Sunday, February 04, 2018

The US Media Mindless Fealty to the Rancid Hillary Clinton

The Sunday Morning Media Anger Fest Against Constitutional Government:

"All of this is about Hillary Clinton, not supposed to lose, but beaten by Donald Trump. None of it stops until Hillary Clinton is indicted, arrested, tried, convicted and locked-up."


  1. In Trump vs. the FBI, Trump Will Lose

    New York Times-Feb 1, 2018

    He might win the battle with the bureau over the pending release of a scurrilous memo concocted by Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee, a cudgel created to attack everyone who's been in charge of the federal investigation of Team Trump. He may try to fire them all. But he won't win the war.

    Wrong whores. The American left and Trump hating sycophants have underestimated Trump every step down the escalator at Trump Tower to his decision to expose the cockroaches on the seventh floor of the Jedgar. The left completely fails to comprehend the support for Trump amongst the American traditionalists people, the US military and law enforcement.

    Trump needs to show there is no compromise with his lawless enemies in the DOJ, FBI, DOS and every federal agency. I am not talking about political opposition. I am talking about those from Obama and Clinton on down the line who feel that they were above the law. Start with those that did Obama and Clintons dirty work. Get rid of Rosenstein and Muller, put Sessions out to pasture and bring in some State talent not corrupted by Washington.


  2. Withdrawing from Manbij is “not something we’re looking into,” General Joseph Votel, the head of U.S. Central Command, told CNN. “Wherever U.S. troops are, they’re going to be able to defend themselves,” General Kenneth McKenzie, joint staff director at the Pentagon, told reporters on Jan. 25.


    1. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan launched an offensive there last month against U.S.-backed Kurdish fighters, he started in an area where American troops aren’t embedded with their allies.

      But he said the operation will soon extend further east, to the town of Manbij, where they are.
      “We’ll press against terrorists without taking into consideration who’s next to them,”
      Erdogan said Jan. 30. Several ministers have made the same point.

  3. .

    The Pity Party

    The Big Whine continues. Realistically, it's extremely difficult (if not impossible) to get either a collusion or an obstruction of justice conviction in a political case. Trump could have sailed through this thing without saying a word. But that's not Trump. It's not his MO. It's not the sycophants and toadies that support him, its not the base that ignores their lying eyes and shout, "Thank you, sir, may I have another."

    With every tweet Trump puts out it makes him look more guilty, of something. In the past year, I can't think of a group Trump hasn't blamed for something at one time or another, the Dems, the Media, every one of his appointees, the various parts of the GOP, leadership in the House and the Senate, the FBI, the DOJ, allies, enemies (with the exception of Russia), his own chief-of-staff, his communications team, immigrants including refuges, foreign leaders, Obama, Hillary. you name it.

    And the Trumpkins continue the assault, attacking anyone and everyone in the mistaken opinion that if you make everyone else look bad enough it will somehow make Trump look good.

    It won't.



    The only group he hasn't verbally abused is his base and there he simply prefers to give it to them in the ass.

    1. Whoa, avert your deplorable eyes lads, sycophants, toadies, trumpkins and all other know un-quirks, lest you be blinded by the light that has just come down from on high.


  4. Carter Page Touted Kremlin Contacts in 2013 Letter

    Mr Trump knows his people and only the best work for him.


  5. .

    The Nunes Memo

    Both sides are talking about the Nunes memo, one side praising it and one side berating it. It's is easy to become confused in the cacophony surrounding it.

    There is a solution. Read it.

    It is only 3 1/2 pages long. Read it slowly and carefully. Determine what is mere 'assertion' and what is stated fact, what is implied and what is proven. Ignore what people tell you it says and means and determine those things for yourself. Ignore the assumptions and concentrate on the facts. In other words, think.

    I realize this is asking a lot of some here but try.

    It should be pretty clear what substance the memo holds.


    1. I never thought of actually reading it. Once again, thanks for your scholarly interpretation for those of us trapped in the vulgate.

    2. I'll have someone read it to me.

  6. Does THE MAGIC 8 BALL have anything to say about today's BIG GAME, and, if not, what's the scuttle down at Ye Olde Mafia Barber Shoppe ?

