Swedish veteran cop rants about immigrant crimes on Facebook, ignites nationwide row

A Swedish police investigator triggered a media tsunami with a Facebook post linking violent crimes with immigrants. Peter Springare received an outpouring of support from fellow officers and common Swedes, as well as some accusations of racism.
Springare is a senior investigator at the serious crimes division at the Örebro Police Department with 47 years under his belt. In the Saturday post he said what he was going to say would not be politically correct and that saying such things could harm an officer’s position or pay grade, but he was about to retire and didn’t care.
“Here we go; this is what I’ve handled from Monday-Friday this week: rape, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, rape-assault and rape, extortion, blackmail, assault, violence against police, threats to police, drug crime, drugs, crime, felony, attempted murder, rape again, extortion again and ill-treatment,” he wrote.
“Suspected perpetrators; Ali Mohammed, Mahmod, Mohammed, Mohammed Ali, again, again, again. Christopher… what, is it true? Yes, a Swedish name snuck in on the edges of a drug crime. Mohammed, Mahmod Ali, again and again,” he added.
The post goes on to identify the origins of the suspects.
“Countries representing all the crimes this week: Iraq, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Somalia, Syria again, Somalia, unknown, unknown country, Sweden. Half of the suspects, we can’t be sure because they don’t have any valid papers. Which in itself usually means that they’re lying about their nationality and identity.”
The post steered waves in Sweden and has since received over 36,000 ‘likes’ and 16,000 ‘shares’ by Tuesday. People supporting Springare’s words started a group on Facebook with over 75,000 members. Among the people voicing support of the opinion were fellow police officers, both serving and retired.
According to news website Nyheter Idag, the police station where Springare works received at least 60 bouquets of flowers addressed to him on Monday – a “bloombomb” from admirers.
Others were not happy with the investigator’s remark, calling him right-wing or even racist. The post was referred to the special prosecutors’ office, which handles crimes involving law enforcement, to see whether it violated police regulations, according to Swedish media.
National Police Commissioner Dan Eliasson said that it was important to distinguish what an officer does in the line of duty and outside of it.
“When he acts in his professional capacity, he should be extremely careful with issues of ethnicity. If he wants to talk about the problems of crime among immigrants in his spare time, he has freedom of expression like any other,” he told P4 Extra radio, adding that he knows Springare as a “very good person.”
In a second post, Springare denied accusations of right-wing sympathies.
“If you can't discuss the problem of crime among immigrants without somebody attributing it to racist propaganda, we are in deep trouble,” he said. “The problem is that nobody wants to talk about this.”
Establishing facts about how crime rates correlate with perpetrators belonging to the immigrant community is not the same thing as branding all immigrants criminals, Springare said explaining his position.
Swedish police reportedly has significant problems tackling crime in some parts of the country. There are allegedly at least 55 areas in Sweden, where the law cannot be fully upheld, which are dubbed ‘no-go zones’ by the media.
Others were not happy with the investigator’s remark, calling him right-wing or even racist. The post was referred to the special prosecutors’ office, which handles crimes involving law enforcement, to see whether it violated police regulations, according to Swedish media.
National Police Commissioner Dan Eliasson said that it was important to distinguish what an officer does in the line of duty and outside of it.
“When he acts in his professional capacity, he should be extremely careful with issues of ethnicity. If he wants to talk about the problems of crime among immigrants in his spare time, he has freedom of expression like any other,” he told P4 Extra radio, adding that he knows Springare as a “very good person.”
In a second post, Springare denied accusations of right-wing sympathies.
“If you can't discuss the problem of crime among immigrants without somebody attributing it to racist propaganda, we are in deep trouble,” he said. “The problem is that nobody wants to talk about this.”
Establishing facts about how crime rates correlate with perpetrators belonging to the immigrant community is not the same thing as branding all immigrants criminals, Springare said explaining his position.
Swedish police reportedly has significant problems tackling crime in some parts of the country. There are allegedly at least 55 areas in Sweden, where the law cannot be fully upheld, which are dubbed ‘no-go zones’ by the media.
MEXICO CITY—Influential Mexicans are pushing an aggressive and perhaps risky strategy to fight a likely increase in deportations of their undocumented compatriots in the U.S.: jam U.S. immigration courts in hopes of causing the already overburdened system to break down.
ReplyDeleteThe proposal calls for ad campaigns advising migrants in the U.S. to take their cases to court and fight deportation if detained. “The backlog in the immigration system is tremendous,” said former Foreign Minister Jorge Castañeda. The idea is to double or triple the backlog, “until [U.S. President Donald] Trump desists in this stupid idea,” he added.
Mr. Castañeda is part of a group of Mexican officials, legislators, governors and public figures planning to meet with migrant groups Saturday in Phoenix to lay out plans to confront the Trump administration’s deportation policy.
Mexico’s government hasn’t endorsed the strategy or the group’s Phoenix mission. But it recently allocated some $50 million to assist undocumented migrants facing deportation, and President Enrique Peña Nieto has instructed the country’s 50 consulates in the U.S. to defend migrants.
Jorge Castañeda, a former Mexican foreign minister, is part of a group of prominent Mexicans pushing for more protection of migrants in the U.S. Photo: omar torres/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images
Mexico’s Foreign Ministry said late Thursday it has intensified efforts to protect Mexican migrants, “foreseeing the hardening of measures by immigration authorities in the U.S., as well as possible constitutional violations during raids or in due process.”
Several senators in the newly engaged group—called Monarca after the butterflies that migrate across North America—plan to meet with Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton and Sen. Jeff Flake (R., Ariz.) to highlight the risks they say Mr. Trump’s proposed policies pose to Mexican-U.S. relations.
