Thursday, May 11, 2017

"Increasingly difficult to wake up overseas to news from home, knowing I will spend today explaining our democracy and institutions. "

US Ambassador to Qatar Dana Shell Smith

Dana Shell Smith  ✔@AmbDana 

Obama appointee, US Ambassador to Qatar Dana Shell Smith has created a diplomatic incident after she tweeted her frustrations with the Trump administration.
Smith, who has been based in Qatar since 2014, took to Twitter early Wednesday to voice her feelings following the decision to fire FBI Director James Comey. The US ambassador to Qatar has expressed her dissatisfaction with political events back home in a decidedly undiplomatic message posted on social media.

Dana Shell Smith, who has been the American envoy to the Gulf emirate since 2014, took to Twitter in the hours after the dramatic sacking of FBI director James Comey by President Donald Trump.

"Increasingly difficult to wake up overseas to news from home, knowing I will spend today explaining our democracy and institutions," Shell Smith tweeted, in apparent disapproval of the move.

It was a rare public show of exasperation with political events -- either in the US or Qatar -- by the envoy, who was appointed by Barack Obama.

The message was posted on May 9 and has been retweeted more than 2,000 times.
Qatar is a key US ally and home to Al-Udeid, the largest US airbase in the region, which houses around 10,000 troops.

Last month, US Defence Secretary Jim Mattis visited Doha and met Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani.

Trade between the two countries is also growing.

Last year, after Trump's election, it was announced that gas-rich Qatar's sovereign wealth fund wanted to invest $10 billion in US infrastructure projects.

There was some angry reaction to Shell Smith's tweet online, with calls for her to be sacked for her apparent criticism of the president.

In a new post on Thursday morning, Shell Smith appeared to try to take the sting out of her earlier message.

"Diplomats explain & defend our political system. Can be tough when partisan acrimony so high, but there is still no greater country. #USA," she tweeted.


  1. Spicer craps out again.

    Sarah Huckabee Sanders taking his place....again.

    You call tell the foreigners that one can tell when things are going poorly here....when the Press Secretary craps out and turns the job over to someone it duck and cover if you want...

    1. You can tell the dad gum feriners....

    2. You can tell them that in our system the Secretary of State position is simply a business....

      BREAKS SILENCE: Bangladesh prime minister says Hillary Clinton personally pressured her to help Foundation donor....DRUDGE

  2. Huckabee Sanders seems a little lopsided some way or other.

    1. Her right eyed is lower than her left.

      Is this called cock-eyed ?

      Or does that only apply to drunks ?

  3. .


    As the world turns...and the story unravels.

    Yesterday, the president's people were peddling the story that a letter from Asst. Attorney General Rosenstein was the precipitating event that convinced Trump to fire Comey.

    Today, in an interview with Lester Holt, Trump says that the decision was made independent of the letter and long before it was written. It was his decision to dump Comey and he made it long ago.

    Today's story is that Comey was a 'showboat and a grandstander' and that because of his actions the FBI is in turmoil and morale there is low and that the FBI rank and file had lost confidence in Comey's leadership and those were the reasons for the firing.

    Today, in congressional hearings, acting FBI Director McCabe was asked about this. He indicated that some within the FBI disagreed with Comey's actions back in July, but that Comey was well thought of there, that there was no unusual turmoil within the FBI, and that morale remains high.

    Also in the NBC interview, Trump repeated what he said in his letter/tweet that Comey had told him on 3 occasions that he (Trump) was not the subject of an investigation. When pressed, Trump admitted that he was the one who asked Comey if he was being investigated. To anyone who has any knowledge of the law or who has been called to jury duty, it should be obvious that it's completely inappropriate for anyone who is a possible subject of an ongoing investigation to be asking questions about that investigation.

    Today, we will again be hearing from Sarah Huckabee Sanders who told us yesterday yesterday's story. It will be interesting to hear what she has to say today.

    Sarah yesterday said that Trump did not ask Rosenstein for the letter. Word was out that Rosenstein was pissed that the firing was being blamed entirely on his letter. Pence and Spicer confirmed. Today, in interview Sarah changed her story and said Trump was the one who asked Rosenstein for the letter.

    All of this, if nothing else, is an example of the gang who couldn't shoot straight currently running the administration. It's obvious that for anyone with the least bit of integrity the White House staff positions especially those that interface with the public have got to be the worst jobs in D.C. They are constantly being called upon to go before the public and the media and pass along the half baked lies concocted at the top.


