Trump, Putin Agree to Normalize US-Russia Ties
Both Agree to Need to Improve ‘Extremely Unsatisfactory' Relations
by Jason Ditz, November 14, 2016 ANTIWAR
Officials have confirmed that Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President-elect Donald Trump spoke on the phone on Monday evening. Putin is said to have called Trump to congratulate him on winning last week’s presidential election.
Such a productive first phone call is unsurprising, as during the campaign Trump had talked of improving relations with Russia, and since the election Russian government officials have said they saw the election of Trump as America’s rejection of Hillary Clinton’s calls for further hostility toward Russia.
This is the first major attempt to improve relations between the two sides since the 2009 “reset,” which came in the wake of President Obama’s election. That reset was mostly forgotten by the late years of the Obama presidency, with the US launching a massive military buildup along Russia’s border in Eastern Europe, and the two sides engaged in a virtual proxy war in Syria.
While the 2009 “reset” was mostly aimed at getting access to Russian airspace for supply shipments for the Afghan War, the Trump normalization effort is likely to be much more ambitious, with Trump expressing his aversion to hostility toward nuclear-armed Russia, and already talking about a dramatic shift in Syria policy which would see the US ending support for the rebellion against Syria, a key Russian ally.
All conversations between Putin and Trump are likely to be heavily scrutinized, however, as the Clinton campaign didn’t just campaign on its own hostility toward Russia, but accused Russia of plotting to get Trump elected. With post-election acrimony within the US still high a week later, those allegations arr likely to remain a talking point for many opposed to normalization.
Last 5 posts by Jason Ditz
- ICC Prosecutors: US Likely Committed War Crimes in Afghanistan - November 14th, 2016
- Saudis Deliberately Targeting Civilian Infrastructure in Yemen War - November 13th, 2016
- Iraqi Kurdish Forces Destroying Arab Homes in Apparent War Crimes - November 13th, 2016
- 23 Civilians Killed Across Northern Syria as Fighting Resumes in Aleppo - November 13th, 2016
- Trump Likely to End US Backing of Syria Rebels, May Back Assad - November 13th, 2016
ReplyDelete* This post on Trump and Putin.
* Reports on Trump choosing John Bolton for SOS
( – The Obama administration’s response to the Russians’ launching of airstrikes in Syria amounts to “legitimizing their military presence in a region where for 50 years we’ve tried to keep them out,” former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. John Bolton said on Saturday.
Addressing a Young America’s Foundation conference in Columbus, Ohio, Bolton characterized the administration’s approach to the Russian intervention as one of a series of shows of weakness across the globe, from its response to the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi to the Iran nuclear deal – an agreement over which he suggested Secretary of State John Kerry should resign.
“The best thing we can hope for is the world goes to sleep for 16 months, because it’s not going to get any better,” he said. “The ground has already shifted under our feet dramatically. It will shift further until the next president is sworn in.”
From the outset, the response to Russia’s military buildup in Syria had been troubling.
“Ten days ago, asked about this military buildup, Secretary of State John Kerry said, ‘Well, our experts believe that it’s just there for force protection.’ Now, this was an inane comment the moment he made it. What did he mean? That they inserted the force so it could protect itself?”
“What was it protecting? It was protecting the capacity to do what Russia is now doing, which is bombing targets in Syria of forces that are hostile to the Assad regime, that Russia is supporting,” Bolton said.
“I think the Russians are doing nothing less than challenging the United States for dominance in the Middle East – something we’ve had for over half a century.”
Bolton noted that Russia had alerted the U.S. to its imminent launch of airstrikes last week by dispatching a military general to the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad with the message, “We’re going to begin air operations in Syria; you should get out of the air.”
The administration responded by entering “deconfliction” talks, he said. (These are discussions aimed at reducing the likelihood of accidental collision or other mishap in airspace that is now being used by Russian warplanes as well as those of the U.S.-led anti-ISIS coalition.)
“Now that sounds reasonable,” Bolton continued, “but this is a demonstration how the Obama administration, again and again at the tactical level, is sacrificing American strategic interest.”
He recalled that as the U.S. was about to launch an attack in 1991 against Saddam Hussein’s Iraq after he occupied Kuwait, Israel had asked the U.S. for deconfliction codes, to enable it to deploy its aircraft as well.
The Israelis had said they want to be in a position to defend their country against Iraqi aggression, but the U.S. had replied, “‘We are defending your country. Keep your planes on the ground – and if you come up and there’s an incident, you will be responsible,’” Bolton said.
