Many injured in Nice, France after truck drives into crowd, reports of gunfire

People could be seen running in panic after a truck crashed into the crowd on Promenade des Anglais in Nice, France. Many people have been reportedly injured. There also have been unconfirmed reports of gunfire.
“There are people in blood, probably full of wounded,” a reporter for the Nice Matin newspaper said.
Witnesses reported that the truck that drove into the crowd was watching the fireworks celebration of Bastille Day. Photos emerged on social media showing injured people lying on the ground en masse.
Ban lorries.
DeleteForget about the lorries.
Ban Moslems.
ALERTE : incendie au pied de la #TourEiffel !! Video :
Ah, well, we are safe.
DeleteO'bozo and Susan Rice are in 'The Situation Room'.
We were all safe prior to Washington DC going into alert to 'deal' with the situation, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson.
DeleteThe only thing there is to fear, is fear itself.
Reach down and find your balls.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteWhere you been hangin' out, DEAD BEAT DAD ?
DeleteBeen workin' on that super secret project on the coasts of Panama with the CIA, NSA, DEFENSE you've been lying to us all about for so long ?
Go back to your rathole, self confessed criminal.
Good comment, WiO.
DeleteNot sure Pence is official yet.0
ReplyDeleteKindly delete the 0
DeleteSo please hold your giddiness and applause until later. Smiley face smiley face smiley face.
ReplyDeleteObama's Dallas Police Memorial Speech Was an Obamanation
ReplyDeleteCircumstances forced Obama to say nice things about a group of Americans he would rather have criticized.
"For 15 minutes, the president’s speech was — and this is a word I use advisedly — magnificent," said John Podhoretz in the New York Post. "It was elevated and powerful and profoundly moving."
Having lulled his audience into a false sense of unity, Obama then swerved into the divisive, hyperpartisan political rhetoric he is known for. Most people wouldn't have been able to pull it off. The jobs of the officers in attendance have become more difficult and dangerous thanks in large part to this president's own disgraceful racial demagoguery. But Obama's race card never seems to expire and he always gets a special pass.
Obama's politicization of a memorial service would probably not have been accepted as recently as fifteen years ago. In 2002, when Senator Paul Wellstone (D-MN) died, and Democrats turned his memorial service into a political pep rally, Americans of all political persuasions recoiled in horror.
DeleteBut the stock market is UP!!!
DeleteSince 2009, amazing returns for Mr Obama's mentor, Lester Crown of General Dynamics ...
From $36.59 per share to $142.56.
Free money for Wall Street!
ReplyDelete(CNN) At least 73 people were killed Thursday night when a large truck plowed through a crowd celebrating Bastille Day in Nice, France, the Nice prosecutor's office said, according to French media.
U.S. President Barack Obama has condemned what he says "appears to be a horrific terrorist attack" in Nice.
ReplyDeleteObama says, "Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and other loved-ones of those killed."
Based on that, Obama thinks and prays on behalf of all of us. Glory be!!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteBeat it scumbag.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteHillary Clinton on CNN politicizing the French attack. Not a question or word from Clinton on her responsibility in destabilizing Libya and Syria> Unbelievable that Clinton or Trump will be the next president.
ReplyDeleteterrorist was born in Tunisa. Not Libya.
DeleteThe BBC reported that shots had been exchanged between police and the occupants of the lorry, but this was not confirmed.
ReplyDeleteUS government agencies have received regular reports of Islamic State threats to attack France and those threats are regarded as current, a US security official said. However, two US officials said they had no information at this point about whether militants were involved in the Nice incident.
CNN said it had spoken to a witness, identified as an American pilot, who saw the truck accelerating into the crowd. The witness said there was only one person in the truck.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeletePalestinian horses have begun turning heads at shows in Israel, said Eli Kahaloon, who with his wife, Chen Kedar, owns a well-known Israeli stable called Ariela Arabians.
Kahaloon said that in the past decade or more, Palestinians had greatly improved the quality of their stock by purchasing better horses for breeding. In the VIP section of the stands at the show, groups of Israeli and Palestinian breeders amiably mingled and cheered for their respective horses.
The contest had “nothing to do with politics,” said Mohammad Al-Mahdi, a breeder from Jenin, on the northern West Bank. “Anyone who comes to shows like this loves the horses.”
