Wednesday, March 29, 2017

One of the Many Examples Why Britain Will Do Brilliantly After Brexit


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. It is not Quirkian rhetoric, that much is for certain.

      No resentment for one thing.

      And, leaving Churchill for a moment, to an orator of another and much lower sort, we can certainly say from our shared long and familiar experience with Quirk that booze has gotten much more out of Quirk than Quirk has ever gotten out of booze. Same holds for the women in the two gentlemen's lives....Churchill held his own, Quirk crushed under the treads of female tank tracks.....leaving only a bloody spore, and tracks leading off into the distance, toward the artillery fire.....

      Booze and woman....a lethal combo for po' old Quirk.

      It was only when he was totally alone, against all the odds, the booze exhausted, the women fled, that Quirk could come into his own....AND THEN HE WAS MAGNIFICENT AND MAJESTIC.

  2. "Q"Nit of the Day: Detroit, Michigan

    Detroit: Muslim threatened to attack church for ISIS, US Attorney says “he lacks self-control”

    MARCH 28, 2017 7:12 PM BY ROBERT SPENCER

    Yes, that is it, all right. Everyone who lacks self-control ends up sending beheading photos to family members and threatening to attack churches for the Islamic State, no? Don’t be a greasy Islamophobe. After all, he now insists that “ISIS has nothing to do with Islam,” and since that is music to the ears of American authorities, he is likely to get off lightly. If he does, and turns out to have been practicing Muhammad’s dictum “War is deceit,” what will those who set him free quickly say then?

    “Detroit-area man ‘humiliated’ by his Islamic State threats,” by Ed White, Associated Press, March 27, 2017:

    A Detroit-area man who works at his father’s pizzeria repeatedly apologized Monday for making provocative threats in support of the Islamic State group and insisted he meant no harm to anyone.

    Khalil Abu Rayyan, 22, didn’t commit terrorism, but federal prosecutors are asking for a severe punishment — eight years in prison — for a gun crime and making false statements to get a firearm in 2015. They point to his online messages with an undercover FBI operative as proof that a long sentence is necessary to protect the public.

    “I am so ashamed. I have humiliated myself,” Rayyan told a judge.

    Rayyan sent photos of a beheading to his brother, watched “shock and awe” terror videos, and said he was willing to attack a church and a police officer in a hospital.

    “He lacks self-control,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Ronald Waterstreet said.

    U.S. District Judge George Caram Steeh said he needed more time before sentencing Rayyan. He’s considering two portrayals of Rayyan: Is he a dangerous young man or simply foolish and insecure?

    “That conduct is not who I am or what I believe in. … ISIS has nothing to do with Islam,” Rayyan said in court in a loud, firm voice. “I have shamed my faith. I have shamed the Muslim people.”…

    1. If the guy needs a place to stay, Quirk's the perfect fellow to take him in....

    2. Muzzie's love dogs too. Another advantage of the new house mate.

  3. Obama’s Former Asst. Defense Secretary ADMITS ON MSNBC Obama Admin Spied on Trump (VIDEO)

    Evelyn Farkas also served as an advisor to Hillary Clinton during the 2016 Presidential campaign and was up for a position in the Clinton administration if Hillary became President.

    It’s no big deal that she had access to information on the Trump campaign while advising his opponent, Hillary Clinton, right? Nothing to see here, move along…

    There is a massive amount of evidence piling up that the Trump camp was spied on by the Obama administration.

  4. Sanctuary cities aren’t as popular as you might think in California

    In a word: Californian's are insane.

    San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee reaffirmed his city’s status, saying self-declared sanctuaries “are safer, more productive, healthier places to live,” (Just ask Kate's parents) while Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg has repeatedly promised to remain a “sanctuary city,” pledging to fight the Trump administration in the courts.

  5. The Demise of Toshiba

    Toshiba says Westinghouse has filed for bankruptcy protection in the U.S.

    1. .

      What's not mentioned in the article is the possible hit to the nuclear industry around the world since much of it is based on Westinghouse technology. Also, the question arises as to what will happen to the 2 Westinghouse nuclear facilities that were approved her in the US.


