Monday, January 30, 2017

Revoking Visas

Too Bad These Visas Were Not Revoked:

Mohamed Atta     Abdulaziz al-Omari Wail al-Shehri     
Waleed al-Shehri     Satam al-Suqami     Marwan al-Shehhi     Fayez Banihammad     Mohand al-Shehri     Hamza al-Ghamdi  Ahmed al-Ghamdi     Khalid al-Mihdhar     
Majed Moqed      Nawaf al-Hazmi     Salem al-Hazmi     
Ziad Jarrah         Ahmed al-Haznawi     Ahmed al-Nami     Saeed al-Ghamdi     


  1. I'm for revoking the Visa of Ash.

    He never has anything good to say about the USA, so let him never come back.

    1. He's a Canadian now, it's the thing to do up there.

      I was shocked while staying there in the Seventies by their Superiority Complex.

      ...Vietnam was their reason then, but they always have something.

    2. I'm a natural born Amreican Dougo and that can't be changed even if I took out Canadian citizenship. It's not just me, or just Canadians, that find Trump a deplorable choice for POTUS the disgust is worldwide. Heck, Britain just surpassed a million signatures on a petition urging Trump's visit there be cancelled.

    3. Trump reflects the nativism and racism that you two spout here daily. Not many people find those traits desirable.

    4. Racism Ash.
      What has the pResident done to deserve that label?

    5. I find Trudy to be a deplorable choice because he's an arrogant, ignorant twit.

    6. sorry mr. saxum, I'm doing a bunch of things at once here. I'll strike the racism and add xenophobic instead. Trump is Trump and most of us in the rest of the world are not very impressed with the man (and that is to put it mildly)

    7. Accusing Trump of racism is really rich.

      Accusing Doug of racism is really rich.

      It's one of the things lefties love to do....accuse other people or racism.

      Doug's right about the superiority complex of Canadians. I notice it often in Canadians that come down to Idaho.

      "Oh! Those Americans ....!"

    8. Trump, who is now xenophobic, does business all over the earth, Ash.

      But, no, he's 'xenophobic'.

      Heh heh heh

      Good God, Ash.

      The bloat's got a great grip on ya, son.

    9. .

      I guess if you want to be technical about it, Ash' sentence should have read...

      Trump reflects the nativism and bigotry that you two spout here daily.



    10. xenophobic?

      Exhibiting fear or hatred of the Islamic culture of torture, rape, murder, etc., is xenophobic now.
      I thought the term of the day was islamophobia.
      It's tiring trying to keep up with the ever changing left's view.

    11. yeah, that's better. Thanks Quirk.

    12. Why would Ash want to be technical about anything ?

      He's not capable of it on his own.

      He a bloater and blooter and spouts uncontrollably all the time.

  2. "Border crossings...not even a stop sign...a goal worth working, watching, and praying for"

  3. .

    Too Bad These Visas Were Not Revoked:

    True, but Trump's plan wouldn't have done.


    1. So he needs to expand on the ban?

    2. Don't try to use logic with Quirk and Ash.

    3. .


      So he needs to expand on the ban?

      Sure. I mean if you want to exclude all Muslims get serious and start with countries like Indonesia, Pakistan, and Bangladesh where most of them live. If you want to exclude the bad actors, start with Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan. If you want countries racked with terrorist violence throw in Turkey, Egypt, France. Heck, might as well throw in Germany and Sweden.

      You guys are something else.


    4. Technically, it is not a ban on Muslims.

      It looks more like a profiling of possible terrorist exportation.
      Of which Trump should include more countries.

    5. Expand the ban !

      Expand the ban !!

      Expand the ban !!!

    6. .

      Technically, it is not a ban on Muslims.

      Well, are we being technical or realistic?

      Per Giuliani, Trump told him to come up with a 'Muslim Ban' that was legal. He got a bunch of 'very expert lawyers' together and came up with what we have right now.

      Sounds like Giuliani went about as far as he was able to and still get away with it. How legal it ends up will be determined by the court cases.

      As far as I can see it will be challenged on religious grounds since it specifically spells out one particular religion over another and also as it appears to go against a 1965 law passed by Congress that banned discrimination in immigration based on national origin.


  4. Trudy:

    Trudeau said in a statement that “we condemn this terrorist attack on Muslims in a center of worship and refuge.”

