Monday, February 05, 2018

Young American's Dream Snuffed Out by Twice Deported Guatemalan Dreamer

NFL Colts Linebacker Allegedly Killed by Twice-Deported Illegal Alien Drunk Driver

Car crash where Indianapolis Colts linebacker Edwin Jackson was killed by an alleged illegal alien drunk driver.
Photos: Indianapolis Colts/Indiana State Police

Colts Linebacker Edwin Jackson and his driver were allegedly killed by a drunk driving, previously deported illegal alien Sunday morning near Indianapolis. The suspect fled the scene on foot after crashing into their vehicle. Indiana State Police officers arrested the reported driver later that morning.

Police arrested a man who identified himself as Alex Cabrera Gonsales, a 37-year-old Mexican national, after he allegedly crashed his black Ford F-150 into a car parked along Interstate 70 near Indianapolis, according to a statement obtained from the Indiana State Police. The driver of the car, 54-year-old Jeffrey Monroe, and his passenger, 26-year-old Indianapolis Colts Linebacker Edwin Jackson, were both killed in the crash.
Indianapolis Colts Linebacker Edwin Jackson. (Photo: Indianapolis Colts)
Indianapolis Colts Linebacker Edwin Jackson. (Photo: Indianapolis Colts)
Detectives discovered the driver gave police false information about his identity. Investigators said the man’s name is actually Manuel Orrego-Savala, a citizen of Guatemala. A background investigation revealed Orrego-Savala has been deported from the United States on two previous occasions. The first deportation occurred in 2007. This was followed by a second deportation in 2009.
Manuel Orrego-Savala is charged with the death of NFL linebacker Edwin Jackson and his driver. (Photo: Indiana State Police)
Manuel Orrego-Savala is charged with the death of NFL linebacker Edwin Jackson and his driver. (Photo: Indiana State Police)

Police believe Monroe was a rideshare operator who picked up Jackson and was taking him home. Monroe apparently pulled his car over to the shoulder to assist Jackson who had become ill. Shortly after that, the truck driven by Orrego-Savala crashed into the back of the car.

Statements from the state police indicate that both victims were outside of their 2018 Lincoln when the crash occurred. The impact threw one of the victims into the center lane of the highway where he was later struck by another vehicle. The coroner’s office pronounced both victims dead at the scene of the crash.

Orrego-Savala reportedly fled the scene on foot but state police troopers found him a short distance away from the scene of the crash and took him into custody. Orrego-Savala had no drivers license, officials stated.

Breitbart Texas reached out to ICE officials to determine if Orrego-Savala has any additional immigration history. A response was not available by the time of this publication.

Jackson, nicknamed “Pound Cake,” recently completed his second season with the Indianapolis Colts.

The Colts said Jackson “loved the game of football and we’re thankful to have been a part of his journey,” in a tweet responding to the news of Jackson’s death.
Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior political news contributor for Breitbart Texas. He is a founding member of the Breitbart Texas team. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTXGab, and Facebook.



    WASHINGTON — A bipartisan pair of senators said they would introduce a new immigration bill Monday in a fresh effort to move negotiations toward a narrow agreement that leaves out more contentious proposals sought by President Donald Trump.

    The government’s current funding expires at 12:01 a.m. Friday. While lawmakers expect to pass another short-term spending bill to keep federal agencies open, they are increasingly frustrated by the gridlock that has prevented them from striking a long-term deal on either immigration or spending levels. Immigration has become entangled in the spending negotiations ever since Trump last year ended an Obama-era program that protects young people who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children.

    Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain, R-Ariz., and Sen. Chris Coons, D- Del., plan to unveil a proposal that offers a path to citizenship for young undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children and orders a comprehensive study to determine what border-security measures are needed. But the bill stops well short of almost all of Trump’s demands — including immediate funding for the wall along the southern border — and is likely to meet a chilly reception from conservative Republicans.

    Still, McCain, who was diagnosed with brain cancer last summer and has been working from Arizona since late 2017, retains powerful sway among his GOP colleagues. His bill with Coons could also benefit from good timing, as the March 5 deadline draws closer and lawmakers grapple with the political consequences of failing to reach any agreement.