“Mexico is helping on the fight on terror and that collaboration should be put under review given the attitude of Trump,” said Armando Ríos Piter, a senator with the leftist Party of the Democratic Revolution attending the weekend meetings. “It’s important to make clear to them the possible consequences if Trump keeps a hostile and aggressive stance.”
The issue of stepped-up deportations is moving to the forefront in bilateral relations that have fractured since Donald Trump’s inauguration. Mr. Trump’s plans to deport undocumented Mexicans, renegotiate the countries’ free-trade deal, and build a border wall at Mexico’s expense have sparked a nationalist backlash south of the border.
California issued over 800,000 drivers licenses to illegal aliens.
DeleteMostly to Mexicans. Mexicans, Mexico does not want back because the Mexican elite does not want the return of criminals and those requiring social services.
DeleteMexico is charmed by the US providing schools, health and welfare to its underclass.
The Supreme Court ruled - if the kiddos are here, we've got to educate them, regardless of whether or not they have any right to be here, or are here illegally.
DeleteOne understands the heartfelt urge behind this.
One hopes we are educating them in English.
We need an English Language Amendment to insure we have only one language everyone knows in which to conduct our affairs.
India, which has as many languages as Europe, teaches everyone English now, so that they can all at least talk to one another.
ReplyDeleteTrump is disturbing the Mexican slow motion settlement program ok taking back the US southwest. How impolite of Trump to notice.
There is no system of control.
ReplyDeleteIraq, Yemen, Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, should they be denied the right to demand US drivers licenses?
ReplyDeleteTrump should take off the gloves, prosecute and fine US employers of illegals. Eliminate the tax-exempt status of organizations that support breaking and flaunting US law.
ReplyDeleteThe expulsion of Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos, a Mexican citizen and mother of two U.S.-born children, (previously convicted of using forged documents - that is called breaking the law), “illustrates the new reality of the Mexican community living in the United States in the face of more severe application of migration controls,” the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement.
ReplyDeleteThe ministry urged its citizens to “stay informed about immigration matters”’ and keep in touch with the extensive Mexican consular network in the United States.
Rosa Maria Ortega, 37, a permanent resident and a mother of four who lives outside Dallas. On Thursday, a Fort Worth judge sentenced her to eight years in prison — and almost certainly deportation later — after she voted illegally in elections in 2012 and 2014.
ReplyDeleteRosa voted five times.
Adios Rosa.
Deuce ☂Sat Feb 11, 08:26:00 AM EST
ReplyDeleteCalifornia issued over 800,000 drivers licenses to illegal aliens.
Which means they can all vote because I've read, and believe it to be true, that all you need to vote in California is a California Driver's License.
Nationwide, Trump's estimate of 2-3 million illegal votes may be on the low side.
There was a movement and a bill introduced in the California Legislature to allow 14 year olds to vote.
DeleteIt failed, but I've always thought it was redundant.
14 year olds, mentally, already vote in California.
They are called Democrats.
DeleteThat was actually 3-5 million.
You already have Rosa Maria Ortega.
Let me know when Pence finds those other 2,999,999 illegal votes.
With your help, this place has devolved into gibberish.
DeletePlease don't criticize our MSM contact.
DeleteWho Is Dumber Department: Swedes or Germans ?
ReplyDeleteNot enough societal upheaval yet: Merkel wants 12,000,000 more Muslim migrants
What could possibly go wrong? Well, let’s see: all of the jihadis who murdered 130 people in Paris in November 2015 had just entered Europe as refugees. In February 2015, the Islamic State boasted it would soon flood Europe with as many as 500,000 refugees. The Lebanese Education Minister said in September 2015 that there were 20,000 jihadis among the refugees in camps in his country.
Meanwhile, 80% of migrants who have come to Europe claiming to be fleeing the war in Syria aren’t really from Syria at all. So why are they claiming to be Syrian and streaming into Europe, and now the U.S. as well? An Islamic State operative gave the answer when he boasted in September 2015, shortly after the migrant influx began, that among the flood of refugees, 4,000 Islamic State jihadis had already entered Europe. He explained their purpose: “It’s our dream that there should be a caliphate not only in Syria but in all the world, and we will have it soon, inshallah.” These Muslims were going to Europe in the service of that caliphate: “They are going like refugees,” he said, but they were going with the plan of sowing blood and mayhem on European streets. As he told this to journalists, he smiled and said, “Just wait.”
On May 10, 2016, Patrick Calvar, the head of France’s DGSI internal intelligence agency, said that the Islamic State was using migrant routes through the Balkans to get jihadis into Europe.
But what does Merkel care about any of that? To be concerned about it would be “Islamophobic”!
“Haven’t they learnt a thing? Merkel’s government ‘hoping to bring in 12 MILLION migrants,'” by Siobhan McFadyen, Express, February 10, 2017:
ANGELA Merkel may just have pushed through rapid deportation rules as well as a ban on refugees but she is not planning on closing Germany’s doors to migrants forever.
Just last week the under-fire German Chancellor placed a ban on the families of as many as three million people who arrived in Germany during the migrant crisis joining their relatives.
The ban, which also applies to women and children and elderly relatives from war torn countries, has been put in place for two years after the country revealed the crisis will cost £37bn this year.
Now just days after the Bundestag voted to speed up deportation and mandatory finger printing, it’s emerged they have outlined the country needs 300,000 people a YEAR for the next 40 years to stop population decline.
A leaked report from Mrs Merkel’s government said Germany would need to take in 12m migrants over the next four decades to keep Germany’s population size stable….
On this issue, I bow to the Poles.
The Poles seem to be doing fine.
DeleteOne of the leading countries in Europe when it comes to the muzzie problem.
