It's cold here! This seems to have been the coldest fall in many years and in the northern hemisphere, we haven't officially reached winter yet.
This TimesOnline article explains that the jet stream has brought cold air into the British Isles. Remember La Nina? Cold water in the Pacific...
But we're told that this is only a temporary aberration in the long term warming which by the way can flip on a dime suddenly sending the world into a deep freeze. Never mind solar activity. We're told to ignore the effect of the sun on Earth's temperatures and the increased temperatures on Mars have nothing to do with us. Have you noticed that it seems to have gotten colder since the solar activity of the late 1990's calmed down? We were told that the sun was irrelevant. "It's the carbon, stupid."
The U.N.'s Global Warming MuzzleWe're led by midgets who cannot stand up to the hysterical onslaught of the secular anti-carbon fundamentalists but there may be a silver lining in the current world economic crisis. The carbon taxers may not be able to get their way with strapped taxpayers. One can only hope.
By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Thursday, December 11, 2008 4:20 PM PT
Climate Change: When the United Nations insists that man-made global warming is now proved beyond doubt, it's practicing one of the few things it has proved itself good at: censorship of dissenting viewpoints.
Read More: Global Warming
The wasteful, corrupt, dictatorship-dominated U.N. may not be successful in fulfilling very many of its supposed objectives — world peace, the end of poverty, mutual understanding, etc. — but when it comes to suppressing contrarian points of view that interfere with official U.N. stances, the organization ranks with the best.
Take the attempts two years ago to tell the truth about the anti-Semitism of the Hamas terrorist organization, elected into power by Palestinians.
"Israel will exist and continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it," was just one of many quotes from Hamas' charter that were blocked by the U.N. from being delivered verbally to members by defenders of Israel.
Instead, the World Union for Progressive Judaism, a U.N. non-governmental organization, had to settle for submitting a written statement documenting Hamas' violent, extremist beliefs.
Now the U.N. is telling the world that only nuts on the fringe question dismantling the global economy to fight global warming. The U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change last year stated that warming was "unequivocal" and "caused by human activity."
Now, as 10,000 delegates and environmentalists meet in Poland to negotiate the successor to the Kyoto treaty, we hear complaints about demands that they prove warming is man-made.
"The skeptics are doing a good job," Lawrence Buja of the National Center for Atmospheric Research told the Associated Press, "because they are making us present ironclad proof."
(Buja mentioned the idea of injecting large amounts of sulfur into the atmosphere or scattering billions of refractors to reduce sunlight and reduce temperatures. Will climate change be the excuse for turning the world into Dr. Frankenstein's laboratory?)
Men and women of science are supposed to demand of themselves ironclad proof — not resent such challenges. Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., ranking Republican on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, on Wednesday released a wealth of information contradicting the U.N. line.
Dissenting scientists on the subject now top 650. They include Nobel physics laureate Ivar Giaever, who calls global warming "a new religion," and Japanese chemist and IPCC member Kiminori Itoh, who calls warming alarmism the "worst scientific scandal."
New Zealand chemical engineering professor Geoffrey Duffy notes that "even doubling or tripling the amount of carbon dioxide will virtually have little impact, as water vapor and water condensed on particles as clouds dominate the worldwide scene and always will."
Inhofe and minority committee members are about to release an updated report with the dissenting arguments of those 650-plus scientists. Many of them are or used to be with the IPCC but have come to oppose the U.N. on climate change.
"The report has added about 250 scientists (and growing) in 2008 to the over 400 scientists who spoke out in 2007," Inhofe's office notes. They far outnumber the 52 U.N. scientists who authored the IPCC's 2007 Summary for Policymakers.
On top of this comes news of new research fueling the dissenters' skepticism. A peer-reviewed study focused on the Siberian Altai mountain region examined 750 years worth of the local ice core, with special emphasis on the oxygen isotope.
It found an apparently strong correlation between the concentration of this isotope and solar activity from the years 1250 to 1850. The findings indicate that about half of observed global warming in the last century can be explained by the activity of the sun.
It increasingly seems that ideology and a wish to see the industrialized free West reduced in economic status is what motivates U.N. climate policy, not science. But these hundreds of competent scientists dedicated to the truth are not about to let their mouths be covered — even by a United Nations olive branch.

Green is the new red.
ReplyDeleteIt's the cold wind blowing off all your Socialites down there who's assets have been frozen solid.
ReplyDelete...later to liquidated.
"Paul was hilarious in describing how once in an NBC men’s room an astonished fan realized whom he was standing next to, turned 90 degrees while still in midstream and said,
“Wow, Paul Newman.”
Newman: “I was ashamed of what they were going to think at the cleaners.”
‘Tis but a Man Gone … but What a Man - Dick Cavett
Greed and fear are what runs a market - sounds like these socialites were a bit greedy
ReplyDeleteIf the return seems too good to be true you should ask how it works
Bill, Sacramento, USA
it all comes down to greed. If people weren't so greedy, then things like this wouldn't happen.
Fred, Northridge, usa
Madoff is small fry, his scheme will only bankrupt a few 100 families.
The worry is that the entire American economy has been a Ponzi scheme, printing money at the rate of $700 billion a year to pay for imports. What happens when the Chinese want the benefit of years of saving?
Andy Dyer, London, UK,
The PDO (Pacific Decadal Oscillation) has gone "Negative," and the AMO (Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation) will be following in the next few years. AGW is Toast.
ReplyDelete2008 will be, by far, the coolest year of the new Millineum; and the trend will be a jagged line downward for the next twenty years, or so.
We still need to concentrate on alternative energy, however. Fossil Fuels won't last forever.