Tuesday, May 09, 2017

Trump Fires Comey

President Trump fired FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday, White House spokesman Sean Spicer said.
"The president has accepted the recommendation of the Attorney General and the deputy Attorney General regarding the dismissal of the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation," Sean Spicer told reporters in the briefing room.


Sanctimonious Comeynius the Nauseous

The FBI has a long and dishonorable record of political interference and malfeasance, often associated with its first director, J. Edgar Hoover. He placed his agents on the staffs of the most powerful committees of Congress. He turned the FBI into a political police, infiltrating and disrupting the nation’s “enemies” as he defined them—the USA Communist Party, the Socialist Workers Party, anti-Vietnam War protest organizations, the civil rights movement, the New Left, and even white hate groups like the KKK. 
All became targets of FBI dirty tricks, infiltration, and disruption. And what’s more, Hoover did it on his own authority—ignoring Justice Department guidelines and the recommendations of his superiors—not unlike Comey.
Some say Hoover’s power was rooted in the infamous secret files on members of Congress—known as the director’s “confidential files” that he kept in his inner office. But after Hoover’s death, Congress came to its senses. 
In 1975, it empowered the Church Committee to investigate and rein in the illegal domestic spying activities of the Intelligence Community, specifically including the Federal Bureau of Investigation. And it legislated term limits.
Today the FBI director is nominated by the president and appointed with the advice and consent of the Senate for a 10-year term—10 years, that is, during good behavior and at the pleasure of the president. Following the Church Committee investigations, it was widely believed that the FBI had been brought to heel by superior power emanating from the U.S. Congress.
But that was before 9/11 and the explosive growth of the intelligence agencies and assets over the past 15 year. New powers of surveillance, internal security, and counterterrorism were added across the Intelligence Community, and especially to the FBI’s portfolio and budgets, which mushroomed.
Now comes Director Comey, who was a registered Republican until July, appointed by President Barack Obama in 2013. In a spectacular arrogance of power, Comey put his office in jeopardy, as well as the FBI, wading into the political arena, intervening not once but twice, in the closing days of the presidential election of 2016. But make no mistake about the gravity of his misconduct.
It was a direct assault on the electoral process, even if he says it was not; no matter his intentions, it was an attempt to subvert democracy as it has been practiced in the United States for 240 years.


  1. President Donald Trump fired FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday, according to a statement from the White House.

    In a statement from the press office, the White House said Trump acted on the recommendation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Borenstein.

  2. The FBI on Tuesday clarified testimony made by Director James Comey before a Senate panel regarding the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server.

    Comey told the Senate Judiciary Committee last week that longtime Clinton aide Huma Abedin forwarded “hundreds and thousands” of Clinton’s emails to her then-husband, former Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.), to print out for Clinton while she was secretary of State.

    In fact, the bureau said in a letter sent to the Senate panel Tuesday that only a handful of the 49,000 relevant emails it uncovered on Weiner’s laptop had been forwarded manually. Most of the emails got onto the computer as a result of backups of her Blackberry.

    Just two of 12 total email chains including classified information were manually forwarded, the bureau said. All 12 chains had previously been reviewed by investigators.

    ProPublica as well as The Washington Post reported this week that FBI officials had internally acknowledged that Comey incorrectly represented the number of emails Abedin forwarded to Weiner.

    Comey told the committee last week that the bureau in October uncovered “hundreds and thousands” of emails sent by Abedin, some of which he said were classified.

    Pressed by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) on how Abedin could forward “hundreds or thousands of classified emails” without violating statute, Comey clarified: “If I said that, I misspoke. She forwarded hundreds and thousands of emails, some of which contain classified information.”

    Abedin, the FBI director testified last week, “appears to have had a regular practice of forwarding emails to him, for him I think to print out for her so she could then deliver them to the secretary of State.”

    The bureau did not make clear how the mistake occurred, saying only that the letter is intended to “supplement that testimony to ensure that the Committee has the full context of what was reviewed and found on the laptop.”

  3. .

    And the optics say, 1973 Redux.

    And the Magic 8-Ball says, "Oh yeah!"

    And the Quirkster says, 'Suspiciously convenient'.

    Whatever the reasons for the firing, I'm pretty sure the calls for a special prosecutor will escalate.


    1. Yep, Hillary and Huma broke no laws, and if they did, had know idea what they were doing.

      ...just like Obama didn't when he emailed Hillary @ her private server.

    2. Obama’s Conflict Tanked the Clinton E-mail Investigation — As Predicted


      But since you'll say it doesn't count because it's the National Review, there's this:


    3. "Abedin was sufficiently stunned that, for just a moment, the bottomless capacity of Clinton insiders to keep cool in a scandal was overcome. “How is this not classified?” She recovered quickly enough, though. The FBI records that the next thing Abedin did, after “express[ing] her amazement at the president’s use of a pseudonym,” was to “ask if she could have a copy of the email.” Abedin knew an insurance policy when she saw one. If Obama himself had been e-mailing over a non-government, non-secure system, then everyone else who had been doing it had a get-out-of-jail-free card."

    4. Quirk can predict the future:

      He knows the MSM will do whatever it can to promote and protect Democrat Crimes.

    5. .

      I merely give voice to the silent pronouncements of the Magic 8-ball.


  4. Trump just stripped the wallpaper off corruption in the FBI and every Democrat Cockroach is crawling in the same direction to discredit Trump for doing what Obama should have done.

    1. ...but couldn't, as Andrew McCarthy explains.

  5. New acting FBI director is Andrew McCabe - and he too is caught in the toxic impact of Clinton as his wife got cash from a Hillary ally while he ran email probe

    Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

  6. Great news. Only ones calling foul are the losers: Clinton, Kaine, Mook, etc.

    1. Mook is terrified.

      Not Quirk: He's confident his buddies in the MSM will run Trump out on a rail.

    2. Are there any bigger hypocrites on earth than the stiff necked Democrats? If Hillary would have been elected (thank heavens she was not), she would have fired Comey immediately, and all would have rejoiced.

