Two stories of note. (hattip Habu) One begins like this:
"The German author Henryk M. Broder recently told the Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant (12 October) that young Europeans who love freedom, better emigrate. Europe as we know it will no longer exist 20 years from now. Whilst sitting on a terrace in Berlin, Broder pointed to the other customers and the passers-by and said melancholically: “We are watching the world of yesterday.”The Brussels Journal
Europe is turning Muslim. As Broder is sixty years old he is not going to emigrate himself. “I am too old,” he said. However, he urged young people to get out and “move to Australia or New Zealand. That is the only option they have if they want to avoid the plagues that will turn the old continent uninhabitable.”....
..."Many Germans and Dutch, apparently, did not wait for Broder’s advice. The number of emigrants leaving the Netherlands and Germany has already surpassed the number of immigrants moving in. One does not have to be prophetic to predict, like Henryk Broder, that Europe is becoming Islamic. Just consider the demographics. The number of Muslims in contemporary Europe is estimated to be 50 million. It is expected to double in twenty years. By 2025, one third of all European children will be born to Muslim families. Today Mohammed is already the most popular name for new-born boys in Brussels, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and other major European cities."...
..."As Tom Bethell wrote in this month’s American Spectator: “Just at the most basic level of demography the secular-humanist option is not working.” But there is more to it than the fact that non-religious people tend not to have as many children as religious people, because many of them prefer to “enjoy” freedom rather than renounce it for the sake of children. Secularists, it seems to me, are also less keen on fighting. Since they do not believe in an afterlife, this life is the only thing they have to lose. Hence they will rather accept submission than fight. Like the German feminist Broder referred to, they prefer to be raped than to resist.
“If faith collapses, civilization goes with it,” says Bethell. That is the real cause of the closing of civilization in Europe. Islamization is simply the consequence. The very word Islam means “submission” and the secularists have submitted already. Many Europeans have already become Muslims, though they do not realize it or do not want to admit it.
Some of the people I meet in the U.S. are particularly worried about the rise of anti-Semitism in Europe. They are correct when they fear that anti-Semitism is also on the rise among non-immigrant Europeans. The latter hate people with a fighting spirit. Contemporary anti-Semitism in Europe (at least when coming from native Europeans) is related to anti-Americanism. People who are not prepared to resist and are eager to submit, hate others who do not want to submit and are prepared to fight. They hate them because they are afraid that the latter will endanger their lives as well. In their view everyone must submit.
This is why they have come to hate Israel and America so much, and the small band of European “islamophobes” who dare to talk about what they see happening around them. West Europeans have to choose between submission (islam) or death. I fear, like Broder, that they have chosen submission – just like in former days when they preferred to be red rather than dead."
And all I can say here is, "cum hier Kätzchen, Kätzchen."
Six Germans Questioned in Skull Scandal. DW is all in a dither and according to them:
German politicians and military officials have called for better cultural training for soldiers after photos of an alleged desecration of a skull in Afghanistan shocked the nation.
Kill Mock alsurTada Now
ReplyDeleteKill Him Now
Cough Up A Lung In Cairo
ReplyDeleteBlack cloud threatens Egyptians' health
Allied Crap-o-la
Heartland Energy Sells Dogwood Stills
ReplyDeleteHeartland Energy Group Inc. of Louisiana is setting up the backyard still.
A press release from Heartland announces the receipt of ethanol production equipment from Dogwood Energy, LLC
Heartland Energy will exclusively sell and market Dogwood’s full line of ethanol stills and related ethanol products in the Louisiana territory. In addition, the agreement grants Heartland Energy, first option rights to the territories of Arkansas, Texas, and Oklahoma.
According to Heartland Energy Group under the agreement Flex Fuel America, Heartland Energy’s product sales and marketing subsidiary, will represent Dogwood’s full line of products including the home- and farm-based ethanol still, Bio-Diesel Production kit, and several ancillary alternative energy related products. Ethanol can be produced through a home-based distilling process utilizing ethanol stills. These stills enable the annual production of ten thousand gallons of ethanol for home-based stills and ten million gallons for larger commercial based stills.
