Tuesday, January 31, 2017

2014 - Single Male Muslims from India Under 30 Not Wanted and Banned From Iraq

Published on Dec 3, 2014
Single Muslim males from India banned in Iraq

Are you single, male, Muslim and under 30? If yes, then you should not apply for a pilgrimage visa to strife-torn Iraq. Alshaya Nasser Travels, one of the two Iraqi government-organized agencies (the other is Faiz-e-Hussaini) that facilitate visa processing, has asked tour operators not to accept passports from applicants who are single, under 30 and unaccompanied by family members.


  1. I'll go along with whatever the Hindus and the Jews say to do. They got the experience.

    I got published in The Times of India once, via the Wall Street Journal. There is some connection between the two.....

    T'was was a slow news day, as they say, at the Journal, the only story being about a man in LA who had killed a dog in a traffic jam in the heat....in 500 words or less, should the man be charged with animal cruelty, or not...heat maddened, the dog had jumped out of the car ahead....and bit his arm, hanging out the window of his car....he beat the dogs brains out with a plumbing wrench....

    Plead the DesCartes Defense, says I, and offer to pay monetary damages for personal property harm.....

    Damn! Mine came in right at the end, and they had already awarded the prize, so they published me in The Times of India instead.....

    1. Let the prosecutor try to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that dogs feel pain....one of the Father's of Modern Western Philosophy said they did not....as they were not....I THINK, therefore I AM....dogs are robots, don't THINK therefore ARE NOT...prove I'm wrong...

    2. Was a humorous 500 words too, till The Times of India mangled and shortened it to the point it wasn't.

      They sent me a copy, so I have proof.


    3. The guy gets off with self defense.

      Anyone trying to make the dogs don't feel pain argument gets death.

    4. I agree, but I was just trying to provide legal advice.

      DesCartes was bonkers on animals, crazy as hell.

      If he weren't dead, he should be shot.

  2. .

    Single Muslim Male From India Banned From Iraq - To!



    Are we now comparing our country to one of the most corrupt, sectarian, discriminating regimes in the world?


    1. Single Muslim Male(((S)))) From India Banned From Iraq - To!


      Not a single Muslim male

      And quite with the yelling.

      As far as India is concerned, they are making a lot of progress. And they can't compete with Hillary Clinton for corruption.

      Trump has already talked with Modi three times.

      I hope to see good things, more trade with India, less with China.

    2. And you dis India from Detroit, Michigan, which you once described as the war zone.

      O, my....

    3. .

      I haven't been yelling.

      You quite with the yelling. It's rude.


    4. I haven't been yelling, (((YOU'VE))) been yelling !

    5. .

      Owwww, my ears.

      Keep it down or I'll have to report you for noise pollution.


  3. Democrats are playing the Big Stall.

    Why ?

    It only ticks everyone off.

    And they look like asses.

    1. .

      Why did the GOP stall Obama's SCOTUS nominee permanently?

      Why ask why?


    2. Because it's SOP, the Democrats did it to them also.

      Why not get out of your TV Bubble.

      It shows.


    3. No comparison of who does it more, and it was the DEMOCRATS who exercised the Nuclear Option, not the Republicans.

      Republicans are Dicks.
      Democrats are more corrupt Dicks on Steroids.

      ...stands to reason: They're Leftists.

    4. Different situation, Quirk-O.

      There was an election in less than a year.

      Now a Presidential election is four years away.

      Quit being so obtuse.

    5. .

      There was an election in less than a year.

      Jesus, Bob, how dumb are you.

      Please show me in the Constitution where it says the presidential term is 4 years except for nominating POTUS justices.


    6. .

      Because it's SOP, the Democrats did it to them also.

      That's exactly what I said.

      Try reading, Doug.


      Both sides pull the same bullshit. Quit whining.


    7. Dumb

      ...but extra points for agitation.


    8. Do you know who came up with the

      "Last year in office rule?"

    9. .

      Sure, Doug, continue the meme if it helps.


  4. There is no comparison. It simply shows that Iraqi Muslims know their own people and fellow young Muslim men under 30.

    A word to the wise?

    1. .

      Call it what you like, confuting the situation with anything that directly affects us is simplistic. There are other factors that need to be taken into account. Just as confuting the situation in the US with that of the EU doesn't make sense.