By deleting my comments you are enabling and supporting the Palestinians using cars, buses and bulldozers to run over innocent people.
ReplyDeleteMakes you proud?
It certainly clarifies who you care about....
Dead Jews certainly not on your list...
Or even dead Americans murdered by the Palestinians.
If you are too stupid to figure out why your comments are deleted, I’m not going to draw you a map.
DeleteDeuce, really why can you admit it?
ReplyDeleteThe palestinians do the same freakin thing...
The driver of the truck that killed at least 80 people in Nice on Thursday evening was a 31-year-old resident born in Tunisia, according to French newspaper Nice Matin.
ReplyDeleteBy: AFP | Nice | Published:July 3, 2016 3:59 am
A Saudi-funded mosque in Nice has opened its doors for the first time after a 15-year tussle with the local town hall.
The Nicois En-nour Institute mosque received authorization to open early yesterday from the local prefect, substituting for town mayor Philippe Pradal, who recently took over from Christian Estrosi.
Estrosi was implacably opposed to the construction of the mosque and in April had secured the green light to sue the French state in a bid to block its opening in the southern city.
Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump announced late Thursday that he would postpone the announcement of his running mate, which had been scheduled to take place Friday morning.
ReplyDeleteFrance's ambassador to the United States, Gerard Araud, characterized the events in Nice as a "terrorist attack."
"Our democracies -- France, the United States, our other partners, we are besieged, we face a terrible threat," Araud said at a Bastille Day reception at the French Embassy in Washington late Thursday.
ReplyDeleteMark Murray ✔ @mmurraypolitics
ReplyDeleteNew NBC/WSJ/Marist polls:
CO: Clinton 43, Trump 35
FL: Clinton 44, Trump 37
NC: Clinton 44, Trump 38
VA: Clinton 44, Trump 35
July 5-11
11:01 PM - 14 Jul 2016
Why not give up on the NBC/WSJ/Marist polls, Rufus ?
DeleteEveryone knows they are totally useless.
NBC/WSJ/Marist polls are Ruf's diapers....
DeleteDemocrats ‘freaked out’ over latest polls
posted at 9:21 pm on July 14, 2016 by John Sexton
Recent polls showing Hillary Clinton in a tightening race with Donald Trump have some Democrats nervous. According to a report by the Hill, some Democrats who met privately with Clinton Thursday were “freaked out” about the shift:
“Some people were freaked out, they were looking down at the polls on Real Clear Politics and asking why it was so close,” said a Democratic senator who attended the meeting, referring to a website lawmakers were checking out on their personal devices…
Clinton’s response?
“She said there are other issues. People are unhappy and they don’t trust institutions,” the senator explained.
A second Democratic source in the meeting confirmed there was “a mention of the Florida poll.
That’s a reference to a Quinnipiac poll that came out yesterday showing Trump with a 3-point lead over Clinton in Florida. The same poll showed Trump leading Clinton in Pennsylvania.
Clinton is correct that this is a year that seems to favor an outsider and she is nobody’s idea of an outsider. In the wake of those polls, even Clinton’s own spokesperson acknowledged yesterday that Trump is not a candidate to be written off:
An unnamed Democratic aide tells the Hill that this isn’t the first time senators have expressed concerns about the polls but adds, “We wouldn’t be Democrats if there weren’t a few bed-wetters.” it's eighty dead.....eighty dead not a fatal shot fired nor a single bomb burst....
ReplyDeleteWe don't want any more of this shit here, do we ?
Moslem asshole ran over people for A FULL MILE....
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteMuslims Celebrate Bastille Day: At least 75 Dead, 100 Injured
“The worst tragedy in the history of Nice” – but many more are to come.
July 15, 2016
Robert Spencer
By the way, there were USA flags flying all up and down the streets in my fair home town today.
DeleteNo one I spoke with could figure out this some kind of flag day or something ?
Has USA taken up celebrating Bastille Day ??
Those Dire Wolves From ‘Game of Thrones’ Actually Existed
ReplyDeleteList of Islamic Terror:
This is part of the list of Islamic terror attacks maintained by
During this time period, there were 1268 Islamic attacks in 50 countries, in which 11664 people were killed and 14087 injured.