  7. It's asking way too much.

    I just want a reliable line on something important like The Big Game.

    That might be turned into a profit.

  8. .

    When asked "Will the best team win?"

    The Magic 8-Ball responded...

    ...wait for it...


    You're welcome.


    1. Hey,thanks !

      You usually charge a hundred bucks for that philosophical type advice.

      That I can use as security for a bank loan.

  9. Who likes football teams staffed by foreign mercenaries? - 2/4/18
    The Philadelphia Eagles are not from Philadelphia. More

    The Philadelphia Eagles are not from Philadelphia. The New England Patriots are not from New England, much less Massachusetts. Instead, players hail from all over the country or even from other countries. Nearly all players are foreign to the states and cities they claim to represent.

    Football is the ultimate game of identity politics. People from Pennsylvania support the Eagles because they are geographical cohorts. But most or all of the "Philadelphia Eagles" are simply people from outside Philadelphia who have been hired to play for Philadelphia; they are essentially foreign mercenaries.....

    1. .

      Another reason no intelligent person reads the ATM.


    2. Not a single Eagles player sat or knelt during the national anthem this season.

    3. .

      I understand you might not understand it old boy, but this is America. They are allowed to.


  10. Rancid Rodham has a nice ring to it.

  11. What the hell ????

    This game is going to be played INSIDE in 70 something degree 'weather' !

    The whole world has gone to hell.

    Quirk and I could play in that kind of weather.

  12. February 4, 2018
    ‘All I know is murder’
    By Colin Flaherty

    Everything you need to know about the Super Bowl can be found in the rap hit “Dreams and Nightmares,” by Meek Mill. But which more truthfully could be named after a line in the song: "The Murder Game" or "All I Know Is Murder."

    Everything about how far professional football has fallen and how the NFL celebrates the obscene, the vulgar, the dangerous, and the foolish will be on full display as that song blares as the Eagles take the field.

    This song that the Eagle players have chosen is about guns, drugs, money, bitches, and murder, over and over and over. Just like the rest of Meek Mill songs, which also include a healthy dollop of the evils of the white man.

    We do not know whether the Eagles will be kneeling prior to the big game as they have during the season. Or whether they will be following the dictates of their union which, after accepting $100 million from the owners, decided that white racism and police brutality were not so bad after all.

    Meek Mill will not be there. He’s in the joint. The slammer. All for a violating his parole over and over and over. All for committing crimes over and over and over.....

  13. Replies
    1. Clean and soft and smooth as a school marm's leg.

    2. .

      Ah, "The Big Whine" is in da house.


  14. HONOLULU (AP) — The FBI is investigating four Honolulu police officers who are accused of forcing a man to place his mouth on a urinal inside a public restroom, according to the police department's top official.

    Honolulu Police Chief Susan Ballard said another officer reported the suspected misconduct after the officers responded to a complaint Sunday afternoon of a person trespassing in the restroom.

    1. .

      The Big Whine:

      They officers were no doubt framed if the FBI is involved. Let those guys go. give them back their toilet seat and plunger.



    The House’s top investigator on Sunday said the FBI failed to notify a surveillance court it was relying on material funded by Democrats and the Hillary Clinton campaign when it asked to snoop on an adviser tied to the Trump campaign.

    Rep. Trey Gowdy, South Carolina Republican and chairman of the House Oversight Committee, also said judges wouldn’t have authorized and repeatedly renewed a warrant to spy on the former Trump aide, Carter Page, if it hadn’t been for that very material, compiled by investigator Christopher Steele in a controversial dossier.

    “They could have easily said it was the DNC and Hillary Clinton. That would have been really easy,” Mr. Gowdy told CBS’s Face the Nation, referring to footnotes in the agents’ request to the court. “It took longer to explain it the way they did, than if they just come right out and said, ‘Hillary Clinton for America and DNC paid for it.’ But they didn’t do that.”

    Mr. Gowdy was involved in drafting a four-page memo by the House Intelligence Committee that details the FBI’s decision to rely in part on Clinton-backed material to spy on Mr. Page in October 2016. It also explores the role of top Justice Department officials in renewing those snooping powers.

