Friday, January 12, 2018

Be fair to the Illegals from El Salvador and Haiti - Bring Diversity and Cultural Enrichment to Martha's Vineyard

Martha's Vineyard is seasonal and  underused. There are plenty of open spaces. It is overwhelmingly Democratic and very liberal so there would be an overtly loving welcome to the noble migrants looking for a better life. 

Please do the right thing and support the natural right of Haitians and Salvadorians to resettle in Martha's Vineyard. 

It would complete the legacy of the "Lion of the Senate", Ted Kennedy.

Careful thought should also be given to opening the Hamptons to the DACA children.


  1. Move the Haitians in next door to Nancy Pelosi or maybe by old Harry Reid too!

    Move a few thousand in next to ASH.

  2. The Donald is saying he didn't say what he is accused of saying, two Republican Senators who were there are backing him up, and Th e Donald has said today "I have a wonderful relationship with Haitians"

    It certainly couldn't be any worse than the relationship of the Clintons to Haitians as they ripped them off so in their hour of need.

    1. Say, didn't ROGER...I think it is....get a hold mine out of the Clinton's dealings with the Haitians?

      I do know a lot of Haitians think the Clintons are trash, which speaks well of those who do think so.

    2. Would you know anything about that Haitian gold mine stuff, Ash?

      I am I admit a little foggy on just what happened there.....

    3. ROGER Clinton seems to have ended up with a gold mine or much of one in Haiti is what I recall.

      Good deal if one can swing it....

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Jack is back !

    Nasty lying and cathected as usual..

    Things will go downhill from here.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Because if any country is a"Shithole" and its people considered untouchable, it is India.

    3. Told you so.

      I seem alas to have a permanent place in PsychoJack's brain.

      I shall say CIAO to all you others hoping he doesn't mess the place up too badly today

  4. Chinese 'authorities' have BLOWN up a Christian 'mega church' with dynamite that had a reported membership of 50,000.

    The members were not in the church.

    China qualfies in my view as a sbit hole albeit a nuclear armed one.


    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Then why did you tell us aboutl Chinese culture and cusine, telling us it is "Wonderful".

      Truly, Robert "Pinko" Peterson, why?

  5. Fox news sends a reporter to Little Haiti in NYC to get a feel of what these folks think.....Hillary or Donald who you like better?..

    Oh The Donald The Donald.....

    They remember the gold mine stuff, the rip off of aid....and Hillary waxing the skids for some corrupt Haitian 'politician' who is known down there as:


  6. In the previous thread, I should have said son's friends's FATHER came from Haiti.
    Friend grew up here and went to 22k/yr Seabury High School.

    1. Shithole:!1s0x7954cb741f9e052f:0x1c0f5addf3b02a63!2m22!2m2!1i80!2i80!3m1!2i20!16m16!1b1!2m2!1m1!1e1!2m2!1m1!1e3!2m2!1m1!1e5!2m2!1m1!1e4!2m2!1m1!1e6!3m1!7e115!4s!5sSeabury+High+School+-+Google+Search&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipPYzh83Vo8MmuFVr_3oNhCwds5dthB0bst_P67z&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi99YXtkNTYAhVF5GMKHWd6C_YQoioIgAEwCg


    1. I was to look but I can't swipe and paste with this phone.

      22K a YEAR for high school ?

      He dann well better have learned something !

    2. wanted


      I am going to Google it...

    3. Ah !

      Seabury Hall on Maui.

      Wiki says it has a great view which should keep the attention of the students focused on their Latin !

    4. Ah !

      Seabury Hall on Maui.

      Wiki says it has a great view which should keep the attention of the students focused on their Latin !

  8. Food riots breaking out in VENEZUELA.


    Latest reports I can find say The Donald was an equal opportunity disparager, disparaging countries in Central America as well as Haiti.

    I believe VENEZUELA can now qualify as a shit hole.

    The immediate question of overwhelming concern to all Americans now centers on whether The Donald actually used the term of art "shit hole", or not.

    The Donald denies it as do two Republican Senators present.

    The only one affirming this racist slander is the sole Democratic Senator present.

    1. This dispute is now being called in some swamp circles THE UTTERANCE DISPUTE.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. .

      The immediate question of overwhelming concern to all Americans now centers on whether The Donald actually used the term of art "shit hole", or not.

