Rioters set cars on fire, loot shops in Stockholm suburb – police

Police in Sweden were forced to fire warning shots after a group of unidentified persons ran riots in the Rinkeby district of Stockholm late on Monday, setting cars on fire, throwing stones at police and looting local stores.
A police officer was injured during the clashes, forcing law enforcers to fire several warning shots at the crowd, Swedish public service broadcaster SVT reported, citing a local police spokesperson.
At least seven or eight cars were burned in the area during the evening, police said in a statement.
The unrest reportedly started after police arrested a wanted person at the subway station in Rinkeby, one of the districts with the highest number of immigrants in Stockholm, at around 8pm on Monday.
It is unclear how many people were involved in the riot, Lars Bystrom, Stockholm police spokesperson, said, adding that there were between 30-50 people.
“Some may have disappeared, others have been added, it is difficult to get a handle on how many exactly,” he told SVT. “We have a fairly large number of police officers trained to handle this type of a situation.”
Several shops in the area were looted during the riots. One of the shop owners, who had received an alarm signal directly to his phone, went to check on site and was beaten, SVT reported.
Police managed to restore order only after midnight.
An investigation has been launched into the violent riots and an assault against officers.
SWEDEN RIOT: Police forced to shoot at protestors as violence erupts - yet PM is in denial
SWEDEN’S capital was plunged into chaos on Monday as police were forced to fire at rioters after a violence erupted in an area described as high risk.
The terrifying scenes took place just hours after the country’s Prime Minister, Stefan Löfven, slammed Donald Trump for claiming Sweden was in crisis as a result of its liberal refugee policy.
Stockholm police were forced to fire a shot into the rampaging crowd in the hard-hit suburb of Rinkeby, after a mob of around 30 thugs started attacking the officers with rocks.
Violence erupted after the police had tried to arrest a wanted person on the subway.
Sylvia Odin, of the Stockholm police, said: “There was stone throwing and they were placed in a situation where a number of people jointly attacked and threw stones. They felt vulnerable and threatened.
“The initial information we received was that a warning shot [was fired] but when the picture cleared, it turned out it was for effect [meaning it was intended to hit the target].”
Another officer told Aftonbladet: “The police were cornered between the stone throwers and their car and shot towards the stone thrower but missed.”
In addition to the police being attacked, emergency services had their hands full as 10 cars were set alight in Rinkeby.
No suspects have been arrested after the clashes, however officers are treating the incident as a riot and assault on police.
Violence erupted after the police had tried to arrest a wanted person on the subwaythe weekend that Sweden was facing a crisis after Fox News aired a segment where a gloomy picture of Sweden was portrayed.
He said: "You look at what's happening in Germany, you look at what's happening last night in Sweden.
“Sweden, who would believe this? Sweden. They took in large numbers. They're having problems like they never thought possible.”
Hitting back at the Republican’s claims, Mr Löfven said: "I was, like many others I believe, surprised by the comments made about Sweden this weekend.
"We have opportunities, we have challenges, we're working (on) them every day. But I think also we must all take responsibility for using facts correctly, and for verifying any information that we spread.”
While former Swedish PM Carl Bildt roared on Twitter: "Sweden? Terror attack? What has he been smoking? Questions abound.”
On Monday he added: "Last year there were app 50 per cent more murders only in Orlando/Orange in Florida, where Trump spoke the other day, than in all of Sweden. Bad.”
Footage of the riot comes just weeks after three police officers were taken to hospital after being attacked by a vicious mob in Rinkeby.
The furious debate about Sweden’s existential crisis comes as officials have placed more than 50 areas on a high risk list where they admit they do not have control.
Lawless thugs are wreaking havoc unchecked, and officers are often at personal risk when entering the crisis-hit areas.
As the crisis in the Swedish police force continues to grow as they are powerless against the increasing number of violent crimes, one officer took to Facebook to share his frustration.
In a seething post, Peter Springare, who works as an investigator for the police in Örebro, a small city in southern Sweden, said migrants were to blame for the majority of crimes.
The former deputy chief of the serious crimes division wrote: “I’m so f***** tired. What I’m writing here isn’t politically correct. But I don’t care.
“Our pensioners are on their knees, the schools are a mess, healthcare is an inferno, the police is completely destroyed. Everyone knows why, but no one dares or wants to say why.”