  7. The Blob



  8. From James Freeman, WSJ

    Disney CEO Robert Iger, a heavy donor to Democratic politicians, may like the recent leftward tilt of Disney’s ESPN sports network. But the man who runs the mouse house can’t be happy with the recent financial performance of the cable television channel. Late Tuesday afternoon Disney reported its quarterly earnings and according to the Journal, “ESPN once again dragged quarterly results with revenue for its fiscal second quarter coming in below analysts’ expectations.” The Journal notes that operating revenue within the Disney segment that includes ESPN contracted for the fifth time in six quarters. The Journal adds:

    ESPN, Disney’s cable property, has faced well-documented woes: rising costs, declining viewership and the overall cord-cutting trend.
    The sports network is a crucial piece of Disney’s holdings because it is the most important part of the media networks business, which comprises roughly half of the company’s operating income and is bigger than its studio and theme-park units.
    About 762,000 subscribers dropped their cable- or satellite-TV service in the first quarter, the industry’s worst-ever subscriber losses to start a year and five times higher than the year-earlier period, according to MoffettNathanson.
    ESPN recently announced a new round of layoffs and Mr. Iger, despite his liberal views, might be particularly impatient for a turnaround at the network—and not just because he wants to deliver robust earnings growth for Disney shareholders. A recent report from the website Axios claims that Mr. Iger is contemplating a run for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020. Such a run would be premised on his business success, so Disney has to be thriving for him to make a Trumpian leap into politics.

    Mr. Iger may be so eager to spruce up his tarnished cable operation that he’ll consider the analysis by former ESPN and current Fox Sports journalist Jason Whitlock that ESPN’s embrace of leftist ideology is partly to blame for driving away former fans of the sports giant.

    Progressives across social media have been in an uproar since the Journal published Mr. Whitlock’s op-ed on Sunday night. Mr. Whitlock wrote that ESPN is “diverse on its surface, progressive in its point of view, and more concerned with spinning media narratives than with the quality of its product. The channel has become too handcuffed by politics to protect its most experienced and loyal employees. It’s a massive symbol of everything that fueled Donald Trump’s bid for the presidency.” Mr. Whitlock also opined that ESPN had been highly influenced by attacks from the leftist website Deadspin to adopt its current politicized approach to sports coverage.

    Various ESPN defenders are now upset that Mr. Whitlock’s op-ed didn’t mention that Deadspin has also written harshly about him. And it’s true that Mr. Whitlock’s refusal to adopt liberal progressive views has been vigorously criticized by Deadspin. But this column doubts that such disclaimers will become routine journalistic practice. Just imagine applying this standard to stories about President Trump. Every report from outlets like CNN and the New York Times would have to say something like: “The president, who has accused this organization of peddling ‘fake news’...

    As for ESPN, perhaps the network understands it has a growing political problem with a significant number of sports fans. This week the network trumpeted a contract renewal for former football star and evangelical Christian Tim Tebow. Still, this column suspects that the people who run ESPN won’t want to hear him discuss politics--which will probably be just fine with longtime viewers who only ever wanted sports coverage.

  9. White House said Comey was fired at the recommendation of the Justice Department, but Brian Fallon, who was the Clinton campaign’s press secretary last year, said Trump’s decision “smells like a coverup on Russia” coming amid the FBI's probe of Russian election interference and any possible ties between Trump's campaign and Moscow.


    This, or something nearly like it, is the line I expect Quirk to adopt when he catches his wits.

    1. It bears repeating: there is growing speculation in informed circles that Quirk is deeply jealous of The Donald because The Donald gets more and better pussy than The Quirk gets.

    2. How else explain, really, such juvenile hits as:

      Trump doesn't know shit


    3. Love Comey's jet. Nifty two engine back by the tail job, with beautiful wings and short take off capability.

      Just took of from LA heading back to D.C.


      FBI CHAOS...
      DC DRAMA...
      Comey learned of firing as he addressed FBI employees in LA. TV screens in background flashed news...

      This certainly qualifies as 'unceremoniously fired'.

    5. Bob Thu May 27, 12:52:00 AM EDT

      But I did rip off the bank for $7500 hundred dollars, when I was on my knees, and fighting for my economic life, on my aunt's credit card. But that wasn't really stealing, just payback.

      Honesty, a policy Robert "Draft dodger" Peterson knows nothing about.

  10. James Comey fired: calls for special prosecutor after Trump sacks FBI director –


    1. That's why we love him.

      We being Quirk and assorted other scoundrels.

      Comey and Quirk doing the heavy lifting for the MSM.

    2. .

      I see the Whine Brothers are back.


  11. Catherine Herridge is saying there has been a lot of steam rising about Comey's slow walking the names of who was doing the 'unmasking' - a very easy thing to determine, she says.

    1. Catherine Herridge is the best correspondent on Fox, and, she knows how to say "you're welcome" better than anyone.

    2. bobal Fri Mar 20, 06:03:00 PM EDT
      Trish always was a syphilitic slut

  12. .

    White House said Comey was fired at the recommendation of the Justice Department, but Brian Fallon, who was the Clinton campaign’s press secretary last year, said Trump’s decision “smells like a coverup on Russia” coming amid the FBI's probe of Russian election interference and any possible ties between Trump's campaign and Moscow.


    This, or something nearly like it, is the line I expect Quirk to adopt when he catches his wits.

    I see you're still chasing yours.

    Check QuirkTue May 09, 06:46:00 PM EDT.


  13. .

    South Korea

    <a href="https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/09/world/asia/south-korea-election-president-moon-jae-in.html?ribbon-ad-idx=5&rref=world/asia&module=Ribbon&version=context&region=Header&action=click&contentCollection=Asia%20Pacific&pgtype=article”>South Korea Elects Moon Jae-in, Who Backs Talks With North, as President</a>

    <i>Mr. Moon, 64, a son of North Korean refugees, faces the challenge of enacting changes to limit the power of big business and address the abuses uncovered in his predecessor’s downfall. He must also make good on his promise of a new approach to North Korea while balancing relations with the United States and China.