    “Muslim-Canadians are an important part of our national fabric, and these senseless acts have no place in our communities, city and country.”

    It is heart-wrenching to see such senseless violence,” Trudeau said. “Diversity is our strength, and religious tolerance is a value that we, as Canadians, hold dear.”

    The attack comes as Canada has vowed to open its arms wide to Muslims and refugees after US President Donald Trump’s controversial immigration ban Friday sparked travel chaos and outrage around the world.

    Canada will offer temporary residence permits to people stranded in the country as a result of Trump’s order, the immigration ministry said Sunday.

    “Let me assure those who may be stranded in Canada that I will use my authority as minister to provide them with temporary residency if needed as we have done in the past,” Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen said at a news conference.

    1. :)

      Just send them all to Canada.

      Just let ASH'n'AHMED handle it, I tell ya.

    2. Canada is such a progressive country.

      Moslems there are beginning to shoot one another in mosques, like in Iraq.

      Canada, ahead of the curve....

  5. I'm watching Oliver Stone's "Untold History" for some alternative facts.
    Interesting perspective.

    1. "The documentary miniseries for Showtime had a working title Oliver Stone's Secret History of America. It covers "the reasons behind the Cold War with the Soviet Union, U.S. President Harry Truman's decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japan, and changes in America's global role since the fall of Communism."[6] Stone is the director and narrator of all ten episodes."

  6. Obama supports protests of travel ban, rejects comparisons

    1. CAIR told him to make that statement.

    2. .

      Of course, Obama rejected the comparisons. There were no comparisons.

      Bob, you keep putting this stupid comment up phrased in one way or another since putting up that stupid article from National Review. It's stupid. It's been 3 times.

      Put on the dunce cap and take the stool in the corner. And in your case, do us a favor and face the wall.


    3. The countries on Trump's Big List are the same countries that were on O'bozo's Big List.

      You'd say coincidences don't indicate causation, though.

      Quirk loses 25,000 of his recently gained 50,000 'Bonus Points'.

      Look down, Quirk, you'll see the bottom of the ocean soon.

    4. You've been on the Dunce Stool since saying O'bozo's taking the troops out of Iraq had nothing to do with the rise of ISIS.

      And before you who was on the Dunce Stool ?

      Why, Ash of course.

    5. You two need Adult Swaddling Therapy.

      It works !


      New Fad: Adult swaddling therapy....DRUDGE

    6. .

      I've been looking for Obama's big list. Haven't found it yet.

      So far, all I've found is a statement from Priebus which I would consider on the same level as one of your 'fake news' pieces from Pamela Geller.


  7. Trump has talked with Prime Minister Modi of India three times already.

    'Insiders' on Wall Street are saying:

    Trade with India - going up

    Trade with China - going down

  8. Man shoves guitar down pants.

    1. That fella's got some shaggy pants.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Walks on the way out like he just shit his pants, though.

  9. The Dougshit and Boobie rolls on with dougo screaming how the MSM didn't widely report the "Allah Akbar" was heard by a witness. Imagine that; "Allah Akbar" being said in a mosque. And now Bob is claiming that muslims were killing muslims in the Quebec shooting. A white twenty-something year old named Alexandre Bissonnette is a Muslim - riiiight. They live in a fantasy world of their own creation.

    1. "The Dougshit and Boobie Show"

      and, yes, it appears there was only one shooter and the only dead ones are the Muslims.

    2. Mohamed el Khadir had been said to be a Moroccan but the reports seem to be changing. There is a report that now says he was a worshiper.

      But two were arrested and witnesses say the Allahu Akbar was being shouted.

      And now there is a report that only one person was arrested.

      The situation having become confused I shall await developments,

    3. In a mosque one would expect the dead and wounded to be moslems.

  10. .

    Quebec Terrorist Attack - Update

    Alexandre Bissonnette is suspected of carrying out the attack on Quebec City Islamic Cultural Center alone. He will be arraigned this afternoon.

    He was arrested on Sunday night after allegedly shooting six men dead during evening prayers before 8pm

    The university student fled the scene of the crime but called 911 20 minutes later to turn himself in to police 

    Mohamed el Khadir, a Moroccan-Canadian, was also taken into custody but is being treated as a witness 

    Five Things to know about Alexandre Bissonnette

    In referring to the first picture of Bissonette in the article above, Jihadwatch indicates Bissonnette is wearing the latest in Muslim headgear and though you can't see it in the picture he has his index finger extended in the ISIS salute.