ReplyDeleteSearch Results : trump sweden
Story image for trump sweden from New York Times
From an Anchor's Lips to Trump's Ears to Sweden's Disbelief
New York Times-7 hours ago
After watching the program, Mr. Trump threw a line into a speech the next day suggesting that a terrorist attack had occurred in Sweden the ...
Swedish Prime Minister Urges Everyone to 'Use Facts Correctly ...
TIME-4 hours ago
Trump, Sweden and the real refugee threat
Opinion-Chicago Tribune-20 hours ago
Trump asked people to “look at what's happening — in Sweden ...
In-Depth-The Denver Post-4 hours ago
Stephen Colbert ridicules Donald Trump's Sweden comments
Blog-EW.com (blog)-6 hours ago
Sweden responds to Trump's comments with confusion, criticism
Opinion-Christian Science Monitor-16 hours ago
Media image for trump sweden from TIME
Media image for trump sweden from New York Daily News
New York Daily News
Media image for trump sweden from The Denver Post
The Denver Post
Media image for trump sweden from Fox News
Fox News
Media image for trump sweden from EW.com (blog)
EW.com (blog)
Media image for trump sweden from Washington Post (blog)
Washington Post (blog)
Trump Explains Sweden Comment Amid Confusion
Hollywood Reporter-20 hours ago
Trump tweeted that his "last night in Sweden" statement was in reference to a Fox News story. Swedes have been scratching their heads and ...
Trump says remark about Sweden referred to something on TV
Washington Post-Feb 19, 2017
Trump tells baffled Swedes his `terror´ comments referred to US TV ...
Opinion-Daily Mail-Feb 19, 2017
Saudi Arabiya is not on the extreme vetting list.
In Quirks back yard
Ah !
ReplyDeleteI'll save money on travel expenses.
I was going to buy Quirk an airline ticket to Sweden so he could see the real situation.
Now all I have to do is buy him a bus ticket to Dearborn, Michigan.
Islam is making leaps and bounds to bring us the religion of peace.
DeleteIt's all good.
Just ask Quirk and Ash.
The Rooskie barechests win !
ReplyDeleteAnd not a shot fired !!
February 21, 2017
ReplyDeleteRight on cue, riots break out in Muslim neighborhood of Stockholm as Swedes deny their immigration problem
By Thomas Lifson
President Trump has taken some lumps over his comment in Melbourne, FL about Sweden’s problems assimilating Muslim immigrants. Few nations do righteous indignation more intensely than Sweden, which parlayed its neutral status in World War II into national wealth (the Nazis were happy to pay for high grade iron among other war materiel supplies by the Swedes) and, as a bonus, a postwar attitude of superiority over those who confronted the evils of communism.
So when President Trump referred to a documentary he had seen the night before, the Swedes rushed to put him down, claiming there was no massacre the night before.
The battle was taken to the next level, as Swedes rushed to claim that their crime statistics show a peaceful nation benefitting from diversity – the official party line. Tucker Carlson last night interviewed both a Swedish journalist in denial, and Ami Horowitz, the filmmaker whose interview and excerpts sparked Trump’s Florida remark, and revealed basic disagreement on – and ignoring of – crime stats for rape in particular.
Trumping this dispute (forgive me the pun!), actual Musim immogranrts in an area of Stickholm thoughtfully provided a riot to validate Horowitz’s and Trump’s position. Zerohedge reports:
Rinkeby is a known problem area in Stockholm. It was here NRK journalist Anders Magnus was attacked with stones last spring, and here the police never go in the evenings without reinforcements from other patrols according to Dabladet. A freelancer the newspaper spoke to, described the situation as serious.
"I've been in some turmoil, but this is something extra. It looks like a war zone here", he was quoted as saying.
Freelance Photographer Janne Åkesson has also been at the site Monday night and early Tuesday. "They threw stones at police and police fired warning shots. I got out when it was at its worst" he said to Dagbladet. He added that there were many youths with hoods and hats on.
"It was very chaotic. I have seen much in Rinkeby: they burn cars all the time - unfortunately this was beyond the ordinary."
Here is a report from Sweden’s Expressen TV:
Delete... and Ami Horowitz, the filmmaker whose interview and excerpts sparked Trump’s Florida remark, and revealed basic disagreement on – and ignoring of – crime stats for rape in particular.
