Son of Draconian Drug Warrior Fails Drug Test

Guess why his son got kicked out of the Navy Reserve?
Vice President Joe Biden's son Hunter was discharged from the Navy Reserve this year after testing positive for cocaine, according to people familiar with the matter.
Hunter Biden, a lawyer by training who is now a managing partner at an investment company, had been commissioned as an ensign in the Navy Reserve, a part-time position. But after failing a drug test last year, his brief military career ended.
While I'm sure it's no fun to be booted from the Navy, I'm glad the younger Biden hasn't had to suffer any formal penalty greater than that. It's a shame his father's laws have wrecked the lives of so many people who did no more than he did.
Joe Biden on Drugs
ReplyDeleteDemocratic Sr Senator (DE); Vice President-Elect
Took lead on drug policy & narcotics control
Biden has sought to take the lead on drug policy, spearheading creation of a “Drug Czar” and crafting laws to control narcotics--measures that are widely viewed as pretty much of a failure.
Source: The Contenders, by Laura Flanders, p.180 Nov 11, 2007
ReplyDeleteBiden Family Values: Leniency for us, stern prohibition for the mundanes
William Norman Grigg
Asked by Time magazine last February about the possibility of decriminalizing marijuana nation-wide, Vice President Joe Biden insisted that “smarter enforcement” of federal drug statutes was a better idea.
For “smarter” he apparently means “selective and self-serving.” If this weren’t the case, Biden’s pampered and dim-witted son Hunter would be facing the prospect of prison time.
In 2012, Hunter Biden decided he wanted to join the US Naval Reserve as a direct-commission public affairs officer. Because of a drug-related incident in his background, he was given a special waiver. Last year his dilettante military career was ended when he was discharged after a drug test turned up evidence of cocaine use. A few months later, perhaps as a consolation prize, Hunter was made a board member of Ukraine’s largest oil company, an appointment that doubtless had a great deal to do with the fact that the company is owned by the U.S.-installed regime in Kiev.
Biden, who does not face prosecution, told Fox News that he was “moving forward” with the support of his family. That includes his sister Ashley, who was arrested on drug charges in 1999 but never prosecuted – and is now employed as a “child welfare” bureaucrat in Delaware, where she is probably involved in stealing children from parents who occasionally use proscribed substances but aren’t part of a politically protected clan.
During his decades in the U.S. Senate, including a long stint as Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, Vice President Joe Biden distinguished himself as among the most militant drug warriors in Washington. He proudly recalled to Time that he is “the guy who did the crime bill and the drug czar.” He also promoted the widespread practice of asset forfeiture, the use of the RICO law to turn petty drug offenses into federal conspiracy prosecutions, and supported military aid to wage the drug war overseas.
Biden obviously does support decriminalization of drugs, but only on a case-by-case basis. He has done more than his share to ruin countless lives in the name of drug prohibition. Thanks in no small measure to Joe Biden’s efforts, millions of people who have done no harm to anyone but themselves have been fed into the prison and parole system. Hunter and Ashley Biden would be among them, were they not the glorious outpouring of privileged loins.
Raise the flag higher boys.
ReplyDeletePractice that snappy salute.
ReplyDeleteSenator Biden, who is on the Judiciary and Intelligence committees, said today that a ‘’drug czar’’ was needed to coordinate efforts between the Departments of State, Justice and Defense, the F.B.I., the drug agency, the Coast Guard and the Internal Revenue Service.
ReplyDelete''We need one person to call the shots,'' Senator Biden said, adding that some success had been achieved when Vice President Bush headed a recent antidrug drive in Florida. The South Florida drive was started in February to combat the massive importation of cocaine and marijuana.
''Their commitment is minuscule in terms of dollars,'' Mr. Biden said of the Administration's antinarcotics efforts so far, and he also criticized the Carter Administration's programs.
''Illegal drug traffic in this country was estimated to exceed $80 billion, but we spend less than $3 billion for the entire criminal justice effort, for all crimes on the Federal level, and the states can't do anything about it,'' he said. F.B.I. Involved Last Year
The Administration's most significant innovation in drug enforcement was its decision last year to involve the F.B.I. in narcotics investigations. That also placed the drug agency in a position of reporting to the Justice Department through the Director of the F.B.I., who named top-ranking agents of the bureau to head the drug agency.
Associate Attorney General Giuliani said that since July 1981, when the F.B.I. took charge, it has opened more than 800 new investigations, of which 200 are being conducted jointly with the D.E.A. Records also indicate that the number of court-authorized wiretaps in drug cases have tripled in that period.