(TROP does not catch all attacks. Not all attacks are immediately posted).
Delete(that idiot Hillary suggested we 'study the problem more' today...Fox News)
DeleteI think that those American citizens that embrace Sharia, which seeks to overthrown our Constitution, should be declared traitors, and stripped of their citizenship.
DeleteIt is, after all, exactly what they are....
Happily quote me on that all you want....
The Constitution isn't, or at least damn well shouldn't be, a suicide pact.
It would be less painful than studying her navel.
DeleteBan fully automatic transmission Assault Trucks now. Who needs a truck to shift gears so fast? Single speed trucks are enough. And those gas tanks are so high capacity these assault trucks can drive for miles down a crowded sidewalk. Who needs such a large capacity fuel tank? They are only good for killing people.
DeleteBan fully automatic transmission Assault Trucks now.
Truck driver shouted "I am hurting, and I want others to feel my pain!"
If Obama had a son he would be a truck driver. :-)
ReplyDeleteHillary Clinton ✔ @HillaryClinton
ReplyDelete"Let’s be clear: Islam is not our adversary. Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism."
Delete"We need to 'ferret out' terrorism"
Ferret - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The ferret (Mustela putorius furo) is the domesticated form of the European polecat, a mammal belonging to the same genus as the weasel, Mustela of the family ...
That will do it. We need some domesticated polecats to get to the bottom of this.
No soldiers, guns, or bombers needed.
(no declaration of war by NATO, just some ferrets)
Delete(Law Enforcement can't even 'ferret out' Quirk, and they've been trying for decades)
ReplyDeleteJihad Watch
Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts
Hugh Fitzgerald: What’s Up Down Under
July 14, 2016 9:32 am By Hugh Fitzgerald 46 Comments
Pauline Hanson is a well-known political figure in Australia whose general anti-immigrant stance has recently become much more focused on Muslim immigration. After years in the political wilderness, on July 2 Hanson was elected, as a Senator, to the Australian Parliament. This has greatly alarmed Muslims and their apologists. The comments on her unexpected victory were hysterical in tone, deploring her “racism” and “bigotry” and her “spreading racist and Islamophobic vitriol and abuse which threatens and marginalizes” and so on and so predictably forth. Her party, One Nation, includes in its platform a ban on new mosques and on halal certification, and a policy of zero-net migration (where the numbers of migrants who are admitted to Australia match the number of permanent departures each year).
One Nation is not the only party making such proposals; three other smaller parties, for example, have included a ban on halal certification in their platforms. But what has been supported only by One Nation, and deserves respectful attention, is Hanson’s proposal that a Royal Commission be appointed to study Islam. Royal commissions are ad hoc formal inquiries into matters of great significance, usually staffed by retired judges; Hanson wants one set up to determine whether Islam is a “religion or an ideology” or, in her forthright formulation, “Let’s determine if it is a religion or a political ideology trying to undermine our culture.”
By this one assumes Hanson means to have asked, and answered, a series of questions that the political and media elites have not addressed. These would likely include: Is Islam akin to other faiths, in what it asks or demands of its adherents? In Islam is the “church” separate from or part of the “state”? What claim to worldly power does Islam make? Is the role of Islam limited in its claims on individual believers, or does it attempt to supply them with a Complete Regulation of Life? What does it mean when Believers are to think of themselves as members of a collective Umma (the Community of Believers), all over the world, who have not merely the right but the duty to spread the faith through every possible means, including but not limited to force? Does Islam, as some have claimed, view the world as divided between Believers and Non-Believers, that is, between Dar al-Islam, the territory where Islam dominates and Muslims rule, and Dar al-Harb, where Islam does not yet dominate and Infidels, for now, still rule? Does Islam encourage free and skeptical inquiry or severely limit such inquiry by punishing any questioning of the faith? Does Islam permit Believers to leave the faith, or does it, rather, prescribe death as the proper punishment for apostasy? Does Islam allow for equal treatment of non-Muslims under Muslim rule? What, according to Islam, are the rights of women?