“That’s what we said to one of our closest allies in the world, because the military judgment that we wanted to do this on our own,” he said. (It was a political decision as well as a military one: The U.S. was concerned that an Israeli attack on Iraq would fracture the fragile anti-Saddam coalition it had built, which included Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s father, Hafez.)
In contrast to the situation during the Persian Gulf War, Bolton said, “What did we do in this administration, when Russian wants to deconflict with us? We say, ‘Oh sure, that’s great. Let’s talk about it.’”
“We are legitimizing their military presence in a region where for 50 years we’ve tried to keep them out,” he said.
Bolton called the Kremlin’s intervention in Syria the greatest Russian military advance in the region since Egyptian President Anwar Sadat expelled thousands of Soviet military advisors in 1972.
“And the administration is fully complicit with it.”
Negotiating from strength?
DeleteSOS? You've got to be kidding.
Bolton is a flaming asshole, a neocon's neocon, a loose cannon, you want a war making Bolton SOS is a good start.
DeletePerhaps, I misspoke about Bolton being a neocon. Perhaps, I insult neocons beyond what their actions do already. Most neocons make at least a cynical bow towards justifying their interventionist policies by citing this country's 'duty' to bring American democracy and values to the rest of the world. Bolton on the other hand is an arrogant and aggressive self-centered narcissist, a bullying interventionist more interested in America's ability to wage war in pursuit of American hegemony rather than spreading American democracy.
But people close to Mr. Bannon came to his defense. Joel B. Pollak, an author and editor at Breitbart, called him an “American patriot who also defends Israel and has deep empathy for the Jewish people.”
ReplyDeleteMike Huckabee, the former governor of Arkansas and presidential candidate, accused Mr. Bannon’s critics of sour grapes. On Twitter, he wrote that Mr. Bannon should embrace the criticism from the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR.
“Critics of Steve Bannon know he’s smarter and tougher than they are,” Mr. Huckabee wrote. “When CAIR doesn’t like you, that is a good thing.”
All part of the Obama Leading From Behind Doctrine.
ReplyDeleteQuirk will be happy to hear that Dr. Sebastian Gorka, who taught at the US Marine College, would be pleased to serve the country in any advisory capacity in foreign affairs that President Elect Trump might need.
ReplyDeleteDr. Gorka was in Trump Tower today.
Nestled in the center of the orange zone is the actual Islamic State caliphate. “Now they’ve captured territory like Mosul, like Tikrit.
He said it was encouraging to see reports of battlefield success against ISIS in Iraq and Syria recently, but added: “The question is, what next? You can hold Mosul, but it’s like squeezing a balloon.
You’re not going to kill everybody, so where are they going? Look, they understand they’ve got multiple battle fronts, and they’ve got at least 6,000 Westerners they’ve recruited, who they can send back to France, the U.K.
Once The Donald teams up with Pooty, with Dr. Sebastian Gorka as adviser, ISIS is finished.
ReplyDeleteRambo is vowing to keep Chicago a Sanctuary City.
ReplyDeleteHe needs to protect the Mexican drug dealers that run a good portion of the place nowadays.
According to my sources.
Leslie Stahl: Worthless hack POS.
ReplyDeleteCheck out the front page of the NY Times:
The whole GD thing is filled with criticism of Trump.
Oh my our little fascist Trumpette Doug is upset his hero man is getting criticized. He'd prefer that only the truth be allowed to be printed - like in Russia.
DeleteLittle loose there agaiin with throwing that term 'fascist' around, aren't you punk-o ?
Benighted might be a kinder description.
DeleteI agree that Bolton would be a bad choice. Perhaps Guliani feels he is too old for all the travel and doesn't want the job. Perhaps there is someone in the wings not being mentioned by the press. Time will tell. I would rather see Guliani Attorney General. JMO.
ReplyDeleteI like Bolton's white mustache.
ReplyDeleteNever trust a man with a mustache, unless it's white.
It signifies the beginning of wisdom.
And even then, watch your ass. It may be a fakaroo.
DeleteI see Noam is still talking out his puckered ass -
ReplyDeleteCHOMSKY: 'Republican Party Most Dangerous Organization in World History'....DRUDGE
Noam Chomsky: 'The Republican Party Has Become the Most Dangerous Organization in World History'
This proclamation is reported in EcoWatch.
The man has always been an hysteric.