ReplyDeleteFebruary 11, 2017
It’s Time to Define Fascism
By Richard Winchester
Among the many epithets the Über-Left hurls against its opponents – racist, sexist, homophobe, Islamophobe, etc. – a persistent tendency has been to scream. “Fascist, Nazi, etc.”
For whatever the reason, the Internet search engine, Google, has redefined fascism as a right-wing political and social movement. Does Google want to get in on the Left’s favored tactic?
Lest anyone think that cries of “fascist, Nazi, etc.” somehow belong to the past, watch scenes of the violence at the University of California – Berkeley in early February 2017, and count the number of times the loonies charged that Milo Yiannopoulos – a flamboyantly gay Trump supporter – was a fascist, Nazi, etc.
Claiming that Yiannopoulos is a Hitlerite is strange indeed, if one remembers how the Nazis under Hitler treated homosexuals.
(I’m not rushing to Yiannopoulos’s defense. Before the Berkeley riots I had not heard of him, and still don’t know what to make of him.)
If we’re going to bandy about the F-word – not that one, another one: fascism – it behooves us to get a firm understanding of what the term means....
This place has devolved into gibberish.
ReplyDeleteReally, Ash ?
DeleteYou've bandied about the F-word a lot.
The gibberish comes from...................YOU !
DeleteIt's crazy.
The article Bob put up above from jihadwatch is an example of the 'quality' of writing, the lies and misrepresentations, you can expect from a publication that's raison d'etre is bigotry and incitement.
The fact that Bob bolds, as if to highlight, the absurdity of the title indicates there is little chance of having a reasonable argument with some here.
Best to withdraw into satire and lampoonery as with Chin Chin.
Chin Chin, and Maria too, left you, and headed out west.
DeleteThe article from JihadWatch seems like good reporting to me.
Keep this up, Quirk, and I may be forced to return to posting "Q"Nits daily.
Bob, you should know by now to clear all posts with Quirk before publishing. What is wrong with you? Don't you ever learn?
DeleteSlow learner, I admit, when dealing with Quirk.
DeleteALL posts should be cleared by Quirk, Ash when Quirk is not available.
DeleteFailing that, any number of MSM outlets will do.
Two of USA's five best and largest high tech companies are run by immigrants from India.
ReplyDeleteThese type folks are not known for blowing things up, but to contributing creatively to our society.
They are the type of immigrants we need.
ReplyDeletePlans have been revealed for a new bulletproof glass wall around two sides of the Eiffel Tower, as authorities grapple to protect the city's tourists without ruining their historic monuments.
If you've been past the Eiffel Tower lately you may have noticed that it's surrounded by an unsightly metal fence.
The unattractive structure is a temporary security measure that was introduced before the Euro 2016 football tournament, but which has hung around until now.
But instead of pulling down the barriers, authorities will instead replace it by another wall - made out of glass.
"The terror threat remains high in Paris and the most vulnerable sites, led by the Eiffel Tower, must be the object of special security measures," said deputy mayor Jean-Francois Martins, who is in charge of tourism at the Paris City Hall.
The glass walls will prevent individuals or vehicles storming the site visited by six million people each year, he added.
Paris has long feared attacks at tourist sites and has grappled with the need to protect its visitors, not least after a failed terror attack in September at the Notre Dame cathedral and last week's machete attack near the Louvre museum without scaring them or ruining the beauty of its most famous attractions.
Martins said the city would replace the metal grills on the northern and southern sides with glass panels, which will allow Parisians and visitors to enjoy "a very pleasant view" of the monument from the Champs de Mars and the Pont d'Iena.
The glass walls, which will be bulletproof, will be 2.5 metres high and of course transparent so as not to ruin the aesthetic beauty of the city's top tourist attraction.
These days bulletproof glass walls make great neighbors.
ReplyDeleteThis would provide us all with some comedy relief -
ReplyDeleteCome quickly, SMOD: 2020 New York Senate race may pit Chelsea Clinton against Caroline Kennedy
In case you’re wondering, no, it’s not too early to start your Friday-night drinking. If anything, it’s late.
I’m going to assume for now that this is nothing more than idle tabloid political garbage designed to fill column space, not unlike the rumors of Chelsea’s mom making a comeback by running for mayor. But never assume too much about the Clintons or Kennedys. They’re mold in the walls of the house of American democracy: No matter how much progress you think you’ve made in getting rid of it, it somehow keeps coming back. Maintain vigilance....
The only bigger knee slapper I can think of right now would be an electoral contest between Smirk and Quirk.
A real howler....
They’re mold in the walls of the house of American democracy is very good.
Delete(this directly above refers to all four of those just previously mentioned)
ReplyDeleteThe article from JihadWatch seems like good reporting to me.
Good reporting?
Here's the title you thought so important it needed to be bolded.
Not enough societal upheaval yet: Merkel wants 12,000,000 more Muslim migrants
It's bullshit intended to rev up guys like you. Most of the article speaks to the efforts Merkel is taking to control the immigration problem she helped create. It may be a cynical political ploy as she gets ready for new elections but there is nothing in the body of the article that says she is looking to invite more Muslims into Germany. The title is nothing more than vitriol and false propaganda designed to kick up the spittle level.
If you read the article and try to understand what it actually said you would see that NO ONE but jihadwatch said anything about bringing in 12,000,000 Muslims.
What they are reporting on is this article...
“Haven’t they learnt a thing? Merkel’s government ‘hoping to bring in 12 MILLION migrants,'” by Siobhan McFadyen, Express, February 10, 2017:
which is itself bullshit.
It states that the German Bundestag and Merkel government stated in a document that due to demographics Germany would need to bring in 12,000,000 migrants over the next 40 years to keep Germany's population size stable.
