Wednesday, February 07, 2018

How the Leaked Comey Memos Sparked the Mueller Investigation

The Bottom Line is that We are Funding a Democratic Hoax that is Subverting The US Constitution and Destroying a US President  because Hillary Clinton Lost an Election that the FBI, DOJ and New York Times Thought She Should Win: 

The FBI 'just needs to clean house' former agents say - Washington Times

 - The Washington Times - Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Former FBI agents say it may take a long time to wash away the stain of political-bias accusations lobbed against the bureau, which has long been viewed as the nation’s premier law enforcement agency.

Criticism of the storied bureau has been bipartisan. Republicans point to accusations that the agency mishandled the justification for spying on a Trump campaign figure, and Democrats are furious at the FBI’s investigation of presidential candidate Hillary Clinton over her email and private server while she headed the State Department.

In between are a slew of embarrassing text messages from an agent involved in both the Trump and Clinton investigations, revelations of top officials’ partisan ties, and a wave of demotions and ousters.

“If people start looking at the FBI as a political organization, the taint will be incredible,” said James Wedick, a 34-year agency veteran who now works as an investigator.

The accusations have taken a toll on the bureau. The New York Times last week published an op-ed column from Josh Campbell, a former supervisory special agent who said informants may be less willing to come forward in a terrorism investigation, or a jury may not give an agent testifying at trial the same expectation of truth it once would have.

Mr. Campbell wrote the piece to announce he was quitting the FBI in order to take a public role in defending it. He blamed President Trump and his allies for unfairly sullying the bureau.

“A small number of my current and retired colleagues have said that we should simply keep our heads down until the storm passes. I say this with the greatest respect: They are wrong,” Mr. Campbell wrote. “If those who know the agency best remain silent, it will be defined by those with partisan agendas.”

Former agents’ disagreements over the cause of the taint spills over into the prescription for fixing it.

One of the several agents who spoke to The Washington Times said the usual oversight process may help restore confidence, and another said it will take FBI Director Christopher A. Wray to step in with an overhaul. Another agent said it may take a special prosecutor to get to the bottom of the bureau’s behavior.

“It looks to me like some FBI executives violated the law by filing a fraudulent affidavit to spy on an American citizen,” said Mr. Wedick. “That’s going to warrant a special prosecutor. I don’t see how they avoid this.”

Lewis Schiliro, a former head of the agency’s New York office, suggested having the inspector general release a comprehensive report on the FBI’s activities.

Sanford Ungar, director of the Free Speech Project at Georgetown University and author of a book on the FBI’s history, said a special prosecutor would further politicize the battle over the bureau’s behavior.

“Another line of independent inquiry that is subject to political manipulation is not a good idea,” Mr. Ungar said. “To inject another probe could risk harming the bureau in ways that even Mr. Trump wouldn’t want it harmed.”

Mr. Ungar said Mr. Trump could help restore faith in the bureau by cooling his criticisms, which he suggested was driven by short-term political calculations.

“If you tear down an institution like this, you can’t just build it back up next week,” he said. “You have to be careful about tearing down institutions that are the bedrock of our democracy because you will cause irreparable damage to the government that maligned it.”

The bureau sustained its latest dent on Friday when a memo from the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence said the FBI used the Steele dossier — a collection of unverified reports that was funded by the Clinton campaign — to apply for a warrant under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to spy on former Trump campaign aide Carter Page.

“There was a perception that the FBI had lost its objectivity with how it handled the Hillary Clinton investigation, and now the FISA memo just adds to that,” Mr. Schiliro said.

Politicians of every stripe, from Mr. Trump on down, insist they aren’t questioning the integrity of the 13,000 agents, 3,100 intelligence analysts and 19,000 other support staff.

But the leadership has been in turmoil for months. Mr. Trump fired Director James B. Comey last year, and Deputy Attorney General Andrew McCabe took early retirement this year amid accusations that he slow-walked the Clinton email investigation.

The inspector general is reviewing why Mr. McCabe, the second-highest-ranking official at the FBI, “appeared not to act for about three weeks” after new Clinton emails were discovered just weeks before the election.

Mr. McCabe’s wife, Jill, ran for state Senate in Virginia and had accepted a campaign contribution of nearly $500,000 from Gov. Terry McAuliffe, Virginia Democrat and chairman of Mrs. Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign.

“When I was at the bureau, the question was never ‘Is it wrong?’ It was ‘Does this look wrong?’” Mr. Wedick said. “If it didn’t look good, you weren’t allowed do that. How McCabe’s wife took that money, given his position, is incredible to me.”

The FBI’s troubles deepened last year when agent Peter Strzok was revealed to have sent bureau attorney Lisa Page, with whom he was having an extramarital affair, multiple texts in support of Mrs. Clinton’s presidential aspirations while harshly criticizing Mr. Trump.

Mr. Strzok was the agent running the investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s use of a private email server while secretary of state. He also was briefly a member of special counsel Robert Mueller’s team investigating suspected links between Russia and Mr. Trump’s presidential campaign.

The agency’s embarrassment over the situation was heightened last month when it admitted that it had lost nearly five months of texts exchanged between Mr. Strzok and Ms. Page because of “misconfiguration issues.”

It took the FBI’s inspector general to recover the missing texts.

“How does the FBI — with the top cybersecurity technology in the world — go to the microphone and announce the texts are missing?” Mr. Wedick said. “That just gives everyone an insecure feeling that they have no idea what they are doing.”

Mr. Schiliro said the bad publicity surrounding the bureau is a result of the actions of a few top-level officials.

“The working agents are out there every day, doing their job and leaving politics at the door,” Mr. Schiliro said. “But perhaps Comey and others at the top allowed this to continue unimpeded.”

John Ligato, who spent 20 years at the bureau, said it’s up to Mr. Comey’s successor to restore confidence.

“Wray just needs to clean house now,” he said. “The FBI needs to heal and show everyone who the bad apples are.”

Mr. Ligato accused Mr. Wray of being slow to act, noting that Mr. McCabe did not leave until accusations of slow-walking the Clinton email investigation surfaced and that Mr. Strzok was not transferred until his affair with Ms. Page was publicly disclosed.

“Just the affair allegations, which may or may not be true, would have been enough to have an agent suspended when I was at the bureau,” he said.

The former agents believe arrests in high-profile FBI investigations could heal some wounds. But such announcements could take a while and may be overshadowed in the media by the political climate in Washington.

“A string of good news will impact the public,” Mr. Schiliro said. “I guarantee you that discussion is going on in the director’s office.”


  1. "All of this is about Hillary Clinton, not supposed to lose, but beaten by Donald Trump. None of it stops until Hillary Clinton is indicted, arrested, tried, convicted and locked-up."

    1. Trump dossier author Christopher Steele lied to the FBI about his contact with Yahoo News, and the FBI misled a court to obtain a surveillance warrant on a former Trump campaign adviser, according to a less-redacted version of a memo by Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC).

      Their memo, which was released Tuesday evening after the FBI withdrew some of its previous redactions, also reveals a number of other bombshells, and backs up assertions made in the House Intelligence Committee memo.

      A newly-unredacted portion of the memo says that Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Grassley, ranking member Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), and Crime and Terrorism Subcommittee Chairman Graham all saw the FISA warrant application and renewals for a surveillance warrant on Carter Page.

      According to the memo, the FBI relied “heavily” on the Steele dossier, and also relied on “numerous” other FBI documents related to Steele, in order to get a surveillance warrant on Page in October 2016, and to continue surveilling him through 2017.

  2. Frog walk, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.


  3. What "sparked" the Mueller Investigation was the treasonous activities in Trump Tower.

    No more, no less, no joke.

  4. Monday on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” conservative talker Mark Levin laid out his case arguing the release of a FISA memo by the House Intelligence Committee last week raised questions about the previous administration.

