Tuesday, February 06, 2018

"All of this is about Hillary Clinton, not supposed to lose, but beaten by Donald Trump. None of it stops until Hillary Clinton is indicted, arrested, tried, convicted and locked-up."

The Clintons' political death by delayed reaction

For some of those most depressed by the 2016 election, one of the joys of the Trump era has been the Clintons' hard times. They have been kicked to the curb by the horse they rode in on, which was Harassment, Inc.

The heady days in 1991 of the Hill-Thomas hearings were the springboard of choice for the Arkansas couple, the way for the first feminist man and wife combination to be running for president to distinguish themselves from the pack. Together, they hitched themselves to the Year of the Woman, ran with and for the two new women senators elected, and never looked back.

For a very long time, the tension between what the Clintons claimed to support and what they did in real life was ignored or overlooked by the world and their party. 

In 1998, Bill was saved by the Democrats’ intense exertions; in 2000, Hillary was sent to the Senate in exchange for her sufferings. In the years that followed he was a star at their many conventions. In 2016, they were 77,000 votes in the upper Midwest away from returning to the White House as a history-making first couple, with the roles of the man and the wife interchanged.

Now, in 2018, they are for the first time in trouble, mainly because of things done by others. For the first time in their charmed lives, they are genuinely damaged goods. As Dan Merica and Eric Bradner of CNN reported a week ago, they are personae non grata in what was for a long time their own party, people whose presence is to be avoided when running for office, or at most doled out in small doses to gullible people: "Hillary we could probably use in targeted ways," they quote one professional. "The Bill question gets very tricky…zero tolerance means zero tolerance…we have to mean what we say."

"The Bill question" arose because the public’s disgust with things done by the Weinsteins and Lauers of the world collapsed the "it was just sex" and the "everyone does it" excuses that the Left once used in defense of its president. What followed was a delayed recognition that it was the reputations of both of the Clintons — he for his acts, she for covering up after him — that helped to elect Donald Trump. 

The devastating effects of the Access Hollywood tapes, revealed around noon on Friday, October the 7th of 2016, were neutralized at the second debate just two days later, as Trump had arranged for five Clinton accusers — Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones and Kathleen Willey among them — to sit in a box near the stage.

One year later, with other Hollywood news in the headlines, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., wondered aloud if her party hadn’t hurt itself badly with its all-out defense of its former leader, and suggested Clinton should have stepped down. 

At the same time, shade was tossed toward Hillary for her tepid and tardy comments on Weinstein, not to mention her open assaults on her husband’s accusers. As CNN’s source told the reporters, it’s now hard to embrace people who don’t take women’s claims seriously — and one of those people is she.

Slowly and surely, people are coming to see that Hillary’s responses to claims of predation are solely conditioned on whether or not the person in question has done or could do her some good in her opinion; true of Bill Clinton; true of Harvey Weinstein; true of her 2008 campaign's "faith outreach director," who wasn’t dismissed despite his harassment of female co-workers.

At a recovery session at the Washington Post, Clinton was described as "extremely flawed, and not always pro-woman," despite all her talk in public. Justice delayed is not justice completely denied, and it is also sweeter than nothing at all.

Noemie Emery, a Washington Examiner columnist, is a contributing editor to The Weekly Standard and author of "Great Expectations: The Troubled Lives of Political Families."

How Deep is the DC Rot?

(Hint: There is no heartwood left)

DiGenova: The FISA Court Itself Lambasted Obama's FBI for Providing False Information:

(You have to listen to this)


  1. I asked the questions weeks before the election: Why is Obama so frantically supporting Clinton? What do the Clinton's have on Obama?

    It is now obvious. They are all complicit in the single largest criminal conspiracy in US history.

    Lionel lays out the history of the lethal Clinton pox on US politics. Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein, Rice, Brennan, Holder, Hilary Clinton and likely Obama will all have to be taken down and brought to justice.

  2. Quit saying everyone in the FBI are heroic and honest. They are not.

    1. The Trump Justice Department
      Tbe Republican Congress
      And Trump himself ...

      All Emasculated?