According to Sean M. McWeeney, the F.B.I. section chief in charge of combating organized crime, narcotics trafficking by organized enterprises is not restricted to the 25 ''families'' of the Mafia believed to be operating in the United States.
I imagine the military justice system couldn't do anything else than discharge him.
ReplyDeleteAs odd as it sounds, just because you test positive for cocaine doesn't equal being in possession of cocaine.
In 1998 there were an estimated 25,062,400 veterans in the United States population, including 225,700 veterans held in the Nation’s prisons and jails.
DeleteMales comprised 95% of all veterans and 99% of those veterans in prison and jail.
15% of all veterans in prison were on drug related charges. Their average sentence was 118 months.
Joe Biden’s son will not have to undergo a review of his license to practice law. We cannot traumatize the lad after all he was serving his country don’y you know.
The 25 ‘’families’’ of the Mafia believed to be operating in the United States are strictly junior varsity compared to our Rulers and Masters, The Pirates on the Potomac.
ReplyDeleteJoe Biden drunk is a better geo-politician than either Bush or Obama sober.
ReplyDeleteGive poor old Joe a break.
He used to ride the trains to work.
Went to an American Indian pow wow tonight.
ReplyDeleteWonderful dress, great dancing, and the kids were cute as angels.
I asked if I could take some pictures.
Not during the ceremony, was the reply.
GOP rep: What if terrorists self-infect and bring Ebola into the U.S.?
ReplyDeleteArticle at Hot Air.
Sounds too depressing to read for the good mood I'm in.......
Police officer who shot Michael Brown in Ferguson MO told investigators he was pinned in vehicle and feared for his life... MORE...
ReplyDelete'Brown reached for gun'...
Evidence 'does not support civil rights charges'... MORE............drudge
Riot Time !
(liquor stores are the primary target)
Addition to your great posts on Kobane;
We can clearly state that, had these attacks started a couple weeks ago, ISIS would not have been able to enter Kobane at all. ISIS would have been defeated 10-15 kilometers away from the city, and the city would not have turned into a war zone.
Alright, why did effective air strikes start one week before, and not two? Or, to ask in another way; What happened over the course of the last week that the strikes intensified?
The YPG’s relationship with the coalition, then, had just started recently.
I will be blunt; some regional powers, especially Turkey were a serious obstacle.
They made every effort to prevent any help from reaching us and to prevent the air strikes. At first, coalition jets could get no closer than 10 kilometers to the Turkish border, because Turkey would not allow it. Of course, there were other problems as well such as logistics and distance.
The coalition had not yet made a serious decision to help the YPG.
The Ass Stabbers have been both enablers to ISIS and an Impediment to their destruction. The Kurds will be dealing with them with negotiations or without. Either way, there will be a Kurdistan when this is over.
DeleteAshley Biden’s past is full of weed and wild parties
Why are people hitting on poor Joe Biden's son?
ReplyDeleteWhy not hit on Obama, who smoked crack whenever he could get it, and was Leader of the Choom Gang, by his own testimony?
Obama is such a genius he invented the technique of rolling the car windows up so as to not let the pot smoke out.
Now, there is a forward thinking Commander-In-Chief.
As for this Ebola Scare, all we need do is buy some Rufus Life Insurance. Countless lives will be saved.
I see you are getting a big storm out your way, Doug.
ReplyDeleteDon't forget to roll the car windows up.
The rouble’s plunge against the dollar and the euro continues.
ReplyDeleteIn October alone Russia’s central bank spent over 13 billion dollars of its reserves buying up the currency to stop it falling faster.
It is under pressure because of the Ukraine crisis, a dramatic slump in oil prices and Western sanctions, which limit Russian firms’ access to international capital.
Finance Ministry and central bank moves to give Russian banks and companies greater access to foreign currency have had little effect.
At the start of this year, one dollar would buy you 33 roubles. Now it is worth 41 roubles.
ING Eurasia analyst Dmitry Polevoy believes the central bank will respond: “To prevent panic among the people, and to secure financial stability of the Russian financial and banking system it’s unlikely they’ll allow a total and uncontrollable rouble crash. In the worst-case scenario the central bank will postpone its plan to switch to a floating rouble exchange rate, which was due by the end of this year or the start of next year.”
Russian banks say they have seen a big rise in demand for dollars from their customers, up 80 percent month-on-month in August; those are the latest available stats and were only released in mid October.
It is not a panic, but does suggest that more ordinary Russians are losing confidence in the currency.