      In the Iraqi situation, they are already in the middle of a sectarian war and for visitors for pilgrimages they wouldn't have the same time, resources, or process in place that we do. Also, these 'visitors' from India wouldn't go through the UN pre-screen process that refugees go through. For them the restriction may, may, make sense. I don't know. But the differences in their situation and what we are talking about here are obvious.

      The same goes for the EU. You can make the argument that the EU terrorist situation and other immigrant problems is exacerbated by the number of young men coming in. But there are reasons.

      The EU, or at least some countries there, went overboard (as is their wont) in trying to address the humanitarian crises that was the Syrian refugee problem. You can't just bring in a million refugees in a short period of time with no plan for housing or work and just turn them loose on the continent.

      They had no time for vetting the refugees. Given the EU's open borders policy, one country's problem soon became all countries problem. That problem was likely exacerbated by the man/woman ratio of the refugees allowed in. In the initial influx of refugees about 2/3 of the refugees were men, enough men to, if the same ratio was maintained over time, would within a decade or so actually change the total ratio in Europe to one where there would be significantly more men than women.

      Also, furthering the problem, most of the men were young and unmarried. This was done in part by chance (I assume) and in part by design. When I say by chance, I am talking about the initial selection process. Similar to our program the EU program starts with the UN selection process. I'm assuming they didn't purposely distort the ration of men, women, and children they referred to the EU. As it happens, the US ratio was about the exact opposite. Here about 2/3 of these refugees that were accepted in were women and children.

      When I referenced the number of men coming into the EU was by design, it was only a reference to the fact that the EU or at least some countries didn't want families coming in that might swell the numbers of Muslim immigrants, a population that is growing faster than other groups in the EU and which Pew predicts will represent 8% of the EU's population by 2030.

      Anyway given all the factors mentioned, it is not hard to see the problems that could arise when you bring in a half million young unmarried men over a short period of time, fail to provide employment, and house them in refugee camps on a continent when they can hop on a train and visit without restriction about 28 other countries any time they want.

      IMO, you just can't compare those situations with that of the US on any of the key factos.


    2. "Call it what you like, confuting the situation with anything that directly affects us is simplistic. There are other factors that need to be taken into account. Just as confuting the situation in the US with that of the EU doesn't make sense."


      I suggest you consult a professional.

    3. .

      I suggest you read something other than Breitbart.


    4. Quirk seem to be always standing up for the moslems, one way or another.

      There they are in Hamtramck saying FIRST WE SHOW THE POLES, THEN EVERYBODY ELSE and it still doesn't sink in....still stands up for 'em.

      Never seen anything like it.

    5. Quirk sometimes makes people want to scream.

    6. .

      Or yell,

      which is very rude and unacceptable on the internet.


    7. .

      Quirk seem to be always standing up for the moslems, one way or another.

      Nonsense, I'm standing up against twits who post nitwiticisms and fake news.


    8. .

      I'd do the same for Hindus, Christians, Jehovah Witnesses, Jews, Poles, the English, the Chinese, even Rosicrucians and Swedes, or any other group attacked with fake news by a bunch of yahoos.


  5. Could Hillary seriously be blaming Obama for her loss?





  6. Tulsi Gabbard is a disgrace
    Idiot's rant


    Rebecca Haworth · Owner at Self-Employed

    The author of this letter is so completely confused on the issue. The U.S. is directly backing al-Qaeda-led "rebels" who are torturing, raping and massacring Syrian children, using the people of Syria as human shields, and destroying their country in their attempt to overthrow Assad.

    It's mind boggling how many people are like blind sheep in listening to the pro-war propaganda! Progressive Democrats for America, Veterans for Peace and the U.S. Peace Council all endorse Tulsi's position on Syra.

    Here's a member from the U.S. Peace Council explaining what is actually going on in Syria, in terms of the U.S. directly arming terrorists who are terrorizing the people of Syria: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8JppJyVxYU.

    And here is a journalist, who was on the ground in Syria, explaining that all of the U.S. supported "rebels" are actually terrorists: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h14t9LvFWcA

    And here is Tulsi's blog about her firsthand experiences in talking to religious leaders, community leaders, children, parents, widows and members of the peaceful opposition in Syria:

    1. "...I return to Washington, DC with even greater resolve to end our illegal war to overthrow the Syrian government. From Iraq to Libya and now in Syria, the U.S. has waged wars of regime change, each resulting in unimaginable suffering, devastating loss of life, and the strengthening of groups like al-Qaeda and ISIS.