The two cops who were seen in Ami's film talking of crime in Sweden indicated that the 'film maker' carefully edited their interview and that the actual interview said zip about immigrants r Muslims.
Typical of the European right.
ReplyDeleteCollege Writing Center Declares American Grammar A ‘Racist,’ ‘Unjust Language Structure’
Photo of Rob Shimshock
Education Reporter
9:15 AM 02/20/2017
An “antiracist” poster in a college writing center insists American grammar is “racist” and an “unjust language structure,” promising to prioritize rhetoric over “grammatical ‘correctness.'”
The poster, written by the director, staff, and tutors of the University of Washington, Tacoma’s Writing Center, states “racism is the normal condition of things,” declaring that it permeates rules, systems, expectations, in courses, school and society.
“Linguistic and writing research has shown clearly for many decades that there is no inherent ‘standard’ of English,” proclaims the writing center’s statement. “Language is constantly changing. These two facts make it very difficult to justify placing people in hierarchies or restricting opportunities and privileges because of the way people communicate in particular versions of English.”
In the introduction to its “commitment” section, the Tacoma Writing Center pledges to “listen and look carefully and compassionately for ways we may unintentionally perpetuate racism or social injustice, actively engaging in antiracist practices” before making nine specific promises to students.
“We promise to emphasize the importance of rhetorical situations over grammatical ‘correctness’ in the production of texts,” announces the poster. “We promise to challenge conventional word choices and writing explanations.”
In an article accompanying the poster, the University of Washington, Tacoma revealed Friday that Dr. Asao Inoue, director of the writing center, is behind the new push for social justice.
On his Tacoma faculty page, Inoue states that he does “research that investigates racism in writing assignments.” Meanwhile, the professor’s Twitter presence indicates no love for President Donald Trump:
“[The statement] is a great example of how we are striving to act against racism,” said Dr. Jill Purdy, Tacoma’s vice chancellor of undergraduate affairs. “Language is the bridge between ideas and action, so how we use words has a lot of influence on what we think and do.”
The Tacoma Writing Center’s prioritization of social justice over grammar resembles previous concerted efforts to legitimize incorrect speech, such as Ebonics, “inventive spelling,” and “whole language.”
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2017/02/20/college-writing-center-declares-american-grammar-a-racist-unjust-language-structure/#ixzz4ZKttyk4S
Why didn't they attack our language structure as being 'deeply Islamophobic' and 'sexist' as well ?
They need to get up to speed, the idiots.
DeleteThe Eloi rising.
HAS PUTIN DETONATED NUKE? US sends specialist ‘nuke sniffer’ plane to the UK as ‘radiation spike’ sparks fears Putin has tested nuclear weapon in the Arctic
ReplyDeleteThe US Air Force has flown a special WC-135 Constant Phoenix to RAF Mildenhall
BY JON LOCKETT 21st February 2017, 9:34 am
Bob would be too chicken to take part in the Russian brawl but Deuce; I bet you'd join in in a heartbeat. doug is too old and bed-ridden to boot.
ReplyDeleteAsh would join the muzzies which would be enough to get me to take part as well.
DeleteI would give Ash the good thrashing he has needed for all these years.
And Doug would be right at the forefront of the battle.
Actually Ash would only hand out fliers in support of the muzzies, but that would be enough for me to give him a good thrashing.
DeleteQuirk would set up a Gator Aid stand and try to make a buck off the brouhaha.
DeleteAnd do some advertising for his new line of brass knuckles.
DeleteAvailable from Q's Qwik Conk, LLC - Working Out Of Detroit, Michigan To Protect All Americans
Delete"Brass Knuckles At Tin Prices"
DeleteI loved the video. It puts a face on the yokels here. I can now picture Bob as that dumb fat guy in the background in the video with his sign and the "Kill a Muslim for Christ" t-shirt. Precious.
These are the same guys who complain about traffic being disrupted by marches even when the marchers have a permit but then scream about 1st Amendment rights when a band of 30 or 40 yahoos from the "Church of Evil Intent" who without a parade permit invade a group of 100,000 Muslims who on a Saturday afternoon have gathered for some fun and food and start causing trouble only to be driven off with some water bottles. Hilarious.
