“Soft despotism is a term coined by Alexis de Tocqueville describing the state into which a country overrun by "a network of small complicated rules" might degrade. Soft despotism is different from despotism (also called 'hard despotism') in the sense that it is not obvious to the people."
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Amy "Badbitch" on Colbert Report
Amy Goodman on the Colbert Report, 10/5/2006
She says "the Pentagon doesn't want you to know that thousands of soldiers have deserted." Also, "the embed process has brought the media to a new low."
Last night in checking out what was going on with the Socialist and Communist Blogs, or more precisely their blog and Socialist Party & CPUSA I ran across this. It would be very interesting to know if it were the truth. I mentioned Markus Wolfe (the man with no face yesterday) Check this out from a leftist publication.
Rufus, I sure as hell don't know either, but I do know that one of the Operations Directorates defenses has always been that to get the slime and the dirt and the skinny you've got to work with those types. But those who know aren't gonna say until they get a really good TV or book deal
After reading the interview with Wolfe I came away with the fee'n that W haas been watching tapes of Slick Willie. I don't know, the man has become an enigma to me. He's been focused on the TWAT for sure. Now that looks like it's headed for parition. At least the talk talk is about that. It's also becoming apparent we are getting out sooner rather than later.
I dated a girl at the agency that was going to a very sensitive plac and she looked like a little kid but she spoke about five languages and was really really smart..I was just he boy toy for a time...yeah
Habu. I have noticed some of the photos have imbedded code that do not stay posted. I'll email you a kick ass SR-71 that when launched, stays launched. Right now IB in a remote location, being forced to engage with superb Italian cuisine, remarkable French wine and an American beauty. SR_71 ill be on your desktop in the morning. Eat your heart out Doug.
buddy, had some travels today, but to answer the morning's question, a revolutionary third party is not a Revolution, backed by the "hard men".
Of course Mr Bush can pocket veto the Fence Bill. He does not care about the Vigilantes.
Yes, rufus, Mr Graf is the conservative, he'll be creamed. The more moderate candidate mirrored Mr Kolbe's (the retiring Rep) and McCain's and the majority of Tucson's immigration position. "Amnesty by another name" The Party paid $200,000 for ads supporting the "moderate". The Republican Party faithful went for the Border Security candidate, Mr Graf.
So yes, Mr Bush could easily pocket veto that Bill. He's done as much to Republican Consevatives, already. In AZ and RI
They did the same to someone in the northern midwest, during the Primary. MI, I think, Mrs Bush went up there. The more Conservative candidate won, regardless. It was a "locked up" District, as I recall.
The Bush's and the National Party always favor the "moderate & liberal" candidate, given the opportunity. Could it be policy, perhaps?
"Minuteman Border Watch" folks "Vigilantes". Man that frosts my ass. 400k a year come across illegally so a citizen promotes a "neighborhood watch" program, where the men/women are NOT armed except with night vision equip. and radios to call in the Border Patrol and he calls them vigilantes. I think Bush as lost whatever deeper crevasse of his brain he may have ever possessed. I'm getting a little animated over this One World concept he and his father have been promoting.
Well, you know, back in the day I thought Frank Luntz was a pretty sharp, shrewd dude. The pollster, lingusit that helped Newt gain the House in '94.
"... The Republican Party of 2006 is a tired, cranky shell of the aggressive, reformist movement that was swept into office in 1994 on a wave of positive change. I knew those Republicans. I worked for them. They were friends of mine. These Republicans are not those Republicans. ...
Sure, I wish the admin was further right, on a whole host of issues.
I don't know why a minority party has been so good at obstructing, so good at intimidating.
But there is one thing--the hard-left has been trying for a comprehensive Vietnam II since--well, pick your date.
My biggest question as of noon 9-11-01 was, how long does USA have, in fighting back, before the hundred-thousand head antiwar crowds are getting the tear-gas at the Washington Mall every weekend, again?
And this time on 24/7 cable news and the internet.
DR... I did the same thing in '94. On the Republican Executive Committee of my County, also Pres of Rep Men's Club.
It's not the same party I was a delegate to the Presidential III Conference in Orlando and met all the candidates since I was i the company of the soon to be Speaker of the House of Florida and the Party Chairman for the State both of whom were from my county.
