The US Department of Education Is Sending A Bi-Partisan Road Show, US Representative Twat, (D, NY) and US Senator Dick, (R, AZ ) to All The Best Schools to Explain The Difference to the Confused Fragile Intelligenstsia
Trump Rescinds Rules on Bathrooms for Transgender Students

WASHINGTON — President Trump on Wednesday rescinded protections for transgender students that had allowed them to use bathrooms corresponding with their gender identity, overruling his own education secretary and placing his administration firmly in the middle of the culture wars that many Republicans have tried to leave behind.
In a joint letter, the top civil rights officials from the Justice Department and the Education Department rejected the Obama administration’s position that nondiscrimination laws require schools to allow transgender students to use the bathrooms of their choice.
That directive, they said, was improperly and arbitrarily devised, “without due regard for the primary role of the states and local school districts in establishing educational policy.”
The question of how to address the “bathroom debate,” as it has become known, opened a rift inside the Trump administration, pitting Education Secretary Betsy DeVos against Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Mr. Sessions, who had been expected to move quickly to roll back the civil rights expansions put in place under his Democratic predecessors, wanted to act decisively because of two pending court cases that could have upheld the protections and pushed the government into further litigation.
But Ms. DeVos initially resisted signing off and told Mr. Trump that she was uncomfortable because of the potential harm that rescinding the protections could cause transgender students, according to three Republicans with direct knowledge of the internal discussions.

Mr. Sessions, who has opposed expanding gay, lesbian and transgender rights, pushed Ms. DeVos to relent. After getting nowhere, he took his objections to the White House because he could not go forward without her consent. Mr. Trump sided with his attorney general, the Republicans said, and told Ms. DeVos in a meeting in the Oval Office on Tuesday that he wanted her to drop her opposition. And Ms. DeVos, faced with the alternative of resigning or defying the president, agreed to go along.
Ms. DeVos’s unease was evident in a strongly worded statement she released on Wednesday night, in which she said she considered it a “moral obligation” for every school in America to protect all students from discrimination, bullying and harassment.
She said she had directed the Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights to investigate all claims of such treatment “against those who are most vulnerable in our schools,” but also argued that bathroom access was not a federal matter.
Gay rights supporters made their displeasure clear. Outside the White House, several hundred people protested the decision, chanting, “No hate, no fear, trans students are welcome here.”
Individual schools will remain free to let transgender students use the bathrooms with which they are most comfortable. And the effect of the administration’s decision will not be immediate because a federal court had already issued a nationwide injunction barring enforcement of the Obama order.
The dispute highlighted the degree to which transgender rights issues, which Mr. Trump expressed sympathy for during the campaign, continue to split Republicans, even as many in the party argue that it is time to move away from social issues and focus more on bread-and-butter pocketbook concerns.
Within the administration, it also threatened to become another distraction for Mr. Trump after a tumultuous first month in office. And it showed how Mr. Trump, who has taken a more permissive stance on gay rights and same-sex marriage than many of his fellow Republicans, is bowing to pressure from the religious right and contradicting his own personal views.
Social conservatives, one of Mr. Trump’s most loyal constituencies, applauded him for honoring a pledge he had made to them during the campaign. They had argued that former President Barack Obama’s policy would allow potential sexual predators access to bathrooms and create an unsafe environment for children.
“The federal government has absolutely no right to strip parents and local schools of their rights to provide a safe learning environment for children,” said Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council.
But supporters of transgender rights said the Trump administration was acting recklessly and cruelly. “The consequences of this decision will no doubt be heartbreaking,” said Chad Griffin, president of the Human Rights Campaign. “This isn’t a states’ rights issue; it’s a civil rights issue.”
Bathroom access emerged as a major and divisive issue last March when North Carolina passed a bill barring transgender people from using bathrooms that do not match the sex on their birth certificate. It was part of a broader bill eliminating anti-discrimination protections for gay and transgender people.
Gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender issues became a point of attack for opponents of Ms. DeVos’s nomination last month, as Democrats questioned her about the extensive financial support that some of her relatives — part of her wealthy and politically active Michigan family — had provided to anti-gay causes. Ms. DeVos distanced herself from her relatives on the issue, saying their political activities did not represent her views.

While Wednesday’s order significantly rolls back transgender protections, it does include language stating that schools must protect transgender students from bullying, a provision Ms. DeVos asked for, one person with direct knowledge of the process said.