    President Trump says the memo “totally vindicates” him, as he’s dogged by claims his campaign colluded with Russians in 2016.
    Yet it’s kicking up a political firestorm, with Democrats chastising its lead author, Rep. Devin Nunes of California, for peeling back the curtain on the secretive U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and its sensitive processes.

  16. President Trump and President Truman is spelled almost the same.

  17. Dozens more claim Larry Nassar abused them as FBI inquiry inched along – report

    FBI was alerted by USA Gymnastics in 2015 but little changed until a local newspaper exposed him the following year

    At least 40 girls and women said they were molested by sports doctor Larry Nassar over 14 months while the FBI at the same time was aware he had been accused of molesting gymnasts, it was reported on Saturday.

    The FBI became aware of Nassar in July 2015 when it was contacted by USA Gymnastics, which trains athletes for the Olympics. But he wasn’t publicly exposed until the Indianapolis Star published a victim’s allegations in September 2016, the New York Times reported.

    In the meantime, Nassar continued to see young female athletes, especially gymnasts, or dancers while working at Michigan State University. USA Gymnastics, where he was a team doctor, cut ties with him in 2015.

    Asked why families and coaches weren’t alerted, W. Jay Abbott, who led the FBI office in Indianapolis, said: “That’s where things can get tricky.”

    “There is a duty to warn those who might be harmed in the future,” said Abbott, who retired in January. “But everyone is still trying to ascertain whether a crime has been committed.”

    He said “everybody has rights here”, including Nassar.

  18. "All of this is about Hillary Clinton, not supposed to lose, but beaten by Donald Trump. None of it stops until Hillary Clinton is indicted, arrested, tried, convicted and locked-up."

    1. .


      Two innocents wandering around in Trump-land playing the blame game. Brings back memories of 'Pizzagate' and the 'Seth Rich Hit Job'.


    The memo has been released, now it’s time to release everything.
    February 2, 2018 Daniel Greenfield

    The Democrats and the media spent a week lying to the American people about the “memo.”

    The memo was full of "classified information" and releasing” it would expose “our spying methods." By “our,” they didn’t mean American spying methods. They meant Obama’s spying methods.

    A former White House Ethics Lawyer claimed that the Nunes memo would undermine "national security." On MSNBC, Senator Chris Van Hollen threatened that if the memo is released, the FBI and DOJ “will refuse to share information with the House and Senate Intelligence Committees."

    Senator Cory Booker howled that releasing the memo was "treasonous" and might be "revealing sources and methods" and even "endangering fellow Americans in the intelligence community."

    The memo isn’t treasonous. It reveals a treasonous effort by the Democrats to use our intelligence agencies to rig an election and overturn the will of the voters.

    The only two “sources” 29 are Christopher Steele, who was funded by the Clinton campaign, and a Yahoo News article, that were used to obtain a FISA warrant against a Trump associate. That Yahoo story came from Michael Isikoff, the reporter who knew about Bill Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky but suppressed it. It was based on more leaks from Steele which the FBI and DOJ chose to ignore. Steele’s identity was already well known. The only new source revealed is Yahoo News.

    No vital intelligence sources were compromised at Yahoo News. And no Yahoo News agents were killed.

    The media spent a week lying to Americans about the dangers of the memo because it didn’t want them to find out what was inside. Today, the media and Dems switched from claiming that the memo was full of “classified information” that might get CIA agents killed to insisting that it was a dud and didn’t matter. Oh what tangled webs we weave when first we practice to deceive.

    On Thursday, the narrative was that the memo would devastate our national security and no one should ever be allowed to read it. By Friday, the new narrative was that the memo tells us nothing important and we shouldn’t even bother reading it. The lies change, but suppressing the memo remains the goal.

    Rep. Nadler, infamous for securing pardons for Weather Underground bombers, got caught between narratives when he insisted that the memo was “overhyped,” but suggested that it “endangers national security.” "I don't think anybody will be terribly shocked by what's in the memo," he told CNN.....

  20. Great News !

    Canada Moves To Make Its National Anthem Gender Neutral

    The day of national liberation is at hand up north.