But Reagan was the high water mark. Gingrich screwed up, and the Bush's are weenies. When H.W. came to CIA everyone laughed knowing he was just punching his ticket. Reagan Republicans don't have any leadership in to days big tent.
i just don't see the Rosy scenario the stay-homers have in mind, where they give over the congress for two years so the Dems have to break cover and insude a conservative turn in 08.
Times have changed--that bunch will not be easy to dislodge, if they ever get in again.
We are too self absorbed to be a "nation" with common objectives outlined in our founding documents..way to many unassimilated who will never assimilate, just feed off the host.
“The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money” Alexis de Tocqueville quotes (French Historian
Look for trade protection, look for a meltdown of global financial trade system coming off some version of the Schumer tariff, look for an escalation of the measured war sometime after we skeedaddle the ME, look for tax hikes and a major break in the markets, and a nasty stagflation recession. Look for Carternomics, IOW. esp after they parlay the 06 win into an 08 win. We'll remember these times, and grind our teeth at having been so disdainful of such a state of the nation as we have now, and are fixing to ditch.
But the stay-homers will have made their point, you bet.
I agree with you on that, buddy. I think that which ever side loses will have some blood letting on tap. If the Dems cannot win now, they never will. If the Repubs fall out of the saddle, it's harder to catch that old jack ass than many think.
The worse '08 scenario, for Republicans to be out of power, with no heir apparant for the nomination?
May it be within the Democrats grasp, with just 29 days to go?
Buddy, there is no leadership to the Republican Party and that is a big hurdle. There is no enthusiasm for the Democrats either, but the numbers only favor the Republicans with large turn outs from the base. The Republican base has a lot of issues that have not been satisfied byt the Repubkican controlled Congress and GWB.
Why O why is the concept of the Lesser Evil so hard to grasp? Those who try to explain it are automatically castigated, as if they have the power--when no one else does or ever has--to change the number and nature of the two options, the Greater or Lesser Evil options of the ancient choice, the Solomon's Choice.
Tucson, Arizona | Published: 10.06.2006 A poll shows Democratic Governor Janet Napolitano with a 2-to-1 lead over Republican challenger Len Munsil. The Phoenix-based Behavior Research Center's poll found Napolitano supported by 58 percent of those voters surveyed, compared with 24 percent for Munsil, two percent for Libertarian Barry Hess and 16 percent undecided. The poll is based on interviews conducted over eight days in late September and early October with 625 voters statewide and had a margin of error of four percentage points. The center's poll's results resembled those of a survey conducted in late September by Arizona State University.
Rat, re your "bloodletting" post--I guess the break is on the question of how best to do the "work-out"--do we, like an addict, have to bottom out, politically, or can we just quietly ease of the bad habits and promote the good ones? and avoid the sturm und drang?
Look back in history at which party has set the stage--the conditions--for our wars.
Hold that thought, and think of PRC, that we are their banker, and that the Dems want to drastically change the terms of the deal.
Hold that thought, and think of the 'Stans, which need us more than ever to make the final break with Ivan.
Hold that thought and remember that the people coming back to DC are indistinguisable from the Carterites.
Think of the fact that global oil production is about 86 mm bpd and consumptiomn is 85 mm bpd--and can go nowhere but up over the next decade. And the Dems want to cripple the USA oil companies--though 75% of world production is by foreeign governmants.
Hold all those thoughts, and think about whether or not it is a good idea to Stay Home.
rufus--you're right--about the boys getting killed for something that can't be easily seen. I'd be there, too, in spades, if it weren't for a conviction that if we do this next year or two badly, there'll be soon enough lots more KIA--maybe a *whole* lots more. and with less control of outcomes, to boot.
And the internet will change--a few dozen lawsuits and we'll have a nice safely controlled PRC model. I operated a regulated business under the Clinton's FDA, and take it from me, the agencies turn hard Statist when their boy is in the WH. No Gestapo, just tortuous harassment (which is a tort, but unactionable when the climate ain't right). The left doesn't like business--the left likes government.
As to the Julio Nation aspects of migration, well that's demographics. As in Californication
The NorKs set off the bomb according to the NorKs and the SorK are convening a Security Cabinet, no siesmic activity reported, small bomb or a tall tale?
SEOUL, Oct. 9 (Yonhap) -- South Korea received intelligence on Monday that North Korea might have conducted a nuclear test, officials here said.
"President Roh Moo-hyun called in an emergency meeting of related ministers on Monday to discuss the North Korean nuclear issue," Foreign Ministry spokesman Choo Kyu-ho said. "The meeting comes as there has been a grave change in the situation involving the North's nuclear activity." He refused to go into further detail, citing the sensitivity of the issue.
