Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Trump Stuck With Cleaning Up the Refugee Mess Caused By Clinton, Bush, Obama and Clinton

WikiLeaks: Hillary Clinton Said Jordan ‘Can’t Possibly Vet All Those Refugees’ from Syria; ‘Jihadists Are Coming in Along with Legitimate Refugees’

by Michael Patrick Leahy
8 Oct 2016

Clinton’s remarks, made in an October 28, 2013, speech to the Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago’s Vanguard Luncheon, for which she was paid $400,000, according to the Citizen Uprising website, are in stark contrast to the public position she has taken during her current campaign for president.

As recently as September 19, she said that “tough vetting” of refugees “is a serious challenge, [but] we are well-equipped to meet it, and we can do so in keeping with smart law enforcement, good intelligence and in concert with our values.”

At a speech given in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on December 15, 2015, Clinton said:

We also have to be vigilant in screening and vetting refugees from Syria, guided by the best judgment of our security and diplomatic professionals. Rigorous vetting already takes place while these refugees are still overseas, and it’s a process that historically takes 18 to 24 months.

Breitbart News asked the Clinton campaign to reconcile the differences between Secretary Clinton’s 2013 private remarks, where she said Syrian refugees “can’t possibly” be vetted, to her 2015 and 2016 campaign claims that “vigilant” screening and “vetting” of “refugees from Syria, guided by the best judgment of our security and diplomatic professionals,” will be sufficient to safeguard American citizens from “jihadists coming in along with legitimate refugees,” but there has not yet been a response.

We also asked the Clinton campaign to explain if Secretary Clinton believes the United States has unique vetting capabilities superior to those of Jordan, which enable us to successfully vet Syrian refugees; she admits we cannot.

The entire quote from Clinton’s speech to the Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago’s Vanguard Luncheon on October 28, 2013, included in the WikiLeaks document dump of Hillary Clinton’s paid speeches reads as follows:

So I think you’re right to have gone to the places that you visited because there’s a discussion going on now across the region to try to see where there might be common ground to deal with the threat posed by extremism and particularly with Syria which has everyone quite worried, Jordan because it’s on their border and they have hundreds of thousands of refugees and they can’t possibly vet all those refugees so they don’t know if, you know, jihadists are coming in along with legitimate refugees. Turkey for the same reason.

In September 2015, Hillary Clinton called for the United States to accept 65,000 Syrian refugees per year.

Thousands of Syrian refugees reside in refugee camps in Jordan. A number of Syrian refugees reside in Jordan in locations other than official refugee camps.

The majority of the more than 12,500 Syrian refugees who were resettled in the United States in FY 2016 came from their temporary residences in Jordan.

According to a 2013 newsletter from the Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago, “Former Secretary of State and Former U.S. Senator from New York, Hillary Rodham Clinton, will be the featured guest speaker for the Vanguard Event on behalf of the 2014 Jewish United Fund Annual Campaign.”

Leslie Bluhm and Michael J. Sacks were listed as “Vanguard Co-Chairs” for the event. Bradley Jarol, Jodi A. Newmark, and Tom Rivkin were listed as “Vanguard Vice Chairs.”

“Attendance at this event requires a contribution at the Vanguard level to the 2014 Jewish United Fund Annual Campaign,” the newsletter said.

This year’s Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago’s Vanguard Luncheon will be held at the Hyatt Regency Chicago on November 7, the day before the presidential election between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

Former Secretary of State Madeline Albright, who served under President Bill Clinton, and former Secretary of State Colin Powell, who served under President George W. Bush, will be the featured speakers. According to the registration page for the event, “A $5,000 minimum donation to the 2017 JUF Annual Campaign is required to attend.”


  1. Obama says that denying visa entries is against American values.

  2. Replies
    1. Chucky The Thespian Schumer even weeps about it.

      Though he didn't back in the day when Obama did the same thing.

      Politics, especially in this day and age, is very heavy with good play actors.

  3. Quirk's got 132 new Syrian neighbors in nearby Pontiac, Michigan.

    I'm urging him to give us reports as to how it goes.

    Here in Idaho it didn't go so well, at least at first. Haven't heard anything lately.

  4. Saudi Arabia, and the Gulf States, for their part, seem to want no part of them.

    Plenty of open desert out that way. Plenty of money, too, to handle it.

    Why ? What's going on here ?

    Maybe they see it as part of the long term jihad. Immigration jihad. Worked in Sweden, Germany. The ladies there are slowly learning their proper place in the nature of things, according to moslem 'theology'-- to be subservient, and to be the proper subjects of lusts....