Tp posted this earlier:
ReplyDeleteTP said...
The historical relationship between the "Euros" and Jews living therein is a tad more complicated than just "envy" for the latter.
I think I summarized the history of anti-semitism, Christianity, and Europe--and how they relate to one another--in a post in the past; and don't have the time to repeat myself here and now.
Let's just say that as much as one would like to blame Muslims alone, almost equal blame must be put upon Christianity for creating, spreading and supporting anti-Semitism. Both in written word and in actions undertaken.
From Christianity did Europeans also learn anti-Semitism. Post second world war period has been the most pro-Jewish period of all times in Europe--also the most secular.
What comes to envy: People have the habit of being envy now and then. But I have never personally witnessed any kind of envy towards Jews living here. People's attitudes towards Jews are as neutral as could be. If Jews were "hated", they would not get voted to the Parliament, would not work in visible posts in national media etc. Of other places I can say nothing, though, except that many leftist Euro politicians are playing with the anti-Israel card. Israelis themselves don't seem to care: They could not bother less to explain what they are doing, why, and who started it. The Muslims? I here said earlier that they cannot accomplish nothing meaningful, but I must add that they do know how to manipulate the media, and western news agencies. Not only how to throw stones at armored vehicles.
So, go figure. People believe in what they see and here often enough. You can ALWAYS count on the stone throwers to press their truth upon the media.
I personally couldn't take part in a pro-Israel demonstration back in the summer, as I don't happen to live in the capital city. I'm sure there were also pro-Israel demonstration in the USA, certainly there had to be, but I also saw (on news) huge pro-Hezbollah demonstrations in the USA. And when they interviewed those college students... Jesus Christ, they spoke like neo-Nazis, calling death upon Israel and hailing Hezbollah and solidarity for Palestinians and what ever other crap... I don't remember any more.
It is good if Americans are not envy for wealthier, more successful, harder working people. Immunity for this is great. It has not always been like that, though, as the history of Japanese in the USA shows. Or the historical (luckily passed?) fear of allowing the black kids to have the same chances than white kids in their lives. Or adults, for that matter.
There are not all that many Muslims in the States, I guess. And their "distribution" (don't know better word out of my head) amongst the regions of Europe varies greatly: Not all of Europe is densely populated by Muslims. Far from it. Very few Euros are afraid of Muslims, unlike some seem to believe. Awareness of these issues is on rise, though; but how, if at all, it will actually materialize, no one knows.
But should the number of Muslims increase in the USA as well, what could it lead into? If they erected communities alike to those of the Chinese, Mexicans, Italians etc.--areas unofficially reigned under Sharia by the elders: miniature societies within a society...
OK I'm running out of time here, but there may be more Muslims in the States also in the future.
7:49 AM, October 26, 2006
It certainly seems as we look at the events of the past few years that the world is a scary as it's ever been. But let me take you back to a few weeks in our lifetime that were even more scary.
ReplyDeleteDuring these past few weeks forty four years ago it was mano o mano with a very dangerous enemy.
1962 : The United States and Soviet Union step back from brink of nuclear war, Oct 26-27, 1962.
Complicated and tension-filled negotiations between the United States and the Soviet Union finally result in a plan to end the two-week-old Cuban Missile Crisis. A frightening period in which nuclear holocaust seemed imminent began to come to an end.
Since President John F. Kennedy's October 22 address warning the Soviets to cease their reckless program to put nuclear weapons in Cuba and announcing a naval "quarantine" against additional weapons shipments into Cuba, the world held its breath waiting to see whether the two superpowers would come to blows. U.S. armed forces went on alert and the Strategic Air Command went to a Stage 4 alert (one step away from nuclear attack). On October 24, millions waited to see whether Soviet ships bound for Cuba carrying additional missiles would try to break the U.S. naval blockade around the island. At the last minute, the vessels turned around and returned to the Soviet Union.