It's a clear statement of fact in a working paper where no policy suggestions are offered. From that, the article 'assumes' a Merkel policy is to bring in 12,000,000 'migrants' over the next 40 years. Jihadwatch takes it further and states Merkel wants to bring in 12,000,000 'Muslims'.
I'll state the obvious. Merkel won't be here in 40 years. Neither article states the Merkel government has actually laid out a policy to address the demographic issue.
The articles seem to imply Merkel was making up the 12,000,000 figure as an excuse to bring in more migrants/Muslims. Again that's bullshit especially given the crackdown on migrants, Muslim and otherwise, currently going on in Germany and the political decisions Merkel is making to try to keep from getting booted out in the next election.
The statement mentioned in the Bundestag paper is not surprising to anyone with the slightest knowledge of the declining birthrates in Western industrialized countries. France has a relatively high rate for European countries and even it doesn't come up to the 2.1 fertility rate needed to maintain a stable population. And without a stable or growing population economic growth is restricted. Those are the demographic and economic facts. When you can't or rather won't maintain a high enough fertility rate, you need immigration to maintain a stable population.
The report mentions migrants over a 40 year period. With nothing more than that jihadwatch asserts Merkel wants to bring in 12,000,000 MUSLIMS. Just the thing to rile up their audience.
People who read jihadwatch are as credulous as those who watch Finding Bigfoot. Bob, I am going to start calling you 'Bobo' after James 'Bob' Fay everytime you get 'squatchy' like this.
Not ...James 'Bob' Fay but rather James 'Bobo' Fay.
The two names are easily conflated.
Conflated ?
You are just easily confused.
I understand you are upset about Chin Chin and Maria leaving you so suddenly.
And as for the muzzies coming to Germany, who else is coming ??
DeleteWhy, close to no one else, that's who.
The Germans started importing Turks after WWII for the construction industry.
They were a little short on males for labor at the time....
So Pam is forgiven.
DeleteForgiven because she is right.
DeleteYou're getting squatchy again, Bobo. Next, you'll be out in the woods making 'squatch' calls and after waiting patiently for awhile will smile contently when that rotten tree limb drops to the ground off in the distance thinking 'ah, another Bigfoot'.
You can't even keep these flaming bigots apart at this point. Understandable, but still.
Robert Spencer was the one that put up that piece of crap.
DeleteYou had me thinking about women....Chin Chin and Maria....
See below Quirk, about Jihad Turk.
These folks are near your neighborhood....they are in Dearborn, Michigan.
Don't let Jihad Turk turn you into Jihad Quirk.
With your Weakened Noggin Information Flow Stream (WNIFS) you might be susceptible.
Oh goody, Quirk vows more namecalling.
DeleteJust what this place needs.
Report: 72 convicted of terrorism from 'Trump 7' mostly Muslim countries
ReplyDeleteBy PAUL BEDARD (@SECRETSBEDARD) • 2/11/17 10:13 AM
Since 9/11, 72 individuals from the seven mostly Muslim countries covered by President Trump's "extreme vetting" executive order have been convicted of terrorism, a finding that clashes sharply with claims from an appeals court that there is "no evidence" those countries have produced a terrorist.
According to a report out Saturday, at least 17 claimed to be refugees from those nations, three came in as "students," and 25 eventually became U.S. citizens.
The Center for Immigration Studies calculated the numbers of convicted terrorists from the Trump Seven:....
Here's how to recall the Trump Seven:
Moderate Muslims
ReplyDeleteFourth Muslim group rejects federal grant to fight extremism
This May 16, 2015 handout photo provided by Bayan Claremont shows Bayan Claremont's founding president Jihad Turk speaking to their graduation banquet in Claremont, Calif. Bayan Claremont is rejecting $800,000 in federal funds aimed at combating violent extremism less than a month into Donald Trump's presidency.
Associated Press
A California Islamic school wanted to keep an open mind before Donald Trump took office. But less than a month into Trump's presidency, the school rejected $800,000 in federal funds aimed at combatting violent extremism.
The decision made late Friday night by the Bayan Claremont graduate school's board to turn down the money — an amount that would cover more than half its yearly budget — capped weeks of sleepless nights and debate. Many there felt Trump's rhetoric singling out Islamic extremism and his travel ban affecting predominantly Muslim countries had gone too far.
Fighting terrorism and Islamophobia at the grassroots level
Following terrorist attacks in Paris and San Bernardino in 2015, Dr. Rushdi Abdul Cader cancelled his family's vacation to focus on his grassroots educational program called Anti-V.I.R.U.S.(Anti-Violent Ideology Recruitment in the U.S.) to help combat anti-Muslim sentiment around the country. The self-funded program aims to differentiate Islamic beliefs from terrorist ideology while discrediting the aggressive recruitment efforts by extremist groups like ISIS.
It also made the school the fourth organization nationwide under the Trump administration to reject the money for a program created under President Barack Obama known as countering violent extremism, or CVE, which officials say aims to thwart extremist groups' abilities to recruit would-be terrorists.
Bayan Claremont had received the second-largest grant, among the first 31 federal grants for CVE awarded to organizations, schools and municipalities in the dwindling days of the Obama administration. The school had hoped to use the money to help create a new generation of Muslim community leaders, with $250,000 earmarked for more than a dozen local nonprofits doing social justice work.
But the fledgling school's founding president, Jihad Turk, said officials ultimately felt accepting the money would do more harm than good.
It's "a heck of a lot of money, (but) our mission and our vision is to serve the community and to bring our community to a position of excellence," Jihad Turk said. "And if we're compromised, even if only by perception in terms of our standing in the community, we ultimately can't achieve that goal," he said, adding that accepting the funds would be short-sighted.