    1. Is your right eye lower than your left ?

      Is that why people always refer to you as cock-eyed ?

    2. .

      Sarah goes 180 degrees and yet says she is being consistent.


    3. Well, she is.

      All you need is a mirror, and you will see.

    4. .

      It's obvious that for anyone with the least bit of integrity the White House staff positions especially those that interface with the public have got to be the worst jobs in D.C. They are constantly being called upon to go before the public and the media and pass along the half baked lies concocted at the top.

      This doesn't seem to be a problem for Sarah. Perhaps, that's the reason Sean isn't up there. He is suffering from PTSD.


    5. .

      Well, she is.

      You're being like a 5 year old disputing the obvious just to argue. You're an idiot.


    6. Your a brain retarded two year old.

      I'm not disputing anything.

      It's all in how one looks at it, Dipshit.

    7. Your problem is and has always been that you are so damned uni-dimensional.

    8. .

      You are an idiot. This isn't rocket science. Yesterday, she said one thing, today she said the exact opposite on numerous questions.

      To argue that...

      It's all in how one looks at it, Dipshit

      is idiotic and I mean that in a clinical sense.

      When asked is black white, you would say...

      It's all in how one looks at it, Dipshit

      if it was some ridiculous attempt to defend Trump.

      You are just like the other Trump butt boys, Pence, Sanders, Spicer, Conway, all of them, all willing to look the idiot in trying to defend the indefensible.


    9. He hasn't done a damned thing wrong yet.

      And, he did get a decent Judge confirmed.

      At least give him time, dude.

      And, it's you that doesn't know black from white.

    10. I'm really starting to suspect you slipped your vote in there for Hillary.

      It's the only thing that could explain your pure furor.

    11. Pussy envy doesn't quite cover it.

    12. .

      And, he did get a decent Judge confirmed.

      At least give him time, dude.

      More diversion.

      What the hell does any of that have to do with the phony stories these guys put out about Comey?

      Trying to communicate with you is like trying to communicate with a monkey beyond the point of teaching it what lever to pull in order to get the banana. You're hopeless.

      Quit wasting my time. I'm done talking with you.


    13. Now you are defending Comey.


      May 11, 2017
      James Comey, a modern Greek tragedy
      By Robert Arvay

      As Americans, we tend to divide our prominent public figures into two main categories: hero and villain. Would that life were so simple. It has not been, not even in ancient times.

      Ancient Greek tragedy is a genre of classic literature, one from which we might learn some important lessons about the powerful people who rule over us, or at least who try to do so. The Greek playwrights often depicted their main character as a great hero, but beset by one fatal flaw, which, in the end, brings him to doom. Well might they have predicted Comey's rise and fall....

      If you are going to defend Comey and condemn The Donald, at least do it with a little balance.

    14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    15. .

      I should have cut the short hand with a guy of your limited mental capability and written my sentence as...

      "What the hell does any of that have to do with the phony stories these guys put out about
      Trump/Comey (or Comeygate or l'affair Comey)?

      Once again, I overestimate you ability to understand context and apply it to the only subject we have been talking about for the last 20 posts.

      Were I to continue talking to you, I would have to start explaining this basic shit to you using stick figure drawings and words of one syllable.


    16. .

      I said nothing to defend Comey. Whether he needs defending is another question altogether.

      What I DID say was Trump and his team are a bunch of amateurs, that Trump demands his staff try to sell the bullshit he makes up to the public and the media, and that the people he has working for him from Pence on down are a bunch of boot licking creeps who are willing to do whatever the boss tells them to even if it leads to a total loss of credibility and respect.

      Oh yeah, I also said you are just like the rest Trump's butt licking crew trying to confuse black with white a la Nathan Thurm.

      One more example of why it's a waste of time talking to you.


    17. Don't get so uptight.

      Just imagine you are at the theater watching a play.

      Don't allow your blood pressure to rise.

      Watch how the characters interact.

      It's exciting too as even the Sheeple in the audience - you - and me - are also in the play.

      It's all grand, unless the nukes begin to fall, or you lose your job.

      By the way, The Donald is making America Great Again -


      Govt posts $182 billion surplus in April....DRUDGE

      You are allowed to cheer and clap a little here....

    18. I'm afraid you may do something like this -



      Just keep your seat, wait patiently for the next idiotic act, sip a little cognac, which is a brandy named after Cognac, France, though I'm sure you know this being the bon vivant/bon viveur that your are....

      Overindulge your appetites, not your anger !

      Always looking out for you....