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya, an outspoken critic of President Vladimir Putin, was shot dead on Saturday at her apartment block in central Moscow, police said.
"According to initial information she was killed by two shots when leaving the lift. Neighbors found her body," a police source told Reuters. Police found a pistol and four rounds in the lift.
Politkovskaya, a 48-year-old mother of two, won international fame and numerous prizes for her dogged pursuit of rights abuses by Putin's government, particularly in the violent southern province of Chechnya.
"The first thing that comes to mind is that Anna was killed for her professional activities. We don't see any other motive for this terrible crime," said Vitaly Yaroshevsky, a deputy editor of the newspaper where Politkovskaya worked.
"... Booked weeks ago for ABC's "This Week," he confirmed his appearance on Wednesday. By Saturday, his office canceled without explanation and arranged for a substitute guest, Rep. Adam Putnam, R-Fla., a network spokeswoman said.
A Reynolds spokesman said the New York congressman had flu-like symptoms. Reynolds, whose district covers a stretch of New York between the suburbs of Buffalo and Rochester, is now trailing his Democratic opponent, Jack Davis, by a 48-33 percent margin, according to a poll conducted by Zogby International for The Buffalo News.
South Korea's Yonhap news agency said the test was conducted at 10:36 a.m. (9:36 p.m. EDT Sunday) in Hwaderi near Kilju city, citing defense officials.
In line with Friday's (I think, didn't look to confirm) discussion re: Putin - http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/012/766wlyuo.asp
Well, Seoul should be on the highest alert--if NoKo-man faked it, then he must be in trouble. Ten thousand large caliber guns in concrete revetments, unassaialable by air, ten miles away from the city.
If they have a working bomb, would not they have a few mounted on Tapei-Dongs already, just in case their test set off an invasion? If so, the world has already changed for Japan, too, not just ROK. And the Mullahs--they just got one in the ass. Good.
ROK stocks "plunging", Taiwan & Japan mkts closed for holidays. rufus is right, don't chase the black box boys in the FX mkts. Gold up a point on Asian mkts--not much. ROK military just notched up one alert level.
rat, there's no correalation between Richter Scale and Kilotons of yield. depends on the conditions of the experiment. Have to wait for DoD to say something.
Fox is saying that NoKo was after "400 Kiloton" test, but that 3.5 probably means it failed that level. The Hiroshima bomb was 20 kilotons--tactical size, nowadays. 400 kilotons is a big nasty bomb.
South Korean Foreign Minister Ban Ki-Moon, set to be formally endorsed as UN chief Kofi Annan's successor Monday, is the only candidate left in the race as all other contenders withdrew, a UN spokeswoman said. All six rivals who initially threw their hats into the ring have informed the Security Council that they were withdrawing their candidacies, UN deputy spokeswoman Marie Okabe said.
Well, it's a bit bigger than a suitcase, but not much bigger than a duffle bag
The main one was the W54, a cylinder 40 by 60 centimeters that weighed 68 kilograms (the warhead was a variation of one developed for the Davy Crockett nuclear recoilless rifle). It was fired by a mechanical timer and had a variable yield ("dial-a-yield") equivalent to between 10 tons and 1 kiloton of TNT. 300 SADMs were assembled and remained in the US arsenal until 1989.
Comment#4 at the Austin Bay link above (border doin's) is yer typical know-it-all poo-poo lib. he say (earlier):
Do they really have the ability to detonate an atomic bomb which may blow themselves up and annihilate North Korea? I think not. Even the dear leader won’t dare. It’s 4:00 pm (est) Sunday, end of the weekend. I haven’t heard any detonation yet.
the guy thinks a test will blow up the whole country, he's THAT stupid, but does it prevent him from being aggressively opinionated? Nah, not on yer life, it don't.
Reports are that the UN Security Council will place it's largest trebuchet's on the border of North Korea. These trebuchet's have the ability to lob a cow over the border which will really be a sign of UN resolve.
How many Americans died holding the 38th parallel? 35,000? And what China fought to preserve is the starved, mad, hellhole you see today. ROK, on the other hand, is a booming first-world land of freedom and prosperity.
It is obvious that the "Cowboy Bush" pushed this peaceful, poor nation to have to do this nuclear test. The aggressive acts of the capitalists, invading Iraq and threatening the tranquillity of the Lotus Land is a war act and will be met with our peoples army and our new weapons that will, along with Iran's will burn our enemies. And make that guy come out of the well.