These are the sorts of questions that a Royal Commission might take as its remit, if Pauline Hanson were to get her way. And from everything we now read, many Australians, like the Germans and even Canadians, who have until now been among the most open and welcoming to migrants, are having second thoughts about the desirability of Muslim immigrants. There is a general unease in the West about the numbers of Muslim “refugees” arriving, about their behavior once in the West, especially toward Western women, about the increased threat of domestic terrorism, about the assertiveness of Muslims who reject integration but attempt, rather, to force changes in Western societies in order to accommodate their mores. This unease only grows with the continuing pollyannish claims of apologists that “diversity is wonderful,” or the attempts to silence any criticism of Islam by wielding the billy-club of “Islamophobia.” It has dawned on many people in the West that those who are in power have a responsibility to study both Islam, and how Muslims have treated non-Muslims over the past 1400 years, after they conquered so many lands and subjugated so many non-Muslim peoples. Hanson and her One Nation party believe it makes sense to study the texts and teachings of Islam to determine if it looks more like what we think of as a religion – Christianity, say, or Judaism – or more like a totalitarian political movement, akin to Fascism or Communism, bent on conquest, power, and control.
DeletePauline Hanson’s request for a Royal Commission apparently did not go down well with a figure on the Australian Left, one Anne Aly, who is described in a puff piece in The West Australian as “Dr Aly, a renowned counter-terrorism expert” who, elected at the same time as Pauline Hanson, has become the first female Muslim in Australia’s Parliament. Her “renowned counter-terrorism” expertise had previously been on display in a letter she wrote to a court on behalf of a radical Islamic preacher, offering a character reference for Junaid Thorne, who, because of his comments, which included publicly supporting the Charlie Hebdo massacre, calling Jews and Christians “filthy rapists,” and defending his own brother, who had tried to flee Australia to join the Islamic State, had been forbidden from flying. Thorne had defied the ban and taken a plane nonetheless, and it was for this that he was facing punishment. Dr. Aly suggested to the court that instead of being given prison time, Thorne could be moved to Perth, where he could enroll in one of her “de-radicalization” programs. This would be a way, she wrote, of keeping Junaid Thorne “on the right side of the law.” The New South Wales District Court was not impressed; instead of Anne Aly’s program in Perth, Thorne got the jail time he deserved.
Anne Aly – I’m not sure who decided she should be called a “renowned counter-terrorism expert,” but I suspect Anne Aly herself — has been, in the real world, an adjunct professor and “Early Career Research Fellow” at Curtin University. She is greatly alarmed by Pauline Hanson’s proposal for a Royal Commission that would look into Islam. This was, she sternly warned, a “divisive” proposal. But what does Anne Aly mean? Why would such a proposal be “divisive” – or rather, how can she know in advance that it would be “divisive”? If there is nothing to be discovered about Islam that would alarm Infidels, then what is there for Muslims to worry about? Clearly Dr. Aly believes that more information about Islam, made public by a Royal Commission, would not be reassuring to Infidels but, rather, cause unspecified “divisions.” What Dr. Aly wants, what many other Muslims in the West want, is to be able to continue to suppress such study of Islam, where they cannot control the outcome, for as long as possible. If greater knowledge of Islam would raise the level of Infidel anxiety – i.e., be “divisive” — then such knowledge must not be sought in the first place.
But Pauline Hanson is once again a formidable political force in Australia, and Aly may not be able to stop that proposed Royal Commission. “I think Hanson will have a huge impact on how Islam is discussed in Australia,” political commentator Margo Kingston said. “Right now these matters are not discussed or only discussed by the far-right. But now it’ll go mainstream.”
DeleteSo what else can the anne-alys of this world do except what they’ve been doing all along, to keep issuing bromides about “diversity” (Always Good) and “Islamophobia” (Always Bad) in the hope that that will be enough to shut down thought, and then all shall be well, all manner of things shall be well, with a peace that — as per usual, I’m afraid, and not only in Australia — passeth understanding?
We're gonna Weasel our way out of this war.
ReplyDeleteFor anyone who needs to be reminded that our politicians are bought and paid for by guys with big checkbooks.
WASHINGTON — The Republican Party convention is asking Sheldon Adelson to cover a $6-million shortfall triggered by sponsors walking out over the nominee, Donald Trump.