  11. Here, Ash, an article that follows your heart -

    Suspect in Quebec Mosque Attack Quickly Depicted as a Moroccan Muslim. He’s a White Nationalist.

    ....The actual shooting suspect is 27-year-old Alexandre Bissonnette, a white French Canadian who is, by all appearances, a rabid anti-immigrant nationalist. A leader of a local immigration rights groups, François Deschamps, told a local paper he recognized his photo as an anti-immigrant far-right “troll” who has been hostile to the group online. And Bisonnette’s Facebook page – now taken down but still archived – lists among its “likes” the far right French nationalist Marine Le Pen, Islam critics Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens, the Israeli Defense Forces, and Donald J. Trump (he also “likes” the liberal Canadian Party NDP along with more neutral “likes” such as Tom Hanks, the Sopranos and Katy Perry).

    It is usually the case that there is significant confusion in the wake of attacks of this sort. And local police did apparently arrest two suspects at first: both Bissonnette along with el Khadir. And until the investigation is complete, one cannot know for certain what the motives here were. One should be careful about trying to infer too much from a hodgepodge of Facebook “likes” and, this early, even anecdotal claims about his political views. As for reports that someone yelled “Allahu akbar,” it is perfectly natural that someone in a mosque would say that upon seeing a homicidal killer randomly shooting people, or it’s possible that the shooter said it mockingly.

    But this is exactly why no responsible news organization, let alone the White House, should rush to depict the shooter as Muslim and of Moroccan descent when so little is known about what happened. Yet not only did Fox and the Trump White House do exactly that, but worse, neither has retracted or corrected their claims long after it became clear that it was false:....

    1. So the Trump white house screwed it up as well did they? Bob, Doug and Trump. I guess we could add Deuce in with the lot of you as well.

    2. I'm guessing you guys think Bissonnette is a hero for having the courage to try to deal with the Muslim problem.

    3. Think for yourself. I have consistently been opposed to direct and indirect killers. Bissonnette, a direct killer, is clearly deranged and will get his day in court and justice.

      Clinton, an indirect killer is clearly deranged and will never get the day in court and the justice she truly deserves.

    4. From Quirk's first picture, I'm thinking Bissonnette doesn't look 27 years old.

      He looks about 17, as I imagine you to be, and look.

      We're all just following the news, Ash.

      The first news indicated two people shouting the akbar killing moslems in a mosque.

      My first thought was maybe a Shia/Sunni dispute....

    5. Nor am I for shooting moslems in Mosques, Ash.

      I'm for keeping any more of them out of the country as a threat to our Constitution and way of life.

      Remember Hamtramck, Michigan:

      "First we deal with the Poles, then everybody else"

      I don't wish to be 'dealt with' - I wish to keep any more of them out of the country.

      The Koran and the Constitution - gasoline and water

    6. Correction:

      First we show the Poles, then everybody else

      I don't wish myself or my kids to be shown.

    7. .

      If they show us, we will merely report them for flashing.


  12. .

    The situation having become confused I shall await developments,



    When has that ever slowed you down before?


    1. There IS something comforting in knowing that you, Quirk, are just an etching on a holographic plate....

      The universe is just a big hologram, astrophysicists claim

      There is as much evidence for the holographic universe as there is for traditional explanations, researchers said

    2. .

      Translation: We don't know shit about the universe and any explanation you pull out of your ass is as good as any other.


    3. I didn't pull it of my ass, some physicists pulled it out of theirs.

      I will amend:

      There IS something comforting in thinking of you, Quirk, as just an etching on a holographic plate.

      As for me, I think it just another metaphor, and a not very good one, at that.

    4. .

      Now, now, honey, mine was a general comment addressed to the population of the universe and was not specific to you.

      Sit down and put a cold dish rag on your forehead before you come down with the vapors.


  13. .

    Ban Quirk "logic."

    Right, you should have completed your thought,





  14. Relaxation Without Representation breaking down -

    New Puerto Rico governor signs fiscal emergency law....DRUDGE

  15. Ban Crapweasels!

    @michellemalkin on GOP leadership: “Paul Ryan is one of the biggest crap weasels in the Republican Party, he is a threat.”