    That included some of those holdovers involved in the day-to-day operations of the Department of Justice, including Rod Rosenstein and Robert Mueller.

    Levin argued those were the questions that should be asked and summed up the circumstances as 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton having “paid for a warrant.”

    1. ...So, let me help everybody with this. Loretta Lynch knew about these FISA warrants. [Sally] Yates, the deputy attorney general, the extensions Rod Rosenstein, now the deputy attorney general. He knew. FBI Director [James] Comey, Deputy Director [Andrew] McCabe, [Peter] Strzok, the head of counterintelligence, [Lisa] Page — his girlfriend.

      Who else would know these FISA applications and warrants? Let me tell you a little secret. These are counterintelligence efforts. You have to assume the National Security Council and the White House knew. Why would the FBI, Justice Department, keep that from the National Security Director in the White House? Why would they keep it from the deputy director in the White House?

      So why would be left out of the president’s daily intelligence briefing? Which I meantioned in March Congress also needs to get a hold of. I am telling you, we’re looking at the FBI, we’re looking at the Department of Justice, we are not looking at all at the White House. Hillary Clinton paid for a warrant. That’s the easiest way we can put it. Hillary Clinton colluded with the Russians. But it appears the FBI at the seniormost levels colluded with the Russians, too. Whether it was witting or unwitting, it doesn’t matter. That’s a fact.

      So, the senior level of the FBI tried to interfere with this election as well. This is why it’s such a big deal. Now, I know Republicans are bending over backwards saying this has nothing to do with Mueller. This has everything to do with Mueller.


    2. The Republicans in Congress just reratified the FISA process.
      So to did Treasonous Trump.

      Mark Levin can FUCK OFF.

    3. {...} the American people have been subjected to a massive propaganda and misinformation campaign by the Clinton campaign, by the Obama administration. Let me ask you a logical question, Sean.

      Why would the Russians want Donald Trump to be president of the United States when they could get everything they want from Hillary Clinton — whether it’s uranium, whether it’s undermining defense by cutting military spending, by refusing to secure our border? Why in the world with the Russians want Trump as to Hillary Clinton?

      Mark Levin

    4. The Russians OWN Cadet Bone Spur

      Bought and paid for...
      The Russian Sanction legislation, recently passed and signrd inymto Law ...


      That's why Pootie Pooh wanted Treasonous Trump in the Oval Office.


    5. The Russian Sanction legislation, recently passed and signed into Law ...


    6. The real scandal of 2016.

      The media, in its frenzy to normalize left-wing political espionage, says simultaneously of the Nunes memo: there is nothing to see in it, but don’t look.

      The intensity of the media’s attacks on a Republican is always in proportion to the degree to which he is impeding one of its causes. The doggedness of Nunes — his refusal to let a politicized FBI and Justice Department stonewall his committee — has thrown considerable light on the real scandal of 2016: not that Trump colluded with the Russians to win but that the Obama administration colluded with Hillary to defeat him.

      One government most certainly did meddle in the election — ours. In desperate denial mode, the media will talk about everything but the fact that the United States government was spying on one campaign by using opposition research from the other, all while hoodwinking FISA court judges and leaking to the press about its politicized investigation.

      The more that the probe is put under the microscope, the more outrageous it appears, with Hillary partisans and Trump haters figuring into it at every crucial turn. Hillary didn’t need a campaign headquarters in Brooklyn; she already had one in Washington, D.C.

      John Brennan, auditioning to be her CIA director, laid the groundwork for the Trump-Russia probe by hyping bogus intelligence; Trump hater Peter Strzok formally opened the probe at the FBI just weeks after whitewashing Hillary’s mishandling of emails; the slop of Christopher Steele, Hillary’s opposition researcher, served as the basis for spying on all of Carter Page’s communications with the Trump campaign, while the spouse of a Justice Department official involved in the probe shoveled more of the slop to her husband.

      Like Watergate, the probe was not only amateurish and paranoid but fruitless. The media, that stalwart defender of civil liberties, has adopted in recent days a comically cavalier view of Carter Page’s violated ones. Hey, the investigation into him was close enough for government work, we’re told. And, besides, it serves him right for talking to Russians. Imagine the media adopting such a breezy view of police misconduct cases in which a minority turns out to be innocent.

      Obama’s FBI broke the rules and still didn’t get its man. To hear the media praise the FBI for that is like listening to a sports announcer praise a basketball player for fouling his way into the key and then missing the dunk.



    7. {...}

      The FBI, not wanting anyone to see a replay of its foul and botched partisan play, wants the media to blame the ref. And so we have an endless trashing of Nunes as “partisan” by partisans.

      We see denials of political espionage from participants in it. Take CNN’s breathless coverage of John McCain’s view of the propriety of the Steele dossier without ever mentioning his role in hawking it. Or NBC giving Brennan a platform to play dumb about the dossier without asking him about his meetings with Harry Reid.

      Notice that the media always accords Adam Schiff solitary interviews, ensuring that his lawyerly constructions go without challenge. His latest is that Steele didn’t know he was working for Hillary, which is not exactly an endorsement of his surveillance skills.

      Meanwhile, we learn from Senator Grassley that Steele obtained some of his dirt from Hillary world, completing the picture of the FISA warrant as the product of an insanely partisan echo chamber in which “corroboration” consisted of Steele quoting himself and his paymaster’s friends. Only a media biased enough to participate in such a farce would tell its viewers to avert their gaze from it.


  5. Real News from Team Trump's econonic team.

    Bitcoin Is Less Volatile Than Stock Market Volatility Index, SEC Chair Says

    That's the way it is, now, in the Trump Economic Era.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. SEC Chairman Jay Clayton highlighted the SEC’s cryptocurrency working group, which consists of a combination of economists and technologists, to predict the future directions of digital currencies. In the past, he has cautioned investors about the pitfalls of investing in initial coin offerings (ICOs).

      “If people are getting ripped off, that presents reputational and systemic risk,” Clayton said today. According to him, his warning about the liabilities regarding celebrity endorsement of ICOs has “tamped down” ICO promotions by stars.

    3. Risk with low volatility.
      Lower volatility than the equities market.

      It's like having the Munchkin jaw bone the dollar down.

      And still run record trade deficits

    4. Like signing a Russia Sanctions law and then ignoring it.

      Treasonous Trump

    5. Tell that to Treasonous Trump, he sets the standard, now.

      If one does not appauld Cadet Bone Spur", he charges TREASON.

      Well, that sets a mighty low bar, one that Treasonous Trump cannot clear, himself.


    6. The Trump Tower meeting and the emails, plus the actions of the Cadet, himself ...

      Adds up to TREASON.

      The President's Chief Strategist said so, to a reporter, while he was still employed, IN THE WHITE HOUSE !!!

    7. Good run of B.S., JH.

  6. Sen. Grassley Releases ‘MUCH-LESS REDACTED’ Version of ‘Memo 2.0’

    The FISA “application failed to disclose that the identities of Mr. Simpson’s ultimate clients were the Clinton campaign and the DNC.”

    1) Steele lied to the FBI about his media contacts

    2) Even *after* the FBI knew Steele was the source of the media stories, they LIED to the FISA court about this & *still* proffered the Isikoff article to the Court.

    3) The FBI was still claiming to the FISA Court Steele hadn't talked to the media when they knew he had. They did this during EACH of the three renewals of the warrant.

    Remember, the FBI had to *pretend* to the FISA Court they didn't know Steele was reporter Michael Isikoff's source for that Yahoo News article they proffered to the Court to corroborate the dossier allegations about Carter Page.

    The FISA applications are either materially false in claiming that Steele said he did not provide dossier info to the press prior to Oct 2016, or Steele made materially false statements to the FBI.