      I call upon Congress and the new Administration to answer the pleas of the Syrian people immediately and support the Stop Arming Terrorists Act. We must stop directly and indirectly supporting terrorists — directly by providing weapons, training and logistical support to rebel groups affiliated with al-Qaeda and ISIS; and indirectly through Saudi Arabia, the Gulf States, and Turkey, who, in turn, support these terrorist groups. We must end our war to overthrow the Syrian government and focus our attention on defeating al-Qaeda and ISIS.

      The U.S. must stop supporting terrorists who are destroying Syria and her people. The U.S. and other countries fueling this war must stop immediately. We must allow the Syrian people to try to recover from this terrible war."

    2. Don't let her bring the refugees to Hawaii, Doug.

      She'll have them packed in your lava tube.

      And I'm certain you wouldn't like that.

      They wouldn't get along with you, and you wouldn't get along with them.


    3. Rumor has it she's setting up a Syrian Surfing Team.

    4. "Their message to the American people was powerful and consistent: There is no difference between “moderate” rebels and al-Qaeda (al-Nusra) or ISIS — they are all the same. This is a war between terrorists under the command of groups like ISIS and al-Qaeda and the Syrian government. They cry out for the U.S. and other countries to stop supporting those who are destroying Syria and her people.

      I heard this message over and over again from those who have suffered and survived unspeakable horrors. They asked that I share their voice with the world; frustrated voices which have not been heard due to the false, one-sided biased reports pushing a narrative that supports this regime change war at the expense of Syrian lives."

  7. Deport Them!


  8. Omar Suleiman, a popular cleric who lives in Dallas, said he has sparred with young Muslims attracted to ISIS' black-and-white theology. Often, they are first- and second-generation immigrants who have grown up with some discrimination and "a whole lot of other-ness and awkwardness," he said.

    They are angry young men, frustrated with dead-end careers, irked by clerics who refuse to address controversial topics and incensed about the suffering of Muslims overseas in the Palestinian territories and Syria.

    "When they find that people aren't addressing their concerns in an authentic way, they fall prey to Internet radicalism," Suleiman said. "They become disconnected from the mosque and disconnected from the American Muslim community."

  9. Suleiman was silent about the Mosques involved with Jihad in America.


  10. .

    'Almost Everything Went Wrong': SEAL, U.S. Girl Die in First Trump-Era Military Raid

    In what an official said was the first military raid carried out under President Donald Trump, two Americans were killed in Yemen on Sunday — one a member of SEAL Team 6 and the other the 8-year-old daughter of Anwar al-Awlaki, the New Mexico-born al Qaeda leader who himself was killed in a U.S. strike five years ago.

    The raid in southern Yemen, conducted by the supersecret Joint Special Operations Command, was intended to capture valuable intelligence, specifically computer equipment, according to a senior U.S. military official. Three al Qaeda leaders were killed, according to U.S. officials.

    Contrary to earlier reporting, the senior military official said, the raid was Trump's first clandestine strike — not a holdover mission approved by President Barack Obama. The mission involved "boots on the ground" at an al Qaeda camp near al Bayda in south central Yemen, the official said.

    "Almost everything went wrong," the official said.

    An MV-22 Osprey experienced a hard landing near the site, injuring several SEALs, one severely. The tilt-rotor aircraft had to be destroyed. A SEAL was killed during the firefight on the ground, as were some noncombatants, including females…


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.


    2. Too bad Obama just droned everything to dust. (except Osama)

      Doubt if Mad Dog would approve.

  11. The Quirkian search for truth:

    Immerse yourself in the Democrat Cheerleading MSM.

    Dismiss any publication right of center.


    1. .

      Naw, just dismiss the batshit crazy, conspiracy theory promoting, far right of reality media.

      It's what I do.

      Crusader for right and the truth.


  12. Katrina Pierson’s combative, made-for-TV personality made her a key surrogate for Donald Trump on the campaign trail, but she won’t be part of Trump’s White House.