    His election immediately scrambles the geopolitics over North Korea’s nuclear arsenal. Even as the Trump administration urges the world to step up pressure on Pyongyang, it now faces the prospect of a critical ally — one with the most at stake in any conflict with the North — breaking ranks and adopting a more conciliatory approach.

    Mr. Moon has argued that Washington’s reliance on sanctions and pressure has been ineffective and that it is time to give engagement and dialogue with the North another chance, an approach favored by China. He has also called for a review of the Pentagon’s deployment of an antimissile defense system in South Korea that the Chinese government has denounced.


    1. Twenty-five years of reliance on sanctions and pressure has been ineffective

      Mr Trump and his team want to double down on the failed policies of the past.

      “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”.

      Let's let the Koreans deal with the Koreans, they understand each other, much better than any one in DC can either side on the penisula.


  14. CNN: Grand jury subpoenas issued in FBI's Russia investigation....DRUDGE

    1. (Rooskie ham sandwich to be indicted)

    2. Quirk Fri May 05, 07:47:00 PM EDT


      Damn, Bob, you are the stupidest ass I know.

  15. .

    From the MSM,

    Trump to Arm Syrian Kurds, Even as Turkey Objects

    President Trump approved the plan so that the militia can participate in the operation to retake Raqqa from the Islamic State, the Pentagon said...


    1. If Erdogan objects something correct has been done.

    2. .

      Yet, Trump congratulated Erdogan for winning the referendum that stripped Turkey of much of its democracy.


  16. .

    From the MSM,

    All of Trump’s campaign statements just vanished from his website. So let’s remember them.

    Whatever the reasons for their disappearance, the statements are all preserved in the Internet’s unofficial archives...



    1. Mr Trump PROMISED he would not cut Medicaid, both in campaign stops and on twitter ...

      He lied

      His Health Care program cuts Medicaid by over $850 billion.
      To fund the $650 billion in tax cuts.

  17. .

    In blow to ties with Turkey, U.S. to directly arm Syrian Kurds against ISIS

    President Trump has approved a plan to directly arm Kurdish forces as part of a plan to capture Raqqa, the Pentagon said. Turkey views the Kurdish People's Protection Units, or YPG, as a threat and has rebuked the United States for partnering with them in its fight against extremists in Syria...


    1. Trump's plan to directly arm Kurdish forces a blow to US/Turkes ties.


    2. Turkey/US ties suffer blow by Trump's plan to directly arm Kurds

      From the MSM

    3. .

      Is that the English major version?


    4. I'm trying to take up your habit of saying the same thing two or three or four times, only altering the wording a little.

      How am I doing ?

    5. Bob Tue May 09, 10:47:00 PM EDT



  18. Gen. Joseph L. Votel, the commander of American forces in the Middle East, has acknowledged the challenges of dealing with two pivotal allies in the fight against the Islamic State in Syria who essentially loathe each other — the Turks and the Syrian Kurds.


    In recent weeks, analysts said, the Islamic State has tried to slip some of its senior planners and operatives out of Raqqa before the battle to maintain essential functions like command and control, recruiting, handling of finances and the ability to help carry out plots against the West.

    That is one reason that even as the American-backed Syrian Kurdish and Arab forces have increasingly tightened a noose around the city, and the coalition has pummeled it with airstrikes, allied fighters have also struck targets south of Raqqa, near Deir al-Zour and Mayadeen, where many of the senior Islamic State members have fled.


    1. The US is now arming terrorists.

      Folks on the same list as Hezbollah.

      "What your government did abroad yesterday, it does at home today."

  19. I'm hoping this all means that Hillary is still at risk.

    1. Bob Thu May 27, 12:52:00 AM EDT

      But I did rip off the bank for $7500 hundred dollars, when I was on my knees, and fighting for my economic life, on my aunt's credit card. But that wasn't really stealing, just payback.

      After all, I had paid them nearly 20% interest for about three years.

      20% x 3 = 60% ...

      It was not payback, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson, it was stealing.

  20. A blow. What exactly does that mean?

    1. It means there will not be a Trump Tower built in Constantinople.

  21. I see the Dead Beat Dad and self confessed felon/war criminal is back.

    WiO is correct. The best thing Dead Beat Dad has done in his life is abandon his daughter.

    Now she has a fighting chance.



    1. Damn, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson, you do not even remember the lie that you and "O"rdure have propagated.

      How sad for you, that your memory has failed.

  22. .

    If Trump can get a deal between Israel and the Palestinians, I will be the first to admit he is the king of the deal.

    From the Israeli MSM,

    Today’s lesson: Police show 5th graders how to shoot a terrorist

    Parents voice outrage over demonstration that includes officers firing at the suspect even after he’s down.

    Hundreds of 10- and 11-year-old children in central Israel were given a demonstration by police that showed how to kill a terrorist, including officers shooting him repeatedly after he was already on the ground.

    The display in Ramat Hasharon — part of the city’s annual “Community-Police Day” — caused an outcry among parents, but was defended by police as being good for the fifth graders’ “sense of security.”

    A video of the event, which took place on Monday, was widely shared on social media on Tuesday...



    1. Benjamin Netanyahu borrowed a line from President Trump, referring to CNN, The New York Times and other outlets as “fake news.”


    2. Bibi may think the same about the JPost, he just does not have to balls to libel them.

      The Israeli army's deputy chief of staff ignited controversy late Wednesday evening with his remarks which seemed to suggest a parallel between present-day Israel and 1930s Germany.

      Maj. Gen. Yair Golan made the comments during a Holocaust Remembrance Day address at Tel Yitzhak.


  23. .

    The same people who brought us...

    - Clintons involved in sex ring operating out of pizza parlor.

    - Man says he was paid $3500 to protest a Trump rally.

    - Three to five million votes were cast illegally in the 2016 election.

    are the same ones whining about 'fake news'.


  24. Comey earned his firing. He was dangerously arrogant, abused his power and stepped beyond the boundaries of his office. I have no doubt that there is more than we know about and half of what we do know about should be twice what he needed to be terminated.

    Sayonara Asshole.