    1. If true the criminal referral will move forward.

      It does not change historic reality of the Trump Treason

      Does not undo the meeting with Russian agents in Trump Tower, though.

      Does not undo the coordination between Trump and Pootie Pooh in releasing the stolen emails.

      No getting away with TREASON on a "technicality".

      The punchline is almost here, then there'll be the Trials.

      Then impeachment.

      They'll be rolling in the aisles

    2. Folks here are already rolling in the aisles over your nonsense.

  7. My sources in D.C. have been sending me signals that indicate when the I.G. Report is soon released mention will be made therein of the Quirk Memos.

    No certainty yet as to what exactly these are or might contain, but my boys and girls are working on it and the word is that they might be as explosive as SpaceX blowing up on the launch pad.

    All previous speculation on all these matters will be rendered mute and numb by this event, word is from my sources.

  8. from The Great Hugh -

    Geller Report
    Hugh Fitzgerald: The Hindu Response To Muslim Aggression: Is There A Lesson For The West?
    By Hugh Fitzgerald - on February 6, 2018

    Previously I discussed the thesis of Ding Gang, a well-connected Chinese writer on geopolitics, who wrote last fall that he believed that Indian Muslims, unlike their counterparts elsewhere, were less extreme, less violent, less prone to engaging in terrorist acts, and that he attributed this to the “moderate” side of Hinduism, which kept Muslims to a large extent satisfied, and certainly not eager to take part in terrorism.

    By way of response, I gave a list of many serious terrorist attacks carried out by Indian Muslims. I also noted that the most devastating attacks by Indian Muslims took place in Kashmir, and that much of the news from that region has not always penetrated into the Western consciousness. One reason is that the government, and media, of India may not wish it to be known how poorly they have defended their own — that is, Hindus — in Kashmir. For the killings of the Pandits have been particularly gruesome.

    Here is what the Pandits endured in the pogrom of 1990:

    The days that followed the night of January 19, 1990 saw Kashmiri Pandits being killed in scores every day. Atrocities against KPs had become the order of the day. Everywhere in Kashmir, from Budgam to Brijbehara, from Kupwara to Kanikadal, there was hardly a day when Kashmiri Pandits were not being tortured and killed. The forms of torture ranged from the gouging out of eyes, to cutting off of genitals, to burning bodies with cigarette butts and even chopping off body parts — all were used by Muslims killing Pandits. Sarwanand Kaul Premi, a noted Brahmin scholar, had nails hammered into his forehead.. BK Ganjoo was killed in his home and his wife was asked to eat the rice soaked in his blood. Sarla Bhat, a nurse, was gang-raped before being killed and her naked body was thrown on the street. The killers of Ravinder Pandita of Mattan danced over his body. The bodies of two Pandits, Brijlal and Choti, were tied to a jeep in Shopian and dragged for 10 km.

    1. Girja Tikoo, a school teacher in Bandipora, was gang-raped before being killed. There are hundreds of such stories. Meanwhile, the meek and feeble Indian state looked the other way. A notorious terrorist named Bitta Karate alone killed more than 20 Pandits and had no shame accepting the same. …More than a thousand Pandits were killed, tortured and raped within a few days.

      Ding Gang appears to have completely overlooked this long-drawn-out act of mass sadism by Indian Muslims in his desire to see India’s Muslims as exceptions to the “radicalism” he finds elsewhere. He appears not to realize, either, how many bicycle, bus, train bombings (and deliberate derailings, by tampering with the tracks) in India have been the result of homegrown Muslim terrorism, that is, members of the Indian Mujahideen and other domestic terrorists. At Jaipur, in Varanasi, at the German bakery in Pune, in the series of bombings in Ahmedabad, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Bangalore, these acts of terrorism by Muslims in India are given very little attention in the Western media unless foreigners are among the victims. This may have misled Ding Gang into thinking India is largely free of domestic Muslim terrorism. Terrorism in India just doesn’t get the coverage that attacks by Muslims in Europe routinely receive.

      And there is one other countervailing force holding Indian Muslims in partial check: Fear. Unlike in Europe, Muslims in India have a healthy fear of violent retaliation for any acts of terrorism. There are a few hundred million Hindus who do not work in offices; many of them are poor laborers, or peasant farmers, easy to whip up into a mob. Hindu nationalism has been on the rise, as the victory of the BJP in 2014 testifies. It’s not hard to arouse anti-Muslim sentiment; it’s never far from the surface. Hindus in the “Hindutva” movement, or in the BJP, are ready to remind the Hindu masses of what happened during the several hundred years of Muslim rule. According to the Indian historian K. S. Lal, between 70 and 80 million Hindus may have been killed during that period, while millions of others, of course, converted to Islam to avoid having to pay, as dhimmis, the Jizyah and submit to other onerous conditions. Many of the Hindus are ready to retaliate with tit-for-tat violence, or often, in retaliating, with even greater violence. In 2002, after a train carrying Hindu pilgrims was set on fire by Muslims, killing 68 Hindus, the Hindus in Gujarat erupted, and the resulting inter-communal riots led to 790 Muslims and 254 Hindus being killed. Many Muslim properties were destroyed. These “Gujarat riots,” as they became known, were a lesson for Muslims. It was not the government they had to fear, but Hindus acting out their rage and resentment, and their historic memories of the brutality of Muslim rulers. “Why does it seem that Muslims in India have remained largely apart from the radicalization that has happened to Muslim groups in other parts of the world

    2. Ding Gang fails to realize that in India proper, Muslims have not been nearly as quiescent as he seems to think. Though two of the most important acts of terrorism — those in Mumbai in 2008 and at the Parliament Building in Delhi — were conducted by Pakistan-based groups, there has certainly been plenty of terrorism by Indian Muslims, including attacks by members of the group Indian Mujahideen. The 1993 bombings in Mumbai, with 257 dead, and 717 wounded, making it still the deadliest of any terrorist attack in India, were carried out by Indian Muslims controlled by the famous gangster Dawood Ibrahim. The 1998 series of bombings at Coimbatore Junction Railway Station, with 12 separate bombings, killing 58 and wounding more than 200, were part of a plot by local Muslims to kill L. K. Advani, a leader in the BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party, or Hindu Nationalists). The ten major attacks by the Indian Mujahideen, right up to the present, about which Ding Gang ought to, but may not, know, are listed above. That those attacks are not more numerous testifies not so much to the meek-and-mildness of Indian jihadists, as to their incapacity, as compared to the terrorists who prepare their attacks, undisturbed, in Pakistan, and also to the efficient monitoring of the Indian Muhajideen by the Indian security services.

      Since 1970, there have been 9,982 separate incidents in India of violent attacks, by both Muslims (Indian and Pakistani) and by Hindus. The Indian Muslims have been especially active in Kashmir and Mumbai, but elsewhere the number of attacks by them has been relatively stable. As for Hindu attacks on Muslims, they have been steadily increasing. As noted previously, Hindus have been emboldened by the political rise of the Hindu Nationalist Party, the BJP (the Bharatiya Janata Party), and the victory of its candidate, Narendra Modi, in the 2014 election. Since then, the numbers of attacks by Hindus on individual Muslims have gone up markedly, and in the last few years groups of Hindu “cow vigilantes,” easily whipped up by rumors about Muslims who have supposedly ill-treated a cow (sacred to Hindus), or even eaten beef, have lynched a dozen victims. This brand of Hindu hysteria should be, and has been, deplored by Hindu leaders, and has nothing do with the retaliatory attacks by Hindus after being attacked by Muslims.