The school's internal debate is also emblematic of handwringing among grassroots and nonprofit organizations involved in the program in the last couple weeks.
At Unity Productions Foundation of Potomac Falls, Virginia, officials said they would decline a grant of $396,585 to produce educational films challenging narratives supporting extremist ideologies and violent extremism "due to the changes brought by the new administration," according to a private message to donors reviewed by The Associated Press.
And in Dearborn, Michigan, Leaders Advancing and Helping Communities said last week it was turning down $500,000 for youth-development and public-health programs because of the "current political climate." Ka Joog, a leading Somali nonprofit organization in Minneapolis, also turned down $500,000 for its youth programs.
The Homeland Security Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment Friday....
Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/news/business/article132146279.html#storylink=cpy
Jihad Turk is pissed at The Donald for talking too much about jihad.
DeleteIt's "a heck of a lot of money, (but) our mission and our vision is to serve the community and to bring our community to a position of excellence," Jihad Turk said. "And if we're compromised, if only by perception in terms of our standing in the community, we ultimately can't achieve that goal," he said, adding that accepting the funds would be short-sighted.
There's your answer. If you'd read the article, it's pretty simple. They don't want to be associated with the Trump administration.
Hillsdale College, a university with an excellent academic rating, libertarian and conservative,takes it even further and rejects all federal funds because they don't want to submit to the dictates laid down by the feds.
If you are funded by someone there will always be the suspicion, true or not, that you have been compromised.
Sounds like Quirk's found a new hero....cool dude called Jihad Turk.
DeleteNearly two-thirds of the US Navy’s F/A 18 strike fighters cannot fly,
ReplyDelete“most because there isn’t enough money to fix them,” Defense News reported, adding the fleet has been grounded because jets undergoing planned maintenance are awaiting spare parts.
Sixty-two percent of the US Navy’s F/A-18s are out of service, of which 27 percent are in major depot work and 35 percent are simply awaiting maintenance or parts, Defense News said, adding that 53 percent of all Navy aircraft – some 1,700 combat aircraft, patrol, transport planes, and helicopters – can’t fly.
The money is needed for our carefully chosen immigrant's Welfare needs, so they can grow our economy.
Delete...and of course the chain migrants that follow.
What could we do without them?
Trump Woos Abe
ReplyDeleteJUPITER, Fla. — President Donald Trump has long boasted about his prowess on the golf course. Now he’s putting his game to work.
The president spent his Saturday morning golfing with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe as he hosts his first foreign leader at his winter estate in Palm Beach, Florida.
After a rocky diplomatic start that included contentious phone calls with the leaders of Mexico and Australia, the friendly weekend of meetings, dinners and golf suggests the new president is willing to invest time in developing close personal relationships with leaders he feels he can work with.
Trump and Abe left Mar-a-Lago early Saturday morning and headed north to one of Trump’s golf courses in Jupiter, Florida. Reporters weren’t able to catch a glimpse of the pair as they played on the 285-acre property. But Trump later posted a photo of them giving each other a high-five on the golf course and tweeted, “Having a great time hosting Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in the United States!”
The Trump National Golf Club website, in typical Trumpian language, claims the course “features the finest revetted bunkers in the United States, incredible water hazards, including a magnificent island green, and one of the most picturesque landscapes, all of which make for a truly memorable round.”
Abe had joked at a joint press conference at the White House on Friday that he was looking forward to playing golf with Trump, even though he’s not nearly as good with a club.
He said he planned to use the time to discuss the future of the world, the Pacific region and U.S.-Japanese relations.
As their husbands golfed, Melania Trump and Akie Abe toured the Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens in nearby Delray Beach. The women were also expected to have lunch together at Mar-a-Lago.
The two couples touched down in Florida on Friday afternoon and headed straight to Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club, where they enjoyed a late dinner at its crowded patio restaurant. They were joined by Robert Kraft, the owner of the Super Bowl champion New England Patriots, and several interpreters. Paying members and club guests took in the scene and mingled with Trump and Abe into the night.
The president and Mrs. Trump planned to host a more formal delegation dinner with the Abes on Saturday night.
Trump also was expected to tend to other business in Florida: calling Tunisian President Beji Caid Essebsi and Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos as he continues conversations with foreign leaders.
Trump and Abe appear to have hit it off early. Abe was the only world leader to meet with Trump before his inauguration, and Trump welcomed Abe to the White House with a hug.
One of Trump’s first actions as president was to withdraw the U.S. from a 12-nation, trans-Pacific trade agreement that was negotiated by the Obama administration and strongly supported by Tokyo.
Abe has said that Japan may be open to a bilateral trade deal with the U.S., but reaching such a deal would be political difficult. Japan logged the second largest trade surplus with the U.S. last year.
Smart move, rolling out the red carpet for Abe, Air Force One to his Palm Beach Palace and two world class golf courses.
ReplyDeleteForge a strong bilateral relationship with Japan - Great Optics and a standard and template for making other great bilateral deals, bypassing the establishment.
...and triangulating against the Chinese.
DeleteNo doubt Donald will receive massive positive coverage of this by the MSM nationwide.
Delete...and Quirk here at The Bar.
ReplyDeleteFollow the money to dark side of resettlement agenda
1) Refugee resettlement is sold to city and state leaders as a humanitarian endeavor, but the true reason for expanding the program is to increase the amount of money flowing into the coffers of the resettlement contractors.
There are nine volunteer agencies that contract with the U.S. government to permanently resettle refugees into hundreds of cities and towns across America. The feds pay these nine contractors $2,025 for every refugee they resettle in the United States, incentivizing the contractors to plant as many refugees on American soil as they can. And the contractors keep their plans hidden from local citizens in the communities they target for resettlement.