On October 26, Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev responded to the quarantine by sending a long and rather disjointed letter to Kennedy offering a deal: Soviet ships bound for Cuba would "not carry any kind of armaments" if the United States vowed never to invade Cuba. He pleaded, "let us show good sense," and appealed to Kennedy to "weigh well what the aggressive, piratical actions, which you have declared the U.S.A. intends to carry out in international waters, would lead to." He followed this with another letter the next day offering to remove the missiles from Cuba if the United States would remove its nuclear missiles from Turkey.
Kennedy and his officials debated the proper U.S. response to these offers. Attorney General Robert Kennedy ultimately devised an acceptable plan: take up Khrushchev's first offer and ignore the second letter. Although the United States had been considering the removal of the missiles from Turkey for some time, agreeing to the Soviet demand for their removal might give the appearance of weakness. Nevertheless, behind the scenes, Russian diplomats were informed that the missiles in Turkey would be removed after the Soviet missiles in Cuba were taken away. This information was accompanied by a threat: If the Cuban missiles were not removed in two days, the United States would resort to military action. It was now Khrushchev's turn to consider an offer to end the standoff.
BTW, is Rove vacationing in New Jersey? Jersey Supremes Give the Green Light to Gay Marriage. The senate race is New Jersey is going to be very close. This cannot hurt, If it is played properly.
ReplyDeleteBush is doing a press conference on border protection. It rings hollow to me. Where has he been on this for six years? Fine the employers, with a significant heavy fine, for hiring illegals and the problem goes away. Anything short of that is total nonsense.
ReplyDeleteI believe that when we get hit by another big terrorist attack, a dirty bomb etc, that in the aftermath we won't have too many Muslims left in this country to worry about.
I have stated many times that a violent vigilante response will overwhelm police and National Guard abilities to control the situation. The National Guard would want some pay back anyway.
Look at the LA riots of 1965 and the Rodney King Riots. All the police did was cordon off the area and let it happen. Much of the same will happen except this time it won't be the Koreans shooting to protect their stores in South Central LA, it will be enclaves of Muslims being killed by avenging Americans. There really should be no reason for a mosque to be left standing on our soil. Wear a mask.
habu, habu
ReplyDeleteAn echo from the past, you're call for War. How pre-modern of you, in our post-modern world. We cannot even hunt down the particular "evil doers" and serve our Arrest Warrants, killing a handful of "innocents" in the process, let alone a million or more.
Defeating the enemy, it's not that kind of war, or world. It's not how the Skull & Bones mentors designed their post modern world, at Yale.
An oil storage unit is aflame in Iowa.
ReplyDeleteMultiply by 50 or 100.
Then imagine Mexico and it's security
Post modern America in the Mohammedan Wars.
Two train derailments, oil fires, brush fires. All in a normal week.
ReplyDeleteHow many teams would you need, habu, to loose the dogs of war, against the US?
How many Mohammed & Malvos would you have to field?
On another note, the years old german skull photos just happened to appear as major restructuring (increase) of German forces is being announced.
ReplyDeleteAnother amazing happenstance 'coincidence', just like CNN "discovering" jihadi sniper vids just before elections.
The mainstream media are the vectors of marxism. Die MSM die.
ReplyDeleteThere's just some kinda evil in me. Luckily I channel it towards enemies of this country, which now means it's a target rich environment.
I will still wear a mask and if practicable a ghillie suit. But that is all in the spirit of Holloween, which we are now approaching.
No, I'm convinced. The Skull and Crossbone Society should do ALL THE THINKING FOR US. We will follow. We will follow.
BTW..did you have a chance to check out WOW on the last thread?
This thread...
ReplyDeleteWife's birthday Saturday. Must go shopping. Do I get her.
A. a new vaccuum cleaner
B. a set of Ginzo knives
C. a young Swedish househelper
Get tough or get out.
