Thursday, March 30, 2017

Who the hell is Evelyn Farkas?

If Evelyn Farkas Resigned in 2015, How Did She Have Access to Trump-Russian Intelligence? | Zero Hedge

This was making waves yesterday, after Evelyn Farkas admitted to Mika from The Morning Joe show that she strongly advised people 'on the hill' and in our intelligence agencies to tuck away intelligence regarding Russo-Trump ties for the sake of preservation, in an effort to protect it from the onerous bureaucracy she obviously finds to be deplorable.

"Get as much intelligence as you can before President Obama leaves the administration," said Farkas in an interview yesterday on MSNBC.
She was afraid the Trump people would gain access to their intelligence and whisk it away -- because they're all Russian spies, obviously.

Aside from what appears to be a brazen confirmation of spying on the Trump team, the bigger red flag here is Dr. Farkas wasn't employed by the Obama administration at the time the Russian allegations arose.

According to Pentagon records, Dr. Farkas resigned in September of 2015.
So how did this non-resident fellow at the Atlantic Council, member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and former deputy assistant secretary of defense for Russia, Ukraine and Eurasia, gain knowledge of intelligence regarding members of Trump's team and their relations with Russia, when she was the senior foreign policy advisor for Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton?

Farkas was the prime driver behind the anti-Russia phobia inside the Pentagon during the Obama years -- shilling hard for the Ukraine -- requesting that the President send them anti-tank missiles -- which, essentially, would mean outright war with Russia.

Back to the interview with Mika Brzezinski. Dr. Farkas said 'we' had good intel on Russia. Who does she refer to when she says 'we?'
Professional Deep Stater, Dr. Evelyn Farkas, Globalist Shill

Here's Mark Levin's take on this scandal.

Perhaps someone inside the Obama government was leaking to the Hillary campaign?

I think we all know what the answer is to the rhetorical question.

Content originally generated at


  1. "Aside from what appears to be a brazen confirmation of spying on the Trump team..."

    Brazen confirmation? or Brazen spying?

    In any case an intelligence agency spying on Russians (such as the head of a sanctioned bank) catching a Trumpette negotiating with said Russian appears to be what occurred.

  2. Dr. Evelyn is one of Umberto's girl friends, I heard somewhere, shared out with Quirk from time to time.

    1. These two slim buckets call her 'deep throat' if you can believe it.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Everything about D.C. is disgusting but the Dems are the biggest sinners.

      Then we have to read about some outliar named Umberto blah blah his neurosis.

      I'm looking for to The Final Four.

  4. I've been following this story with a good deal of interest - and hopefulness -

    UPDATE: Hope in human life on Mars as potato grows in simulator....DRUDGE

    Mars !

    What a wonderful place for PotatoHead.

    Doesn't the thought of it cheer you up ?!

  5. Video: Andrew Napolitano returns to Fox — and doubles down on claim that GCHQ gave Obama intel on Trump

    FBI agent was at the Garland jihad attack, egging on the attackers.
    March 30, 2017 Robert Spencer

    1. .

      Who doesn't?

      (Well, not literally I guess.)


  7. If Trump is such a fascist as you and your moronic intellectual guide Umberto maintain, Quirk, why did Trump nominate a reasonable guy like Gorsuch for the Supreme Court, whom darned near all the Democrats voted for when he was first put on the Federal bench ?

  8. .

    Trump World: Alt- right Reality in an Alt-right Dimension

    Part 1: Donald Trump a Fascist? Oh yeah!

    Characteristic 9 of 14: Pacifism is Trafficking with the Enemy

    For Ur-Fascism there is no struggle for life but, rather, life is lived for struggle. Thus pacifism is trafficking with the enemy. It is bad because life is permanent warfare. This, however, brings about an Armageddon complex. Since enemies have to be defeated, there must be a final battle, after which the movement will have control of the world. But such a “final solution” implies a further era of peace, a Golden Age, which contradicts the principle of permanent war. No fascist leader has ever succeeded in solving this predicament.