  2. INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – Immigration advocates are pushing for Indianapolis to become a “sanctuary city.”

    These advocates say families are being torn apart because of deportations under the Trump administration. That’s why they came to the sheriff’s office looking for answers.

    About 20 people went to the Marion County Sheriff’s Office looking to speak with him.

    They say they don’t want local resources to be used to deport people.

    This is after President Trump’s immigration executive orders and ramped up deportations.

    Sheriff John Layton originally said that he wouldn’t meet with this group but eventually met with them.

    “I am standing with immigrants, Muslims. These are people who are at risk of either being deported or not allowing into this country,” said Joanne Lingle, who went to meet with the sheriff.

    “Bullying never gets anybody anywhere,” said Sheriff Layton after the group stormed into the building. “Shortcutting doesn’t get laws made. And what I’m trying to tell you is you’re at the Marion County Sheriff’s Office. I don’t make laws, I enforce laws. You need to go where they make laws.”

    The sheriff also met with the group in a closed-door meeting.

  3. Soon, I think even now, all Senor Orrego-Savala would need to vote in California is a California Driver's License, which is easily gotten. Maybe he could even run for office.

    This stuff is getting awfully hard to take.

  4. Video - What First Ammendment?

    Republican representative Jeanne Ives, the social and fiscal conservative who’s running to unseat Illinois governor Bruce Rauner, put out a campaign ad so offensive that the chair of the state’s Republican Party is demanding that she take it down and apologize, The Hill reports.

    Titled “Thank You, Bruce Rauner,” the mocking campaign video manages to condense anti-woman, anti-trans, anti-immigrant, and racist sentiments into 60 seconds by referencing progressive bills that Rauner has signed.

    “Thank you for making all Illinois families pay for my abortions,” says a woman wearing a pink pussy hat, a criticism of Rauner’s signature on House Bill 40, which allows for abortions to be publicly funded through state-employee insurance and Medicaid.

    An actor portraying a transgender woman mocks House Bill 1785, which makes it easier for transgender people to change the gender listed on their birth certificates: “Thank you for signing legislation that lets me use the girls’ bathroom.” (To clarify: HB1785 is not a bathroom bill.)

    The video also takes jabs at Rauner’s signature on a Sanctuary State law and a bipartisan school-funding bill, making it a truly remarkable bigoted ad. While Democrats and fellow Illinoisans have expressed disapproval as expected, the campaign ad was even too much for some GOP leaders...

    1. Another Republican (Governor, in this case.) putting the dreams of citizens behind those of illegals.


    2. He's just following Amnesty Don's lead


  5. Pennsylvania will soon have new congressional maps.

    The United States Supreme Court has decided not to block a state court ruling requiring Pennsylvania's legislature to immediately redraw its legislative boundaries.

    Pennsylvania's state Supreme Court had previously ruled those 18 Congressional districts – drawn by a Republican legislature and signed by a Republican governor in 2011 – were overly partisan and violated the state's constitution.

    The state's Democratic governor and Republican-controlled legislature now have until February 15 to draw new lines.

    Now that's a funny "shithole" joke

    Har de har har

  6. Mr. Check and Mrs. BalanceMon Feb 05, 03:09:00 PM EST

    Sounds like a real 'checks and balances' knee slapper but not sure what the punch line is.

  7. DOW bow wow -

    In Memory of W. B. Yeats
    W. H. Auden, 1907 - 1973


    He disappeared in the dead of winter:
    The brooks were frozen, the airports almost deserted,
    And snow disfigured the public statues;
    The mercury sank in the mouth of the dying day.
    What instruments we have agree
    The day of his death was a dark cold day.

    Far from his illness
    The wolves ran on through the evergreen forests,
    The peasant river was untempted by the fashionable quays;
    By mourning tongues
    The death of the poet was kept from his poems.

