14 Deaths Reported as Israel Attacks Aid Flotilla
Published: May 31, 2010
JERUSALEM — The Israeli Navy attacked a flotilla carrying thousands of tons of supplies for Gaza on Monday morning, news agencies reported, killing at least 14 people and wounding at least 30.
The warships first intercepted the aid flotilla shortly before midnight on Sunday, surprising the boats in international waters, according to activists on one vessel. Israel had vowed not to let the flotilla reach the shores of Gaza, where the Islamic militant group Hamas holds sway.
Named the Freedom Flotilla, and led by the pro-Palestinian Free Gaza Movement and a Turkish organization, Insani Yardim Vakfi, the convoy of six cargo and passenger boats is the most ambitious attempt yet to break Israel’s three-year blockade of Gaza. About 600 passenegers were said to be aboard the vessels, including the 1976 Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Mairead Corrigan-Maguire of Northern Ireland, and a Holocaust survivor, Hedy Epstein, 85.
Channel 10, a private station in Israel, quoted the Israeli Trade Minister, Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, as saying between 14 and 16 people had been killed on one of the flotilla ships. He said on Israeli Army Radio that commandos boarded the ship by sliding down on ropes from a hovering helicopter, and were then struck by passengers with “batons and tools.”
“The moment someone tries to snatch your weapon, to steal your weapons, that’s where you begin to lose control,” Mr. Ben-Eliezer said, quoted by Reuters.
An Israeli television station reported 10 deaths, according to Reuters, an account that was confirmed on Army Radio, according to Bloomberg News. Israeli Radio reported three Israeli commandos had been lightly injured.
Three Israeli Navy missile boats left the Haifa naval base in northern Israel a few minutes after 9 p.m. local time on Sunday, planning to intercept the flotilla. After asking the captains of the boats to identify themselves, the navy told them they were approaching a blockaded area and asked them either to proceed to the Israeli port of Ashdod, north of Gaza, or to return to their countries of origin.
The activists responded that they would continue toward their destination, Gaza.
Speaking by satellite phone from the Challenger 1 boat, which has foreign legislators and other high-profile figures on board, a Free Gaza Movement leader, Huwaida Arraf, said: “We communicated to them clearly that we are unarmed civilians. We asked them not to use violence.”
Earlier Sunday, Ms. Arraf said the boats would keep trying to move forward “until they either disable our boats or jump on board.”
The Israeli Defense Forces said in an earlier statement that if the flotilla members ignored warnings to stop and continued toward Gaza “they will be arrested, brought to Israel’s shores and transferred to the Ministry of Interior and the immigration authorities so they can be sent back to their country of origin.”
“The security forces will take possession of the aid expected to be on board the flotilla,” the statement said, “and following a security check of the goods, the items will be transferred into the Gaza Strip.”
In Ankara, the Turkish capital, local TV stations showed angry protesters confronting police officers outside the Israeli consulate on Monday morning.

Turkey's foreign ministry on Monday denounced as "unacceptable" an Israeli attack on an aid convoy bound for Gaza which killed at least 10 people, summoning Israel's ambassador to discuss the incident and bringing already tense relations between the countries to new levels.
ReplyDeleteThe ministry said that Israel had violated International law and must now carry the consequences.
"[The interception on the convoy] is unacceptable ... Israel will have to endure the consequences of this behavior," the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.
Murat Mercan, a lawmaker from Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's ruling party, said: "I was expecting an intervention. I was not expecting bloodshed, the use of arms and bullets."
"Israel is engaged in activity that will extremely hurt its image," he said.
Following the events, the Turkish government called emergency meetings, Channel 10 reported.
Let's review...
ReplyDeleteTurkey sponsors an Illegal group of ships trying to supply a terror group with supplies...
israel boards said ships and has it's soldiers attacked and responds...
"Peace Activists" die trying to kill Israelis...
Hmmmm, and how would Turkey respond to a convoy of supplies heading to the PKK?
Turkey has already killed 32,000 PKK members...
Wow that's a who lot more than Israel has ever killed of Palestinian Terrorists...
So here is my hope...
Dear Retarded Palestinians...