      No, it's not, except to politicians, the media, and nuts like you.


    4. .

      Trump said he wanted more people from Norway to come here.

      Why in the world would anyone from Norway want to come here? Most of the people from Northern Europe are doing pretty good. Norway usually ends up near the top of all those surveys they put up on Page 6 that talk about which countries are the happiest. Median income is up there and they have a cradle to grave welfare system. Why come to the US and worry about infrastructure. crime, polarization, Trump?


    5. .

      People don't emigrate from countries they like. They immigrate from 'shithole' countries as they look for a better life.

      Ireland, Italy, the countries of eastern Europe were all considered 'shithole' countries at the time they were sending a flood of immigrants here.


    6. -Trump said he wanted more people from Norway to come here'

      He was just yanking your leash, Quirk, for the pure malicious fun of getting some bow wows and grrrrrs out of you.

    7. ' The immediate question of overwhelming concern'

      I was just yanking your leash, Quirk, for the pure malicious fun of getting some bow wows and grrrrrs out of you.

    8. ' The immediate question of overwhelming concern'

      I was just yanking your leash, Quirk, for the pure malicious fun of getting some bow wows and grrrrrs out of you.

    9. Go buy a dog, Robert "Dumb Ass" Peterson.

  9. Alan Dershowitz, Sara Carter, and the guy from Judicial Watch were really wonderful on HANNITY tonight.

    Catch it if you can !

    This whole DOSIER THING is about to blow sky high.

    It's looking like the FBI/JUSTICE DEPARTMENT lied to the FISA court to obtain permission to spy on Trump and his campaign.


    1. I realize this is rather "small potatoes" in the deceptive and criminal world you inhabit and prosper in, Quirk, and that I would get laughed out the door down there in YE OLDE MAFIA BARBER SHOPPE in Detroit

    2. Robert "Bank Fraudster" Peterson your crimes of identity theft and nank fraud were never 'small potatos'.

      Those criminal activities define your character.
      You may have small balls, but your physical deficits shouldn't be projected onto others.

      Small Potatos, Robert "Bank Fraudster" Peterson, that is, for you, a personal problem.


    See: American Thinker

    This is for Quirk to help him understand and appreciate the seriousness of this whole issue.

    1. The answer Robert "Dumb Ass" Peterson, is a resounding NO!!

      If you were at all well read, you would not even have to ask the question.

      Q was correct, you are an embarrassment

  11. "

    People don't emigrate from countries they like. They immigrate from 'shithole' countries as they look for a better life.

    Ireland, Italy, the countries of eastern Europe were all considered 'shithole' countries at the time they were sending a flood of immigrants here.

    Allow me to revise. At the time the people who left these countries considered them "shitholes"

    1. The people here, in the exceptional United States, considered all the people from "Shithole" countries to be pieces of shit.

    2. The derivative of the term "shit hole" is literal, vernacular and historically accurate. When I first was assigned to a Greek Air Force base in Larissa, Greece in the 1960,s, few public toilets, such as at bus stops and in rural villages had functional water flushing toilet bowls. They had what we referred to as "bomb sites". The fancier versions were ceramic tile platforms with a 4" hole in the center that led to a pit hole or bucket underneath. It went down from there. You dropped your drawers, squatted, hoped your aim was on and didn't step in the slop left by previous less accurate users.

      The Greeks in their own language called them "shitholes". The privies were called "shithouses".

      Those ignorant phonies in the us media in full meltdown are known as "shitheads".

  12. Friday, January 12, 2018

    The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 46% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Fifty-three percent (53%) disapprove.

    Evil genius Trump managed to get the press to stop talking about the Wolf book. Instead, the media is making themselves look like fools to over the obvious belief that countries like Yemen, Congo, Haiti and El Salvador are shit holes.

    1. .

      RCP Poll Averages

      President Trump Job Approval

      Approve 39.2
      Disapprove 56.0
      Disapprove +16.8

      Direction of Country

      Right Direction 33.2
      Wrong Track 58.4
      Wrong Track +25.2

      Trump Favorability Ratings

      Favorable 39.4
      Unfavorable 56.0
      Unfavorable +16.6

      The numbers haven't changed for almost a year now.

      It shows that Trump hasn't lost his base. They continue to hang with him through thick and thin. It also shows that his base isn't all that big.


  13. Oh, just a REMINDER . .

    The 200,000 Salvadoran refugees, they are not illegals. They are here LEGALLY.
    Like all those Hindus, here on TEMPORARY Work Permits that have just become "Permanent".

    Because the Trump Administration does not want US workers getting high paying positions.

    Send those Hanjis home !!!!


    1. Really, if there has ever been a country realistically described as a "Shithole" it is India.

    2. The Swamp Master are using those Hanjis to keep wages in the US depressed.

      Make America Great Again ...

      Send those Hindus home !!!

  14. While on a happier note ...

    A lawyer for President Trump orchestrated a $130,000 payment to a pornographic-film actress in October 2016 to prevent her from going public with claims of a consensual sexual encounter with Mr. Trump, The Wall Street Journal reported on Friday.

    The reported payment came shortly before the presidential election and as the actress, Stephanie Clifford, 38, was discussing sharing her account with ABC’s “Good Morning America” and the online magazine Slate, according to interviews, notes and text messages ...

    The Donald, cheats on his wife ...
    Tells you nothing but the truth ...


  15. Oh no, the evil Trump paid for pussy. What a fuckin horror show! Where is the Kennedy finesse or the Clinton style full on assault?


    In your vast experience, who does not lie about sex?

    1. Same folk that lie about Tax REFORM, Immigration, Health Insurance, and MAGA,...

      Will lie about sex, too

  16. If Bob said he liked the Iranians Jack would suddenly despise his former friends who he liked because of their opposition to Irsael, and the Jews, whom he called "the scum of the earth"

    Jack is one sick man.

    1. Stanley, you ought to "Man Up" and sign in.

      But your balls are "small potatoes".

    2. Ih, Stanley no one at Jack's Google account EVER wrote a bad word about Jews

      No one has ever been able to provise a quote.

      Jack does agree with Robert "Ppthe coward" Peterson ..Israelis are the scum of the earth, from the most putrid "Shithole" there is.

      Bob wrote it, jack agrees...

      Quotes available.

    3. While anyoe that would conflate Israel and Judaism ...

      Just an embarrassment to literate people

  17. When Bush won, and Trump won, many snowflakes said they would move to Canada or France. None said they would move to Haiti or El Salvador or Somalia.

    Where do the snowflakes vacation and buy second homes? Not Haiti, El Salvador, or Somalia.

    Michele Obama vacationed on the taxpayers dime in Hawaii, France, Italy, but not Haiti, El Salvador, or Somalia.
    Pompous hypocrites.

  18. As for comparing Mr Trump to Mr Clinton with regards to "Truth Telling"

    Remember ...

    Clinton was impeachmed ...

    ... for LYING


    1. Clinton was impeached ...

      ... for LYING

      There being no 'm' in impeached.

    2. .

      Trump's lawyers are scared to death to let him testify. With just cause.

      This isn't Trump's first rodeo. He's been deposed a number of times. He should know what to do. He is also a lying, bullying braggard, impulsive enough to say anything. Naw, I wouldn't want to turn him loose answering question to a prosecutor who has been doing this for many years.

      Trump is a habitual liar. The WaPo listed nearly 2,000 times he either lied or misstated the truth last year alone. A study estimated that he only tells the whole, unvarnished truth about 16% of the time. Naw, I wouldn't want him being deposed if I was a lawyer. A lot of risk.

      It might not happen this time but one of these times his lies will catch up to him. IMHO.


    3. "There being no 'm' in impeached"

      If you say so Crazy Jack....

    4. Not a second one, Stupid Stanley.

      You must be related to Bumbling Boobie Peterson, aye?

  19. .

    BobSat Jan 13, 03:56:00 AM EST

    See: American Thinker

    This is for Quirk to help him understand and appreciate the seriousness of this whole issue.

    I don't know.

    Even if it happened, it won't be considered illegal. The a-holes do it every day. Ever heard of the Patriot Act? Ever heard of section 702? It got extended for another 6 years yesterday for 'security reasons'. Wake up and smell the coffee.

    I'm more concerned about my privacy and that of other Americans than I am of some 'shithole' like Trump.

    I don't know but I do know the IG investigation is ongoing and we will find out soon enough. What I do know is that all this whining about it by Trump, his minions, right wing nuts in the media, and the Trumpkins here sure looks like they have something to hide.

