Tuesday, May 09, 2017

Bampumim Teixeira - Career Criminal Immigrant - Murdering Cockroach

Killer is from Guinea-Bissau in West Africa and is Sunni Muslim. Both Doctors were tied up throats slashed. This was another terrorists attack in the name of Islam.

Bampumim Teixeira. (Twitter)

A man with a criminal history of robbing banks is accused of slitting the throats of two well-liked doctors who were found in their blood-spattered $1.9 million South Boston condo.

Bampumim Teixeira, an immigrant from West Africa who had worked as a security guard, was shot by police who arrived at the scene and discovered him inside the 11th floor luxury penthouse, Boston police say. Authorities then discovered the bodies of Lina Bolanos, 38, and Richard Field, 49, who were engaged anesthesiologists who had traveled the world together and were known for their warmth and compassion with patients.

Prosecutors indicated robbery may be the motive, according to WBZ. However, prosecutors did not specifically use that word during a bizarre court hearing May 8, in which the suspect was arraigned in a hospital bed and kept his eyes closed. They did say, though, that he was dressed in black clothes and gloves, and they found a bag of jewelry in the condo that contained what they believe was Bolanos’ jewelry. Police found a knife at the scene, CBS Boston reported.

In a news conference on May 9, the District Attorney disputed earlier accounts that the suspect knew the victims, and also said that Texeira had not shot at 

Heavy asked Jake Wark, spokesman for the Suffolk County District Attorney, about Teixeira’s immigration status, and he said, “From what I gather, Teixeira is a lawful permanent resident. Questions about immigration law and sanctions are best posed to federal authorities such as ICE, since state prosecutors have no jurisdiction or standing in those matters.” Shawn Neudauer, Public Affairs Officer for ICE, told Heavy in response to a series of questions about Teixeira’s immigration status: “ICE has no legal interest in this individual, though we will continue to monitor the matter in case his criminal charges change his legal disposition.” 

Teixeira had a criminal history before the murders in the United States.
A legal permanent resident, according to Cornell University, “is a non-citizen who has been granted authorization to live and work in the United States on a permanent basis. As proof of that status, a person is granted a permanent resident card, commonly called a ‘green card.'”


  1. Senator Edward Kennedy, four years before champion women's rights in Chappaquiddick, Chairman of the subcommittee that conducted the hearing on the Immigration Act of 1965, pledged:

    "Our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually. Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration remains substantially the same. Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset. Contrary to the charges in some quarters, S.500 will not inundate America with immigrants from any other country or area, or the most population and economically deprived nations of Africa and Asia."

    Only haters would make such assertions, thundered Kennedy. "The charges I have mentioned are highly emotional, irrational, and with little foundation in fact."


    * The US has added at least 40 million immigrants after 1965

    * Prior to 1965, 95% of new immigrants had come from Europe

    * After 1965, 95% came from the Third World

    * The effect of the 1965 act was to remove national origins quotas from Europeans and give them to the Third World

    Ted Kennedy and Bampumim Teixeira should be the patron saints of sanctuary cities.

    1. .


      The historical reason people immigrate to the US is because of the opportunity. They do it to improve themselves from the lives they had in their home country. If it wasn't for that factor why would they come?

      In general, immigration is good for the US both economically and with regard to crime. Out of the millions of immigrants in this country, picking a few who commit outrageous crimes and projecting that on the entire immigrant population or a sector of it is illogical and absurd.

      As for Europeans coming to the US in fewer numbers percentagewise, as noted, most people come here for the opportunity and to improve themselves. Post-war Europe was devastated for many years. The US provided opportunity for many in Europe. That's changed. The chauvinist may still think that America is exceptional but Europeans look at the US and see the crime, the gun violence, the racism, the quality of life and look to countries like Canada and Australia that more reflect their values and still offer opportunity and say I've got a lot of choices why should I go to the US.

      On the other hand, people from Asia, Africa, and South America still look at the USA as that shining city on the hill.

      There are sensible moves that can be made in immigration policy. More effort should be made to bring people to this country based on OUR needs for specific talent and expertise. We should cut way back on 'chain immigration'. Illegal immigration still needs to be addressed but it has at least moderated in recent years.