Last night in checking out what was going on with the Socialist and Communist Blogs, or more precisely their blog and Socialist Party & CPUSA I ran across this. It would be very interesting to know if it were the truth. I mentioned Markus Wolfe (the man with no face yesterday) Check this out from a leftist publication.
ReplyDeleteHomeland Security?
ReplyDeleteI sure as hell don't know either, but I do know that one of the Operations Directorates defenses has always been that to get the slime and the dirt and the skinny you've got to work with those types.
But those who know aren't gonna say until they get a really good TV or book deal
Rufus, re: Is Bush that dumb.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading the interview with Wolfe I came away with the fee'n that W haas been watching tapes of Slick Willie.
I don't know, the man has become an enigma to me.
He's been focused on the TWAT for sure. Now that looks like it's headed for parition. At least the talk talk is about that. It's also becoming apparent we are getting out sooner rather than later.
In the spy world you just never know.
ReplyDeleteI dated a girl at the agency that was going to a very sensitive plac and she looked like a little kid but she spoke about five languages and was really really smart..I was just he boy toy for a time...yeah
I just noticed my SR-71 is missing...I wonder if a laser got it?
ReplyDeleteW is making Screamin Joe Biden look prescient if not presidential.
ReplyDeleteHabu. I have noticed some of the photos have imbedded code that do not stay posted. I'll email you a kick ass SR-71 that when launched, stays launched. Right now IB in a remote location, being forced to engage with superb Italian cuisine, remarkable French wine and an American beauty. SR_71 ill be on your desktop in the morning. Eat your heart out Doug.
ReplyDeleteNot up on safari
ReplyDelete2164...MAYDAY if you need help with any of those terrible conditions you're having to deal with. I feel your gain.
ReplyDeleteThe Sr-71 probably violated a copywrite law and I'll be served with papers to show cause why I didn't post a piece of e-coli free spinach.
ReplyDeletehad some travels today, but to answer the morning's question, a revolutionary third party is not a Revolution, backed by the "hard men".
Of course Mr Bush can pocket veto the Fence Bill. He does not care about the Vigilantes.
Yes, rufus, Mr Graf is the conservative, he'll be creamed.
The more moderate candidate mirrored Mr Kolbe's (the retiring Rep) and McCain's and the majority of Tucson's immigration position.
"Amnesty by another name"
The Party paid $200,000 for ads supporting the "moderate". The Republican Party faithful went for the Border Security candidate, Mr Graf.
So yes, Mr Bush could easily pocket veto that Bill. He's done as much to Republican Consevatives, already.
In AZ and RI
I combed the news today for an update on any coup or uprising in Iran but I never had any success.
ReplyDeleteI've been on honey-do duty a lot this weekend ..you got vigilante rumbling in your neck of the woods?
Is it over the illegals?
They did the same to someone in the northern midwest, during the Primary. MI, I think, Mrs Bush went up there.
ReplyDeleteThe more Conservative candidate won, regardless. It was a "locked up" District, as I recall.
The Bush's and the National Party always favor the "moderate & liberal" candidate, given the opportunity.
Could it be policy, perhaps?
Mr Bush, he called the "Minuteman Border Watch" folks "Vigilantes".
ReplyDeleteThey use night vison, binocs to see the infiltrators and cell phones, to call the Border Patrol.
Vigilantes, according to Mr Bush.
So beware, it's not a high standard to meet.
Yeah, it was a grass roots Border Security revolt. No Fence, No Security. No Seat.
ReplyDeleteThe Fence Bill was passed a month or so later, a Bill that would have made the issue mute.
But the Pocket Veto would have alienated the Conservative vote, losing the Seat, regardless.
To the primary voter, the Border Issue was more important than "National" Party Strategy, Holding the House, or the like.
The Election was local. Most are.
This page at RCP explains, scrowl about 1/3 to 1/2 down
ReplyDelete"Minuteman Border Watch" folks "Vigilantes".
ReplyDeleteMan that frosts my ass. 400k a year come across illegally so a citizen promotes a "neighborhood watch" program, where the men/women are NOT armed except with night vision equip. and radios to call in the Border Patrol and he calls them vigilantes.
I think Bush as lost whatever deeper crevasse of his brain he may have ever possessed.