  25. The Democrats want an investigation, give it to them, but let's also give them something all Democrats love and revere, inclusion. The Clintons seem as good a place to start. Include them.

  26. A little past 5 p.m. on Tuesday, a black Ford Taurus slowed to a stop just outside FBI headquarters in Washington and dispatched a white-haired man in a dark suit.

    He emerged from the car alone, a manila folder in his right hand, and walked slowly toward the agency's appointment gate. Passersby paid little notice.

    But Keith Schiller, President Donald Trump's pugnacious former bodyguard who now sits sentry outside the Oval Office doors, was at the law enforcement agency armed with a bombshell message from his longtime boss to FBI Director James Comey: "You are hereby terminated and removed from office."

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Yet another example of the level of Deuce's man Trump's intelligence - he mentions the FBI investigation of Russia in his note firing Comey. Brilliant, simply brilliant. Deuce must be proud

    1. Ash doesn't get it, but, then, he's got a potato for a brain.

  29. I have suggested Comey should be fired over his role in giving Clinton a pass despite the fact that any enlisted man would be imprisoned in a Super Max for doing what Hillary did.

    At first Hillary and her sycophants suggested the leaked emails were forgeries. When that turd wouldn't sink, they switched to the Russian meme and then it became Trump's fault that Hillary was was caught up in her own lies and lost the election over it.

    You are beginning to sound like Donna Brazil discussing Anthony Weiner. What is your point, if you have one?

    Behind the scenes of Trump’s firing of the FBI Director.
    May 10, 2017 Matthew Vadum

    ​President Trump abruptly fired embattled FBI Director James B. Comey Jr. late yesterday afternoon for exceeding his authority during the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email abuses.

    The long-overdue termination of Comey, who inappropriately injected himself and the FBI into political matters, came three-and-a-half years into his 10-year term. It was based on the recommendation of the Department of Justice and was effective immediately.

    Comey’s firing is a reaffirmation of the importance of the rule of law. He was more powerful than an FBI director ever should be. As commentator Brit Hume observed, “For better or worse, no FBI director since J. Edgar Hoover had taken so large a role in the political life of this country as James Comey.”

    Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle were intimidated and scared by Comey, Tucker Carlson editorialized on his Fox News Channel show:

    Just how powerful was James Comey? Let’s it put this way: He was feared in a way that no appointed bureaucrat should ever be feared in a free society. Time and again elected lawmakers on both sides came on this show and expressed worry and concern about his behavior, but they did so only during commercial breaks with the cameras off. Why? Because they were terrified at the prospect of criticizing him in public. They certainly don’t have that fear of the sitting president of the United States and that tells you everything you need to know about Jim Comey.

    After taking this necessary step towards draining the Washington swamp, Trump was upbeat, saying the FBI “is one of our nation’s most cherished and respected institutions and today will mark a new beginning for our crown jewel of law enforcement.”....


  31. Marx, Engels Both Racists

    The racist views of the Left's favorite icon.
    May 10, 2017 Walter Williams


  32. To Resolve the Syrian Crisis, Partition Is Necessary
    Russia has proposed de-escalation zones, and the international community should step up with an impartial partition plan for Syria
    Carol E. B. Choksy and Jamsheed K. Choksy
    Tuesday, May 9, 2017


    Yes !

    Divide all these shit holes up into smaller shit holes.

    They are likely to create less trouble that way.


  33. Olivia Nuzzi: Report: Giuliani under consideration to replace Comey as FBI director


  34. Most people are creatures of habit.

    I have no doubt that someone got a whiff of Comey sneaking out for just one more smoke before he quits this time, for sure.

  35. I'm hoping Giuliani gets the now open FBI job.

    He might be a little old though. It's a 10 year gig.

  36. None of this matters.

    The Firing of James Comey ends the World as we knew it.

    The Republic falls, the seas will rise, death, pestilence, petulance , famine and transgender loss of identification as wells fire falling from the skies and delivery of mail on Saturday will end.

  37. Comey will do OK.

    ‘Work for WikiLeaks’: Assange offers Comey job as Snowden condemns White House
    Published time: 10 May, 2017 10:54


    There's lots of work out there in the private sector, and sometimes one doesn't even to look for it, it comes to you.

    1. GOP baffled by timing; WH braces for independent probe

      Alex Brandon / AP

      In a swirl of sobering questions about the Constitution and the rule of law, many Republicans are asking simply: Why now? Why?!

      Republicans around town, and even some White House officials, tell me they're baffled by President Trump's decision to fire FBI Director James Comey in the middle of his Russia investigation — and with the explanation that it's because of his handling of Hillary's email, which Trump had praised him for in the past.

      "They just barely got the tiniest bit of momentum going after the House health care bill, and now it's like the engine has fallen out of the car," said an outside adviser to the West Wing. "The Russia thing will now go on forever. And the rationale in the letter was preposterous. This was a tremendous miscalculation."

      Even some White House officials believe that the likely result will be a special counsel, which Democrats are now pushing nearly in unison. AP reports that Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer said last night that he told Trump in a phone conversation "[Y]ou are making a big mistake."

      The firing increases scrutiny of the feds' Russia probe, and will make Democrats even more aggressive with their investigation. Comey, who's 6 foot 8, literally and psychically towered over so many national dramas of the past decade, and is accused by Democrats of tipping the presidential election.

      Adding to GOP bewilderment, the announcement came 10 days before Trump leaves on his first foreign trip, to centers of three great religions — Saudi Arabia, Israel and Rome. Trump has said he hopes the trip will begin to "construct a new foundation of cooperation and support with our Muslim allies."

      "That's the kind of thing that changes history and the trajectory of a presidency — a permanent legacy," the adviser said. "The timing of this is all bad for Trump."

      Matt Miller, a former Justice Department spokesman under President Obama, said everyone he talked to at Main Justice last night was in shock. Miller said it was clear internally that the White House didn't trust Comey, and couldn't control him.

      "This makes no sense in the short term," Miller said. "But if the long-term threat is the survival of the administration itself, then you take the short-term risk."

