Tomgram: Engelhardt, Crimes Against the Future | TomDispatch
Tomgram: Engelhardt, Crimes Against the Future
I recently dug my mother’s childhood photo album out of the depths of my bedroom closet. When I opened it, I found that the glue she had used as a girl to paste her life in place had given way, and on many pages the photos were now in a jumble.
My mother was born early in the last century. Today, for most of that ancient collection of photos and memorabilia -- drawings (undoubtedly hers), a Caruthers School of Piano program, a Camp Weewan-Eeta brochure, a Hyde Park High School junior prom “senior ticket,” and photos of unknown boys, girls, and adults -- there’s no one left to tell me who was who or what was what.
In some of them, I can still recognize my mother’s youthful face, and that of her brother who died so long ago but remains quite recognizable (even so many decades before I knew him). As for the rest -- the girl in what looks like a gym outfit doing a headstand, all those young women lined up on a beach in what must then have been risqué bathing suits, the boy kneeling with his arms outstretched toward my perhaps nine-year-old mother -- they’ve all been swept away by the tides of time.
And so it goes, of course. For all of us, sooner or later.
My mother was never much for talking about the past. Intent on becoming a professional caricaturist, she lit out from her hometown, Chicago, for the city of her dreams, New York, and essentially never looked back. For whatever reason, looking back frightened her.
And in all those years when I might have pressed her for so much more about herself, her family, her youthful years, I was too young to give a damn. Now, I can’t tell you what I’d give to ask those questions and find out what I can never know. Her mother and father, my grandparents who died before I was born, her sister whom I met once at perhaps age six, her friends and neighbors, swains and sidekicks, they’re all now the dust of history in an album that is disintegrating into a pile of black flakes at the slightest touch. Even for me, most of the photos in it are as meaningless (if strangely moving) as ones you’d pick up in an antique store or at a garage sale.
Lost Children on a Destabilizing Planet
I just had -- I won’t say celebrated -- my 72nd birthday. It was a natural moment to think about both the past that stretches behind me and the truncated future ahead. Recently, in fact, I’ve had the dead on my mind. I’m about to recopy my ancient address book for what undoubtedly will be the last time. (Yes, I’m old enough to prefer all that information on paper, not in the ether.) And of course when I flip through those fading pages, I see, as befits my age, something like a book of the dead and realize that the next iteration will be so much shorter.
It’s sometimes said of the dead that they’ve “crossed over.” In the context of our present world, I’ve started thinking of them as refugees of a sort -- every one of them uprooted from their lives (as we all will be one day) and sent across some unknown frontier into a truly foreign land. But if our fate is, in the end, to be the ultimate refugees, heading into a place where there will be no resettlement camps, assumedly nothing at all, I wonder, too, about the world after me, the one I’ll leave behind when I finally cross that border.
I wonder, too -- how could I not with my future life as a “refugee” in mind? -- about the 65 million human beings uprooted from their homes in 2015 alone, largely in places where we Americans have been fighting our wars for this last decade and a half. And it’s hard not to notice how many more have followed in their path this year, including at least 80,000 of the Sunni inhabitants of Iraq’s recently “liberated” and partially destroyed city of Fallujah. In the process, tens of millions of them have remained internal exiles in their own country (or what is left of it), while tens of millions have officially become refugees by crossing borders into Turkey, Lebanon, or Jordan, by taking to the seas in flimsy, overcrowded craft heading for Greece (from Turkey) or Italy (from Libya) moving onward in waves of desperation, hope, and despair, and drowning in alarming numbers. At the end of their journeys, they have sometimes found help and succor, but often enough only hostility and loathing, as if they were the ones who had committed a crime, done something wrong.
I think as well about the nearly 10% of Iraqi children, 1.5 million of them in a country gripped by chaos, war, ethnic conflict, insurgency, and terror who, according to a recent UNICEF report, have had to flee their homes since 2014, or the 20% of Iraqi kids (kids!) who are “at serious risk of death, injury, sexual violence, and recruitment into armed groups.” I think about the 51% of all those refugees from Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, and elsewhere who were children, many separated from their parents and alone on Planet Earth.
No child deserves such a fate. Ever. Each uprooted child who has lost his or her parents, and perhaps access to education or any childhood at all, represents a crime against the future.
And I think often enough about our response to all this, the one we’ve practiced for the last 15 years: more bombs, more missiles, more drone strikes, more advisers, more special ops raids, more weapons deals, and with it all not success or victory by any imaginable standard, but only the further destabilization of increasing regions of the planet, the further spread of terror movements, and the generation of yet more uprooted human beings, lost children, refugees -- ever more, that is, of the terrorized and the terrorists. If this represents the formula from hell, it’s also been a proven one over this last decade and a half. It works, as long as what you mean to do is bring chaos to significant swathes of the planet and force yet more children in ever more unimaginable situations.

The Muslims that Donald Trump wants to ban are, after all, the very ones his country has played such a part in uprooting and setting in motion. And how can the few who might ever make it to this country compare to the millions who have flooded Jordan, Turkey, and Lebanon, among other places, further destabilizing the Middle East (which, in case you forgot, remains the oil heartland of the planet)? Where is the Marshall Plan for them or for the rest of a region that the U.S. and its allies are now in the process of dismantling (with the eager assistance of the Islamic State, various extremist outfits, Bashar al-Assad, and quite a crew of others)?
What Bombs Can’t Build
We Americans think well of ourselves. From our presidents on down, we seldom hesitate to imagine our country as a singularly “exceptional” nation -- and also as an exceptionally generous one. In recent years, however, that generosity has been little in evidence at home or abroad (except where the U.S. military is concerned). Domestically, the country has split between a rising 1% (and their handlers and enablers) and parts of the other 99% who feel themselves on the path to hell. Helped along by Donald Trump’s political circus, this has given the U.S. the look of a land spinning into something like Third World-ism, even though it remains the globe’s “sole superpower” and wealthiest country.
Meanwhile, our professed streak of generosity hasn’t extended to our own infrastructure, which -- speaking of worlds swept away by the tides of time -- would have boggled the minds of my parents and other Americans of their era. The idea that the country’s highways, byways, bridges, levees, pipelines, and so on could be decaying in significant ways and starved for dollars without a response from the political class would have been inconceivable to them. And it does represent a strikingly ungenerous message sent from that class to the children of some future America: you and the world you’ll inhabit aren’t worth our investment.