“All schools must ensure that students, including L.G.B.T. students, are able to learn and thrive in a safe environment,” the letter said, echoing Ms. DeVos’s comments at her confirmation hearing but not expressly using the word transgender. Ms. DeVos, who has been quietly supportive of gay rights for years, was said to have voiced her concern about the high rates of suicide among transgender students. In one 2016 study by the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, for instance, 30 percent reported a history of at least one suicide attempt.
Mr. Trump appears to have been swayed by conservatives in his administration who reminded him that he had promised during the campaign to leave the question of bathroom use to the states.
But he had given conflicting signals on the issue, and on gay rights more broadly. He said last April, for instance, that he supported the right of transgender people to “use the bathroom they feel is appropriate,” and added that Caitlyn Jenner, perhaps the most famous transgender person in the country, could use whichever bathroom at Trump Tower she wanted. He has also called the Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex marriage settled law. “And I’m fine with that,” he told CBS News after the November election.
Despite his personal views, Mr. Trump’s decisions in office have been consistently conservative on social issues. And he has shown considerable deference to the religious right, naming many religious conservatives to top cabinet posts and pledging to fight for religious freedom protections and restrictions on abortion.
The Justice Department is eager to move quickly in laying out its legal position on transgender policy, to avoid confusion in cases moving through the courts.
The dispute has underscored the influence that Mr. Sessions, an early and ardent supporter of Mr. Trump, is likely to exercise over domestic policy. As someone who has a long record of opposing efforts to broaden federal protections on a range of matters under his purview — immigration, voting rights and gay rights, for example — he has moved quickly to set the Justice Department on a strikingly different course than his predecessors in the Obama administration.
Quirk and Bob have generously offered to provide further details.
ReplyDeleteThey can always be depended upon for deep background and penetrating analysis.
DeleteQuirk will have to explain it all to me.
ReplyDeleteI'm a farm boy, Quirk's the City Slicker.
I don't know a thing about it. I don't know what all the words mean.
All this kind of stuff comes from the city. Wayne doesn't know anything about it either, cause I just called him and asked.
"What the hell are you talking about" was his reply.
"I don't know a thing about what I'm talking about. I'm asking you"
"I got to go feed the cattle" he says....
At 2 in the morning ? I wonder to myself....
So I'll wait for Quirk to penetrate the analysis.
If I use a girl's restroom, does that mean I got to sit down to pee ?
ReplyDeleteIt's all so confusing.
I'm happy to leave it all up to The Donald.
I've never had the slightest urge to use a woman's restroom.
DeleteAre we supposed to be using woman's restrooms half the time now ?
I'm going to bed and not going to think about it any longer.
I do know that in German a woman's restroom is a sitzundpisser.
DeleteHere's my authority:
DeleteThe Elephant Bar: Russian Air Force, Syrian army, Hezbollah are ...
Feb 8, 2016 - I read somewhere their word for a toilet was something like a sitzundpisser. Richard E. Cytowic M.D.. The Fallible Mind Why Ted Cruz's Facial ...
The Elephant Bar: Clinton Cash Inc.
Jul 22, 2016 - I read somewhere that the Lady's Room is the 'sitzundpisser'.... Delete · Idaho Bob Fri Jul 22, 08:45:00 PM EDT. Shooter was an 18 year old ...
I await their explanation. Does this mean I can no longer take a dump in the WOMENS? CRAP! I mean dam!
ReplyDeleteRemember when Obama lit the whitehouse up with rainbow colors? That was one of his lowest points, and he had many of them, IMCO
ReplyDeleteOne of life's most decent, kind and wonderful people you'd ever want to meet, Alan Colmes, has died after a brief illness.
ReplyDeleteDeuce ☂Thu Feb 23, 03:20:00 AM EST
Quirk and Bob have generously offered to provide further details.
I see Bob has already surrendered the field, surprising as I had believed your typical rustic became well versed in all things sexual at an early age. I'll admit that could be an unfair stereotype.
Anyway, with regard to the issue at hand, all I can say is that Deuce shows an amazing amount of chutzpah in even raising the question. One word, gentlemen...
Though you might not realize it everyone here (I assume) is guilty of being Cisgender, white, heterosexual males, who do not want to be a woman, and do not have any (frequent?) bisexual thoughts.
As such, raised in that elevated position of privilege, there is absolutely no way you can understand the trauma being faced by women (well, some women), people of color, LGBTLMNOPJGXXXGYFFFJs, or those who identify as 'none of the above' or 'indeterminate', from the countless triggers or micro-aggressions they face each day such as the cultural appropriation evident to any exchange student from Spain when forced to eat 'Spanish Rice' at the school cafeteria.