      As a general observation, we haven't dropped any bombs in the EU in quite a while. Maybe if we stopped our bombing in the ME and Africa, there would be fewer people trying to escape their countries.

      Given current economic trends, without immigration, the US population wouldn't be growing and neither would economic growth. The US needs immigration.


    2. The statistics are not nonsense. A significant portion our own workforce is lacking the skills to keep up with our changing job demands. What good are the third world Bampumim Teixeira's to the US economy?

    3. The first strike should be the last strike for criminal immigrant trash.

      They had their chance.

      They blew it.

      Sayonara Asshole

    4. Given current economic trends, without immigration, the US population wouldn't be growing

      And why would that be a bad thing ?

      When I grew up Idaho had 250,000 people.

      We all liked it that way.

      You want a country of 500 million, 700 million, a billion ?

      Are you NUTZ ????

    5. With millions and millions more sheeple around you, Quirk, you will begin to baaaaa yourself.

    6. Comey: 15 Percent of Terror Cases Came as Refugees

      by MARK KRIKORIAN May 8, 2017 4:50 PM

      The narrative about refugee resettlement spun by the invite-the-world crowd is that refugees pose no threat to Americans. To pick only the first link to pop up in Google, see this from VOA: “UNHCR: Refugees Pose No Threat to US National Security“. This is because they are “rigorously vetted“, “the most thoroughly vetted of all people entering our nation“. The problem is that vetting is only as good as the information available. And we simply don’t have access to information that would successfully identify potential bad guys.

      In my testimony on this a while back I quoted FBI Director Comey: The only thing we can query is information that we have. So, if we have no information on someone, they’ve never crossed our radar screen, they’ve never been a ripple in the pond, there will be no record of them there and so it will be challenging. That was from 2015. Comey’s testimony last week revealed the consequences of this lack of information. While most of the time he was asked about Hillary’s e-mails and Russia, Russia, Russia, Sen. Tillis asked about terrorism investigations. (See the transcript of the Wednesday, May 3, hearing here.)

      Comey responded that out of 2,000-plus “violent extremist investigations … about 300 of them are people who came to the United States as refugees.” So 15 percent of the FBI’s terrorism cases are refugees – far more than their share of the immigrant population, let alone the general population. And that denominator of 2,000 presumably includes people with no immigration nexus at all – skinheads, antifa, Klan, environmental and animal rights extremists, et al. So the refugee share of immigration-related terrorism investigations is more than 15 percent, perhaps much more.

      This suggests that the president’s temporary pause in travel from six terrorist-ridden Middle Eastern countries (the subject of appeals court proceedings today in Richmond) is almost beside the point. Better, tougher, more thorough vetting isn’t likely to make any difference since refugees really are pretty thoroughly vetted.

      The problem is that vetting people from failed or enemy states is impossible. Combined with the moral case against diverting refugee funds for resettlement of a few instead of protection-in-place for many more, the conclusion is clear: refugee resettlement should be discontinued except in the most extraordinary, emergency cases.

      And even the UN refugee agency acknowledges that emergency cases make up only 0.4 percent of its resettlement referrals (See Table 8). Help refugees where they are – our money goes much, much further and we can keep the security threats off shore.

      Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/447423/comey-terror-cases-refugees

  2. The obvious solution is to send Bampumim Teixeira to Terror Rehab, of course.

    Terrorism is just another disease, like alcoholism, and needs treatment, and understanding.

    People like myself, who would advocate a simple bullet in his brain, after a fair trial of course, have it all wrong.

    I was kinda for the EU there for awhile, but it's not working out.

    It's slowly killing the place.

    1. NY State Education Department promoted lesson plan teaching students to sympathize with Islamic jihad suicide bombers

      MAY 8, 2017 12:12 PM BY ROBERT SPENCER 37 COMMENTS

      No one particularly cared about this. But imagine what the outcry would have been if the New York State Education Department had promoted a lesson plan teaching students to oppose jihad terror and discussing its ideological roots in Islamic texts and teachings.

