Saturday, January 13, 2018

False Warning from Hawaii Emergency Management

Previous Real False Alarms:

White House calls false Hawaii missile alert 'a state exercise'

The White House described a false inbound missile alert received by Hawaii residents on Saturday morning as an "emergency management exercise," offering no further explanation for the erroneous warning.

"The President has been briefed on the state of Hawaii's emergency management exercise," White House deputy press secretary Lindsay Walters told reporters in West Palm Beach, Fla.

"This was a state exercise," she added.

Hawaiians awoke to alerts on their mobile devices and televisions around 8 a.m. local time Saturday, warning of an "inbound" ballistic missile threat.
"Seek immediate shelter. This is not a drill," the emergency alert stated.
Many residents had already fled to nearby shelters before U.S. Pacific Command confirmed the alert was sent by mistake.

Hawaii Gov. David Ige later told CNN somebody "pushed the wrong button" during an employee shift change, causing the false alert to be sent out.
Trump was visiting his golf course in West Palm Beach, Fla. at the time of the incident Saturday.



  1. This looks like a fat finger fuckup from the State emergency management service. Other than confirmation that there was no actual event in process, there was no national defense implications.

    Undoubtedly, the Democrats will blame this on Trump playing golf. In reality they could look to the usual lineup for bungled US foreign affairs on the three duffers:


    1. .


      The Pacific Command owns the system. How can one doofus pushing 1 button trigger all this?

      Then it takes 38 minutes to reverse the error? Why?

      They need a complete review of the system and the safeguards.


    2. Nonsense.

      This was a state agency and had nothing to do with the US Military Pacific Command.

    3. This was from the State agency and when the military was notified, they told them it was bullshit.

    4. Revise and resubmit:

      Amateur hour on hemorrhoids.

    5. In late 1968, the Chinese tested a nuclear weapon at Lop Nor and it caused massive deformation and modulation of radio waves all across the Soviet Union deflected by the ionosphere. The signal signatures that appeared on our radar screens looked like the signatures of every known type of Russian missile, all being launched simultaneously.

      We obviously never saw anything like this and every site on our network was reporting a multiple launch against Conus.

      Aviano reported this to NORAD and NORAD using multiple systems determined the event was an anomaly. This was in 1968.
      The US military systems would never have such a systemic breakdown. Not possible.

    6. .


      Pacific Command has control of all the key elements of the system from the satellites down through notification to the state system.

      Are you telling me they didn't have any part in designing the system with the state? If not, that is a problem.

      Are you telling me the military didn't know this alarm went off the second it did? If not, that's a problem.

      Where they standing around with their thumb up their ass for 38 minutes before getting involved. If so, that is a problem.

      Did the primary error occur at the state level in this situation? Yes, definitely. But this is a system problem and if the military didn't have a key role in the design and implementation of the system designed to warn about fucking nuclear war, that is a big damn problem.

      This involves more than an Amber alert.


    7. Yeah, Amber alerts involve real danger to life.

      Plus, apprehending the perp could save a life.

      Gathering in a ballroom, not so much.

    8. .

      I was wrong. The military was contacted and gave the correct response. There was nothing built into the system to send another notice to rescind the original warning. I guess everyone involved in designing the system figured hell, after the attack what would be the point.

      A real system failure. Among many.


  2. .

    Wonder where Doug is.

    Basement? Still in his A/R shelter? Chugging the last of his booze?


  3. Here's an idea: Fake storm drains leading straight down into rubber rooms in the insane asylum.

    I had to endure this as a kid when they told us the Ruskies were gonna nuke my tiny town 'cause of the oilfields.

    Never bought it for a minute.

    1. .

      Speaking of which, I just saw video of parents putting their kids (little girl looked about 3 or 4) down manholes to the sewers.


  4. Well, Doug has already commented.

    He is unafraid.

    Of what is not yet known.

  5. So you do not consider the Rocket Man to be a real threat?

    We know MAD worked against Stalin and his political progeny, Mao's too.

    Do you think his own Assured Destruction is on Rocket Man's mind when he contemplates a first strike against Pearl Harbor?

    1. Yeah, he's a young stud with a bright future.

  6. Jack Hawkins is all one needs to get to the bottom of this STEELE/FISA business

    Jack really knows some shit.


    1. Well, we were able to get the Panama Papers public, but that was a "Team" effort, Stupid Stanley.

      The results really impressed Robert "Stable Ignoramus" Peterson.

      He went on and on about the 'secret mission', one wonders if he was briefed by his Chi-com contact, or if it was 'remote viewing'.

      Hank might know.

  7. Doug was safe snug and snoring in his LAVA TUBE when the alert came through, my Maui sources have informed me.

    He never even knew any of it happened.


  8. This comment has been removed by the author.


    1. Steve Bannon, President Donald Trump's former top strategist, alleged in journalist Michael Wolff's tell-all book about the Trump White House that the president's longtime attorney, Marc Kasowitz, "took care" of 100 women during the presidential campaign.

      "Look, Kasowitz has known [Trump] for twenty-five years. Kasowitz has gotten him out of all kinds of jams," Bannon reportedly said.

      "Kasowitz on the campaign - what did we have, a hundred women? Kasowitz took care of all of them."