    3. Ding Gang may think that Muslims in India have rejected “radical Islam” and have not been involved in terrorism, but the record does not bear him out. It is true that the world media pay far less attention to such attacks in India, compared to that given to terrorism in Europe, and then do so only if those attacks are truly spectacular, as were the 2008 attacks in Mumbai carried out by Lashkar-e-Taiba, a Pakistani group. That attack contained all the elements of high drama: the terrified guests barricaded at the Taj, a luxury hotel, the young Jewish couple at Nariman House, a Chabad center, who were killed with unusual cruelty, while an Indian nanny saved the life of their baby; a half-dozen other sites where murder most foul was committed. By comparison, the Indian Mujahideen have struck mainly targets — buses or trains load with Hindu pilgrims — that offer little to capture the imagination of foreign journalists. Ding Gang explains what he sees as the paucity of attacks by Indian Muslims by reference to soothing aspects of the ‘“moderate” side of Hinduism. It’s not Hinduism, as Ding Gang maintains, but the behavior of Hindus, which is a different thing, and is most definitely not “moderate,” that helps explain the relatively subdued behavior of Indian Muslims.

      Muslims in India, to the extent that they are committing fewer terrorist acts than they might, are doing so not because they reject “radical Islam,” but because they recognize the dangers at this point of attacking Hindus. The are outnumbered more than 8 to 1 by Hindus, and many of those Hindus can easily be roused to a fever pitch of anti-Muslim feeling. After all, they are well aware of how their ancestors were treated during the centuries of Muslim oppression, subject to every sort of brutality including mass murder. Ding Gang thinks that India has found a way to keep its Muslims from being “radicalized” — that is, from engaging in terrorism. He asks: “Why does it seem that Muslims in India have remained largely apart from the radicalization that has happened to Muslim groups in other parts of the world?” His answer is that Hinduism, because of its tolerance, seems to dampen Muslim extremism. I think he has it exactly backwards. To the extent that Muslim extremism is less evident in India than in many countries, it is because, after Partition, the Hindus became numerically so much more powerful than the Muslims who remained in India, and ideologically became steadily more supportive of the idea of Hindutva (an ideology that seeks to establish the hegemony of the Hindus and the Hindu way of life), and more resentful of what Hindus endured under centuries of Muslim rule, that they became more willing to fight physically, to retaliate quickly for any Muslim attacks, and even to suppress the Muslims, to make clear, and to remind them, who’s boss (as, of course, the Muslims do to Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh). The evidence suggests that: first, Pakistani Muslims commit much of the terrorism in India because they are freer to prepare such attacks inside Pakistan, in a sense relieving Indian Muslims of the duty; second, Indian Muslims are not as peaceful as Ding Gang seems to think, but have committed a considerable number of terrorist attacks, especially in Kashmir; third, and most important, if Indian Muslims are not as involved quite as much in terrorism as are Muslims elsewhere, it’s only because they know that the Hindus in India have repeatedly shown that they are ready to retaliate with ferocity. There’s a lesson in that third point for the West, but it’s not one that, given its present course of appeasement, it’s likely to learn.


    4. India, just another Muzzie shithole

    5. Your reading comprehension skills need some work.

      Pakistan is the muzzie shithole.

      In India the muzzies are being controlled at least to a certain extent.



    6. The Pakistani have nukes in their shithole.

      Muzzie nukes and ...

      .. they do not heed Cadet Bone Spur's admonitions.

      No Respect for No Testosterone.

    7. .

      In India the muzzies are being controlled at least to a certain extent.

      Yea, if you consider rape, murder, and beatings a certain extent.


      Bob, puts a post by Geller that has to go back to the early 90"s to find a huge crime committed by Muslims in India and then it was by a terrorist group from Pakistan, a country that has been at war to one degree or another with India since it, Pakistan, was formed into a state.

      Then she complains that there are not more reported instances of Muslim malfeasance because the Indian government just isn't doing their job and reporting it. Is this possible? Well, I guess so since the right-ring, nationalistic, Hindu-centric government of Modi sure isn't reporting and in fact is assiduously ignoring the numerous attacks and murders by Hindu nationalists in India on other religions including primarily Muslims and Christians in a series of murder, rapes, forced conversions for so-called crimes of eating beef to just being there, incidents reported in many publications and by the civil rights groups who monitor such things.

      I would suggest the next time Mr. Bob decides to push his nativist attacks rather than using India as an example he pin the tail on some other donkey.


    8. .

      And don't get me started on the Hindu caste system and the crimes against the Dalits.



  9. The Kurds continue to take it in the ass.


    1. bobbie used to pretend he cared about the Kurds.

      It is plain to see now they were merely a prop for his demagoguery.

      And a target of his lecherous lusts ...

      'Man, She's Pretty': Behind Syrian Rebels' Gruesome Murder of a Female Kurdish Fighter

      The joyful mutilation of the corpse of the female Kurdish fighter is part of the process of oppressing the Kurds, and of women who dare to go out to battle

      Abandoned that Kurdush pussy, under the Trump bus she went.

      Little wonder then he took a knee with BLM and busted the boycott of the NFL.

    2. .

      Hey, this isn't the Kurds first rodeo. By now, they should be aware of what happens to former US allies when they are not needed anymore.

      'A nation has no permanent enemies or allies only permanent interests.'

      I would be satisfied just knowing what the US permanent interests are in the 'shit holes' of the ME.


    3. .

      bobbie used to pretend he cared about the Kurds.

      It is plain to see now they were merely a prop for his demagoguery.

      Bob's loyalty appears to be ad hoc and shallow. It has no core.

      He likes the Kurds because the Israeli's do. He condemns eastern tribal traditions such as FGM among Muslims (and most others in the ME and Africa including some Christians and one Jewish sect) as he should but says nothing about the one tribe were it is most prominent, the Kurds.

      He likes the Hindus because of what he reads but ignores the reality. He promotes India because of his fascination with his so-called niece but ignores and excuses the Hindu majority there's sectarian and religious attacks on the lowest caste and those of other faiths.

      In other words, Bob's loyalty is quite flexible and malleable.


  10. A sunshine patriot ...
    A summertime soldier ...
    A draft dodging Chicken Hawk.

    No Testosterone.

  11. What's up with your hyper-concern with testosterone the last week, ten days, Jack ?

    Anything ??

    Nearly all your comments have been mentioning it.

    And why do you always Capitalize it ?

  12. Why are you always so interested in "testosterone"?

    1. Didn't realize I was.

      If I am I hope it's some kind of a good sign cause I think I'm low.

    2. ack HawkinsWed Feb 07, 05:59:00 AM EST
      A sunshine patriot ...
      A summertime soldier ...
      A draft dodging Chicken Hawk.

      No Testosterone.

  13. Newly revealed text messages between FBI paramours Peter Strzok and Lisa Page include an exchange about preparing talking points for then-FBI Director James Comey to give to President Obama (Potus), who wanted “to know everything we’re doing."

    The message, from Page to Strzok, was among thousands of texts between the lovers reviewed by Fox News. The pair both worked at one point for Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe of alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

    Page wrote to Strzok on Sept. 2, 2016 about prepping Comey because "potus wants to know everything we're doing." Senate investigators told Fox News this text raises questions about Obama's personal involvement in the Clinton email investigation.

    In texts previously revealed, Strzok and Page have shown their disdain for Republicans in general, as well as Trump, calling him a "f---ing idiot," among other insults.

    Among the newly disclosed texts, Strzok also calls Virginians who voted against then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe's wife for a state Senate seat "ignorant hillbillys." (sic)

    That text came from Strzok to Page on Nov. 4, 2015, the day after Jill McCabe lost a hotly contested Virginia state Senate election. Strzok said of the result, "Disappointing, but look at the district map. Loudon is being gentrified, but it's still largely ignorant hillbilliys. Good for her for running, but curious if she's energized or never again."

    Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., along with majority staff from the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, is releasing the texts, along with a report titled, “The Clinton Email Scandal and the FBI's Investigation of it.”

    1. .