Try to supply terrorists?
You will die..
and someday?
I will spit on your grave...
Live it, Love it, Learn it...
Time for talk talk is over...
If you seek our destruction?
You will get your ass kicked
Several of the ships were sailing under Turkish flags when they were attacked.
ReplyDelete"We strongly condemn these inhumane practices of Israel," a written statement said.
"This deplorable incident, which took place in open seas and constitutes a fragrant breach of international law, may lead to irreparable consequences in our bilateral relations," it said.
Ankara will demand an explanation of the incident from Israeli ambassador Gabby Levy, who was summoned to the foreign ministry, the statement said.
"Whatever the reason is, such action against civilians involved only in peaceful activities is unacceptable.
"Israel will have to bear the consequences of this behaviour, which constitutes a violation of international law," it said.
Israel has expressed its "sorrow" over the deaths but Hamas has already urged Muslims and Arabs to "rise up" in response to the attack.
The Israeli, again, attack foreign ships on the high seas.
ReplyDeleteNo better than Somali pirates.
Worse, they kill crew and passengers on the ships they illegally seize.
Yes, the Israeli prove, once again, they are the Pirates of the Mediterranean.
Worse than the Achille Lauro incident.
ReplyDeleteMany more innocent passengers DEAD.
Hey rat!
ReplyDeleteNot arrested and convicted of murder yourself yet?
One can hope...
THe Israeli, again, killing unarmed civilians.
ReplyDeleteThis time FAR, FAR from any combat area.
There were no Israeli endangered by those passengers or crew.
The Israeli violated Turkish soverignty, to kill unarmed civilians.
The Israeli truly are
Pirates of the Mediterranean.
desert rat said...
ReplyDeleteWorse than the Achille Lauro incident.
Many more innocent passengers DEAD.
really, how many wheelchair senior citizens thrown overboard who were being actually peaceful?
Rat you are a self confessed criminal...
Your hatred of Israel, Zionists and Jews are well documented...
You are infact, a rat....
but one can only hope that your massive heart attack will occur soon....
No one ever wrote about our escapades.
ReplyDeleteNever made it above the fold in the news.
And there were no civilians involved.
We were not pirates
Especially not
Pirates of the Mediterranean.
Pirates of the Med.
ReplyDeleteSounds ok with me...
Hey Rat, why not take a voyage to Gaza to support your FRIENDS?
Once can only hope the Isrealis will throw your ass overboard and drown you
Israel cannot afford a public relations nightmare with Turkey. She has one now.
ReplyDeleteNo you mere murderers in the middle of the night..
ReplyDeleteJust a simple killer....
You are a real criminal...
Leaving your home to travel to another nation to murder at your own whim....
not a nation, but an individual killer you are
Turkey is turning Islamist...
ReplyDeleteTurkey sending ships from "occupied" cyprus to supply gaza and break a blockade is an act of war...
Let's all supply the PKK!
Hey Rat,
ReplyDeletePLEASE visit your bros in Gaza...
Really, I have dreams of watching you being tossed into the ocean!
No crimes were ever commited, misdirection, not by me.
ReplyDeleteNo indictments were ever handed down
No UN Commission mentioned my name.
No, US involvement in Central America, not correlation to the Pirates of the Mediterranean.
I know that 'misdirection' is looking for equivalency, trying to elevate Israelis to the US level of morality. But he will not find equivalency here, with US.
No, we are not nor were we ever as despicable as the civilian killing Pirates of the Mediterranean
We were saving civilians from the pirates, but the Israeli they ARE the Pirates of the Mediterranean.
Being an Islamist, that is no crime, on the high seas.
ReplyDeleteBeing Turkish is to be a NATO member in good standing.
The Israeli, Pirates of the Mediterranean.
Rat has a new slogan...
ReplyDeletePirates of the Mediterranean
I hope the population of the area fear them....
The good news?
16 dead retards....
maybe Rat's blood pressure will top 160/120 and cause him to stroke?
Ouch Rat's loving his new slogan!
ReplyDeletePirates of the Mediterranean
Pirates of the Mediterranean
I like it...