ReplyDeleteMr Peters has also caught up.
Been sayin' that for more than a year, now.
Stay the Course, never really said it, taken out of context. blah blah blah.
The President is supposed to Lead, from the front. Not lag more than a year behind the curve.
ReplyDeletere: Kill Him Now
Yesterday I wrote of the need for an Agincourt, delivered by the Bush administration. Could this be it?
This may be the only time you hear me compliment Mr. Powell, but he was correct in his appraisal of the danger of al Sadr in 2003, wanting him dead, then.
Sadly, I don't see things improving in TWAT under Mr. Bush. The President is not posturing or propagandizing when he sincerely calls Islam the "Religion of Peace." I am afraid that we who favor the sword, like Peters, will have to fume in fury, waiting for a better day. Millions will die, of course, in consequence of upholding the President's delusions of the universal nobility of the human character. Oh, well, millions is a small price to pay to keep one man's dream alive.
ReplyDeletere: WOW and birthday
While no expert on spousal birthday presents, I am an authority on young Swedish househelpers :>O. Therefore, my vote goes to "C", under stipulation that I get her on Tuesdays.
Mr. Bush is as enamored of his belief system as any of the Christian missionaries of old. What the President lacks is the courage of his role models to face death and martyrdom to expedite G-d’s kingdom brought to earth. Moreover, to his shame, he has no qualms about sending American youth into the fray, using them as the Little Sisters of Mercy with Chainsaws. Charitably, mistakes have been made in the effort to realize the President’s irrational quest.
ReplyDeleteThe Democrats feel that Mr. Bush is a cynical hypocrite, no doubt an issue of projection. No, Mr. Bush is a sincere man, and that is the problem. His idealistic (1960s) view of reality will never come to the world of man. Children will be left behind and old folks will have to find the means to medicate themselves and wars are not the stuff of “Onward Christian Soldiers.”
Woodrow Wilson, a man offering the nearest parallel to Mr. Bush, was also an idealist. Another nexus to Wilson, although uncommented, both men’s origins are from the progressive Northeastern political establishment. The daily routine of the privileged town of Kennebunkport has no equivalent in Gaza, for example. Al-Quds University is not Harvard or Yale. Muslim warriors were not modeled after Saint Augustine. Mr. Wilson failed to force his fellows into the progressive mold and so will Mr. Bush. Time, however, is wasting.
Read my lips? It's an inhereted gene.
ReplyDelete'The ground assault force left the site of the first raid and moved through Sadr City to the mosque where the kidnapping suspects were believed to be located. Iraqi forces secured the mosque, entered it, and detained three suspects for further questioning.
ReplyDeleteNo Iraqi or coalition forces were reported injured. Hostile conditions prevented an assessment of civilian casualties, officials said.
So it's sure not "clear and hold", but "snatch and dash".
Which is one step forward. A target & a few more detainees taken, 10 enemy KIA.
The Muslim Brotherhood may have found the means to imposing Shar’a on the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolis. It should come as no surprise to watchers of politically correct America that the Islamofascists may prevail.
ReplyDeleteMuslim Brotherhood Behind Airport Taxi Controversy
Airport taxi flap about alcohol has deeper significance
They are here and they are busy.
Do you really think that someone who manages to get himself elected the most powerful man in the world, TWICE, believes that Islam is the "Religion of Peace?"
ReplyDeleteClintoon was a two-termer.
Clinton included assurance that all students would be coerced to attend their Muslim lessons. He went beyond the American Muslim Council/ACLU's guidelines and added a clause stripping us of parental rights and religious freedom:
"Students generally do not have a Federal right to be excused from lessons that may be inconsistent with their religious beliefs or practices."
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteI believe what he says, rufus, the man is no liar, to his credit.
ReplyDeleteThe Policies we are following are based on Religion of Peace. The are also based on Mr Rumsfeld and General Paces's view that:
"... Speculating again about the future, Rumsfeld said, "there will be ... ... no way the military can win or lose a war."