    The Swedish 'Government' tells the women to not go out alone....

    It's becoming to celebrate Christmas in many parts of Germany, in the cities....


  5. 20 “vetted” Muslim refugees who turned to jihad terrorism after being allowed into the U.S.



    “20 ‘Vetted’ Refugees Who Turned to Terrorism After Being Allowed Into America,” by Chris Menahan, InformationLiberation, January 29, 2017:

    While the lying media is perpetuating the lie refugees do not pose a terrorist threat, the facts show otherwise.

    Senator and soon-to-be Attorney General Jeff Sessions compiled this list of refugees-turned-jihadists in 2016 while Obama was pushing to dramatically increase the amount of so-called “refugees” allowed into the United States....


    1. How are things going in jolly ol' England ? -

      UK: No more weekend Changing of the Guard ceremonies due to fears of jihad attacks


      Windsor Castle has cancelled Changing the Guard ceremonies amid fears of a terror attack after devastating incidents in Berlin and Nice last year.

      The longstanding tradition will no longer take place on Saturdays due to concerns over the possibility that jihadists could target the thousands of tourists who gather to enjoy the show.

      A tragic example of civilizational jihad: the weekend ceremony that draws the most tourists, a ceremony representative of British culture and history, is nixed because of the terror that was cast into the hearts of the disbelievers by jihadists within. The Changing of the Guard is said to be “one of the highlights of a visit to Windsor Castle.”....


      Things are flowing ill along the Thames.

    2. How goes Christmas in the West these days ?, you ask -

      Video: Robert Spencer on Muslim immigration’s effect on Christmas in the West

      JANUARY 30, 2017 3:01 PM BY ROBERT SPENCER


      In this new video, I discuss why Christmas 2016 was so tense and heavily guarded in Europe and North America, and why Christmas 2017 could be even worse. This has direct bearing on President Trump’s immigration policies.


    3. Seven Found Guilty of Robbing German Churches to Finance Jihad

      By Pamela Geller - on January 30, 2017


      Monstrous, but worse still are the useful idiots protesting to bring this savagery here.


  6. Ash Mon Jan 30, 10:25:00 PM EST
    So, in your view, Ryan isn't destined to go to heaven for his noble sacrifice?

    No Ash.
    And why do you speak of heaven?
    What is it to you?

  7. I must have, mercifully, fallen asleep before the idiocy:

    Ash Mon Jan 30, 10:25:00 PM EST
    So, in your view, Ryan isn't destined to go to heaven for his noble sacrifice?

    was posted by Ash.

    Merciful sleep.

  8. Explanation discovered for Quirk's elongated ring finger, huge dick, B.B. sized testicles !! -

    Why Did Humans Evolve Big Penises But Tiny Testicles?
    By Mark Maslin
    January 30, 2017

    Why Did Humans Evolve Big Penises But Tiny Testicles?

    AP Photo/Hans Pennink

    Humans have a much longer and wider penis than the other great apes. Even the largest of gorillas, more than twice as heavy as a human, will have a penis just two and half inches long when erect.

    However our testicles are rather small. A chimpanzee’s testes weigh more than a third of its brain while ours weigh in at less than 3%. The relative size of our penis and testes is all down to our mating strategies, and can provide some surprising insights into early human culture.

    Primates exhibit all sorts of mating behaviour, including monogamous, polygynous – where males have multiple mates – and multimale-multifemale. One indicator of which behaviour occurs in a species is the size difference between males and females. The greater this sexual dimorphism, the more likely the mating is either polygynous or multi-male to multi-female. This can be shown by observing chimpanzees and gorillas, our closest living relatives.

    Male chimpanzees are much larger than females, and they have a multi-male to multi-female mating system. Essentially, male chimps have sex all the time with any female and with any excuse. A female therefore may contain sperm from multiple partners at any one time, which puts the sperm itself – and not just the animals that produce it – into direct competition. For this reason, chimpanzees have evolved huge testicles in order to produce massive amounts of sperm, multiple times a day....


    The ratio of the length of the ring finger to the length of the index finger, we have learned on these pages previously, relates to the size of one's dick.

    Quirk testified that his ring finger is so elongated he needs to order special gloves to cover it when it is cold.

    Huge dick, the ladies confirm,but his testicles are like B.B.s......

    1. Other excerpts:

      The human penis is in fact extremely dull – it does not have lumps, ridges, flanges, kinks or any other exciting feature that other primates have. In primates, this lack of penis complexity is usually found in monogamous species.

      But not, oddly enough, in Quirk. That is why he calls himself 'Quirk'. He's got this quirk, and is proud of it - he's as bumpy and lumpy as the rocks on a stream bed.