I'm getting a little animated over this One World concept he and his father have been promoting.
For each, rufus, the tipping point for foolishness varies.
ReplyDeleteBut it exists for each of US.
Well, you know, back in the day I thought Frank Luntz was a pretty sharp, shrewd dude. The pollster, lingusit that helped Newt gain the House in '94.
ReplyDelete"... The Republican Party of 2006 is a tired, cranky shell of the aggressive, reformist movement that was swept into office in 1994 on a wave of positive change. I knew those Republicans. I worked for them. They were friends of mine. These Republicans are not those Republicans. ...
Frank Luntz, does he still ring true?
that's a 10-4, rufus--
ReplyDeleteThey and those that agree with them, just may take a vacation, rufus and you too CB buddy, on Nov 7.
ReplyDeleteBe careful what you wish for
that'd be a Breaker, Breaker, alright. Dem's have themselves a Connnvoy!
ReplyDeleteMy thinking is that we could use these last two years to do some fixin on the non-discretionary demographic bust headin our way.
Maybe a little tax code reform.
The wowa, the Pentagon can do best, i thought, without Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid.
But what do I know.
Sure, I wish the admin was further right, on a whole host of issues.
ReplyDeleteI don't know why a minority party has been so good at obstructing, so good at intimidating.
But there is one thing--the hard-left has been trying for a comprehensive Vietnam II since--well, pick your date.
My biggest question as of noon 9-11-01 was, how long does USA have, in fighting back, before the hundred-thousand head antiwar crowds are getting the tear-gas at the Washington Mall every weekend, again?
And this time on 24/7 cable news and the internet.
ReplyDeleteI did the same thing in '94. On the Republican Executive Committee of my County, also Pres of Rep Men's Club.
It's not the same party I was a delegate to the Presidential III Conference in Orlando and met all the candidates since I was i the company of the soon to be Speaker of the House of Florida and the Party Chairman for the State both of whom were from my county.
But Reagan was the high water mark.
Gingrich screwed up, and the Bush's are weenies. When H.W. came to CIA everyone laughed knowing he was just punching his ticket.
Reagan Republicans don't have any leadership in to days big tent.
Soon as the Dems have the House.
ReplyDeleteThat's when the op tempo would increase
Will the ladies soon be locked in combat in the mud pit?
ReplyDeleteNahncee said, "Theresita you silly slut..." - The BC: "The worm turns."
By the by, I thought Nahncee was the Miss Manners of the BC.
i just don't see the Rosy scenario the stay-homers have in mind, where they give over the congress for two years so the Dems have to break cover and insude a conservative turn in 08.
ReplyDeleteTimes have changed--that bunch will not be easy to dislodge, if they ever get in again.
Allen, Thanks for pointing out ladies night at BC, and a belated thanks for the nice compliments.
ReplyDeleteWe are too self absorbed to be a "nation" with common objectives outlined in our founding documents..way to many unassimilated who will never assimilate, just feed off the host.
ReplyDelete“The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money”
Alexis de Tocqueville quotes (French Historian
Look for trade protection, look for a meltdown of global financial trade system coming off some version of the Schumer tariff, look for an escalation of the measured war sometime after we skeedaddle the ME, look for tax hikes and a major break in the markets, and a nasty stagflation recession. Look for Carternomics, IOW. esp after they parlay the 06 win into an 08 win. We'll remember these times, and grind our teeth at having been so disdainful of such a state of the nation as we have now, and are fixing to ditch.
ReplyDeleteBut the stay-homers will have made their point, you bet.
Made the same point in '92, and gave us the Clintons, and the Clintonites--who are nothing if not durable.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you on that, buddy.
ReplyDeleteI think that which ever side loses will have some blood letting on tap.
If the Dems cannot win now, they never will. If the Repubs fall out of the saddle, it's harder to catch that old jack ass than many think.
The worse '08 scenario, for Republicans to be out of power, with no heir apparant for the nomination?
May it be within the Democrats grasp, with just 29 days to go?
They'll be a huge turnout of 35-42% of eligible voters.
ReplyDeleteThe world is run by those who show up, and the most important factor in any election is the identity of the voters.
Buddy, there is no leadership to the Republican Party and that is a big hurdle. There is no enthusiasm for the Democrats either, but the numbers only favor the Republicans with large turn outs from the base. The Republican base has a lot of issues that have not been satisfied byt the Repubkican controlled Congress and GWB.