      Come on. Who hasn't called Trump a "f---ing idiot" at one time or another, even many within his own administration and among his allies.



    2. .

      Strzok and Page may have been 'ignorant elitist' but that is no proof it prevented Strzok from doing his job. If political bias and crude language were the new standard, most of the people in Congress would be gone, all of Trump's cabinet would be gone, hell, Trump would be gone.

      Insinuations are easy. Proof not so much.


    3. I don't think I've ever called Trump a fucking idiot.

      Disappointed in a few of his policies but he's like light to darkness compared to The Hag.

  14. REPEAT

    Page wrote to Strzok on Sept. 2, 2016 about prepping Comey because "potus wants to know everything we're doing."

    1. .

      Troubling and something to look into; however, since Mueller was a private citizen until a few months after Obama left office, it like the Nunes Memo has no implications for the Mueller investigation.


    2. Troubling ?

      That's all it is ?

      Good Grief.

      By the way, I think the Tesla is going to be orbiting the sun and not Mars.

      You'd still look great in driver's seat though I guess we wouldn't see you so often.

      What I heard was it would be orbiting the sun for millions of years.

    3. It's a dead give-a-way of intelligent life, a Tesla orbiting the Sun.

    4. .

      Once again the old Bobber is distracted and stopped in his tracks by a 'shiny' word and ignore the rest of the clause that provides context.

      Given his miniscule attention span, this tendency of his is understandable but still disconcerting.


  15. February 7, 2018
    Where the bodies are buried
    By Joe Herring

    While a great deal of intensity is properly focused on FISA warrants relating to the supposed "Trump/Russia" collusion investigation, there remain two aspects to this story as yet unexamined by major media. The first is the circumstances and particulars of the original FISA application made in the early summer of 2016, which was rejected by the court (the first application rejected in nearly three years, and only the 12th ever). This likely speaks to its egregious scope and weak foundation of the application. The second is the number of National Security Letters (NSLs) requested by agencies and granted by the court relating to the "investigation."

    NSLs are issued when a petitioning agency wants access to the specific electronic records of an individual (emails, texts, phone call data) held by a business through whom the communications were made or by which they were facilitated.

    While FISA warrants are issued in the hundreds each year -- between 1200-1600 generally -- NSLs are issued in the tens of thousands, and do not need to be tied to a pre-existing FISA warrant but can stand on their own.

    In the latter half of 2016, Apple alone reported a whopping 5,999 NSL requests, representing a doubling of the number received in the first half of that year. This is Apple alone, not counting all the other device makers and service providers in the digital realm.

    Gag orders are generally issued concurrently with NSLs, preventing the involved parties from discussing the letter under penalty of law.

    While there were two FISA applications relating to the fraudulent collusion investigation (one denied, and one granted, then renewed three more times) there are likely tens of thousands of NSLs generated by those same investigators; NSLs that would point quite specifically to the targets of their investigation, providing a schematic diagram of sorts to their surveillance plans.

    The FISA warrants and their attending applications are the cemeteries if you will, but the NSLs are the graves, and graves are where you find bodies.

    Let's dig ‘em up!

  16. Obama knew everything, except maybe where his school records, birth certificate and real Social Security numbers were.

    1. .

      Finally, the exception that proves the rule. Finally, something printed in the American Thinker that I can agree with.

      I've been blasting that shit for a decade or more. I consider it in Trump's words 'in-American' and 'Treasonous' although in this case it is.

      This is the same shit Congress approved in a moment of national fear and it has just been recently expanded by an almost unanimous vote.


    2. .

      Damn big hands are a curse.


    3. It's just a matter of sticking with the studies and graduating a couple of grades higher, then things AT start to make sense.

      You are doing well enough. I know it's tough.

      Particularly when one is cursed by the distractions caused by Big Hand Syndrome.

      Continue !

      And, Congratulations !

    4. .

      I fear I am stuck in some kind of constant repetitive loop. Early onset Alzheimer's?

      I have been doing the same thing for the past two days.

      I know the 'u' and the 'i' keys are next to each other but even when I went to correct it above, I screwed it up.

      I'm taking the rest of the day off.


  17. .

    Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

    From Deuce’s post above…

    John Brennan, auditioning to be her CIA director, laid the groundwork for the Trump-Russia probe by hyping bogus intelligence

    There is no doubt Brennan is a slimy piece of work; however, what did Brennan do? In testimony to the House Intelligence Committee…

    Brennan confirmed that by last summer, the intelligence showing Russian intervention in the election included striking contacts with members of the Trump circle.

    “I encountered and am aware of information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and US persons involved in the Trump campaign that I was concerned about because of known Russian efforts to suborn such individuals,” Brennan said. “And it raised questions in my mind again whether or not the Russians were able to gain the cooperation of those individuals.”

    Asked repeatedly whether he had seen evidence of collusion, he stressed that the CIA’s business was intelligence rather than evidence and he could not make that judgment. But he said all intelligence on contacts was passed to the FBI.

    Brennan said by the time he left the CIA in January this year: “I had unresolved questions in my mind as to whether or not the Russians had been successful in getting US persons involved in the campaign or not to work on their behalf, again, either in a witting or unwitting fashion.”

    So Brennan says the CIA had evidence of contacts between the Russians and members of the Trump team. He says it was troubling information but that he had not come up with a firm conclusion about it when he left office. He said the CIA’s job is to pass on that information to the FBI and that’s what they did.

    My question… What bogus intelligence did he hype?



    1. {…}

      Trump hater Peter Strzok formally opened the probe at the FBI just weeks after whitewashing Hillary’s mishandling of emails

      In this context and given the words ‘Trump hater’, we have to assume the author is referring to the ongoing meme about Strzok because of his bias against Trump and his prejudice in favor of Clinton would compromise the duties of his job and falsely open an investigation on a Trump associate.

      Strzok’s bias against Trump is obvious and was the reason he was removed from the Mueller investigation. An honorable man IMO would have recused himself. However, the people who are idea he allowed his personal biases affect how he did his job forget a few things.

      First, there were reasons to open the investigation. Four US intelligence agencies had concurred that the Russians had tried to influence the 2016 US elections. They also agreed most of the efforts supported the Trump campaign. Also, there was evidence of contacts between the Russians and members of the Trump team. That should have been enough to open the original investigation.

      Second, the argument anti-Trump bias made it impossible for Strzok to do the job he swore to do is countered by the fact that it was Strzok who wrote the second letter that led Comey to ‘re-open’ the Clinton investigation after emails were found on the Weiner server, a move that Clinton and the Dems still argue caused her the 2016 election.

      Who knows what evil lurks within the heart of man? The Shadow knows. But few others do (except maybe the Trumpkins here.)


    2. {...}

      the slop of Christopher Steele, Hillary’s opposition researcher, served as the basis for spying on all of Carter Page’s communications with the Trump campaign…

      The GOP arguments as outlined in the Nunes Memo is that the Dossier was the only real issue offered for the Page warrant application, that it is speculative and unsubstantiated, and that the FBI mislead the FISA court as to where the Dossier came from.

      On the first issue, we should have a better idea about the basis for the FBI application after the Dem counter-memo is put out. The only way we will get a complete picture though is if the actual FISA warrant documentation is made available for public scrutiny. At this point, with as much talk as we’ve had on that subject there is IMO no reason served for keeping the application private.

      As to the quality of the Dossier, in totality it has been discredited as speculative and unsubstantiated; however, some parts of it are undoubtedly true, for instance, the conclusions that the Russians tried to effect the US election, that much of their efforts helped Trump, and that Page did make the trip to Russia (though he denies any collusion with the Russians). Supposedly, the FBI gave some credence to Steele because of past work he had done for them.