In these years -- thank you, Osama bin Laden, ISIS, and endless American politicians, officials, military figures, and terror “experts” -- fear has gripped the body politic over a phenomenon, terrorism, that, while dangerous, represents one of the lesser perils of American life. No matter. There’s a constant drumbeat of discussion about how to keep ourselves “safe” from terrorism in a world in which freelance lunatics with an assault rifle or a truck can indeed kill startling numbers of people in suicidal acts. The problem is that, in this era, preserving our “safety” always turns out to involve yet more bombs and missiles dropped in distant lands, more troops and special operators sent into action, greater surveillance of ourselves and everyone else. In other words, we’re talking about everything that further militarizes American foreign policy, puts the national security state in command, and assures the continued demobilization of a scared and rattled citizenry, even as, elsewhere, it creates yet more uprooted souls, more children without childhoods, more refugees.
Our leaders -- and we, too -- have grown accustomed to our particular version of eternal “wartime,” and to wars without end, wars guaranteed to go on and on as more parts of the planet plunge into hell. In all of this, any sense of American generosity, either of the spirit or of funds, seems to be missing in action. There isn’t the faintest understanding here that if you really don’t want to create generations of terrorists amid a growing population loosed from all the boundaries of normal life, you’d better have a Marshall Plan for the Greater Middle East.
It should be obvious (but isn’t in our American world) that bombs, whatever they may do, can never build anything. You’d better be ready instead to lend a genuine hand, a major one, in making half-decent lives possible for millions and millions of people now in turmoil. You’d better know that war isn’t actually the answer to any of this, that if ISIS is destroyed in a region reduced to rubble and without hope of better, a few years from now that brutal organization could look good in comparison to whatever comes down the pike. You'd better know that peaceful acts -- peace being a word that, even rhetorically, has gone out of style in “wartime” Washington -- are still possible in this world.
Lost to the Future
Before those tides wash us away, there’s always the urge to ensure that you’ll leave something behind. I fear that I’m already catching glimpses of what that might be, of the world after me, an American world that I would never have wanted to turn over to my own children or grandchildren, or anyone else’s. My country, the United States, is hardly the only one involved in what looks like a growing global debacle of destabilization: a tip of the hat is necessary to the Pakistanis, the Saudis, our European allies, the Brexit British, the Russians, and so many others.
I have to admit, however, that my own focus -- my sense of duty, you might say -- is to this country. I’ve never liked the all-American words “patriot” and “super-patriot,” which we only apply to ourselves -- or those alternatives, “nationalist” and “ultranationalist,” which we reserve pejoratively for gung-ho foreigners. But if I can’t quite call myself either an American patriot or an American nationalist, I do care, above all, about what this country chooses to be, what it wants to become. I feel some responsibility for that and it pains me to see what’s happening to us, to the country and the people we seem to be preparing to be. We, too, are perhaps beginning to show the strains of the global destabilization now evidently underway and, unnerved, we are undoubtedly continuing to damage the future in ways still hard to assess.
Perhaps someday, someone will have one of my own childhood photo albums in their hands. The glue will have worn off, the photos will be heading toward the central crease, the pages will be flaking away, and the cast of characters, myself included, will be lost to the past, as so many of those children we had such a hand in uprooting and making into refugees will be lost to the future. At that moment, my fate will be the norm and there will be nothing to mourn about it. The fate of those lost children, if they become the norm, will however be the scandal of the century, and will represent genuine crimes against the future.
Tom Engelhardt is a co-founder of the American Empire Project and the author of The United States of Fear as well as a history of the Cold War, The End of Victory Culture. He is a fellow of the Nation Institute and runs His latest book is Shadow Government: Surveillance, Secret Wars, and a Global Security State in a Single-Superpower World.
Follow TomDispatch on Twitter and join us on Facebook. Check out the newest Dispatch Book, Nick Turse’s Next Time They’ll Come to Count the Dead, and Tom Engelhardt's latest book, Shadow Government: Surveillance, Secret Wars, and a Global Security State in a Single-Superpower World.
Copyright 2016 Tom Engelhardt
PARIS — Two men stormed a parish church in northern France on Tuesday morning and took several hostages, killing a priest and critically injuring another person before they were shot by the police, officials said.
ReplyDeleteThe Paris prosecutor’s office, which handles counterterrorism investigations in France, announced that it was taking charge of the case, indicating that officials were treating it as a terrorist attack.
Officials announced that President François Hollande and Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve would travel to the town where the church is located, St.-Étienne-du-Rouvray, a suburb of Rouen that has about 29,000 inhabitants, about 65 miles northwest of Paris.
Prime Minister Manuel Valls expressed horror at what he called “a barbaric attack on a church,” adding: “The whole of France and all Catholics are wounded. We will stand together.”
The Interior Ministry confirmed the death of one man and said that another person had been critically injured.
Archbishop Dominique Lebrun of Rouen, in a statement from Krakow, Poland, where he and other Roman Catholic leaders were gathered for the World Youth Day event, identified the victim as the Rev. Jacques Hamel, 86, the auxiliary priest at the church.
ReplyDeletePriest, 86, is killed by two 'Islamic' knifemen who slit his throat after taking nuns and worshippers hostage at French church before police shoot them both dead
murdered, not just "killed"
DeleteThey slit a priests throat and the BBC is calling them assailants.
ReplyDeleteWill the beheading of a Catholic priest inside his church be enough for the French? ISIS clearly wants a popular uprising in Europe. They are well on their way to getting it.
ReplyDeleteThe Neocon plan to destabilize the Middle East spreads.
ReplyDeleteDrudge must be asleep at the wheel.
ReplyDeleteMaybe ISIS plan is to accelerate the deportation of moslems from the west?
ReplyDeleteCertainly has legs
ReplyDeleteGreat piece by Engelhardt. Though I doubt there were many here that read beyond
I wonder, too -- how could I not with my future life as a “refugee” in mind? -- about the 65 million human beings uprooted from their homes in 2015 alone...
before having their mind fog over and tune it out because it doesn't match the memes they are fed daily and accept.
He's right, the America we have today bears little resemblance to the America of 70 years ago. In their delusion some will say that's a good thing.
I relish his articles. Glad that you appreciate them.
DeleteWe will have to ask Quirk whether it was a terrorist attack, or not.
ReplyDeleteOnly HE can adequately judge such things.
Here is what I've found:
Hollande says France is at war with ISIS: Islamist knifemen chanting 'Allahu Akbar' behead French priest, 84, and leave nun fighting for her life after storming Mass - before police shoot them dead
•Priest had throat cut while another hostage is fighting for life after knifemen burst into Normandy church at 9am
•Reports that one of the attackers shouted 'Allahu Akbar' as they launched attack at Gambetta Church near Rouen
•Vatican has condemned the 'barbaric' killing of the 84-year-old priest and an anti-terror investigation is underway
•ISIS claim responsibility for the atrocity while Francois Hollande says France is 'at war' with the terror group
•One attackers lived locally and had electronic tag having been jailed in France for trying to travel to Syria in 2015
•French authorities revealed this afternoon that they have arrested a third man in connection with the attack
By Peter Allen In France and Julian Robinson for MailOnline
Published: 03:55 EST, 26 July 2016 | Updated: 09:20 EST, 26 July 2016
Read more:
Does that one make your cut, Quirk-O ?