  4. I think she's more pleasant to listen to than Spicer, but just by a little.

  5. The firing of Comey was all about an erosion of confidence.

    1. .

      Right. That he wasn't a yes man.


    2. He did what Hillary wanted him to do.

      Erosion of confidence was Sarah Sanders' term.

      It does have a nice sound to it.

    3. .

      Sure it does.

      Right now she looks like a deer in the headlight as the media goes for the jugular.

      No one likes to be lied to.


    4. She doesn't look anything like a deer in the headlight.

      She looks like BEFORE in a NutriSystem ad.

      What in hell is wrong with you ?

      She was having fun, showing no fear at all.

      You're nothing but a crass propagandist.

  6. Sarah needs to get on NutriSystem.

    I'm worried that single button by her boobs is going to pop.

    It's Over !!!!

    The press briefings are getting shorter and shorter as the heat turns higher....

    Basically, not a thing was said today.

  7. Anyone with any good sense would fire Comey.

    He's just trouble.

  8. Boo-hoo

    Poor Little Kellyanne

    Kellyanne Conway: Cooper’s Eyeroll at Me an Example of Sexism I Face From the Media

    You can see the vicious eye roll here:

    What a lot of horse shit.

    1. Brutal, brutal sexist misogynist eye roll here:

    2. Looks more like a prissy faggot to me.

  9. Deuce, tell your foreign friends this is how it works -

    The Left’s shameless hypocrisy on the firing of the FBI Director
    May 11, 2017 Daniel Greenfield

    Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam.

    Before the election, Nancy Pelosi had hinted that Hillary would fire FBI Director James Comey.

    "Maybe he's not in the right job," the House Dem leader had coyly suggested. "I think that we have to just get through this election and just see what the casualties are along the way."

    The FBI Director was at risk of becoming a “casualty” over his handling of the Hillary investigation.

    There was no outrage and no front page editorials at the New York Times and the Washington Post. No comparisons to Watergate or calls for an investigation. A top Dem suggesting that the FBI Director would have to leave because he was investigating another top Dem was just “good government.”

    And there would have been none of the hypocritical media outcry if the election had gone another way and Comey were being told to pack his bags by President Hillary Clinton.

    Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager had also hinted that Comey might have to step down because of his bias against Hillary. Now he claims that Trump’s firing of Comey “terrifies” him.

    After Comey’s letter, Schumer had declared, “I do not have confidence in him any longer.” That is what top government officials say before demanding someone’s job. But now Schumer is outraged. "If we don't get a special prosecutor, every American will rightfully suspect that the decision to fire #Comey was part of a cover-up," he tweeted.

    1. Were the Dem calls for Comey to resign also part of a cover-up?

      Harry Reid had called on Comey to resign. Congressman Steve Cohen even wrote an op-ed titled, “For the Sake of the FBI, Comey Should Resign.” Now he touts Comey as a recipient for the Profiles in Courage award and accuses Trump of firing him because Comey “threatened his presidency.”

      From Comey must go for investigating Hillary to Comey must get an award for investigating Trump. Did Cohen want Comey to resign then because he threatened Hillary Clinton’s presidency?

      The incoherently official position of the Dems is that Comey should have been forced out for investigating Hillary. But that Trump shouldn’t be allowed to fire him because that’s a cover-up.

      Democrats should be able to get rid of inconvenient FBI directors any time they please. And if Hillary had won, it wouldn’t have been the first time that President Clinton fired an FBI Director.

      The last president to send an FBI Director packing was Bill Clinton. The firing of Director Sessions was widely supported by the media even though the early Clinton scandals had already bumped up against the FBI. Like Comey, the media had initially backed Sessions on the hope that he would hurt Bush. And indeed, on Sessions’ watch, the FBI had tried to entrap the head of President Bush’s Texas campaign.

      Then Bill Clinton won and the FBI was up to its ears both doing the dirty work for Hillary in the travel office scandal and investigating the scandal. The Clintons had bypassed the Justice Department to get the FBI to target travel office employees and secure a position for their friends and relatives. They illegally obtained FBI files on their targets and on hundreds of Republicans under false pretenses.

      The House Government Reform and Oversight Committee would later produce a report accusing the White House of politicizing the FBI. The FBI had been investigating its own contacts with the White House. The same month that Clinton fired Sessions, the White House released a report on the propriety of its own actions. It was against this corrupt background that the FBI Director was fired.