      I find that meme to be farscical.

      You best find REAL evidence and get it in front of Chief Justice Roberts.

    2. Now tbat Cadet Bone Spur is the Emasculated President, that is well known.

      The White House lawyer refuses to follow orders from Cadet Bone Spur.

      Now that is truly scandalous, but not very funny.


    3. Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan ...
      Get your evidence to them.

      Sinclair Broadcasting ...
      Show them the evidence.

      Get it to Sean Hannity, aftsr the Nunez Memo fiasco he needs some new material.
      His punchline was a flop.

      No Testosterone.

  3. I think if The Hag ever finds her ass in serious legal jeopardy - meaning possible prison - Contingency Plan A goes into effect, which is to hightail it to some predetermined country without an extradition treaty where she can buy her safety and freedom and live out her miserable days.

    Just a hunch....

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. James Comey: Connecting the Dots
    Daniel John Sobieski
    Without Comey, there would have been no surveillance of Team Trump, no Russia collusion claim, and no Mueller investigation. More


    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Mark Levin argued those were the questions that should be asked and summed up the circumstances as 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton having “paid for a warrant.”

    Partial transcript as follows:

    This is bad. Let me tell you a couple of things here. Now we know why [Adam] Schiff and the rest of them are fighting so hard. Now we know why the left-wing praetorian guard Democrat media are fighting so hard, trashing [Devin] Nunes, me, you, and others. Let’s walk through this quickly. Who are they trying to protect? Hillary Clinton. Sean, who else are they trying to protect? Barack Obama. His name never comes up.

    So, let me help everybody with this. Loretta Lynch knew about these FISA warrants. [Sally] Yates, the deputy attorney general, the extensions Rod Rosenstein, now the deputy attorney general. He knew. FBI Director [James] Comey, Deputy Director [Andrew] McCabe, [Peter] Strzok, the head of counterintelligence, [Lisa] Page — his girlfriend.

    Who else would know these FISA applications and warrants? Let me tell you a little secret. These are counterintelligence efforts. You have to assume the National Security Council and the White House knew. Why would the FBI, Justice Department, keep that from the National Security Director in the White House? Why would they keep it from the deputy director in the White House?

    So why would be left out of the president’s daily intelligence briefing? Which I meantioned in March Congress also needs to get a hold of. I am telling you, we’re looking at the FBI, we’re looking at the Department of Justice, we are not looking at all at the White House. Hillary Clinton paid for a warrant. That’s the easiest way we can put it. Hillary Clinton colluded with the Russians. But it appears the FBI at the seniormost levels colluded with the Russians, too. Whether it was witting or unwitting, it doesn’t matter. That’s a fact.

    So, the senior level of the FBI tried to interfere with this election as well. This is why it’s such a big deal. Now, I know Republicans are bending over backwards saying this has nothing to do with Mueller. This has everything to do with Mueller.

    It has everything to do with Mueller because it transitions from the counterintelligence investigation into a criminal investigation after Comey, of all things, confesses of all things to being a leaker. And Mueller — Mueller is the former FBI director. Those are his people. That is his environment. He’s not out there as some independent force.


    1. {...}

      But I want to get back to Barack Obama. It’s his FBI, his Department of Justice, his State Department, his candidate. I cannot believe for a minute that the National Security Council didn’t know about this.

      And to show you how elaborate this is, now that more information is coming out, we haven’t even gotten to the incidental collection of intelligence on people, including, by the way, [Jeff] Sessions when he met with and spoke with the Russian ambassador, Michael Flynn when he spoke to the Russian ambassador, the unmasking and leaking of his name, the record number of unmasking of American citizens in the Trump world and so forth and so on.

      And the American people have been subjected to a massive propaganda and misinformation campaign by the Clinton campaign, by the Obama administration. Let me ask you a logical question, Sean.

      Why would the Russians want Donald Trump to be president of the United States when they could get everything they want from Hillary Clinton — whether it’s uranium, whether it’s undermining defense by cutting military spending, by refusing to secure our border? Why in the world with the Russians want Trump as to Hillary Clinton?