      “N.Y. promoted, covered up lesson plan teaching students to sympathize with Islamic suicide bombers,” by Justin Haskins, The Blaze, May 7, 2017 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

      On April 12, The Blaze reported the Public Broadcasting Service has been for more than decade featuring a lesson plan that instructs students to be more sympathetic to the plight of Islamic terrorists in Palestine. The plan, titled “Dying to be a Martyr,” features, among other things, video interviews with Islamic terrorists who tell viewers why their attacks on Israelis are justified. There are no instructions in the lesson plan for teachers to denounce these views and no videos are featured showing the Israeli response.

      Among the other biased aspects of the lesson plan are instructions for teachers to “Check for understanding by asking students to respond to the focus question. (Mohanned, feels he would rather die and by a martyr than live his life, sees his life as hollow—in contrast he sees Israelis as happy, going out, having fun, traveling.) Ask your students why Mohanned may feel that way (Answers may include: Palestinians have less land, fewer privileges, cannot come and go as they please.)”

      A new investigation into the lesson plan and its origins show the plan was developed in New York state and was, until just a couple of weeks ago, promoted by the New York State Education Department. Following a request for comment from state officials, NYSED abruptly altered its website without a comment, essentially covering up the fact the website ever contained the “Dying to be a Martyr” material.

      On a taxpayer-funded NYSED website for public school history and geography teachers, NYSED lists numerous videos and books in a section titled “Resources for Teachers.” Among those items listed is a video titled “Story of Islam: A History of the World’s Most Misunderstood Faith.” The “Dying to be a Martyr” lesson plan was also listed, and it appears it was the only full lesson plan listed in that section, which contains 40 items.

      The lesson plan is also featured by Thirteen.org, a website belonging to the WNET-TV network, the PBS affiliate for New York City and the areas immediately surrounding the city. It appears the New York PBS affiliate is the producer of the lesson plan. The author of the plan is a long-time public school teacher in upstate New York.

      An investigation by The Blaze reveals the teacher who authored “Dying to be a Martyr” is still teaching at Ballston Spa High School, a public school in Ballston Spa, New York, located in Saratoga County. At Ballston Spa, the teacher leads courses covering world history for 9th and 10th graders. A review of classroom notes posted to the teacher’s website shows she covers the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in great deal in her course. Among the many questions students are asked to answer are “What is Hammas’ [sic] view ?” and “How were Palestinian refugees treated?


      We are nearing brain death.

    2. Canadian senate passes bill that removes right to revoke citizenship from terrorists
      By Christine Williams on May 08, 2017 08:14 am

      Canadian senate passes bill that removes right to revoke citizenship from terrorists
      For many Canadians the most troubling change is the non revoking of Canadian citizenship even if the individual is convicted of terrorism. The interests of terrorists have been prioritized over the well-being of Canadians, all in the name of political correctness and multiculturalism at any cost. In 2015, the jihadist who masterminded the plot to […]....
      Read in browser »


  3. These days, if you come here legally, and pursue a higher education, you most likely will be paying your own way.

    If you come here illegally, many colleges will fund your higher education.

    And, the law is we must pay your way through lower education, the Supreme Court has ruled. I'd think it ought to be at least in the English language, though I don't if it is, or not.

  4. from Idiot Swedes

    More Muslim Migrant Gunmen Arrested in Minnesota
    By Pamela Geller - on May 8, 2017

    Late last week, I reported on the wild spike in refugee violence in refugee resettlement cities such as Rochester, Minnesota. Somali Muslim drive-by shootings are now the “new normal” in Rochester, Minnesota.

    Rochester is a gateway city for refugee resettlement, and it is being systematically destroyed. Violent crime is at unprecedented levels. Daily reports of gunfights are not uncommon.

    Minnesota was chosen as a designated site for settling Muslims. Minnesotans are a people who are — sadly — easy to manipulate through guilt and to push around through power.

    Related: More Muslim ‘Refugees’ Arrested for Olive Garden Shootings in Minnesota

    Recent incidents: Two Somali bringers of cultural diversity caught in shootout near Olive Garden. One or two more Muslims being sought.

    Rochester migrant Arrested Following Threats Made at Area Businesses

    Rochester shooting leaves 16 bullet holes in cars and apartment building

    Muslim Home Invasions in Rochester, Minnesota.