      Director Sessions was fired on July 19, 1993. On the next day, Deputy White House Counsel Vince Foster was found dead in a Washington D.C. park. A note found in his briefcase included the phrase, "The FBI lied in their report to the AG." ....

      They should understand, as it works the same way in Europe, or anywhere humans gather in numbers.

      Our genius is that for the last 155 years or so we haven't allowed it to get to outright violence among the citizens.

    2. "Democrats should be able to get rid of inconvenient FBI directors any time they please. "

      I protest!

      Greenfield quoted Quirk without attribution.

    3. If Quirk sucked dick, he and Anderson would be indistinguishable.

    4. Maybe DC is Quirk's Dreamland: Where they're all Dicks.

    5. Much more of that type of stuff, and you're going to end up on Quirk's 'no talkie to youie again' list.

  10. Question for Quirk:

    Do you think Trump is under investigation by the FBI?

    1. .

      Hard to say.

      Assuming what Trump said Comey told him is true he probably wasn't at the time of their dinner or the phone calls. That said, that's a matter that can change overnight if something suspicious pops up in the investigation.


    2. Might I add - with The Donald basically choosing the next FBI Director he probably doesn't have much to fear.



  12. Trump retweets Rosie O'Donnell's 2016 call for Comey to be fired


  13. "We finally agree on something Rosie."

  14. I'm so glad the Obama Whitehouse never said anything contradictory in 8 years.

    1. Although if you add in the campaigns, "We are the ones we've been waiting for."

      was a bit puzzling.

    2. Not to some:

      "A New York Times bestseller in hardcover, Pulitzer Prize winner Alice Walker's

      We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For

      was called “stunningly insightful” and “a book that will inspire hope”

    3. "Both Senator John Edwards and Sojourners CEO Jim Wallis quote the late activist Lisa Sullivan (1961-2011) as their source for the phrase."


      What did Edwards do wrong that Clinton didn't?

    4. The Love Child got discovered.

      That used to be a campaign ender.

    5. .

      He impregnated his mistress while his wife was dying of cancer.


    6. I meant what did he do that people found objectionable.

    7. ...and I did ask what he did that was WRONG!

    8. I find it objectionable when a politician gets caught.

      They are all dicks, it's disgusting when they get caught and remind us so.

      That is WRONG !

    9. .

      I meant what did he do that people found objectionable.

      He impregnated his mistress while his wife was dying of cancer.

      And he milked campaign funds to pay for it.

      What the hell more do you need?

      Of course, I'm talking what normal people would find objectionable not you guys.


    10. Different strokes for different folks.

      ...he had good hair.

      Or at least he thought so when he looked in the mirror.

    11. If he milked funds to pay for his wife's cancer would that be objectionable?

  15. Pope Francis: Death penalty is a “mortal sin”

    If Pope Francis has been criticized for ambiguity in Amoris Laetitia, he certainly can’t be faulted for it in his latest comments on the death penalty. In his homily today, the pontiff called for a deeper understanding of Christ in the context of our times and of human progress. Just as Christian nations gradually understood the evil of slavery, Francis argued, so too should enlightened nations realize that the death penalty is also a “mortal sin” that is “inadmissible” under any circumstances....on and on....

    1. Pope Francis is a Commie Putz.

    2. Love to watch him get raped to death by a murderer on parole.

    3. Sometimes it seems like the only just way. St. Paul, at least, might agree.

    4. See:

  16. I wonder if this tweeting stuff will catch on with other Presidents. I didn't much like it at first, but I'm old fashioned, and weakening....

    1. It's certainly a good tool to hit back at the media.

    2. Gives us better hyperbole outta Quirk.

    3. There's that. But is that good or bad, overall ?

      It is humorous, I think we'd all admit.

    4. from The Washington Post, of course -

      ‘I wish he’d quit tweeting’: Many Trump backers say it’s time for him to put down his phone
      By Jenna Johnson May 11 at 6:00 AM

      But -

      But nearly 1,000 miles south of Washington, in the bar of American Legion Post 221 in the Florida Panhandle, no one seems to notice his Twitter habits.

      Instead, the regulars talk about their grandkids, home-improvement projects, politics and the way things used to be in conversations peppered with curse words and crude jokes. The jukebox blares country, with some classic rock mixed in, as the bartender pours $1 draft beers and $2 mixed drinks.

      No one has a Twitter account — frankly, many aren’t even sure how Twitter works — although they do know it keeps getting the president into trouble.

  17. This latest round of accusations by The New York Time and The Washington Post is a real primer on how slanted and lying they are....two of their main stories have been thoroughly debunked just in the last couple of days.