    1. She's been on Fox a lot lately.

      I like her.

      Wish she was a regular.

      She called O'bozo's trillion dollar shovel ready jobs initiative 'a shit sandwich', and it was.

    2. Michelle Malkin: I believe that this so-called GOP leadership is going to pose even more headaches and will be a bigger threat to Donald Trump and his American sovereignty agenda than the outright liberals will be. And that’s always been the case as long as I’ve covered politics for the last 25 years. It’s the Republicans who pay lip service to American workers, the American economy, strong borders. Again and again and again they’ve been shown to be phonies and liars and we’re going to go through it all over again… In particular, Paul Ryan is, and I’m not going to mince words, I’ve said it before. I believe he is one of the biggest crap-weasels in the Republican Party. He is a threat… There are some Johnny-come-latelys who are coming late to the party who are realizing he is NOT Donald Trump’s friend.

  16. Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 10h10 hours ago
    Only 109 people out of 325,000 were detained and held for questioning. Big problems at airports were caused by Delta computer outage,.....

  17. Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 9h9 hours ago
    If the ban were announced with a one week notice, the "bad" would rush into our country during that week. A lot of bad "dudes" out there!
    35,377 replies 26,046 retweets 117,097 likes
    Reply 35K Retweet 26K
    Like 117K

    Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 10h10 hours ago
    There is nothing nice about searching for terrorists before they can enter our country. This was a big part of my campaign. Study the world!

    1. .


      It's amazing how many people buy this guy's bullshit.


    2. Especially when one considers that one can get it for free.

      It's Bullshit From "Q" that's sold in tabloid form in Detroit, Michigan, that I can't believe.

      It's amazing anyone at all buys that craparoo, but a few actually do.

  18. I feel like I'm chatting with The Donald in my living room every day.

    How cool is that !

  19. Lead Plaintiff In Trump’s ‘Muslim Ban’ Lawsuit Has Ties To Hamas, Supports Sharia

  20. But of course there's a tie to Hamas, probably CAIR and Soros, too.

  21. So, what do you need to know about the order?

    1. Trump Invokes 9/11. The executive order states that the visa-issuance process needs review because of failures leading up to 9/11, and further attacks afterward. It is true that there have been a bevy of high-profile terror attacks on American soil from refugees and others approved by the American visa system: the Boston Marathon bombing; the Ohio State terror attack; the St. Cloud, Minnesota machete attack; the New York/New Jersey bombing attacks in September 2016.


    2. The Order Suspends Visas From “Nationals of Countries of Particular Origin.” The Secretary of Homeland Security, as well as the Secretary of State and Director of National Intelligence, are tasked under the order with determining the standard necessary for visa entry within 30 days. All entry into the United States is suspended, “as immigrants and nonimmigrants, of such persons for 90 days from the date of this order.”


    3. More Countries May Be Coming. Under the executive order, the Secretary of State is told to request information from foreign governments in accordance with the report of the DHS and DNI. The DHS and Secretary of State are then told to come up with a list of additional countries that aren’t fulfilling their informational obligations.

    Refugees and Immigration

    1. .

      Right, a bevy of them since 9/11.


  22. Frankly when it comes to visas for people from troubled areas, I would give them to women and children and people over 65. 95% of the time I would not give them to men 17-65. The most dangerous group would be 17-45 and they would never get a visa.

    Most of these countries have been unstable for at least ten years and the US has been pounding some of them for 15 years. This group of men has a high probability of being trouble. There is also a fundamental reason for keeping them in their own country.

    Let them fight their own battles and if their country needs fixing, let them do it. When they fix it, they can get there families back. They can also build up their own countries. Why should a 19 year old American be fighting in a country where their 19 year olds have headed for Europe?

    It makes no sense.

    1. I agree.

      Adding let the other moslem countries handle them.

    2. .

      I disagree.