      Mark Levin on Hannity

    2. .

      Who are they trying to protect? Hillary Clinton. Sean, who else are they trying to protect? Barack Obama. His name never comes up.

      Mark Levin is an idiot, always has been.

      Sure, Hillary still has her supporters but for most she is merely a footnote to history and an annoyance. Her performance over the past year has been an embarrassment for the Dems. All most of them want her to do is to just shut up and quit stirring the pot.

      So, the senior level of the FBI tried to interfere with this election as well. This is why it’s such a big deal. Now, I know Republicans are bending over backwards saying this has nothing to do with Mueller. This has everything to do with Mueller.

      Levin charges that the conspiracy to get Trump now includes the GOP.

      Crazy talk.

      People worry about Trump's mental health. They should be looking into group therapy rates for the Trumpkins and the nitwits like Levin that provide them with their talking points.


  7. .

    "All of this is about Hillary Clinton, not supposed to lose, but beaten by Donald Trump. None of it stops until Hillary Clinton is indicted, arrested, tried, convicted and locked-up."

    The IG Report is Coming - It Won't be Pretty (to Someone)

    IG poised to reignite war over FBI’s Clinton Probe

    Horowitz, the Department of Justice (DOJ) inspector general, is an increasingly critical player in the controversy surrounding the FBI, President Trump and the Russia investigation.

    With little fanfare, he has been conducting a sprawling probe of the FBI's handling of the 2016 investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server. His full report, which could set off shockwaves, is expected by the early spring.
    A political appointee in both the Bush and Obama administrations, Horowitz's yearlong investigation already reportedly contributed to the early resignation of Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe. And his work has been felt in other ways.

    Horowitz also uncovered a series of text messages between FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page that led special counsel Robert Mueller to remove Strzok from his team. Those texts have fueled accusations among GOP lawmakers that Mueller's probe is tainted by partisanship.

    Those who know Horowitz portray him as an independent voice.

    "He is really one of the smartest and fairest people I have ever had the pleasure to work with," said Bill Hamel, who served as assistant inspector general for investigations at the Department of Education. "He's a straight shooter and a fair guy. He's an honest broker."

    But Horowitz's reputation will be put to the test when he releases the findings of the Clinton investigation. No matter what he concludes, it's likely to create a political firestorm, coming at a time when both Republicans and the White House are charging that political bias is rampant at the Justice Department and at the FBI...

    The IG investigation has been going on for months longer than the Mueller Russian investigation and is dealing with different matters although there is some interface. It covers most of the issues that have dominated the political news for the last few weeks. It is investigating the FBI and DOJ roles in the Clinton investigation. Most sides seem to agree that Horowitz is a smart guy, experienced, independent and fair.

    Magic 8-Ball Polling offers the following predictions.

    1. The current bipartisan praise of Horowitz will evaporate the moment the investigation results are made public (reportedly around mid-March). Regardless of what the IG report says, expect a firestorm of protest from one side or the other. If things are perceived to go against them, the left will go ballistic and claim the process was flawed and was simply looking to scapegoat. If it goes against the right they will do the same thing with expanded conspiracy theories of a 'deep state' cover up.

    2. Not sure how, the IG investigation will roll out; however, I expect along with its conclusions it will offer up a series of recommendation. The value of the IG investigation will lie in how the powers that be respond to those recommendations.

    3. If the IG report comes out with a determination that the FBI investigation of Clinton was flawed and/or should be reopened, Trump, the GOP, he right wing blogs, and the alt-right end of the EB long bar will explode in demands that the Mueller probe be ended.

    4. That push, if it comes, will not succeed.

    5. Though one side or the other will attack the IG results, in today's politicized atmosphere, the IG investigation remains the way to go.


    1. That damned Magic 8 Ball can read my inner thoughts.

      It's uncanny.

  8. Mueller's inquisition of Trump is based on fraud, deceit, political chicanery and dereliction of duty. None of this would have come to light if the Clintons were returned to power. Obama is up to his skinny neck and big ears in this.