The same ones here who applaud a gang of young thugs in Russia beating up refugees but get uptight about some fat ass in a "Jesus Hates Muslims" t-shirt shouting 'owww' as he's hit in the ass with a shoe.
You saw the real face of Dearborn in the two Muslims that were interviewed in video. Oooooohhh real scary. But all you hear about is the nutjob preacher who came there to burn Korans and start trouble, the same guy who just lost his UBER job in Florida because of complaints he was spreading hate speech from the front seat.
Actually Ash would only hand out fliers in support of the muzzies, but that would be enough for me to give him a good thrashing.
Hick humor?
You guys should get together and go picket a mosque.
Thanks Doug S. Loved the video. Also the commentary.
I can now picture Bob as that dumb fat guy in the background in the video with his sign and the "Kill a Muslim for Christ" t-shirt.
If I ever had a sign like that, which I wouldn't, it would likely say:
Kill A Moslem For The Monomyth
Though I wouldn't because it would violate the spirit of the monomyth.
The best thing we can do right now is keep any more of them out of our country.
ReplyDeleteDeuce once said he thought the fraud was born in Kenya.
More evidence that he was right.
"WASHINGTON — President Trump on Tuesday said Islamophobia is “horrible,” and “painful,” speaking out for the first time about a rising tide of incidents and threats targeting Muslim people and institutions since he was inaugurated.
ReplyDeleteDuring a visit to the National Museum of African American History and Culture, Mr. Trump made the comments after drawing criticism in recent days for failing to condemn Islamophobic threats and actions.
“The Islamophobic threats targeting our Muslim community and community centers are horrible, and are painful, and a very sad reminder of the work that still must be done to root out hate and prejudice and evil,” he said.
Mr. Trump said his visit was “a meaningful reminder of why we have to fight bigotry, intolerance and hatred in all of its very ugly forms.”
hmmmm, somehow I got the quote wrong....
...fake news here - nothing to see. Move along now.
Not surprising.
DeleteYou are just running true to form.
You get everything wrong.
Delete...Mr. Trump made the comments after drawing criticism in recent days for failing to condemn Islamophobic threats and actions.
Islamophobic threats? Hell, he can't bring himself to condemn anti-Semitic threats and actions even though his daughter and son-in-law are Jewish and 'he is the bestest friend Israel has.' In fact he gets down right angry if you even question him on it.
I talked by phone with him just the other day about that very subject and he didn't get angry at all.
DeleteIn fact, he was quite pleasant.
Invited me to have lunch with Melania, himself, Bibi and his wife when he goes to Israel.
DeleteNot sure if I can fit it in my busy schedule.
I never heard him say 'bestest'.
DeleteI did hear Melania say:
Forgive us our trespasses, and we forgive those who trespasses against us
She speaks five languages, English being the last learned, so she is still struggling a little.
She sure beats Jackie Kennedy.
as we forgive those who trespasses against us
Thanks, for turning the topic to the light conversation channel.
You are most welcome.
Deletesorry, told you it was fake news. I just substituted in 'Islamophobia' for 'anti-semitic'. Trump said that about Jews not Muslims.
Deletesorry, let me amend that...
Islamophobic threats? Hell, he can't bring himself to condemn anti-Semitic threats and actions even though his daughter and son-in-law are Jewish and 'he is the bestest friend Israel has.' In fact he gets down right angry if you even question him on it...well...until Bannon tells him, "Hey, we fucked up big time and all the Jews are pissed. You better send out another tweet."
This comment has been removed by the author.
Deleteas we forgive those who trespasses against us
Excuse me but please clarify...
Are you trying to mock the First Lady because she got the quote wrong or because her grammar was incorrect in using 'trespasses' instead of 'trespass' or is this just another example of an English major being and English major?
You are a supernova of a lame brain.
DeleteBy your own words you are accusing him of not saying anything.
Mr. Trump made the comments after drawing criticism in recent days for failing to condemn Islamophobic (anti-semitic) threats and actions.
Now you say:
Trump said that about Jews not Muslims.
When Quirk lapses into such deep confusion I often recommend the herbal Brain Booster remedy.
It's possible you are too far gone, though it seems to always give Quirk some temporary improvement.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteJews. Muslims. To anyone but a friggin bigot the notion of anti-anyone language or actions would be troubling.
Your faux umbrage defines you faux farmer Bob.
You mean you really are not anti-ISIS ?