Or is it just simply a another matter of 'crazy; ?
DeleteI refuse to call it a 'terrorist' attack until it has been certified so by Quirk, The Authority.
ReplyDeleteThe Priest was so old his head may have finally just fallen off his body.
DeleteHow do we know for sure ?
I await the official determination of Quirk.
DeleteOf course, it was a terrorist attack. But why ask me? Isn't everything a terrorist attack to you and your bros?
Ah, good, that is settled then.
DeleteNo, everything is not a terrorist attack to me and ma bros.
The odds are extremely high though, if a muzzie is involved, a public venue is involved, etc
You can see it here daily. You've admitted you are an Islamophobe; yet, you refuse to come completely out of the closet. Like the shooting of those cops down south. No doubt you were disappointed there was no tie in to Islam even trying to bring up the 'Nation of Islam' issue.
Hell, WiO has come out plain as day with his comments on the Munich shooter.
Jump on in and get your feet wet.
DeleteThe truth will set you free.
QuirkTue Jul 26, 11:30:00 AM EDT
You can see it here daily. You've admitted you are an Islamophobe; yet, you refuse to come completely out of the closet. Like the shooting of those cops down south. No doubt you were disappointed there was no tie in to Islam even trying to bring up the 'Nation of Islam' issue.
Hell, WiO has come out plain as day with his comments on the Munich shooter.
Jump on in and get your feet wet.
Dallas shooter:
An investigation into his online activities uncovered his interest in black nationalist groups.[72] The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and news outlets reported that Johnson "liked" the Facebook pages of black nationalist organizations such as the New Black Panther Party (NBPP), Nation of Islam, and Black Riders Liberation Army, three groups which are listed by the SPLC as hate groups.[78] On Facebook, Johnson posted an angry and "disjointed" post against white people on July 2, several days before the attack.[79]
Anyone that hates whites, shoots cops and LIKES the Nation of Islam?
Is a terrorist with ties to Islamic groups, among others.
Quirk, sorry if you are looking for a laminated membership card to determine motivations, I am not.
Walks like a duck?
Sounds like a duck?
Hates white people?
Shoots cops?
LIKED Black (Jew hating, America hating, white people hating, pro-palestinian) Nationalistic group?
Is a piece of shit terrorist...
Now you can claim I am nutz but the truth?
You're a moron
DeleteIf you think what motivated that guy to kill the cops was Islam you are nuzt.
The fact of the links you will go to argue that it was related to Islam is crazy nuts.
You are a gibbering fanatic.
You deny the obvious, but why?
DeleteHave you studied the Black Liberation websites? The Nation of Islam? Black Lives Matter?
DeleteDo you actually have a clue of what you comment on?
Or rather are you just a knee jerk insulter that doesn't deal in actual facts?
No American flags visible at DNC on Day 1 - 7/26/16
ReplyDeleteBut don't worry: there was another flag visible. Guess whose! More
Name that flag.
(it ain't old glory)
(Hint: drop the l)
DeleteDNC Convention 2016: Soviet Flags, Palestinian Flag – BUT NO US FLAGS
DeleteJim Hoft Jul 26th, 2016 8:28 am —238 Comments
The Democrat Convention kicked off Monday in Philadelphia.
The far left Bernie supporters marched with Soviet flags down the street.
These people are SICK.
Hard Drinkin' Joe Biden the Imbiber is at the Convention !
ReplyDeleteIs he drunk ?
Not sure yet.
And, the day is still young....
Fox News reporting more leaked e-mails may be on the way.....
ReplyDeleteO goodie !
"sophisticated trade craft" mentioned....
E-mails of Sid Vicious attacked....
DeleteThat's Sid "Vicious" Blumenthal, a Hillary 'confidante'....
DeleteWhat a sad tragico/politico/treasonous FARCE the whole thing is.....
ReplyDeleteHey !
DeleteBillyGoat is speaking today.
Will he drool ?
Terror fears as gunman shoots doctor dead in German hospital rampage....DRUDGE
Fox News reporting via Lars Larson.....
ReplyDeleteBernie supporters have been told that if they return tonight with Bernie signs they will be kicked off the floor, out of the 'Convention'....
No wonder only the old flag of the Soviet Union has been glimpsed.....(along with the flags of the 'Palestinians', flags of Mexico)
It's a fucking Soviet totalitarian 'convention'....
Truly sickening
ReplyDeletePax Trumpiana
JULY 26, 2016 10:27 AM
With everything else going on, it may be hard to stay with the evolving Trump/Putin story. But it’s really crucial. I don’t think Trump is literally an agent of the Kremlin; instead, he’s someone Putin is aiding because he knows Trump is close to, probably financially entangled with friendly oligarchs. And equally important, Putin knows that Trump’s combination of ignorance and greed would quickly undermine the Western alliance: already we have, incredibly, a presidential candidate essentially proposing that we turn NATO into a protection racket, in which countries get defended only if they pay up.
All of this is, as it turns out, dovetailing with my bedtime reading.
I’m a huge fan of Adrian Goldsworthy’s histories, and I have a galley of his new opus, Pax Romana. Great fun as usual, plus lots of detail.
At the risk of doing a disservice to the book’s subtleties, however, let me summarize my take so far: Rome didn’t set out to bring peace and stability to the known world. Instead, it conquered for greed and glory, and under the Republic showed very little interest in anything except extracting tribute from defeated powers. This didn’t work out well, aside from the fact that the wealth and slaves brought back to Italy basically destroyed the Republic. (Bribery by foreign potentates was also a serious problem.) It also meant that life in the Mediterranean basin if anything became less secure, because Rome didn’t provide the public goods, notably policing pirates, that Hellenistic powers had previously supplied.
DeleteOnly in the last years of the Republic and then under the principate did Rome really assume the role of providing security throughout its domain. It did this out of self-interest; nonetheless, it was a really good thing and eventually became something of a value as well as a pragmatic strategy.
America is, one hopes, not ancient Rome; we aspired to universal values from the beginning, and the Pax Americana, while far from being perfect or even free from some evil, has surely been the most benign great-power domination in history. Still, there is some parallel between how we’ve run much of the world and what the Romans learned to do.
But Trump doesn’t care about any of that — he basically wants America to behave like Rome at its worst, to become the predatory power of Lucullus and Sulla.