    The rats will soon be jumping ship.

  9. Shortly, the malevolent US media will have to come to terms with the disservice they have done to truth and country.

  10. Well, well, well

    let's take a look at the time machine:

    AshTue Jan 30, 10:32:00 AM EST
    I wonder what ole Trump will say about the stock market tonight?


    Deuce ☂Tue Jan 30, 11:58:00 AM EST
    A disaster, It has retreated to where it was a week ago. My God, sell, sell, sell!


    Deuce ☂Tue Jan 30, 01:47:00 PM EST
    You jump in there with both feet, sell your ash off and check in with me next week and I'll give you a deal selling them back to you.


  11. DJIA 24,654.44 +308.69 (+1.27%)

    I am not recommending anyone jumps in here. i sold nothing , but I did on a daily basis reduce my cash position and increased stake in stocks I like. I expect some back tracking and will sit on the side lines rather than try to trade this.

    1. Well isn't that nice - You held the door open so a few others could exit.

    2. Watch out for those dead cat bounces. It looks like the beast has just started falling down the steps.

    3. Pretty steep steps the last couple of days...

  12. If I had any stocks, I'd follow the advice of The Magic 8 Ball, whatever it is

    I get their newsletter too.

    These guys are always heads up, and ahead of the crowd.


  13. The "Little Hand" ppolice are out in force.

    But the punchline is coming.

    Meehan is finished.

    The crimes of the Pennsylvania Legislature, exposed and adjudicated.

    Life don't get much better.


    1. The hot and steamy "Trump Dump" sets historic records for losses in Single Day Wall Street, based upon fear of inflation and the massive Federal debt caused by the tax cut legislation that will fuel durther debasement of US currency.


    2. The hot and steamy "Trump Dump" sets historic records for losses in Single Day on Wall Street, based upon fear of inflation and the massive Federal debt caused by the tax cut legislation that will fuel further debasement of US currency


  14. The "No Testosterone" foriegn policy of Cadet Bone Spur leaves the Kurds in a bad way.

    160,000 left homeless in Iraq ...
    In Syria our NATO ally, Turkey, has the Kurdish terrorists in the Impact Area

    Trouble for US, the US Military is embedded with those Internationally Recognized Terrorists.

    Cadet Bone Spur is showing ...
    No Testosterone


    1. What is funny, in a sad way ...
      Tragic, really ...

      The way the Summertime soldier ...
      The Sunshine patriot ...

      Has abandoned the cause of a liberated Kurdistan, just because Cadet Bone Spur threw those Kurds "Under the Bus".

      Well, what else would we expect from a draft dodger?

      No Testosterone.


  15. President Donald Trump may not voluntarily take questions from special counsel Robert Mueller, after all.
    The president's lawyers have cautioned him not to take wide-ranging questions from Mueller's team for its Russia investigation, The New York Times reported, citing four sources briefed on the matter. Trump has a history of making false claims, and lawyers worry he could get charged with lying to investigators

    Cadet Bone Spur - No Testosterone


  16. Bye, bye Kurdistan ...

    When the Kurds recently began losing ground to Turkey in Syria, the U.S. didn’t heed their calls for help.

    So they turned to the Syrian government seeking help to “protect Syria’s borders.”

    While this is the correct course under international law, it is sure to stir up mixed feelings in light of the recent history of Kurdish separatism in Syria.


    1. As the fight between the Turks and Kurds intensified on January 25, Kurdish authorities inside the region surrounding Afrin issued a call to the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), rather than to their Western benefactors, to “defend Syria’s borders.”

      To the casual observer, it may seem odd that Washington’s closest ally in Syria was calling on the government of Syrian President Bashar Assad to rescue it from the incoming Turkish advance.

      But due to the fact that Afrin, like several other areas in northern Syria, was not historically under YPG control, and has only been occupied by the YPG since a 2012 standoff with Damascus, the Syrian government is the only legitimate authority in the region, leaving the Kurds little choice

      Abandoned by Cadet Bone Spur the Kurds have embraced the Assad regime, while US troops are still embedded with the terrorist Kurdish forces now aligning with Assad.