    1. Zahira Kelly-Cabrera to Speak at Womxn of Color Conference 2018

      Associated Students’ Womxn’s Commission will be hosting its annual Womxn of Color Conference this Saturday, Feb. 3, honoring self-identifying women of color while bringing awareness to their intersectional struggles.

      The conference will be composed of workshops, speakers and free meals and it will last from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Workshops will address issues such as navigating what it means to be a minority womxn and promoting self-love.

      This will be the conference’s sixth consecutive year at UCSB.

      “Our keynote speaker is a badass, and I’m sure after hearing her speak we will all be pumped up and ready to get the day started,” third-year political science and art double major Siboney Arias, a Herstorian on the board, said in an email.

      The Womxn of Color Conference will be held at the Student Resource Building on Saturday, providing a space to discuss what it means to be a minority womxn and promote self love . Nexus File Photo
      Associated Students’ Womxn’s Commission will be hosting its annual Womxn of Color Conference this Saturday, Feb. 3, honoring self-identifying women of color while bringing awareness to their intersectional struggles.

      The conference will be composed of workshops, speakers and free meals and it will last from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Workshops will address issues such as navigating what it means to be a minority womxn and promoting self-love.

      This will be the conference’s sixth consecutive year at UCSB.

      Zahira Kelly-Cabrera, an AfroDominicana writer, artist and international speaker, will kick off the conference by speaking about white-supremacist capitalist heteropatriarchy and what it means to minority women.

      KCSB will be also be hosting its own “Herstories” through a music workshop, during which Radio Xicana will give tips on how to use the radio as a platform for women of color.

      Many workshops are open to all, but some spaces specify the identifications they are open to. The Womxn of Color Conference website explains the status of each event...

    2. RCSGD Discusses Future at Queer Town Hall

      The Resource Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity (RCSGD) held its first quarterly Queer Town Hall on Thursday since its separation from the Women’s Gender and Sexual Equity Department (WGSE) during Fall Quarter.

      The organization’s current name will be changed later this year.

      “The RCSGD title had previously fit the student body but may no longer accommodate the communities’ needs,” said Hikaru Ezra Merin, the Transforce task coordinator.

      Merin explained that it may be difficult for students to tell their friends or family members “I work at the Resource Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity,” which is why a slightly more ambiguous or “non-outing” title should be established...


  21. "It" is not about Hillary

    "It" is all about the CONSPIRACY between the Trump Team and Team Putin.

    A CONSPIRACY discribed as TREASONOUS, by Steve Bannon, who had been Trump's campaign manager and Chief Strategist in the White House. A fellow that was in a position to "know"

    That is what "It" is all about.

    Har de har har



  23. Oh, I mentioned it previously, the chickens are heading over to the roost at Cambridge Analytica.

    The Mueller investigation has scrutinized more tech companies than just Facebook.

    The special counsel asked Cambridge Analytica, a company that provided data analytics for the Trump campaign and also embedded staff in San Antonio, to provide email records.

    Among the curiosities of Cambridge Analytica's involvement in the campaign is that its CEO, Alexander Nix, reportedly contacted WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange during the election in hopes of collaborating on the organization and release of hacked emails related to Hillary Clinton.

    US intelligence agencies say that Russian actors stole those emails, creating a link between Mueller's investigation and Nix's actions.

    According to a Cambridge spokesperson, the company did reach out to the speakers bureau that represents Assange, after he claimed to possess leaked material related to the election on television. The speakers bureau denied the request, according to the spokesperson. "No one from Cambridge Analytica has ever been in ​direct ​contact with ​​Wikileaks," the spokesperson said. Cambridge declined to comment on Mueller's investigation.

    Remember that Team Trump knew that Team Putin had stolen the "dirt" on Hillary.
    They told Popadopolis who reported back to the Trump Tower headquarters.

    Don Jr wrote he "Loved It", in an e-mail Hope Hicks said would never see the light of day.

    Then Cadet Bone Spur gave the Russkies their instructions to release the stolen emails, from the campaign podium!

  24. February 4, 2018
    Dems go despicable as the Russia Collusion plot to impeach Trump explodes in their faces
    By Thomas Lifson

    Clarice Feldman’s must-read column today explains the trap-of-their-own-making that FBI and DOJ officials and their media allies have fallen into. They know well that the Nunes memo is only the first step in exposing the illegal, unconstitutional, and regime-altering steps taken under President Barack Obama’s presidency to fix a presidential election, and failing that, to oust a duly elected president not to their liking.