    Muslim migrants battle


    KIMT3, May 8, 2017:
    Rochester, Minn. – A weekend shooting on a busy Rochester road has left two people behind bars.

    Rochester police say a 36-year-old male was driving on N. Broadway around 12:54 p.m. Sunday when he noticed a black Chevy Impala rapidly approaching his vehicle.

    According to police, two people leaned out of the car and began firing at the victim’s vehicle. A short time later, 26-year-old Abdulkadir Abukar and Kaiser Nur, 28, were arrested and charged with second-degree assault by drive-by shooting. Four shots were fired and the victim wasn’t hit.

    The victim in this case said in the days leading up to the crime that he was getting information that three people were looking to harm him for his involvement in a prior criminal case.

    Police say this is not related to the shooting last week in the Minnwest Bank parking lot, but they said the shooting in the bank parking lot is related to a home invasion that involved drugs.

    Abdulkadir Abukar
    Note the smirk.


    Like the Westminter jihadi’s smirk:



    1. There is a new facial phenomenon gaining traction in North America now known as smirking.

      It is the opposite of a good healthy life affirming smile.

      One can even find it in written form on blogs here and there.

      Never trust one that smirks.

  5. Early humans co-existed in Africa with human-like species 300,000 years ago

    By Ed Stoddard
    ReutersMay 9, 2017
    Fossils of a newly discovered ancient species, named "Homo naledi", are pictured during their unveiling outside Johannesburg
    Fossils of a newly discovered ancient species, named "Homo naledi", are pictured during their unveiling outside Johannesburg September 10, 2015. Naledi means "star" in South Africa's Sesotho language. REUTERS/Siphiwe Sibeko
    By Ed Stoddard
    KROMDRAAI, South Africa (Reuters) - Scientists unveiled the first evidence on Tuesday that early humans co-existed in Africa 300,000 years ago with a small-brained human-like species thought to already be extinct on the continent at that time.
    The findings, published in three papers in the journal "eLife", raise fresh questions about human evolution, including the prospect that behaviours previously attributed to humans may have been developed by hominin precursors of Homo sapiens.
    Hominins are an extinct group of the same genus as humans, the only surviving members of that category today. Man's nearest living relatives, chimpanzees and gorillas, are further removed from Homo sapiens biologically than hominins are.
    The species in question is Homo naledi, named in 2015 after a rich cache of its fossils was unearthed near Sterkfontein and Swartkrans in South Africa.
    These treasure troves, some 50 km (30 miles) northwest of Johannesburg, have yielded pieces of the puzzle of human evolution for decades.
    Scientists initially thought Homo naledi's anatomy suggested the fossils might be as much as 2.5 million years old and were startled by evidence that suggested the species may have buried its dead, a trait long believed to be uniquely human....



    TOO much exercise INCREASES health risks....DRUDGE

    TOO much exercise causes a leaky gut and increases health risks, research shows (and be especially careful if you work in the military)
    Intense physiological stress can change the composition of our gut microbiota
    Imbalances in the gut are linked to diabetes, obesity and some cancers
    Findings raise concerns for endurance athletes and military personnel
    The study is the first to investigate gut bateria during military training

    By Claudia Tanner For Mailonline
    PUBLISHED: 04:51 EDT, 9 May 2017 | UPDATED: 05:13 EDT, 9 May 2017

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-4484680/Intense-exercise-causes-leaky-gut-risk-illness.html#ixzz4gaL69mxn

    I, like many here, have now rendered myself immune to this danger.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. from The Swamp

      John Ivison: White House advisors called Ottawa to urge Trudeau to help talk Trump down from scrapping NAFTA


      White House advisors called Ottawa to urge Trudeau to help talk Trump down from scrapping NAFTA

      John Ivison | May 8, 2017 6:36 PM ET

      Photo: THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and U.S. President Donald Trump take part in a joint press conference at the White House in Washington, D.C., on Feb. 13, 2017.

      White House staff called the Prime Minister’s Office last month to urge Justin Trudeau to persuade President Donald Trump not to tear up the North American Free Trade Agreement, according to multiple Canadian government sources.