      P.S. Trump on Comey, at a campaign rally on Oct. 31, after the FBI director sent a letter to Congress saying he was reopening the Clinton email probe: "It took a lot of guts. I really disagreed with him. I was not his fan. But I'll tell you what he did, he brought back his reputation. He brought it back. He's got to hang tough because there's ... a lot of people want him to do the wrong thing. What he did was the right thing."


  38. Text of Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein to AG Sessions Concerning Comey -


    Rosenstein was confirmed 94-6 by the Senate.

    He was first appointed by O'bozo.

    Hard to say he was a Trump hack.

    1. Being confirmed 94-6 and first appointed by O'bozo ought to make the guy perfectly acceptable to Ash.

    2. Just what is Trump supposed to do with such letters from Deputy AG Rosenstein and AG Sessions, Ash ?

    3. Letter/Memo by Rosenstein also found here:


  39. Sean Spicer's daily presser ought to be worth a watch today.

  40. Comey was a dirty cop. He earned the privilege of being fired.

  41. Ash asked previously who could control or do something about Comey. I think we just found out.

  42. .

    Le D'affaire Comey

    The definitive analysis and opinion:

    Background and Analysis:

    1. James Comey has for the past 9 months been acting outside of the lines in his job as FBI Director. He has implied that the actions he took weren't intended to be political or affect the political process. They did the exact opposite.

    2. For anyone who accepts the traditional roles of investigator (FBI) and prosecutor (DOJ), Comey probably deserved to be fired.

    3. Comey was a political appointee who serves at the pleasure of the president. Trump had every right to fire him.

    However, the sequence of events raises certain questions the most pressing of which devolve on the Rosenstein memo. The first is who initiated the memo? Trump says his decision was based on a memo he was sent from acting AG, Rosenstein, and the recommendation of both Rosenstein and AG Sessions.
    The first question is why did Rosenstein put out the memo? After a week or so on the job, is this something an ‘acting’ AG who has been on the job for less than two weeks would initiate on his own? Did he do it at the request of the White House? The argument that Rosenstein was well respected and approved by the Senate 94-6 is a non-starter. At the time he was last confirmed, Comey was well respected and was approved 93-1. Perceptions change.

    Why was Jeff Sessions involved? Trump argues that Comey was fired because of how he handled the Hillary Clinton affair. Really? It had nothing to do with the Russia investigation that Sessions said he would excuse himself from? Really?

    On Rosenstein’s memo which was confined strictly to the handling of the Clinton mess, he seems to have forgotten that AG Lynch, faced with her own political issues during the election, publicly said she was going to defer to the decision on that case to the judgment of the FBI director.

    Though firing Comey wouldn’t have been all that controversial at another time, the ‘timing’ is questionable, possibly stupid.

    1. How it was done? Purportedly, no one knew this was coming except Trump’s close inner circle. Those left in the dark included everyone else, Congress, the FBI, the public, the press, and Comey himself.

    2. How it was handled? Trump sent one of his bodyguards from his previous life over to Comey with a note saying ‘you’re fired’.

    3. The questionable timing?

    a. The firing happened on the same day a grand jury indicted Flynn.

    b. Comey had just submitted a request for more agents to follow up on the Russian investigation.

    c. The Senate investigation has just requested financial data on the Trump family and associates to aid their investigation on any Russian coordination.

    d. And Comey is dumped. Doesn’t look good.

    Expert opinion:

    Assign a special prosecutor. Nobody likes special prosecutors. It’s mess. It takes a long time to get a final decision. It’s costly. It can get political. But no administration should be allowed to investigate itself, not Republican and not Democrat.


    1. .

      Initial response to Quirk's analysis and opinion is starting to come in.

      Magic 8-Ball: "Truly insightful."

      The Dalai Lama: "Well thought out and documented. Well done."

      Chuck Norris: "Hard to argue with your arguments."


    2. .

      Pope Francis: "Comey is a good Catholic boy. Judge not lest you be judged."

      "Well, unless you are a judge, of course."


    3. .

      Administration Talking Points

      Saw Mike Pence providing the administration line this morning.

      Sean Spicer presser is coming up now. I would bet he would be using the same language and word choice when he explains the party line.

      Magic 8-Ball: "Very Likely"


    4. More initial response -

      Faux Farmer: "Repetitive bullshit"

    5. Quirk Thu May 27, 02:16:00 AM EDT
      Bob, a tip.

      Delete your post on the bank.

    6. e. Mercury was in retrograde.

  43. .

    L'affaire Russe

    Curiouser and Curiouser

    On the day after Trump fires Comey, Trump meets with the Russian FM. No reporters on hand. No press pictures.

    The only video we have at all is that of the Russian FM holding a presser. The only reporters asking question at it were from Russian media.

    For a media star, Trump seems to have no idea of optics.


  44. AshWed May 10, 05:51:00 AM EDT

    Yet another example of the level of Deuce's man Trump's intelligence - he mentions the FBI investigation of Russia in his note firing Comey. Brilliant, simply brilliant. Deuce must be proud

    Deuce ☂Wed May 10, 06:35:00 AM EDT
    What is your point, if you have one?

    My point? My point is that Trump is not very smart. Firing Comey is a pretty big thing and there are many that argue that he should be fired. Trump fires him, and says in THE LETTER TO COMEY informing him of the firing:

    "While I greatly appreciate you informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation, I nevertheless..."

    He links the firing to the investigation. That is not, ummmm, very brilliant. And some (Deuce) are surprised at the uproar. sheeesh! He truly is your man Deuce.

    1. .

      It's a recognition on Trump's part that the firing would be controversial.

      On the other hand, everything Trump does seems to be ham handed.


    2. I think it is pretty clear that Trump is trying to shut down the investigations.

  45. .


    Spicer punts and sends out the Deputy White House Press Secretary as scapegoat to answer questions.


    1. Last night Kelly Anne Conway was dispatched to CNN... she babbled on about Trump not being under investigation - she seemed to really, really, want to make that point. Which raises the question - maybe he should be?