    As Clarice notes......

  25. Second Source Comes Forward=> Claims Rosenstein Threatened Nunes and House Intel if They Didn’t Stop Investigation!


  26. FISA Warrant Allowed FBI to Spy on Carter Page And ALL OF TRUMP CAMPAIGN

    Today we know that the FBI was investigating the Trump Tower servers during the election.

    We also know Susan Rice lied at first but then admitted when she got caught that she was unmasking her political opponents’ phone calls. Rice blamed racism after she got caught.

    Ex-officials said what Susan Rice’s unmasking requests were not routine and “never done.” And… she was not alone in her unmasking requests.

    Obama officials later moved the unmasking documents to the Obama library.

    The Deep State was spying on the Trump campaign and leaking documents to the liberal media for over a year now.

    On Friday The House Intelligence Committee released their explosive FISA memo to the public.

    The document proves that the FBI lied to the FISA Court in order to spy on Trump Campaign volunteer Carter Page during the 2016 election.

    The crooked FBI then went back to the FISA Court several times — and once after the election — to extend their FISA Court warrant to spy on Carter Page.

    And now we know why they continued to lie to the FISA Court…

    Because the warrant ALSO allowed the Obama FBI and DOJ to spy on Carter Page — but ANYONE in his circle.

    So they kept lying to the court so that they could continue spying on Donald Trump, his campaign members and his family.

    1. .


      Of course it does, Bob. To you.

      You are an ailurophile and like a little kitten yourself you follow those shiny lights around wherever you are led.

      You are a Trumpkin and thus are programmed to accept whatever Trump-excusing storyline that is offered to you.

      You are a naif and thus not programmed to actually think.

      You don't think, you simply emote.

      In all the above characteristics, you are very much like your twin from Maui.


    2. To important matters -

      Someone has kicked a field goal.

      Who has the three points ?

    3. yehgh, there's nothing worse than an unresponsive damned robot

      Your plug has been pulled.

    4. It's looking for corruption in the FBI and DOJ.

      Very difficult mission.

      Try to understand.

    5. .

      No, Doug, it's just a matter of knowing that just because you want something to be doesn't mean it is. Just because some dork says something is true doesn't actually mean it is true. And, just because someone bolds a comment or even yells it doesn't mean it is true.

      Example...your first sentence from above...

      FISA Warrant Allowed FBI to Spy on Carter Page And ALL OF TRUMP CAMPAIGN

      The FISA request for a warrant to spy on Page came a month after Page had already left the Trump campaign. The only way the Feds could spy on ALL OF TRUMP CAMPAIGN is if ALL OF TRUMP CAMPAIGN got on a conference call with Page while the Feds were listening in. But we know that wouldn't happen. Trump says he never met Page and doesn't know anything about him. His staff says Page was a low level advisor who was never actually officially on the Trump team. Who to believe?



    Was it really a British intel agent or a Clinton political operative?

    February 2, 2018 Daniel Greenfield

    Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical left and Islamic terrorism.

    In the very early nineties, the Democrats were as obsessed with cocaine as they are now are with Russia. The cocaine in question was alleged to have been bought by Vice President Dan Quayle. The 1992 election was coming up. The decades of corruption, slime and lies by the Clintons were about to pay off.

    But that’s not how it looked then.

    President George H.W. Bush was enjoying high approval ratings. Bill Clinton would weasel and claw his way to the front of the line largely because the election seemed like a lot cause for the Democrats.

    But the Clintons still had plenty of dirty tricks left to play. The Quayle cocaine story was one of them. Like most discredited Democrat smears, it was forgotten once it was no longer needed. It’s hard now to understand how so many reporters and politicians could be sucked in by a ridiculous smear campaign.

    One of the Quayle accusers had confessed to lying both to prison officials and to 60 Minutes.

    "This guy not only flunked the lie detector test, but he broke down and cried in front of Morley Safer and said that he had made it up because he wanted to get out of jail," Don Hewitt, the executive producer of 60 Minutes, recollected.