      So when living in complex human societies the largest and most important sexual organ is the brain. Somewhere in our evolutionary past how smart and social we are became the major control on our access to sexual partners – not how big or fancy a male’s penis is.

      This is why so much sex is found among 'globetrotters' these days.

      To get a lot you got to get out and about.

      And what better way to do this than international travels ?

      Such males are often called Globetrotting Romeos these modern days....

    2. OOoooohhh, Quirky !....you feel as lumpy and bumpy as rocks on a stream bed


    3. Only a fisherman who has waded many a stream would understand this reference.

  9. January 31, 2017
    President Obama’s Genocide
    By Ben Voth

    Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was released from Iraqi prison custody in 2009, shortly after President Obama came to power largely upon a political promise to end U.S. military involvement in Iraq. Baghdadi was captured in February 2004 by U.S. forces and had been involved in extensive radical activities including kidnappings of many individuals and ransom activities. Under Saddam he had been involved in radical Islamic sects, earning him extra attention from the Baathist government before U.S. forces arrived. Since the premature departure of American forces led by President Obama, Baghdadi rose quickly to power among Islamic supremacists. By 2010, he was acknowledged as the leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq. By 2014, his genocidal fantasy with the new moniker of ISIS was already killing 1,000 Iraqis a month in car bombings and various supremacist terrorist acts designed to kill the innocent while attracting more fanatical followers to the idealized task of re-creating the Islamic Caliphate.

    ISIS spread across Iraq and Syria and seized U.S. military supplies as it institutionalized savage genocidal policies across the region. Everything from the sale of oil to human organs helped fund this genocidaire’s radical nihilism that was designed to swallow up the entire world if enough allegiance could be gained. Spectacular ‘deaths as text’ filled the internet with videos of people being burned alive, drowned, crucified, thrown off buildings, and an endless quest for more shocking and vivid betrayals of human dignity. ISIS managed to kill 1,200 people outside of its locus of control in Syria and Iraq. Though President Bush predicted in his State of the Union message of 2007 that a premature exit from Iraq would lead to precisely this scenario, the Obama administration continually maintained that one of its most important successes was withdrawing U.S. forces from Iraq. More than 30,000 people were killed by ISIS -- mostly Muslims but many Christians and Yazidis as well. Christians and Yazidis were begrudgingly recognized as specific genocide targets in 2016 by the U.S. State Department, but the Obama administration did not prioritize their escape to places such as the United States. The refusal to protect the Yazidis was in some sense ideological payback for the fierce support Kurdish groups gave to the U.S. invasion of Iraq since 2002 to the present. In fact, President Obama mocked such religious preferences for the Christians and Yazidis as “Un-American” in 2015:....


  10. Photo Of Massive Crowds Protesting When Obama Banned Refugees From Iraq For Six Months In 2011


    1. .

      Try reading a real paper.

      Obama didn't 'ban' refugees from Iraq. His so-called ban resulted in a big slowdown in Iraqi refugees coming into the US but Iraqi refugees arrived here in every month in 2011.

      Unlike Trump, Obama had a specific reason for his order two Iraqis that had slipped through the vetting in Iraq. Vetting procedures were then toughened up across the board.


    2. Photo Of Massive Crowds Protesting When Obama Ordered BIG Slowdown Of Refugees From Iraq For Six Months In 2011

      A Very Few Iraqi Refugees Managed To Reach USA Each Month


    3. .

      Damn, Bob. The article says just what I said above but throws in a bunch of shit about protests. What was your point?


  11. The White House clashed on Monday with a large group of American diplomats who are voicing dissent with Donald Trump's temporary travel ban on citizens from seven Muslim-majority countries, challenging them to resign if they aren't on board.

    "They should either get with the programme or they can go," said Sean Spicer, Trump's press secretary.

    In startling language, Mr Spicer dismissed the criticism from what he called "career bureaucrats". While he later said Mr Trump appreciates the work of public servants, Mr Spicer said they should respect the desires of the American people and the importance Trump places on protecting the country.

  12. Judge Napolitano just said on Fox that he believes the reason that there was a flurry of Federal Judges making rulings against Trump on the immigration issue in the last days was that the Justice Department/Acting Attorney General did not send Federal attorneys to represent his position in Federal Court.


    This then is the reason the acting Attorney General, an Obama hold over, was told "You're fired" yesterday.

    When Sessions is confirmed this kind of horse shit will stop.

    Napolitano indicated this was something of a new low, in his experience.