    2. Politically, I would think it would be wise for the Trump team to emphasize Comey's failings as Director as opposed to whether Trump himself is, or is not, under investigation.

    3. Spicer did the chicken shit, eh ?



    4. Spicer, perfect representative of Donald "The Emasculated President" Trump.

  46. .

    Comey was invited to talk in open session before the Senate committee investigatng l'affaire Russe next Tuesday.

    It will be interesting to see if he becomes uninvited.

    Burr, the Chairman of the Senate committee, said this firing at this point raises questions and wasn't helpful.


  47. If the Rooskies helped elect Trump, I say God Bless 'em.

    Salvation from Hillary....

    What needs investigating is O'bozo's gross out in the open in your face interference in the Israeli election.

    Money, men and women on the ground, ads, pamphlets, deposits in select bank accounts....

    F**king Democrats are such unbelievable hypocrites...

    1. The effect of any alleged Russian influence on our election was, precisely, ZERO.

      Hillary was a shitty candidate that didn't even go to the midwest.

      And fly over country was sick to death of her stupid ass.

    2. Keep telling yourself that, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson.

      What it is, really ...


      You can focus on Hillary, while the "Power Structure" focuses on Mr Trump.

      The "Emasculated President"

  48. PAYBACK ?

    You best stay alive as long as you can, runt psycho liar, and hope to put off your payback, praying the nature of things 'forgets'.

    (it doesn't)


    1. You bet, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson ...


      No repeal of ObamaCare, no major tax cuts ... NOTHING

      The Obama Payback, it has just begun.

      Watch and learn... They are tying Trump to Nixon, it is a propaganda campaign par excellence.


    2. The Senate on Wednesday narrowly voted down a resolution to repeal an Obama-era rule restricting methane emissions from drilling operations on public lands -
      with three Republicans joining every Democrat to preserve the ...

      Donald "The Emasculated President" Trump


  49. A West Virginia reporter was arrested at the state Capitol on Tuesday after police said he shouted questions at Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price and Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway.

    "What your government did abroad yesterday, it does at home today."

    1. So says that rat shitter who bragged he ran a hit squad in central america.


    2. Please, Mark, provide us a copy of the braggarts remarks.

      Farmer Fudd never could, neither could "Draft Dodger" Peterson, we all know that you, Mark, cannot perform either.

      No quantity of Viagra will help your condition.


  50. Will Dwayne ‘the Rock’ Johnson actually run for president? ‘It’s a real possibility.’

    ... it was about a year ago, around the time The Post’s Alyssa Rosenberg published an essay explaining why Johnson could be a viable candidate, that the actor began thinking about running for office more seriously.

    “There was a real sense of earnestness, which made me go home and think, ‘Let me really rethink my answer and make sure I am giving an answer that is truthful and also respectful,’ ” he told GQ’s Caity Weaver.

    “I didn’t want to be flippant,” he added about what his platform might be, such as giving joke responses like “We’ll have three days off for a weekend!” or “No taxes!”

    Weaver writes: “So, after all that consideration, Johnson doesn’t hesitate when I ask him whether he honestly might one day give up his life as the highest-paid movie star on earth — which is unquestionably easier, more fun, and more lucrative than being president of the United States — in order to run for office. ‘I think that it’s a real possibility,’ he says solemnly.”

    1. He has asked MOME to be his running mate.Mome is consulting those closest to him and may.consider.it.

    2. I'll be his body double in promotionals.

  51. Seeking Crowd Funding for Shoes for Centipedes

    “This scandal is going to go on. I’ve seen it before,” McCain told a meeting of the Munich Security Conference core group. “This is a centipede. I guarantee you there will be more shoes to drop, I can just guarantee it. There’s just too much information that we don’t have that will be coming out.”

    He called Trump’s actions against Comey “unprecedented” and said the position of FBI director has held special meaning in American public life dating back decades.


    1. I am going to begin calling it the 'sandals scandals' then.

      What we need is some hearty vandals to break these scandals up so we are dealing with just one sandal.

    2. Or, just one sandals, if you wish.

  52. MAXINE WATERS: I Don't Support Trump Firing Comey, I Would If Hillary Did...


    1. Democracy brings up the best and brightest, don't it ?!

    2. Good God, she and Hank Johnson ought to run off and elope somewhere.....perhaps to Guam.

    3. "So she should have fired him but had he shouldn't fire him. This is why I'm confused," Alexander said to Waters.

      "No, no you're not confused," Waters told Alexander.

      "I am confused," Alexander responded.

  53. .

    L'affaire Russe

    Why would anyone think that Trump's real reason for firing Comey was that he wanted to shut down the current FBI investigation into any connections between the Trump team and Russia?

    Occam's razor.


    1. What's up with usin' the French, froggy ?

      You are not at Harry's New York Bar, Paris, France, 1945....you are at The Elephant Bar, USofA, 2017.

      The time sense is the first to go, they say....

    2. Occam says it's because he's a Dick.

    3. I think you perhaps should go back to drinking.

      Then you'd soon be using your old Detroit Mafia barber shop slang again, and you'd be more socially acceptable here.

      Nobody likes the French language.

      Their damned dictionary hasn't changed in centuries.

    4. I'm not one to ever argue with Occam.

    5. See:

      Doug Wed May 10, 06:19:00 PM EDT

  54. Correction to Bob's malformed URL.

    The racist views of the Left's favorite icon.


  55. "Though firing Comey wouldn’t have been all that controversial at another time, the ‘timing’ is questionable, possibly stupid."


    Why is timing spelled ‘timing’ ?

  56. Andy McCarthy: 'Ray Kelly Would Be The Best Replacement For Director Comey'


  57. .

    Special Prosecutor

    Is there a reason for a special prosecutor?


    The rationale for the special prosecutor is simple. It's used for those cases where there is either an actual or a perceived conflict of interest with the DOJ handling the case. Does that perceived conflict of interest exist in this case? Of course.