      The unconventional diplomatic manoeuvre — approaching the head of a foreign government to influence your own boss — proved decisive, as Trump thereafter abandoned his threat to pull out of NAFTA unilaterally, citing the arguments made by Trudeau and Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto as pivotal.

      But the incident highlights the difficulties faced by governments all over the world when it comes to dealing with a president as volatile as Trump.

      On Wednesday, April 26, the Washington Post, Politico, CNN and the New York Times published stories saying that sources within the White House were considering a draft executive order to cancel NAFTA. The rumour knocked almost two per cent off the Mexican peso and a third of a cent off the loonie....




  7. from Crazy But True

    May 9, 2017
    ACLU lawyer admits Trump travel ban would be constitutional if Hillary had issued it
    By Rick Moran

    An ACLU lawyer arguing against the Trump travel ban in the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday told a federal judge that the executive order initiating the ban would have been constitutional if a President Hillary Clinton had issued it.

    The lawyer cited Donald Trump's campaign rhetoric as demonstrating "animus" thus delegitimizing the order. The judge was understandably perplexed.

    NTK Network:

    Jadwat argued that Trump’s campaign animus motivated the order, making it illegitimate. This claim was challenged by the Fourth Circuit’s Judge Paul Niemeyer.

    “If a different candidate had won the election and then issued this order, I gather you wouldn’t have any problem with that?” Niemeyer asked.

    Jadwat dodged on directly answering the question at first, but Niemeyer persisted, asking the question again.

    Jadwat again tried to avoid the question, asking for clarification on the hypothetical, but Niemeyer once again demanded an answer.

    “We have a candidate who won the presidency, some candidate other than President Trump won the presidency and then chose to issue this particular order, with whatever counsel he took,” Niemeyer said. “Do I understand that just in that circumstance, the executive order should be honored?”

    “Yes, your honor, I think in that case, it could be constitutional,” Jadwat admitted.

    Jadwat also denied that presidents’ actions should be nullified by campaign statements, despite the fact that his entire argument seemed to rest on that claim.

    The ACLU lawyer also tried to claim that the order was illegitimate due to its being “unprecedented,” but this point also crumbled under a quick cross-examination.

    Liberal judges are banning the travel order based on specious grounds; that campaign rhetoric should carry weight when determining the constitutionality of an executive order.

    Candidates say many things to get elected. Trump himself first proposed banning all Muslims from travel to the US - rhetoric that has now been deleted from his campaign site. The executive order that was issued after Trump took office, however, proposed no such thing. Citizens from the three most populous Muslim majority countries in the world are still free to travel to the US, making the idea of a "Muslim ban" ridiculous.

    But liberal judges are desperately casting about for legal reasoning that would allow them to prevent the travel ban from going into affect. That's why it's a virtual certainty that the executive order banning travel to the US from certain countries will end up before the Supreme Court.

    We should thank that ACLU lawyer for telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth when trying to explain why the travel ban is "unconstitutional." In fact, as Powerline puts it, "The only thing wrong with Trump's travel ban is Trump."


  8. Image of the future of France, alas....


    and, Marine Le Pens niece is quitting politics.

  9. We've found a subject about which Ash and Quirk disagree:

    Quirk likes to imagine that increasing population ad infinitum is not only possible, but good.

    Ash, along with me, knows this is nonsense.

    1. But it is the conventional wisdom, so what else could we expect?

    2. I also disagree with Quirk's protectionist trade stance.

    3. .

      Conventional wisdom is that you're nutz, Doug.

      You whine here all the time about our 'culture' disappearing (by which I'm assuming you mean not enough whites). Yet, during the recent recession the US birth rate hit all time lows. More to the point, the birth rates among whites are the lowest among the various racial and ethnic groups in the US. In fact, its been reported that deaths among whites doesn't keep up with white deaths in a third of our states.

      You want to hang on to your culture, get out there and start humping, son, lest you go the way of the dodo (which admittedly could be considered poetic justice).


    4. .

      I also disagree with Quirk's protectionist trade stance.

      What do you base this silly statement on?


    5. "(by which I'm assuming you mean not enough whites)."

      White Commies and Leftards started all this.

      If I could go back and replace white lefties with black conservatives, I most certainly would.

    6. .