... "We're socialized into believing the American military can go find somebody and kick the hell out of them, or find a battleship to sink, or an air force to shoot down. You can't do that in the 21st century."...
... Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff ... ... agreed the terrorists can be deterred "if the American people will just give us the time."
To deter, but not defeat.
The new Standard for the USMC.
ReplyDeletePresident Wilson, one time president of Princeton University, J.D, PhD, and world renowned historian, believed in the League of Nations and the Treaty of Versailles. As Messrs. Carter and Clinton proved, it is far too easy to become president.
Am I to understand you to say you do not believe the President? Are you suggesting that the millions of Americans who take Mr. Bush at his word are marks? Five plus years is a lone time to maintain a hoax, especially one requiring the approval and public enunciation of the President’s cabinet. And by enunciation I mean, “To state or set forth precisely or systematically: enunciate a doctrine.”
Vote for your life da muzzies is com'n. rite here
ReplyDeletereads 'bout it in da blue part.
ReplyDeleteThe Muslim Brotherhood may have found the means to imposing Shar’a on the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolis.
They've been at it for some years now. I remembered this article from the Chicago Tribune and Googled the link for your leisure time reading.
"... or an air force to shoot down. You can't do that in the 21st century."
ReplyDeleteThere you go, no need for F22's or F35's except as jobs programs. There is no conventional enemy foreseen.
Just more of this Iraqi style "One Off".
But no transformaion to the new Asymetric threat. Mr Rumsfeld and Company are still wedded to the previous "transformation" which was never completed and is now behind the Event curve.
ReplyDeleteAs I said, they are here and they are busy.
When the Headmen admit Victory is not the Goal, that it is in fact an Impossible Mission, my trust in their perception, judgement and behaviour is shaken to the core.
ReplyDeletere: Trib
Thanks. You may agree, some things cannot be said often enough and some things, say "Religion of Peace", should never be said at all.
Rummy was right.
ReplyDeleteRead one these pages, ah screens the Nostradamos like oracle who foretold of the great terrorism.
It's here in pixel after pixel.
habu_1; 8:37 AM, October 26, 2006
ReplyDeletere: Pakistan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, etc.
Great piece at the Spectator –
“We call these countries our allies, but only because our vocabulary lacks a descriptive noun for such an unpleasant, but necessary arrangement. Genuine allies share goals, values, an interest in outcomes -- they are those nations you can trust to get your back. Britain is such an ally, Australia, Canada, Poland too. Perhaps some industrious young linguist will come up with an appropriate neologism. Ally isn't cutting it.”
Yes, habu, nostrarummy foresaw in 1984 that the Mohammedan Terrorists were unbeatable.
ReplyDeleteThen led US to a so far failed policy of terrorist deterence.
Deterence and Containment, the newest lexicon to be utilized in describing TWAT
ReplyDeleteI just interviewed the Swedish,ah househelper...She's available on Tuesdays.
Her name is Brita and she's from Gotentobogruentofentin. She says not to worry about the pronounciation.
She also says to pay no attention to the oozing, it should stop in a week or so.
In fact why don't you just go ahead and use her full time. I'll find another. Here's her picture.
ReplyDeletere: NostraRummy
Granted, Mr. Rumsfeld was quite astute in diagnosing the problem. Where I find fault is in his method of treatment of the malady. He troubles me, as would a neurosurgeon having a problem as whether to use a scalpel or a chainsaw. Certainly, both will make the incision, although only one will leave the cranium and empty gourd when used as directed.
ReplyDeleteThat is a great piece in the Spectator. I posted it this morning on the first thread which got run over by the second thread.
There's also an attachment to the NostraRummy piece in the first thread.
But thank you for the heads up.
ReplyDeletere: Brita
You are entirely too kind. (mumble, mumble, mumble)
DR & Allen,
ReplyDeleteYeah being a Nostra doesn't mean you got answers fer what ailes ya see.