Why even ask?
Deuce ☂Thu Feb 23, 03:26:00 AM EST
They can always be depended upon for deep background and penetrating analysis
I could provide a detailed explanation starting from the seed that was planted in France and Northern Europe well over a century ago, how it grew and spread across Europe and then leaped to other Western Countries including the US, the good and bad it achieved, the march for racial and women's rights, the political march of the gay rights movement, then progressing to the progressively elitist and extreme positions we see among the vanguard of the Progressive Eloi movement today which act as triggers to the troglodyte Morlocks on the extreme right, but I won't.
I have been mocked for my wordiness here so I shall refrain.
"Indeterminate" ?
DeleteHow in hell can anyone identify as "Indeterminate" ?
That just don't make ANY sense.
And I never heard of Cisgender.
DeleteMy sis's gender is full blown female, I can tell you that.
I could provide a detailed explanation starting from the seed that was planted in France and Northern Europe well over a century ago
DeleteCorn ?
And what's with the pink dick at the top of this thread ?
DeleteWhy isn't it blue ?
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dan Schneider, executive director of the American Conservative Union, argued at the conservative gathering that the “alt-right” movement, which strongly backed Trump, is philosophically left-wing because it departed from his definition of conservatism..
You just gotta laugh.
Bwabwabwabwabwahahahahahaha !!!!!!!!
DeleteI rest my case.
Meanwhile, back at the fence:
ReplyDelete"We are a nation of immigrants.. but we are a nation of laws"
"Our nation is rightly disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country...
Illegal immigrants take jobs from citizens or legal immigrants, they impose burdens on our taxpayers...
That is why we are doubling the number of border guards, deporting more illegal immigrants than ever before, cracking down on illegal hiring, barring benefits to illegal aliens, and we will do more to speed the deportation of illegal immigrants arrest for crimes...
It is wrong and ultimately self-defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws that has occurred in the last few years.. and we must do more to stop it."
Once upon a time, more than two decades ago, then-President Bill Clinton used a State of the Union address to slam the number of illegal aliens who’d been allowed to stay in the United States – sounding an awfully lot like now-President Donald Trump, who’s been called racist, bigoted and anti-American for daring to say the same thing.
HILLARY 2006: If they’ve committed transgressions of whatever kind, they should be obviously deported.
DeleteCLINTON 1995: We will try to do more to speed the deportation of illegal aliens who are arrested for crimes.
HILLARY 2006: … secure or borders with technology, personnel, uh, physical barriers if necessary.
CLINTON 1995: That’s why our administration has moved aggressively to secure or borders more, by hiring a record number of new border guards, by deporting twice as many criminal aliens as ever before.
HILLARY 2006: We need to try to incentivize Mexico to do more.
Clinton deported high numbers of illegal immigrants during his eight years in office, ultimately sending more than 12 million unlawfully present people home. Clinton deported more people, in fact, than President Ronald Reagan and President George W. Bush, both Republicans.
DeleteBy comparison, President Obama deported fewer illegal aliens per year than any president since Richard Nixon.
Here’s the clip of Clinton from 22 years ago:
DeleteStanding ovation.
racist, bigoted and anti-American,
...for saying the same thing.
We've had an Equal Pay For Equal Work law on the books since 1963 -
DeleteThe Equal Pay Act of 1963 is a United States labor law amending the Fair Labor Standards Act, aimed at abolishing wage disparity based on sex (see Gender pay gap). It was signed into law on June 10, 1963, by John F. Kennedy as part of his New Frontier Program.
Equal Pay Act of 1963 - Wikipedia
- yet the women tody are still marching around about that.
If they are not getting the same pay, what they need is not a new law, but a lawyer.
And since one can change one's sex today by an act of choice, by just a declaration, they can save the lawyers' fees by just declaring themselves to be men, I would suppose.
DeleteI declare myself the hottest bitch at the bar.
DeleteThe line forms on the right, of course.
Give a little winky to Quirkie, you'll get some action....
DeleteMake sure you're in drag....put on a hot Latino look, like Maria.....
Standing ovation.
racist, bigoted and anti-American,
Sounds about right. Trump has the words but lacks the music.
In the spirit of the confusion of today's Weltanschauung as underlined by this thread -
UMich students demand no-whites-allowed space to plot ‘social justice’ activism
A student activist group at the University of Michigan is demanding campus officials provide them with “a permanent designated space on central campus for Black students and students of color to organize and do social justice work.”