Hey rat...
look in the mirror, no one ever wrote shit about your simple wet operations.....
Notice how misdirection swings immediately into action, against me.
ReplyDeleteAs is his wont.
Admitting by default the charges of piracy on the high seas.
Funny stuff, misdirecting wi"o".
I hope you do like it, you'll be seeing it, a lot.
ReplyDeleteIt is fitting of murderers and cut throats.
The scum of Haifa.
But wait!!
ReplyDeleteIf the Israels are
"Pirates of the Mediterranean" why are they not keeping the cargo?
Why did Egypt and Israel offer to transfer the cargo to Gaza BEFORE all of the action...
Some Pirates....
No booty!
WHat stupid Pirates....
desert rat said...
ReplyDeleteI hope you do like it, you'll be seeing it, a lot.
It is fitting of murderers and cut throats.
The scum of Haifa.
Wow, Rat must have stayed in a Holiday Inn last night to invent such a new slogan..
I am impressed....
He admits that the Israeli are pirates.
ReplyDeleteEnough said, by him, about them, for the moment.
The Israeli really are
Pirates of the Mediterranean
per the agreement with wi"o".
He likes it.
ReplyDeleteCan't get enough of it.
Rat, not bad for a criminal such as yourself....
ReplyDeletePirates of the Med....
Yep sounds downright SEXY...
I can see all the real Pirates being pissed about not getting the news those usurping Israeli pirates now get!
I wonder will the Israelis hold the ships for ransom like the Somoli Pirates?
Will the world rush to appease Israel like the world did to the Barbary Pirates?
the main problem rat is that piracy is not usually attached to STATE actors...
and like or not...
Israel is a State...
Piracy is a war-like act committed by private party...
SO your new slogan? DOA....
Doesnt actually make sense....
Rat your showing your rodent nature....
ReplyDeleteGrasping at straws as your blood pressure elevates...
What will make your heart just pop?
Dont know, but I have a nice bottle of some real old scotch the day your stroke hits ya!
i guess we wont know when it happens since you wont be able to type....
but we are planning the party rest assured!
go ahead...
chant your chants...
anything to shorted a rodent's life
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteBut let's all sing good songs of praise to the IDF!
ReplyDeleteSo called peace activists that actually were ready and primed for a fight got their asses kicked....
Puts a smile on my face...
May the trend spread....
May violent illegals in America get their asses kicked too!
May the gangs of Moslems illegals in Europe while wilding through the streets be shot and killed....
Yep, those Somali pirates, they are entrepreneurial pirates.
ReplyDeleteThe Israeli, the Pirates of the Mediterranean, they are from a State, a criminal State.
wio" is right, about that, too.
Government sponsored Pirates of the Mediterranean.
Turkey has been attacked, they could rightfully call on US, under Article 5 of the NATO Treaty, to help defend them from Israel.
An arms embargo on the Israeli State could be demanded, not only by by justice but Treaty obligation, immediately.
Article 5
... shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognised by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force ...
Article 6
For the purpose of Article 5, an armed attack on one or more of the Parties is deemed to include an armed attack:
on the forces, vessels, or aircraft of any of the Parties, ... the Mediterranean Sea or the North Atlantic area north of the Tropic of Cancer.
Israel has attacked a NATO ally of the United States.
ReplyDeleteIt has attacked the interests of the United States, again.
desert rat said...
ReplyDeleteIsrael has attacked a NATO ally of the United States.
It has attacked the interests of the United States, again.
Actually Turkey sending ships (from illegal occupied cyrus) is the act of war numbnuts...
It's Turkey that just committed the act of war...
Just as if Israel sent a convoy into PKK controlled lands...
Yep Turkey aint the LOYAL Nato ally they were supposed to be that is why they are embracing syria and iran AGAINST THE USA...
Rat your loyalties to the USA are in question, supporting Turkey, Hamas & Iran?
Pure sedition...
Hope they arrest you and execute you for treason...
Not to mention murder...
Interests of the USA?
It's not in the USA interest to break the blockade of GAZA, the POLICY of the USA supports the BLOCKADE of GAZA...