And all those ultra-patriotic Republicans are cheering him on.
Paul Krugman - NY Times Blog
DeleteDems Build Wall Around Podium....DRUDGE
ReplyDeleteIt's like one of those nested Russian dolls.....exclusion zone, after exclusion zone, layer after layer.....Police zone, then four mile fenced Dem Convention zone, now podium zone.....
61 Dem speakers have so far spoken.....not one mention of ISIS yet.....
ReplyDeleteI'd think this would piss even Rufus off....
Though they have had Hispanics up bitching about how we stole 'their' southwest....
DeleteThis is really ripe....a major political party inviting speakers demanding we cede large portions of the USA....
DeleteGo to San Diego some day.....take a peek across the border.....and get back to us....
DeleteIt's like South and North Korea.
Hell, WiO has come out plain as day with his comments on the Munich shooter.
ReplyDeleteMunich Shooter.
he was an 18-year-old with dual German and Iranian nationality who was born and raised in Munich. Neighbors told CNN Saturday that a teen named Ali Sonboly lived in an apartment searched by police, the same name reported by German media outlets.
On Sunday, a 16-year-old Afghan believed to have been a friend of the attacker was arrested on "suspicion of being an accessory,"
The Shooter was screaming “Allahu Albar!”
A Muslim woman witnessed the shooter screaming “Allahu Akbar!”
The witness was six feet from the shooter.
the question really is?
Quirk, why do you fight so hard to excuse, hide or diminish the islamic murders and violence against our society?
DeleteWhat nonsense.
Have the police changed any of the details on the shooter? Have they linked him in any way to being an Islamist or having ties to any Islamist militant organization?
Does anyone but you credit the 'witness' story but you.
And frankly, you weren't even talking about a witness yesterday.
I believe your words were, 'It doesn't matter if he was born in Germany, he was Iranian.'
You words to Deuce were
He was Iranian.
He used a gun.
So he was an (Islamist) terrorist.
This despite the evidence to the contrary. It says all anyone needs to know about you.
WiO means he is an Iranian as in the Iranian Race - it's in his blood.
DeleteAsh don't put words in my mouth.
DeleteNo I mean he is of Iranian HERITAGE, lineage.
Why do you distort and lie?
But my point stands.
DeleteAsh, will you renounce once and for all Islamic terrorism?
gee, and what might a synonym for lineage be?
DeleteRace is not the SAME as lineage or heritage.
So why CHANGE the words I use?
Point still stands,
An Iranian or Syrian of historic lineage, SHOOTING people in a western nation, who is a moslem is a terrorist influenced by Jihad.
Iran is a multiethnic nation of Persians, Azeri Turks, Kurds, Baluchis, Arabs, Armenians, and many other groups
DeleteHardly a race of people.
Long Answer: Persians live in India, Afghanistan, Mongolia, and all over the Middle East as descendants of an ancient empire that spanned over a large deal of Asia. Therefore it would be more accurate to look at the modern country that you are descended from rather than a culture. For example if you are a person with Persian ancestry however for the past generation or so your ancestors have been born in India, then you would belong to the Asian race.
DeleteHowever as the large majority of Persians were born in Iran and have had generation over generation born in Iran, then most Persians would classify themselves as White as they are descendants of the Aryan race and have maintained that throughout their ancestry (remember Aryan isn't only blue eyes and blonde hair!).
Hmmm Ash it seems many people find your words bullshit....
Deletewiggle WiO wiggle
DeleteStrikes in Syria
ReplyDeleteAttack, ground attack and remotely piloted aircraft conducted seven strikes against ISIL targets near Manbij in Syria, striking five separate ISIL tactical units and destroying nine ISIL fighting positions and an ISIL house bomb.
Strikes in Iraq
Attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft conducted 13 strikes in Iraq, coordinated with and in support of Iraq’s government:
-- Near Habbaniyah, a strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL fighting position.
-- Near Hit, a strike produced inconclusive results.
-- Near Mosul, six strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit, an ISIL weapons facility, an ISIL vehicle bomb factory and two ISIL media sites; destroyed an ISIL vehicle; and suppressed an ISIL mortar position.
-- Near Qayyarah, two strikes struck a large ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two ISIL mortar systems and an ISIL artillery piece and suppressed an ISIL mortar position.
-- Near Sultan Abdallah, a strike struck an ISIL tactical unit; destroyed an ISIL assembly area, two ISIL vehicles, five ISIL rockets and six ISIL rocket rails; suppressed an ISIL mortar position; and denied ISIL access to terrain.
-- Near Tal Afar, two strikes struck an ISIL checkpoint and suppressed an ISIL machine gun position.
How many new terrorists did we create?
DeleteQuirkTue Jul 26, 11:10:00 AM EDT
Of course, it was a terrorist attack. But why ask me? Isn't everything a terrorist attack to you and your bros?
Perfect example of a specious distortion!!
Congrats Quirk, another misdirection and distortion you have presented.
It's amazing how you can, with a straight face. type the lies you type..
" Isn't everything a terrorist attack to you and your bros? "
Exaggeration, distortion and lies...
Your tradecraft Quirk, this is why you are no longer a trusted blogger but rather an official apologist for Jihad.
Quirk still aint sure about this...
ReplyDeleteIslamist knifemen forced priest, 84, to kneel and filmed his death as they slit his throat: Hollande says 'France is at war with ISIS' after jihadists storm French church during Mass chanting 'Allahu Akbar'
Priest had throat cut while another hostage is fighting for life after knifemen burst into Normandy church at 9am
Reports that one of the attackers shouted 'Allahu Akbar' as they launched assault at Gambetta Church near Rouen
Vatican has condemned the 'barbaric' killing of the 84-year-old priest and an anti-terror investigation is underway
ISIS claim responsibility for the atrocity while Francois Hollande says France is 'at war' with the terror group
The attackers lived locally and one had electronic tag having been jailed in France for trying to travel to Syria
French authorities revealed this afternoon that they have arrested a third man in connection with the attack
Nicolas Sarkozy calls for 'merciless' response as ex-PM said 'everything is being done to trigger a war of religions'
Read more:
Nineveh Council: 1,500 ISIS members escape Mosul and head towards Riqqa
ReplyDelete( NINEVEH – Nineveh provincial council member Hossam al-Abbar revealed on Tuesday that over 1,500 ISIS members including several of its senior leaders have escaped from Mosul and have headed towards Riqqa in Syria.
Al-Abbar, in a press statement, said, “The number of ISIS members in Mosul, before releasing Qayyarah base and the surrounding villages, was around 9000 including Arab, foreign and local nationals.”