"The real story of anti-Semitism in American politics this week"
ReplyDeleteSteve Bannon and Keith Ellison: Do the Democrats Really Care About Anti-Semitism?
The record is clear.
November 15, 2016 Robert Spencer
When is anti-Semitism not anti-Semitism? When it comes from the Left, of course.
President-elect Trump has enraged the establishment media by choosing Steven K. Bannon as his chief strategist, because Bannon, they claim on the flimsiest of evidence, is a white supremacist and an anti-Semite. Meanwhile, that same media is hailing Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) for announcing his candidacy for Chairman of the Democratic National Committee – despite Ellison’s very real links to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, two groups that are outdone by no one in anti-Semitism.
“A chorus of critics took to Twitter,” said the New York Times, “to lament what they said was a frightening normalization of the fringe views that Mr. Bannon promoted as the chairman of Breitbart News. The site has for years given voice to anti-Semitic, racist and white nationalist ideology.”
The evidence? Slim to none. As David Horowitz pointed out Monday, the source for the claim that Bannon is anti-Semitic is “a one sentence claim from an angry ex-wife in divorce court no less, that Bannon didn’t want their kids to go to school with Jews.” Horowitz noted in response that Bannon had wanted to produce a Horowitz biopic: “I find that particularly amusing since Bannon wanted to make a film to celebrate this Jew’s life.”
Horowitz also noted that CNN hit Bannon over “a headline at calling Bill Kristol a ‘renegade Jew.’” Surely that proves Bannon’s anti-Semitism, right? Wrong. Said Horowitz: “In fact, neither Breitbart nor Bannon is responsible for that statement. A Jew is. I wrote the article, which was neither requested nor commissioned by Breitbart. And I wrote the headline: ‘Bill Kristol, Republican Spoiler, Renegade Jew,’” because “Kristol and his friends betrayed the Republican Party, betrayed the American people, and betrayed the Jews when he set out to undermine Trump and elect the criminal Hillary Clinton.
Obama and Hillary are supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood, the organization that launched the Arab drive to destroy Israel and push its Jews into the sea (that was their slogan).”
DeleteJoel B. Pollak, senior editor-at-large at Breitbart News and an Orthodox Jew, declared: “I have worked with Stephen K. Bannon, President-elect Donald Trump’s new chief strategist and senior counselor, for nearly six years at Breitbart News. I can say, without hesitation, that Steve is a friend of the Jewish people and a defender of Israel, as well as being a passionate American patriot and a great leader.”
Meanwhile, the same Democrats who are howling about Bannon are applauding Ellison’s announcement that he is running for DNC Chair, despite the abundant evidence of Ellison’s links to anti-Semitic groups. Ellison has spoken at a convention of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). Yet ISNA has actually admitted its ties to Hamas, which styles itself the Palestinian arm of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Justice Department actually classified ISNA among entities “who are and/or were members of the US Muslim Brotherhood.”
It gets worse. In 2008, Ellison accepted $13,350 from the Muslim American Society (MAS) to go on a pilgrimage to Mecca. The Muslim American Society is a Muslim Brotherhood organization: “In recent years, the U.S. Brotherhood operated under the name Muslim American Society, according to documents and interviews. One of the nation’s major Islamic groups, it was incorporated in Illinois in 1993 after a contentious debate among Brotherhood members.” That’s from the Chicago Tribune in 2004, in an article that is now carried on the Muslim Brotherhood’s English-language website, Ikhwanweb.
Also, the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) raised large amounts of for Ellison’s first campaign, and he has spoken at numerous CAIR events. Yet CAIR is an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case — so named by the Justice Department. CAIR officials have repeatedly refused to denounce Hamas and Hizballah as terrorist groups.
Hamas has declared: “Killing Jews is worship that draws us close to Allah.” Ellison has spoken before several groups that have ties to Hamas, and has accepted money from a Muslim Brotherhood group; Hamas styles itself the Muslim Brotherhood for Palestine. Does Keith Ellison also, then, think that “killing Jews is worship that draws us close to Allah”? No establishment media “journalist” would ever dream of asking him that question, but it’s a fair one: Hamas repeatedly demonstrates genuine and murderous anti-Semitism, and Ellison has repeatedly shown himself willing and even eager to associate himself with Hamas-linked groups.