    1. Rosenstein did not threaten to quit, for instance.

      He just said he didn't threaten to quit himself.

      Perhaps The New York Times will find an anonymous source that reports Rosenstein is lying about this, however.

    2. Fuckin Schumer can't even pronounce Rosenstein's name right!

  18. Comey only had two options:

    Keep quiet, or resign and disclose that OBAMA wrote to Hillary's Private Server.

    1. Instead, he closed the investigation for which he listed mountains of evidence of wrongdoing, and kept open the one against Trump for which there is no evidence against him.

    2. Yeah, that's wonderful isn't it, Obama writing to Hillary's private server.

      heh :)

  19. Acting FBI director contradicts Trump White House on Comey, Russia probe

    McCabe defended leadership at the bureau and praised Comey in particular.

    “It has been the greatest privilege and honor of my professional life to work with him,” McCabe said of Comey. “Director Comey enjoyed broad support within the FBI, and still does to this day.”


    1. Yeah, that’s the same Andrew McCabe whose wife got a nice chunk of money from Terry McAuliffe because she was running as a Democrat in Virginia.

      Do you think maaaaaaaybe McCabe had some motivation to keep this all hush-hush? I guess we’ll never know…

    2. However, he was under oath:

      He unequivocally states that, contrary to widespread reports, FBI did not ask for more funding for Trump Russia probe before firing


      "there has been no effort to impede our investigation to date."

    3. McCabe knows damn well that Comey talking about any open case would be against FBI rules, but so far no one's asked him that, I guess.

    4. Huma gonna be singin' in falsetto ?

      Oh oh oh
      Oh oh oh
      Started out talking right here
      Puttin' it down like a motherfuckin' mack
      Sellin' me candy all up in my ear
      She wanna be down like the d's on the lac
      Slow dancin' in the club
      The diamonds look like rainbows
      She's grinding on my dick
      She lookin' for the pot of gold
      We hop up in that amg and d we in the westin'
      She put the moves on me
      I could've sworn shawtys a wrestler
      Talkin all that shit
      Soon as I hit
      Now I got her talkin' like this
      In a falsetto
      She like oh oh baby ah ah ah oh
      In a falsetto
      She like oh oh baby ah ah ah ah
      In a falsetto
      She like oh oh baby ah ah ah oh
      In a falsetto
      She like oh oh baby ah ah ah ah
      she's tellin' all her homies I'm the real, deal
      Everytime she leave the crib shawty be comin' right back
      She talkin… Full lyrics on Google Play Music....

      I don't know what all that means, but Huma is a liar.

    5. Clinton Ally Governor McAuliffe’s PAC Donated To Wife Of FBI Official [VIDEO]

      Gosh darn it, those Democrats are just like a small town community! You just go to meet a random candidate to try and talk her into running for office, and you just happen to discover that her husband is the deputy director of the FBI!

      I mean, how was Terry McAuliffe, Democrat governor of Virginia, supposed to know that! It’s just like discovering that your dentist is the cousin of your college roommate!
      Small world, right? What are the odds???

    6. .

      McCabe knows damn well that Comey talking about any open case would be against FBI rules, but so far no one's asked him that, I guess.

      If you are talking about McCabe, he was asked about it in today's hearing with the Senate Intelligence Committee.

      If you are talking about Comey, he will probably be asked about it if he still appears in front of the Senate Committee as he was scheduled to do next Tuesday.

      If Comey did say Trump wasn't being investigated (as Trump said), Comey violated long standing protocol. Of course, Trump did the same or worse by initially asking him the question.


    7. I'm talking about McCabe knowing Comey talking about Hillary in public was totally wrong.


    8. .

      Sorry, Doug. I only answer the question that is asked not the question that you think you asked.

      Get specific, son.


  20. Gay people ‘deserve to die,’ SLO High teacher’s letter to student newspaper says

  21. BUCHANAN: 'We have lost control of our destiny'....DRUDGE

  22. A top FBI official who came under scrutiny last year over his wife’s campaign contributions from a Hillary Clinton ally did not list those 2015 donations or his wife’s salary in financial disclosure forms, according to records reviewed by Fox News.

    The records, obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request, show FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe left the box blank for wife Dr. Jill McCabe's salary, as a doctor with Commonwealth Emergency Physicians. And there is no documentation of the hundreds of thousands of campaign funds she received in her unsuccessful 2015 Virginia state Senate race.