The demand is one of several lodged by “Students4Justice,” who this month ratcheted up campus demonstrations to pressure administrators to cave, complaining in a newly launched petition that President Mark Schlissel has snubbed their demands.
The clamor for a segregated space for students of color to organize social justice efforts comes even as the public university builds a $10 million center for black students in the center of campus.
In their demands, students explain why the new black student center is not enough, “because we want a space solely dedicated to community organizing and social justice work specifically for people of color.”
“We want documentation of past, current, and future student activism and this should be a permanent space that is staffed, and has resources for students to organize and share resources,” the demand letter states.
Leaders of “Students4Justice” did not respond to requests from The College Fix seeking comment. Campus spokesman Rick Fitzgerald told The Fix that at “this point, our colleagues in Student Life have been working with the Students4Justice leaders to better understand their concerns. This is our normal process.”
The demands caught the attention of the Michigan Review, an independent student news outlet which first reported on the issue — and criticized it.
“The same organization that criticizes the University for failing to create ‘an environment that engages in diversity, equity and inclusion,’ is calling upon the University to undermine these ideals by facilitating a sort of de facto segregation? One where space and resources are designated for students based solely on the color of their skin?” the Review wrote.
“To advocate for the ideals of diversity, equity and inclusion, while simultaneously calling upon the University to sanction these spaces on campus is both unprincipled and laughably regressive,” it added....
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete"Kelly contradicts Trump on using military to enforce immigration laws
ReplyDeleteJosh Lederman
MEXICO CITY — The Associated Press
Published Thursday, Feb. 23, 2017 1:14PM EST
U.S. Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly pledged Thursday that America won’t enlist its military to enforce immigration laws and that there will be “no mass deportations.”
Only hours earlier, President Donald Trump suggested the opposite. “It’s a military operation,” Trump said Thursday at the White House.
Then Kelly is pushing the envelope....The Donald doesn't like insubordination.
DeleteThat being said, it's highly unlikely the military will be called on to enforce immigration laws.
Are you a Boy, or a Girl, Ash ?
It's hard to tell from your picture.
I'm a young bull elk, myself.
DeleteNews of the Day from the Jihadi World
ReplyDeleteThe 02/23/2017 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:
Netherlands: Muslim agent suspended, accused of leaking details of Wilders’ whereabouts to jihad group
By Robert Spencer on Feb 22, 2017 08:56 pm
Netherlands: Muslim agent suspended, accused of leaking details of Wilders’ whereabout to jihad group
“Secret Service chief Erik Akerboom said he could not confirm the man’s identity but confirmed media reports he has a ‘Moroccan background.'” Rather spectacularly proving Wilders’ point. “Possible mole in security detail of Dutch frontrunner Wilders,” Reuters, February 22, 2017: A Dutch secret service agent who was part of the team responsible for protecting Geert […]
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Muslims at University of Texas Arlington: “Stuff Jews in the oven”
By Christine Williams on Feb 22, 2017 03:35 pm
Muslims at University of Texas Arlington: “Stuff Jews in the oven”
Muslim students mocking the Holocaust, inciting violence against Jews, delegitimizing the existence of Israel, and pushing a false Palestinian and “Islamophobia” victimhood narrative has become commonplace. The media is trying desperately to portray President Trump as responsible for antisemitism in the U.S.; in reality, they should be looking at Students for Justice in Palestine and […]
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UK: Convert to Islam wanted to buy 9-year-old slave girl
By Christine Williams on Feb 22, 2017 02:26 pm
UK: Convert to Islam wanted to buy 9-year-old slave girl
What Kabele declares about the Sharia is the crux of the Islamic supremacist incursion into the West, which threatens Western secular and pluralistic societies: Kabele was born in Uganda and became a British citizen but told police after his arrest that he did not ‘owe an oath of allegiance’ to the country. He did […]
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Young Iranian chess grandmaster expelled from national team for not wearing hijab
By Christine Williams on Feb 22, 2017 01:49 pm
Young Iranian chess grandmaster expelled from national team for not wearing hijab
Dorsa Derakhshani is part of a new and growing movement within some Sharia states that is daring to challenge the brute strictures of Sharia, including the inferior status of women. The hijab is, of course, a symbol of that oppression and by law in the Islamic Republic of Iran, women must wear it. The head […]
