In your comments, there are often links or thoughts that should be explored, thought about, and discussed, but then there comes the problem of time. We have our necessary and mundane duties. Ever try and remember something you forgot? Last night I did. I looked for it and found it. I looked for it because it occurred to me that during our many discussions, we deal with facts and numbers and sometimes the impact is lost.
The human mind can conceive of unlimited numbers but perceive only few. Grab a cup of coffee and respect a call for mandatory formation. Press the red button. Experience the incredible power of this silicon chip and plasma screen.
Mandatory Formation
from Tim Klimowicz, graphic designer
The rate of red dot growth seems to keep apace, an ever expanding universe of violence.
ReplyDeleteSeem localized, tough.
Not much on the borders
I got thinking about it after whit's post about the Lancet claim of 650,000 killed in Iraq. The numbers were hard to substantiate. I got to thinking, that the US keeps very good records of its KIA. The old analyst in me figured that American deaths would be where the action is. I had postulated that the Iraqi deaths would have occurred in concentrated areas as opposed to general areas.
ReplyDeleteThe press has an old chestnut, "if it bleeds, it leads". To get to the level of deaths necessary to come up with 600 000 plus, you need to have over 600 per day, every day. The press would be all over that.
I knew I had that presentation in one of my files.This presentation shows where the American deaths have occurred. If the cause of the Iraqi deaths are Americans, logic requires the American and Iraqi death to occur in the same places. This presentation proves the 650,000 figure is an out right fabrication.
There were aprox. 50,000 civilian deaths documented. There were not an equal number "buried in the desert", I'd bet.
ReplyDeleteBut what difference does it make, other than to reaafirm what is already known.
There are those that do not base their politics on fact, but perception. They'll manufacture "facts" to fit the perception, if need be.
Now on FOX News, "China has no intention of inspecting North Korean shipping"
Now on FOX News, "China has no intention of inspecting North Korean shipping"
ReplyDeleteEither North Korea gets 100% inspection of shipping or every Chinese container ship headed for the west coast of American can turn around. Their choice. In my dreams.
The rhythm of the ticking seems to remain constant but one does detect that the outlier trouble areas are Baghdad, Ramadi and Fallujah.
ReplyDeleteThis would attest to a localization, as rat put it.
All those little blips are just car accidents to half of America though. They see the army like a faulty manufacturer.