    - Umberto Eco

    Trump fits Eco’s model, his entire life both personal and public is one constant war. It’s reflected in his 3:00 am tweets and in his first budget as president.

    Trump cannot let any slight no matter how insignificant slide. To do so would be a sign of weakness. It must be answered, loudly, publically, and usually hyperbolically. Trump will verbally attack anyone who disagrees with him be it beauty queen or prime minister.

    The military increases in Trump’s first budget are an attempt to project strength. In an interview on Meet the Press Trump said, "I'm gonna build a military that's gonna be much stronger than it is right now. It's gonna be so strong, nobody's gonna mess with us.

    We see Trump’s combative nature every day from his tweets on Schwarzenneger and others to his quotes on the military…

    "If you look at wars over the years-and I study wars-my life is war,"

    “I know more about Isis than the generals do…”

    "If we would've taken the oil, you wouldn't have ISIS," Trump said, explaining "You just leave a certain group behind and you would take various sections where they take the oil."

    The increases in Trump’s new budget are projected to increase military spending by $900 billion over the next 10 years. Trump has already begun an expansion of the foreign interventions he promised he would avoid.

    Eco’s Characteristic #9 on Fascism. Check.


  9. the next ten years

    Quirk here must be counting on the presumption, bandied about at Ye Olde Mafia Barber Shoppe, that The Donald has finally settled on a 10 year Presidential Term.

    A few there are not so certain, though.

    The Shoe Shine Boy, for one, is maintaining The Donald will go for a 15 year term, or maybe even a 20.

    Quirk first discover Umberto....Ummm beeerrrrr toe....while perusing the girlie magazine rack at Ye Olde Mafia Barber Shoppe where he spends the majority of his 'away from home' time.

    1. One bright at Ye Olde Mafia Barber Shoppe was even quoted as saying:

      If that little limp dick were a real fascist he'd be Dictator for Life ! Some fascist ! The guy's a limp little dick, I tell ya, a limp little dick, the dick !

    2. This fellow is often rumored to be Quirk's mysterious elder brother, Humberto, who is said to have a thing, like the mooslims, for little girls.

    3. (no reflection on Quirk implied)

    4. .

      What a fool you are, Bob. From your post,it's evident you haven't a clue as to how the budget process is handled or the fact that every budget is scored on a ten year basis.

      Best to stop talking about big boy stuff and go play with your me-me.

      Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and prove it.


    5. Your budget projections don't mean squat, and you are fully aware of that fact.

      And I'm sure not going to go play with your me-me.

      She is your me-me.

      I don't even know her.

      And sure don't want to, either.

    6. .

      Nonsense, Bob.

      She is simply one of the many alternate personalities associated with your dissociative identity disorder and designed to free your slutty feminine side.

      See a doctor, they can explain DID to you and possibly help.


  10. Yesterday, the readers of the Elephant Bar were presented the option of reading the following post by one of our esteemed members, or another one of Quirk's "Fascist" things:

    Obama’s Former Asst. Defense Secretary ADMITS ON MSNBC Obama Admin Spied on Trump (VIDEO)

    Evelyn Farkas also served as an advisor to Hillary Clinton during the 2016 Presidential campaign and was up for a position in the Clinton administration if Hillary became President.

    It’s no big deal that she had access to information on the Trump campaign while advising his opponent, Hillary Clinton, right? Nothing to see here, move along…

    There is a massive amount of evidence piling up that the Trump camp was spied on by the Obama administration.

    1. There is a massive amount of evidence piling up that the Trump camp was spied on by the Obama administration.

      Not according to SMIRK, and QUIRK is spending all his time in goofy-land.

    2. ...and if Ash read the NY Times, he'd know General Flynn wasn't the only one.

      Actually, he does, but he has a severe case of selective memory.

    3. If you want to spin that spying on Russians and finding that those Russians who were being spied upon were talking to Trump and associates as Obama wiretapping Trump have at it. Nobody is buying it (unless you count Bob as a somebody) other than you and a few other Trumpettes.