      And by all this, you mean letting in all those damn wetbacks and muzzies right?


    7. The last time we talked about things such as TPP and NAFTA you were all against them - America first stuff. Has your opinion changed or did I misunderstand your position re TPP and NAFTA?

    8. .

      I was against TPP but that wasn't really a trade agreement, was it? Seventy percent wasn't even about trade. Instead it merely amounted to a friggin Corporation Bill of Rights written by the corporate lobbyists and with any conflicts to be decided by corporate lawyers. If you think being against TPP means you are 'taking a protectionist trade stance' you're nutz.

      As far as NAFTA, there where a lot of people hurt by NAFTA in both the US and Mexico (not that familiar with Canada). Big examples would be auto workers in the US and agriculture in Mexico. It would have been a lot better if the countries involved did better in helping the people who were adversely affected. But woulda, coulda, shoulda.

      On the other side of it, the agreement lowered prices to consumer and drove companies to be more efficient so as to compete on the world stage. All to the good.

      Bottom line, I think free trade is a good thing. I'm hardly protectionist.

      However, if you think being against something as cynical as the TPP makes you protectionists, I'd say your definition of free trade and national sovereignty need to be reexamined.


  10. If Ash is disagreeing with Quirk I agree with Ash as Quirk's assumptions are wrong.

    1. I'm thinking a one way ticket for Quirk to Beijing.

      Let him rub elbows with the real Sheeple.

      He should love it. More the merrier.

      If he's a careful observer though maybe he will notice that there are considerably more men than women, as they often kill the female babies cause they already got way too many Sheeple.

      There isn't any place left to turn around.

    2. "I'm thinking a one way ticket for Quirk to Beijing."

    3. Quirk's "mind" runs on his assumptions.

  11. .

    Comey: 15 Percent of Terror Cases Came as Refugees

    You put this headline up, Bob. Tell me what you think that article in National Review was actually saying.


    1. Read it yourself and come to your own opinion.

      I'm tired of you sucking off of me.

    2. At your age you need to learn to think for yourself.

    3. He prefers to let the MSM do it for him.

    4. .

      You moron. It doesn't say a damn thing. Doesn't say what period Comey was talking about. Doesn't say if any actual crimes were committed. Doesn't say if there was any convictions of anyone for anything. Were the investigations based on casual conversations, suspicion of funding support, actual plots. The article gives us zip but innuendo.



  12. Tunnel collapses at WA nuke site....DRUDGE


    They say there is no radiation release but based on past experience I don't believe a word of what they say.

    I need Geiger Counter.

    1. Tunnel collapses at Hanford Nuclear Reservation
      Workers were told to take cover positions after a tunnel used to transport highly contaminated materials collapsed Tuesday.

  13. North Africa | Tue May 9, 2017 | 3:25pm EDT
    U.S. to arm Syrian Kurds battling Islamic State, despite Turkish ire

    By Phil Stewart | VILNIUS

    Despite fierce opposition from NATO ally Turkey, U.S. President Donald Trump has approved supplying arms to Kurdish YPG fighters to support an operation to retake the Syrian city of Raqqa from Islamic State, U.S. officials said on Tuesday.

    Ankara views the Kurdish YPG militia fighting within a larger U.S.-backed coalition as the Syrian extension of the Kurdish PKK militant group, which has fought an insurgency in Turkey's southeast since 1984.

    There was no immediate reaction from Turkey, whose president, Tayyip Erdogan, is expected to meet Trump later this month....


  14. Airline CEO gets pied in face while giving speech


  15. Mexico Second deadliest country in 2016
    By Elizabeth Roberts, CNN
    Updated 12:48 PM ET, Tue May 9, 2017

    In Eagle Pass, Texas, where poverty and dirt roads outnumber jobs and opportunities, Mexico's drug cartels prey on kids --- offering them thousands of dollars to smuggle hundreds of pounds of drugs each week.

    No way out: Drug cartels recruit kids for life 03:59
    Story highlights
    Clashes between drug cartels killed more people than conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan
    A total of 23,000 lost their lives, many of them innocents with no links to narcotics
    (CNN)It was the second deadliest conflict in the world last year, but it hardly registered in the international headlines.