    But for him it was his last afternoon as himself,
    An afternoon of nurses and rumours;
    The provinces of his body revolted,
    The squares of his mind were empty,
    Silence invaded the suburbs,
    The current of his feeling failed; he became his admirers.

    Now he is scattered among a hundred cities
    And wholly given over to unfamiliar affections,
    To find his happiness in another kind of wood
    And be punished under a foreign code of conscience.
    The words of a dead man
    Are modified in the guts of the living.

    But in the importance and noise of to-morrow
    When the brokers are roaring like beasts on the floor of the
    And the poor have the sufferings to which they are fairly
    And each in the cell of himself is almost convinced of his
    A few thousand will think of this day
    As one thinks of a day when one did something slightly unusual.

    What instruments we have agree
    The day of his death was a dark cold day.


    You were silly like us; your gift survived it all:
    The parish of rich women, physical decay,
    Yourself. Mad Ireland hurt you into poetry.
    Now Ireland has her madness and her weather still,
    For poetry makes nothing happen: it survives
    In the valley of its making where executives
    Would never want to tamper, flows on south
    From ranches of isolation and the busy griefs,
    Raw towns that we believe and die in; it survives,
    A way of happening, a mouth.


    Earth, receive an honoured guest:
    William Yeats is laid to rest.
    Let the Irish vessel lie
    Emptied of its poetry.

    In the nightmare of the dark
    All the dogs of Europe bark,
    And the living nations wait,
    Each sequestered in its hate;

    Intellectual disgrace
    Stares from every human face,
    And the seas of pity lie
    Locked and frozen in each eye.

    Follow, poet, follow right
    To the bottom of the night,
    With your unconstraining voice
    Still persuade us to rejoice;

    With the farming of a verse
    Make a vineyard of the curse,
    Sing of human unsuccess
    In a rapture of distress;

    In the deserts of the heart
    Let the healing fountain start,
    In the prison of his days
    Teach the free man how to praise.

    1. In the deserts of the heart
      Let the healing fountain start,
      In the prison of his days
      Teach the free man how to praise.

    2. You hadn't heard ?

      Yeah, in the scheme of things, just recently.

  8. The market is obviously being manipulated by 'the insiders'.

    I suspect Quirk is backstage, pulling his strings again !

    1. .

      The perils of tying your story to the market.

      January is a memory. The S&P is down 7% in two days.

      Turning and turning in the widening gyre
      The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
      Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
      Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
      The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
      The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
      The best lack all conviction, while the worst
      Are full of passionate intensity.

      But as another poet, a Persian Sufi poet, said a long time ago...

      'This too shall pass.'

      (Hopefully, I'll still have a little money left when it does.)


  9. GOP Rep. Ratcliffe Calls on James Comey to Come Back Before Congress and Testify after He is Caught Lying Under Oath (VIDEO)

    On September 28th, 2016, Texas GOP Rep. John Ratcliffe asked former FBI Director James Comey the following (simple) question:

    “Director, did you make the decision not to recommend criminal charges relating to classified information before or after Hillary Clinton was interviewed by the FBI on July 2nd?”

    Comey’s answer under oath:


    Here’s the video:


    It is now clear that this was a lie and Comey knew for months that Democrat Hillary Clinton would face no charges for her handling of classified information.

    On Sunday Rep. John Ratcliffe weighed in on former FBI Director James Comey’s lies under oath to Congress.

    Rep. Ratcliffe: I want to give him the opportunity to come back and clarify his testimony when he said very clearly, what I know now, was that he had written an exoneration memo before he had given that testimony saying he wasn’t going to charge her.

    I’ve seen text messages and I’ve seen emails and I have received testimony from other witnesses that are all inconsistent with that testimony he gave to me under oath. So he needs to have the opportunity to come back and either clarify his testimony or insert his own Fifth Amendment right.


    1. .

      What DOJ/FBI Corruption?


    2. I’ve seen text messages and I’ve seen emails and I have received testimony from other witnesses that are all inconsistent with that testimony he gave to me under oath. So he needs to have the opportunity to come back and either clarify his testimony or insert his own Fifth Amendment right.