ReplyDeleteWhy O why is the concept of the Lesser Evil so hard to grasp? Those who try to explain it are automatically castigated, as if they have the power--when no one else does or ever has--to change the number and nature of the two options, the Greater or Lesser Evil options of the ancient choice, the Solomon's Choice.
ReplyDeleteI better find my glasses.
ReplyDeleteAZ Governor
ReplyDeleteMunsil (R) 24%,
Napolitano (D) 58%
Tucson, Arizona | Published: 10.06.2006
A poll shows Democratic Governor Janet Napolitano with a 2-to-1 lead over Republican challenger Len Munsil.
The Phoenix-based Behavior Research Center's poll found Napolitano supported by 58 percent of those voters surveyed, compared with 24 percent for Munsil, two percent for Libertarian Barry Hess and 16 percent undecided.
The poll is based on interviews conducted over eight days in late September and early October with 625 voters statewide and had a margin of error of four percentage points.
The center's poll's results resembled those of a survey conducted in late September by Arizona State University.
Rat, re your "bloodletting" post--I guess the break is on the question of how best to do the "work-out"--do we, like an addict, have to bottom out, politically, or can we just quietly ease of the bad habits and promote the good ones? and avoid the sturm und drang?
ReplyDeleteLook back in history at which party has set the stage--the conditions--for our wars.
Hold that thought, and think of PRC, that we are their banker, and that the Dems want to drastically change the terms of the deal.
Hold that thought, and think of the 'Stans, which need us more than ever to make the final break with Ivan.
Hold that thought and remember that the people coming back to DC are indistinguisable from the Carterites.
Think of the fact that global oil production is about 86 mm bpd and consumptiomn is 85 mm bpd--and can go nowhere but up over the next decade. And the Dems want to cripple the USA oil companies--though 75% of world production is by foreeign governmants.
Hold all those thoughts, and think about whether or not it is a good idea to Stay Home.
rufus--you're right--about the boys getting killed for something that can't be easily seen. I'd be there, too, in spades, if it weren't for a conviction that if we do this next year or two badly, there'll be soon enough lots more KIA--maybe a *whole* lots more. and with less control of outcomes, to boot.
ReplyDeleteThink the illegal flow is bad now, just U wait. the jack-ass will not easily get shut out ever again. Buy gold, my friends--all you can afford.
ReplyDeleteStereo type thinking, rufus.
ReplyDeletePersons under 18 years old,
2004 AZ 26.9% USA 25.0%
Persons 65 years old and over, 2004 AZ 12.7% USA 12.4%
US Census Data
And the internet will change--a few dozen lawsuits and we'll have a nice safely controlled PRC model. I operated a regulated business under the Clinton's FDA, and take it from me, the agencies turn hard Statist when their boy is in the WH. No Gestapo, just tortuous harassment (which is a tort, but unactionable when the climate ain't right). The left doesn't like business--the left likes government.
ReplyDeleteWe could get DOUBLE the interest rates and inflation we have now, and it'd still be only HALF what Carternomics gave us.
ReplyDeleteFox is breaking--NoKos just exploded a nuke test.
ReplyDeleteAs to the Julio Nation aspects of migration, well that's demographics.
ReplyDeleteAs in Californication
The NorKs set off the bomb according to the NorKs and the SorK are convening a Security Cabinet, no siesmic activity reported, small bomb or a tall tale?
Speaking of Carter.
ReplyDeleteSEOUL, Oct. 9 (Yonhap) -- South Korea received intelligence on Monday that North Korea might have conducted a nuclear test, officials here said.
ReplyDelete"President Roh Moo-hyun called in an emergency meeting of related ministers on Monday to discuss the North Korean nuclear issue," Foreign Ministry spokesman Choo Kyu-ho said. "The meeting comes as there has been a grave change in the situation involving the North's nuclear activity."
He refused to go into further detail, citing the sensitivity of the issue.
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya, an outspoken critic of President Vladimir Putin, was shot dead on Saturday at her apartment block in central Moscow, police said.
ReplyDelete"According to initial information she was killed by two shots when leaving the lift. Neighbors found her body," a police source told Reuters. Police found a pistol and four rounds in the lift.
Politkovskaya, a 48-year-old mother of two, won international fame and numerous prizes for her dogged pursuit of rights abuses by Putin's government, particularly in the violent southern province of Chechnya.