      As for the claim that the FBI ‘lied’ to the FISA judge about the origins of the Dossier seems to me to be a bit weak. First, I would imagine any prosecutor or law enforcement agency will provide as much information as is needed to make its case and that is required by law. They reportedly told the court that the Dossier was a political document. Providing any additional info (unless required by law) would merely complicate their efforts. Perhaps, not pretty but true and likely typical.

      Second, this application and the extension requests went before one or more FISA judges four times. Each time after the first, the application had to provide ‘additional’ information on new evidence obtained to justify continuing the surveillance. These judges aren’t newbies just out of law school. They are chosen and appointed to the FISA Court by the Chief Justice of SCOTUS, John Roberts. The FBI can’t just go judge shopping as the judges are assigned to each case on a rotating basis. The judges review these applications all the time and shouldn’t be considered naïve. If there are questions about the information provided by the FBI, they are free to question it and demand changes or additions if necessary.


    3. {…}

      while the spouse of a Justice Department official involved in the probe shoveled more of the slop to her husband.


      We have had a week of articles and editorials about the Nunes Memo. It has accomplished one of its aims, to distract. (Though it likely hurts Trump as much as helps since it also distracts from good news like his SOTU speech which was all but forgotten the day after it was given because of the furor surrounding the memo.)

      It has failed in its second and main objective, to discredit the Mueller investigation.


  18. .

    Just Because You Are Paranoid It Doesn't Mean You are Wrong

    The Trump/Nunes game plan appears to be to attack all key elements and agencies within the federal government. Trump started it with attacks on every agency, law enforcement, diplomatic, domestic, and commercial with the exceptions of the military and border security.

    Nunes has carried Trump’s water going forward with his attacks on law enforcement and his promise to continue the attacks on the other entities of government starting with the State Department. More troubling is his statement that the future investigations won’t be pursued under the same rules and process as the DOJ/FBI oversight investigation leaving the question of just what he is proposing.

    In truth, the Nunes comment is more troubling than Trump’s plan to have a big, beautiful military parade.


    1. .

      Field Marshall Trump

      Speaking of Trump's parade and in case my position wasn't clear in my comments from yesterday, let me say...

      - Trump's demand for a big, beautiful military parade is not to show appreciation for our men in uniform, its to brag about our military hardware.

      - It's not to show appreciation for the sacrifices of our military personnel, its to glorify Trump.

      - It's purpose is not any of the rationales Trump or the people he pays to sell his story will come up with but rather with Trump's imperative to assert "Mine's bigger than yours".


    2. I want to be on record as opposing any big, beautiful military parades.

      It's in-American.

    3. The last parade I took part in was the Farmer's March/Parade in Colfax, Washington after Carter had collapsed the wheat, the idiot.

      I was driving in the wheat truck with my Aunt.

      It was a hell a big deal but didn't accomplish anything that anyone could see.

    4. after Carter had collapsed the wheat market, the idiot.

      That showed them Roosians !

    5. We would have been just as well off with Billy as President.

  19. Attempting to keep Q-Man up to speed

    LoveBird Texts

    O'bozo Vanishes

    February 7, 2018
    Newly-released Strzok-Page lovebird text messages: 'potus wants to know everything we're doing'
    By Thomas Lifson

    Tick, tick, tick… we’re getting closer and closer to the “What did the president know and when did he know it?” moment in the biggest political scandal in American history. What looks like a sitting president authorizing the use of the vast spy apparatus of the federal government on the opposing party candidate for president would, if proven, be far bigger than Watergate – a mere burglary intended to spy on the opposition. Pay attention because you may want to tell your children or grandchildren what it was like watching this all unfold in 2018.

    Up until the present moment, Barack Obama has been missing in all the discussions of surveillance misbehavior. And most curiously, Obama has been almost invisible, staying quiet, and not using his expensive Washington, DC mansion (shared with Valeire Jarrett) as a base for leading the opposition to President Trump, as many of us expected him to do. He is the only president I can remember who didn’t get out of DC when his term in office expired, yet he has been as invisible as if he were Truman retired to Independence or Eisenhower retired to Gettysburg. He hasn’t even spoken out about the opposition to his presidential monument planned for public park land in Chicago. My optimistic guess is that he realizes his peril and is dummying up....

    Finally, last summer, Page broke up with her lover for reasons as yet undisclosed:

    The last text is from Page to Strzok, and comes on June 23, 2017 when she wrote, "Please don't ever text me again."

    We have no way of knowing if she finally realized that using officially-issued devices for text messages that revealed illicit plotting and made the head of FBI Counterintelligence into an obvious blackmail target was unbelievably reckless, ot if it was something personal. Perhaps he gave the wrong answer when she asked, “Does this outfit make me look fat?”

  20. Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ), a leading conservative member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, told Breitbart News Daily on Wednesday that he believes that there is an interconnectivity between various high-profile Barack Obama-era scandals and the latest revelations about corruption at the Department of Justice and FBI.

    Gosar was asked during the interview on the SiriusXM 125 Patriot Channel show about the corruption on display in the release of the famed memo from House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) chairman Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) that detailed FISA court abuses by the FBI and DOJ in the lead-up to the 2016 election and in the months that followed now President Donald Trump’s win during the transition and even during his presidency.

    That all came before the release of new text messages between senior FBI officials Lisa Page and Peter Strzok that detailed how Obama himself was overseeing everything personally on the Hillary Clinton email investigation and rivaling Trump probe.

    Gosar detailed how this same corruption that is now being further exposed first reared its ugly head in the earliest days of the administration of now former President Barack Obama, with the Operation Fast and Furious scandal then the IRS and Benghazi scandals—all of which had intricate levels of DOJ and FBI involvement.

  21. With the election of O'bozo, we began our descent into an African third world 'republic'.

    1. And, he wasn't even eligible to be President because he did not have two citizen parents.

      Unless, of course, Franky Davis was daddy, which I think he was because where else did O'bozo get his height ?

      But he said the Kenyan was daddy.

      This is called 'A. F. U.'

    2. Nice video of Obama/Medvedev at 6 min 11 seconds.

    3. Neither then could Ted Cruz.

      The hypocrisy boils over.

  22. Why in hell did Fox hire that idiot Marie Harf-Barf ?

    She just said as far as she was concerned Joe Biden couldn't do any wrong.

    She was Kerry's spokeswoman, the justice demands jobs for jihadis dimwit.

    1. Because, bobbie "Little Hands", FOX "Took a Knee".

      They're going Neo-Liberal, just follwing the pomicy leads of Cadet Bone Spur.


    2. They're going Neo-Liberal, just following the policy leads of Cadet Bone Spur


    3. Murdock signed that FIVE YEAR deal with the NFL.

      Cpuldn't stomach a boycott.
      Neither could Cadet Bone Spur or YOU.

      No Testosterone.


  23. New FBI texts show Obama wanted updates on Clinton investigation...
    Flashback: President 'Guarantees' He's Staying out of Hillary Probe....DRUDGE


  24. .

    Nothing to see here.
    Mueller will document.
    ...private citizen.
    Garbage disposer.


  25. I nominate this thread as Quirk's most herculean and hillarious effort yet to rewrite reality.

    Why, I haven't a clue.

    ...other than it is what his daily programming instructs.

    1. I second the threadly nomination.

      Is there any way we might be able deconstruct his programming instructs, Doug ?

    2. Did you Tivo the MSM for the past two years?

    3. I ain't high tech and don't know what you are talking about :(

    4. It's a TV recorder.

      Quirk has several, programmed for all the majors.


  26. Comey testified to Congress in June 2017: 'As FBI director I interacted with President Obama. I spoke only twice in three years, and didn't document it.'

    He didn't address possible memos or other written reports he may have sent to the Obama White House.

    But Comey did document his 2017 meetings with President Donald Trump, he said, because he feared Trump would interfere with the Russia probe.

    Strzok was the lead investigator on the probe examining Clinton's illicit use of a private email server to handle her official State Department messages while she was America's top diplomat.

    He was later a member of special counsel Robert Mueller's team investigating alleged links betwen Donald Trump's presidential campaign and Russia.

    On Election Day, Page wrote to him: 'OMG THIS IS F***ING TERRIFYING.'
    Strzok replied, 'Omg, I am so depressed.'
    Five days later, Page texted him again: 'I bought all the president's men. Figure I need to brush up on watergate.'


  27. .

    We have no reason to question their work product.


    1. .

      Comey testified to Congress in June 2017: 'As FBI director I interacted with President Obama. I spoke only twice in three years, and didn't document it.'

      He didn't address possible memos or other written reports he may have sent to the Obama White House.

      But Comey did document his 2017 meetings with President Donald Trump, he said, because he feared Trump would interfere with the Russia probe...


      Maybe Obama didn't ask him for a loyalty oath.


    2. .

      We have no reason to question their work product.

      Well, Doug, you can question their work ethic but it's just pissin into the wind unless you can prove it.

      Sure, they were critical of Trump but what sane person wouldn't be?

      They also criticized the Clinton team as well as Sanders and others.

      And it was Strzok who wrote the letter that convinced Comey to re-open the investigation into the Clinton e-mails after some emails were found on Weiner's server. This occurred a couple weeks before the election and is blamed by many including Clinton for her loss.

      Of course, I suppose that could simply have been a diversionary move to...well, I don't know why; but I'm sure you can come up with something inventive.



    3. Any links to anything nearly as critical of Clinton would be appreciated.

      Surely you do not contend they were not HIGHLY (pardon me, please) biased against Trump and for Hillary?

    4. .


      However, that didn't mean they couldn't or wouldn't perform their jobs independent of that bias.


  28. Looks like when the Congress/Presidency is controlled by the Republicans, look out -

    The end result is a dismal disappointment for fiscal conservatives and progressive immigration activists alike. Democrats threw “dreamers” under the bus for $150 billion, and Republicans threw away any effort to impose fiscal discipline on Washington. It’s a remarkable irony that the biggest budgetary accomplishment from single-party Republican governance will be the largest expansion of the federal budget since Barack Obama’s first term in office. It’s mind-blowingly bad.

    Any money for The Wall in all this spaghetti ?

    1. House Minority Leader Pelosi has been speaking on the floor of the House for the last five hours.

      Would there be an outside chance she might speak herself to death ?

    2. She could choke on her dentures.

    3. There is money "Little Hands"to study the need for a wall.

      Surprised that FOX "Took a Knee" News didn't report that detail.

      You really should get out more.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Rob Porter RESIGNS from the White House after ex-wife tells that Hope Hicks' new boyfriend choked, punched and belittled her about her weight... and the FBI knew all about it

    They outta set up a house for these guys at the Wynn, or maybe the Mormon Tabernacle.

    ...jeez, and I saw a picture of Hope Hicks revealing her to be a tad bit chubby.

    Saved by circumstances?

    For now.

    1. Senator Orrin Hatch, commented: 'It's incredibly discouraging to see such a vile attack on such a decent man. Shame on any publication that would print this—and shame on the politically motivated, morally bankrupt character assassins that would attempt to sully a man's good name.

      'I know Rob. I've known him for years, both as a close friend and as a personal advisor. He is kind and considerate towards all. The country needs more honest, principled people like Rob Porter, which is why I hope that this cynical campaign to discredit his character ultimately fails.'


    2. Both his ex-wives claim he is abusive.

      If innocent, he is certainly a poor judge of character. To marry such people as would slander him so.

      In either case, he is not fit to be so close to any President.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I wonder if either/both fled from him after giving birth ?

    5. .

      It's reported the FBI wouldn't clear him for a full security clearance, a handicap for a man who as Staff Secretary was handling top secret information.

      Another example of the FBI being out to get Trump?

      Evidently so, Trump and his team, Sanders, Kelly, et al, Orrin Hatch (:o) all wanted Portman to stay on in the job or so it is reported.



  30. bobbie's favorite Muzzies.

    Iraqi Kurds maneuver to get closer to Iran

    Read more:

    The No Testosterone Policies of Cadet Bone Spur are really not bearing fruit.

  31. Time to go.

    JH is back on his favorite subject, which is extremely boring.

    1. .

      Please don't go. All the plants will die.


    2. Just give 'em a little sugar water and cigar smoke.

      Trust me. I'm a friend of a farmer. They'll do fine.

  32. .

    And most curiously, Obama has been almost invisible, staying quiet, and not using his expensive Washington, DC mansion (shared with Valeire Jarrett) as a base for leading the opposition to President Trump, as many of us expected him to do.

    Could be he's just too busy parasailing and partying down in France.


    1. Search for Jarrett at the mansion produces interesting results:

    2. .

      Or, it could be they are simply indulging in what some might call an 'alternative lifestyle'.


    3. .

      He's manning the Super-8 video.


    4. I'm not high-tech, what's a "Super-8" - some kind of Buick?

  33. Magic 8 Ball Prediction Services, LtdWed Feb 07, 05:33:00 PM EST

    President Trump Job Approval - 42.4%

    Magic 8 Ball Polling Services

    1. Magic 8 Ball Prediction Services, LtdWed Feb 07, 05:40:00 PM EST

      We had predicted a few days ago it would never go over 40%

      We were wrong.

      We admit our error.

      Magic 8 Ball Polling

    2. Magic 8 Ball Prediction Services, LtdWed Feb 07, 05:41:00 PM EST

      "Incompetent But Honest"

    3. .

      Google Anti-Fake News Department:


      Please be aware that...

      Magic 8 Ball Prediction Services, Ltd

      has absolutely no connection to the legitimate site...

      Magic 8-Ball Polling Services, Ltd.

      and that...

      Magic 8 Ball Prediction Services, Ltd

      may be an illegal front being run out of a modest home in Moscow, Idaho.

      Please practice due diligence in any dealings with...

      Magic 8 Ball Prediction Services, Ltd


      "Don't Be Evil"


  34. NEW: Criminal Referral Confirms Nunes Memo’s Explosive Claims Of FISA Abuse
    Details from government documents confirm there was inadequate verification of a partisan dossier used to justify surveillance of a Trump campaign affiliate.

    Mollie Hemingway By Mollie Hemingway
    FEBRUARY 7, 2018

    A criminal referral from top Senate investigators confirms explosive charges in last week’s House Intelligence Committee memo regarding abuse of surveillance authorities at the FBI and Department of Justice. It also reveals a host of problems arising from the bureau’s cooperation with foreign investigator Christopher Steele, who was working on behalf of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. The eight-page memo from Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Crime and Terrorism Subcommittee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) includes underlying evidence to support the claims.

    “It appears the FBI relied on admittedly uncorroborated information, funded by and obtained for Secretary Clinton’s presidential campaign, in order to conduct surveillance of an associate of the opposing presidential candidate. It did so based on Mr. Steele’s personal credibility and presumably having faith in his process of obtaining the information. But there is substantial evidence suggesting that Mr. Steele materially misled the FBI about a key aspect of his dossier efforts, one which bears on his credibility,” Sens. Graham and Grassley wrote.....

    1. Old News, bobbie.

      You really should expand your literary horizons.

    2. Where you been, checking in with your parole officer ?


  35. ObamaCare neither Repealed nor Replaced

    t 12 million Americans signed up for 2018 health coverage through marketplaces created by the Affordable Care Act, according to a new tally that indicates nationwide enrollment remained virtually unchanged from last year despite President Trump’s persistent attacks on the 2010 health law.

    Promises Made - Promises Broken

  36. .

    Trump's Dear Leader Parade: Will it become an annual event?