  6. .

    Trump World: Alt- right Reality in an Alt-right Dimension

    Part 1: Donald Trump a Fascist? Oh yeah!

    Characteristic 7 of 14: Obsession with a Plot, Possibly an International One

    ”To people who feel deprived of a clear social identity, Ur-Fascism says that their only privilege is the most common one, to be born in the same country. This is the origin of nationalism. Besides, the only ones who can provide an identity to the nation are its enemies. Thus at the root of the Ur-Fascist psychology there is the obsession with a plot, possibly an international one. The followers must feel besieged. The easiest way to solve the plot is the appeal to xenophobia. But the plot must also come from the inside…”

    - Umberto Eco

    Trump played the nationalist theme to the hilt during his campaign and he is a proud promoter and propagator of conspiracy theories. This has played well with a good portion of his white American base.

    Trump promised to “Make America Great Again” and stated he was the only one who could do it. He appealed to the fears of his base, lost jobs, terrorism, loss of ‘traditional’ American values, crime. He named the perpetrators, Muslims, Immigrants, Blacks, Mexicans; he pronounced them guilty; and promised he would take care of it. He promised a wall, a Muslim ban, a crackdown on immigration, a get tough policy on crime.

    Trump also had no problem with propagating the weird conspiracy theories of guys like Alex Jones who only this week finally apologized for spreading the ‘pizzagate’ story. Trump did the same for the ‘New World Order’ memes of guys like Michael Savage or Glen Beck. There was a ready audience for that stuff. Trump’s last campaign ad talked of ‘globalism’ and ‘global special interests’ in a blatant appeal to racism and xenophobia.

    Finally, when protests broke out after he had won the election, Trump tweeted, ‘professional protesters, incited by the media. Very unfair.’ The meme spread through Trump supporters rapidly. And, even though a few hours after his initial tweet, Trump took a more moderate stance saying, “Love the fact that the small groups of protestors last night have passion for our great country. We will all come together and be proud…,” the original meme continued to be carried by Trump supporters.

    Yes, Trump does know how to work a room.

    Eco's Characteristic #7 of Fascism. Check.


    1. Many Trump voters also voted for him because he wasn't H.R. Clinton.

      Fascist? Nope.

    2. .

      Many Trump voters also voted for him because he wasn't H.R. Clinton.

      True, but irrelevant. That does nothing to excuse what Trump himself has said or done. On those issues, come back when you can prove something I said is incorrect.

      Fascist? Nope.

      That's your opinion. I am merely listing examples for the other side of that argument.

      I'm hoping you second statement isn't based on your first.


  7. Ur-Echo ought to be burned himself.

    Boring, and out of gas...

    Out of compaasion, return him to the elements....

  8. Really one of the dumbest dicktatorials you've put on in a long time, Quirk.

    Can even feel you getting bored with it.

    Just polish the rest off tomorrow with a short flourish and in a couple of hours all will have returned to normal.

    Nobody is reading the stuff, not even me may more.

    1. not even me anymore

      Just cut if off short, and move on, Quirk, is my best advice.

      People forget...

    2. You're really whipping a dead horse, Quirk.

    3. You still reading that drivel?

    4. ...been more than a week for me.

    5. Sorry, didn't see your last two posts when I revealed my non reading habits.

    6. .

      Don't be silly. Of course, you boys read them and will continue to do so. You can't help yourselves. You'll search through them through looking for anything you can legitimately call a lie without being laughed out of here.

      What's interesting is that though you piss and moan, no one has yet denied any of the examples I have put up. And that's the key thing. My opinions are not important. You know what I think of Trump already. What is important are the things Trump has said and done (and in my opinion what he has not done). As of yet, no one has denied them.

      The closest you girls have come is to argue through some twisted logic that what Trump says and does is really unimportant because there is always someone worse. Or in Doug's case that they are all right because no one would know about them if the MSM didn't report what he says or does.

      Wake up girls, He is the friggin President of these United States.

      Please realize I have been pulling my punches through this exercise so as not to upset my audience 'too much'.