“By contracting out this resettlement work, the federal government can evade many of the state open-records laws and the federal Freedom of Information Act and conduct the nefarious colonization of American cities largely under cover of darkness,” Hohmann writes in his book.
2) The resettlement contractors are not the only ones who benefit financially from this supposedly humanitarian endeavor; the program has become a source of cheap labor for corporate America. Chobani, the yogurt company, showed up in Twin Falls, Idaho, in 2011 promising to invest more than $430 million in a new 1 million-square-foot plant. Local officials rejoiced, saying the new yogurt plant would employ 600 people, almost all of them local. But instead of hiring locals, Chobani turned to cheap foreign labor. A steady stream of refugees was resettled in Twin Falls from more than a dozen countries, and the refugees filled nearly one-third of the 600 jobs at the plant.
Hohmann writes in his book that refugee resettlement contractors often establish a presence in American meatpacking towns to supply the meatpacking plants with a steady flow of cheap Third World labor. They have continued to pour refugees into Amarillo, Texas, where food giant Cargill is one of the area’s biggest employers, even though the city’s mayor has begged the government to stop.
Likewise, the resettlement contractor Catholic Charities has funneled Somali refugees into the small city of Owatonna, Minnesota, where they have been scooped up in large numbers by local window manufacturing plant AmesburyTruth. Hohmann reports the Somalis are allowed time off work to pray no matter what shift they are working, which causes tension when American workers realize their Somali coworkers are not as productive as they need to be. The Somalis also create an unsafe work environment by spilling water all over the floor of the employee bathrooms as they perform their ceremonial washings, which are required before a Muslim can pray.
Many American workers eventually got fed up with the Somalis and quit, and the factory filled the vacancies by hiring more Somalis.
3) The resettlement contractors often lie by claiming the vast majority of refugees are “self-supporting” within three or four months of arrival. In fact, as Hohmann demonstrates in the book, most of them remain dependent on various welfare programs longer than that. For example, 60.2 percent of refugees still use food stamps after five years in the country, whereas only 15.1 percent of native-born American citizens use food stamps.
DeleteHohmann also notes refugees use food stamps at a rate of 75.9 percent (90 percent for Middle Eastern refugees) and cash assistance at a rate of 46.9 percent in their first year. Sixty percent of refugees use Medicaid, including 75 percent of those from the Middle East and Africa.
“The Obama administration puts the costs of the refugee program at a little over $1.2 billion per year, but that is not a reliable figure as it does not include federal welfare benefits or the cost of educating refugee students at the state and local level,” Hohmann writes.
“According to Robert Rector at the Heritage Foundation, the additional ten thousand refugees that Obama brought from Syria in fiscal 2016 will cost U.S. taxpayers $6.5 billion over the course of the refugees’ lifetimes. Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., [then-]chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest, warned his colleagues in the Senate that funding for the refugee program could easily surpass $55 billion in 2016.”
4) Many of the “refugees” being placed in American communities do not meet the definition of a refugee. The 1951 Geneva Convention defines a refugee as a person displaced by a “well-founded fear of persecution” due to their religious, political or ethnic affiliation. Under that definition, migrants seeking greater economic opportunity or even those fleeing wars have no standing as refugees eligible for permanent resettlement in a foreign land.
In fact, Hohmann notes in his book no group of people would fit the 1951 definition of a refugee better than persecuted Christian minorities in the Middle East.
“Yet, instead of bringing Middle Eastern Christians to America, the Obama administration focused on bringing their persecutors – the Sunni Muslims – to the United States,” he writes. “In some cases, such as in Sterling Heights, Michigan, the very same vulnerable Iraqi Christian communities that did find refuge in the United States were later surprised to learn that their Muslim persecutors were now being imported into nearby neighborhoods where they are proposing to build a mega-mosque.”
5) Back in 2008, the P-3 family reunification program was suspended when it was discovered the vast majority of East African refugees who applied to come to America under the program lied on their applications. DNA tests on P-3 applicants in seven African countries showed only around 20 percent of those trying to enter the U.S. were actually related to everyone to whom they claimed to be related.
The program remained suspended for four years, and when it resumed, DNA testing was required for all those applying for family reunification.
Want to live the good life in the USA?
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Delete(Special program for IISSSLY countries)
Delete(Or call:
Delete1 800 qrf-turk
and follow recorded instructions)
Own Your Own Business!
DeleteOpportunity awaits in the ceremonial washing bathroom retrofit business.
Bring Kafir Friendly bathrooms up to code with federal grant monies!
Start you own VOLAG !
ReplyDeleteJUPITER, Fla. — President Trump said on Saturday that judicial decisions that halted his executive order banning travel from seven predominantly Muslim countries had allowed a flood of refugees to pour into the country.
“Our legal system is broken!” Mr. Trump wrote in a Twitter posting a day after he said that he was considering a wholesale rewriting of the executive order to circumvent legal hurdles quickly but had not ruled out appealing the major defeat he suffered in a federal appeals court on Thursday. “SO DANGEROUS!” the president added.
The Democrats better hope for four years of no allahu akbars, they will own them.
ReplyDeleteA 16-year-old Danish girl is facing at least four years in prison after being charged with terrorism offences, local media report, citing the prosecutor’s office.
The unnamed girl, an ethnic Danish convert from the village of Kundby on the island of Zealand, was arrested in January of 2016 for possessing explosives and has been held in custody ever since.
The Danish girl began showing a great interest in Islam around autumn of 2015 and began posting about guns and jihad on social media. She was a member of the Facebook group for the Danish branch of Hizb ut-Tahrir, an Islamist movement that seeks to establish a worldwide caliphate. The group is banned in Russia and a host of other countries as a terrorist organization.