Politico reported Thursday that the appeal to the casino magnate came July 12, just six days before the July 18 launch of the convention in Cleveland. The convention has raised $58 million of its projected $64-million cost.
Adelson is a major pro-Israel giver and a Republican who has pledged to spend tens of millions of dollars to help elect Trump.
The letter from the convention’s host committee lists among donors who have withdrawn their pledges David Koch at $1 million, FedEx at $500,000, Visa at $100,000, Pepsi at $500,000 and Coca-Cola at $1 million.
The organizers bluntly admit that Trump and his controversies have led to the shortfall...
Gee, they didn't withdraw when Bill and Hill took millions from foreign countries for services rendered and to be rendered.
DeleteFancy that.
Some folks are more equal than others.
For anyone who needs to be reminded that our politicians are bought and paid for by guys with big checkbooks.
DeleteNot so fast.
Bernie's average contribution was 27 bucks.
Jeb! ran through $100 million and it bought him nothing.
There's more big money among the Dems than the Pubs nowadays, usually, at least so I have read.
Hillary has spent, what, $100 million (?) lately in negative ads against Trump and right now seems to be sinking.
It isn't all about the money....
(maybe it was $27 million in negatives recently against Trump....still, she seems to be sinking....all these numbers get confusing)
DeleteIt is so, so easy to confuse the simpletons of the United States ...
Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson has told us so.
Bob Oreille Mon Dec 29, 09:07:00 AM EST
Americans are mostly dumb fucks.
New York Times reporter on scene in Nice:
Correction: Truck driver did NOT shout "I am hurting, and I want others to feel my pain!"
ReplyDeleteBelieve it or not, he was shouting "Allahu Akbar"
BASTILLE DAY MASSACRE At least ten children among 84 slaughtered by truck driver who ploughed through Nice crowd ‘like a bowling ball while shouting Allahu Akbar’
NO !
DeleteHe said that ????
I struggle to believe it.
He had been a 'moderate muslim' all his life.
This was he first terrorist attack.
I refuse to believe until I hear a recording that he actually shouted the Akbar....
(I think he must have been having a polite, though frustrating for him, domestic conversation with his wife, and simply took it outside the home)
DeleteHe was born in Tunisa, committed several crimes in France, but just like the good old USA, that did not constitute a significant problem wrt his continued freedom.
DeleteIt's been said recently that Hillary may run through $2billion of other people's money blasting Trump, and I'm beginning to think she's going to lose.
ReplyDelete(sometimes I just can't understand Quirk....for an old ad man, I'd think his instinct would be to praise all this advertising...but's almost as if he can stand against his own financial best interests at times....a sign of nobility....)
Delete(and AIPAC, that controls the banks and the media, must spend mega trillions trying to buy Congress, and is still failing)
ReplyDeleteDr. Sebastian Gorka just called it "Allahu Whackbar"
ha ha !
(there's nothing for it but to watch Fox News at times like these)
DeleteNice Attack A Blow To Hillary
ReplyDelete"I cannot understand how anyone with two neurons to rub together could support a political party or candidate that allows Muslim immigration, refugee or otherwise, into these United States"
My sentiments exactly, and Hillary is on record wishing TO INCREASE the flow.
(she's gonna use ferrets to solve the problem)
DeleteVenezuela Food Supply Put Under Military Control....DRUDGE
ReplyDeleteThe country with the world's largest oil/gas reserves now has the military controlling the food supply.
Israel has proven one thing. Repression and violence does not guarantee that a returned violence will be diminished. Walls and isolation will reduce it but at an unsustainable price. Israel can afford to maintain a walled colony because of US subsidies and because of its size.
ReplyDeleteThere is no application to Europe or The United States nor is there a lesson to be learned. The Uk and the US are more unassailable than a France but only in degrees,
Judge Jeanine Pirro is giving a classic ripping of Obama and his Moslems policies on Fox right now....
ReplyDeletewhen that woman is angry, is she beautiful !
ReplyDelete“Let me be as blunt and as direct as I can be: Western civilization is in a war,” Gingrich told Sean Hannity, “We should, frankly, test every person here who is of a Muslim background, and if they believe in Sharia, they should be deported. Sharia is incompatible with Western civilization. Modern Muslims who have given up Sharia, glad to have them as citizens. Perfectly happy to have them next door. But we need to be fairly relentless about defining who our enemies are.”