    But the more the story came apart, the more new conspiracy theories were spawned to bolster it. Like Michael Wolff’s smears, it was too good for the left not to believe. Much like Russian collusion, the story quickly shifted from whether Quayle had actually bought drugs to whether the Bush administration had tried to cover it up. The shift from a specific criminal accusation to nebulous conspiracy theories that can never be disproven, but that empower open-ended witch hunts, are a hallmark of Dem smears.

    The Mueller investigation likewise isn’t actually hunting for Russian collusion, but trying to entrap President Trump with accusations that he covered up a crime that it can’t prove ever happened.

    The second phase of a smear is to use the damage control tactics of the victim to create its own crime. The dubious original accusation, Quayle’s drugs or Trump’s Russian plot, never needs to be proven. It only needs to be shown that the target attempted to defend against the accusation.

    Why does an old discredited Dem smear matter? Because it shares a number of troubling similarities with the Trump Russia smear, including the Clinton political operative who may have originated it....

    1. .


      Sounds exactly like the Nunes Memo process.


    2. The dossier does not matter.

      The Trump Tower meeting with Team Putin matters

      Cambridge Analytica matters

      Cadet Bone Spur giving instruction to his Russian conspirators matters.

      The rest- Reality Television that is meaningless gibber gabber.

  28. .

    Good game.

    I wanted Philly to win but I was kind of cheering for Brady too. Don't especially like the guy but I have to root for the best QB in league history to keep it going.



    1. Even Cadet Bone Spur could not Boycott the NFL.

      President Donald Trump wrapped up another Mar-a-Lago weekend on Sunday by hosting his traditional Super Bowl watch party at his Trump International Golf Club before heading back to Washington.

      Cadet Bone Spur falters, takes a knee.

      Rupurt Murdock signed a five year deal with the NFL, He took a knee.

      Black Lives Matter stays the course and overcomes political pressure from the President.

      November 2018 ...
      A Hard Rain is Goin' to Fall

    2. I was kind of cheering for the old boy too,but wasn't emotionally involved.

      I save that for the Vandals !


  29. The Real Game is still afoot.

    Syria's Kurds Are Frustrated at the Lack of U.S. Help in Defending a Key Stronghold

    Yeppers ...

    Promises Made - Promises Broken

  30. It sounds like the 4th of July around here.


  31. U.S. stock futures fell sharply on Sunday as Wall Street added to the large losses set last week.
    Dow Jones industrial average futures pulled back more than 200 points and briefly fell more than 250 points, while S&P 500 and Nasdaq 100 futures declined 19 points and 37.75 points, respectively.

    I sae David Stockman the other day.
    He said that Mr Reagan bad mouthed the Carter Economy for three years.
    Taking no credit for any "good news".

    Cadet Bone Spur, he followed a different path.
    Now he owns the Economy, both the good and what is coming.

  32. Drunk Driving Illegal Alien Arrested in Roadside Crash that Killed Colts Player and Uber Driver

    Indianapolis Colts football player Edwin Jackson, 26 years-old, and Uber driver Jeffrey Monroe, 54 years-old, were killed by an alleged drunk driving illegal alien who plowed into them early Sunday morning as the two men stood on the side of Interstate 70 in Indianapolis, according to police. Mexico native Alex Cabrera Gonsales, 37 years-old, was arrested shortly after he fled the accident on foot.

  33. For the sake of argument:

    Let us posit that up to this point, most of Quirk's assertions are true, and most those of his beloved "Trumpkins" here are false:

    Can Quirk concede that ANY corruption and malfeasance by the FBI and DOJ related to this matter, has been uncovered to date?

    1. OR, can Trump hatred turn a man's mind to mush ?

    2. The answer seems to be in the affirmative as far as some of the females of our race are concerned:


    3. Maybe she could squeak out "Trumpman" while picturing potty-mouth Harry S?

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. .

      I'll have to get back to you on that, Doug. It will take more than a yes or no answer and I have to get up early to drive my niece to work. But I will respond tomorrow.


    6. Can't wait to hear WHY it can't be yes! (for even a smidgen of corruption?)

    7. A smidgen doesn't seem a lot to ask.

    8. Must be like searching for a needle in multiple haystacks.

      Harry would know!