That’s the real story of anti-Semitism in American politics this week. But the media propagandists are most certainly not going to pause in their hysteria over Trump and Bannon to take any notice of it. Their hypocrisy is obvious, their dishonesty unrelenting, and their moral authority absolutely nil.
Ellison as Chair of the Democratic National Committee might be a wonderful thing.
DeleteIt might clear the air.
I've been calling him a wolf in sheep's clothing all along.
His election to the House of Representatives from Minnesota is more evidence if any is needed that USA's Swedes are only a step or two behind their benighted ancestors in Sweden, whose folly is obvious for all the world to see.
Dr. Ben Carson has turned down an offer to be in Trump's Cabinet.
ReplyDeleteMayor Giuliani has turned down the opportunity to be Attorney General.
Giuliani seems to want to be Secretary of State.
Carson's reasoning is unclear. He has often spoken of working outside the government.
Ssession's looks like good chance for Secretary of Defense.
DeletePrince Riebus is only 44 years old, prepubescent by D.C. standards.
DeleteI got mine @ 45.
DeleteThe brilliance of the CEO named Trump:
ReplyDelete"Trump staff shake-up slows transition to near halt
WASHINGTON — The New York Times News Service
Published Tuesday, Nov. 15, 2016 10:39AM EST
President-elect Donald Trump’s transition operation plunged into disarray Tuesday with the abrupt resignation of Mike Rogers, who had handled national security matters, the second shake-up in less than a week on a team that has not yet begun to execute the daunting task of taking over the government.
Pence took the helm of the transition Friday after Trump unceremoniously removed Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey, who had been preparing with Obama administration officials for months to put the complex transition process into motion. That effort is now frozen, senior White House officials say, because Pence has yet to sign legally required paperwork to allow his team to begin collaborating with President Barack Obama’s aides on the handover.
But in response to a series of questions about whether the Obama administration had begun to brief Trump’s team, White House officials said late Monday that the president-elect’s decision to abruptly replace Christie on Friday with Pence had, for the time being, halted the process.
By law, the document must be signed by the chairman of the transition operation or his designee, and neither Pence nor anyone on his staff has done so.
DeletePresident-elect Donald Trump’s transition operation plunged into disarray Tuesday with the abrupt resignation of Mike Rogers...
The best kind of disarray. Good riddance. Now get rid of Bolton and things might start looking a little better.
anybody want a berth on the Titanic?...
it's a really really good ship,
Deletegonna be great,
it's HUGE!
Ash, you sailor extraordinaire, the Titanic already sank, and you and your party were on it.
DeleteGet used to your new gills.
ReplyDelete"Oh my our little fascist Trumpette Doug is upset his hero man is getting criticized. He'd prefer that only the truth be allowed to be printed - like in Russia."
Just reporting the FACT that there were more critical articles about Trump in one day than they've had on Obama in the past year. problem for some, evidently.
Rogers chaired the House Intelligence Committee while he was in Congress and is an Army veteran and former FBI agent with an expertise in national security
ReplyDeleteHe has also been critical of Russia's role in recent hacking episodes, including the hacks of Democratic political groups during the election which the US government attributed to high levels of Russian government. Trump repeatedly declined to acknowledge Russia's role, saying the evidence was inconclusive.
What's the consensus on that at the Bar?
...I know it didn't take a team of Russian geniuses to hack the hack John Pederasta.
I'd much rather have the opportunity to call Megyn Kelly a shameless publicity whore than to fuck her. I wouldn't have to shower off the makeup when I finished.
That would be my sentence for her:
A year of TV exposure with no makeup.
And Amish modest dress.
DeleteThe makeup or politics would not deter me. I’d agree to almost anything. Anything, except being attorney general.
ReplyDeleteWhy do so many DC Rats have big puffy bags beneath their eyes?
Which group is more sensitive these days, Lesbians, or hyper-rich black celebrities?
Who was that goofy old guy on CBS TV that made a living asking goofy questions?
ReplyDeleteGoofy ?
DeletePics of Goofy
Dude reminds me of Ash.
Exclusive: Fox anchor Megyn Kelly describes scary, bullying 'Year of Trump'
Somebody else can read it, the first paragraph was more than enough for me.
House GOP nominates Ryan as speaker, with Trump's support
Worst news yet.
Sounds like an open-minded, welcoming place:
ReplyDeleteA racist Facebook post about first lady Michelle Obama Could cost A city’s mayor and a non-profit higher up their jobs.
CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) — A local West Virginia official said she has been placed on leave after she posted a racist comment about first lady Michelle Obama on Facebook.