Lebanon’s Hezbollah militant group, recognized as terrorist organization by the US, has been allegedly spotted parading a vast number of US-made military vehicles in Syria, triggering questions about how they ended up in the militants’ hands.
ReplyDeleteThe photos of Hezbollah’s military parade allegedly featuring US-made armored vehicles in the Syrian city of Qusayr published by media close to the organization raised questions the US State Department had to confront during a daily press briefing on Tuesday.
Pennsylvania State Senator to Trump: ‘Try to Destroy My Career, You S–t-Gibbon!’
ReplyDeleteA Pennsylvania state senator called out Donald Trump on Twitter after the president joked about destroying the career of a Texas politician
Refugee Resettlement: The lucrative business of serving immigrants
ReplyDeleteSurveys of Americans show mixed views on immigration issues, and yet for the Left all immigration is good, no matter what laws or legislatures say. Major donors on the Left, which normally champion every kind of government regulation, support immigration without limits, and a number of large nonprofits reap not only private funding but millions of tax dollars in the resettlement business. Most Americans have never even heard of the programs that disburse these monies in their name. This report sketches the landscape and tracks the money flows.
Left-wing grant-makers have embarked on a campaign aimed at overwhelming America with unprecedented levels of immigration. These foundations underwrite a universe of liberal organizations that are devoted to bringing in ever more people from all over the world, and the organizations’ motives include money.
These groups, known as “Volunteer Agencies” (VOLAGs), don’t just receive private dollars from liberal foundations; they also are richly rewarded with your tax dollars when they collaborate with federal government agencies.
See above: Sat Feb 11, 06:31:00 PM EST
DeleteRating: Daylin Leach was rated 20% by National Federation of Independent Business (Positions(State Legislatures))
ReplyDeleteRating: Daylin Leach was rated 40% by Sierra Club PA (Positions)
Rating: Daylin Leach was rated 17% by Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry (Positions)
Rating: Daylin Leach was rated 100% by Planned Parenthood Pennsylvania Advocates (Positions)
Positions: Daylin Leach has failed the 2016 Political Courage Test.
Rating: Daylin Leach was rated 100% by Sierra Club PA (Positions)
Rating: Daylin Leach was rated 100% by Marijuana Policy Project (Positions (Pennsylvania State Legislature))
Rating: Daylin Leach was rated 14% by American Conservative Union (Lifetime Scores (State Legislatures))
Rating: Daylin Leach was rated 8% by American Conservative Union (Positions (State Legislatures))
Rating: Daylin Leach was rated 100% by Humane PA (Positions)
Endorsed: Daylin Leach was endorsed by Humane PA
Endorsed: Daylin Leach was endorsed by Pennsylvania AFL-CIO
No one ever heard of the shit bird before this.
ReplyDelete...although he did get his score up from 40% to 100% with the Sierra club showing the lad is flexible even if he totally failed in political courage.
ReplyDeleteFuck the Sierra Club.
DeleteSierra Club = Eco-terrorists
ReplyDeleteThe “Rainbow Welcome Initiative”
funds a nonprofit contractor (Heartland Alliance International, LLC)
to meet the special needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered (LGBT) refugees and asylees.
Government funds 87 percent of the $10 million nonprofit. CEO Sid Mohn makes $330,000 per year in pay and benefits according to Heartland’s 2014 tax return.
Combined, the top four officers receive about $850,000 per year—almost all on the taxpayer.
Merkel Will Pay Migrants Millions To Leave Germany
ReplyDeleteChancellor Angela Merkel is setting aside €90m (£76m) in taxpayers’ money to create a fund which will pay migrants to withdraw their asylum applications and leave Germany voluntarily.
The handouts will form part of a 16-point plan to speed up the removal of rejected asylum seekers, after Tunisian migrant Anis Amri murdered a Polish lorry driver, hijacked his vehicle and drove it into a Christmas market in Berlin while awaiting deportation.
U.S. president Donald Trump told The Times that Merkel made a “catastrophic mistake” when she opened the doors to an unlimited number of migrants in 2015. Her vice-chancellor, Sigmar Gabriel, later admitted that his superior had underestimated how difficult it would be to integrate migrants on such a grand scale, and that Germany had been plunged into a kulturkampf, or “cultural war”, as a result.
Germany rejected 170,000 asylum claims in 2016 but, according to the Mail, just 26,000 were repatriated. 55,000 more decided to leave voluntarily – apparently leaving 81,000 bogus applicants unaccounted for.
“We rely heavily on voluntary departures,” admitted Chancellor Merkel, who was announcing the package after falling behind the Social Democrats in polls for Germany’s upcoming elections.
Will he continue to take his meds ? - What to do, what to do ?
ReplyDeleteFeb 11, 11:35 AM EST
WINNIPEG, Manitoba (AP) -- A Canadian man who was found not criminally responsible for beheading and cannibalizing a fellow passenger on a Greyhound bus has been granted his freedom.
Manitoba's Criminal Code Review Board announced Friday it has given Will Baker, formerly known as Vince Li, an absolute discharge, meaning he is no longer subject to monitoring.
Baker, a diagnosed schizophrenic, killed Tim McLean, a young carnival worker who was a complete stranger to Baker, in 2008. A year later he was found not criminally responsible due to mental illness.
McLean's mother, Carol de Delley, has been outspoken against granting Baker freedom, saying there would be no way to ensure he continued to take his medication.
She declined comment in a post on Facebook Friday, saying "I have no words."....
I'd err on the side of caution.
DeleteI woulda erred right after the trial with a gunshot to the head.