Al-Abbar added, “After the liberation of Qayyarah, the number of ISIS members have declined as a number of them have either been killed or escaped the city.”
Alabbar said,”Over 1,500 ISIS members comprising of Arab and foreign nationals have fled from Mosul and have headed towards Riqqa.”
Mosul liberation: Abadi bats for cooperation with Peshmerga
ReplyDelete( ERBIL – Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi stressed the importance of cooperation with the Kurdistan region and Peshmerga forces in battle to liberation Mosul.
The Prime Minister’s Office, in a statement, said,”Al-Abadi met with the governor and deputy members of the Board of Nineveh province and stressed the importance of cooperation with the Kurdistan Region and Peshmerga forces in the operations for liberating Mosul.”
“We have achieved important victories in the first and second phases of Mosul liberation operations. The Iraqi flag will be raised in Mosul soon,” Abadi added.
“ISIS has been benefited from the political differences to sow discord. Our joint work will bring us much closer,” Abadi concluded.
Salaam Doostaan:
ReplyDeleteFor anyone who is uncertain of what race "Iranians" are, I suggest they look up the meaning and description of "Caucasian" in an unabridged Webster's dictionary.
Caucasian (commonly referred to as White) race is a major ethnic division of the human species having skin color varying from very light to brown. These people are natives of Caucasus Mountains, which are in the SW region of Soviet Union or Northern region of Iran (depending on the time periods when the borders were established). Iranians are Caucasian or White. Let's not loose our identity for the sake of privileges offered to "minorities".
If you still have any doubt about your heritage and ancestry, then find out what the word "IRAN" means. I wonder how many of us know that?
Please pass on the word and let's get our American friends, families and society educated on who we are.
Are you listening Ash?
"Iranian" is not a race but an ancestry
DeleteIE Heritage or Lineage.
DeleteDouble Checkmate Ash
A large part of meaning of words come from the context in which they are used. The context with which you speak, WiO, and Bob, makes your meaning clear to most.
DeleteWhile you wiggle over using the term lineage please look up the definition of synonym and then check for synonyms for lineage.
wiggle WiO wiggle
DeleteQuirk still aint sure about this...
Islamist knifemen forced priest, 84, to kneel and filmed his death as they slit his throat: Hollande says 'France is at war with ISIS' after jihadists storm French church during Mass chanting 'Allahu Akbar'
Priest had throat cut while another hostage is fighting for life after k...
WiO, you play the fool here daily.
'Still ain't sure'?
I answered it clearly when Bob went into his clown act and asked the question at the top of this stream. I know you saw the answer. Hell, you reposted it in the one you put up just before you went off on this crazy rant.
What is "Occupation"Tue Jul 26, 02:30:00 PM EDT
QuirkTue Jul 26, 11:10:00 AM EDT
Of course, it was a terrorist attack. But why ask me? Isn't everything a terrorist attack to you and your bros?
For that matter, when have I ever denied a terrorist attack is a terrorist attack? Examples please. I would ask the same of your asshole buddy from Idaho. You throw this shit out there to rev up your bros in your three to four way circle jerks you manufacture here but when asked to provide evidence of the bullshit you put up you slink away to the casino or go into a four or five post diversion on what an Iranian is.
What I have done is point out that the US experience with Islam has been different than that of the EU and the rest of the world. For, that I am accused of being an apologist for terrorists.
Again, I would ask you for examples where I denied any terrorist attack here was a terrorist attack.
What I have also said is that living here in the US your obsession with Islamic terror is mind numbing given the frequency of it here and the many other problems we have that are much larger, gun violence for instance. For that I am accused of being an apologist for terrorists.
Again, I ask for examples to back up your bullshit.
The other thing I have done and the thing that I believe is really bothering you is that I constantly call bullshit on the bullshit you put up here. I do it constantly simply because you are constantly putting up bullshit. For this I am called an apologist for terrorists.
If it wasn't so sick, it would be funny.
As I noted above, you are a gibbering fanatic.
The lengths you go to assign every crime in the world to the machinations of the Koran is pathological. The example of the Munich gunman and the cop shooter in Dallas are just two of the latest.
You are scary nutz.
Get some help.
An Iranian or Syrian of historic lineage, SHOOTING people in a western nation, who is a moslem is a terrorist influenced by Jihad.
lineal descent from an ancestor; ancestry or pedigree.
ReplyDeletesynonyms: ancestry, family, parentage, birth, descent, line, extraction, derivation, genealogy, roots, origin, background, heritage, dual heritage; More
DeleteTWO, count them TWO stupid ignorant ASH posts in a row today:
ReplyDeleteAshTue Jul 26, 02:14:00 PM EDT
WiO means he is an Iranian as in the Iranian Race - it's in his blood.
AshTue Jul 26, 02:56:00 PM EDT
gee, and what might a synonym for lineage be?
Ash maybe it's time for you to shut the fuck up?
You are the one belaboring the point.
Admit it Ash, you are incorrect.
DeleteYou distort and lie.
Go ahead apologize and I will be humble to accept your admitting incorrect statements.
I need not distort nor lie about anything WiO. It is all contained in this short simple exchange between us:
AshTue Jul 26, 02:14:00 PM EDT
WiO means he is an Iranian as in the Iranian Race - it's in his blood.
What is "Occupation"Tue Jul 26, 02:24:00 PM EDT
Ash don't put words in my mouth.
No I mean he is of Iranian HERITAGE, lineage.
Why do you distort and lie?"
ReplyDeleteRight Wing Terrorists forced priest to KNEEL and slit his throat after they entered the church by the back door shouting "Dominos Vobiscuitbar", according to local media.
One of the attackers was tonight named as Adel Kermich, affectionately known as "Kermie."
My parents generation were Naziphobes.
ReplyDeleteHope Quirk doesn't find out.
I see smarty pants has joined in for the day. Hi Doug. Nazi = Islam eh?
DeleteIslamists of the day supported Nazism.
DeleteAsh, still haven't apologized for lying and distorting?
That is neither here nor there WiO. For Doug's joke to work he needs Nazi = Islam.
DeleteNo joke.
DeleteDougTue Jul 26, 03:34:00 PM EDT
My parents generation were Naziphobes.
Hope Quirk doesn't find out.
Doug, joins the circle jerk.
[In case you missed the reference I'll repost the one I directed at WiO.}
I ask the same of you asshole. Put up an example of where I have tried to justify terrorism.
Think. I know it may hurt. And put up. Or, or drift off into some Adam Corrolla bullshit as usual.
QuirkTue Jul 26, 03:57:00 PM EDT
What is "Occupation"Tue Jul 26, 02:41:00 PM EDT
Quirk still aint sure about this...