    4. Nobody seems to be disputing that those Russians and Trumpers were communicating with each other.

    5. Just like Schumer, Hillary, and every other politician in similar circumstances.

      ...except that Bill and Hill did massively more business with the Ruskies than the rest.


  11. I love the bitch's countenance:

    The bulging eyes betray a young Hillary supporter.

  12. .

    Nunes News

    WASHINGTON — A pair of White House officials played a role in providing Representative Devin Nunes of California, the Republican chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, with the intelligence reports that showed President Trump and his associates were incidentally swept up in foreign surveillance by American spy agencies.

    The revelation that White House officials assisted in the disclosure of the intelligence reports — which Mr. Nunes then discussed with President Trump — is likely to fuel criticism that the intelligence chairman has been too eager to do the bidding of the Trump administration while his committee is supposed to be conducting an independent investigation of Russia’s meddling in the last presidential election.

    Mr. Nunes has also been faulted by his congressional colleagues for sharing the information with President Trump before consulting with other members of the intelligence committee.
    Sign Up For the Morning Briefing Newsletter

    The congressman has refused to identify his sources, saying he needed to protect them so others would feel safe coming to the committee with sensitive information. He first disclosed the existence of the intelligence reports on March 22, and in his public comments he has described his sources as whistle-blowers trying to expose wrongdoing at great risk to themselves.

    Several current American officials identified the White House officials as Ezra Cohen-Watnick, the senior director for intelligence at the National Security Council, and Michael Ellis, a lawyer who works on national security issues at the White House Counsel’s Office and formerly worked on the staff of the House Intelligence Committee.

    A White House spokesperson declined to comment...


    1. Seeking the truth bad.

      Promoting the Police State GOOD.

    2. Unlike Nunes, Shifty is an impartial arbiter of the Truth. if a two party affair is not inherently adversarial.

    3. .



      It all depends on whose ox is being gored.

      No doubt, if the House intelligence committee ever does have another meeting, the GOP encouraged by Spicer and Trump, will be back to whining about those 'illegal leakers'.


  13. "UPDATE: Hope in human life on Mars as potato grows in simulator....DRUDGE"


    Back in the Fifties, ten year olds like me knew that "It came from outer space" was Science FICTION.

    Today's Millenials, techies, the brains at BC, and others, BELIEVE life on Mars with a Potatoe would be Heaven without this nasty old Earth.

    1. ...don't forget Elon:

      The next Democrat President will finance an elevator to another solar system for all mankind.

  14. .

    Trump World: Alt- right Reality in an Alt-right Dimension

    Part 1: Donald Trump a Fascist? Oh yeah!

    Characteristic 10 of 14: Popular Elitism

    Elitism is a typical aspect of any reactionary ideology, insofar as it is fundamentally aristocratic, and aristocratic and militaristic elitism cruelly implies contempt for the weak. Ur-Fascism can only advocate a popular elitism. Every citizen belongs to the best people of the world, the members of the party are the best among the citizens, every citizen can (or ought to) become a member of the party. But there cannot be patricians without plebeians…Since the group is hierarchically organized (according to a military model), every subordinate leader despises his own underlings, and each of them despises his inferiors. This reinforces the sense of mass elitism.

    - Umberto Eco

    Trump is fixated on the words ‘strong’ and ‘weak’. He pictures himself as ‘strong’ in everything he does and his opponents as ‘weak. The primary debates were a repetitious exercise in using this redundant meme.

    Trump is the best there is. At everything.

    He went to the best schools. He is highly intelligent. He has the best ideas. He knows more than the generals. He knows more than the intelligence services. He is the only one who can make ‘America Great Again’. He has the greatest hotels. The greatest family. The most beautiful daughter. He’s got the best policies. He will build the greatest wall, a beautiful wall, so strong a wall it will put an end to illegal immigration. He promised to tighten security and keep all the dangerous people out. The US military is the best in the world today and he will make it even stronger and better. His was a strong victory, unprecedented, the best ever. His inauguration crowd was the biggest ever (if you consider everything). He also has a strong team. His staff and appointees are the best ever. His supporters are the best this country has to offer, for the most part conservative and nationalistic, they are strong and way smarter than the average bear. America is the greatest country that has ever existed and he will make America the strongest it has ever been.