      This apparently off-hand remark may take on new significance after The Wall Street Journal reported on Friday that another lawyer for the president, Michael Cohen, sent $130,000 to a porn star just weeks before the 2016 presidential election to keep her silent. ...

      That Bannon ... such a Court Jester

      Betcha he is waiting on the punch line to Mr Mueller's joke, too.

    2. Is Bannon related to you?

  9. It's all an effort by Trump, a war monger from birth.....why else do you think Pappy Trumpf put him in that military academy in his habituate the American Sheeple to his planned use of nuclear weapons.

    I have this from two confidential sources, one in Phoenix, Arizona and one in the burbs outside Detoit, Michigan.

    Neither have ever admitted to being wrong or full of shit about anything.

    Hence my confidence in their analalysis is 100%.

    Think about it....The Donald brags he has bigger bombs, a better button, and bigger fingers too.

    Kim Fat So 3's days are numbered so what if we lose LA, San Fran and Seattle ?

    They are all filled with Democrats anyway, we would all be better off without them schemes The Donald.....

    1. The Donald will be safe and secure deep in his command post under the mountains in Colorado.

    2. Melania and some hookers will be with him, my sources say....

    3. .

      You're sounding kind of defensive again, Bob.


  10. Say, did you know, and I have this from one of my two stateside USA sources, that The Donald is scheming to keep USA labor rates low by building a wall and keeping MILLIONS of unemployed Mexicans outta here ?

    Yes it's true my border source affirms.

    1. It's true, bobbie.

      Those Mexi and Salvos all work at the low end.
      When they are not in the labor market, US workers will have to fill those low paying jobs.

      Or the U$ economy will cease to function, and we can't have that.

      The higher wage jobs now held by immigrants have been frozen.

      By allowing Temporary Workers to remain in the U$, the Trump Administration freezes US workers out of those jobs, while effectively keeping those jobs at an artificially low rate of compensation.

      The Swamp Masters of the Trump Administration are using immigration policy to keep US wages artificially suppressed.
      And the US at a competitive disadvantage.

      Using immigration policy to do it.

      Or, truth be known, there'd have been a Border Adjustment Tax included in the Tax Reform legislation.

      There wasn't.

      Promises Made - Promises Broken

  11. I happened on an interesting book in the library the other day:



    By Marie Howe

    Written mostly in two line couplets she tells her story in a remarkably fresh and striking way.

    It seems she had a husband, lost along her way, she must have had many lovers from her intimate descriptions of penises of all varieties, and somewhere along the trail adopted a daughter whom she is raising.

    She is attracted to Christianity, sometimes seeming to link herself to the figure of Mary Magdalene and I am not done with it yet so don't know how it ends or even if it ends, which it may not.

    Certainly an original sort of book....

    1. .

      Hanging around the porn section of the Moscow library again, Bob?


    2. Different library.

      And I'm not aware that our interlinked library system has a porn section even with WSU and U of IDAHO being part of it.

      The system includes everything from Lewiston to Coeur d'Alene and is really quite good.

      The new library at Coeur d'Alene is beautiful. I will show it to you next time you are out this way if you like.

      Where do you get your porn,Quirk, YE OLDE MAFIA BARBER SHOPPE ?

      Say, there's a new inter net game I heard about you might like if you can find it:


      Sounds kinda interactive and I thought you might like that.

    3. It's waaaaay too complicated for Jack but you can easily handle it

  12. .

    Hawaiian Fubar

    Well, I was wrong about the military's role in the Hawaiian fiasco. Evidently, the state found out it was a mistake pretty quick but they had no system for recalling a warning once one had been sent.

    It still remains a system problem. FEMA has responsibility for Civil Defense and I suppose they will conduct a system review. The system needs redundancy that it doesn't seem to have. One guy and a button shouldn't be able to screw it up. Also, there should be a system in place to announce 'Never mind'.



    1. I like that idea of a "NEVER MIND" button.

      Never mind
      No matter
      No matter
      Never mind

      Quirk did I ever mention that Schopenhauer, who was often mournful like you of the prospects of improving this sad old world but was also hopeful about the next, was extremely
      pleased and delighted with himself when he realized later in his life that what he had actually written was HINDUISM ?

      Schopenhauer was my mom's favorite philosopher.

      If I didn't mention it never mind it doesn't matter as I. have mentioned it now



    See : Hot Air

    This is the introductory move in the


    game, Quirk.

    Have fun !!!!!

    1. .

      As mentioned before, I'll skip the trailers and the pre-release hype and wait for the feature presentation.


  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. "The system needs redundancy that it doesn't seem to have. One guy and a button..."


    They now have 2 guys on the button.

    1. Hawaii Emergency Management Agency Administrator Vern Miyagi confirmed at a news conference Saturday afternoon that the error happened when someone pushed the wrong button. Miyagi said Gov. David Ige directed the agency to "hold off" on future tests of the system until the notification protocol is expanded.

      Miyagi said the agency has put a new two-person rule in place during the drill to ensure a false alarm doesn't happen again. Gov. Ige told reporters that the person who pushed the alarm was unaware an error had been made until he received the alert on his mobile device.