Islamist knifemen forced priest, 84, to kneel and filmed his death as they slit his throat: Hollande says 'France is at war with ISIS' after jihadists storm French church during Mass chanting 'Allahu Akbar'
Priest had throat cut while another hostage is fighting for life after k...
WiO, you play the fool here daily.
'Still ain't sure'?
I answered it clearly when Bob went into his clown act and asked the question at the top of this stream. I know you saw the answer. Hell, you reposted it in the one you put up just before you went off on this crazy rant.
What is "Occupation"Tue Jul 26, 02:30:00 PM EDT
QuirkTue Jul 26, 11:10:00 AM EDT
Of course, it was a terrorist attack. But why ask me? Isn't everything a terrorist attack to you and your bros?
For that matter, when have I ever denied a terrorist attack is a terrorist attack? Examples please. I would ask the same of your asshole buddy from Idaho. You throw this shit out there to rev up your bros in your three to four way circle jerks you manufacture here but when asked to provide evidence of the bullshit you put up you slink away to the casino or go into a four or five post diversion on what an Iranian is.
What I have done is point out that the US experience with Islam has been different than that of the EU and the rest of the world. For, that I am accused of being an apologist for terrorists.
Again, I would ask you for examples where I denied any terrorist attack here was a terrorist attack.
What I have also said is that living here in the US your obsession with Islamic terror is mind numbing given the frequency of it here and the many other problems we have that are much larger, gun violence for instance. For that I am accused of being an apologist for terrorists.
Again, I ask for examples to back up your bullshit.
The other thing I have done and the thing that I believe is really bothering you is that I constantly call bullshit on the bullshit you put up here. I do it constantly simply because you are constantly putting up bullshit. For this I am called an apologist for terrorists.
If it wasn't so sick, it would be funny.
As I noted above, you are a gibbering fanatic.
The lengths you go to assign every crime in the world to the machinations of the Koran is pathological. The example of the Munich gunman and the cop shooter in Dallas are just two of the latest.
You are scary nutz.
Get some help.
If your sentence was shorter and you didn't add " Isn't everything a terrorist attack to you and your bros?"
Deleteyou would have been decent, but you had to shoot your mouth off didn't ya?
Quirk you are scary nutz
ReplyDeleteNo joke.
Don't be modest. Of course, you are.
Excellent Third Grade Gotcha!
ReplyDeleteDEUCE: I'll keep checking here most days for posts and commentary. Some of the posts you put up are great and I enjoy reading them. Today's was a good one.
I just won't be participating on a regular basis. It's difficult having a conversation when there is no intelligent life on the other end. It wastes a lot of time and gets tiring.
DeleteNo it’s not asshole.
Deleteah c'mon quirk, ya need a foil and there a few here. I enjoy your stuff and I'm sure there are quite a few other silent readers who do as well. Where would we be without the entertainment supplied by b00bie and his bros?
DeleteIgnorance does get tiresome.
DeleteCome out for Hillary, Quirk, and Then get back to me. :) :)
DeleteIt does but that is what the scroll button is for. This place thrives on conflict, the cut and thrust of argument. They are straw men who can be played. It would be better to have informed argument but what can you do when the world is full of the likes of the fab 3.
DeleteAshTue Jul 26, 03:29:00 PM EDT
ReplyDeleteA large part of meaning of words come from the context in which they are used. The context with which you speak, WiO, and Bob, makes your meaning clear to most.
While you wiggle over using the term lineage please look up the definition of synonym and then check for synonyms for lineage.
wiggle WiO wiggle
I did, you are wrong.
What is "Occupation"Tue Jul 26, 03:09:00 PM EDT
ReplyDeletelineal descent from an ancestor; ancestry or pedigree.
synonyms: ancestry, family, parentage, birth, descent, line, extraction, derivation, genealogy, roots, origin, background, heritage, dual heritage; More
What is "Occupation"Tue Jul 26, 03:09:00 PM EDT
As evidenced by your hysterical reaction we are getting somewhere as you appear to be gaining some understanding of the meaning of your very own words especially in the context which you use them. Here:
DeleteSynonyms for lineage
noun ancestry
Synonyms for lineage
noun ancestry
It is really quite funny that you would think your statement wasn't racist if the word race wasn't a synonym of lineage. The context in which you focus on the German killers Iranian lineage is all we need to establish it.
"Put up an example of where I have tried to justify terrorism."
I've put up examples of where you tried to imply "right wing" motives to acts of terror when there were none.
yah, Q, don't slander the "right wing" but have a go at Islam.
DeleteI much prefer American pluralism to Islamism.
ReplyDeleteIf that, to some, makes me some kind of Islamophobe, so be it.
ah, so you think diversity is our strength do ya?
DeleteNot as practiced by the left, which means bringing in uncounted numbers of low educated, low skilled illiterates and the diseased.
ReplyDeleteIn fact, Hillary and Tim Kaine did this joint interview on 60 Minutes with Scott Pelley.
You know what happened? They edited -- they always do. I mean, they always grab a lot more footage than they ever use.
But the answer Hillary gave to this email stuff and WikiLeaks,
that she didn't know anything about it, they edited that out of what was broadcast.
Scott Pelley said there's no sense in airing that she didn't know.
The only way to see her saying that is to go to the CBS website and watch all the footage.
Did the DNC undermine Bernie Sanders' candidacy?
No big deal, Q. Everyone quits for a while and comes back (except Whit), even the host. Take a break, take a load off, chill man, chill!
ReplyDeleteKind of you.
DeleteHe wrote as if overwrought.
Oh my, MOME has history here...
DeleteAshTue Jul 26, 02:14:00 PM EDT
ReplyDeleteWiO means he is an Iranian as in the Iranian Race - it's in his blood.
What is "Occupation"Tue Jul 26, 02:24:00 PM EDT
Ash don't put words in my mouth.
No I mean he is of Iranian HERITAGE, lineage.
Why do you distort and lie?
there is no such thing as an Iranian race.
Your usage doesn't fit reality.
The islamic terrorist was born in germany, of Iranian heritage or lineage. No matter if he was if he was born in Germany, he was not considered "German" by Germans.
You can wiggle twist and mislead.
He and friend, the islamic afghani, conspired to murder people, kids in the west.
Ash, your unrelenting apologist nature of radical islam speaks volume of where your loyalty lies...
You are a Jihadist supporter.
Deuce ☂Tue Jul 26, 04:50:00 PM EDT
ReplyDeleteNo it’s not asshole.
Life sucks deuce...
get used to it...
I’ll be sure and contact you for advice at the earliest first sign of a life challenge
Deletetrust me your world is crumbling, you just don't see it yet..
