“Soft despotism is a term coined by Alexis de Tocqueville describing the state into which a country overrun by "a network of small complicated rules" might degrade. Soft despotism is different from despotism (also called 'hard despotism') in the sense that it is not obvious to the people."

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Victor Davis Hanson - Western Civilization, the Recovery of Greek Wisdom...


  1. "A vigorous report from the current battlefront of classical scholarship. There is much to take seriously in this critique."

    - Wall Street Journal

  2. Let's Go Brandon; To the dolts that were so upset over the Donald's mean tweets that they voted for Joe from Scranton: eat it!

  3. Another good reason to trust Washington and those that run it.
    I am always quietly amused at the trust people put in government. They do have information we are not privy to, don't they? They get briefings and oversight, right? Well on a post on the previous thread, I rashly commented that this story was too stupid and unbelievable to merit a separate post. Wrong again. It does.

    The thing is, I got thinking about a hundred dollar of wine confiscated by the army of morons at TSA. That just wasn't right. That wasn't business. That was personal. That is the government protecting our security. They also know what they are doing because they have information and insight as well don't they? While the TSA is confiscating water bottles from grandmothers at airports, another arm of your well-financed-broad-ass government is selling F14 parts to Iran, cheap. Say it ain't so Joe. FUBAR JANUARY 2007

  4. As I’ve stated before, stay out of debt, have income (besides gov checks) and live in the Heartland, the more Southern the better. Works for me. I hope life is treating you well, Deuce, sorry about the bottle of wine. Drop by and we’ll open an Austin Hope cab.

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  6. 台北市昨新增一百例本土確診,主要仍集中於八大行業酒店打工及校園,其中包括兩起酒店上班KTV群聚案,累計廿六人染疫,而多處行政區內的國小及幼兒園也再傳疫情,共增十二例確診、五校的班級停課;市長柯文哲昨於防疫記者會上表示,此波疫情不容樂觀,防疫也比想像中困難,國民要有心理準備,評估疫情持續延燒兩個月後將達頂峰。8學生確診 再增5校班級停課北市副市長黃珊珊指出,昨日北市新增一百例本土確診中,有廿四例屬於「陰轉陽」,另有兩起分別位於信義區與中山區的酒店公關KTV群聚案,已累計廿六人染疫;校園方面,信義、大安、內湖區再有八名國小學生確診,中山區某幼兒園則增四例,昨再添五校的班級停課。
    柯:若未來單日確診人數超過130例 染疫者須留置家中
    柯文哲說明,北市加強版防疫專責旅館配有醫護、血氧機、監視器,若每日新增確診數在一百卅例以下,則能提供較佳照護效率,但病例若太多,則須留置在家,而北市也採取遠端視訊醫療做為配套作法,自今年一月一日起至四月五日已服務八百廿九人次,本週將全面建置網路虛擬醫院系統,加速規劃在家照護。黃珊珊補充,居家檢疫、居家隔離、甚至日後確診留在家中的民眾,可能有人有慢性病用藥需求,經與台北市藥師公會討論後,會與中央請求延長健保卡過卡時間,使民眾能事後補過卡,解決送藥問題。北市疫苗系統開放預約 18至24日接種