    1. Said she acted very unethically.

    2. Sally Yates, Ellen DeGeneres look alike, by name.

  13. Miracle twins kept each other alive by holding hands while still in the womb

    Richard Hartley-ParkinsonRichard Hartley-Parkinson for Metro.co.ukMonday 30 Jan 2017 12:20 pm

    Pic by Michael Scott/Caters News - (PICTURED: Five-months-old Rowan (blue) and Blake (red) holding hands.) -

    A set of identical twins kept each other alive by CUDDLING in the womb. Hayley Lampshire, 27, from Kidlington, Oxfordshire, discovered she was carrying Monoamniotic-Monochorionic twins at her 12 week scan which meant they shared the same placenta and amniotic sac. This type of pregnancy, which occurs in less than one per cent of all twin pregnancies, is extremely rare and the boys were given just a 50 per cent chance of survival.

    Rowan (left) and Blake like holding hands (picture: Caters)

    A set of identical twins kept each other alive by holding in the womb.

    Hayley Lampshire, 27, from Kidlington, Oxfordshire, she discovered her twins were suffering from a rare condition meaning they shared one amniotic sac, instead of having one each.

    That mean that if the babies moved around in the womb doctors warned their umbilical cords could become tangled, starving them, or even strangling each other.

    The only way they would survive the pregnancy was if they both stayed still.

    But she was amazed when she went for a scan – and saw her two boys cuddling each other – and even appeared to be holding hands.

    At every scan, Hayley was amazed to see her twins holding on to each other.

    Pic From Caters News - (PICTURED: baby scan of twin boys, Rowan and Blake holding hands in the womb.) - ....


  14. .

    WikiLeaks: Hillary Clinton Said Jordan ‘Can’t Possibly Vet All Those Refugees’ from Syria; ‘Jihadists Are Coming in Along with Legitimate Refugees’

    Likely true.

    For Jordan.

    Like the EU, Jordan can't expect to allow waves of refugees in overnight without proper vetting and not have some bad apples come in .

    Luckily, the US has a more robust process.


    1. You have no idea what the 'robust' process is and or how well it is working.

      The Israelis are recommending to The Donald, in private conversations, that he adopt the Israeli system Cogito, which is claimed to be 95% effective.

      The Donald is considering it.

    2. We ought to hire the Israelis to build our border wall, too.

    3. .

      I don't think Trump would like that idea. Well, unless they used our cement and our labor.


  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Excellent comment, B.B. Balls.


      Snowing here again but in a good mood.

      Haven't had a winter like this in a long time.

  16. .

    Breitbart News asked the Clinton campaign to reconcile the differences between Secretary Clinton’s 2013 private remarks, where she said Syrian refugees “can’t possibly” be vetted, to her 2015 and 2016 campaign claims that “vigilant” screening and “vetting” of “refugees from Syria, guided by the best judgment of our security and diplomatic professionals,” will be sufficient to safeguard American citizens from “jihadists coming in along with legitimate refugees,” but there has not yet been a response.

    Why would anyone respond to such idiocy. This is the kind of jumbled thinking you get from the alt-right. It's part of the illogic and propaganda techniques they use.

    The process is simple. Take a comment, strip it of all context, and then use it to generate some phony inconsistency you can try to pin on your target. Obvious to any normal person but automatically accepted by those that read Breitbart.

    Clinton’s remarks, made in an October 28, 2013, speech to the Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago’s Vanguard Luncheon, for which she was paid $400,000, according to the Citizen Uprising website, are in stark contrast to the public position she has taken during her current campaign for president.


    According to the article, in 2013, Clinton said...

    Jordan because it’s on their border and they have hundreds of thousands of refugees and they can’t possibly vet all those refugees so they don’t know if, you know, jihadists are coming in along with legitimate refugees. Turkey for the same reason.

    She's talking about Jordan and Turkey and giving her reasons.

    Again, according to the article, in September Clinton said..,

    As recently as September 19, she said that “tough vetting” of refugees “is a serious challenge, [but] we are well-equipped to meet it, and we can do so in keeping with smart law enforcement, good intelligence and in concert with our values.”

    At a speech given in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on December 15, 2015, Clinton said:

    We also have to be vigilant in screening and vetting refugees from Syria, guided by the best judgment of our security and diplomatic professionals. Rigorous vetting already takes place while these refugees are still overseas, and it’s a process that historically takes 18 to 24 months.

    And the numbers back her up. There is no discrepancy between the statements. In one she is talking about ME countries and in the other the US.

    The majority of the more than 12,500 Syrian refugees who were resettled in the United States in FY 2016 came from their temporary residences in Jordan.