As do the two actual nations that sit on either side of Gaza, Egypt and Israel both ENFORCE it and AMerica calls Hamas a terror group...
The only interests that were attacked were yours...
The Rat...
The Murderer...
The killer of actual innocents...
The self confessed murderer, our very on Rodent!
How's the BP? Going up a bit (well one can hope)?
I hope your going to attend the dead terrorist's funerals! Please blog it live....
I find it a good thing when pro-palestinian terrorists die...
I know rat you mourn the loss of your friends, but really, they are in fact the terrorists....
"Israel attacks Turkish Relief Ships"
ReplyDeleteThat should be the title of the thread.
That'd be 'more' accurate.
They were not Palestinian ships
The Palestinianss do not flag ships.
They were Turkish flagged, but then even flying the Stars and Stripes of the United States will not deter the Pirates of the Mediterranean from attacking and killing the crew members on the high seas.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is due to meet US President Barack Obama in Washington tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteThey were Turkish flagged, but then even flying the Stars and Stripes of the United States will not deter the Pirates of the Mediterranean from attacking and killing the crew members on the high seas.
ReplyDeleteActually the Israelis BOARDED THE SHIPS and were attacked....
If you are boarded by an ARMY it's not wise to try to stab them, steal a gun and shoot them..
But now 16 retards are dead...
and the pirated cargo, after inspection for weapons and other illegal products will be transfered to Gaza.
Not really good pirates...
only 16 dead out of 700...
hell that just plain sucks....
I would have thought the death toll should have been at least 20%...
now that would have been a headline...
to much restraint in the IDF's part...
Not one wheelchair bound senior thrown overboard, not even a rape or two...
dam pussy Pirates of the Med...
I do not mourn a one of them, misdirection.
ReplyDeleteThe Israeli could have sunk them all, killed them all. It make no difference to me.
Except to further validate my point.
The Israeli are immoral murderers, just like everyone else in the Levant.
The Israeli certainly not better people than the Palestinians.
Possibly worse, if the scope and scale of the killings are considered.
The Israeli maintain the highest body count of the oppositions' civilians. The Palestinians do not even come close to killing Israeli on the scale that the Israeli kill the Palestinians.
The BBC is reporting most of the passengers are Turkish. Pictures of Israeli troops wearing black scarves over their faces are all over Turkish TV.
ReplyDeleteDeuce said...
ReplyDeletePrime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is due to meet US President Barack Obama in Washington tomorrow.
Yep and this after America yesterday went back on it's word to Israel over the NPT...
Intersting times
But as wi"o" tells US, all
ReplyDeleteThe Pirates of the Mediterranean, they're really just pussies, deep down where it counts.
Can't really get it done.
They're just half-stepping through their self-described "War" on the civilians of Gaza.
Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu is scheduled to visit Washington and US president Barack Obama.
ReplyDeleteHa'aretz reports that he may cancel the trip in the wake of the flotilla attack (though we should note the Ha'aretz report isn't actually sourced to anyone).
Rat's really on a roll...
ReplyDeleteThat must have been a Holiday Inn he stayed at last night...
Israel aint the Pirates you make them out to be...
and no the Israelis dont have anywhere near the death count of civilians as the arabs do...
Notice how rat makes distinctions between arabs at war with israel and "palestinians" to split a hair to make a point...
but rat's staying the the Holiday Inn makes him believe he's actually glib....
But in the end, a rat is still a rat...
a lie is still a lie
and when it's late at night you can count on our self confessed murderer to be anit-zionist, anit-jew and anti-israel....
Maybe he could do better by staying in a Marriott...
wearing black scarves over their faces
ReplyDeleteThat is a terrorist 'trademark', the black scarves, to hinder identification by law enforcement.
Not part of the IDF 'uniform'.
Pirates of the Mediterranean.
Avoiding the facts wi"o" rants on:
ReplyDeleteAbout little ole ME.
Avoiding every issue, every fact.
Right out of the Israeli propaganda playbook.
So interesting to watch.
Nothing to learn from it, though.
The entire episode, set up by the Israeli to be on Turkish TV.