“Anybody who goes on a website favoring ISIS or al Qaeda or other terrorist groups, that should be a felony, and they should go to jail,” Gingrich continued. “Any organization which hosts such a website should be engaged in a felony. It should be closed down immediately.”
...but such successes are illusory because, Flynn told TheDCNF, “we think attacking in Fallujah and routing them again — for the third or fourth time now — that makes us feel good. Or we kill some guy in Yemen with a drone and we feel good about that.”
The ISIS plan encompasses the world stage, not just parts of Iraq and Syria. When it has battlefield setbacks, “they counterattack in Orlando, San Bernadino, Brussels, Istanbul, Paris and in Brussels,” he said.
...but such successes are illusory because, Flynn told TheDCNF, “we think attacking in Fallujah and routing them again — for the third or fourth time now — that makes us feel good. Or we kill some guy in Yemen with a drone and we feel good about that.”
ReplyDeleteThe ISIS plan encompasses the world stage, not just parts of Iraq and Syria. When it has battlefield setbacks, “they counterattack in Orlando, San Bernadino, Brussels, Istanbul, Paris and in Brussels,” he said.
We obviously need to engage in more constructive conversations with the muzzie community.
DeleteIt is now 4 pm in France.
ReplyDelete...I learned something:
France is exactly 12 hours off (wrong) the right time on Maui.
4:04 pm
DeleteTwo Americans confirmed dead in Nice: Texas father and son, ages 51 and 11, were mowed down by terrorists in front of horrified family
ReplyDeleteSean was believed to be taking part in a 'dream holiday' to the Riviera when he was killed by terrorists believed to be affiliated with ISIS. His son Brodie is pictured on the left in his baseball portrait.
Father and son pictured on the right after a trophy ceremony
ReplyDeleteFirst Picture Image of Automatic Transmission Terror Truck Driver Mohamed Bouhlel
Including many other pictures of deadly scene....
ReplyDeleteBernie's average contribution was 27 bucks.
Jeb! ran through $100 million and it bought him nothing.
Instead of cutting back on balloons for their convention, the GOP goes to Sheldon Adelson and asks for $6 million in walking around money. Why? The answer is simple. Habit. It's what they do.
By the way, what's old Bernie doing these days?
And Trump? The guy who wasn't going to be dependent on any special interests. The self-funding guy. Wasn't he just whining about how he expects the Republican 'establishment' to get behind him and support with funding?
Dems are better than the Pubs? Pubs are better than Dems? One word. Bull.
The system in the US has been corrupted. Even SCOTUS has escalated the process. But you can't corrupt someone who is not corruptible. They are all dicks. Unfortunately, this year the two main ones are also nutz.
DeleteQuite good, but you didn't counter my assertions about Bernie and Jeb!
I thought that was one of Quirk's weaker contributions.
Delete...which is saying something.
Deuce ☂Fri Jul 15, 08:10:00 AM EDT
ReplyDeleteIsrael has proven one thing. Repression and violence does not guarantee that a returned violence will be diminished. Walls and isolation will reduce it but at an unsustainable price. Israel can afford to maintain a walled colony because of US subsidies and because of its size.
There is no application to Europe or The United States nor is there a lesson to be learned. The Uk and the US are more unassailable than a France but only in degrees,
Pure Brilliance.
Deuce, that huge US subsidy is less than 3% of Israel's GDP. The so called wall, which is 97% is a fence and it works.
And for the 9000th time Israel is not a colony.
But why tell you facts when you own bias is so much more fun?
But you continue with your denial; "There is no application to Europe or The United States nor is there a lesson to be learned. "
Well Deuce there is...
Border Control is important as is KNOWING that there are folks committed to acts of violence.
The KILLER in Nice was KNOWN to the police.
This is why Israel hosts thousands of LEOS from across the globe, every year in Jerusalem to help them control the savages at the gate.
You can THANK Israel anytime for lending assistance..
Deletethe more some try (and fail) to distance the battle that Israel has with the battle the west shares with them against jihadists, has the more desperate they seem
DeleteInteresting thing?