    7. "Don't be silly. Of course, you boys read them and will continue to do so."
      I've never read completely through a single one of your "Fascist" pieces, and I now skip them entirely.

  9. Our resident troll will "explain" this in whatever way the MSM tells him in order to make it Trump's fault.

    1. .

      A preemptive strike already, son?

      You're worse than Trump. At least, he waits to get insulted before going off the deep end.

      Lighten up.


    2. Who said I was talking to you?

    3. .

      Who said I took it as such?


    4. .

      Gee, I've never associated you with logic.


    5. I slept nearly all day and didn't read a word of them and am not about to start now.

    6. I'd much rather read something by Me-Me !!!:):):) than by this Umberto creep.

      She's got a life !

      He's dead.

  10. THE mosque where self-proclaimed caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi declared his Islamic State is about to fall, with Iraqi special forces closing on the Mosul landmark.


    The US-led anti-jihadist coalition has said it “probably” played a role in civilian casualties in west Mosul, as the UN and Amnesty International called for greater efforts to protect civilians.


    UN rights office spokeswoman Ravina Shamdasani said that more than 300 civilians have been killed in west Mosul since February 17.

    IS has targeted civilians and used them as human shields, while strikes by anti-IS forces have also left civilians dead.

  11. .

    Trump World: Alt- right Reality in an Alt-right Dimension

    Part 1: Donald Trump a Fascist? Oh yeah!

    Characteristic 8 of 14: Obsession with a Plot, Possibly an International One

    The followers must feel humiliated by the ostentatious wealth and force of their enemies. When I was a boy I was taught to think of Englishmen as the five-meal people. They ate more frequently than the poor but sober Italians. Jews are rich and help each other through a secret web of mutual assistance. However, the followers must be convinced that they can overwhelm the enemies. Thus, by a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak. Fascist governments are condemned to lose wars because they are constitutionally incapable of objectively evaluating the force of the enemy.

    - Umberto Eco

    Trump asked his fans, ‘When is the last time America won anything? When is the last time America
    won a war? When is the last time America won a trade deal? Why are all of these countries stealing our jobs? Trump suggested that China was hosing us, that Mexico was hosing us, that NATO countries were taking advantage of us, that the rest of the world considered us weak, that they all viewed us as losers, that we were being laughed at. He argued that it was time for that to stop and that he was the only one that could do it, that he was the only one who could restore America to what it was ‘before’.

    Trump argued that his base was being taken advantage of, taken advantage of by Wall Street, by the Banks, by the Establishment, by politicians of both parties, by the media, by the judiciary, by progressives, by ‘the other’ in all its forms. He argued that his primary opponents were all members of the establishment, the same establishment that has been taking advantage of the middle class for decades.

    During the presidential race, Trump claimed that Hillary was the establishment, that she spoke of the plight of the little guy but didn’t really mean it. He said she was a hypocrite, a congenital liar, corrupt, a career politician, a media darling, and that she and her supporters were the privileged ones who were taking advantage of the trust the American people had placed in them. That she, in addition to being ‘exhausted’, carried a smug, cloying sense of entitlement.

    The WaPo counted how many times Trump has said the US is seen as a laughingstock (100 since 1987)

    They also counted who Trump said was doing the laughing…

    The Washington Post tallied Trump's quotes, and found that the parties he claims are mocking us include China (35 times), Mexico (five times), terrorists (three times), Russia (five times) and the entire rest of the world (28 times).

    Trump promised he would be the one to change all this. He would make ‘great’ trade deals, the ‘best ever’. He would build up our military and make it the ‘greatest military ever’. No one would ever think about challenging us again.

    Even though Trump bragged that he was the richest man in the race, he would be the one to ‘drain the swamp’ in D.C. He would change the equation, he would cut the power and influence of the lobbyists, reduce their ability to work for the benefit of special interests or clients like the Banks, big business, the drug industry, etc. He promised he would bring back the jobs and ‘Make America Great Again.’

    Of course, then came the reality of President Trump.

    Eco’s Characteristic #8 of Fascism. Check.



    I dare the reader to not laugh when reading the comments.