    Will we get one? Probably not. The entire Trump presidency is one huge conflict of interest. It hasn't slowed him down yet. The latest example, he (or his representatives) are in the process of selling properties he owns on St. Maarten. This leaves the whole transaction open to an appearance of possible conflict of interest. The test will likely be how much the property sells for and who buys it.

    Is the special prosecutor the best way to go?

    Probably not.

    Why consider it?

    Of the options open, it appears to be the only viable one.

    The congressional committees can be manipulated. First, by the fact that they are all run by the GOP, and second, because the GOP leadership in Senate and House has a good amount of influence on them. For instance, the Senate committee has requested additional staff for their investigation. So far, they haven't received it.

    There is also the 'independent congressional committee' suggested by John McCain. While a step in the right direction, this committee would suffer (as do all congressional committees) from the fact that the guys on it also have daytime jobs. The guys on the committee would not be able to dedicate all of their time to the investigation as a special prosecutor would.

    The best choice would be to set up an independent commission similar to the 9/11 commission. The chances of getting this approved in the current political climate are just slightly north of nil.

    Will Trump get away with this?

    The Magic 8-Ball says: Probably.

    If the 8-Ball is correct, there is little to constrain Trump in the future. Also, this story won't go away, at least not through 2018 (possibly 2020). Hard to say exactly what the FBI in toto thinks about the Comey firing; however, I think it's safe to say Comey has quite a few supporters there. The leaks will continue.


    1. You should get paid for transcription services for the MSM.

      ...and from the scrolling button replacement manufacturers.

    2. MOME suggests pacing yourselves. Only 2800 some odd days to go. Smiley face, smiley face.

    3. .

      You should get paid for transcription services for the MSM.

      ...and from the scrolling button replacement manufacturers.

      And yet, here you are unscrolled and responding. Damn, your easy.


    4. Scan the first sentence or two, scroll.

      Nothing (new or unreported by MSM) here.

      Ho hum.

    5. Doug believes that if it appeared in the MSM it can't be true.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Was Trump lying about the three times Comey told him he was not being investigated.

    Was Comey lying to Trump?

    Occam wants to knnow.

    1. .

      You tell me. Was Trump lying? If true, it was another inappropriate move on the part of Comey during an ongoing investigation. If Trump ask him if he was subject of the investigation it would be even more inappropriate.

      Other questions. Why would Comey repeat that threw times? Under what circumstances? Did he just call Trump up three times to assure him? If not, what were the conversations about?

      I think Occam has a pretty good idea.


    2. .

      If what Trump said was true, it was another...


    3. Not really, just a programmed slave.

      Try ten days with no TV.

    4. I know Occam.

      Occam was a friend of mine.

      Quirk, you are no Occam.

    5. Be sure to get a SUBOXONE® prescription first.

    6. And, you don't even have your own razor.

      You got to go beg a shave from Ye Olde Mafia Barber Shoppe.

    7. Fellow like you, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson would just steal that razor, just lke you stole the money from the bank,

      Bob Thu May 27, 12:52:00 AM EDT

      But I did rip off the bank for $7500 hundred dollars, when I was on my knees, and fighting for my economic life, on my aunt's credit card. But that wasn't really stealing, just payback.

      It was not payback, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson, it was STEALING

    8. Until you learn the difference, between payback and STEALING your opinions are worthless

  59. .

    RCP Poll Averages

    President Trump Job Approval:

    Approve 42.0

    Disapprove 53.0

    (Disapprove +11.0)

    Direction of Country:

    Right Direction 36.3

    Wrong Track 56.1

    (Wrong Track +19.8)

    Trump Favorability Ratings:

    Favorable 41.8

    Unfavorable 54.2

    (Unfavorable +12.4)


  60. Hillary was ahead in all the polls, but she lost the election.

    1. Wrngo Dougo.

      Mrs Clinton won at the polls, but she lost at the Electoral College, the two are not one and the same

  61. U.S.
    BY MAX KUTNER ON 5/9/17 AT 7:53 PM



    1. Will Quirk's family stage an intervention?

    2. Worse yet, will they disable his TV?

  62. The 'timing' of Lavrov showing up at The White House just now is extremely suspicious.

    Plus, only Russe photographers were used, which turns suspicious into conviction:

    The Trump is mere putty in the hands of The Russe.

  63. That Lavrov has a wicked little twinkle in his eye.

    I bet that Russe can be a party animal when he chooses.

  64. Examiner: Aetna completely exits Obamacare exchanges, cites massive losses


  65. La Quirk, do you know the difference between dining à la russe and dining à la française ?

    I thought not.

    So, here:

    Service à la russe


    Which seems to you the more civilized ?

  66. Quirk Fri May 05, 07:47:00 PM EDT


    Damn, Bob, you are the stupidest ass I know.


  67. Meanwhile, in the "Real World", the Rat Doctrine continues to show its worth, in Syria.

    The Latest: Syrian Kurds take largest dam, town from IS

    .S.-backed Syrian Kurdish forces say they have captured the country’s largest dam and a nearby town from the Islamic State group.

    The fighters known as Syrian Democratic Forces, which are mostly Kurdish-led but also include Arab fighters, say they expelled IS militants from the Tabqa Dam and the nearby town, also called Tabqa, on Wednesday.

    Tabqa is the latest IS stronghold to fall to the Kurdish-led opposition fighters as they advance toward the Islamic State group’s de facto capital of Raqqa — the seat of the militants’ so-called caliphate along the Euphrates River.

    The fall of Tabqa leaves no other major urban settlements on the road to Raqqa, about 40 kilometers, or 25 miles, away.

    Very, very few US troops were required to defeat the Islamic State in Syria ...

    The Zionists weep.

  68. ,,, Trump's disapproval rating rising to 58 percent — a new high in Quinnipiac's regular polling and the highest in a high-quality, non-tracking poll since his inauguration. Just 36 percent approved of Trump's job performance.


    1. Wow!!
      Mr Trump really is the "The Emasculated President"

      He has won the race to the bottom, who'd have thunk it 100 days ago ...

      Other than Rufus ...

  69. Mr Trump needed a "War Hero", he got a POW, instead.

    A GOP resolution to repeal the Obama administration's methane rule for public lands was torpedoed Wednesday by a surprise decision from Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) to vote against it.