DeleteI have trouble believing it, but so you just said....
Shame on you.
I am also anti-faux advertising men.
DeleteThis shouldd read:
Your serve.
Deleteis this just another example of an English major being and English major?
This should read:
an English major being an English major
Are you trying to mock the First Lady because she got the quote wrong or because her grammar was incorrect in using 'trespasses' instead of 'trespass' or is this just another example of an English major being and English major?
Not trying to mock the First Lady at all. I'm in her camp.
In fact I gave her the highest of compliments:
She speaks five languages, English being the last learned, so she is still struggling a little.
She sure beats Jackie Kennedy.
I fear she is feeling a little lonely and disregarded and uncertain these days from my reading of her body language.
DeleteDamn, you caught my error before I could fix it.
Meanwhile, in AshLand, Venezuela -
ReplyDeleteNew study shows 75 percent of Venezuelans losing dangerous amounts of weight due to starvation
Brandon Morse Feb 20, 2017 7:48 pm
See pic of empty store shelves here:
Spicer Daily Presser
Spicer gives a good presser.
The two recent actual anti-semitic Presidents we have had are:
1) Jimmah Carter
2) Barack Obama
Trump can't catch a break.
DeleteOne side calls him anti-semitic, another side calls him a Zionist racist -
February 21, 2017
Donald Trump Is Not a Zionist Racist
By Michael Curtis
Donald J. Trump is not easy to define with exact unadorned precision. Like Shakespeare’s Cassius, he is fresh of spirit and resolve, to meet all perils very constantly. His universe is not a paradise of inner tranquility, but one of active decision-making. Lacking a fixed ideological point of view, he is neither the most determined conservative nor a confounded liberal. Some critics have suggested he may be eccentric and aggressive, and fond of flags and loyalty parades. A majority of the enlightened, elite classes who oppose him still doubt that he has the requisite qualifications to hold the highest office in the country and wonder who put him in the president’s chair. But one thing he is not and that is a “Zionist racist.”
This label and characterization was recently bestowed on him by Jibtil Rajoub, deputy secretary of the Palestinian Fatah Central Committee who was repeating similar previous comments. In the same week a writer in Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, the official Palestinian Authority paper, on November 12, 2016 wrote that his election revealed the depths of the racist trend in the U.S.
President Trump, like people of good will, is eager to see or help bring about a peaceful solution to the Palestinian-Israeli dispute. Yet, while he clearly has good feelings towards the State of Israel, and his meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appears to have been cordial and perhaps productive, it is premature to call him a Zionist, in any case an honorable term. Though moving the U.S. Embassy from Tel-Aviv to the Israeli capital Jerusalem is eminently desirable there are legitimate differences, and Trump, in spite of his favorable attitude, remains, at the moment, undecided if not ambivalent....
Right. He's a prince.
Benevolent Emperor.
DeleteVenezuela Is a Ticking Time Bomb
ReplyDeleteBy Ed Feulner & Ana Quintana
February 21, 2017
Over the last two decades, the now-deceased Hugo Chavez and his handpicked successor, President Nicolas Maduro, have wreaked havoc in Venezuela. Socialist economic policies and government corruption have destroyed a once-thriving economy sitting on the world’s largest oil reserves.
For the past 21 years, The Heritage Foundation has published its annual Index of Economic Freedom, which looks at the economic freedom of countries throughout the world. In that period of time, Venezuela’s score has declined the most out of any country, going from 59.8 to 27.0 (on a scale of 1-100). It is now in second-to-last place, right behind Cuba and better only than North Korea.
Adding to Venezuela’s economic crisis is its skyrocketing inflation rate. The International Monetary Fund estimates a 2016 inflation rate of 475 percent, an enormous increase from 2015’s already crushing rate of 275 percent. For 2017, the situation is estimated to become much worse, with a sharp rise of 1660 percent.
Mismanagement of the economy has created a humanitarian disaster beyond comprehension. The capital city of Caracas is now the most dangerous non-war zone in the world, with 120 murders for every 100,000 residents. Venezuelans live in fear knowing they are more likely to be kidnapped in their own country than are the citizens of Afghanistan, Colombia, Iraq, Lebanon, and Syria.
To combat the epidemic of food scarcity, the government put the military in charge of the country’s food management and distribution systems. Yet that only seems to make matters worse. The AP recently reported that the military is taking advantage of the country’s food shortages by profiting from food trafficking....
PRESIDENT TRUMP so far has exhibited a deep disinterest in — and even some contempt for — U.S. human rights advocacy. His secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, pointedly declined to acknowledge major offenses by U.S. allies such as the Philippines and Saudi Arabia during his confirmation hearing, or even the well-documented war crimes committed by Russia and Syria in Aleppo.
The administration ought to follow up with more sanctions, including against generals involved in profiteering from Venezuela’s desperate shortages of food and imprisoning opposition leaders. It should lobby at the Organization of American States for action against the Maduro regime under the Inter-American Democratic Charter.
Le Pen told the mufti of Lebanon, in an outrageous act of insolence to the rights of others, that she would not wear a head scarf, as required, to meet him.
ReplyDeleteThat is to say, she basically told him to shove the head scarf up his ass hole.
Smirk'n'Quirk, always sensitive to muzzie cultural differences and the legitimacy of respect for them, must be in dismay.
Good for Le Pen.
Jews. Muslims. To anyone but a friggin bigot the notion of anti-anyone language or actions would be troubling.
An obvious example of Federal entrapment ? -
ReplyDeleteMissouri man charged with attempting to aid in ‘ISIS-sponsored terrorist attack’
Twenty-five year-old Robert Lorenzo Hester Jr. was arrested Friday in Columbia, Missouri and charged with attempting to give support to ISIS. Hester believed he was participating in a President’s Day terror attack in Kansas City which would be 10 times more deadly than the Boston marathon bombing. From the Kansas City Star:
“First on social media, then during face-to-face meetings with an undercover FBI employee, this defendant repeatedly expressed his intent to engage in acts of violent jihad against the United States,” U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Missouri Tammy Dickinson said in a written statement.
“He believed he was part of an ISIS-sponsored terrorist attack that would result in the deaths and injuries of many innocent victims,” she added, using a common acronym for the Islamic State.
KPLR St. Louis reports the investigation into Hester began with a tip about things he was saying on social media:
The FBI first became of aware of Hester in September 2016 following confidential sources informing them of troubling social media posts. The indictment said Hester used multiple online aliases, including “Mohammed Junaid Al Amreeki,” “Junaid Muhammad,” “Rabbani Junaid Muhammad,” “Rami Talib,” and “Ali Talib Muhammad.”
Hester was arrested last October after he threw a pocket knife through a shop window while having an argument with his wife. While he was out on bond he was contacted by an undercover FBI agent who began talking with him about an attack on the U.S. Just last month, Hester was given multiple chances to back out of the fake plot and warned it would kill a lot of Americans:
The indictment alleges the undercover officers told Hester multiple times that he could “walk away” from the plot or was informed such a mission would harm or kill a large number of people. The agents talked of an attack “10 times more” devastating than the Boston Marathon bombing, this one targeting buses, trains, and a train station in Kansas City on Monday, February 20. Hester is said to have approved of the destruction and harm and reaffirmed his commitment to the attack.
Hester is now facing up to 20 years behind bars.
An obvious example of Federal entrapment ?
Just good police work.
AUSTRALIA must stand up to our allies and show greater leadership on vital global issues.
ReplyDeleteAnd part of our special relationship with the US means calling out things that are wrong, especially when it contravenes our own values of giving people a fair go.
In its report, Amnesty said 2016 was a year marked globally by hateful rhetoric and fear driven politics which had resulted in a rise in discrimination and hate crimes, particular in Europe and America.
Australia also earned a mentioned in the report with the country being named and shamed for several issues including discriminatory same sex marriage laws.
You still have buggery laws ?
the country being named and shamed for several issues
DeleteWhat else were you ticketed for ??
Your women refusing to burka up on the beaches ?
DeleteKangaroo boxing matches.
DeleteThat's it.
Locking up refugees on remote south pacific islands.
DeleteMost people long to go to remote south pacific islands.
DeleteThe coup continues ? -
ReplyDeleteSupremes to Decide if Foreigners Have Constitutional Rights....DRUDGE
DeleteSee next thread.
DeleteDoug Schoen is saying he is going to think hard and seriously about leaving his beloved Democrat Party if Keith Ellison becomes Chairman.
Good for Doug.
Thanks for the props.