    All in all, Trump is the best president this country has ever seen, a strong president, with hands larger than they appear on TV.

    Conversely, his opponents are all weak. His primary opponents were a bunch of wusses. The media is weak and dishonest. SNL is extremely weak. NATO is weak and the countries in NATO are weak and not paying their way. The intelligence services are weak. The progressives and the culturally elite are weak. Those who criticize torture are weak. Those who oppose the wall are weak. Anyone who opposes the Muslim ban is weak on security (and probable a closet Islamist). Trump’s proposed budget is strong therefore those who oppose it are weak. And so it goes.

    Eco’s Characteristic #10 on Fascism. Check.


  15. Farkas Update:

    Today, in her interview with CNBC, she claimed she only knew what was already in the press. What?! There was nothing in the press about Trump being spied on until 2 days AFTER her appearance on MSNBC! Time to lawyer up, Farkas! The wagons are circling…


    “We were having a transition of power from the Obama administration to the Trump administration. If indeed there was an investigation ongoing, if indeed there was information the Obama administration had about Russian interference and possible American involvement, I wanted to make sure Congress knew about it,” she said on “Squawk Box.”

    I was out of the government at the time all this came out into the press and I only knew what I read in the press, but KNOWING-uh HEARING that our intelligence community was looking into this, investigating into what had happened. Understanding the relationship between Wikileaks and the Russian government I could kinda read between the lines and I became very concerned even without having any inside information.”


  16. We want to know how you had access to this intelligence being that you were no longer in your government position, Farkas.

  17. Obama's rule changes opened door for NSA intercepts of Americans to reach political hands

    As his presidency drew to a close, Barack Obama’s top aides routinely reviewed intelligence reports gleaned from the National Security Agency’s incidental intercepts of Americans abroad, taking advantage of rules their boss relaxed starting in 2011 to help the government better fight terrorism, espionage by foreign enemies and hacking threats, Circa has learned.

    Dozens of times in 2016, those intelligence reports identified Americans who were directly intercepted talking to foreign sources or were the subject of conversations between two or more monitored foreign figures. Sometimes the Americans’ names were officially unmasked; other times they were so specifically described in the reports that their identities were readily discernible. Among those cleared to request and consume unmasked NSA-based intelligence reports about U.S. citizens were Obama’s national security adviser Susan Rice, his CIA Director John Brennan and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch.
    2 of 29
    Some intercepted communications from November to January involved Trump transition figures or foreign figures' perceptions of the incoming president and his administration. Intercepts involving congressional figures also have been unmasked occasionally for some time.

    The NSA is expected to turn over logs as early as this week to congressional committees detailing who consumed reports with unmasked Americans' identities from their intercepts since the summer of 2016.

  18. .

    Trump World: Alt- right Reality in an Alt-right Dimension

    Part 1: Donald Trump a Fascist? Oh yeah!

    Characteristic 11 of 14: Everybody is Educated to Become a Hero

    In such a perspective everybody is educated to become a hero. In every mythology the hero is an exceptional being, but in Ur-Fascist ideology, heroism is the norm. This cult of heroism is strictly linked with the cult of death. It is not by chance that a motto of the Falangists was Viva la Muerte (in English it should be translated as “Long Live Death!”). In non-fascist societies, the lay public is told that death is unpleasant but must be faced with dignity; believers are told that it is the painful way to reach a supernatural happiness. By contrast, the Ur-Fascist hero craves heroic death, advertised as the best reward for a heroic life. The Ur-Fascist hero is impatient to die. In his impatience, he more frequently sends other people to death.

    - Umberto Eco

    Trump depicts himself in heroic terms. He is the ‘only’ one who can turn things around and bring America back from the abyss. He is sacrificing greatly in order to do this public service. From the beginning, he has been alone in fighting the creeping socialism and the cultural malaise that is enveloping the country.