    9. In fact, I'll see Quirk's smidgen, and raise it a hair !

    10. .

      DougSun Feb 04, 11:47:00 PM EST
      For the sake of argument:

      Let us posit that up to this point, most of Quirk's assertions are true, and most those of his beloved "Trumpkins" here are false:

      For argument’s sake. I will accept this given since as a starting point it makes all the sense in the world.

      Can Quirk concede that ANY corruption and malfeasance by the FBI and DOJ related to this matter, has been uncovered to date?

      This is where it gets trickier. As I’ve said many times before, I can wait until all of these investigations are complete and the findings made public before judging anyone in these matters. And despite what the twins might think or say, this is simply a matter of fairness and the opposite of what they want which is a precipitous judgement based on partial information and political bias. I’ve been non-political in this matter right along and while I may have accused people of politically motivated activities, I have never accused anyone on either side of an actual crime.

      It’s being reported that the IG investigation (one neither side has criticized) into the very issues we are talking about should be complete by mid-March, 5 to 6 weeks away. I can wait.

      However, since the twins continue to try to get me to come up with a decision on guilt right now and seem to be wetting their panties in anticipation, I will answer them as long it is understood that the answers are limited by two caveats:

      1. The principle I just stated above, and...
      2. That my answers are based on the ‘actual’ (not presumed or assumed) information available to us at this time.


    11. {…}

      Let’s Define terms…

      Wiki offers this legal definition of ‘Corruption’…

      [Corruption is a form of dishonest or unethical conduct by a person entrusted with a position of authority, often to acquire personal benefit.[1] Corruption may include many activities including bribery and embezzlement, though it may also involve practices that are legal in many countries.[2] Government, or 'political', corruption occurs when an office-holder or other governmental employee acts in an official capacity for personal gain…}

      Under that definition, in response to Doug’s query…

      Can Quirk concede that ANY corruption and malfeasance by the FBI and DOJ related to this matter, has been uncovered to date?

      my answer is a simple No!.

      I don’t see anyone within the FBI or DOJ who personally benefitted from this matter.


    12. {…}

      Other Crimes (or not) with this matter?

      Assuming Doug is using the term ‘corruption’ loosely to describe other legal or ethical transgressions on the part of the FBI or DOJ associated with this matter, I’ll take the discussion further.

      First, I’ll eliminate Sessions, Goldstein, and Mueller (a man who was in the private sector until about six months after the warrant in question was issued). There is nothing in their actions that was against the law. As far as ethically wrong, while many condemn their actions as strictly politically motivated, I see absolutely no evidence of this. Hell, they are all Republicans and two of them were appointed by Trump himself. Their only ‘crime’ seems to be commitment to the duties of their job rather than personal loyalty to Trump.

      As far as others specifically named in the memo…

      Comey: The only actions I see Comey could be legally liable for was in leaking his conversations with the president. Trump and the GOP argue that info was protected by executive privilege. I find that opinion pretty weak and doubt it would fly in court. Based on history and precedent, I doubt he will even be charged.

      Comey is however an ethically challenged individual. He is a pompous, self-righteous, and self-serving. He issued the initial information regarding the Clinton investigation in contravention of decades old FBI and DOJ of policy on discussing investigations of candidates just before elections and against instructions from DOJ. He came back two weeks before the election and ordered the investigation into Clinton e-mails had been reopened (because of the discovery of the Weiner server) before coming back a third time and saying, “Never mind.”

      Comey has been condemned by both parties (when they weren’t praising him). He assures us that his actions were prompted by the most ethical and righteous of motives. IMO they were simply CYA actions motivated by an attempt to prevent any personal criticism. They did the opposite. For his pains, he was fired. I suspect that will be the only punishment he receives.



    13. {...}

      Lynch: At a minimum, the Lynch meeting with Bill Clinton on the tarmac prior to the election was ill-advised and likely unethical. We will know more after the IG investigation comes out but I doubt there will be any legal ramifications from the meeting due to lack of proof.