    Let me revise my previous comment. I don't know and I sure as heck don't give a shit.


    1. You may not know but Crazy Jack sure does.

      "The answer is a resounding NO!!"

      You must be a real dumb shot Q, a real illiterate.

      See Jack above at 6:07 AM. EST



    Batshit crazy.

  21. What does the US State Department ay about travel to African countries?

    Shit Holes, O! be some other name: What's in a name? that which we call a rose. By any other name would smell as sweet.

    1. Mexico: The country as a whole is at a level two advisory, meaning "exercise increased caution,

      " but five states within the country are at level four, the highest on the scale, with the recommendation being "do not travel."

      The Los Angeles Times makes the point that the level four designation puts these five states—the Pacific regions of Colima, Guerrero, Michoacán, and Sinaloa; and Tamaulipas, on the Gulf of Mexico—at the "same danger category as war-torn Somalia, Afghanistan, and Syria."

      I wouldn't travel to Chicago or St Louis, either.

      Lots of shitholes in the world.

      But like in Charlottesville, you could find "Good People", if you looked.

      Mr Trump implored us to look beyond the label and see the people, the "Good People"...

      And there were NAZIS marching in Charlottesville.

    2. Deuce, what do shithole countries have to do with immigration? Or, specifically, Trumps desire for merìt based immigration?

    3. So, if we can find "Good People" among NAZIS, obviously we can sort out some "Good People" from the wide variety of Shitholes around the world.

      We should investigate the content of their character, more so than we do their country of origin.

      Finding the "Good People" regardless of where they were born.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Here you go, Stupid Stanley

    ... the unverified nature of the dossier is precisely why the FBI decided to look into the allegations, rather than accept them as evidence, and why the dossier should not be used to undermine what federal authorities have since uncovered, according to law enforcement veterans.

    "There may be 90 percent of that dossier that is a complete bunch of [baloney]," said Bob Anderson, who oversaw counterintelligence cases for the FBI before heading its cyber and criminal branch. "But a piece matches with other potentially credible sources that [FBI agents] have ... so now they’re going to dig a little more."
    . . .

    In fact, even without the dossier, the U.S. intelligence community was in possession of information warranting an FBI probe

    "I was aware of intelligence and information about contacts between Russian officials and U.S. persons that raised concerns in my mind about whether or not those individuals were cooperating with the Russians, either in a witting or unwitting fashion, and it served as the basis for the FBI investigation to determine whether such collusion [or] cooperation occurred," former CIA Director John Brennan told the House Judiciary Committee last year.

    For the FBI, the dossier was essentially just another tip.

    "This particular matter was complicated by the fact that the 'main subject' happened to be the Republican nominee for President of the United States," but "we still had an obligation to look at it as part of our effort to protect the Republic from foreign threats," according to Frank Montoya, who spent more than two decades with the FBI and another two years leading U.S. counterintelligence policy under the Director of National Intelligence.

    Just for you, Stupid Stanley


  24. AshSat Jan 13, 09:22:00 AM EST
    Deuce, what do shithole countries have to do with immigration? Or, specifically, Trumps desire for merìt based immigration?

    Any successful school, military unit, corporation, hospital, engineering firm, law office, government, institution or society is based on merit based participants and rewards. Only a doctrinaire leftist is incapable of seeing the obvious.

    1. and merit is the basis of entry, not place of birth. Again, how do shithole countries have any use in this context?

  25. Good morning good morning !

    I see Jack has been a busy boy, three or four comments removed by a blog administrator, so much certitude and calling others morons, basically about par for the course.

    I'm startled that QUIRK doesn't give a shit about the STEELE DOSSIER perhaps having been used to defraud the FISA court being such a supporter of privacy rights

    I'm going to The Darkest Hour sometime this weekend. Will give a report.

    1. It might be just another instance of QUIRK not having the matter fully in mind but is odd as he is one of the biggest backers of civil liberties here and surely doesn't want the USA to become just another shit hole with an out of control government.

      Tis odd indeed.

  26. Heh I see Jack is claiming The Donald is scheming to keep wages down by letting Hindus into the USA while at the same time working to build a border wall to keep many more low wage Mexicans out.

    If you think this doesn't make any sense you are correct but that is why he is known as 'Crazy Jack' Hawkins.