      We spend 15 years bombing these people, turning some countries into failed states, turning others into rubble, we contribute heavily to the refugee issue throughout the region, killing thousands, turning others into refugees, and we continue the killing today and are expanding it as Trump did in Yemen this week; yet, when we are asked to take some of these people in we say fuck-em. And all the nationals there that worked with us, that put their lives in danger helping us? Fuck-em. Just like we did to the Hmong 45 years ago when we abandoned them after the Vietnam War. And the people and governments we depend on to help fight ISIS and the other terrorist groups like al Qaeda? Fuck-em. We can't take the risk that one of them might be a terrorist and kill some Americans. Too risky. Much easier to just seal them in and keep bombing.


    3. It's not pretty / that is for sure

    4. There are 1.5 billion Muslims and 6 billion people on the planet. Minus out 320 million US citizens.

      How many should we admit? Who should pay for them?

    5. No limit is insane and cultural suicide. Pick any number you want to allow in and my formula still applies.

  23. Chuckie 'THESPIAN' Schumer aka 'The Weeper' is a real GAS !

    Did you know Quirk was a teenage actor before he joined the Army at 16 and fought the Krauts at Brenner Pass ?

    1. You're not going to see Quirk shedding false tears.

    2. .

      Right, and my father, who flew a B-25 bombed the Brenner Pass and that is likely where I got my Alzheimer's.


    3. Your Father was trying to bomb YOU ?

      You were THAT bad at home ??

      I don't believe it.

  24. 'Mad Dog' is said to be upset about the immigration orders and is drafting a list of Arabic/English interpreters the USA hired that he wants exempted.


  25. A Navy special warfare operator who was killed during a Jan. 28 raid in Yemen targeting al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula terrorists gave his full measure for the nation, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said today.


    “Ryan gave his full measure for our nation, and in performing his duty, he upheld the noblest standard of military service,” the secretary said. “The United States would not long exist were it not for the selfless commitment of such warriors.

  26. .

    Major League Baseball dropped an unprecedented penalty on the St. Louis Cardinals for their former scouting director’s hacking of the Houston Astros’ computer system, ordering the Cardinals to send their top two draft picks to the Astros and pay them $2 million in damages, while placing perpetrator Chris Correa on the permanently ineligible list.

    Chris Correa was sentenced to 46 months in jail and fined $279,000 to be paid to the Astros.


  27. Sam copied from somewhere:

    “Ryan gave his full measure for our nation, and in performing his duty, he upheld the noblest standard of military service,” the secretary said. “The United States would not long exist were it not for the selfless commitment of such warriors."

    Is it the selfless loss of his life that rises to "the noblest standard"?

    1. Good Lord, Ash, what is your point ?

    2. Yes, Ash, in that tradition, it is.

    3. No, dearie, like in 'defend the country'.

      No virgins promised in the tradition.

      Ash, you are making a smartassed arsehole out of yourself again.

      Think Iwo Jima, if you can.

    4. So, in your view, Ryan isn't destined to go to heaven for his noble sacrifice?

  28. Ah !


    1. Acting Attorney General orders DOJ told not to defend Trump executive order on immigration (Update: Yates fired)
      Jan 30, 2017 7:10 PM by John Sexton

      Never trust a woman with short abhorrent abnormal hair.

    2. She looks like that silly goose Ellen DeGeneris to me.

    3. If she did that in the military she'd be military court martialed.

  29. In Washington, Pentagon spokesman Capt. Jeff Davis said that Mattis reaffirmed the "U.S. commitment to defend the ROK and provide extended deterrence using the full range of U.S. capabilities."

    "The two affirmed that the U.S.-ROK alliance of more than 60 years remains even more relevant today and determined to take steps to strengthen the alliance further to defend against the evolving North Korean threat," Davis said in a readout.

    "Secretary Mattis recognized the significance of the U.S.-ROK alliance, noted that his visit to the ROK and Japan will be his first overseas trip during his tenure as secretary of defense, and conveyed that the U.S. will stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the ROK forces," he said.

  30. It is insanity to be running around claiming that foreign non-resident persons have some constitutional right to a visa. Can any of these people think more than one emotional move ahead?

    Let's say that some federal judge finds some poor wretched Yemeni with 12 kids has a right to a visa and permit to stay in the US. It doesn't end there. It ends with everyone from anywhere having that right.


  31. Two billion people in a decade is my bet.

  32. Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition

  33. U.S. President Donald Trump fired top federal government lawyer Sally Yates on Monday after she took the extraordinarily rare step of defying the White House and refused to defend new travel restrictions targeting seven Muslim-majority nations.