    As Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan dominated the news agenda, Mexico's drug wars claimed 23,000 lives during 2016 -- second only to Syria, where 50,000 people died as a result of the civil war.

    "This is all the more surprising, considering that the conflict deaths [in Mexico] are nearly all attributable to small arms," said John Chipman, chief executive and director-general of the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), which issued its annual survey of armed conflict on Tuesday.

    "The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan claimed 17,000 and 16,000 lives respectively in 2016, although in lethality they were surpassed by conflicts in Mexico and Central America, which have received much less attention from the media and the international community," said Anastasia Voronkova, the editor of the survey...


  16. Labrador to run for Idaho governor
    By HEATHER CAYGLE 05/09/17 12:58 PM EDT Updated 05/09/17 02:56 PM EDT

    Rep. Raúl Labrador, a conservative Republican who has frequently tangled with GOP leadership, will run for governor of Idaho in 2018.

    A founding member of the hard-line House Freedom Caucus, Labrador filed to run for governor on Tuesday. He was first elected to represent Idaho's 1st District in the 2010 wave that gave Republicans a House majority.

    “Idaho needs a proven conservative leader who will stand against the special interests and politicians that have picked the winners and losers in our state Capitol for too long,” he said in a statement announcing his candidacy.

    Labrador is expected to be one of several Republicans vying to replace Gov. Butch Otter, who has long said he wouldn’t seek reelection in 2018. Labrador leaves behind a safe Republican seat — both he and President Donald Trump won roughly two-thirds of the vote in the district last year.


    Our beloved "Butch" is hanging it up.

    He will be missed and will be forever remembered, upon vetoing a bill, for his immortal line:

    If that legislation was a horse, I'd shoot it

  17. Ah so.

    Fire hot.


    1. I worked at that place 56 years ago.

      My boss, the restaurant manager, would fill in as bartender.

      No flaming cocktails were served.

  18. Comey steps down as head of the FBI.

    1. Whoa....he may have been 'let go'.

      Awaiting details....

    2. The Donald fired his slimy ass.

    3. They can't claim Trump has no experience saying that.

    4. SOB finally got what he deserved.

    5. Termination was recommended by AG Sessions, and his Deputy Attorney General.

    6. They gave Comey the flaming cocktail to drink, so to speak.

    7. Comey got everybody pissed off at him.

  19. lice Lt. Dan McGrath said Campos was standing in line outside the Vanguard Lounge when Beach stopped while walking past, asked what Campos was looking at, and punched him.

    Beach's attorney, Gregory Knapp, said his client didn't mean to kill Campos, and will plead not guilty to a murder charge.

    "It was a horrible accident and Mr. Beach feels terrible," Knapp said of the 1:30 a.m. incident. "Words were exchanged on some level and a punch was thrown. There was no premeditation, no malice. You don't expect someone to die. It was spontaneous."

    Beach was released from state prison in September 2014 after served more than four years for pleading pleaded guilty to attempted murder and battery with a deadly weapon in a November 2008 shooting. A 19-year-old man was wounded in the heart and another man was wounded in the groin, according to court records.


    Nice that we are so compassionate.

    With Criminals.

    1. "It was just an accident that my client's fist ended up on the side of the head of the deceased, nearly knocking his brains out."

  20. .

    24 Big Issues the Elites are Completely Ignoring

    Andrew Bacevich.

    Hadn't heard of this guy before but I like the way he thinks.

    ...3. America’s empire of bases: The U.S. military today garrisons the planet in a fashion without historical precedent. Successive administrations, regardless of party, justify and perpetuate this policy by insisting that positioning U.S. forces in distant lands fosters peace, stability, and security. In the present century, however, perpetuating this practice has visibly had the opposite effect. In the eyes of many of those called upon to “host” American bases, the permanent presence of such forces smacks of occupation. They resist. Why should U.S. policymakers expect otherwise?

    4. Supporting the troops: In present-day America, expressing reverence for those who serve in uniform is something akin to a religious obligation. Everyone professes to cherish America’s “warriors.” Yet such bountiful, if superficial, expressions of regard camouflage a growing gap between those who serve and those who applaud from the sidelines. Our present-day military system, based on the misnamed All-Volunteer Force, is neither democratic nor effective. Why has discussion and debate about its deficiencies not found a place among the nation’s political priorities?


