Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Comey, Put Up Or Shut Up


  1. Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., reaffirmed on Fox News' "Tucker Carlson Tonight" Tuesday that the person who leaked details of then-national security adviser Gen. Michael Flynn's phone calls with Russia's envoy to the U.S. had broken the law.


    Gowdy told Carlson that any warrant sought against members of Trump's campaign or transition team would be on file at the "now-Trump Department of Justice."

  2. Can the President fire the FBI Director ?

    Can Congress recall the guy ?

    The Director has a 10 term I think, supposed to be insulated from politics.....

    Comey needs to be gone....

    1. Wait....Quirk will know.

      I'll ask him.

      Quirk, can the President fire the FBI Director ?

      Can Congress recall the guy ?

    2. By the way, have you ever been under investigation by the FBI ?

    3. Wait, disregard that question.

      In today's world any one might be under investigation by all sorts of alphabet agencies and not even know it.

  3. Rep. Eric Swalwell said he spoke to Nunes Tuesday and asked for a roundtable meeting with the members to clear the air. He said he didn’t think it would happen.

    “Our investigation is stalled. And it’s unfortunate because the chairman—we want him to be credible on the other important duties that the committee has.


    “The chairman, I believe, if he recused himself, could get us back on track,” he added.


  4. Sen. Chuck Schumer caused a scene at a Manhattan restaurant when he began yelling at a wealthy and well-connected Donald Trump supporter that the POTUS is “a liar.”

    Schumer, the top Senate Democrat, lost his cool on Sunday night at Upper East Side restaurant Sette Mezzo, according to witnesses.

    He was dining with friends when he encountered Joseph A. Califano Jr. — the former US secretary of health, education and welfare under President Jimmy Carter and domestic policy adviser to President Lyndon B. Johnson — and his wife, Hilary, who were having a quiet dinner.

    Onlookers said Schumer was incensed that Hilary — the daughter of William S. Paley, the founder and chairman of CBS — had voted for Trump, even though her husband, Joseph, is a well-known Democrat.

    One witness said of the restaurant rant, “They are a highly respected couple, and Schumer made a scene, yelling, ‘She voted for Trump!’ The Califanos left the restaurant, but Schumer followed them outside.” On the sidewalk, Schumer carried on with his fantastical filibuster: “ ‘How could you vote for Trump? He’s a liar!’ He kept repeating, ‘He’s a liar!’ ”

    You never go Full Reid. You just don't.

    At this rate, how long is it before Schumer starts haunting cable news programs to deliver fantastic smears that even he will admit are false?

  5. So how did the California drought end?
    March 29, 2017
    For years, the mainstream media has told us California's drought was man-caused. What do they have to say for themselves now? More

    1. I think Quirk moved to California and continued his pissing in the wind routine there, declaring to 'save the earth'.

      Mother Nature, not wanting urea falling from her skies, took over and opened up the heavens with the real thing, pure H2O, almost wiping out a dam or two in the process.

  6. Obama's rule changes opened door for NSA intercepts of Americans to reach political hands

    As his presidency drew to a close, Barack Obama’s top aides routinely reviewed intelligence reports gleaned from the National Security Agency’s incidental intercepts of Americans abroad, taking advantage of rules their boss relaxed starting in 2011 to help the government better fight terrorism, espionage by foreign enemies and hacking threats, Circa has learned.

    Dozens of times in 2016, those intelligence reports identified Americans who were directly intercepted talking to foreign sources or were the subject of conversations between two or more monitored foreign figures. Sometimes the Americans’ names were officially unmasked; other times they were so specifically described in the reports that their identities were readily discernible. Among those cleared to request and consume unmasked NSA-based intelligence reports about U.S. citizens were Obama’s national security adviser Susan Rice, his CIA Director John Brennan and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch.
    2 of 29
    Some intercepted communications from November to January involved Trump transition figures or foreign figures' perceptions of the incoming president and his administration. Intercepts involving congressional figures also have been unmasked occasionally for some time.

    The NSA is expected to turn over logs as early as this week to congressional committees detailing who consumed reports with unmasked Americans' identities from their intercepts since the summer of 2016.