    There have been only a handful of instances in U.S. history of top Justice Department officials publicly breaking with the White House.


    Federal judges blocked deportation of those detained under the order through the weekend, and more lawsuits were filed on Monday.

  34. Population growth rate has actually been declining in the last 5 years:

    Growth Rate

  35. Trump’s Exclusion of Aliens from Specific Countries Is Legal

    Let’s start with the Constitution, which vests all executive power in the president. Under the Constitution, as Thomas Jefferson wrote shortly after its adoption, “the transaction of business with foreign nations is Executive altogether. It belongs then to the head of that department, except as to such portions of it as are specifically submitted to the Senate. Exceptions are to be construed strictly.”

    The rare exceptions Jefferson had in mind, obviously, were such matters as the approval of treaties, which Article II expressly vests in the Senate. There are also other textual bases for a congressional role in foreign affairs, such as Congress’s power over international commerce, to declare war, and to establish the qualifications for the naturalization of citizens.

    That said, when Congress legislates in this realm, it must do so mindful of what the Supreme Court, in United States v. Curtiss-Wright (1936), famously described as “the very delicate, plenary and exclusive power of the President as the sole organ of the federal government in the field of international relations – a power which does not require as a basis for its exercise an act of Congress.”

  36. Firing Yates has uncomfortable echoes of President Richard Nixon's "Saturday night massacre" during the Watergate scandal.
    Then, Nixon fired the Watergate special prosecutor, prompting the departures of his attorney general and deputy attorney general. The events catalyzed Nixon's impeachment.

    On Sunday, attorneys general from 16 US states, including California and New York, condemned Trump's directive as "unconstitutional" and vowed to fight it.

    1. If one doesn't like something these days, it's 'unconstitutional'.

    2. Previously referred to as BULLSHIT !

    3. Why Yates Had to Go

      It is a very simple proposition.
      Our Constitution vests all executive power — not some of it, all of it — in the president of the United States. Executive-branch officials do not have their own power. They are delegated by the president to execute his power. If they object to the president’s policies, their choice is clear: salute and enforce the president’s directives, or honorably resign. There is no third way. No one knows this better than high-ranking officials of the Department of Justice.

      That is why President Trump was right to fire Acting Attorney General Sally Yates.

  37. .

    It is insanity to be running around claiming that foreign non-resident persons have some constitutional right to a visa. Can any of these people think more than one emotional move ahead?

    Let's say that some federal judge finds some poor wretched Yemeni with 12 kids has a right to a visa and permit to stay in the US. It doesn't end there. It ends with everyone from anywhere having that right.

    You people are nutz. Where do you come up with this shit?

    No one is claiming anyone has a 'right' to a visa. Clearly we ‘grant’ visas to who we want. How we do that is a matter of policy AND to some extent law. The legal questions will be handled by the courts.

    What they ARE claiming is that Trump’s ham-handed approach to meeting a campaign promise sucks. It was poorly planned and even more poorly executed. Only an idiot would believe his excuses for why he did it the way he did. The excuses that have been put up here today are absurd. And you have to be way beyond idiot to really believe this wasn’t an anti-Muslim bill on his part.

    His claim that we don’t know how to vet refugees coming into this country is equally absurd. The numbers just don’t back him up. He could have a total freeze and it wouldn’t help. There are probably less people killed here by terrorists than there are killed by Asian ladies driving Hondas.

    What they ARE claiming is that continuing to grant visas is the 'right' thing to do.

    They are saying it’s the humanitarian thing to do and the moral thing to do (especially given the fact that we have helped turn some of the countries these people are trying to escape into failed states).

    They ARE saying it makes economic sense. Our birth rate is near or below the replacement rate. Our population is aging. We need immigration to grow the economy.

    I would say it’s the American Way but that would be silly. The US’ anti-immigrant history stretches back to the founding fathers. Ol Ben Franklin worried about the Germans. In the 1800’s it was the Irish. Heck, in the 1850’s there was even a political party formed to fight the ‘invasion’ of the Catholics. In the 1880’s, it was the Chinese. In the 1920, it was people from Eastern Europe, Poles, Lithuanians, Russians. In the 1930’s, it was the Jews trying to get out of Europe. After 1948, it was the people who could afford it trying to escape from Arab countries and then Mexican labor coming in
    from the south. Now, it’s the Arabs again.