      What a tangled web was weaved because of a lack of testosterone in Cadet Bone Spur.

      Promises Made - Promises Broken


    2. It would be quite a sight ...

      US military and the Syrian Army ...
      Fighting side by side, shoulder to shoulder, against those Turkish forces now in Syria.

      While the nuclear weapons at Incirlik are held hostage.

      The challenges of No Testosterone

  17. Good Grief.

    Atlanta Fed. has forecast a 5.6% GDP increase for the 1st quarter.

    Under O'bozo I don't know that it ever hit even 2%.

    1. Forecasts Made - Forecasts Broken


    2. We all know that the Federal Reserve is the inner sanctum of the "Deep State".

      The Banksters are liars, the Federal Reserve ..
      Less trustworthy than the FBI.

      The Federal Reserve FAILING to reach their mandated goals, for over 100 years


    3. Yet some would tout the spokesman for the failed "Deep State", when they find it convenient to their partisan cause.

      The summertime soldier
      the sunshine patriot
      The draft dodger


  18. .

    The Mueller investigation will reveal absolute truth, like the Hillary FBI email Takedown did.
    Comey is the man!
    I heart Mueller!


    1. You're just trying to lure The Quirkster back to the killing fields.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. .

      The Big Whine Rising

      The world grows dark. Tranquility is shattered. Disease and malady spread. The gorge rises. And out of the West, the land of the dead, comes a great cacophony of blaring dissonance trumpeting the arrival of the 'Big Whine', disseminator of talking points and conspiracy theories, bastard son of Donald Trump and the blind mad god Chitlu.

      And the crowds in the real world turning west towards the rising discord, shake their heads sadly in mournful concurrence and utter (without yelling) the now ritualistic response,

      "Oh shit, here comes again."


    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. You hooked The Big Lunker, Doug !

      Go for it ! Reel 'im in !!

      Pan fry the old fish !!!

      Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle !!!!!

  19. SpaceX is about 3 minutes from launch.

    You can watch it live on YouTube.....


  20. First the Munchkin jawbones against the dollar, trying to drive it lower ..

    Now he denies the Market reality exemplified in the Trump Dump ...

    Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said the U.S. government’s plan to borrow what analysts expect to be more than $1 trillion this year isn’t contributing to volatility in markets.

    “I don’t think that’s had an impact on the market at the moment,”

    Mnuchin told reporters at the Capitol on Tuesday.

    “The debt markets are one of the most liquid markets in the world and are reacting very well.”

    The Treasury Department said last week that the U.S. would boost note and bond sales for the first time since 2009 this year to finance rising budget deficits, fueled in part by the tax overhaul President Donald Trump signed into law at the end of last year


    1. There are other opinions ...

      Why are stock markets falling?

      For several weeks, economists and analysts have warned that inflation levels in major economies could increase this year beyond the 2% to 3% that central banks believe is good for developed countries.

      Official US figures turned those concerns into a sell-off last Friday, after they showed average wage rises in the US had reached 2.9%.
      The data increased fears that shop prices would soon rise further, increasing the pressure for high interest rates to calm the economy down.
      Investors then bolted at the prospect of an era of cheap money – which encourages consumers and companies to spend – coming to an end.
      Over the past month, several members of the US central bank, the Federal Reserve, have argued that three 0.25% interest rate rises scheduled for this year could become four or five.

      Looks like these Brits see quite a bit of "Market Impact" in the US Treasury selling an 'extra' $100 BILLION in new debt, this year.


    2. Is there worse to come?

      There is every prospect that the US economic data will continue to strengthen, increasing the potential for higher interest rates.

      President Donald Trump’s tax reform bill, which gained approval in Congress before Christmas, will inject more than $1tn (£710bn) into the US economy, much of it in the form of corporation tax cuts.

      All of which the Federals now have to borrow. While the Fed Reserve (not a government agency) continues to raise interest rates.