Clay County Development Corp. director Pamela Ramsey Taylor made the post following Republican Donald Trump's election as president, saying: "It will be refreshing to have a classy, beautiful, dignified First Lady in the White House. I'm tired of seeing a Ape in heels."
Clay Mayor Beverly Whaling responded: "Just made my day Pam."
Taylor told WCHS-TV on Monday night that she was put on leave.
Meanwhile, Whaling issued a written apology to news media outlets saying that her comment wasn't intended to be racist.
"I was referring to my day being made for change in the White House! I am truly sorry for any hard feeling this may have caused! Those who know me know that I'm not in any way racist!"
Some of my favorite animals are Apes.
DeleteLast week in Kentucky, Republican Dan Johnson defeated incumbent Democrat Linda Belcher in Bullitt County in a race for the state House of Representatives, despite a series of posts he put on Facebook depicting President Barack Obama and his wife as monkeys. Republican officials, including likely new House Speaker Jeff Hoover, had called on Johnson to drop out of the race. But Hoover declared last week that Johnson would be "welcome in our caucus."
DeleteMy love affair with Megyn is over.
ReplyDeleteAnd Ash, you sailor extraordinaire, the Titanic already sank, and you and your party were on it.
Get used to your new gills.
ReplyDeleteA Pennsylvania man who spent four years in prison for beating his girlfriend at the Sands Casino Resort Bethlehem is suing the casino for allegedly serving him too many free drinks before the assault.
Nicholas Mullins, 31, is still on probation for the January 2012 assault. The casino contends Mullins alone is to blame for beating Caitlin Shields, of Pottsville, so badly that her brain swelled and she nearly died.
But Mullins claims he’s the long-term victim because he wound up in prison and can’t find a job as a result of his conviction – not to mention being kneed in the groin and having his nose broken during the argument, according to his attorney, Stuart Niemtzow.
“His life is the one that got ruined here,” Niemtzow said.
Mullins sounds to be a Democrat.
DeleteBiggest Spike in Traffic Deaths in 50 Years? Blame Apps
ReplyDeleteHighway deaths have surged in the last two years, and experts put much of the blame on in-car use of smartphones and dashboard apps.
We need to get those self driving cars on line ASAP.
DeleteMighty Idaho Vandals Likely To Be Tapped For Arizona Bowl
ReplyDeleteOnly the crème de la crème get invited to the 2nd Annual Arizona Bowl.
DeleteI heard that eventually they actually plan to invite football teams to it.
Life aboard the Democratic Titanic -
House Democrats, Grappling With Loss, Delay Leadership Elections
((((Ellison Enters DNC Race as Favorite))))
Tim Ryan Weighs Run Against Pelosi
Protesters Take Over Schumer's Office, Blast Wall Street Ties
The morons are going to elect Ellison as Chairman of DNC !!!!!
How damn stupid can the Democrats become ?
DeleteNo bottom to it, as Nick Bottom said....
Hassan Rouhani for Chairman of DNC !
DeleteYES !
DeleteSecurity clearance for Ivanka?
No Problem.
Hillary would have sold Ivanka a security clearance if the donation to The Foundation had been right.
DeleteWhy can't Soros be charged with inciting riots ?
ReplyDeleteHe is funding this stuff, busing them in ?
Sue Craig's List too.
Delete...the protesters in Oregon didn't even vote!
Too busy smoking pot to vote.
ReplyDeleteI'd much rather have the opportunity to call Megyn Kelly a shameless publicity whore than to fuck her.
You, sir, have completely lost it. You best take a little time out and reflect on the error of you ways.
DeleteSo says The Detroit "Q" Satyr.
See representation of The "Q" Satyr here:
DeleteMore details
Silenus with pipes and a pipe case hanging on his penis. Tondo of an Attic red-figure plate, 520–500 BC. From Vulci.
Ahem, his Erect penis.
DeleteIt's simply a case of one thing having absolutely nothing to do with the other. The man needs to get his priorities straight. Hell, if it came down to it (which it absolutely positively wouldn't), bags are still a dime a dozen at the dollar store.
I would pay to see Megyn having sex with the corpse of Andy Rooney.
DeleteHere's a good one -
ReplyDeleteIllegals demand Obama issue mass pardons....DRUDGE
Non negotiable demand.
Lot of Big City Police Chiefs will probly join them.
DeleteLA Chief says he won't help Feds with illegals.