    3. If Deuce skips to minute six in that video and watches for two minutes, he'll stroke out.

    4. I think Quirk might consider asserting his own 5th Amendment rights. He's been pulling our legs for too long.

      ho ho ho

    5. DON'T watch that video, Deuce.

      You are loved and needed by us all.

    6. The guy loves to lie.
      In this case under oath, but:


      Who are we to judge?


    7. .

      You boys are nutz. Try and get your heads screwed on straight. Ignore what you wish and try an think about reality.


    8. Comey:

      "We live in a fact based World, it's hard to react to that which we don't have, so that's my reaction"



      What obstruction of justice???


    9. Quirk:

      As far as others specifically named in the memo…


      "The only actions I see Comey could be legally liable for was in leaking his conversations with the president. Trump and the GOP argue that info was protected by executive privilege. I find that opinion pretty weak and doubt it would fly in court. Based on history and precedent, I doubt he will even be charged."


  10. Reminder -

    Political Predictions for the 2020 Presidential Race

    1. Trump's RCP average polls for presidential favorability, job approval,
    and direction of country will continue to be locked in the 30% - 40%

    2. Fearing his chances of winning, Trump will opt out of running for a
    second term in 2020.

    3. Trump will cite his reasons for not running as having already become
    the most successful and beloved president in US history, his need to get
    back to managing his vast commercial empire, the fact that he has already
    solved most of the US' major problems to the extent that all that is left
    is the need for some minor clean up that any moron could accomplish
    without him, and that he really wants to devote more time to his family.

    4. If beyond all reason Trump decides to run for reelection, he will lose.
    Soundly lose.

    This expert analysis is provided by Quirk aka The Quirkster in conjunction
    with Magic 8-Ball Prediction Services, Ltd (Cayman Islands).

    1. Magic 8 Ball Prediction Services, LtdMon Feb 05, 05:37:00 PM EST

      Cheap at $100 per prediction.

  11. Quirk:

    "The FISA request for a warrant to spy on Page came a month after Page had already left the Trump campaign. The only way the Feds could spy on ALL OF TRUMP CAMPAIGN is if ALL OF TRUMP CAMPAIGN got on a conference call with Page while the Feds were listening in. But we know that wouldn't happen. Trump says he never met Page and doesn't know anything about him. His staff says Page was a low level advisor who was never actually officially on the Trump team. Who to believe?"


    Good to know you're aware of calendars, phone taps, and CONFERENCE CALLS!

    Have you heard about email and email servers?

    Only way my ass.

    ...they just got the warrant multiple times because they were obsessed with Carter Page! ...not.

    You do get credit for an accurate retelling of the WaPo argument, however.

    ...minus two points though, 'cause you left out the Four Pinocchios.

    In other words, the surveillance began long after Page had supposedly left the campaign. Trump denies he ever met or spoke to Page. So it’s hard to see how a court order on a former campaign adviser — less than three weeks before the election — would constitute spying on the campaign.
    For the MSM and their mindless followers!

    (You don't know who you are.)

    1. ...that last is from the WaPo, from which Quirk obtained his faux "enlightenedment."


    3. If the WaPo says 4 Pinocchios, by God it's false as Hell.

    4. .

      You do get credit for an accurate retelling of the WaPo argument, however.

      Once again, Doug, you prove you ignorance and tendency to jump to conclusions, in most case, the wrong conclusion.

      The fact is since RCP/RCW often uses the WaPo as source for many of the articles on their blog I am usually beyond my 10 free articles within the 1st day or 2 of the month. I haven't read anything from the Post for the past few days.

      As the result of your abnormal fixation on the MSM (read WaPo, NYT, and CNN in Doug-speak) you fail to realize that the Nunes Memo has been the biggest story dominating the news since it came out, even surpassing the Michigan State/Nassar scandal. You can't open your computer or turn on your TV without having it shoved in your face. And though it might surprise you, there are other news sources out there.

      Beyond that, there is this...

      You do get credit for an accurate retelling of the WaPo argument, however...