    3. Now if one were to bother looking at the Federal Reserve's mandate ...

      2% inflation is not part of the tasking.


  21. Trump in August committed to an open-ended conflict in Afghanistan and signaled he would send more troops as he vowed “a fight to win,” in a reversal of his call during the presidential election campaign for a swift U.S. withdrawal.


    ... could not provide a precise cost for the strategy that Trump unveiled in August, although they estimated that the American involvement will cost more than $45 billion this year.

    Sullivan said Pakistan is not heeding Trump’s demand to end the sanctuary it gives to the Taliban and other extremists despite a suspension in January of some $2 billion in U.S. security aid and threats of further measures.

    “We may consider lifting the suspension when we see decisive and sustained actions to address our concerns,” Sullivan said.

    Pakistan long has rejected charges that it supports Afghan militants.



  22. Neither the Pakistani nor the Turks are heeding the demands of Cadet Bone Spur.

    The Muzzies are not iimpressed.

    No Testosterone


    1. The Taliban control more territory in Afghanistan now than at ANY TIME prior to the US invasion, all those many years ago.

      Winning, so much winning
      Can't hardly stand it.


    2. Same old Generals ...
      Same old song ...

      Promises Made - Promises Broken


  23. Now that the Kurds are aligned with Assad ...



    Spiraling out of control ...

    1. Are you having a bad day, Jack ?

      Isn't there any good news anywhere ?


    2. Lots of good news in the world, if you are a fan of:

      Muzzies with nukes.

      Massive National Debt

      Watching the Kurds being decimated

      Watching the US being disrespected by Muzzie despots and Pootie Pooh

      If that's your cup of tea, happiness abounds.

      But now you should tell us all your "Good News", Stanley.

      How more government debt will make US rich and prosperous.


  24. How about this one, Stanley?

    President Donald Trump has asked for a military parade and the Pentagon is reviewing potential dates, Pentagon spokesman Charlie Summers said Tuesday.

    The spokesman described the planning process as being in its "infancy."
    The Washington Post first reported Trump told top Pentagon brass last month he wants a military parade.

    "The marching orders were: I want a parade like the one in France,"

    a military official told the paper.

    "This is being worked at the highest levels of the military."

    Should that be considered ...

    Good News ?

    1. Shouldn't we at least wait until we've won the war ?


    2. Because we won't be done until it's over, over there.

      So in today's DC Swamp, if Commander Cadet Bone Spur wants to mimic the "Surrender Monkeys"...

      Well fucked and long gone are the days of "Freedom Fries", the Cadet wants US goin' full frontal Frog !

      Does it get any gooder than that, Stanley?


    3. Cadet Bone Spur will have the US military aping the Surrender Monkeys.

      It'll be "Good & Grand"


    4. They could ship over a Company of Iraqi Kurds, to march along with their US trainers.

      The Syrian Kurds are predisposed.

  25. .

    Dukakis and the Tank

    Isn't there any good news anywhere ?

    How about this...

    Trump tells Pentagon, 'I want a huuuuge military parade this year. So let it be written. So let it be done.' The Pentagon responds, 'Yes, sir'.


    "Hey, if Putin, Un, and Xi can have military parades I want one too. And I want it bigger than theirs. And better. Hell, I've got a bigger rocket than Un. Much bigger, if you know what I mean. Why don't we plan on having it right before this year's election.

    Oh yea, and check with that protocol chick and see if I can wear a military uniform during the parade, something with epaulettes. What? Can't. Civilian control. Can we change that? No. Well keep working on it anyway. And as a backup get hold of a tailor and order me something in a 54 tall, double breasted, gold buttons, with military cut.

    How the hell did Dukakis arrange to get a helmet and drive around in that damn tank?"

    The good news?

    While we will likely still be trying to get a 2018 FY budget approved, at least, we will be able to see weeks of practice through the streets of D.C. to the sound of 70 ton tanks tearing up the streets.

    The damage will be an added incentive to pass an infrastructure bill.