ReplyDeleteWhich group is more sensitive these days, Lesbians, or hyper-rich black celebrities?
I suspect it's the former both here and in Canada. I listen to CBC2, a Canadian station with music to fit anyone's taste. Some of their news broadcasts are also interesting. Today I learned that the age of consent in Canada is 16 for all sexual proclivities except anal where the age of consent is 18. According to the news report, the Supreme Court has just ruled that the variance in ages of consent is discriminatory. I assume someone or some group more likely took the case to the SC.
If you're old enough to get it from front you're old enough to get it from back.
DeletePerfect judicial reasoning.
I assume someone or some group more likely took the case to the SC
Indeed, a safe assumption, or it wouldn't have been there.
DeleteYou don't know how comforting it is to get affirmation from such a lauded source.
I know it is and can imagine how comforted you are.
ReplyDeleteMONDAY, NOV. 14, 2016, 3:45 P.M.
Idaho Trump electors report ‘barrage’ of harassing messages urging them to change votes
By Betsy Z. Russell
Idaho’s four presidential electors say they have been getting harassing phone calls, emails and Facebook messages urging them to become “faithless electors” and not cast their votes for Donald Trump in the electoral college.
“A lot of ’em use bad, rough language,” said Layne Bangerter, one of the four electors. “Nothing I feel intimidated over. But we’re watching it very closely. They’ve got our home phone numbers, our cell numbers, our emails, our Facebook. We’re just getting an orchestrated barrage from the left.”
Idaho’s other three Trump electors are Jennifer Locke, of Coeur d’Alene, Caleb Lakey, of Kuna, and former state Sen. Melinda Smyser, R-Parma. “Caleb told me he had over 200 and something when he checked this morning,” Bangerter said.
Locke said, “It is concerning to me. It does feel like some level of intimidation.”
She said one message urged her to “vote for Jeb.” Others questioned Trump’s qualifications or charged sexism and racism. “They’re not even from this state – it’s Oregon, New York, California, Massachusetts, a lot of these is where I’m getting messages from,” she said.
Bangerter, who worked for U.S. Sen. Mike Crapo for more than a decade, said he’s received around 40 messages on Facebook alone. “They attack my religion, they attack my politics, they tell me that I must be a terrible father, I must be a terrible American, they use foul language – every swear word,” he said. “They’re just trying to steal this thing. They won’t be able to do it, but they’re trying.”....
Lyin' Ted Cruz spotted at Trump Tower.
ReplyDeleteMy sources report he was wearing a judicial robe and carrying a gavel.
DeleteQ put in for Secretary of Advertising and when told there wasn't such a position demanded they create one.
DeleteHe was last seen going round and round the rotating doors as if they were somehow symbolic and shouting something.
Breaking on Faux News - Q has been arrested at Trump Towers and charged with a faux pas, a misdemeanor.
DeleteSame charge as trespassing.
Andy Rooney
ReplyDeleteI am Andy Rooney
What Cabinet position do you want, Andy ?
DeleteThe Old Sock Drawer.
DeleteYou are likely to get it as I can't think of anyone else who has applied and it is a necessary position despite the aroma.
DeleteNewt Gingrich is now shamelessly out and out seeking to be the new Secretary of Long Term Visions. (or somesuch)
ReplyDeleteIt's a brand new position.
I am not making this up.
Just heard it on Fox.
Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson has told President-elect Donald Trump that he isn't interested in serving as secretary of Health and Human Services, a Carson ally confirmed to The Hill on Tuesday.
Carson has been looking for ways to be influential outside of government, including his My Faith Votes, a group that looks to motivate Christian voters.
Carson has shown more grace than any of the others.
DeleteDid mention the ex-wives now and then on the show, though.
DeleteSoros is 86.
ReplyDeleteLife isn't fair.
Soros bands with donors to resist Trump, 'take back power'
DeleteMajor liberal funders huddle behind closed doors with Pelosi, Warren, Ellison, and union bosses to lick wounds, retrench.
By KENNETH P. VOGEL 11/14/16 05:03 AM EST
George Soros and other rich liberals who spent tens of millions of dollars trying to elect Hillary Clinton are gathering in Washington for a three-day, closed door meeting to retool the big-money left to fight back against Donald Trump.