The folks killed, for propaganda purposes, to further radicalize the Turkish people.
The Israeli need a war, they're going to start one, any way they can.
Well, any country that would attack NATO flagged ships on the high seas of the Mediterranean, are a State sponsor of piracy.
ReplyDeletePirates of the Mediterranean
Law and Punishment for You.
ReplyDeleteA Choice for the Pirates of the Mediterranean
Why, rat, really, do you hate the Jews so? I just can't figure it out. And you are a self confessed criminal.
ReplyDeleteDid some Jewish person harm you in some way in your past?
ReplyDeletedesert rat said...
ReplyDeletewearing black scarves over their faces
That is a terrorist 'trademark', the black scarves, to hinder identification by law enforcement.
Not part of the IDF 'uniform'.
And American Forces never cover their faces?
Or American Law Enforcement?
sounds like a double standard...
bob said...
ReplyDeleteDid some Jewish person harm you in some way in your past?
I think Rat's paranoid about the jooos under his bed
Has to do with the equivalency of, not any thing about religion.
ReplyDeleteIt is Politics and Statecraft.
Propaganda and Perspective.
Perception and Purpose.
I certainly do not hate one religion more than another. I find all the Abrahamic religions distasteful. Filled with hate, prejudice and envy.
Or so it is seen from here.
I have made no secret of that, ever. All three Abrahamic religions and their various adherents are equivalent.
We are now in the midst of the Zionist Crusade. It will fail, like all the other Europeon occupations of the Levant have failed, for the last couple of millennium.
ReplyDelete"We are now in the midst of the Zionist Crusade. It will fail, like all the other EUROPEAN occupations of the Levant have failed"-----GOD ALMIGHTY--THESE PEOPLE JUST WANTED TO GO HOME--NOT HAVING BEEN TREATED SO WELL IN EUROPE--do you know the meaning of the word 'dispersion' and the meaning of the word 'pogrom'? You're an absolute IDIOT rat, on most things. bob
ReplyDeleteI think there is something psycho/sexual going on with rat. I think he may want a harem, can't get it in occupied Arizona, and wants to be a sheik. Hard to prove, but it looks like it to me.
ReplyDeleteSixteen people dead.
ReplyDeleteWiO says,
"It is fitting of murderers and cut throats."
rat counters,
"I do not mourn a one of them, misdirection.",
Ranting and word games.
The two of you are pathetic.
Not part of the IDF 'uniform'.
And you know this how, oh great Karnak?
DR said,
ReplyDelete. All three Abrahamic religions and their various adherents are equivalent.
There you go again: Just last week you told us you did not speak about religion.
desert rat said...
ReplyDeleteWe are now in the midst of the Zionist Crusade. It will fail, like all the other Europeon occupations of the Levant have failed, for the last couple of millennium.
Ahh, let me help you out. The Christian Crusades did not begin until the 10th Century. The Islamic jihad began in the 8th. Where are you coming up with thousands of years?
I would want to review up to now (realizing that news is still coming in)
ReplyDeleteFrom the fragments of information that are available, it appears that the aid shipment organizers were bent over backwards to provoke Israel. Israel had repeatedly expressed her need to investigate the content of the shipment, and offered to transport it in to Gaza after inspection in Ashdod harbor.
The IDF had instructed the ships not to enter the waters of Gaza, it was also clarified that failure to comply with the IDF will force Israel to respond by boarding the ships that didn’t comply.
It is becoming apparent that some individuals on the ships, were armed with knights, and attacked IDF soldiers of which six soldiers required medical attention.
The organizers acted provocatively, they were less concerned with getting the aid into Gaza, and more with the ambition to provoke Israel.
I expect to have a full inquiry before a concluding verdict should be heard.
Meanwhile, I wish all injured, from both sides ,a speedy recovery.
Philip welcome to the EB.
ReplyDeleteHope you'll visit more often.
It's always good to get the perspective from someone on the ground so to speak.
By the way Philipe, when you say armed with knights, could you clarify.
ReplyDeleteThe only thing I can think of that seems to fit are knights rifles.
But I thought they were all muzzleloaders.
Seems a bit strange.