    Trump’s crude, rude approach to politics is a visible example of how he is willing to stand up to the weak PC culture that has taken over America’s universities and from there is spreading among the elites into our culture, our politics, and every other aspect of American life making us weak.

    His supporters view him as a hero, a man willing to sacrifice the good life to work for them. And the very fact that they were willing to support him, to attend his rallies, to wear their Trump hat’s and carry their “Make America Great Again Signs”, to help put him over the top, well, that kind of made them heroes too. They still defend him because they have too much invested in him to just let the dream go.

    Trump is seen as the last and bestest hope for a rebirth of America. He is fighting the flood of immigrants that are taking their jobs, he is fighting ‘big money’ which has for too long been taking most of the pie, he is fighting the terrorists and has promised to defeat ISIS quickly, he has promised them the same utopian dream Obama did, universal healthcare at cheaper prices, he has promised to make America’s military the greatest in the world (a little redundant but what the hey).

    And his army of supporters will be there to help him fulfill those promises. If not them, then whom?

    As for the cult of death aspect, who knows? Trump’s comments on war, torture, nuclear conflict do not promote sanguinity.

    Eco’s Characteristic #11 on Fascism. Check.



      All your bullshit is making ME impatient to die, and I got promises to keep, though you do indeed make the woods seem lovely, dark, and deep....

    2. I'm down to reading almost nuthin no more.

    3. Trump Derangement Syndrome.


    4. These Ur-fascists sound a lot like muzzies to me.

    5. (they really don't sound much like mafia, who always want the other guy to die)

    6. .

      I'm down to reading almost nuthin no more.


      In your case, that can only help.


  19. I was out of the government at the time all this came out into the press and I only knew what I read in the press, but KNOWING-uh HEARING that our intelligence community was looking into this, investigating into what had happened.
    Understanding the relationship between Wikileaks and the Russian government I could kinda read between the lines and I became very concerned even without having any inside information.”

    She certainly LOOKS like she's telling the truth:

  20. Nixon was TRYING TO PRESERVE INFORMATION about what was going on in the DNC.



      …that the Trump folks, if they found out how we knew what we knew about their, the staff, the Trump staff’s "dealing with Russians, that they would try to compromise those sources and methods, meaning we would no longer have access to that intelligence.

      So I became very worried, because not enough was coming out into the open, and I knew that there was more.

      We have very good intelligence on Russia. So then I had talked to some of my former colleagues, and I knew that they were trying to also help get information to the Hill."

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.


      You read it. I haven't the energy left.

      It's dun wore me out.


    Quirk's Fucked Up World Views News

    1. Senators Manchin and Heitkamp announce they will vote to confirm Judge Gorsuch
      Mar 30, 2017 6:01 PM by John Sexton

      “…I have not found any reasons why this jurist should not be a Supreme Court Justice.”

    2. Quirk, Pelosi, and I know that if you drink water and breathe air you should be against Gorsuch:

    3. .

      The Twins are at it again.

      The real goofy one is all upsets about Gorsuch being called a Fascist by someone. This from the guy who swears he doesn't bother to read the Trump/Fascist meme posts. Perhaps, it's his DID acting up again.

      The goofy one, once again drags the Quirkster into one of his silly rants about Gorsuch, this despite the fact that I have never made a comment about Gorsuch except to say he was almost certainly going to be approved.

      As for his nomination, I say Trump has a perfect right to nominate anyone he wants. Likewise, I think the nominee has ever right to an up or down vote in the Senate. I am consistent in this. I thought it was a bullshit move on the part of the GOP not allowing Garland to even get a hearing when Obama nominated him 10 friggin months before he left office.

      Now, once he gets on the court, I might argue with him on particular decisions, for instance, I disagreed with the majority on Citizens United just as I disagreed with them on Roe v Wade. However, unlike the twins, I will usually wait until someone screws up before criticizing them.