      What nonsense. I can't pull up the link you put up for the reason cited; however, if the similarities you state do exist, the only explanation possible is that it was the WaPo retelling 'my' arguments.

      Try and get up to speed, old timer.


    5. .

      Good to know you're aware of calendars, phone taps, and CONFERENCE CALLS!

      Have you heard about email and email servers?

      Sorry, Doug, once again I don't get point.


      The discussion was about Carter Page and Nunes Memo.


    6. Yes it is, and spying on the Trump campaign.

      Think: Page emails on Trump's servers.

    7. .

      Good to know you're aware of calendars, phone taps, and CONFERENCE CALLS!

      Yes, Doug, also known as facts (perhaps with a touch of whimsical hyperbole added for humor). I know that facts sometimes interfere with the retelling of a good conspiracy theory, and for that I apologize.

      [By the way, are you aware you are yelling again? Just saying.]


    8. Are you aware you're sounding really pompous for being WRONG?


    9. Try again:

      Think Carter Page emails.

    10. .

      You are yelling again, Dougo.

      You might want to look into anger management classes.

      Perhaps, you can talk Trump into going with you.


    11. .

      Carter Page emails?

      Who on Trump's team would be communicating with Carter Page a month after he departed? He wasn't even officially on the team. Trump never heard of the guy, never met him. It's rumored that all he got when he left was a pen with 'Trump Tower' printed on it and a picture of Trump (wallet sized).

      What's wrong with you?


    12. Devastating rejoinder, still clueless, so here's a clue in the form of a question:

      How would the FBI access Carter Page emails?

  12. Quirk was right about the stock market.

    When it gets up into the stratosphere, a 1,000 points can come and go pretty darn fast.

    1. .

      Of course.

      Back in 1987, the market had a 600+ drop in one day. That represented a 22% drop.

      To get that kind of drop today, the Dow would have had to drop by 6,000.


  13. Planets detected outside Milky Way for first time...

    More Than A Trillion Exist?....DRUDGE

    SCIENTIFIC BREAKTHROUGH: 2,000 planets detected outside Milky Way Galaxy
    THOUSANDS of planets have been detected outside of the Milky Way Galaxy for the first time in a landmark discovery by a group of esteemed astronomers.
    PUBLISHED: 17:12, Mon, Feb 5, 2018 | UPDATED: 17:33, Mon, Feb 5, 2018

    Magnitude and meaning are two different thingys.

    The Hindus knew this centuries ago.

    1. .

      I hope they haven't spotted mine. Don't want any more immigrants coming in and ruining the neighborhood.


  14. Comey’s Former Special Assistant Lands Gig at CNN After Resigning From FBI and Trashes Trump


    The MSM is not biased


    1. .

      You Just Can't Make it Up

      Hilarious...but not surprising that you would consider a 'cable news station' with half the viewers of Fox, a station that in the past year has struggled (and sometimes failed) to hold on to the number two spot in 'cable news', yea that channel, can be identified as MSM).


    2. Not as removed from reality as "your" Carter Page arguments.

    3. ...or you contention that Comey has broken no laws.

  15. Marie Harf-Barf must have a new makeup artist. She looks pretty good, better than in her 'justice demands jobs for jihadis' jive period.

    I think I saw her on Fox, of all places.

  16. This TUES and WED, Feb 6 and 7, the COS resolution will be heard in Idaho for the
    first time ever! We're meeting in the Liberty Auditorium.

    COS Idaho is disrupting business as usual!!

    Our committee hearing is scheduled over two days, Feb. 6 & Feb. 7.

    And, we’ve had to change rooms, because there’s just so many of us!!

    Come be the talk of the Statehouse, and meet with us in the Lincoln Auditorium each
    day at 7:00 AM MST. The hearing begins at 8:00 AM MST, and we'll be finished each
    day before lunch.

    For the first time ever, our Convention of States resolution (HCR32) will be heard
    by the Idaho House State Affairs Committee.

    Don't you want to be there? You need to show the committee members that you are
    serious when you insist that Idaho joins the Convention of States movement in 2018!

    You got your Idaho legislator's attention last month when you rallied at the


    ( )
    For Liberty!