OOHH!- o
ReplyDeleteQuirkTue Jul 26, 04:48:00 PM EDT
DEUCE: I'll keep checking here most days for posts and commentary. Some of the posts you put up are great and I enjoy reading them. Today's was a good one.
I just won't be participating on a regular basis. It's difficult having a conversation when there is no intelligent life on the other end. It wastes a lot of time and gets tiring.
Come on, Quirk, grow a pair.
How many many many times have you dissed me ?
Hundreds, nay..thousands, perhaps.
I, for one, would miss you.
You're my main target, man, have some compassion....
What will I do without you ?
Get some rest tonight.
I think it's the Democratic National Convention getting you down.
Perfectly understandable...
Hell, I'll even knock off the "Q"Nitting for a week if it will help.....
ReplyDeleteC'mon Quirk.
Don't crap out when the fun really gets going good.
After all, you're the guy that's been calling them all dicks all this're being proven right....
DeleteMy sources inside the Conventions have confirmed to me that those fancy headsets that everyone is wearing are manufactured by Sony.
ReplyDeleteSony Corporation (ソニー株式会社 Sonī Kabushiki Gaisha?), commonly referred to as Sony, styled SONY /ˈsoʊniː/, is a Japanese multinational conglomerate corporation headquartered in Kōnan Minato, Tokyo, Japan.[3] Its diversified business includes consumer and professional electronics, gaming, entertainment and financial services.[2] The company is one of the leading manufacturers of electronic products for the consumer and professional markets.[4] Sony is ranked 116th on the 2015 list of Fortune Global 500.[5]
Here's a conspiracy for y'all - what if Hillary's email was hacked and someone (like the ruskies) has all those deleted emails in their back pocket?
ReplyDeleteThey have !
DeleteThey have !
They do !
They do !
If she's elected they can blackmail for the next 8 years....
And b00bie creams his pyjamas at the thought...
Delete"creams his pajamas" ?
DeleteThat's really crude, and disgusting, Punk-O.
What is it about your mind that forces it to run in such a gutter ?
(you showed your personality there, Ash)
DeleteAsh, the jihadist supporter, is getting desperate.
DeleteHe's certainly showed his personality there.....
ReplyDeleteTwo minutes in is the classic scene.
Rock Concert going on at DNC now....
ReplyDeleteBeats their politics.....
"Love will always www ii ii nnn nnnnnn nnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!"
Delete(regardless of the hard lessons of history)
Love has kept Bill and Hill together, hasn't it?
Delete(80,000,000 dead Hindus slain by the moslems in one 250 year period alone comes to mind)
DeleteWithout love, dear love, BillyGoat and Hillary would have been divorced long ago, for sure. I don't believe at all the right wing rumors that there have been political calculations operating in their long marriage at all....
DeleteThe DNC seems like an Anesthesia Fest to me...
My air conditioner has given it up and it's hot as hell and I can't stand it any longer so heading to Wal-Mart to look for a cheap foreign made replacement.....
DeleteCheers !
Go ahead: Give your money to a greater threat than ISIS.
DeleteCivilized life is directly tied to Wal-Mart.
Delete"Arctic King"
Hecho en Mejico
$112 US
Extended/Replacement Warranty
$14 US
Now all I need is a dolly.
(no expensive black or gringo USA labor union workers used in the creation of this product)
DeleteDemocrat asks Villages to stop playing Hillary movie
ReplyDeleteTHE VILLAGES — A top Democratic official in Sumter County has asked The Villages to stop playing a movie that he says portrays his party’s presidential nominee in a negative light and will incite violence against party members.
He said he feels the retirement community showing “Hillary’s America” will spark more threats. He said he met with a lieutenant from the Sumter County Sheriff’s Office and The Villages management team early last week to convince them to stop the movie, to no avail.
Good documentary created by Dinesh D'Souza, a naturalized US citizen of Hindu origin, now a Christian apologist.
Dinesh Joseph D'Souza (Konkani: दिनेश जोसफ डिसूज़ा; born April 25, 1961) is an Indian-American political commentator, author, filmmaker and Christian apologist. D'Souza is affiliated with a number of conservative organizations and publications, including the American Enterprise Institute, the Heritage Foundation, the Hoover Institution, and Policy Review.[1] From 2010 to 2012, he served as president of The King's College, a Christian school in New York City.[2][3][4]
Born in Mumbai, D'Souza came to the United States as an exchange student, graduating from Dartmouth College. He became a naturalized citizen in 1991. He is the author of several New York Times best-selling books, including on Christian apologetics, such as What's So Great About Christianity and Life After Death: The Evidence. D'Souza has also been a critic of New Atheism.[5][6][7]
In 2012, D'Souza released 2016: Obama's America, a documentary film based on his 2010 book The Roots of Obama's Rage. Both posit that Barack Obama's attitude toward America derives from his father's anti-colonialism and from a psychological desire to fulfill his father's dream of diminishing the power of Western imperial states. The film was the highest-grossing conservative documentary film produced in the United States.[8]
In January 2014, D'Souza was indicted on charges of making illegal political contributions to a 2012 United States Senate campaign, a felony under U.S. law.[9][10] On May 20, 2014, D'Souza pleaded guilty in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York to a charge of using "straw donors" to make illegal political campaign donations. On September 23, D'Souza was sentenced to eight months in a halfway house near his home in San Diego, five years probation, and a $30,000 fine.[11][12]
Contents [hide]
1 Life and career 1.1 Early life and career
2 Political adviser and commentator 2.1 President of The King's College
2.2 Political criticism
2.3 Christianity and religion
2.4 Colonialism
2.5 Abu Ghraib
2.6 Media appearances
2.7 Authorship
2.8 Opposition to Barack Obama 2.8.1 Forbes article and The Roots of Obama's Rage
2.8.2 2016: Obama's America film
2.8.3 America: Imagine the World Without Her Book version of the film
2.9 Opposition to Hillary Clinton 2.9.1 Hillary's America film
3 Election campaign finance conviction
4 Personal life
5 Works 5.1 Books
5.2 Film
6 See also
7 References
8 External links
Life and career
Early life and career
D'Souza was born in Mumbai in 1961. His parents were Roman Catholics from Goa[13] in Western India: his father, an executive of Johnson & Johnson; his mother, a housewife.[14] D'Souza attended the Jesuit St. Stanislaus High School in what then was Bombay.[15] He graduated in 1976 and completed his 11th and 12th years at Sydenham College, also in Bombay.[16] He went to the United States as an exchange student in 1978 through a Rotary International program. He attended Patagonia Union High School in Patagonia, Arizona. He attended Dartmouth College, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in English in 1983 and was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa Society.[17][18]
DeleteAt Dartmouth, D'Souza became the editor of a monthly called The Prospect. The paper and its writers ignited much controversy during D'Souza's editorship by, among other things, criticizing the College's affirmative action policies.[19] He was also a writer for The Dartmouth Review, an independent student publication subsidized by alumni and organizations not affiliated with Dartmouth College.