I would want to review up to now (realizing that news is still coming in)
ReplyDeleteFrom the fragments of information that are available, it appears that the aid shipment organizers were bent over backwards to provoke Israel. Israel had repeatedly expressed her need to investigate the content of the shipment, and offered to transport it in to Gaza after inspection in Ashdod harbor.
The IDF had instructed the ships not to enter the waters of Gaza, it was also clarified that failure to comply with the IDF will force Israel to respond by boarding the ships that didn’t comply.
It is becoming apparent that some individuals on the ships, were armed with knights, and attacked IDF soldiers of which six soldiers required medical attention.
The organizers acted provocatively, they were less concerned with getting the aid into Gaza, and more with the ambition to provoke Israel.
I expect to have a full inquiry before a concluding verdict should be heard.
Meanwhile, I wish all injured, from both sides ,a speedy recovery.
Quirk said...
ReplyDeleteSixteen people dead.
WiO says,
"It is fitting of murderers and cut throats."
rat counters,
"I do not mourn a one of them, misdirection.",
Ranting and word games.
The two of you are pathetic.
Actually Quirk, I did not say what you posted, Rat did...
I said:
Turkey sponsors an Illegal group of ships trying to supply a terror group with supplies...
israel boards said ships and has it's soldiers attacked and responds...
"Peace Activists" die trying to kill Israelis...
Rat said:
No better than Somali pirates.
Worse, they kill crew and passengers on the ships they illegally seize.
Yes, the Israeli prove, once again, they are the Pirates of the Mediterranean.
Worse than the Achille Lauro incident.
Many more innocent passengers DEAD.
THe Israeli, again, killing unarmed civilians.
This time FAR, FAR from any combat area.
The Israeli violated Turkish soverignty, to kill unarmed civilians.
The Israeli truly are Pirates of the Mediterranean.
It is fitting of murderers and cut throats.
The scum of Haifa.
The folks killed, for propaganda purposes, to further radicalize the Turkish people.
The Israeli need a war, they're going to start one, any way they can.
and to sum it up I said,
Rat is a self confessed murderer...
Israel is not very good at the piracy game, since they did not rape or steal and only attacked those who attacked themselves.
quirk you would do better to read closer before putting your toe into it.
I have never confessed to murder.
ReplyDeleteNot even once.
"misdirection" is telling typical, Israeli propaganda falsehoods.
How did the folks on the boats initiate an attack upon Israeli air assault troops, in mid ocean?
That is video I have to see.
The Israeli will have it, from their gun ship cameras, if it occurred.
Did the sailors use SAM7s?
I doubt it.
Pirates of the Mediterranean
I do not speak of religion, neither the good or the bad. Just that the three Abrahamic ones, are equal.
ReplyDeleteThat is not a discussion of religion, but of the men that embody them.
As to the Zionist Crusade, that began in 1948.
ReplyDeleteShould last about one hundred years, then it'll peter out. Like the others.
Even the Romans left, after adding their genetic markers to the local populations.
"quirk you would do better to read closer before putting your toe into it."
ReplyDeleteNot really worth it in this case, WiO.
When it comes to Isreal/Palestine you two are the same, two sides of the same coin, evil twins of the EB.
Change the names. Same shit.
How about these.
"The good news?
16 dead retards...."
"Not really good pirates...
only 16 dead out of 700...
hell that just plain sucks...."
Six of one half a dozen of the other. You and rat are interchangeable.
Equivalent, Q, the word is equivalent.
ReplyDeleteThe whole point of the Equivalency Campaign.
It's working!
As I knew it would.
ReplyDeleteSo predictable, these Israeli shills.
ReplyDeleteWhat was the upside for Israel?
What was the worse that could happen?
Someone can explain to me the former. I suppose things could have ended worse but not by much. The only thing I can think of that makes any sense is that Israel wanted to send a message to Iran:
Let the world be damned, regardless of opinion, Iran ashould be prepared for anything.
It does, Deuce, justify preemptive Iranian action against those Israeli submariners, in the Persian Gulf.
ReplyDeleteBy the goose and gander standard.