    Janis Helfman
    Convention of States Idaho
    State Director
    (208) 297-7124


  17. Man oh man!

    There's been a big Trump Dump over the past two trading days on Wall Street.

    666 + 1175 = 1841

    Trillions in equity - wiped out

    The BIG Trump Dump!

  18. Quirk knows his stocks.

    He says 1,000 here a 1,000 there doesn't mean much when you're in the 25-30,000 stratosphere.

    He's right.

    A week of that - that would mean something.

    Big new 2nd breaking memo news on Hannity

    1. It's simple math.

      The higher the DOW the deeper the drop must be to mean much.

    2. Largest single day dump, in history.

      A two day dump of around 8%.

      It's a Historic, Record Breaking Trump Dump.

      The BIGGEST dump, ever.

      Claim credit for the rise
      Catch the blame for the fall.

      Just one reason why Mr Reagan waited THREE YEARS before taking credit for the economy.

      Cadet Bone Spur took credit for gains made during the Obama Presidency.

      The largest dump in history.

      The Trump Dump

      Har de har har

    3. You just don't get it.

      If one is flying along at 25,000-30,000 feet and drops a couple thousand you're still way up in the air.

      Some people call it a 'correction'.

      If it continues then begin to worry in a few days.

      Personally, I think Quirk is just pulling the strings behind the stage for the kicks he gets out of it.

      Dow Jones Finishes Above 1,000 - The New York Times
      OTHER HEADLINES. Kissinger Talks to the President on Truce Session: He Also Confers With Other Officials Before Round of Negotiations in Paris: Tho Stopping In Peking: South Vietnamese Aide, Leaving for Parley, Says Changes in Draft Are Necessary. City Relief Rolls Were Up Only 392 This September: Rise ...

      I go back a ways.

      Henry was the guy who said a peaceful moslem is one that's out of ammo.

    4. .

      Look at the bright side, Trump probably won't be tweeting about the market for a while. Well, unless he can figure out some way to blame the dip on Adam Schiff.

      If we are real lucky maybe even Bob won't be talking up 'Trump's Market'.


    5. You're my Merrill Lynch, bro.

      I just pop some bucks in the account

      and watch you make it gro.

    6. .

      Yea, I'd like to talk to you about that.

      You know I've always said we're a team, you and me; and I'm sorry to say it teammate but the team got hit a little harder than the market in general.

      But, not to worry. It's not like you lost all your money way back in 1987. That would have been really shitty. The market's a lot higher now so it doesn't hurt as much.

      By the way, since your account was closed out, I sent you new forms to open up another one.

      We are going to kill it next time, big guy.


    7. You were really able to make the postage ?

      Nothing has shown up here yet.

      I'll keep my eye out....

    8. .

      Well, actually...mmm...sent collect. Sorry.


    9. Probably in transit back to you then.

      I've been a little low myself lately.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. "Barack Obama has gone into the Witness Protection Program. No one even knows where he is anymore".

      Mark Levin, The Great One, on Hannity

    2. Probly living off the land with his bro in Nigeria.

  20. Quirk Mon Feb 05, 09:24:00 PM EST

    Carter Page emails?

    Who on Trump's team would be communicating with Carter Page a month after he departed? He wasn't even officially on the team. Trump never heard of the guy, never met him. It's rumored that all he got when he left was a pen with 'Trump Tower' printed on it and a picture of Trump (wallet sized).

    What's wrong with you?


    Wrong AGAIN. (Begin WHINE about "shouting" :-)

    1. Who would have prevented the FBI from looking for Page emails from the time he arrived to the end of the investigation?

    2. Where would they look for them?

    1. .

      Good lord, Doug, what's wrong with you?

      You appear to be having flashbacks to Watergate and your days in the CRP. Does your radio still work of vacuum tubes?

      Where would they look for them?

      Well, gee, I don't know but I think you'll find that any warrant the FBI obtained would be restricted to calls to and from Page.


    2. .

      As for text messages and emails, the same applies. If the Trump team aren't in contact with Page they have nothing to worry about.