After his time in Dartmouth, D'Souza moved to Washington, D.C., where he served from 1985 to 1987 as an editor of Policy Review, a journal then published by The Heritage Foundation (and since acquired by the Hoover Institution). In his September 1985 article "The Bishops as Pawns", D'Souza theorized that Catholic bishops in the United States were being manipulated by American liberals in agreeing to oppose the U.S. military buildup and use of power abroad when, D'Souza believed, they knew very little about these subjects to which they were lending their religious credibility:
Interviews with these bishops suggest that they know little or nothing about the ideas and proposals to which they are putting their signature and lending their religious authority. The bishops are unfamiliar with existing defense and economic programs, unable to identify even in general terms the Soviet military capability, ignorant of roughly how much of the budget currently goes to defense, unclear about how much should be reallocated to social programs, and innocent of the most basic concepts underlying the intelligent layman's discussion of these questions.
— Dinesh D'Souza[20]
He served as a policy adviser to President Ronald Reagan[2] between 1987 and 1988.
In 1991, he became a naturalized U.S. citizen.[21]
Political adviser and commentator
President of The King's College
In August 2010, D'Souza was named president of The King's College, a Christian liberal arts college then housed in the Empire State Building in Manhattan.[22]....
He made one minor political contribution mistake, was honest about it, and it is behind him.....
His books are very good, I've read a couple.
His family in Goa was 'ushered into' Christianity, so to speak, by the Portuguese of the day there.
DeleteIt took with Dinesh, but not so much with his family.
The Portuguese are long gone.
Dinesh, being from India, knows full well the history and downsides of a close geographical association with moslems....
The Grand Mufti of Australia and controversial Imams Council President Sheikh Shady Alsuleiman have issued a joint statement denouncing the murder of a French Catholic priest at the hands of men claiming allegiance to ISIS “in the strongest possible terms”.
Malcolm Turnbull has expressed his dismay at the violent murder of a French priest by two men pledging allegiance to Islamic State during a Roman Catholic Mass yesterday..
Liberal backbencher Craig Kelly also weighed in, declaring “total war”.
“When they violate the sanctity of a church, attacking and beheading an 85-year-old priest while he is celebrating mass — we will now realise that appeasement never works and this is total war,” he wrote on Facebook.
Given the Doctrine of Taqiya, I am uncertain if one can really believe Sheik Shady.
DeleteYarden Mariuma writes: "Taqiyya is an Islamic juridical term whose shifting meaning relates to when a Muslim is allowed, under Sharia law, to lie. A concept whose meaning has varied significantly among Islamic sects, scholars, countries, and political regimes, it nevertheless is one of the key terms used by recent anti-Muslim polemicists."[13]
This unfortunate Doctrine makes it really tough to believe anything these folks say....
It is a trap for the 'honest ones' too, as how can one ever convince anyone that one is really really really telling the truth this time ?
I take Liberal backbencher Craig Kelly at his word, though.
DeleteI have always thought the same about Catholics. It is almost like they are given a license to do immoral, unethical, and unlawful things because they can just go to confession afterwards and all is forgiven.
DeleteHinduism is not this way.
DeleteYou got to work it off, in this life or another.
And no one can do it for you, no one can 'die for your sins'. Such doctrines as the Catholic I think are nonsense.
Karma, it is often said, is a bitch.
I used to work with a guy in Perth called Noel D'Souza. He was from Goa and heavy Catholic.
DeleteMight well be a relation.
DeleteDemocrat Congressman: Jews are Like Termites
ReplyDeleteByPamela Geller on July 26, 2016
Democrat Leadership: Fifth Column Democrat Party of Treason Left/Islamic Alliance: Media, intelligentsia
The Democrat party — home to Jew-hatred and jihad. Every Jew who associates with these haters are a pox on our people.
And it’s not just this vicious black antisemite. Clinton’s VP pick Tim Kaine is pro-terror, anti-Israel, anti-Jewish. The whole DNC platform is viciously anti-semitic. As for the term “settler,” I refuse to accept the lexicon of the antisemite. A “settler” is a Jew living in the Jewish homeland. Congressman: Jewish Settlers Are Like Termites,” By Adam Kredo, WFB, July 25, 2016: Congressman: Jewish Settlers Are Like Termites Slams Israeli Government, compares top official to Trump
PHILADELPHIA—A Democratic member of the House Armed Services Committee compared Jewish Israeli settlers to termites on Monday while speaking at an event sponsored by an anti-Israel organization that supports boycotts of the Jewish state. Rep. Hank Johnson (D., Ga.) launched into a tirade against Israel and its policies toward the Palestinians, comparing Jewish people who live in disputed territories to “termites” that destroy homes.
Johnson also compared Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, a remark that drew vocal agreement from those in the room. “There has been a steady [stream], almost like termites can get into a residence and eat before you know that you’ve been eaten up and you fall in on yourself, there has been settlement activity that has marched forward with impunity and at an ever increasing rate to the point where it has become alarming,” Johnson said during an event sponsored by the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, an anti-Israel organization that galvanizes supporters of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, or BDS.
“It has come to the point that occupation, with highways that cut through Palestinian land, with walls that go up, with the inability or the restriction, with the illegality of Palestinians being able to travel on those roads and those roads cutting off Palestinian neighborhoods from each other,” Johnson continued. “And then with the building of walls and the building of check points that restrict movement of Palestinians. We’ve gotten to the point where the thought of a Palestinian homeland gets further and further removed from reality.”
Johnson, who in 2010 voiced his fears that Guam would tip over and capsize if too many people resided on the island, said that “Jewish people” routinely steal land and property from Palestinians....
- See more at:
It must have been comments like this, when Dr. Ben Carson first visited with Congressmen -
Johnson, who in 2010 voiced his fears that Guam would tip over and capsize if too many people resided on the island
-- that convinced Dr. Carson that the medical historians were wrong, and that he was not the first person to remove one half a brain from an individual, with the person suffering.
"Someone had obviously beaten me to the feat" said Carson....referring to the half brained Members of Congress with whom he had visited.
I have seen the video of Rep. Johnson making that insane statement.
DeleteHe seemed quite serious, and deeply concerned about the possibility.
Jesus is said to have said:
ReplyDelete"Go, and sin no more"
Very likely excellent advice.
Cheers !