The conference, which kicked off Sunday night at Washington’s pricey Mandarin Oriental hotel, is sponsored by the influential Democracy Alliance donor club, and will include appearances by leaders of most leading unions and liberal groups, as well as darlings of the left such as House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Congressional Progressive Caucus co-chairman Keith Ellison, according to an agenda and other documents obtained by POLITICO....
I don't understand why billionaires only dole out a paltry 25 million, in the case of Soros.
DeleteProbly why I'm not a billionaire.
A bigger question is why anyone in their right mind would give Hillary anything.
DeleteBut then, I guess they always get something in return.
Except this time.
She's Out of Business.
Think of the poor Sheikhs, Pederasts, Dictators, etc.
DeleteThink how exciting sex could be between 16 and 18 in Canada if you were into anal.
ReplyDeleteForbidden Fruits, and other detritus.
Anal, oral, normal....should all be the same age !
DeleteJudicial reasoning demands it.
The SC of Canada has spoken.
DeleteSomeone appealed up from a lower court is our working assumption.
The money didn't mean much this year. Low energy Jeb! spent over $100 million for a few thousand votes, Hillary outspent The Donald by at least 2 to 1....
ReplyDeleteI still think my Carson comment is funny.
ReplyDeleteSo do I.
DeleteHave you girl's periods synced yet?
By the way, a name being mentioned for Secretary of Education in lieu of Carson is Michelle Rhee, who went to war with the teachers’ union in Washington D.C. when she was chancellor of public schools there in the last decade. She fired bad teachers and proposed financial incentives for good performance in exchange for an end to tenure — exactly the sort of reforms conservatives have championed for decades to reduce union influence over public education.
One other note on appointments: Corey Lewandowski is going to end up somewhere in the Trump White House, but we can probably start a pool now on how long he’ll last. Reince Priebus and the GOP establishment wing of Trump’s administration aren’t big fans; neither, reportedly, are Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, the two most influential members of Trump’s inner circle.
Corey has a rap after his clashes this past summer with Paul Manafort for not working well with others, especially when they threaten his turf, and he’ll have to answer to Priebus, Kushner, and Steve Bannon as a WH deputy. Hard to see how it works out, but he’s a loyalist so Trump’s going to give him a chance.
Trump's Presidency
ReplyDeleteI would pay to see Megyn having sex with the corpse of Andy Rooney.
Necromantic voyeurism. Now, there is a strange you don't see every day.
Neoromantic voyeurism....what the hell is a strange about that ?
DeleteNecromantic voyeurism works.
Necrophilic voyeurism is better and actually what I was thinking of.
Neoromantic voyeurism makes no sense at all given the context. Is anyone here really surprised considering where it came from?
“I categorically deny the allegations Megyn Kelly makes about me,” Ailes said in a statement released by his lawyer Susan Estrich on Monday, November 14. “I worked tirelessly to promote and advance her career, as Megyn herself admitted to Charlie Rose.
ReplyDeleteWatch that interview and then decide for yourself. My attorneys have restricted me from commenting further — so suffice it to say that no good deed goes unpunished.”
(During an interview with Charlie Rose in 2015 Kelly said that Ailes had been “nothing but good to me.”)
'Someone is shot every two hours in Chicago.'
ReplyDeleteO'Reilly, Fox
DeleteFunny though, not many by Muslims.
True enough.
DeleteIt looks like most of the trouble in Chicago must becoming from the Catholics, particularly the Polish ones:
Chicago is a Catholic bastion. From the old Polish basilicas that dot the Northwest Side to the myriad of South Side high schools named after various French saints and the startling number of Chicago politicians with ties to the archdiocese, it’s hard to not see the good vicar at work in the city. Harder still is to see those other ethno-religious groups that have taken root in its shadow.
One of those groups is Chicago’s resident Muslim community, which quietly celebrated the eight-day season of hajj and Eid al-Adha, the Feast of Sacrifice, in October. This holiday rivals Christmas in size and significance, but is often left out of mainstream attention.
(((((Representing roughly 3 percent of the total population of Cook County, the Muslim presence in the city is often inconspicuous.))))) It’s cloistered in a few enclaves scattered around the city, partially by choice. Many Muslims here are immigrants, or first- generation descendants of immigrants, and prefer to associate with familiar sights and sounds.
Chicago's Muslim Population Overshadowed By Other Groups
There aren't enough muzz there to flash mob a convenience store.
It's the Polish Catholics.
It's the Polish Catholics, I tell ya.
DeleteMuslims represent 1% of the US population so if the guy's numbers are correct Cook County has more than their share.