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Islamic State child jihadi: “We’re here only to support this religion”
By Robert Spencer on Feb 22, 2017 11:49 am
Islamic State child jihadi: “We’re here only to support this religion”
Meanwhile, most Western authorities continue to insist that the Islamic State and its activities have nothing whatsoever to do with that religion. How to figure out what is really happening? One could simply study Islamic texts and teachings and discover what they say, but that would be “Islamophobic.” This boy quotes his father saying, “Meanwhile, […]
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Austria: Nine Muslim “refugees” gang-rape woman for two hours, ignoring her pleas
By Robert Spencer on Feb 22, 2017 11:25 am
Austria: Nine Muslim “refugees” gang-rape woman for two hours, ignoring her pleas
The Qur’an teaches that Infidel women can be lawfully taken for sexual use (cf. its allowance for a man to take “captives of the right hand,” 4:3, 4:24, 23:1-6, 33:50, 70:30). The Qur’an says: “O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves of their […]
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Down The Dam Drain
Social Security paid a billion dollars to people with no SS numbers
ReplyDeleteFebruary 23, 2017
Seventeen percent of these representative payees were illegal aliens, according to the I.G. audit. More
Nancy Pelosi showing signs of mental breakdown
February 23, 2017
Has Trump Derangement Syndrome affected the ability of Nancy Pelosi to perform normal life functions (for a politician)? More
And....I can't resist....
ReplyDeleteQuirk's Got The Personality Of A Dog
Life: Science Proves Dogs & Their Owners Can Share Personality Traits - RCLife
The results found that the more relaxed the owner, the more tranquil the dog. And that influence goes both ways: Both owners and furry friends mirror one another’s coping mechanisms.
“Our results nicely fit to experience from practice: owners and dogs are social dyads [a group of two], and they influence each other’s stress coping,” Dr. Iris Schoberl, of the University of Vienna, told BBC News.
DeleteMy dog's a cock hound.
Mutt's probably got misshapened paws, like your hands.
DeleteIn addition to sending border-crossers from third countries into Mexico, new memos signed by Kelly this week call for prioritizing deportation for anyone charged or convicted of any crime, rather than just serious crimes. That potentially subjects millions in the U.S. illegally to deportation, many Mexicans included.
ReplyDeleteThose policies have stoked fears in Mexico about the possibility of deportee and refugee camps emerging along Mexico's northern border. Mexican officials were also apprehensive that a forthcoming report ordered by Trump's administration listing all current U.S. aid to Mexico is intended to threaten Mexico into compliance over immigration or the wall.
Mexico has also raised concerns about Trump's pledge to overhaul the trade relationship and possibly apply steep taxes to Mexican products, a move with profound impacts for Mexico's export-heavy economy. Tillerson said the leaders had agreed the trade relationship needed to be modernized and strengthened.
Scot Baio called Limbaugh and made this simple point:
ReplyDeleteThe Republicans sent EIGHT bills for repealing Obamacare to Obama, knowing he wouldn't sign them.
Now that Trump is President: ZERO
All hat.
Delete...or as Quirk would put it: All Penis
DeleteI would never accuse Trump of being All Penis.
Have you seen his hands.
No charges for drummer’s wife who allegedly attacked Scott Baio at kids’ school over Trump support
DeleteThe alleged anti-Trump attacker of Scott Baio won’t face criminal charges.
Nancy Mack, the wife of Red Hot Chili Peppers drummer Chad Smith, allegedly attacked the “Happy Days” star at a function at the school both of their children attend, in December after the election, because of his support for President Donald Trump.
Baio accused Mack of attacking him verbally, then physically, while saying the phrase “Grab ’em by the p***y!!!”
But the Ventura County District Attorney’s office won’t be pressing charges against Mack as it deemed that incident was not bad enough to warrant charges, celebrity news website TMZ reported.
But TMZ speculated that the area of California in which the incident allegedly took place, along with President Trump being in office, might have played a role in the decision.
Prosecutors are not supposed to file cases when there’s no reasonable chance of winning a conviction. With today’s political climate and a Southern California jury pool that, at best, is deeply divided — 42% of Ventura County residents are Hispanic — getting 12 people to agree she was out of line might just be a pipe dream.
No, he said they were fine:
DeleteShould I doubt him?
He's a huge driver on the links, btw.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteIdaho BobThu Feb 23, 03:17:00 PM EST
And what's with the pink dick at the top of this thread ?
Why isn't it blue ?
Aren't you getting it confused with blue balls? I mean, close but no cigar.