    1. Not crazy at all Robert "Stable Ignoramus" Peterson, to think that a President that OWES $320 MILLIONS USD to foreiners, just MAY act in the best interests of the foreiners and not US.

      It is one reason Donald should be impeahed. His finances just may violate the Constirutional requirements of the job.

      Only the Senate can decide.
      They should be given that opportunity ASAP.


  27. Does anyone else besides me have an occasional moment of fear thinking an axis of evil might sometime form between 'Crazy Jack' and QUIRk ?

    I hope this is just my imagination playing rough with me.

    I am devastated just thinking good QUIRK could ever do such a thing, and I don't really think he would.

    But then that "I don't give a shit" returns to unsettle the mind.....

    1. .

      Of course, I don't give a shit about the dossier. Certainly, not to the point of offering a firm opinion on whether it was used to get a FISA warrants. Why speculate on it when you will know for sure as these various investigations come to completion?

      You guys sit here daily speculating on this shit (and a variety of others things) when you have nothing to base it on but speculation and assumptions you are fed by partisan media hacks and politicians with an ax to grind and a filter of their own political objectives. What you don't have is proof or solid evidence. Only, at best, circumstantial evidence back up by speculation.


      Get back to me when you've got something of substance to report.


    2. .

      Does anyone else besides me have an occasional moment of fear thinking an axis of evil might sometime form between 'Crazy Jack' and QUIRk ?

      No, it's just you.

      No one else here is afraid of offering an opinion because someone or everyone else on the blog disagrees with it. Just you.

      Everyone else here can accept the fact that two people can disagree on some things while agreeing on others.

      Everyone else realizes that for the last year 80%-90% of what's been said here has been about Trump and his policies; and that given how things have skewed, we can be pretty sure that people here who agree or who disagree with Trump and his policies are going to agree with those who share the same opinion 80%-90% of the time. It's no rocket science.


      Only an intellectual midget or an insecure individual requires confirming support before making his positions known.

  28. Replies
    1. An image of three Trump supporters from the Elephant Bar

      Deuce, Doug and Stable Ignoramus.

  29. Grown woman learns new word:

  30. .

    The Danger in Depositions

    Trump has given dozens of depositions in lawsuit-laden business career, but he could face tougher grilling in Russia inquiry

    If President Trump is interviewed by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, a step that may be unavoidable in the Russia investigation, he'll square off with prosecutors who have spent decades firing questions at corrupt politicians, crooked businessmen and organized crime leaders.

    But the prosecutors wouldn't be the only seasoned veterans in the room. By his own account, Trump has sat for dozens of depositions in his career as a bellicose business mogul in New York, one who routinely drew legal challenges from aggrieved competitors, contractors, customers and state attorneys general...

    ...Trump may have a more difficult time. Lawyers who have grilled him in the past describe him as charming and focused, but also arrogant, glib and dishonest, characteristics that could prove troublesome if Mueller's team finds he has a clear conflict with the truth...

    ...He also turned on the charm when the case went to trial in Broward County, Fla., in 2014. While reading a document on the witness stand, Trump asked the judge to borrow his glasses.

    "Can I use your glasses again, your honor? Is that possible? I hate to do this to you," Trump said.
    When he finished testifying, the judge dismissed Trump by saying, "You're fired," the trademark line from Trump's reality TV show "The Apprentice." The jury ruled in Trump's favor.

    "People underestimate him," Beck said. "I saw grown men, attorneys, become gelatinous in front of him..."

    ...It's unlikely that Mueller, a former Marine Corps officer who fought in Vietnam, will turn weak in the knees. In 2004, Mueller famously threatened to resign as FBI director if President George W. Bush reauthorized a warrantless wiretap program without making changes. Bush backed down.

    Mueller is also far more powerful than lawyers in civil cases...

    ..."Mueller holds the cards here," said Alan Dershowitz, a constitutional and criminal law scholar who is an emeritus professor at Harvard Law School.

    Trump is famously loose with the facts, sometimes shading the truth or fabricating his own. Doing that in an interview with federal investigators is a potential felony, even if the president is not under oath.

    "The main risk is that he will admit to certain facts that will fill gaps for the prosecution, or he'll say things that are contradicted by other witnesses or other evidence," Dershowitz said. He has previously suggested that Trump's legal position, particularly over whether he obstructed justice, may not be as dire as the president's critics suggest...