    4. Well put, Q. You seem to always go against the majority. Seems to be your Meme. Gives you the ability to criticize anyone/everyone, without being a hypocrite. You voted GREEN who got one percent of the popular vote and Zero ZERO electoral votes. Well done, my boy, well done. Although it don't make you right, except in your mind.

    5. .

      What don't you get about 'they are all dicks', Mome?

      The choice among the two major parties was Trump and Clinton. If you can come up with any reasonable excuse for voting for one of those two, more power to you.

      Well, I mean unless you were gullible enough to actually believe what either of them said, in which case I would grant you a pass and a little pity.


  23. "What this country needs is a strong rigid upright pecker for King !"

    ....heard at Ye Olde Mafia Barber Shoppe, Detroit, Michigan

    1. Not just some dick, not another dick, we've had enough dicks, they've all been dicks.

    2. "A strong rigid upright pecker for King who is willing to die for the country and send other people to die first !"

    3. "A man who knows how to fix the numbers racket, too !"

  24. . if a two party affair is not inherently adversarial

    And yet Nunes denies it and argues that he is still independent.

    There are two possibilities. The White House (read the President) authorized others to pass along the classified information to Nunes. The president can declassify whatever he wants so the leak wouldn't be illegal. However, in that case, it would strengthen the argument that Nunes is not independent and instead is simply Trump's water carrier. This would make arguments against an independent commission or a special prosecutor harder to make.

    Or, given that Spicer has denied knowing who the source of the leaks was, these could be rogue White House staffers who thought it their civic duty to provide classified information directly to Nunes. In which case, Nunes should immediately out them and punish them under existing criminal law. Either that, or Trump and the GOP could just quit whining about 'illegal leaks'.


  25. .

    Ah, I see Spicer has refused to respond to any questions on the NYT article on the 'whistleblowers'. Subsequently, the White House has sent a letter to the House and Senate Intelligence Commttees inviting them to come to the White House to view some 'new' documents that they want included in the investigations.


    Interesting timing.

    More and more, this looks like The Return of the Pink Panther...Again with Nunes playing the part of Clouseau.

    Clouseau Interogates


    1. .

      One has to ask if all this diversionary stuff isn't just an attempt by the White House to delay this investigation until after they can get past their 90 day probationary period.



    2. .

      And before Idaho Bob who is unfamiliar unions and probationary periods jumps in and makes a fool of himself, let me be upfront in saying I was kidding.

      However, when you see the clusterf**k that has been the Trump administration amateur hour during the first two months of his presidency, maybe a probationary period is something we should look at in the future.



    3. .

      Remember, it was almost a month ago that Trump, in a tizzy because Sessions had recused himself from the Trump/Russia connection investigation, went crazy after reading a 'fake news' story and charged Obama with wiretapping him. The Tweets were bad enough but rather than say he made a mistake, apologize and move on, Trump delayed, dissembled, and diverted adding more and more to the confusion. And that's how we got to the point we are in today.

      The coverup is usually worse than the crime.

      Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.


    4. Clusterf**k is defensible description.

      These damned politicians aren't businessmen.

      He will probably do better in the future.

      I am personally unfamiliar with probationary periods.

      I do imagine I could learn a lot from you on that topic.

      I am not your superior in ALL things, and have never said that.

      All I really wanna do is get along !

    5. .

      Too late. I've filed on the basis of irreconcilable differences.


  26. .

    Michael Flynn offers to testify on the Russian probe if he is offered immunity

    The WSJ put out the first story on Flynn's offer to testify. Because there are two congressional committees plus the FBI involved, it could be some time for any immunity deal is agreed upon (if it is) so as the avoid the criticism over situations like the Ollie North prosecution where the prick escaped criminal prosecution because of the immunity deal granted by Congress.


    1. And when was the last time YOU testified before the FBI and Congress without an immunity grant ?

      Never, that's when.

  27. There's a half Chinese/half English woman on Fox talking about the Chinese stock market whose name is Catherine Yeung.

    Right now the topic is the 'Chinese bubble' and equity markets.