Lib NYU prof’s DONE with ‘obscene, abusive, fanatical’ people on the intolerant Left after feeling their wrath
ReplyDeleteMichael Rectenwald @antipcnyuprof
The illiberal left revealing its utter ugliness & hypocrisy. Is this how they treat everyone who appears on @FoxNews. Stalinist wannabes
The Clinical Professor of Liberal Studies took to Facebook to expose the “Twitter sh** storm from hell” that led him to say goodbye to the left.
DeleteOnly a Clinical Professor of Liberal Studies (excuse my snicker) would say something like 'I'm saying goodbye to the left'.
Is he now going to identify as right?
DeleteHe plans on spending the rest of his time in academe in the bathroom.
Delete"Clinical professor is an academic appointment made to a member of a profession who is associated with a university and engages in practical instruction of professional students."
Professional Liberals?
Delete"Clinical professor is an academic appointment made to a member of a profession who is associated with a university and engages in practical instruction of professional students."
Academic appointment?
Professional students (excuse my snicker)?
Does this mean that since he is 'saying goodbye to the left' that he might as well kiss his 'appointed' sinecure goodbye?
The bizarre assassination of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's estranged half-brother marks a departure from the isolated country's repertoire of overseas operations, according to experts on its opaque ruling structures.
If the Workers' Party is the brains behind North Korean assassinations, the muscle is the Reconnaissance General Bureau which formally falls under the military.
In 1987, North Korean agent Kim Hyun Hee put a bomb on Korean Air Flight 858, killing all 115 people on board when it blew up over the Bay of Bengal.
Life Expectancy in South Korea
DeleteAccording to the latest WHO data published in 2015 life expectancy in South Korea is: Male 78.8, female 85.5 and total life expectancy is 82.3 which gives South Korea a World Life Expectancy ranking of 11. You can see the top 20 causes of death data and rankings for South Korea by clicking on the links below or select the full country health profile at the bottom of the page.
DeleteI can see that website crashing as millions rush to check out South Korea's health profile.
Nothing compared to this:
Study finds that average life expectancy will surpass 90 in South Korea by 2030
North Korea life expectancy is 70, apparently. Higher than I would've thought.
ReplyDeleteVery low incidence of obesity.
DeleteNo Food, No bad cholesterol.
DeleteNo Money, No drink, No smoke, No Drug Overdoses.
No wonder the Nork Gov. calls it Paradise....
"Goooodbyeee raaacists!"
ReplyDeleteThat was the blunt - and unquestionably sarcastic - message one heated passenger delivered to a man and a woman as they were being kicked off a United Airlines flight on Saturday evening for causing a disturbance that was blamed on racist comments.
Jonathan Guerin, a United Airlines spokesman, told The Washington Post the man and woman understood why they were asked to leave the plane and calm down. They were placed on a later flight bound for Houston, but Guerin said he didn't know if the Texas city was their final destination.
"Most customers appreciate a place where they feel safe and where they're not going to be attacked and we want to provide that," he added.
ReplyDeleteIdaho BobThu Feb 23, 02:59:00 PM EST
And I never heard of Cisgender.
Add it to the list. By the way did you see my responses to your and Doug's critiques on my editorial denigrating Trump's overall immigration policy,
1. QuirkThu Feb 23, 12:48:00 AM EST (response to Bob)
and here...
2. QuirkWed Feb 22, 08:18:00 PM EST (response to Doug)
In the first response, I list a number of other things you seem unaware of.
The list of things you do not know is growing rather large and may soon need to be shifted to an external flash drive.
I never return to old arguments, Quirk, as I have often said, as I have learned such misplaced practice does not conduce to the liberation of the jiva/atman.
DeleteYou are simply trying to entrap me in the further wandering of samsara.
Dear Friend, O Nobly Born, cease from such behavior.
It is not conducive to your liberation.
Also, you're full of shit, with the personality of a dog.
DeleteI never return to old arguments,
No, you just leave your dropping around the bar and then run away like a little girl.
ReplyDeleteIt's Getting Tough to be a Drone
DeleteBattery Blew. Samsung Drone?
Idaho BobThu Feb 23, 09:15:00 PM EST (response to Quirk)
ReplyDeleteThere is SHOCKING news in the sports betting industry.
ReplyDeleteIt has been said that any bettor needs to look at this,
Watch this now or stop betting on sports...
Sports Cash System - Automated Sports Betting Software.
see this get more click resources this anonymous more info here