DeleteIn Israel, wave after wave of terrorist attacks on bus stops, cafes, public transport have spawned Israel to build more and more defensive infrastructure. From repeated improvements on something as simple as a 5 person bus waiting stop to how there are attractive rounded concrete car stoppers at intersections.
Of course the Palestinians will continue to improvise and improve their cornucopia of death tools and Israel will continue to fight back.
The "wall" that deuce slams has been an amazing success and yes, now it is being copied/being sold (technology wise) to over 4 DOZEN other nations.
Then I favor hiring the Israelis to build our wall along the Mexican border.
DeleteGaza in Arizona: How Israeli High-Tech Firms Will Up-Armor the US-Mexico Border
The real losers of course are the Arabs.
Until they reject this savage behavior from within? They will continue to race back to the 7th century.
Be it Sunni or Shiite, the Islamic world is imploding on it's self.
The question is, with the 1st world stop the influx of millions and millions of these folks within their lands....
daho BobFri Jul 15, 11:39:00 AM EDT
DeleteThen I favor hiring the Israelis to build our wall along the Mexican border.
Naw, let America LICENSE the technology and hire Americans to build it.
Interesting. Israel has patented a wall.
One has to wonder if they have patented those narrow cattle shoot type structures at checkpoints they force Palestinians to pass through single file just to get from one area to another.
Deuce, that huge US subsidy is less than 3% of Israel's GDP. The so called wall, which is 97% is a fence and it works.
DeleteAnd for the 9000th time Israel is not a colony.
You really have no clue about what you are talking about.
First the easy part:
COLONY a group of people of one nationality or ethnic group living in a foreign city or country:
This part will probably be more of a challenge for you:
Area Defense
Area of Israel: 8,019 mi²
Area of US: 3.806 million mi²
Put those facts together genius, and instruct us what relevancy does Israel offer the US on defense.
No one can calculate the insufferable financial burden that american taxpayers have been yoked by the absurd Israeli burden.
ReplyDeleteGingrich told Sean Hannity, “We should, frankly, test every person here who is of a Muslim background, and if they believe in Sharia, they should be deported. Sharia is incompatible with Western civilization.
I know little about Mike Pence therefore the only advantage I can see to Trump choosing Pence as VP is that he isn't Newt Gingrich. I am sure as I read more that there will be offsets to the huge positive he holds in this area.
I think it's a lovely idea - - -
DeleteShariah test
posted at 8:01 am on July 15, 2016 by Larry O'Connor
Newt Gingrich appeared on Hannity Thursday night (is it me, or is he practically co-hosting that show now?) and while reacting to the terror attacks in Nice, France, the former Speaker of the House called for departation of ” every person here who is of a Muslim background” if they fail a test on whether they believe in Sharia or not.
“Let me be as blunt and direct as I can be. Western civilization is in a war. We should frankly test every person here who is of a Muslim background, and if they believe in Sharia, they should be deported. Sharia is incompatible with Western civilization. Modern Muslims who have given up Sharia, glad to have them as citizens. Perfectly happy to have them next door.”
Gingrich did not make a distinction between American citizens with a “Muslim background” versus non-citizens but one has to assume he meant non-citizens. After all, where, exactly, would one deport a US citizen? Right?
Reaction to Gingrich’s remarks from conservatives:.....
- - - except it needs to be toned up in a couple of areas.
1) Given taqiya, some method other than simply asking is required
2) Treason charges against American moslems who embrace Sharia should be included. These folks, once found guilty, could be given life, or simply hung. After all, the wish to overthrown the Constitution, and the Constitution should not be a suicide pact.
Save Trouble and Blood
Stop Moslem Immigration to USA Now !
they wish
DeleteAnd it should be a felony to create jihadi web sites.
DeleteWhat's a jihadi web site ?
Whatever a jury of 12 real Americans says it is.....courts may review convictions, as they always have been allowed to do....
Just as it is to create child porn sites.
DeleteWhat's a child porn site ?
DeleteWhatever a jury of 12 real Americans says it is....courts may review convictions, as they always have been allowed to do....
DeleteRobert "Draft Dodger" Peterson, typical of a fascist.
“The essence of fascism is to make laws forbidding everything and then enforce them selectively against your enemies.”