If those Turks in their government are REALLY radical Islamoids, they'll call on US, under Article 5 of the NATO Treaty, to help punish the Pirates of Club Mediterranean
ReplyDeletePirates of the Mediteranean,
has a better 'ring' to it.
The Persian Gulf, not all that favorable to submariners.
ReplyDeleteNarrow & shallow.
Obvious choke points.
The Europeans are going ape over this and what does the US do if Turkey envokes Article 5 of the NATO agreement?
ReplyDeleteArticle 5
The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognised by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.
Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof shall immediately be reported to the Security Council. Such measures shall be terminated when the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to restore and maintain international peace and security .
Obviously the diplomatic wheels must be turning to stop that from happening, but they were unarmed Turkish flagged ships in international waters.
The ships' mission was obviously to provoke Israel, to goad them into doing something foolish. From that standpoint it was a mission accomplished moment.
Israel has walked into a diplomatic trap, if radical factions in the Turkish government want to envoke article 5, or use it as a means to embarrass US support for Isreal.
The preamble to the NATO Charter reads:
The Parties to this Treaty reaffirm their faith in the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and their desire to live in peace with all peoples and all governments.
They are determined to safeguard the freedom, common heritage and civilisation of their peoples, founded on the principles of democracy, individual liberty and the rule of law. They seek to promote stability and well-being in the North Atlantic area.
They are resolved to unite their efforts for collective defence and for the preservation of peace and security. They therefore agree to this North Atlantic Treaty
This is not the Memorial Day weekend the Obama Administration was looking forward to.
Personally, I hope the Turks do invoke Article 5, against the Pirates of the Mediterranean
ReplyDeleteA complete arms embargo on the Pirates, to start.
Less than enough, but enough to start.
That is what mutual defense is all about, coming to the aid of Treaty allies, when they are attacked without provocation.
ReplyDeleteWe do not want the Turks to invoke Article 5. If you think that through, you will not want it either. My bewilderment is why on earth would Israel do something so reckless?
ReplyDelete"The United States deeply regrets the loss of life and injuries sustained, and is currently working to understand the circumstances surrounding this tragedy," said White House spokesman William Burton.
President Barack Obama was in Chicago for the Memorial Day holiday. He had been scheduled to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas at the White House on Tuesday but that meeting was now in doubt as Netanyahu considered returning home to handle the crisis.
Britain's Foreign Secretary William Hague also deplored the loss of life in the incident.
He said: "I deplore the loss of life during the interception of the Gaza flotilla. Our embassy is in urgent contact with the Israeli government.
"We are asking for more information and urgent access to any UK nationals involved.
"We have consistently advised against attempting to access Gaza in this way because of the risks involved. But at the same time, there is a clear need for Israel to act with restraint and in line with international obligations.
"It would be important to establish the facts about this incident and especially whether enough was done to prevent death and injuries.
"This news underlines the need to lift the restrictions on access to Gaza in line with UNSCR (UN Security Council Resolution) 1860."
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said he was "shocked" by the Israeli raid.
We must move against piracy, on the high seas.
ReplyDeleteThat is why we maintain 11 carrier battle groups. Just for situations like this, where pirates attack NATO flagged shipping, on the high seas.
The least US reaction should be an arms embargo, on the government sponsoring the pirates.
But if Turkey does not invoke Article 5, that gives lie to the Israeli story line, that the Turkish Government are really radical Islamoids.
ReplyDeleteThey obviously meant to provoke, but the "they" was not the Turkish government.
ReplyDeleteRegardless, "they" were unarmed vessels in international waters. If they entered Israeli waters the Israelis had the right to stop them.
That is not what is being reported.
Israel is forcing the hand of governments normally friendly to Israel to do and say things that are not good for Israel.
Israel is being very foolish.
Unintended consequences, Deuce, unintended consequences.
ReplyDeleteOften arises from armed aggression.
The Israeli have attacked a NATO member, on the high seas.
ReplyDeleteThere was no crisis of identification. The Israeli knew full well whose flag flew on those ships.
It was not Egyptian.
Never was.
The Pirates of the Mediterranean strike again!