    We always had an excuse for why we didn’t want each group to come in, they were lazy, unclean, not white enough, they were going to change ‘our’ culture, they were stealing jobs, they are all terrorists, they are not like us. As if nativism required an excuse.

    Now, its back if it ever left and Trump is its champion. That’s what a lot of people ARE complaining about.


    1. .

      You can't help but laugh.


    2. "They ARE saying it makes economic sense. Our birth rate is near or below the replacement rate. Our population is aging. We need immigration to grow the economy."


      If we still admitted immigrants as they do in Australia and New Zealand, or as we did before Teddy Kennedy, this could be true.

      Allowing vast numbers of poorly educated, poorly trained, and poorly assimilated immigrants into the country is not the answer.


    3. 87% of the World's Muslim population not affected, but:

      " have to be way beyond idiot to really believe this wasn’t an anti-Muslim bill on his part."

    4. .

      You're talking illegal immigrants.

      They don't just bring people in and drop them on the street. In the 50' and 60's, the Arabs coming into the US were the more educated ones with skills. The less educated ones like the Palestinians who were displaced after 1948 ended up in Jordan and Syria. That's what contributed to the brain drain in the ME.

      A good percentage of the people coming in form foreign countries today go into healthcare and other professions. Others have relatives here that provide a safety need.

      We've got 132 Syrian refugees that are being placed about 10 miles from me in Pontiac. One of the organizations that do such things is putting up places for them to live and finding them jobs.


    5. .

      87% of the World's Muslim population not affected, but:

      " have to be way beyond idiot to really believe this wasn’t an anti-Muslim bill on his part."

      I'm going by what his left-hand man said:

      Trump asked for a 'Muslim ban,' Giuliani says - and ordered a commission to do it 'legally'



    6. I guess if Trump was truly concerned about banning Muslims, he should have fired Rudy and the rest.
      ...then again, those of you so eager to shout "racist" aren't bothered by such logical details.


      Giuliani continued, saying he assembled a "whole group of other very expert lawyers on this," including former

      "And what we did was, we focused on, instead of religion, danger - the areas of the world that create danger for us," Giuliani told Pirro.

      "Which is a factual basis, not a religious basis. Perfectly legal, perfectly sensible.

      And that's what the ban is based on. It's not based on religion.

      It's based on places where there are substantial evidence that people are sending terrorists into our country."

    7. "...including former U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey, Rep. Mike McCaul, R-Texas, and Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y."

    8. I'm going on what Rudy Giuliani said also:

      "It's not based on religion."

    9. >We've got 132 Syrian refugees that are being placed about 10 miles from me in Pontiac. One of the organizations that do such things is putting up places for them to live and finding them jobs.

      Give us reports on how they do.

    10. .

      It's based on places where there are substantial evidence that people are sending terrorists into our country."

      Simple. Show us the evidence. It doesn't exist.

      The objective set out by Trump is clear. The problem, it would never pass judicial review. Solution. Call it something else even if that something else has no evidence to back it.

      It's what all bigots do. It's the MO.


  38. .

    Man claiming 3 Million improper votes cast registered in 3 states

    SAN FRANCISCO — A man who President Donald Trump has promoted as an authority on voter fraud was registered to vote in multiple states during the 2016 presidential election, the Associated Press has learned.

    Gregg Phillips, whose unsubstantiated claim that the election was marred by 3 million illegal votes was tweeted by the president, was listed on the rolls in Alabama, Texas and Mississippi, according to voting records and election officials in those states. He voted only in Alabama in November, records show.

    In a post earlier this month, Phillips described "an amazing effort" by volunteers tied to True the Vote, an organization whose board he sits on, who he said found "thousands of duplicate records and registrations of dead people."

    Trump has made an issue of people who are registered to vote in more than one state, using it is one of the bedrocks of his overall contention that voter fraud is rampant in the U.S. and that improper votes by 3 to 5 million "illegals" cost him the popular vote in November...

    The following friends of Trump were registered to vote in multiple states at the time of the election (hopefully, they have it corrected no that is has been brought to light.)

    Jared Kushner – NY and NJ

    Steve Bannon – NY and Fl

    Tiffany Trump – NY and PA

    Steve Mnuchin – NY and CA