ReplyDeleteThat's the most cautious approach of all.
DeleteAs the old saying goes:
DeleteMen dead
Don't behead
ReplyDelete"Hosting a foreign leader at the president's business resort creates impossible sets of conflicts," Weissman said. "If the president hadn't offered to pay, the U.S. government would be paying Donald Trump's business for the purpose of hosting the Japanese leader."
Typically, the U.S. government would pick up the costs associated with such a visit.
Weissman said Camp David, the U.S. government-owned retreat in Maryland's Catoctin Mountains, which presidents use for personal getaways as well as to conduct the people's business, would do fine.
"Why should you go to a resort in Florida?" Weissman asked. "Fine, you want to go to a resort in Florida? Don't go to one Trump's family owns."
Sounds like The Donald saved the taxpayers some bucks.
DeleteHe should be impeached !
Delete"If the president hadn't offered to pay,"
ReplyDeleteYeah, and IF Trump had taken a shit on the table, think what a messy embarrassment THAT would have been.
I'm wondering if the Japanese PM had ever played golf before.
DeleteMaybe The Donald, to be courteous, should have set up a ping pong table.
DeleteOr is that the Chinese ?
I recall something once called "ping pong diplomacy".
Quirk would know.
He's diplomatic.
Or is it kleptomatic ?
DeleteQuirk's no klepper.
One always gets some consideration in a trade with Quirk, if only a shoestring.
DeletePresident Obama had this to say about CCHD:
ReplyDeleteI got my start as a community organizer working with mostly Catholic parishes on the Southside of Chicago that were struggling because the steel plants had closed. The Campaign for Human Development helped fund the project and so, very early on, my career was intertwined with the belief in social justice that is so strong in the Church.
USCCB founded the Catholic Legal Immigration Network Inc., a $7 million subsidiary which assists illegal aliens based on “the Gospel value of welcoming the stranger.”
It aggressively promotes amnesty, believing that “all goods of the earth belong to all people. When persons cannot find employment in their country of origin to support themselves and their families, they have a right to find work elsewhere in order to survive.
Sovereign nations should provide ways to accommodate this right.”
USCCB has 270 field offices in 47 states. Board members include Donald D. Taylor, president of the extreme-left union UNITE HERE!
DeleteIf I'm reading that table right, the CC & USCCB has raked in 2 Billion US Dollars!
There's a lot of money in illegal aliens, and global warming, too.
ReplyDeleteGreat Literature Is Surprisingly Arithmetic
By Mark Fischetti | Scientific American February 2017 Issue
A good book evokes a variety of emotions as you read. Turns out, though, that almost all novels and plays provide one of only six “emotional experiences” from beginning to end—a rags-to-riches exuberance, say, or a rise and fall of hope (below, top). Researchers at the University of Vermont graphed the happiness and sadness of words that occurred across the pages of more than 1,300 fiction works to reveal the emotional arcs and discovered relatively few variations.
A different study coordinated by Poland's Institute of Nuclear Physics found that sentence lengths in books frequently form a fractal pattern—a set of objects that repeat on a small and large scale, the way small, triangular leaflets make up larger, triangular leaves that make up a larger, triangular palm frond (below, bottom).
Why analyze the mathematics of literature? Vermont applied mathematician Andrew J. Reagan notes that “tons of data” from the Human Genome Project “taught us so much more about genes than we knew before. Maybe data can teach us more about stories, too.”
Credit: Andrew J. Reagan (emotional arcs) and Jen Christiansen (fractal charts); Sources: “The Emotional Arcs of Stories Are Dominated by Six Basic Shapes,” by Andrew J. Reagan et al., in EPJ Data Science, Vol. 5, No. 1, Article No. 31; December 2016 (arcs); “Quantifying Origin and Character of Long-Range Correlations in Narrative Texts,” by Stanislaw Drozdz et al., in Information Sciences, Vol. 331; February 20, 2016 (fractals)
This article was originally published with the title "Novel Math"
Open and see the nifty graphs.
So our stories are expressions of our DNA ?
DeleteBut of course....
And if our DNA is an expression of the nature of things ?.....
DeleteThese guys are amazing
Stupid inspectors Did NOT walk the spillway during the last "inspection."
DeleteGovernment work.
"The emergency spillway exists to prevent water from topping the wall of the massive earthen dam that holds back Lake Oroville, a situation that could cause problematic erosion.
DeleteYeah, like the Dam disappearing!
Problematic erosion indeed.
Delete(PG & E Tower Workers)
ReplyDeleteEx-Democrat goes to Berkeley to hear a speech but witnesses a riot
The situation was more than chaotic, she said: “It was a riot.” A friend posted a video on YouTube of what they saw from the second floor.
After about 2 1/2 hours, an officer told them, “if you guys want to go out of the building, you need to go now.” Walsh asked if officers would escort them. “They said, ‘It’ll make things worse for you,’ ” she said.
Walsh and her female friend made it to their car in a parking garage, where, in a surreal moment, a lurking stranger had mistaken their car as belonging to Yiannapoulos’ entourage and was hoping to see him.
They tried to drive out of the garage but the exit was blocked by barricades and a dumpster, she said. Two maintenance workers said they could not help them but gave them the phone number to the campus police department. She called but was told officers were “a little busy” though they’d try to send someone.
As it happened, Walsh had grabbed some anti-Yiannopoulos printed material (“propaganda literature,” she said) so she put it on the dashboard to fool the protesters – and held onto her pepper spray.
She drove behind another car heading to the exit, where several protesters moved the obstruction aside to let them pass, which took a while.
“They said ‘We’ll help you.’ They let us out,” she said. “That literature saved my life, I’m sure of it. It was insane.”