    Also, it will feed Cadet Bone Spurs delusions of grandeur.


    1. .

      Hey, rat.

      You just stepped on my post. How the hell do you type out 5 comments while I'm finishing up one?


    2. .

      Of course, I was assuming they would do the practicing in D.C. Maybe they will do it through the streets of Mar a Lago. They love him down there already. This could cement the deal.


    3. .

      Another positive, the crowd size for the parade would likely be larger than the one for his inauguration what with parents bringing their kids down to see the latest military googaws. Better than Sea World and almost as good as a 'tractor pull'.



    4. I bet your slow data speeds can be traced to Net Neutrality.

      Gotta pay to play in the new Neo-Liberal paradise.

  26. .

    Trump says Dems who failed to stand and applaud at SOTU were treasonous.

    Yes, treasonous.


    1. Mr Bannon has yet to be interviewed by Mr Mueller, so Cadet Bone Spur is attempting to "dumb the word down"

      Redfining Reality

    2. Quirk, he said it with a wicked twinkle in his eye and grin on his face knowing he'd get a rise from folks like you.

      He succeeded and thereby turned the event into a marvelously humorous episode in our daily life.

    3. See the video of the humorous event if you don't believe me.

      You are now a laughingstock.

      ho ho ho

    4. .

      Quirk, he said it with a wicked twinkle in his eye and grin on his face knowing he'd get a rise from folks like you.

      Fine, Bob, if you prefer I will change my comment...

      'Trump says Dems who failed to stand and applaud at SOTU were un-American.

      Yes, un-American.'

      Better? If you don't like that, check the tape.


  27. The perfect occupation for Quirk found at last:

    Driver of the SpaceX Tesla Convertible orbiting Mars.

  28. Breaking Cultural News:

    The Idiot Prime Minister of Canada has instructed a woman she is to say 'peoplekind' not 'mankind' or even 'humankind'.

    1. The Idiotkind Prime Minister of Canada....


    2. At least he did not stand mute alone when 160,000 Kurds were made homeless in Iraq, or when the Turks attacked the Anti-ISIS Coalition's Kurdish proxy in Syria.

      He stood shoulder to shoulder in silence with Cadet Bone Spur.

      So the guy can't be all bad, aye ?


  29. The U.S. trade deficit surged to its highest level since 2008
    during President Trump’s first year in office despite his vow to lower the gap and crack down on unfair competition.

    The nation's trade gap in goods and services jumped 12.1 percent to $566 billion in 2017, up $61.2 billion from 2016, the highest level since the deficit hit $708.7 billion in 2008, the Commerce Department said Tuesday.

    Promises Made - Promises Broken

    1. .

      Didn't G.W.B. tell Americans to go out and shop?



    2. How about Gerald Ford ...

      Whip Inflation Now

      He'd turn over in his grave at the very idea of the Treasury Secretary and the Fed trying to INDUCE inflation

      So much WINNING.

  30. Everyone should watch Hannity tonight.

  31. BOOM goes the trade deficit! In 2017 imports exceeded exports by $566 billion, up 12 percent from 2016.

    Which just goes to prove…

    Well, there are two ways to look at this: the analytic approach and the schadenfreude approach. The latter is tempting because President Trump has emphatically and repeatedly rejected standard economic analysis and embraced the elimination of trade deficits as the one true measure of trade policy success.


    Comparing 2017 to 2016, U.S. imports grew by 6.7 percent while exports grew by 5.5 percent. Since imports were already higher than exports, this had a magnified effect on the trade deficit.

    There is a temptation to crawl through the report and point out trade categories or partner countries in which there was unusual growth or decline. The problem with this is that the trade deficit is a macroeconomic variable.


    Is the expanding trade deficit good or bad for the United States?

    There is no simple answer. It is equivalent to asking whether it is a good or bad idea to borrow money.

    It depends entirely on what the money is used for. As a general rule, borrowing to finance an investment boom is better than borrowing to finance a consumption binge, since it requires less painful adjustment later when loans must be repaid.

    Rain Dance