    McCain joined Sens. Susan Collins (R-Maine), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and all of the Senate's 48 Democrats in voting down the measure by a narrow 51 to 49 margin.

    Collins and Graham had both telegraphed their intentions to vote "no" long before Wednesday's vote, but McCain hadn't.

    It was the first failed vote of the Trump era ...

    The first 100 days have provide US with
    "The Emasculated President"

    1. 'Rat's Hero:

      John McCain

      ...and his girlfriend, Lindsey.


    2. You all, with the exception of perhaps Ash, wanted John McCain to be the President of the US.

      You all thought he was great, back then.
      He hasn't changed a lick.

      He's always been a "Big Government" Federalist.

      He and his protegee, Lindsey, are just beginning to dish up some Payback.

    3. Wrongo, again, Dougo.

      McCain was YOUR man, back in 2005.

      was for whomever the Libertarian was, that cycle.

      I have been "anti-McCain" for decades.
      I have met him, he is a Federal Socialist, a 'gold digger' who married into an "Organized Crime" family.

      A guy that Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson and YOU both wanted to be President.

    4. McCain was YOUR man, back in 2008.


    5. You, Doug, do not get to be a revisionist, when it comes to the history of who supported whom, back in the day.

      Of just who is who's "man".
      You and Robert, Deuce et al supported McCain then, he is still your man, now.
      A Republican Federal Socialist to his core.

    6. One must wonder if Mr Trump really thought that "Maverick" was going to 'forgive and forget' the war hero slights from Mr Trump.

      If Mr Trump ever thought that Mr McCain would get on the Trump bandwagon, he is a fool.

    7. So I recall ...

      If your inclusion in 'you all' is misplaced, my apologies.

      I stand corrected

    8. .

      My 'they are all dicks' meme predated McCain's run.

      Even without that, there was always l'affair Palin.


    9. McCain ran against Obama.

      Nuf said.

      You said he was crazy.

      I'd still take crazy over Obama.


    10. But that is not the point, Doug.

      You readily admit, now, that McCain is not and never was "Rat's Hero"

      You have caught a case of Trump think.
      One wonders if Trumpcare will cover that derangement syndrome

    11. I always considered you the expert on McCain.

      That's all.


  70. The furor over President Trump's abrupt firing of FBI Director James B. Comey grew Wednesday with the revelation that Comey had sought more resources for an investigation into possible coordination between the Trump campaign and the Russian government shortly before he was dismissed. ...

    1. ...
      Comey’s firing is expected to consume Capitol Hill’s attention until the weekend and potentially through Tuesday, when the former FBI director has been invited to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee.

      The panel’s chairman, who met with Comey on Monday, said the director’s dismissal makes the committee’s work harder.

      “It creates challenges for the committee,” Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.) told reporters. “An interruption in any of the access we have to the documents or the personnel would be harmful to our investigation.”

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. .

    AshWed May 10, 08:11:00 PM EDT

    Doug believes that if it appeared in the MSM it can't be true.


    Though, the question does cause one to ponder on the fact that for a man who says he doesn't watch television, he does seem intimately familiar with it, at least enough to offer an opinion on it, often a pretty detailed and colorful (though usually misguided) opinion of it. Likewise, he says he often reads the NYT (whoo whoo) but scrolls past opinions that agree with it or other MSM media, this despite the fact that he professes to simply scrolls past those opinions but in the end responds to them.

    In the end, we have to question where Doug is actually coming from...

    - Is he a simpleton who, like his bro from Idaho, merely throws out pre-programmed responses without really knowing what he is responding to?

    - Is he simply putting in his scroll minutes as that is likely the only exercise he gets?

    - Is he a Trump butt boy, who indiscriminately attacks any opinions that opposes his hero?

    - Or, is he simply an old fart longing for the good old days when he would drink beer instead of pina coladas, when he was more worried about getting blue balls than prostate cancer, when the little woman stayed at home barefoot and pregnant, and when whites were all above average and, more importantly, the voting majority?

    Curiouser and curiouser.


    1. You don't know a thing about Doug.

    2. He doesn't know shit about shit.

      Unless he saw it on TV.

      Notice that he did NOT take up my challenge to turn off the TV for 10 days.

      ...I'd even pay for the SUBOXONE®


    3. I'd like to send the dipshit to Beijing.


  72. You can read here about how Sean Spicer literally hid from reporters in bushes after President Trump fired his FBI director last night.


  73. Slogan:

    He's Not a Dick !


  74. "Why is the White House suddenly giving statements after pledging to not do so? Did Trump's bodyguard really deliver the message to the FBI? Can NBC get some one-on-one time?"


    Jenna Johnson for President.


  75. President Trump’s abrupt firing Tuesday evening of FBI Director James Comey sent American media and lawmakers scrambling to make sense of what had happened. The termination came as the FBI continued to investigate the possibility of collusion between people involved in Trump’s presidential campaign and Russia, and it hit front pages across the nation.


    In Germany, Der Spiegel, like some U.S. commentators, dubbed the event “The Tuesday Night Massacre,” in reference to former President Richard Nixon’s order to fire special prosecutor Archibald Cox during the Watergate scandal. (That incident was a “massacre” because it resulted in the resignation of the attorney general and his deputy, both of whom refused to carry out the firing on Nixon’s behalf.


    In France, the center-left daily Le Monde newspaper dubbed the event Trump’s “coup de force” against the FBI, noting that while the U.S. president’s decision was said to be motivated by Comey’s mismanagement of the case surrounding Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s private emails, “the American press does not believe” it.

    The Netherland’s Het Parool: “Fear of deception after dismissal of FBI chief”


  76. Trump holds auditions while Spicer's away

    Politico - ‎

    Press secretary Sean Spicer's absence from the briefing room on Wednesday comes at a tenuous time, as President Donald Trump has asked senior advisers for weeks if he needs to change the face of his administration

    It is not the 'face' of the Administration that needs to change.
    It is the core of the Administration that has proven to be inept.