Rummy has this "vision" thing about the new Armed Forces, so he's just sav'n the ones we have until the big change over, which by then will be too late because the Russkies will be pouring through the Fulda Gap or the Chicoms will be closing off the sealanes in the Pacific.
I'm convince what we need is a Nano-Nostra-Rummy who can work faster and smarter. I think Radio Shack has a conversion kit.
ReplyDeleteYou might find this interesting,
Among other things, Talent is said to have passed his opponent today.
ReplyDeleteRe: Brita..wrong picture..
rufus, though the Pakistani have nuclear warheads, they don't have missle cagability to hit US. With or without a "shield".
ReplyDeleteIsrael seems beyond their extreme range, but India is under the gun
Paki missile capacity Unless they are launching from frieghters, off the US coast.
ReplyDeleteoops again!! sorry bro..
Do not worry, habu, I'll find you somewhere to park that RV.
ReplyDeleteYou are bringing the maid, right?
ReplyDeleteThe Muslims were outraged from the git-go when Mohammad said ,
"Boy's let's go cut some heads off" He was like some cheap ass LA gang leader. How or why people bought into Islam is a TOTAL mystery to most of the world who don't live in the 7th century.
The Qu'ran is "The Book Of Rage", page after bloody page.
All of Europe looked the other way as Hitler took over.
ReplyDeleteGeorge Bush doesn't have to play Neville Chamberlain. He can go right ahead and piss off all 1.5 billion Muslims cause they're NOT going to stop REPEAT..not going to stop..so it's us or them.
Do you really believe there's anything we can do but defeat them on the battlefield and destroy their civilization? I don't. This is a war of conquest, not negotiation. Most of there population is young, under 30 and have since day one been schooled in HATING the USA and espcially Jews..day ONE..think we're gonna change that culture?
This truly is a clash of civilizations. Right here, right now.
There are some great comments at the BC on the Maliki tantrum.
ReplyDeleteShowing his colors
I would not bet the farm on the Kurds. But, if we must be in Iraq, and I think we must, it is better to be in friendly territory than hostile. The Kurds have everything to gain and nothing to lose in making such an alliance. They know the mortal danger they face if we pull out.
As to the distribution of oil revenues, I think Teresita and Catherine are onto something. I think that something is screw the Sunni. If deprived of oil revenue, the Sunni will have to turn to Saudi Arabia. Any money given the Sunni of Iraq is that much less the Saudis can distribute to international Wahabism.
ReplyDeletere: Britall
Wowser, Batman! That is one fine floatation device.
When I really think about it, I could use her on Thursdays also.
ReplyDeletere: Real Deal
You're killin me, here. Now, bro, that's what I call packin heat.
ReplyDeleteBuddy and you are without doubt aware of the plan floated a couple years ago involving the issuance of shares of stock, rather than cash, in the Iraq petroleum industry. Each person would be issued some number of shares. These shares could be held for dividends and extraordinary payouts or they could be sold at a special bourse, established to this end. Corruption will be evident from the beginning, of course, but we can hardly expect a level of virtue in Iraq which is all too evidently lacking in our own stock market. Just sayin.
Austin Bay, seconding Michael Barone, may have the pulse of the country.
If the Democrats cannot win in Connecticut on the issue of the Second Iraq War, the issue may have no resonance elsewhere.
“On this particular point I think Broder has it exactly right. This is the single most important race in the 2006 election.”
Sorry, Austin Bay was referring to David Broder. Too many polls and too much commentary have me scrambled. Again, sorry.
ReplyDeleteI'd say that Mr Lieberman is more the case of a popular incumbent beating the crap out of an intraParty upstart in the General Election.
ReplyDeleteThe fact that the upstart was a one note symphony just makes it easier.
Iraq is just an issue because it is not going well. If Baghdad had been secured, the Insurgents defeated and the militias disarmed.
No one would care. If the US was already departing, exit stategy in place, no one would care.
But Iraqi as quagmire, NorK nuke tests and Iranian cascades do not play well for the President, this go round.