    1. China market next quarter ?

      "We expect it to continue on the path it has been on"

      For this, she gets the big bucks.

    2. By the way you can get the same advice for only $599.99/quarterly from Quirk's Chink Quarterly forecasting out of a home basement somewhere near Detroit, Michigan. This is less than $200/month !

  28. Don't say mankind.

    March 30, 2017
    The outrage industry launches a new product line
    By Thomas Lifson

    Manunkind is more accurate.

  29. Meanwhile down in BernieLand, Veneuela -

    Dictatorship: Venezuelan Supreme Court takes over duties of legislature

    The Supreme Court of Venezuela has announced it will take over all of the duties of the country’s legislature. The opposition party says the country has crossed a line into an outright dictatorship. From the Miami Herald:

    In a ruling published late Wednesday, the Supreme Court said that while the National Assembly continued to defy court rulings all of its actions were “invalid” and that “the activities of the parliament would be exercised directly by [this court].”

    The clash of the branches goes back to January 2016, when the National Assembly swore in three opposition representatives from Amazon state even as the court had decided to investigate their election amid suspicions of voter fraud. That investigation is ongoing and the opposition has said the court is simply trying to rob them of their super majority…

    Opposition Congressman Freddy Guevara, with the Voluntad Popular party said the court decision wasn’t “just another ruling” and called for street demonstrations and “democratic resistance” to defend the country’s institutions.

    “This ruling marks a point of no return for this dictatorship,” he said.
    Reuters reports the opposition released a statement saying, “This unconstitutional sentence that we reject … cements another step in the dismantling of Venezuela’s democracy. The statement added, “This government is dying, and that’s why it’s turning to these desperate measures.”

    This is just the latest move in an ongoing power struggle within the country between the ruling socialists led by President Maduro and the opposition party which has gained power as the country has suffered from chronic shortages of food and medicine as well as one of the highest crime rates in the world and rampant inflation. There were massive street protests against the socialist government in 2014 which resulted in the arrest and imprisonment of opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez on trumped up charges.

    As the country’s financial situation continued to deteriorate, the opposition party won 112 of 167 seats in the National Assembly in elections held in December 2015. However, before the outgoing socialists left office they helped stack the country’s Supreme Court with judges loyal to the socialists. The result was that even once the opposition took power in January 2016, nearly every effort they made to change the direction of the country has been overruled by the court.

    Polls show a majority of Venezuelans are ready for a change of government but President Maduro, who was elected after the death of Hugo Chavez, refused to abandon the socialist path set by his predecessor. As Maduro continued to consolidate his control over the country’s economy, the opposition party sought to put a referendum on the ballot that would remove him from office. After gathering millions of signatures, the office responsible for certifying the signatures (part of Maduro’s government) claimed they were fraudulent and refused to allow the effort to proceed.

    Now, with most of the country starving, triple-digit inflation and the prospect of default on its debt looming in the near future, Maduro is taking the most serious step yet toward outright dictatorship.

    The New York Times published an editorial yesterday about international efforts to address the crisis in Venezuela.

    Things are way over budget(people can't buy food and are really beginning to starve to death now) but right on schedule.

    1. (perhaps Garth Cheney was right, and Chavez should have been overthrown years ago, but only Quirk's Human Suffering Calculating Machine can say for certain)

  30. Continuing the quixotic futile attempt to bring Quirk up to speed on contemporary fascism -

    Campus fascists have been using their Gestapo tactics against pro-Israel speakers for years.
    March 31, 2017 Richard L. Cravatts 1

    When Chester Evans Finn, Jr., a former United States Assistant Secretary of Education, observed in 1989 that university campuses had become “islands of repression in a sea of freedom,” he was anticipating a troubling and prevalent trend now poisoning academia, namely, the suppression of free speech. With alarming regularity, speakers are shouted down, booed, jeered, and barraged with vitriol, all at the hands of groups who give lip service to the notion of academic free speech, and who demand it when their speech is at issue, but have no interest in listening to, or letting others listen to, ideas that contradict their own world view....