    3. Idiot.

      It gave the FBI access to Trump servers.

    4. ...the reason for the bogus FISA Application.

    5. I ask where they would look for Page emails...

      You "respond:"

      Where would they look for them?

      "Where would they look for them?

      Well, gee, I don't know but I think you'll find that any warrant the FBI obtained would be restricted to calls to and from Page."


    6. .

      You're nutz.

      You talking about some Mark Levin conspiracy theory or something. Please provide details. I haven't seen anything about that story.

      There was some talk about the Trump Tower server but that was tied to the Russians on the 63rd (?) floor and that strange activity by that Russian bank or something.

      But When I ran a search on 'FBI wiretaps Trump server' all I could come up with was this.

      If you have more details, let me know and I will apologize for the nutz comment (at least as it applies to this issue).


    7. .

      Explain how an FBI FISA warrant on Page issued a month after Page left the Trump team allows the FBI access to the Trump server unless the Trump team in in conversation with Page.


    8. He didn't have to be in conversation at the time it was issued, but he had been before.

      The original Slate story about an email server allegedly inside Trump Tower and communicating with a Russian bank, first published in October, is back in the headlines this week after Donald Trump made the surreal claim that President Obama had wiretapped Trump Tower just before election day.

      Obama could not have done any such thing, but as we’ve reported, there is evidence that a federal judge granted a FISA warrant in October in relation to that server. So what does Carter Page have to do with this?

      The Trump Tower Russian email server in question saw spikes in traffic whenever Carter Page traveled to Russia, according to a scientist who has analyzed the data pattern. The server was then permanently shut down on September 23rd. Three days later, Carter Page announced he had left the Donald Trump campaign, claiming that the mounting questions about his Russian connections had become a distraction.

  21. He was arrested by ICE in San Francisco in October 2006 for being in the country illegally. He was removed to Guatemala for the first time on Jan. 17, 2007.

    He was again arrested by ICE in San Francisco on March 26, 2009, for the same reason and was removed to Guatemala for a second time on May 12, 2009.

    It is unknown when he returned to the U.S. again and at what point he arrived in Indiana.


    In a just World, he would not be "removed to Guatemala" again this time.

    The bastard would be SHOT. (Quirk Whine Alert)

    1. ...he blew a .239

  22. ...still refuses to address Comey's LAWBREAKING!

    1. .

      DougMon Feb 05, 08:02:00 PM EST
      ...or you contention that Comey has broken no laws.

      QuirkMon Feb 05, 09:28:00 PM EST

      What laws, Doug?

      You are lapsing into nonspecificity again, Doug. What crimes are you yelling that Comey is guilty of?


    2. You are skipping comments: I linked to articles detailing Comey lying under oath, ie committing perjury.

    3. ,

      That crap.

      I couldn't believe you were serious.


    4. Doug watched a video on YouTube about Hillary having Parkinson's and thus, He proclaimed, the MSM was lying about Hillary and Trump. Of course he was serious!

  23. "Largest single day dump, in history.

    A two day dump of around 8%.

    It's a Historic, Record Breaking Trump Dump.

    The BIGGEST dump, ever.

    Claim credit for the rise
    Catch the blame for the fall.

    Just one reason why Mr Reagan waited THREE YEARS before taking credit for the economy.

    Cadet Bone Spur took credit for gains made during the Obama Presidency.

    The largest dump in history.

    The Trump Dump

    Har de har har

    Here is some simple math 25 - 8 = 17

    The 1987 fall was 25% following 11% the previous week. Your obvious glee that the market fell at all is hardly surprising but at least get your facts straight. Losing 25 cents on the dollar is hardly the same as losing 8 cents on the dollar.

  24. I was just going to mention the Big Drop of '87......was just reading about it.

    1. Kinda vaguely remember it but I was in love at the time....

  25. February 5, 2018
    The read of the day: Sharyl Attkisson on the FBI's 'strict' guidelines for FISA warrants

    By Thomas Lifson

    It turns out that the FISA court warrant applications for secret surveillance of Carter Page, and through him, the Trump campaign, may have violated the elaborate internal FBI procedural safeguards put in place by – hold your breath! – Robert Mueller. I will respect her work by limiting the excerpts here and sending you to her column in The Hill laying out her journalistic digging. It is the essential read of the day.

