“Soft despotism is a term coined by Alexis de Tocqueville describing the state into which a country overrun by "a network of small complicated rules" might degrade. Soft despotism is different from despotism (also called 'hard despotism') in the sense that it is not obvious to the people."

Sunday, October 08, 2006

War on Sadr? Suicide in Iraq

It seems that an undeclared war is being waged on Muqtada al-Sadr. We can only hope that the effort will be serious and sustained. US casualty reports will tell the tale.

Meanwhile the Taliban have adopted the suicide tactics employed in Iraq. It seems logical that this tactic like saturation bombing will be counter productive but this AP story indicates otherwise:
KABUL, Afghanistan - NATO's top commander in Afghanistan said Sunday the country was at a tipping point and warned Afghans would likely switch their allegiance to resurgent Taliban militants if there are no visible improvements in people's lives in the next six months.

Gen. David Richards, a British officer who commands NATO's 32,000 troops here, warned in an interview with The Associated Press that if life doesn't get better over the winter, most Afghans could switch sides.


  1. ...Afghans would likely switch their allegiance to resurgent Taliban militants if there are no visible improvements in people's lives in the next six months.

    Good. More power to 'em, if they think the 7th Century is an improvement over the 21st. But they should remember that America only does one regime-change per country per century, and they've used up this one. Once you go Taliban you can't go back again.

  2. For a genuinely first rate analysis of what the West faces and ever so slowly is understanding, read
    Observations on Arabs

    Many, many thanks to Quasi said...
    At least one blogger has already done so Here.
    10/08/2006 09:22:15 AM

    Also, to Wretchard The Worm Turns

  3. Whit,

    My friend, this applies to you as well. Forgive my oversight. My head is not entirely screwed on this afternoon.

    "allen said...

    Your work here just keeps getting better and better, if the superlative can be improved upon.
    2:23:51 PM"

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Yes, read the BC "worm turns" on consanguinity in Araby. Jeez. This is pretty shocking stuff.

  6. hezbollah, hamas, sadr, assad

    it's iran stupid

  7. OK..on the last thread if you took the trouble to go throught the long post on who's agenda that was you guess.....what Democrats? Well point for point you'd on the money..but check this out

    Communist Party USA

    To say you would be splitting hairs over the difference between the Dems and the Commies would be a waste of time.

  8. habu, I guess we shouldn't expect it to say, "we want to put the masses under the thumb of the State, using secret police, so that a very few of us can have permanent life-and-death power over you."

  9. War on Sadr, with Diwaniyah figuring prominently no less. Just as an aside, the Polish MND(CS) based in Camp Echo right on the outskirts of that city. So strange, none of the reports mention any troops other than US or Iraqi.