    She became passionate about political causes, spearheading some Tea Party gatherings, helping Ted Cruz on his long-shot but successful bid for the U.S. Senate and eventually making an unsuccessful congressional bid herself.


    “I knew that if we were going to defeat Hillary Clinton, it would have to be a candidate that had two qualities,” Pierson told the Star-Telegram in December. “First, they would have to drop the political correctness. Second, they would have to be able to bypass the mainstream media.

  13. .

    Lost in Translation

    US military botches online fight against Islamic State

    TAMPA, Fla. — TAMPA, Fla. — On any given day at MacDill Air Force Base, web crawlers scour social media for potential recruits to the Islamic State group. Then, in a high-stakes operation to counter the extremists' propaganda, language specialists employ fictitious identities and try to sway the targets from joining IS ranks.

    At least that's how the multimillion-dollar initiative is being sold to the Defense Department.
    A critical national security program known as "WebOps" is part of a vast psychological operation that the Pentagon says is effectively countering an enemy that has used the internet as a devastating tool of propaganda. But an Associated Press investigation found the management behind WebOps is so beset with incompetence, cronyism and flawed data that multiple people with direct knowledge of the program say it's having little impact.

    Several current and former WebOps employees cited multiple examples of civilian Arabic specialists who have little experience in counter-propaganda, cannot speak Arabic fluently and have so little understanding of Islam they are no match for the Islamic State online recruiters.

    It's hard to establish rapport with a potential terror recruit when — as one former worker told the AP — translators repeatedly mix up the Arabic words for "salad" and "authority." That's led to open ridicule
    on social media about references to the "Palestinian salad."

    Four current or former workers told the AP that they had personally witnessed WebOps data being manipulated to create the appearance of success and that they had discussed the problem with many other employees who had seen the same. Yet the companies carrying out the program for the military's Central Command in Tampa have dodged attempts to implement independent oversight and assessment of the data.
    Central Command spokesman Andy Stephens declined repeated requests for information about WebOps and other counter-propaganda programs, which were launched under the Obama Administration. And he did not respond to detailed questions the AP sent on Jan. 10.

    The AP investigation is based on Defense Department and contractor documents, emails, photographs and interviews with more than a dozen people closely involved with WebOps as well as interviews with nearly two dozen contractors. The WebOps workers...

    Bad translation can be embarrassing. When I was working in China, after we got to know our interpreters and they got comfortable with us, they were willing to tell how funny the 'chinese' on our business card and other translations were to them. They said some of them provided some good laughs.

    Maybe Trump can sign and executive order and make English the official language of the world.


  14. Despite Turnbull's difficult position, Australia isn't without options for responding to Trump's policies. We're recognised as a country that's tough on migration and border security.

    With such a reputation Australia is a perfect partner for a Trump government seeking to get tough on border security.

    Australian policy makers could provide Americans with an alternative to ineffective, broad-brushed, xenophobic migration bans.

    Terrorism in America

  15. Navy SEAL killed in combat identified, mourned by Giants star in online post


  16. Reportedly among the dead was the 8-year-old daughter of Anwar al-Awlaki, the radical Yemeni-American cleric and spiritual leader of the Yemeni cell who was killed in 2011 in a U.S. drone strike. President Trump on the 2016 campaign trail floated the idea that the U.S. should go after the families of known terrorists as part of a more aggressive strategy to defeat radical Islamic terror movements.

    White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer declined to comment Tuesday on whether al-Awlaki’s daughter or other children were among the dead as a result of the operation.


    From September through mid-January, U.S. forces launched 14 strikes against AQAP, killing 36 of the group’s members, according to U.S. Central Command. Half of all those airstrikes, carried out by a mix of American warplanes and armed drones, focused on al-Baydah.


  17. Idiocracy

    Brown Accused of Sexism for Gym Dress Code That’s Exactly the Same for Men as for Women


  18. Britain has pardoned thousands of gay and bisexual men convicted of crimes under sexual offence laws which have now been abolished.


    "Another important milestone of equality has been secured in law," said gay rights charity Stonewall.

    "The more equality is enshrined into our law books, the stronger our equality becomes, and the stronger we as a community become," it said.

  19. Gorsuch...
    Reputation for writing easy-to-understand opinions....DRUDGE

    This should endear the man to Quirk, who will now be able for the first time to access Supreme Court rulings directly.