"The first thing that comes to mind is that Anna was killed for her professional activities. We don't see any other motive for this terrible crime," said Vitaly Yaroshevsky, a deputy editor of the newspaper where Politkovskaya worked.
Nuclear "test" appears to be a fart in the wind.
ReplyDeleteIn light of the inevitable, might I suggest some reading:
ReplyDeleteThe Road by Cormac McCarthy
"... Booked weeks ago for ABC's "This Week," he confirmed his appearance on Wednesday. By Saturday, his office canceled without explanation and arranged for a substitute guest, Rep. Adam Putnam, R-Fla., a network spokeswoman said.
ReplyDeleteA Reynolds spokesman said the New York congressman had flu-like symptoms. Reynolds, whose district covers a stretch of New York between the suburbs of Buffalo and Rochester, is now trailing his Democratic opponent, Jack Davis, by a 48-33 percent margin, according to a poll conducted by Zogby International for The Buffalo News.
yeh--blown nukes, blown pages--its all the same--
ReplyDeleteBlue flu
ReplyDeleteBREAKING NEWS 10 SEPTEMBER 2006: MoveOn.org routed
ReplyDeleteGeorge Soros Ops
Cormac Mccarthy is great--I read his early stuff. Cold killers in the hot desert.
ReplyDeleteThere has been no blast, no siesmic activity.
ReplyDeleteIt's just like their building at Panmunjom and their fake villages on the frontier
Kim jung il has some bad kim chee...you've got to be careful with the fermintation process...just bad gass.
ReplyDeleteSouth Korea's Yonhap news agency said the test was conducted at 10:36 a.m. (9:36 p.m. EDT Sunday) in Hwaderi near Kilju city, citing defense officials.
ReplyDeleteIn line with Friday's (I think, didn't look to confirm) discussion re: Putin - http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/012/766wlyuo.asp
ReplyDeleteWell, Seoul should be on the highest alert--if NoKo-man faked it, then he must be in trouble. Ten thousand large caliber guns in concrete revetments, unassaialable by air, ten miles away from the city.
ReplyDeleteThere are reports of leakage from
ReplyDeleteKim jung Il.
If they have a working bomb, would not they have a few mounted on Tapei-Dongs already, just in case their test set off an invasion? If so, the world has already changed for Japan, too, not just ROK. And the Mullahs--they just got one in the ass. Good.
ReplyDeleteUSGS now confirming "something happened".
ReplyDeleteoops perhaps a lump in that flatus
ReplyDeleteNow there is some "movement"
ReplyDeleteA little ex-lax, then activity.
E minus 30, another October Surprise.
Gonna take a deep breath and look in on Bloomberg/Asia mkts--
ReplyDeleteI did not realize that Kim Jong was such a good golfer...six holes in one during his first round..WOW
ReplyDeleteThe Pakistani got it done
ReplyDeleteIt's reported to be a 3.58 magntude?
rufus, if Clinton/Reno could miniaturize PRC's, they could miniaturize NoKo's, huh?
ReplyDeleteyou all watching this, it's crazy out there now
ReplyDeleteRichter scale?
Does this mean that this is going to be the big story tomorrow?
ReplyDeleteWhat will happen to the North Korean won? Should you go long, short it, barbell or butterfly it.
3.58 not big
ReplyDeletecompared to what?
ReplyDelete5 kilo tons
R Scale
ReplyDeleteRichter scale
ROK stocks "plunging", Taiwan & Japan mkts closed for holidays. rufus is right, don't chase the black box boys in the FX mkts. Gold up a point on Asian mkts--not much. ROK military just notched up one alert level.
ReplyDeleterat, there's no correalation between Richter Scale and Kilotons of yield. depends on the conditions of the experiment. Have to wait for DoD to say something.
ReplyDeleteunder 400 kilo ton, James Rosen
ReplyDeleteFox is saying that NoKo was after "400 Kiloton" test, but that 3.5 probably means it failed that level. The Hiroshima bomb was 20 kilotons--tactical size, nowadays. 400 kilotons is a big nasty bomb.
ReplyDeleteWell guys, this puts a fork in Foley.
ReplyDeleteI think at that potential, it was thermonuclear, a hydrogen bomb. shucks, i had the idea they'd have to go thru the l'il ole plutonium bomb first.
ReplyDeleteFox is showing Kim laffing it up w/ Albright, in NoKo-land. Doity bastids, them Fox guys.
ReplyDeleteRove did it
ReplyDeleteMaybe Chris Matthews can ask Bill Clinton about the Riady boys, next interview.