― John Lescroart
DeleteGingrich complains about American values; yet, he shows us what his idea of them are.
Fascism? As with many words, the meaning of the words has evolved over time to become a pejorative used to describe the techniques used by the fascist. Gingrich personifies the fascist in the use of his words. I say the use of his words rather than his beliefs only because I doubt Gingrich has any core beliefs. In this case, his words are simply meant as red meat for benighted rabble who believes this stuff.
As can be seen above, he has his supporters here, the same type of people that would burn witches in 1690's, would persecute Catholics along with the Know-Nothings in the 1850's, and would be cheering on old Joe McCarthy in the 1950's.
As long as they can get enough people to go along with them they are willing to climb out from under their beds and grab their pitchforks.
My proposals are designed to save lives, Quirk, even perhaps yours.
DeleteWhat could be simpler and more just than ending moslem immigration to the USA ?
The reasons are 1400 years old, the logic clear.
We do not have to take in those that wish to destroy our Constitution, and eventually either kill us all, or dhimmify us all.
If you disagree, do so, but please don't play your idiot fascist card.
If you do so again, I shall play my "Quirk's an idiot bent upon suicide card, for himself, and much more importantly, others too" card.
Said in other words:
"Get off your faux moral high horse, Tenderhorn"
As always, looking out for your best interests, as your are currently unable to do so yourself.
Deuce ☂Fri Jul 15, 08:10:00 AM EDT
ReplyDeleteIsrael has proven one thing. Repression and violence does not guarantee that a returned violence will be diminished.
Well don't look to Israel for real repression and use of violence.
Now Assad? He has shown that the killing of 500,000 sunnis and the creation of 14 million refugees will control a population.
Let's recall his starving of over 120,000 in ONE palestinian refugee camp...
Now that's repression and violence.
israel is the JV. That's why so FEW died in the last Gaza war... What was it? 2200? 1/2 were terrorists?
That's NOTHING compared to the USA, Russia, Iran or France's history.
You remember France and Algerian war?
Now that's repression and violence....
DeleteThe pot trying to call the kettle black, apartheid is not defensible, "O"rdure
Israel is not an apartheid state, DBD rat ordure.
DeleteThat is why the Palestinians should never have a state. It will be an apartheid state.
But, you actually know that, and support it, being nothing but an anti-Semitic piece of shit.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteA previous Prime Minister of Israel has said that Israel is an apartheid state, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson. Now, you may disagree with Mr Barak, but he knows more about Israel than any commentator at this blog. Certainly more than a simpleton from Idaho, one who admits to being easily confused.
DeleteEhud Barak accuses the Netanyahu government of establishing apartheid
So, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson, Israel is now, "Officially" an Apartheid State, at least until Ehud Barak amends his mind.
DeleteTakes an Israeli to know Israel.
The three we like to quote, all ranking members of the Israeli elite.
We all know the truth, it is so obvious that even the Israeli are admitting to it, now.
The Israeli support al-Qeada taking power in Syria, Mr Oren, their ambassador to the US at the time, told US so. ...
Do YOU support al-Qeada taking power in Syria, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson?
Cheers !
ReplyDeleteHeading into town on this beautiful blue sky day.....
You do not want to discuss the FACT that the number two man in the IDF has said that Israel is now reminiscent of Hitler's Germany in the 1930's?
DeleteIDF general in bombshell speech: Israel today shows signs of 1930s Germany
Perhaps you man to tell us that Ehud Barak, Reuven Rivlin, who is the President of Israel and Maj.-Gen. Yair Golan of the Israeli Defense Force are all anti-Semites.
Come on, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson, tell us how those three men are self-loathing Jews who hate themselves their country and their religion.
You can't do it, can you?
Perhaps you mean to tell us that Ehud Barak, Reuven Rivlin, who is the President of Israel and Maj.-Gen. Yair Golan of the Israeli Defense Force are all anti-Semites.
DeleteThe reason I don't hang around when you are here, DBDratordure, besides that you continually stalk me, is that you give off an odd disintegrating odor.
DeleteI have finally identified it, with some googling help.
It is the smell of death.
I do not like it.
At least someone takes the time to read b00bie droppings.