ReplyDeletere: More on the Australian “Rape Sheik”, who is, by the way, not part of the “radical minority." No indeed, he is none other than the mufti of Australia – the big kahunna
“Those atheists, people of the book (Christians and Jews), where will they end up? In Surfers Paradise? On the Gold Coast? Where will they end up? In hell and not part-time, for eternity. They are the worst in God’s creation.”
I hope the President caught the atheist theme. He should think about that the next time he is tempted to say “We are family, Moses, Mohammed, and Me.”
“But when it comes to this disaster, who started it? In his literature, writer al-Rafee says, if I came across a rape crime, I would discipline the man and order that the woman be jailed for life. Why would you do this, Rafee? He said because if she had not left the meat uncovered, the cat wouldn’t have snatched it.”
The Sheik is an elegant dog, isn’t he?
“Satan sees women as half his soldiers. You’re my messenger in necessity, Satan tells women you‘re my weapon to bring down any stubborn man. There are men that I fail with. But you’re the best of my weapons.”
Tim Blair superbly slices and dices this mental midget. Sorry, I should have said Muslim intellectual.
Stories such as this one are why I detest McCain-Feingold and fault Mr. Bush and the SCOTUS. In this case, once enshrined a bad law was snatched up for abusive use more than a century after the fact.
ReplyDeleteThe Pallywood Al-Durrah Affair
ReplyDeletere: More on the Australian “Rape Sheik”, who is, by the way, not part of the “radical minority."
Why would I want more about a rape this or that when I didn't want to know about it the first time?
Any money given the Sunni of Iraq is that much less the Saudis can distribute to international Wahabism.
ReplyDeleteYou can do the same thing by drilling ANWR, driving a sedan, keep the tires inflated, slowing down, and work ing out at the gym.
ReplyDeleteYour name came to mind.
Going to get into that weight program, hey?
Well, several interesting topics and of course never enough time. I have tried today to keep everyone focus on the erections, ah elections coming up. Here's a totally unneeded review.
ReplyDelete1. don't vote for terrorist proxies
2. in close districts vote at least twice
3. snarl at ant muzzzies voting
4.snarl at any muzzies voting
5. leave your gun in the car
6. take breath mints you might run into some of todays inspiration.
Hell, tell doug that wretchard has had a break through.
ReplyDelete...A number of books including the Shield of Achilles or the Pentagon's New Map have advanced the proposition that we are going through an major historical transition and that we live in a fundamentally different world from that of the Cold War. Yet our mental models are lagged; perhaps the more educated we are, the more lagged we tend to be.
Yet our mental models are lagged; perhaps the more educated we are, the more lagged we tend to be.
ReplyDeleteI don't know
But I been told
A big lagged woman
Ain't got no soul.
(insert Jimmy Page riff here)
Death fire in CA is arson.
ReplyDeleteHow about that Iowa oil fire?
How 'bout those train derailments?
Just wonderin ...
ReplyDeleteWon't need but a couple of good teams, but we'll only be look'n for the bad guys not hte entire country. Figure with a few teams recruit'in should go fine. Speakin of recruit'in got a story. True one.
We're gett'n ready to do some resolution test'n on one of our birds. My job is to go from LA to Arizona desert coordinates (we had GPS back in the 70's) and place this big ass tarp on the ground. It's got all these lines patterns etc. So I hire some day help (Mexicans and we head out of PHX).We get to the place get'er down and leave. I drop them off.
Next thing I know the BNDD is all over these guys. They thinks it's a drug drop. Had ta call the boss on that one. Kinda funny look'n back.
whip it
ReplyDeletewhip it good
ReplyDeleteyou know I've been a big advocate of WHIP IT, WHIP IT GOOD...
If you need help for those hard to reach places. I recommend a helper.
ReplyDeletere: whipping wonders
This puts a whole new spin on the saying, "Tis more blessed to give than to receive."