    Even if true (which is always a question with Breitbart), it doesn't change the fact that those refugees
    still have to go through the same US vetting process as every other refugee, the same initial review by the UN, the subsequent extended review by the US including according to reports 15-17 different US agencies, as well as, biometric analysis, and they can be rejected at any point along the way for even one discrepancy in the testing or in interviews with the refugees, their families, or their associates, or any negatives that pop up from other sources.

    The techniques used by Breitbart should be obvious to anyone who has taken a logic class and passed high school English.

    The rest of the article is simply fluff, attempted ad hominems against Clinton, meat for the crowd meant to juice up the article and make it even more acceptable to Breitbart readers, all meant to disguise the lie. (As if Breitbart readers even needed it. They are preaching to the choir.)


  17. The Dems have found a new way to stymie the confirmation process.

    If no Dems show up, the rules now are, no vote can be taken.

    How low can these ass holes go ?

    1. .


      How dare they?

      Almost as bad as the GOP not even allowing Obama's nominee to come to the floor.

      What goes around comes around, son.


  18. .

    You have no idea what the 'robust' process is and or how well it is working.

    You nitwit, if you read something other than jihadwatch you would know what's involved in the process. As for how it's working the numbers speak for themselves.

    The Israelis are recommending to The Donald, in private conversations, that he adopt the Israeli system Cogito, which is claimed to be 95% effective.


    So far, there have been '0' terrorist attacks by Syrian refugees allowed into the US. If you take all the terrorist attacks by refugees, even with an expanded definition of terrorist, it's a small percentage 1%.

    If 95% is acceptable to you get back to us when you Q-nits for the US get above that 5% threshold. If nothing else that should shut you up for awhile.


    1. .

      ...small percentage of 1%...


    2. Yesterday you were saying Trump's plan purposely avoided countries in which he did business, when actually the countries are the same as those Obama had zeroed in on....

      What's on your menu for tomorrow ?

    3. .

      Yesterday you were saying Trump's plan purposely avoided countries in which he did business, when actually the countries are the same as those Obama had zeroed in on....

      Show me where Obama highlighted these countries. The only one I've been able to find that said this is Spicer and he will say anything Trump feeds him. I asked you this yesterday.

      The only thing I have actually seen has been the reference to Obama's 2011 action involving Iraq, and the GOP distorted that action also.

      Where's the beef?

      It must have been provided somewhere by those alt sites you visit. If there is one piece of dirt out there, they will dig it up.


  19. .

    On the last stream, Doug and Bob, in deference to Doug, the ex-Bobbsey Twins challenged my comment that Trump's immigration order was intended to be an anti-Muslim order. I responded to them there.

    However, if the guys wish to be taken seriously in their objections, they need to stop putting up posts like these...


    And yelling too.

    Oh my.


    1. Yesterday you were saying Trump's plan purposely avoided countries in which he did business, when actually the countries are the same as those Obama had zeroed in on....

      What's on your menu for tomorrow ?


      Yelling ?

      Yelling ??!!

      I scratch my head.


      Why did Trump exempt so many huge Moslem countries, like Egypt, Indonesia ?


      Sessions vote is coming up....


    2. First we'll show the Poles, then everybody else

    3. We're being played for suckers.

      The moslem world should be handling, caring for, accepting the 'refugees'.

      We are idiots.

      Trump is, so far, a breath of fresh air.

    4. .

      We are idiots.

      Ah, you admit it. Finally, a moment of self-awareness. Lets hope it lasts.


    5. .

      First we'll show the Poles, then everybody else

      You keep repeating this. You use a single comment to define an entire people. It's shows the state of your mind when I put up this comment...

      However, if the guys wish to be taken seriously in their objections, they need to stop putting up posts like these...


      And yelling too.

      and the only thing that bothers you is the reference to caps.


  20. .

    Yelling ??!!

    I scratch my head.

    Sorry, I forgot who I was talking to.

    Internet Code for Yelling

    And why we should lay off the all-caps

    April 17, 2014

    The rules of “netiquette” are not exactly static or undisputed. Are emoticons appropriate in formal emails? Are “trigger warnings” thoughtful or over-the-top? Are you irritating everyone you email with your “signature”? The uncertainty that typically surrounds these questions makes it all the more remarkable that there’s one convention that is incontestable: Typing in all caps is Internet code for shouting, and it is rude...


    1. I use caps and black to point things out, like this:

      The rules of “netiquette” are not exactly static or undisputed.

      If you don't like it, don't listen to it.


    2. .

      As noted above, you are rude and crude.


  21. Quirk, if your feet are hurting again, go here:


    I'm going to Fox, then to town.

    Cheers !

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.