      Strzok/Page: The bias expressed in these two’s email exchanges is obvious. However, bias is not proof of a crime. And it doesn’t give the whole picture. For example, despite Strzok obvious bias, it was actually Strzok who help write the finding Comey used to re-open the criminal investigation of Clinton emails after the Weiner server was discovered, a move Hillary still claims cost her the election.

      Obviously, both Page and Strzok are ethically challenged both personally and professionally. Strzok should have recused himself from joining the Mueller team because of his obvious bias. That he waited to be kicked off the Mueller investigation is problematic. But it doesn’t rise to the level of proof of a crime. I don’t see him or her facing any legal ramifications but we will have to wait for the IG report to see if there are any recommendations to reopen the Clinton investigation. Justice, under AG Sessions, says that they are looking into the emails too. And there is always the possibility of another special counsel on that matter.



    14. {…}

      Non-DOJ/FBI Players (Obama, Rice and others in the Obama administration): Despite the criticism of some of their actions, it can be argued the actions themselves do fall within their authority and responsibilities. While motives can be argued, opinions aren’t proof and like Lynch, I doubt there will be any legal ramifications from any of this.

      That’s it. While there were actions taken that raise ethical questions, other than possibly with Comey I don’t see any that obviously rise to the level of a crime. And even with Comey, I doubt he will face any legal charges.

      In my opinion, the Nunes memo was a political document put out for political purposes aimed mainly at Trump’s base and designed to discredit the ongoing Mueller investigations. There were no specific charges made in it but only suspect innuendo and implications. Again in my opinion, it provided a disservice to the FBI and DOJ, the Mueller investigation, the House Intelligence Committee itself, and to common sense.

      I suspect it will be counterproductive in achieving Nunes’ goals.


  34. Harry lived to be 88, Bess lived to be 97!
    ...prior to all our modern medical miracles.


  35. Republican Values, on display

    Arthur Jones — an outspoken Holocaust denier, activist anti-Semite and white supremacist — is poised to become the Republican nominee for an Illinois congressional seat representing parts of Chicago and nearby suburbs.

    “Well first of all, I’m running for Congress not the chancellor of Germany. All right. To me the Holocaust is what I said it is: It’s an international extortion racket,” Jones told the Chicago Sun-Times.

    Indeed, Jones’ website for his latest congressional run includes a section titled “The ‘Holocaust Racket’” where he calls the genocide carried out by the German Nazi regime and collaborators in other nations “the biggest blackest lie in history.”

    Gotta love those real Republican Nazis.


    1. Jones told the Sun-Times he is a former leader of the American Nazi Party and now heads a group called the America First Committee. “Membership in this organization is open to any white American citizen of European, non-Jewish descent,” he said

      Now this Republican is no joke, IS not a farce, he is a real Republican Nazi.

    2. Whatever he is or claims to be, he's got a long row to hoe in Chicago.

      Also, Republican Nazi is a contradiction in terms in our national discourse.

      One can call oneself a flying snake if one wishes, or call someone else one....

    3. In the good old days all the American Nazis were southern Democrats.


  36. Another big Trump Economy announcement!!

    Department store chain Bon-Ton files for bankruptcy protection

    Bon-Ton Stores files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.

    The retailer will explore strategic alternatives, which include a sale of the company.

    Bon-Ton is in the midst of closing more than 40 stores across the U.S.

  37. 'Course, Quirk isn't exactly a Democrat, he's a, a, well, a....

    Democrats, Beware Trump Derangement Syndrome

    Yet, ironically, Trump actually showed surprisingly significant movement toward the Dems in his speech. Sure, he might reverse himself later, as he has in the past. He’s already getting pressure from the right, for example, for his surprisingly progressive offer of a “pathway to citizenship” for immigrants brought here unlawfully as children. Conservative website Breitbart immediately branded him “Amnesty Don.”

    But, as long as the option is available, Democrats, don’t let Trump Derangement Syndrome stop you. You owe it to yourselves and your constituents to work with this president as much as you would want Republicans to work with the next Democratic president.....

  38. According to Fox, only 3 Super Bowl related arrests last night in Philly.

    Either the Police weren't doing their job, or the people were celebrating in a remarkably civilized way.

    1. Or the report from Fox was full of craparoo.
