a couple more polls this week which will add to the picture of where the race stands after Obama's overseas trip.
It showed that 50 percent of people viewing TV on the Web are watching programs as they become available and "appear to be beginning to use the computer as a substitute for the television set," Integrated Media Measurement Inc. (IMMI), which conducted the poll, said.
ReplyDeleteThe other half are using the Internet to watch programs they have missed, or to re-watch segments or episodes they have already seen, IMMI, a company which links media exposure to consumer action, added.
"This is the first study to show there are a significant amount of people watching primetime shows online who are not watching some portion of those shows on television," Amanda Welsh, head of research for IMMI, said in a statement.
Watching Online
Despite its and the Lebanese military's open and active collusion with Hizbullah throughout the war, in its aftermath, US support for Saniora's government expanded exponentially. In the year following the war, US aid to Lebanon grew from $41 million to $520 million. US military assistance to the Lebanese military since the war has been in excess of $410 million, making Lebanon the second largest recipient per capita of US military aid.
ReplyDeleteUS military support for Lebanon grows even as the Lebanese armed forces demonstrate at every turn that they collaborate with Hizbullah. It was supplemented after the Lebanese military, under Suleiman's command, refused to prevent Hizbullah's coup in May. Moreover, the day before Suleiman gave Kuntar the red carpet treatment at the Beirut airport, Maj.-Gen. Robert Allardice, the US Central Command's director of strategy, plans and policy, visited Beirut and announced an additional $32 million in military aid.
Since 2006, the US has given Lebanon some 285 Humvees, 200 cargo trucks, helicopter parts, assault rifles, grenade launchers, anti-tank weapons and urban warfare bunker weapons. Another 300 Humvees, mobile communications systems, several hundred anti-tank missiles and coastal patrol craft are on order.
Ms Glick tell US we are supporting terrorists whe nwe supply the Lebanese military with over $400 million in arms and material.
Supporting Irans proxies, according to Ms Glick, the United States is, to a massive degree.
...In recent weeks, senior Defense Ministry officials have been dispatched to the Pentagon in an attempt to convince the US to stop the weapons transfers. Yet while the Pentagon was only too happy to give Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Gadi Ashkenazi an unrequested medal, it has rebuffed all of Israel's entreaties.
ALL OF this is depressingly familiar. In many ways, the Saniora government is to Hizbullah in Lebanon what the Fatah terror group is to Hamas in the Palestinian Authority. As is the case in Lebanon, the US trains, finances and arms Fatah. It supports Fatah politically against Israel, claiming that Fatah has earned its support through its moderation relative to Hamas. But as events have shown repeatedly, Fatah is a terrorist organization and is only too happy to collude with Hamas in attacking Israel and to form governments with it so long as Hamas doesn't embarrass it too much.
Notably in the case of Fatah, the US cut off its assistance to the PA after it and Hamas formed their unity government last year and only reinstated it after Hamas ended the unity deal by seizing control of Gaza from its Fatah partner. In Lebanon's case, US support for the country has grown as Hizbullah's control it and its military have become more open.
The answer is simple. Must be lots of oil and gas in Lebanon.
ReplyDelete- When a banner in Beirut (according to the New York Times) proclaims "God's Achievement Through Our Hands";
ReplyDelete- when The Beirut Daily Star (in other respects a decent newspaper) headline reads: "Nation Unites for Heroes' Homecomings";
- when the Free Patriotic Movement (supported by more than 70% of the Christian population in Lebanon) supports pro-Syrian forces in the May battles that took place in the streets of Beirut;
it would appear that Kuntar's return was not merely being celebrated by Hezb'allah supporters, but by the Lebanese people and their leaders.
3rd Lebanon War
Talking About Lake Baikal
ReplyDeleteRoosian subs make bottom. Baikal holds 20% of world's fresh water.
The first cases of AIDS among African Americans were identified in the early 1980s. Initially HIV and AIDS mainly affected gay men and intravenous drug users (IDUs) within the black community, much as it did in the rest of the population. However in 1983 the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) documented the first two cases of AIDS in women. Both women had acquired HIV through sex with an intravenous drug user. One of these women was Latina; the other was black.
ReplyDeleteFrom this point on, the AIDS epidemic began spreading rapidly amongst the African American population. Women were particularly affected and by 1988, African Americans accounted for half of all AIDS cases identified in females in the US.3 Today, over 60% of women with AIDS are black.
I think men can still get aids even with a condom.
ReplyDelete2020.05.16酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容如果妳沒有接觸過酒店這八大行業,【酒店經紀梁曉尊】我在酒店上班的日子相信包括妳在內,很多人對這行業的第一個想法一定是:「酒店裡面酒店小姐一定有S?一定是龍蛇混雜,裡面 八大行業是哪八種行業呢?的人都是黑社會吸毒!打架、暴力脅迫女生陪睡…」等等電視上看來的畫面。
ReplyDelete其實這跟【酒店經紀梁曉尊】所接觸的職場須知 【酒店PT 】酒店的實際情況有很大的出入。梁曉尊在酒店這行業已經有多年的經驗,到是從來沒有在如此黑暗的酒店工作過,或許妳聽人說到「酒店打工的小姐,如果客人看上了酒店小姐想帶小姐出去,公司就一定會強迫小姐出場!」而事實上就算是十幾年前的老酒店業也很少有這個情況更不用說當今Google資訊如此發達的年代,而且酒店小姐的來源幾乎掌控在酒店經紀人的情況下,如果有酒店以如此方法對小姐施以逼嚇之手段,一定會讓酒店經紀人對這家店嗤之以鼻,為了保護旗下小姐,沒有人會帶經紀小姐去那種店上班,酒店當然不會笨到為了一個小姐出場強迫小姐做她不想做的事而導致店方得罪酒店經紀人,沒有經紀人要帶小姐來這家酒店,導致這家酒店沒小姐來吸引客人,沒客人的結果就是關門大吉!