    10. Hyping terrorism: Each year terrorist attacks kill far fewer Americans than do auto accidents, drug overdoses, or even lightning strikes. Yet in the allocation of government resources, preventing terrorist attacks takes precedence over preventing all three of the others combined. Why is that?

    11. Deaths that matter and deaths that don’t: Why do terrorist attacks that kill a handful of Europeans command infinitely more American attention than do terrorist attacks that kill far larger numbers of Arabs? A terrorist attack that kills citizens of France or Belgium elicits from the United States heartfelt expressions of sympathy and solidarity. A terrorist attack that kills Egyptians or Iraqis elicits shrugs. Why the difference? To what extent does race provide the answer to that question?


    14. Merchandizing death: When it comes to arms sales, there is no need to Make America Great Again. The U.S. ranks number one by a comfortable margin, with long-time allies Saudi Arabia and Israel leading recipients of those arms. Each year, the Saudis (per capita gross domestic product $20,000) purchase hundreds of millions of dollars of U.S. weapons. Israel (per capita gross domestic product $38,000) gets several billion dollars worth of such weaponry annually courtesy of the American taxpayer. If the Saudis pay for U.S. arms, why shouldn’t the Israelis? They can certainly afford to do so.

    15. Our friends the Saudis (I): Fifteen of the 19 hijackers on September 11, 2001, were Saudis. What does that fact signify?

    16. Our friends the Saudis (II): If indeed Saudi Arabia and Iran are competing to determine which nation will enjoy the upper hand in the Persian Gulf, why should the United States favor Saudi Arabia? In what sense do Saudi values align more closely with American values than do Iranian ones?



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      22. Double standards (II): Washington claims that it supports and upholds international law. Yet when international law gets in the way of what American policymakers want to do, they disregard it. They start wars, violate the sovereignty of other nations, and authorize agents of the United States to kidnap, imprison, torture, and kill. They do these things with impunity, only forced to reverse their actions on the rare occasions when U.S. courts find them illegal. Why should other powers treat international norms as sacrosanct since the United States does so only when convenient?


      23. Double standards (III): The United States condemns the indiscriminate killing of civilians in wartime. Yet over the last three-quarters of a century, it killed civilians regularly and often on a massive scale. By what logic, since the 1940s, has the killing of Germans, Japanese, Koreans, Vietnamese, Laotians, Cambodians, Afghans, and others by U.S. air power been any less reprehensible than the Syrian government’s use of “barrel bombs” to kill Syrians today? On what basis should Americans accept Pentagon claims that, when civilians are killed these days by U.S. forces, the acts are invariably accidental, whereas Syrian forces kill civilians intentionally and out of malice? Why exclude incompetence or the fog of war as explanations? And why, for instance, does the United States regularly gloss over or ignore altogether the noncombatants that Saudi forces (with U.S. assistance) are routinely killing in Yemen?


      24. Moral obligations: When confronted with some egregious violation of human rights, members of the chattering classes frequently express an urge for the United States to “do something.” Holocaust analogies sprout like dandelions. Newspaper columnists recycle copy first used when Cambodians were slaughtering other Cambodians en masse or whenever Hutus and Tutsis went at it. Proponents of action -- typically advocating military intervention -- argue that the United States has a moral obligation to aid those victimized by injustice or cruelty anywhere on Earth. But what determines the pecking order of such moral obligations? Which comes first, a responsibility to redress the crimes of others or a responsibility to redress crimes committed by Americans? Who has a greater claim to U.S. assistance, Syrians suffering today under the boot of Bashar al-Assad or Iraqis, their country shattered by the U.S. invasion of 2003? Where do the Vietnamese fit into the queue? How about the Filipinos, brutally denied independence and forcibly incorporated into an American empire as the nineteenth century ended? Or African-Americans, whose ancestors were imported as slaves? Or, for that matter, dispossessed and disinherited Native Americans? Is there a statute of limitations that applies to moral obligations? And if not, shouldn’t those who have waited longest for justice or reparations receive priority attention...