ReplyDeletere: helper
You do understand the danger of bi-lateral inner ear damage, don't you…not to mention suffocation?
ReplyDeleteI just think that since we're in a clash of civilizations and the other side hides the goodies, well we should show them the goodness in our hearts.
Teresita said...
ReplyDeleteKoch: GOP will hold both houses
Yeah, but Koch has been known to smoke doobies now and then.
7:04 PM, October 26, 2006
allen said...
re: Koch
Not to mention his use of unmatched accessories. Fredrick’s or Victoria's, I cannot say. He has always seemed a pulsating pink kinda of guy to me.
8:16 PM, October 26, 2006
ReplyDeletere: T & A
To demonstrate the clash of cultures, consider: a Western male would gently cover a babe in gossamer silk, while your basic Moe would throw a heavy, black wool tent over her and put her to cooking while went out to screw a goat.
I tell ya, these guys have been marrying their half-sister and first cousins too long.
ReplyDeleteThat's why I'm using psyops. The Mohammad Atta's of the world all went to strip clubs , got lap dances etc. They know, it just tortures them to have this piece of shit fable, the Qu'ran (sound of flushing) telling them "Can't touch this"
And then the goat problem. Goat pudenda isn't my style. My style, ah dream is the WOW inspiration earlier today. You may need to refer back to that comment for full effect.
ReplyDeleteOf course one should always wear black after dark to certain affairs
Wretchard has up a captivating post. I still submit, however, that the greatest weakness of the near future faced by the US is a political lack of will. If the government of the US wants to win, it can, enemy agility notwithstanding.
ReplyDeleteWho goes there?
ReplyDeletere: WOW at night
Why am I thinking music of the spheres?
To something serious, how does one become certified in whip therapy? How do you train? On whom do you train?
ReplyDeleteCall BR-549 for details on Certification
ReplyDeleteThere is a strip mall up the road. It has a tanning salon, beauty shop, nail salon, and masseuse. All it needs to be cutting edge is a spank a-rama. Business people, business.
ReplyDeletere: Spankology
ReplyDeleteI get the concession on Amish buggy wipes. I also really want the Barbra Streisand DVD contract. The double whammy, if you please – there is nothing better than simultaneous physical and mental anguish.
ReplyDeleteI think that post over at BC is interesting too. I nominated George Soros as the main wacko who could hostilities.
ReplyDeleteThat Br-594 was an awesome weapon. Took a good deal of abuse but could really get the job done.
And if you got lost you had a snare to capture small critters.Of course that snare also caught big critters too. Back in the day.
ReplyDeleteIf victory is deemed impossible, it will be.
In the World Series, the team that strives hardest and smartest will walk away victorious.
All right, habu, you've got the emblem, but I have Enzo.
ReplyDeleteRace you for these double air bags
ReplyDeleteWith a high powered stallion you need superior impact protection, and by G-d I think you've found it.
Enzo was always good.
Iran is banning high-speed internet connections in the hope of stopping dissenting voices. But Iran is not alone in looking at ways to regulate technology it doesn't approve of: Germany is set to tax internet users 5.5 euros a month, starting January 1 next year.
ReplyDeleteSpank Spa
ReplyDeletePummel Palace
Slap Shack
Thrash & Slash
The U.S. Air Force Doesn't Want You, or You...
ReplyDeleteStrategypage is mistaken; the USAF will reduce the force by 40,000 over the next 3 years, not 5.
For the religiously bent, Punch and Pray
ReplyDeleteRack and Roll
ReplyDeleteMore on massive voter fraud efforts in Missouri by Democrats. This time around even the uber-liberal Post-Distracts Newspaper is taking interest.
ReplyDeleteMissouri ACORN Voter Fraud Scandal Makes the National News
After I originally commented I appear to have clicked on the -Notify me when new comments are added- checkbox and from now
ReplyDeleteon each time a comment is added I recieve four emails with the exact same comment.
There has to be an easy method you are able to remove me from that service?
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