ReplyDeleteChris WALLACE, wash my mouf out wid soap.
ReplyDeletego here
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteSouth Korean Foreign Minister Ban Ki-Moon, set to be formally endorsed as UN chief Kofi Annan's successor Monday, is the only candidate left in the race as all other contenders withdrew, a UN spokeswoman said.
ReplyDeleteAll six rivals who initially threw their hats into the ring have informed the Security Council that they were withdrawing their candidacies, UN deputy spokeswoman Marie Okabe said.
Well, it's a bit bigger than a suitcase, but not much bigger than a duffle bag
ReplyDeleteThe main one was the W54, a cylinder 40 by 60 centimeters that weighed 68 kilograms (the warhead was a variation of one developed for the Davy Crockett nuclear recoilless rifle). It was fired by a mechanical timer and had a variable yield ("dial-a-yield") equivalent to between 10 tons and 1 kiloton of TNT. 300 SADMs were assembled and remained in the US arsenal until 1989.
NoKo/PRC border doin's
ReplyDeleteDavy said "Be Sure You're Right, Then Go Ahead!"
ReplyDeletehe died not 45 minutes from where i sit--
ReplyDeleteTeam America
ReplyDeleteFuck yea!
Call in the puppets!
yeh, be great to see the Alec Baldwin puppet get killed again!
ReplyDeleteComment#4 at the Austin Bay link above (border doin's) is yer typical know-it-all poo-poo lib. he say (earlier):
ReplyDeleteDo they really have the ability to detonate an atomic bomb which may blow themselves up and annihilate North Korea? I think not. Even the dear leader won’t dare. It’s 4:00 pm (est) Sunday, end of the weekend. I haven’t heard any detonation yet.
Comment by ic — 10/8/2006 @ 2:03 pm
Oh, let's put the Libs back in DC, pretty prease.
the guy thinks a test will blow up the whole country, he's THAT stupid, but does it prevent him from being aggressively opinionated? Nah, not on yer life, it don't.
ReplyDelete"Surfin' USA", to "Nuk'in YOU, I Say", Possum?
ReplyDeleteReports are that the UN Security Council will place it's largest trebuchet's on the border of North Korea.
ReplyDeleteThese trebuchet's have the ability to lob a cow over the border which will really be a sign of UN resolve.
Buddy, Surf'in USA is right.
ReplyDeleteThe Dems move their rhetoric to the Right of Mr Bush. Whatever he does, will be wrong.
ReplyDeleteAgain, it's on Mr Bush's watch.
Some will blame Mr Clinton.
But there is not much to be done, beyond rhetoric.
The UN, is the play... James Rosen
A cow? That'd feed a mis-size village for a year--all citizens get one gram per day, cheat and you die pletty qrik.
ReplyDeleteGood as a cow, maybe better.
ReplyDeletejeez, what's to sanction--food? Kim'd love losing a few million restless peasants--the Million Man Army is all he needs or wants.
ReplyDeleteI think this rises to the level of a VERY Strongly Worded Resolution.
I mean words have meaning.
I can't believe this madman did this.
What about the children?
ReplyDeletePart of the Master Plan?
How many Americans died holding the 38th parallel? 35,000? And what China fought to preserve is the starved, mad, hellhole you see today. ROK, on the other hand, is a booming first-world land of freedom and prosperity.
ReplyDeleteIt is obvious that the "Cowboy Bush" pushed this peaceful, poor nation to have to do this nuclear test.
ReplyDeleteThe aggressive acts of the capitalists, invading Iraq and threatening the tranquillity of the Lotus Land is a war act and will be met with our peoples army and our new weapons that will, along with Iran's will burn our enemies. And make that guy come out of the well.
I mean, what a FUBAR--a marxist nation (you know, "Marxism"? against Royalty before all else?) with a hereditary ruler? WTF?
ReplyDeleteKim has a guy in a well, too?
ReplyDeleteAQ Khan do it!
ReplyDeleteAQ conduit!
ReplyDeleteI know I was pushed to do a tough thing.
I do have nightmares, paranoia,muliple personality syndrome and a professionally trained cold blooded killers instinct.
But hey it's all good.
And there goes their chances to host the World Badminton Championship, worth over two trillion KOrean won.
Well..it's late here and I have my 782 gear ready..nite all stay safe.
ReplyDeleteyeh, nite all. don't let the bed bugs bite--