ReplyDeleteIf Bibi has to return to Israel to deal with the crisis it suggests to me that he is not in control of his government and that the raid was undertaken without his knowledge. If he was fully aware of the raid then I would expect him to continue on with his scheduled meetings and make his case for undertaking the action.
ReplyDeleteThey did not foresee the political firestorm, ash.
ReplyDeleteLook at 'misdirection's posts. The Israeli did not kill enough people of the flotilla to matter.
If that opinion has any prominence in Israel, and no Israeli posts to tell us it does not, then their actions were deemed acceptable.
The international reaction, dismissed or not realized before hand.
Obama's "right hand man", his Chief of Staff, is still there in Israel, is he not?
What message does that send?
Or did he fly to the United States, when Bibi did?
ReplyDeleteDid they fly together?
Did he fly back to DC, at all?
"Equivalent, Q, the word is equivalent.
ReplyDeleteThe whole point of the Equivalency Campaign.
It's working!"
No rat.
Bushwa. The word is bushwa.
Another attempted non sequitur.
Don't try to bullshit a bullshitter.
Ash said...
ReplyDeleteIf Bibi has to return to Israel to deal with the crisis it suggests to me that he is not in control of his government and that the raid was undertaken without his knowledge. If he was fully aware of the raid then I would expect him to continue on with his scheduled meetings and make his case for undertaking the action.
Obama threw Israel under the bus last week and not a peep out of the MSM.
Bibi understands that Obama wanted to USE bibi as a prop to sure up the American Jewish vote (donors).
Obama has lost 1/2 of his Jewish support in 6 months
You are dreaming Rat...
ReplyDeleteturkey's credibility as a NATO ally is about ZERO.
and her embrace of syria and iran recently shows what side the toast is buttered on.
If I was turkey? I'd be more concerned about the civil war about to hit it...
PKK shall rise...
Turkey shall fall...
and? Cyprus wil be a war zone again
Yeah, I agree that there are other reasons for Bib to not keep his meeting with Obama. It appears as if the IDF dropped onto the boat expecting them to quietly acquiesce to their orders but the folks on the boat resisted and the shooting began. It is entirely possible that Bibi knew that they were going to board the boats in international waters. It is also entirely possible the Obama said no to the meeting.
ReplyDeleteIn any case the action doesn't seem to helping Israels position very well now that the worlds attention has been drawn to the severity of the Israeli blockade of Gaza.
these people on board the relief ship were not peace activists
ReplyDeleteso, anon, do you think the folks should have just let the soldiers take over the ship or do they have a right to defend themselves?
ReplyDeleteRe: bad, bad, bad Israel, or why it is so nice to have a civilized country to lump on, rather than face North Korea...gutless wonders...
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ReplyDeleteAsh said...
ReplyDeleteso, anon, do you think the folks should have just let the soldiers take over the ship or do they have a right to defend themselves?
The flotilla was an act of war...
By all rights Israel could have simply bombed the shit out of it...
What is "Occupation" said...
ReplyDeleteLet's review...
Turkey sponsors an Illegal group of ships trying to supply a terror group with supplies...
It's far, far worse than that WiO. The financiers of that flotilla are known terrorists themselves, as my link last evening shows. They are on all the main terrorists’ lists, both foreign and domestic. Turkey supplied the cover of flagging the ships, while terrorists supplied the funding and personnel. Needless to say, our good friends the Saudis figure large in this.
So, WiO, why do we care about the Turkish response?
Why, wouldn't you think the true patriots here would be incensed that supporters of a'Q (those were the guys responsible for 9/11, unless, of course, you believe that was a Mossad mission, ala David Duke), the Taliban and Iranian "specialists" (these are the guys that build the high-tech explosives that kill American troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan) motivated this spectacle.
That they are not outraged speaks volumes as to where their true sympathies lie: They will permit any indignity and outrage so long as Israel's reputation is sullied.
I am confused, though, WiO. If as Quirk and company imply, we (Jews) control so much of the media, why the bad press? One would think the Elders would have brought our guys into line with the program.
This act of Israel really disappointed every body .When the incident took place i was in hotel kyrenia