    There are strict rules requiring that each and every fact presented in an FBI request to electronically spy on a U.S. citizen be extreme-vetted for accuracy — and presented to the court only if verified. (snip)

    Presentation of any such unverified material to the Federal Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court to justify a wiretap would appear to violate crucial procedural rules, called “Woods Procedures,” designed to protect U.S. citizens.

    Yet Comey allegedly signed three of the FISA applications on behalf of the FBI. Deputy Director Andrew McCabe reportedly signed one and former Attorney General Sally Yates, then-Acting Deputy Attorney General Dana Boente and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein each reportedly signed one or more. (snip)

    Woods Procedures were named for Michael Woods, the FBI official who drafted the rules as head of the Office of General Counsel’s National Security Law Unit. They were instituted in April 2001 to “ensure accuracy with regard to … the facts supporting probable cause” after recurring instances, presumably inadvertent, in which the FBI had presented inaccurate information to the FISA court.

    Best all, the Woods Procedures were implemented by none other than Robert Mueller, as head of the FBI.

    This would seem to indicate that Mueller should be intimately aware of the corrupt origins of his own investigation, the “fruit of the poisonous tree,” as the law calls it.

    Sharyl Attkisson is a national treasure!

    1. Mueller, Rosenstein, Comey.....etc....all a big farce.

  26. Leave Right Now or Arm Yourself to the Teeth: Life in Caracas
    A twist of the radio dial reveals a grim reality.

    By Fabiola Zerpa
    February 5, 2018, 2:00 AM PST

    Editor’s Note: There are few places as chaotic or dangerous as Venezuela. “Life in Caracas” is a new series of short stories that seeks to capture the surreal quality of living in a land in total disarray.

    As a child growing up in Venezuela, I loved listening to the radio. I found the voices, and the tales they spun, hypnotizing.

    Now, it’s torture. Especially the ads. At times, it seems as if they’re all instructing me to flee the country. Immediately. In one of them, a woman offers to find a home for me to buy in Florida. In another, I’m told that, for a small fee, U.S. visas for the whole family can be mine. Then there’s the one with the lawyers promising to help me land a job abroad. Oh wait, here’s a guy who isn’t trying to ship me overseas: He’s telling me I should turn my Toyota Corolla into an armored vehicle.

    Fabiola Zerpa drives through her neighborhood in Caracas.Photographer: Fabiola Ferrero/Bloomberg
    When it’s not the ads, it’s President Nicolas Maduro taking over the airwaves for a Castro-esque, rambling speech that can drag on for hours. Or it’s the “Homeland News Program,” which blares state propaganda across all airwaves twice a day.

    There’s little left now of the rich radio scene of yesteryear. Over the last decade, scores of programs—and entire stations—have been driven off the air by censorship, harassment and the purchase of media outlets by groups close to the socialist government. Those that didn’t come under attack were done in by the economic collapse. My favorite shows featuring comedy and political parody disappeared. Ditto for the one on film and theater. The jazz station I loved was nationalized.

    What’s emerged in their place is all so alien to me. The endless shows praising Maduro’s latest edicts, the 1970s music paying tribute to socialism and, of course, those damn ads.

    Blended together into a single message, they’re telling me that life is either to be lived elsewhere or it’s to be lived in fear. The voice of the armored-car guy keeps popping into my head. “Since medieval times, armor and shields have played an important role in history’s difficult moments,” he tells me. “How much is your security worth?”


  27. Oh, by the bye ...

    DOW Futures reporting in

    Looks like there'll be another 1,000 point DUMP at the market opening, in the morning

    The SUPER Trump Dump of 2018.

    Will Cadet Bone Spur be able to take credit for a 3,000 point dump in just three days?

    It would be historic . .

    New York style ...
    Big & Steamy!