    Reports have it that Trump has been talking about a US military parade for some time. The plan finally came to fruition when in France Trump joined French President Macron in watching a 2 hour long Bastille Day military review and was impressed. He told the Pentagon, 'I want a parade. I want it to be bigger and better than Macron's. Let's make it grand.'

    Trump supporters back the idea. James Mattis says Trump wants it to honor our military personnel.

    Sarah Sanders said, "He asked the Department of Defense to explore a celebration at which all Americans can show their appreciation.”

    Those who pan it offer a number of criticisms...

    - Richard Painter, former White House ethics lawyer for George W Bush, tweeted: “Cool. Just like in North Korea and Russia. But what do we do about those traitors who don’t clap during our Dear Leader’s speech?”

    - There is no reason for the most powerful nation in the world to parade its military might. Who are we trying to convince?

    - Lindsay Graham calls it "cheesy and weak".

    - Some veteran's groups call Trump a "wannabe banana republic strongman".

    Plans are still being formulated but Trump indicated he is looking at the idea of a parade in D.C. down Pennsylvania avenue.

    This raises other questions.

    - If the parade goes down Pennsylvania Avenue it will go past Trump International Hotel. Will prices there escalate on Dear Leader Weekend?

    - Because he can't wear a military uniform will Trump settle for a red, white, and blue neck ribbon to hold a specially cast 'Best President in History' medal to accompany an ordinary 3 X size presidential medal similar in appearance to the French Legion of Merit award only in the words of the president "bigger and better".

    - Will Trump ever get that 'Dukakis' tank crew helmet he was hankering after.


    1. I'd suggest - only if he pays for the Parade himself.


    An excellent performance and deserving of respect.

  38. POLL: Trump Approval Tops Obama at Same Time of Presidency....DRUDGE

    AMAZING! President Trump’s Approval Rating Tops Barack Obama BY 4 POINTS at Same Time of His Presidency
    February 7, 2018 by Jim Hoft 111 Comments

    Since his electoral landslide in November 2016 Donald Trump has had to deal with spying by the Obama administration, a corrupt deep state special counsel on Russian collusion, a lackluster economy, a foreign policy disaster, and a radical far left mainstream media that reported negative hit pieces on the new president 90% of the time.

    Despite all of this bad news President Trump holds a 48% approval rating today in the Rasmussen daily tracking.

  39. .

    BobWed Feb 07, 12:58:00 PM EST

    New FBI texts show Obama wanted updates on Clinton investigation...
    Flashback: President 'Guarantees' He's Staying out of Hillary Probe....DRUDGE

    Bob and Drudge, uh-oh.

    BobWed Feb 07, 12:05:00 PM EST
    Attempting to keep Q-Man up to speed

    LoveBird Texts

    O'bozo Vanishes

    February 7, 2018
    Newly-released Strzok-Page lovebird text messages:

    'potus wants to know everything we're doing'

    By Thomas Lifson

    Bob and American Thinker, this is getting scary. Where did this story originate from?

    Ron Johnson! You mean 'Conspiracy Theory' Ron Johnson of 'Secret Society' fame? Info from Johnson's “The Clinton Email Scandal and the FBI's Investigation of it.” Oh, lord, god help us.

    'potus wants to know everything we're doing'

    Is this really proof that Obama was interfering in the Clinton investigation even though he said he hadn't? Or, is it something else...?

    Let's look at the timeline...

    July, 2016. FBI opens investigation into alleged Russian interference in US elections.

    July 5, 2016. Comey announces the close of the FBI investigation into the Clinton email server.

    Sept. 2, 2016. Page sends email to Strzok stating 'potus wants to know everything we're doing'.

    [Ron Johnson suggests that this shows Obama was attempting to interfere in the Clinton email investigation and he asserts this is the only explanation that makes sense.]

    [Resident Trump, channeling Doug, tweets out the shout, "NEW FBI TEXTS ARE A BOMBSHELL"]

    [What is not explained is why he would be trying to interfere in a Clinton investigation that had been shut down at the beginning of July, three weeks earlier. Continue the timeline.]

    Sept. 5, 2016. Obama attends G20 Summit in China, a summit at which he confronts Vlad Putting about the Russian interference in the US elections.

    [Note: Strzok/Page and Obama have been consistent in indication Obama's request to page involved the FBI investigation into Russian interference.]

    Sept. 28, 2016. The FBI seize the cell phones of Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner in an entirely different investigation into sexting. Eventually, this leads to a review of Clinton emails on a server owned by Weiner.

    So we have two stories here, one supported by Bob, Drudge, and Ron Johnson and the other by Obama, Strzok and Page.

    It will be interesting to see who pick which story.


    1. .

      Obama also had a face-to-face with Vlad Putin about that Russian interference.


    2. "channeling" Doug


      It's called email.

      Don't read them and weep.

  40. Judge Jeanine Pirro coming up on Hannity !!!!!!!

    1. WOW

      THE MOOCH and Sheryl Atkinson next !!!!!!!

    2. I'm goin' with Judge Jeanine, The Mooch, and Sheryl.....

  41. .

    Netanyahu Channeling the Trump Template?

    Police chief claims private investigators, backed by 'powerful figures,' are gathering info on his investigators ahead of indictment recommendations in Netanyahu cases...


  42. Sid Vicious Blumenthal was the source.....

  43. Carter and Sid Vicious were once on the same team.

    Carter Page – The Linchpin to Deep State Spying on Trump – Was Member of Clinton Transition Team

    The FBI sought FISA warrants FOUR TIMES to spy on Carter Page.

    The warrants on Page then gave the Deep State access to spy on all of the Trump campaign officials.

    According to reports from 2016 Carter Page was previously working as an undercover informant for the FBI.

    And now this…

    Carter Page was a member of the Clinton administration Transition Team.

    Carter Page previously worked with the Clinton Administration transition team in 1992-1993 while serving as a Research Fellow on the House Armed Services Committee (HASC) on Capitol Hill. During his Fellowship, HASC Chairman Les Aspin was selected by President Clinton as the Secretary of Defense in December 1992. From May 1993 – December 1994, Carter went on to serve as the Arms Control Action Officer for Counterproliferation Policy in the Nuclear Affairs and International Negotiations Branch of the Navy Staff in the Pentagon.

  44. Quirk deflated by Q Poll

    Quinnipiac: Trump Approval Rises To Highest Level In Seven Months

  45. FBI Texts Reveal Strzok and Page Slammed Agents Who Complained About Irregularities and Special Treatment in Hillary’s Investigation

    FBI lovebirds Peter Strzok and Lisa Page thought the Bureau would be better off without the agents who were ready to revolt due to Comey’s cozy Hillary Clinton email investigation.

    Peter Strzok sent a text to Lisa Page saying, “I made the mistake of reading some stupid NY Post article about how agents are ready to revolt against D because of MY [mid year which refers to Hillary’s probe]…now I’m really angry.”

    Strzok then said “There are a bunch of really ignorant people out there blinded by their politics”.

    Page responded, “You can’t read that sh*t. And honestly, let them. The bu [FBI] would be better off without them. There are.”

    Strzok then said, “Sadly reminds me how deeply politics, like religion, can sometimes blind objectivity”.

    Oh the irony of Strzok saying that after how hard he worked to let Hillary Clinton skate because of his political beliefs.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Former US Attorney: We Are Going to See Several Criminal Charges Against a Number of DOJ-FBI Officials

    SARA CARTER: FBI Informant on Uranium One Breaks His Silence in Explosive Testimony to Congressional Committees

    GOP Rep: Benghazi, Fast and Furious Connected to Obama FBI & DOJ Exposed In FISA Memo

    FBI Changed Hillary’s Exoneration Letter – Switched “President” to “Senior Government Official” to Protect Obama