    As first reported by The Wall Street Journal, Clinton confidant and Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe urged McCabe’s wife to run for statewide office shortly after news reports were published that Hillary Clinton used a private email server and address for all her government business while serving as secretary of State.

  23. .

    The real reason Trump fired Comey...

    Comey is taller than Trump, better looking, and was getting more air time.

    Slam dunk.


  24. The Donald is taller than The Quirk, better looking than The Quirk, and gets more and better pussy than The Quirk, which are the real reasons The Quirk wants The Donald impeached.

    1. That, and the fact The Quirk tried to get on at The White House as an ad man, and The Donald told him he was a 'piker', and to 'get lost'.

  25. I tell you true, it's only when Sky News or BBC turns to USA politics that things get at all interesting on those channels.

    You should listen to some of these English broads dissing The Donald.

    God, it's sickening.

    They think they are sooooooooo superior.

    But it sure beats listening to them talk about Prime Minister May....

    That will really put you to sleep.

  26. The Donald needs to go on a diet. He only gets pussy because of his money.

  27. THE remains of a giant sea creature washed up on the shores of Seram Island has shocked locals.

    The bloodied monster was discovered by a local identified as Asrul Tuanakota, 37, on Tuesday evening, according to a statement obtained by


    The monster has started to decay prompting residents to urge the government to have its remains quickly removed.

    The cause of the creature’s death remains a mystery.

    Island in Indonesia

    1. 15 sharks spotted by OC Sheriff’s helicopter near beachgoers prompts warning from the sky: ‘Exit the water in a calm manner’ Video

    2. A paddleboarder's death would not have been a mystery.

    3. Thanks for the warning, I just ate.

  28. One guy's "calm manner" was to haul ass to shore.

  29. 3 Strikes:

    In China



    1. (Feet on the ground instead of on brake.)

    2. Good Grief.

      Can you fall asleep on a motorcycle ?

  30. Is the USA cooked ?

    What might be done ?

    May 11, 2017
    Our ‘Cold Civil War’
    By James G. Wiles

  31. Australia is "open" to a United States request for more troops to be sent to Afghanistan, with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull confirming the Government is considering providing additional resources to the war-torn country.


    Australian troops are expected to remain in Afghanistan, which is battling a resurgent Taliban along with militants from the Islamic State group, for at least two more years.

    That will take Australia's commitment in the country to 18 years.

  32. Quirk:

    "Those left in the dark included everyone else, Congress, the FBI, the public, the press, and Comey himself."

    Sen. Dianne Feinstein:

    “President Trump called me at 5:30 p.m. and indicated he would be removing Director Comey, saying the FBI needed a change,” she said in the statement.

    “The next FBI director must be strong and independent and will receive a fair hearing in the Judiciary Committee.”

    1. .

      You're kidding right.

      The only report I saw about Feinstein's quote said it was on Tuesday the same day Comey was fired. You call that not being left in the dark? And what about everyone else? Was this Trump's plan for getting the word out, "Well, let's see, what's the best way to do this?"

      "Telephone? No."

      "Telegraph? No."

      "Tell a woman? Yea, that's the ticket."

      He calls Diane and says, what?

      "Say Diane, I'm firing Comey. Pass it on."

      Until word came out, supposedly only a few within Trump's inner circle were aware it was going down. Most of his staff didn't know (thus the FUBAR when the shit hit the fan). Burr the Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee didn't know about it. Neither did anyone else on the committee (and these are the guys doing the Russian investigation). The media didn't know about it until it happened. The public sure as hell didn't. Comey didn't. He was out in California at a conference with other FBI agents when he got the news he was fired on the TV.

      You put this up the other day and I figured you were kidding.

      I guess not.


    2. Yep.

      She didn't have to learn about it in the Newspapers like you and your heros Clinton and Obama always claimed they did when they didn't.

    3. The "woman"

      Is the Ranking Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

      ...the correct PERSON to inform.

    4. Don't you ever tire of repeating the MSM line?

    5. .

      Why don't you quit coming up with these moronic arguments?

      She was informed of it Tuesday the same day it happened. She was one of the few people notified. She is the ranking member. What about the chairman? Trump didn't let most of his own team know. There was no friggin prep. His staff, the ones that had the shitty job of trying to explain the move didn't know about it and ended up handing out a line bullshit only to be ridiculed the next day when their stories fell apart.

      The point of my original post was 'the gang who couldn't shoot stright' and the FUBAR that usually accompanies any move by our drama queen president. You concentrate on minutiae.



  34. Friendly Skies:
