Wednesday, February 01, 2017

German Strength Through Diversity - Swedish Strength Through Diversity


Tunisian IS suspect arrested over attack plot in Germany

BERLIN –  Published February 01, 2017  Associated Press

Authorities have raided dozens of locations in western Germany and arrested a Tunisian man suspected of being a recruiter for the Islamic State group and rounding up supporters to carry out an attack in Germany.

Frankfurt prosecutors said 54 apartments, business premises and mosques in the region were searched early Wednesday. They said the investigation was directed against 16 people in total, aged between 16 and 46.

The 36-year-old main suspect was arrested in Frankfurt. He's believed to have been a recruiter and smuggler for the IS group since August 2015.

Prosecutors say plans for a possible attack were at a very early stage and no concrete target had been chosen.

Gangs of Muslim Refugees Take Over Mall in Sweden

Shayne HeffernanJanuary 16, 2017

The type of Islam you are fighting is the same type of Islam Muslims all over the world are fighting, it is also, for whatever reason the branch of Islam that Obama has thrown his weight and America’s money behind,it is called Sunni Wahhabism and the world is riddled with it, it is the enemy.

Muslim Migrants in Gothenburg, Sweden have the local police on special alert at the country’s leading mall. Many are afraid to visit Nordstan mall, as citizens are openly harassed and even attacked, Expressen reports, citing police.

According to Expressen, local police are also being intimidated, and have been forced to implement special measures due to an increase in threatening behavior toward shoppers and business owners.

Sales are reported to have taken a massive hit. Although not the largest mall in Sweden, Nordstan is said to bring in the most business.

According to the Swedish paper, trouble starts around 8pm, once the shops begin closing. In some cases, the gangs of young people outnumber the police.

“We have seen an increase since last autumn, with mostly unaccompanied minors who are staying here in Nordstan,” one of the police managers, Jonas Bergqvist, told Expressen.

“In the evening they deal drugs and violence between fractions sometimes occurs. If there are conflicts from their home countries, they bring them here.”

Police also say the gangs are becoming increasingly aggressive towards them.

Bergqvist remembers a group of teens numbering around 150 people, who surrounded him and his colleagues around New Year’s Eve during an operation.

Authorities view this rise in cases as going hand in hand with the increased arrival of undocumented migrants, as incidents particularly involve youths from Syria, Afghanistan, and Morocco – some of them street children.

Some incidents escalate to seriously dangerous situations: one teenager was said to have been robbed with broken glass held to his throat. A shopkeeper had tried to intervene, but was also threatened.
There are legal problems with bringing offenders to justice, as many lack identification. This forces the police to hand over the offenders to social services.

“I’ve had people in front of me that look like they are 35, but who claim to be 15. I can’t prove they’re lying so we have to release them,” Rikard Sorensen, another officer, says.

As a result, the shopping mall becomes a place of almost total lawlessness after 8pm, joining other spots in Sweden now labeled as no-go zones, according to the local media report. To be considered a no-go zone, the area usually has to be marked by a dangerous incidence of muggings, robberies, harassment, and sexual assault. In September 2016, the number reportedly rose to 55 areas.



  1. French Strength through diversity December 31.

    French citizens were required to contribute an extra €1.60 ($1.70) on their property insurance policies to help finance a fund for victims of jihadist attacks. The new law requires policy holders to contribute €5.90, up from €4.30. Some 90 million insurance policies are financing the fund, which currently has reserves of €1.45 billion ($1.5 billion). More than 200 people have died in France in the last two years as a result of terror attacks.

  2. What would any of you write to someone from here who has chosen to live and raise a family there?

    ...I can't think of anything other than why? I don't write much, and don't have much to say when I do.

    Haven't heard much about the safety of young kids there...

    Guess I'll Google it.

    1. US News says it's the best place in the World to raise kids!

  3. Danish Strength Through Better Islamic Hymens

    Europe's increasingly multicultural society is affecting local market habits. Fake hymen sales have surprisingly skyrocketed in Denmark to reflect a rising demand among the Nordic country's growing Muslim population.

    In 2016 alone, over 500 fake hymens were sold to Danish customers. Over the past five years, companies Hymenshop and Virginia Care have sold 2,670 fake hymens to Danish customers, Danish broadcaster Radio24syv reported.

    In traditional Muslim culture, it is a given for a girl to consummate marriage as a virgin. The product is therefore specifically aimed at Muslim women to make sure they bleed like a virgin during their wedding night.

  4. A Norwegian bank, celebrating its strength through diversity proposed a “halal” loan scheme based on Islamic principles which forbid charging interest.

    Storebrand, which operates in Norway and Sweden, launched a website calling for feedback on an idea to launch new interest-free loans to appeal to Muslim home buyers who many not want to take out a traditional mortgage because of their faith, reports Independent recently.

    Under most interpretations of Islamic law, charging interest or fees on financial loans, known as usury, is considered “haram”, or forbidden.

  5. Finland getting stronger though diversity

    Of all the Nordic countries, Finland has the smallest proportion of Muslims. Nevertheless, it also runs the risk of exposure to radical Islamism, which can result in violence, terrorism and discrimination, a renowned Finnish Islam researcher warned.

    ‘All Terrorists Are Muslims’ Facebook Post Gets Finnish Lawmaker Fined

    In an interview with Finnish daily Hufvudstadsbladet, Islam researcher Atte Kaleva warned readers that Islamist terrorism is a new reality that people are getting used to. According to Kaleva, the high-profile terrorist attacks in Paris, Nice, Berlin and Istanbul that claimed hundreds of lives are only links in a seemingly endless chain.

  6. Austrian Celebrating Diversity - Police Arrest 14 Suspected of Islamic State Links

    VIENNA — Jan 26, 2017, 2:56 PM ET

    Heavily armed SWAT teams supported by hundreds of other officers detained 14 people suspected of having ties to the Islamic State group in early-morning raids on Thursday, Austrian officials said.

    An earlier statement from the public prosecutor's office in Graz said there were eight arrests in twin operations there and in Vienna involving 800 police. But Justice Ministry official Christian Pilnacek later said the discrepancy was between the eight arrest warrants issued and the 14 people — 11 men and three women — actually detained.

    Besides suspected links to the Islamic State group, Pilnacek said those detained were being investigated for attempts to try to set up a "parallel society ... an attempt to create a kind of theocracy in Austria."

  7. Italy Strengthened Though Diversity

    LOS ANGELES, CA (California Network) - A Catholic Archbishop has a dire warning for his country. Italy will become a Muslim country in a decade if they continue to liberalize and keep the country open to Muslim refugees.

    Italian Archbishop Carlo Liberati said the rise of secularism and the influx of Muslim immigrants would change the country forever.

  8. Islamic Rapists Strengthened Through Diversity

    Women in refugee camps live in fear of violence, including rape, according to a report about the adversities female asylum-seekers face in Greece.

    The study published on Tuesday by the Refugee Rights Data Project (RRDP) found that women were exposed to dangers including gender-based violence, abuse by authorities, and sexual harassment.

    Researchers from the UK-based organisation spoke to more than 300 refugees and aid workers in nine camps and residences late last year.

    They found incidences of rape, forced prostitution, forced marriage, and trafficking, with younger refugees particularly affected.

    Perpetrators included fellow refugees and volunteers, the study said.

    An NGO worker interviewed said that at one informal camp in Athens, virtually no security measures existed to protect women, who were at "constant risk" of sexual violence.

    1. More than 173,000 people arrived in Greece as refugees in 2016, according to the UNHCR.

  9. This says the increase in rape is a result of feminism and changes in reporting.
    ...all is well.

  10. Swedish PM Is Right, You Can’t Blame Muslim Refugees for Rise in Rapes

    “Sexual harassment is not automatically binding to migration and immigration,” Swedish prime minister Stefan Löfven told CNBC at the World Economic Forum in Davos on Wednesday, explaining, “We have had sexual harassment in Sweden for many, many years, unfortunately.”

    There are two reasons as to why the prime minister could make his bewildering statement without fear of being contradicted: Swedish law forbids registration based on people’s ancestry or religion; and the last time anyone ran a thorough study of rape rates in Sweden was 2005. So if you can’t refer to a rapist by his country of origin, and you don’t count which ethnic minority commits what percentage of the rape, you, too, would have to agree that there’s no proof it’s the Muslims doing the raping in Sweden.

    So it’s down to anecdotal information — you see who gets picked up by police for rape in Sweden and it’s Muslims, and estimates which are not completely scientific. But as those go, the results are staggering. The website Muslim Statistics cites government data suggesting 77.6% of rapes in Sweden are committed by the 2% Muslim male segment of the population. These percentages do not include Muslims with Swedish citizenship, who are classified under “Swedish nationals.”

    The report does not break down the foreign-born category by country of origin despite the fact that countries of origin have been found to be highly predictive of crime rates in other Nordic countries, most notably Norway and Denmark. However, a 1996 report by the BRÅ did break down rate of rape convictions by country of origin, using data from 1985 to 1989 it found particularly high rates of rape convictions among certain immigrant groups. After controlling for age, sex and place of residence, the highest rates were for individuals born in North Africa (Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia), Italy, and Iraq who were convicted of rape at rates of 17.5, 16.5 and 12.5 times the native Swedish rate respectively.

    Which explains why the Swedish powers that be decided to eliminate both the reference to country of origin in rape studies, and then to eliminate official rape studies altogether.

    However, a United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) 2012 report places Sweden as having 66.5 cases of reported rapes per 100,000 residents, the highest number of reported rapes in any nation in the report.

    1. the highest rates were for individuals born in North Africa (Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia), Italy, and Iraq who were convicted of rape at rates of 17.5, 16.5 and 12.5 times the native Swedish rate respectively.
      No doubt Quirk will have something pleasant to say about that.

    2. .

      Why would you say that, Dougo?

      Still grumpy?


  11. Hygge

  12. In a just World, Merkel would be tied down to be raped by all her Muslim boyfriends, gaining further strength from the diversity.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Strength Through Diversity in Hamtramck, Michigan

      "First we show the Poles, then everybody else"

      Statement of newly elected moslem City Councilman when Hamtramck became first city in USA to be run by muslims.

    2. We must we certain that QUIRK get this much through his noggin -

      Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts

      Obama selected the list of Muslim countries in Trump’s executive order


      The list of concerned countries that the Trump administration outlined in the order is based on the one signed into law by the former Obama administration. So, it looks like the Obama White House set the groundwork

      Clearly there was a recognized homeland security problem for some time: the potential hazard of allowing in Muslim immigrants and refugees from the seven identified countries, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Libya and Yemen. But when Obama selected this “blacklist,” few knew. Why? Because of the media’s agenda. It was okay for the Obama Democrats to introduce this list, but it is not okay for Trump to follow through.

      The Obama administration also “stopped processing Iraqi visas for six months in 2011,” which turned out to be a good call, as “al-Qaeda operatives feigned refugee status to get relocated to Bowling Green, Kentucky.”

      The “Islamophobia” propaganda machine is running over-time against Trump in the face of longtime, ongoing and escalating threat; so he will remain a target of a corrupted media and leftist alliance no matter what the mounting facts are.

      “Friendly Reminder: Obama Selected The List Of Muslim Countries in Trump’s Executive Order”, Town Hall, by Matt Vespa, January 29, 2017:

      As the Left and some Republicans lose their minds over President Donald J. Trump’s executive order on immigration, let’s not forget that the list of concerned countries that the Trump administration outlined in the order is based on the one signed into law by the former Obama administration. So, it looks like the Obama White House set the groundwork (viaMic News):

      According to the draft copy of Trump’s executive order, the countries whose citizens are barred entirely from entering the United States is based on a bill that Obama signed into law in December 2015.

    3. Obama signed the Visa Waiver Program Improvement and Terrorist Travel Prevention Act as part of an omnibus spending bill. The legislation restricted access to the Visa Waiver Program, which allows citizens from 38 countries who are visiting the United States for less than 90 days to enter without a visa.

      Though outside groups such as the American Civil Liberties Union and NIAC Action — the sister organization of the National Iranian American Council — opposed the act, the bipartisan bill passed through Congress with little pushback.

      At the initial signing of the restrictions, foreigners who would normally be deemed eligible for a visa waiver were denied if they had visited Iran, Syria, Sudan or Iraq in the past five years or held dual citizenship from one of those countries.

      In February 2016, the Obama administration added Libya, Somali and Yemen to the list of countries one could not have visited — but allowed dual citizens of those countries who had not traveled there access to the Visa Waiver Program. Dual citizens of Syria, Sudan, Iraq and Iran are still ineligible, however.

      So, in a nutshell, Obama restricted visa waivers for those seven Muslim-majority countries — Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Libya and Yemen — and now, Trump is looking to bar immigration and visitors from the same list of countries.

      Yet, I don’t remember the Left freaking out over this. I certainly don’t remember them going indiscriminately insane when the Obama White House stopped processing Iraqi visas for six months in 2011 when—surprise! —Al-Qaeda operatives feigned refugee status to get relocated to Bowling Green, Kentucky. And yes, some of the visa applicants who were screwed over worked as intelligence assets and interpreters for the U.S. military, according to ABC News. But remember, there was a Democrat in the Oval Office, so it was okay at the time.

      Here’s the text of the order.

      Via The Atlantic this is what it will and will not do. Most importantly, the publication adds that this technically isn’t a Muslim ban, as people from Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim country, can still visit the country:

      Who is affected?

      For 120 days, the order bars the entry of any refugee who is awaiting resettlement in the U.S. It also prohibits all Syrian refugees from entering the U.S. until further notice. Additionally, it bans the citizens of seven countries—Iraq, Iran, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Libya, and Yemen—from entering the U.S. on any visa category. This appears to include those individuals who are permanent residents of the U.S. (green-card holders) who may have been traveling overseas to visit family or for work—though their applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis, a senior administration official said Saturday.


      Is this a Muslim ban?

      Technically no. The ban includes seven majority Muslim countries, but by no means are these states the most populous Muslim countries, nor are they among the top sources of Muslim immigration to the U.S., nor have they produced terrorists in the same numbers as other Muslim countries not on the list.

      So, it’s not really a Muslim ban and the nations that Trump listed are the ones that were drafted by Obama……

    4. It's tough going, pounding things into QUIRK'S NOGGIN but I'm as determined and long labored as any good farmer.

    5. .

      Obama selected the list of Muslim countries in Trump’s executive order


      The bill was attached to an Omnibus spending 'must sign' bill required to keep financing the government. Obama didn't pick the countries, Congress did. Obama had little choice but to sign the omnibus bill or shut down the government.

      That being said, I haven't seen anything that would indicate Obama would be opposed to signing the legislation. It was a popular bill with bipartisan support. And in reading the bill it made sense in that it tightened up the vetting process, something everyone (with the possible exception of the ACLU) agrees is a good thing.

      But when Obama selected this “blacklist,” few knew. Why? Because of the media’s agenda. It was okay for the Obama Democrats to introduce this list, but it is not okay for Trump to follow through.

      Pure nonsense, jihadwatch propaganda. Obama didn't select anything and the ACLU was all over this bill at the time politicking against it. However, it wasn't a Dem/GOP issue. The bill was popular and 407 House members voted yes in passing it.

      The Obama administration also “stopped processing Iraqi visas for six months in 2011,” which turned out to be a good call, as “al-Qaeda operatives feigned refugee status to get relocated to Bowling Green, Kentucky.”

      Wrong. Under Obama, when it was found out that two al-Qaeda operatives had slipped through the vetting system in place at the time, they cancelled all open visas from Iraqis. They then forced all the visa applicants to go through a more stringent screening process. While the review was in place for six months, Iraqis were still allowed in. In fact, Iraqis arrived here in every month of 2011. And the jihadwatch article is worded such that you would think Obama's six-month Iraq review was what caught the two Iraqi operatives in KY. In fact they were caught using biometric testing under the old system before it was improved and tightened up.

      Regarding the bill itself, it did tighten security by demanding that people from certain countries go through US consulate and embassy offices and a stricter vetting process in order to get visas to the US. However, it wasn't an outright ban like Trump's plan initially was (now he has allowed exceptions for some including green card holders) and which still is a pretty much general ban on people coming out of those countries.

      As for the Iraqi matter, Obama had a specific reason to prompt him to tighten up the vetting system in Iraq. Trump had no specific reason for precipitously initiating his plan in the manner
      he did without review by key departments within his administration.

      As noted above,

      The legislation restricted access to the Visa Waiver Program, which allows citizens from 38 countries who are visiting the United States for less than 90 days to enter without a visa.

      Seems reasonable to me. Yet, while the following sounds reasonable to Townhall and jihadwatch...

      So, in a nutshell, Obama restricted visa waivers for those seven Muslim-majority countries — Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Libya and Yemen — and now, Trump is looking to bar [read ban] immigration and visitors from the same list of countries.

      it doesn't sound reasonable to me.

      Tightening up the vetting process if there is a reasonable way of doing it makes sense. Banning immigration in the absence of evidence to justify it doesn't.


      So, it’s not really a Muslim ban and the nations that Trump listed are the ones that were drafted by Obama……

      Wrong on both counts. Trump's order was based on his wish for a Muslim ban. What he got was the closest Giuliani could come up with legally. Obama didn't draft anything.


    6. It was a Muslim ban that wasn't, but who's counting?

      ...supports Q's narrative.

      Next time Trump will tell Rudy to ban all those Indonesians, or tell Rudy: "You're Fired!"

      ...since he's a racist, xenophobic, nutjob.

  14. Trump: Decision On Moving U.S. Embassy To Jerusalem Coming Soon
    By Pamela Geller - on January 31, 2017


    Jerusalem is the ancient capital of the Jews. Recognizing it is only right and proper. As for the Islamic threats against such a move, if it weren’t Jerusalem, it would be something else. The Philistines have recognize the Jewish state and abandon the jihad doctrine that commands them to “drive them put from where they drove you out” (Qur’an 2:191). It is falsely but universally applied to Israel, and prevents any recognition of Israel’s right to exist by Palestinian groups.

    The United States has scores of embassies in the countries all around the world. Every one of our embassies are in that nation’s capital — except one. Israel – that is just plain wrong.

    Prime Minister Netanyahu is due here shortly for a visit. I suspect that is when they will announce....

    1. .

      Prime Minister Netanyahu is due here shortly for a visit. I suspect that is when they will announce....

      I suspect she is wrong.

      Unlike some of Trump's promises, he is taking his time on this one and his strong language has moderated. The latest from him is that while he still favors the move, he said there are 'two-sides' to the issue which would seem to indicate the move isn't universally approved among his advisors.

      As for Netanyahu, there is speculation within the Israeli media that he is the one asking Trump to slow-walk the decision so as to avoid possible blowback to Israel.


    2. I suspect she is right.

      It is hard to imagine Bibi passing up this opportunity.

    3. It is harder to imagine Quirk is right.



    This is how the Democrats are feeling these days.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. (Schadenfreude can be a wonderful feeling)

    3. I liked when the little eyes melted out of the bunny.

      I thought of Chuckie Schumer then.

  16. Neil Gorsuch is Just Round One in the Fight for the Supreme Court
    January 31, 2017 by Mark Pulliam

  17. From Michael Goodwin:

    Let’s agree that President Trump’s travel ban on visitors from seven nations was a sensible idea hobbled by flaws, especially regarding green card holders and dual citizens. Let’s also agree we haven’t seen a rollout this clumsy since the debut of ObamaCare, which was far more serious because it penalized millions of Americans while Trump’s order inconvenienced hundreds of foreign nationals.

    Still, we can assume, based on past performance, that Trump will learn from the mistakes. His fierce determination to be a successful president cannot co-exist with rookie blunders.

    But what about the other players in the drama? Can we say the media will now correct its excess of bile and cover Trump as a legitimate president and not as an invasive species?

    No, no, no. On the contrary, we must say that Trump aide Steve Bannon was on target when he called the Washington media “the opposition party.”

    Don’t take his word for it. Stick a toe into the toxic sludge that passes for straight-news coverage in the Washington Post, the New York Times and others.

    Look for the use of tell words like “Muslim ban” to describe an executive order that is no such thing. Look for hero worship of protesters, immigrants, refugees, lawyers rushing to the barricades and congressional critics.

    Look, too, at the Twitter feeds of editors and reporters from those papers and the major networks. You’ll see their embrace of everything anti-Trump, further evidence they are part of a movement to obstruct the president, not cover him.

    Consider, too, their rediscovered love for Republican Sen. John McCain, a man they ignored during the eight-year reign of their savior, Barack Obama. McCain is again the good maverick because he is bucking the media’s permanent enemy, Republicans.

    Yet if the media is the opposition party, what is the Democratic Party? It’s supposed to be the loyal opposition, using checks and balances to restrain the president and the excess of one-party rule.

    Unfortunately, the Dems are following a dangerously different path. Starting with a wide boycott of the inauguration and including their boycott of committee votes on Trump’s cabinet and their pledge to filibuster any Supreme Court nominee, Democrats resemble a party fomenting a secession movement.

    Some call it Trump Derangement Syndrome, but that’s too kind. It’s not a temporarily insane reaction, it’s a calculated plan to wreck the presidency, whatever the cost to the country.

    Things never seen in the modern era are now rapidly becoming common. Impeachment talk already is rumbling in the party’s hothouses, and Trump was met with a lawsuit the minute he took the oath.

    Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, the top Dems in Congress, led a raucous demonstration Monday night, as if they are community organizers. And Obama couldn’t bear the irrelevance after eight days out of office and felt compelled to encourage disruptions.

    This is Third World behavior and it’s now the M.O. of one of America’s two political parties.

    1. Then there’s California, the epicenter of Dem strength. Radicals there, spurred on by pro-Mexico immigrants, are ginning up an effort to split from the United States and they might get a proposal on the ballot. I say we take their wine and let them go.

      If California secedes and its 55 electoral votes come off the board, Dems will never win another American election. On the other hand, Hillary Clinton could become president of the breakaway state and the rest of us would be free of the Clinton stain.

      Secession is one way the swamp could drain itself. Sally Yates’ way is another.

      The acting attorney general was rightfully sacked the instant after she climbed a soapbox and refused to defend Trump’s executive order in court. It would have been a more admirable gesture if she had the decency to resign. Instead, she thought she could defy the president and keep the job.

      Her choice was not a minor act of insubordination. It was a public challenge to the constitutional authority of the president, a power left to Congress and the judiciary.

      As a result, she was shunned and hid in disgrace. Oh, wait, that’s what would happen in a better world.

      In this one, Democrats hailed her as a “patriot” amid predictions a political star is born.

      My prediction is that Dems are digging their own grave and their revolt against his legitimacy will, in the short term at least, boost Trump’s popularity. Most Americans will conclude he is honestly trying to fulfill the mandate he won and that the fevered rush to destroy him is neither principled nor patriotic.

      There is a catch: Our cultural impatience won’t give Trump endless time or big room for error. He must pick his fights with discretion and wage them with smart, methodical moves that bring clear results.

      Equally key, he can’t become a prisoner of Washington. While social media is important, he must get out of town regularly to meet people where they live and remind them that he’s fighting their fights.

      He should continue to court core Democrats, especially members of manufacturing unions and open-minded black and Latino voters.

      If he does all that, and if he’s lucky, America will be great again. That’s what matters.

    2. I won't be waiting for Quirk to agree with any of the many important points, culminating in this:
      "This is Third World behavior and it’s now the M.O. of one of America’s two political parties."

      ...and in legion with a completely demented media in lockstep in their mission to take down Trump.

  18. .

    Then there’s California, the epicenter of Dem strength. Radicals there, spurred on by pro-Mexico immigrants, are ginning up an effort to split from the United States and they might get a proposal on the ballot. I say we take their wine and let them go.


    California, the land of fruits and nuts. Atlas Van Lines is still waiting for the call from all those stars to set up their promised move to Canada.

    That said, on Calexit and the Yes California campaign...

    The Yes California Independence Campaign promotes the secession of the state of California from the United States.[6] It proposes including a measure for a referendum in 2019 on the state's 2018 gubernatorial election ballot.[7]

    The campaign president is Louis J. Marinelli, a New Yorker who lives in Russia[8] and has received significant assistance from the Russian government to promote his efforts.[9]

    The vice president is Marcus Ruiz Evans (a pro-Mexican immigrant?).[10] Both men are former Republicans[11] and Marinelli says he voted for Donald Trump.[8]

    Marinelli announced on December 18, 2016, the Yes California campaign had opened an embassy in Moscow as a cultural centre to help educate Russians about California's history, boost trade, and promote tourism. The embassy has no legal standing.[12]

    Yes California is controversial within the independence movement for advocating a "Crimean Scenario"[13][14] for Californian independence, because Crimea was annexed by Russia immediately after declaring independence.[citation needed]


    Imagine if President Trump announced that he wanted to oust California from the United States. If it weren't for us, after all, Trump would have won the popular vote he so lusts after by 1.4 million. Blue America would lose its biggest source of electoral votes in all future elections. The Senate would have two fewer Democrats. The House of Representatives would lose 38 Democrats and just 14 Republicans. The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, among the most liberal in the nation, would be changed irrevocably. And the U.S. as a whole would suddenly be a lot less ethnically diverse than it is today.

    For those reasons, Trump, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, Republicans with White House ambitions, opponents of legalizing marijuana, advocates of criminalizing abortion and various white nationalist groups might all conclude –– for different reasons –– that they would benefit politically from a separation, even as liberals and progressives across America would correctly see it as a catastrophe.

    So it makes sense that the leader of the Yes California Independence Campaign, Marcus Ruiz Evans, was — contrary to popular assumptions — a registered Republican when he formed the separatist group two years ago, according to the San Jose Mercury News. He briefly hosted conservative talk radio shows in Fresno, and would not tell the newspaper if he voted for Trump.


    1. .

      It appears Marinelli became upset when he ran into immigration problems with his Russian born wife.


  19. The campaign president is Louis J. Marinelli, a New Yorker who lives in Russia[8] and has received significant assistance from the Russian government to promote his efforts.

    That kind of says it all about CAL in general....GOV Moonbeam has been silent as of late.....

    1. Of course, President Trump was vilified for his alleged connection to Moscow.

    2. Trust me, Moonbeam has NOT been silent!

  20. Ah...ha....the spic and the Rooskie are behind Calexit.

    That makes sense.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Just paying a fellow back who once said to me:

      "You dirty gringo"

      "Sir, I am a Scandinavian/American"

      "You damn Swede gringo"

    3. I thought it was "Ignorant Farmer"

    4. "You dirty agricultor ignorante gringo" is what he said.

      La Raza - The Race, The Racists - have been preaching the reconquista of California since my University of Washington days.

  21. Cartwheeling teacher wasn’t wearing underwear, arrested for indecent exposure, police say

    Police in northern Oklahoma say they’ve arrested a substitute teacher on an indecent exposure complaint after she reportedly did a cartwheel in front of students while wearing a skirt but no undergarments.

    The Pawhuska Police Department says a student recorded the incident on a cellphone. Police Chief Scott Laird says the incident reportedly happened during a high school choir class in Pawhuska, about 100 miles northeast of Oklahoma City.

    The substitute teacher, whose name has not been released, was arrested Tuesday afternoon. Pawhuska police say she remains jailed Wednesday morning.

    1. Pawhuska?? Good heavens!! That's where the Pioneer Woman lives.

    2. "I see London, I see France, I see someone's underpants.

      They're not blue and they're not pink, all I know is that they stink!"

    3. :)

      Ah, the old rhymes come flowing back....

    4. Here Doug, just for you (Note: Be sure to reduce your mentality to that of a 12 year old before reading these, or if you are like me, just read.):

      Nasty Nursery Rhymes

    5. Be sure to reduce your mentality to that of a 12 year old before reading

      *No effort required on Quirk's part

    6. Old mother hubbard,
      Went to the cupboard,
      To get her old dog a bone.
      When she bent over,
      Rover took over,
      And gave her a bone of his own.

  22. T Rex is now Secretary of State.


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Pissed off over the price of gas, and who can blame them ?

  24. .

    DougWed Feb 01, 02:31:00 PM EST

    I won't be waiting for Quirk to agree with any of the many important points, culminating in this:
    "This is Third World behavior and it’s now the M.O. of one of America’s two political parties."

    Geez, I guess you are still grumpy, Dougo.

    But, at least, you are learning. Why in the world would I agree with an obviously political statement that implies there is only 'one' party indulging in this shit. It's been going on forever and has only been growing worse over the last decade or so. Congress has become a playpen where the children running our government can shoot spitballs at each.

    For instance, 'how about dem judges?'

    Mitch McConnell Says Obama’s Circuit Court Nominees Won’t Be Confirmed Anymore

    06/04/2015 10:03 pm ET | Updated Jun 05, 2015

    WASHINGTON — Senate Republicans have been slow-walking President Barack Obama’s judicial nominees all year. It looks like things are about to get even less productive.

    Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said Thursday that he doesn’t expect to confirm any of Obama’s circuit court nominees for the remainder of his time in office, a blow to White House efforts to fill empty federal court seats despite working with a Republican-controlled Senate.

    In an interview with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt, McConnell was asked about judicial confirmations.

    “So far, the only judges we’ve confirmed have been federal district judges that have been signed off on by Republican senators,” McConnell said. Asked if he expects that to be the case through 2016, McConnell said, “I think that’s highly likely, yeah.”

    If McConnell is serious, that means at least two GOP-backed circuit court nominees are toast...


    Judicial confirmations have already been moving at a snail’s pace this year. Republicans have only confirmed four district court nominees and no circuit court nominees.

    For some context: President George W. Bush had to work with a Democratic Senate in his final two years in office. By this point in Bush’s seventh year, the Senate had confirmed 15 of his district court nominees and three circuit court nominees.

    They are all dicks. One of these days you will learn that simple fact, Doug.

    Well, on second thought, perhaps You won't.



    1. .

      Bob, says a Democratic president doesn't have a right or obligation to put forward a SCOTUS nominee in his last year in office (one wonders what he would say about a Republican president in a similar case). McConnell extends the disqualification period further and extends it to most federal judges.

      But this isn't political bullshit from the second political party?

      Grow up kids.


    2. Right: Goodwin makes no points outside the courts, in QuirkWorld's balanced opinion from his reading list of 80 percent MSM and 20% HuffPo, Think Progress, and etc.

      In fact he notes MANY examples for which no Republican analogs can be found in the early days of the Obama Presidency.

      Not to mention the MSM's unprecedented irresponsibility and dishonesty.

      Do you claim that is a balanced situation also?

    3. Is it impossible for you not to include some dumbass (and endlessly repeated) brain fart like

      "grow up kids"

      In almost EVERY ONE of your posts?

    4. He suffers from Brain Bloat, Doug, and it is natural in that condition to let off gas periodically when under stress.

      I give him a pass on this one.

      It is impossible for him to stop.

    5. We wouldn't want his head to explode would we ?

      Would we ? ? ?

    6. .

      Well, I'll will have to admit that Doug does have a point regarding the 'grow up kids' comment.

      The chance of that happening appears pretty remote.


  25. “It’s no surprise that the UN has to treat the refugee ban very delicately,” said Martin Edwards, director of Seton Hall University’s Center for United Nations and Global Governance Studies.

    “The UN faces hostility from both the legislature as well as the White House,” he said.

    Guterres said he was hoping to visit Washington to meet with Trump, but that no date had been set for the talks.

  26. The savages are beginning to burn the campus at the U. of Cal Berkeley down over something/someone termed 'Milo'.

    I don't know what this is all about.

    I'm just wondering whether folks here think the fire department ought to be called, or not ?

    1. Still don't have a good grip on what's going on, but I found this:

      Time to prosecute and expel the campus fascists.
      February 1, 2017 Daniel Greenfield


      The David Horowitz Freedom Center and Milo Yiannopoulos took on "sanctuary campuses" that harbor illegal aliens. Milo was scheduled to launch the #nosanctuarycampusforcriminals campaign with a speech at Berkeley tonight when campus fascists, rioters and criminals shut it down.

      Berkeley isn't just a "sanctuary campus" for illegal aliens, but for fascists who shut down free speech with violence. It's time to stop tolerating sanctuary campuses for illegal aliens and for the violent thugs of political correctness.

      The David Horowitz Freedom Center is calling for the return of free speech to Berkeley by prosecuting and expelling the campus fascists responsible for the protests. University of California president Janet Napolitano and Berkeley chancellor Nicholas Dirks have set the standard for lawlessness by declaring Berkeley a sanctuary campus. They should be prosecuted along with their student protégés.

      In the picture one of the arsonists is carrying a sign saying Trans Dykes Are Good but I don't know how to take that.

      Lots of flames in the background.

    2. I'm uncertain even what a Trans Dyke actually is....

    3. But I am for expelling the campus arsonist fascists (arsonofascists) whoever they are where ever they may be found....

    4. Damn cops were under orders to let the bastards do all kinds of property damage while the cops did nothing.
      Should have smothered them in tear gas.
      ...and more.

  27. Do you have any idea what a Trans Dyke is, Sam ?

    Got any Down Under ?

    1. Should one be frightened of a Trans Dyke ?

      Should one take defensive measures ?

    2. Can they become mean, like a kangaroo ?

  28. Questions Cloud U.S. Raid on Qaeda Branch in Yemen

    One American soldier was killed and three others were wounded in the raid on the home of a senior Qaeda collaborator, and there are allegations that several civilians were killed.

    While President Trump said it was an overall success because of recovered intelligence, the planning of the raid, under President Barack Obama, and the approval by Mr. Trump have fallen under scrutiny.

    In this case, the assault force of several dozen commandos, which also included elite soldiers from the United Arab Emirates, was jinxed from the start. Qaeda fighters were somehow tipped off to the stealthy advance toward the village — perhaps by the whine of American drones that local tribal leaders said were flying lower and louder than usual.

    Through a communications intercept, the commandos knew that the mission had been somehow compromised, but pressed on toward their target roughly five miles from where they had been flown into the area. “They kind of knew they were screwed from the beginning,” one former SEAL Team 6 official said.

    With the crucial element of surprise lost, the Americans and Emiratis found themselves in a gun battle with Qaeda fighters who took up positions in other houses, a clinic, a school and a mosque, often using women and children as cover, American military officials said in interviews this week.

    The commandos were taken aback when some of the women grabbed weapons and started firing, multiplying the militant firepower beyond what they had expected. The Americans called in airstrikes from helicopter gunships and fighter aircraft that helped kill some 14 Qaeda fighters, but not before an MV-22 Osprey aircraft involved in the operation experienced a “hard landing,” injuring three more American personnel on board. The Osprey, which the Marine Corps said cost $75 million, was badly damaged and had to be destroyed by an airstrike.

  29. Good Grief ! This Milo is a human being, nice looking young man. He is being interviewed live over phone by Fox News. Says he is being guarded by ex-Navy Seals. Says they did good job in evacuating him from the danger area....

    This is all new to me.

    1. He's a fat shamer, though, can't have that.

    2. That's a deal breaker for me, that's for sure.

    3. Would he shame Quirk for his bloated brain ?

      I wouldn't put up with that, either.

      I'd stand tall and strong for Quirk and his rights to a bloated brain.

  30. Here are some real racists -


    Exposing La Raza's racial agenda is having an effect.

    February 2, 2017 Alex Mayfield 0

    Most Americans can see the blatant hypocrisy when left-wing ethno-centric groups, such as La Raza, attempt to smear President Trump and his 61 million supporters as racists, while they themselves claim to put "Latino people first" and are closely tied to anti-white racists (see my article for FPM on that issue here).

    Of course, these groups wouldn’t get away with their race-based policy agenda if our media and political elites applied scrutiny properly and equally. But independent and patriotic watchdogs like FPM may be having an effect. La Raza, for example, was recently forced to create a "myths-busting" page on their website, "settling" a number concerns raised about the group over the years. The gesture suggests the group is feeling pressure. Unfortunately for La Raza, its attempts are fairly feeble.

    Take the "myth" about their name. "Raza," the group claims, doesn’t actually mean "race." To say its name implies it is somehow ethno-centric is therefore baseless. As the group writes:

    Many people incorrectly translate our name, “La Raza,” as “the race.” While it is true that one meaning of “raza” in Spanish is indeed “race,” in Spanish, as in English and any other language, words can and do have multiple meanings. As noted in several online dictionaries, “La Raza” means “the people” or “the community.”

    This might work on English-only speakers who take the media’s acceptance of the group on faith. But for most, an obvious question is, why not just call the organization the "National Council for La Gente" or the "National Council for La Comunidad" the actual words for ‘people’ and ‘community’ in Spanish?

    Also, if "raza" didn’t have racial connotations, why did the organization attempt to rebrand itself, now simply referring to itself as "NCLR"? The decision is especially interesting considering the organization now risks being confused with another "NCLR": the National Center of Lesbian Rights.

    But even if "raza" did mean "race," the group writes, it’s actually more of a concept, and an inclusive one at that, not a genetic-based, taxonomic term like it is in English. As their website states:

    The term was coined by Mexican scholar José Vasconcelos to reflect the fact that the people of Latin America are a mixture of many of the world’s races, cultures, and religions. Mistranslating “La Raza” to mean “the race” implies that it is a term meant to exclude others. In fact, the full term coined by Vasconcelos, “La Raza Cósmica,” meaning the “cosmic people,” was developed to reflect not purity but the mixture inherent in the Hispanic people. This is an inclusive concept, meaning that Hispanics share with all other peoples of the world a common heritage and destiny. (emphasis mine).

    1. There are several problems here. While Vasconcelos may have come up with the term "La Raza Cosmica," the word "race" was created long before him—it actually goes back to the Latin radix or root. And assuming "raza" as used by Vasconcelos was a concept, it certainly wasn’t an inclusive or benign one. As Guillermo Lux and Maurilio Vigil note in their 1991 book, Aztlan: Essays on the Chicano Homeland:

      [T]he theory of la raza cosmica (the cosmic or super race) [was developed] at least partially as a minority reaction to the Nordic notions of racial superiority. Vasconelos developed a systematic theory which argued that climatic and geographic conditions and mixture of Spanish and Indian races created a superior race. The concept of La Raza connotes that the mestizo [of mixed race, usually the child of a person of Spanish descent and an American Indian] is a distinct race and not Caucasian, as is technically the case.

      Looking at how the term came to be used during the birth of the Chicano movement, when La Raza became established, it was anything but inclusive. In describing the tribalistic or ethnically collectivist nature of his Hispanic-only political party, La Raza Unida ("The United Race"), Jose Angel Gutierrez stated, “The aim of La Raza Unida party is to obtain political power for La Raza, all Spanish surnamed people in the United States.” Elsewhere, Gutierrez has stated, “It is important for us to use the word raza nowadays because we have to first identify ourselves. In order to be we have to know who we are and in order to know who we are… we tell ourselves who we are, give ourselves our own identity.”

      At the time the Chicano Movement got started, some Hispanic activists such as Cesar Chavez expressed discomfort with racial-centric groups like La Raza. As he stated at the time, “I hear about la raza more and more… [s]ome people don’t look at it as racism, but when you say ‘la raza,’ you are saying an anti-gringo thing, and our fear is that it won’t stop there.”

      Even according to the Huffington Post, an outlet La Raza’s current president, Janet Murguia, has used to denounce those who claim "raza" means "race," the term is indeed one expressing “ethnic consciousness.” And behind closed doors at least, Murguia appears to agree. At an award ceremony for former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales a few years back, Murguia stated, “We are going to put our [Latino] people first.”

      Putting themselves ahead of others is all the group does apparently. According to their site, La Raza works on health initiatives, home-buying counseling, and primary and secondary education programs all with a specific Hispanic-only bent. It’s youth employment and leadership programs, for instance, are badged in Spanish: the Escalera and Lideres initiatives. It also vigorously advocates for racial preferences and affirmative action (which benefits new Hispanic immigrants), bilingual education, mass immigration, and amnesty for illegal aliens, all under the motivation that it will aid their fellow co-ethnics.

      Without the mainstream media’s unwillingness to do its job in applying scrutiny fairly, La Raza would not be receiving the millions of dollars it does every year in corporate and taxpayer grants. Nor would the nation’s top political leaders, including Obama, Joe Biden, Sen. John McCain, and Eric Holder, speak at its annual conferences. Instead of attacking advocates for immigration-control, it should be La Raza itself that’s put on the backfoot. With the major media all but delegitimized, hopefully more and more Americans will see organizations like La Raza for what they truly are.

  31. Denver: Muslim carrying “Islamic writings” shoots and kills transit security officer, investigators baffled


    “I seek refuge in the one God from the evils of Satan, and I begin in the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful…Wake up people. America is a failed state. It’s about to get so real.”

    And it has, at least for Joshua Cummings. But “Tuesday night’s shooting baffled investigators.” Because, you know, it’s a religion of peace that rejects all forms of violence, and no Muslim entities anywhere have called for the deaths of Americans, right?

    And if he was kicked out of his mosque in Texas, did they report him to authorities? Why not?

    “Suspect in downtown shooting was kicked out of Texas mosque,” by Kevin Vaughan and Allison Sylte, KUSA, February 1, 2017 (thanks to V.):

    A man suspected of shooting and killing an armed RTD transit security officer late Tuesday night was a former serviceman who was kicked out of a mosque in Texas, 9Wants to Know has learned.

    The man, identified by Denver police as 37-year-old Joshua Cummings, had Islamic writings in his possession when he was arrested, according to sources with knowledge of the investigation.

    Cummings was being held without bail on suspicion of first-degree murder. He is scheduled to appear in court Thursday afternoon.

    In social media postings, Cummings identified himself as a jiu-jitsu instructor. He was active on Twitter in 2016.

    “I seek refuge in the one God from the evils of Satan, and I begin in the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the …” he wrote in June 25, 2016.

    “Wake up people. America is a failed state. It’s about to get so real. …” he posted on June 26, 2016.

    And in a July 2, 2016, tweet, he called for a “former cop” in Arizona to be “put to death for treason”

    Each of the posts had a link to a Facebook page that has been taken down, so it is not clear what the tweets referred to.

    Tuesday night’s shooting baffled investigators.

    The Denver medical examiner’s office identified the victim as Scott Von Lanken, 56, of Loveland.

    Von Lanken was a contract worker for RTD from Allied Universal. According to Denver police, he was 56 years old and had a family.

    According to an arrest warrant affidavit obtained by 9NEWS, two women approached Von Lanken just after 11 p.m. Tuesday to ask him whether they might be able to catch a light rail train. Just then, one of the women told police “she observed the suspect approach the victim from behind a place a gun near his neck.” The woman said “she heard the suspect say something to the effect of, ‘Do what you are told.’”

    A moment later, the gunman fired, then ran off as the mortally wounded security officer crumpled to the ground.

    Responding officers were searching the area when a security officer at a building at 1400 Wewatta St. told them there was surveillance video of the suspect leaving the area. After watching the video, the officers continued their search, locating the man about 11:50 p.m. on a patio of a complex at 1628 14th St….

    1. Germany: Major Islamic State jihad terror plot thwarted, police raid 54 mosques, homes and businesses


      “Officials said the main suspect arrested was a 26-year-old Tunisian man who has been wanted since August 2015 as a recruiter and people smuggler for Isis….They suspect the jihadi of involvement in the attack on the Bardo Museum in Tunisia in March 2015…German authorities said the man was freed from prison in September, and because Tunisia had not submitted the required extradition documents, he had to be released from temporary custody in November after the maximum period allowed under German law.”

      Those sentences constitute a suitable epitaph for Germany.

      Meanwhile, mosques were raided? You’d almost think jihad terrorism had something to do with Islam.

      “Mass terror raids thwart ‘planned Isis attack’ in Germany as more than 50 mosques and buildings searched,” by Lizzie Dearden, Independent, February 1, 2017:

      A new terror attack plot has been thwarted in Germany after mass police raids resulted in the arrest of a prolific Tunisian Isis recruiter.

      Police stormed 54 homes, mosques and businesses in the state of Hesse in the early hours of the morning in an operation targeting extremists planning “serious state-threatening violence”.

      “According to evidence gathered so far, attack plans were still in an early phase and had not selected a specific target,” said a spokesperson for the Hesse state criminal investigation office.

      Officials said the main suspect arrested was a 26-year-old Tunisian man who has been wanted since August 2015 as a recruiter and people smuggler for Isis.

      The unnamed suspect has allegedly established a network of supporters “with the aim, among other things, of committing a terrorist attack in Germany”.

      He was present in Germany from 2003 to 2013, then returned during the refugee crisis of 2015 posing as an asylum seeker.

      He was arrested shortly afterwards over a previous conviction for bodily harm in 2008, for which he needed to serve 43 days in prison, and Tunisian authorities had also requested his extradition.

      They suspect the jihadi of involvement in the attack on the Bardo Museum in Tunisia in March 2015, which left 20 tourists dead, and an assault by Isis insurgents on the border town of Ben Guerdane last year.

      German authorities said the man was freed from prison in September, and because Tunisia had not submitted the required extradition documents, he had to be released from temporary custody in November after the maximum period allowed under German law…

    2. Anti-Milos Riots, Fires at UC Berkeley, Rampaging Students Destroying Campus: EVENT CANCELED

      By Pamela Geller - on February 1, 2017

      My hats off to Milos. He still gets invited to college campuses. I certainly don’t and neither do most of my colleagues engaged in counter terrorism work. And look what happens when any of us are invited – the new left, totalitarian savages.

      President Trump must take action. We must get our colleges back from these radical haters. Any university that accepts federal funds must provide a balanced education. For every leftist professor, there must be a conservative professor. American university are out of control. They are hotbeds of hate, intolerance and incitement to violence. The kick off was the Student Revolution in 1964. This is the end result – Nazi youth.

      Rampaging Students Destroying Campus…


      By Michael Bodley and Nanette Asimov, San Francisco Chronicle, February 1, 2017

      The Breitbart News editor was set to deliver a speech inside a UC Berkeley campus building but hundreds of protesters began throwing fireworks and pulling down the metal barricades police set up to keep people from rushing into the building. Windows were smashed and fires were set outside the building as masked protesters stormed it, and at 6 p.m., one hour before his scheduled speech was to begin, police decided to evacuate Yiannopoulos for his own safety.

      The Berkeley Police Department said people threw bricks, smoking objects, and fireworks at police officers. University police locked down all buildings and ordered a shelter in place, and later fired rubber pellets into the crowd of protesters who defied orders to leave the area. Police called in support from other law enforcement agencies and warned protesters that they might use tear gas.

      “This is what tolerance looks like at UC Berkeley,” said Mike Wright, a Berkeley College Republican member said as smoke bombs went off around him. Someone threw red paint on him. “It’s sad.”

      Protesters argued that hate speech isn’t free speech, countering the university’s explanation — free speech — on why it had allowed the event to proceed even as students demanded that the university cancel it.

    3. If Milos is OK with Pam, he's OK with me.

    4. DNC boots candidate from chairmanship race for criticizing Islamic law’s discrimination against gays

      By Pamela Geller - on February 1, 2017


      The Democrats, the left, have subjugated themselves to the supremacism of Islam. The Jew-hating chants at the anti-Trump protests speaks volumes to the true motives of these savages.
      DNC – short for Dhimmi National Committee

      Dhimmitude is the status of religious minorities living under Islam.

      This is not surprising coming from the left. Democrat leaders in major American cities condemned our ads highlighting the Muslim oppression of gays. Sharia totalitarianism is consistent with left-wing totalitarianism.

      The world’s leading scholar on Islam Bat Ye’or explains:

      Dhimmitude: the Islamic system of governing populations conquered by jihad wars, encompassing all of the demographic, ethnic, and religious aspects of the political system. The word “dhimmitude” as a historical concept, was coined by Bat Ye’or in 1983 to describe the legal and social conditions of Jews and Christians subjected to Islamic rule. The word “dhimmitude” comes from dhimmi, an Arabic word meaning “protected”. Dhimmi was the name applied by the Arab-Muslim conquerors to indigenous non-Muslim populations who surrendered by a treaty (dhimma) to Muslim domination. Islamic conquests expanded over vast territories in Africa, Europe and Asia, for over a millennium (638-1683). The Muslim empire incorporated numerous varied peoples which had their own religion, culture, language and civilization. For centuries, these indigenous, pre-Islamic peoples constituted the great majority of the population of the Islamic lands. Although these populations differed, they were ruled by the same type of laws, based on the shari’a.

      This similarity, which includes also regional variations, has created a uniform civilization developed throughout the centuries by all non-Muslim indigenous people, who were vanquished by a jihad-war and governed by shari’a law. It is this civilization which is called dhimmitude. It is characterized by the different strategies developed by each dhimmi group to survive as non-Muslim entity in their Islamized countries. Dhimmitude is not exclusively concerned with Muslim history and civilization. Rather it investigates the history of those non-Muslim peoples conquered and colonized by jihad.

      Dhimmitude encompasses the relationship of Muslims and non-Muslims at the theological, social, political and economical levels. It also incorporates the relationship between the numerous ethno-religious dhimmi groups and the type of mentality that they have developed out of their particular historical condition which lasted for centuries, even in some Muslim countries, till today.

      Dhimmitude is an entire integrated system, based on Islamic theology. It cannot be judged from the circumstantial position of any one community, at a given time and in a given place. Dhimmitude must be appraised according to its laws and customs, irrespectively of circumstances and political contingencies.

    5. The Democrat Party has gone wildly astray.

      It's not the Democrat Party of my youth.

      It will be interesting to see who ends up Chair of the DNC.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Kick King Hussein and the Hashemite royal family out and make Jordan the 'Palestinian State'.

    February 2, 2017
    The Ultimate Alternate Israel-Palestine Solution
    By Ted Belman

    Presto !

    Problem solved !

    1. .

      Sure, why not?

      You kicked the Palestinians out of their home before. Might as well do it to the Jordanians.


    2. Sounds like possibly a decent plan to me. They'd be going home, in a way. 75% of the Jordanian population in Pali already, 25% Hash.

      Though it really might not be so fair to the King.

      You recall an event called Black September

      I know you don't so I shall help you out:

    3. I think you should welcome the Palestinians into your neighborhood outside of Detroit.

    4. .

      You recall an event called the Kafr Qasim massacre?

      I know you don't so I shall help you out:

      They are all dicks.


    5. If they are all dicks why not send the Palestinian dicks back to Jordan, just for the sake of peace ?

      The 'Two State' solution isn't working out.

      The Hash Dynasty seems to be living on borrowed time anyway.

    6. Don't get so all fired up.

      It's just a suggestion.

    7. .

      Good lord, Bob, do you really believe Israel wants either the current Jordanian regime to fall or a Jordanian state that it doesn't control set up on its border, to accept the change of a friendly state that helps manage the Palestinian refugee problem into an enemy state made up of Palestinian refugees?




    8. .

      And I know you won't get the cultural reference ensconced in the word THIMK but just accept it as an admonition.


  33. .

    Donald Trump: Smooth Operator

    No ‘G’day, mate’: On call with Australian prime minister

    It should have been one of the most congenial calls for the new commander in chief — a conversation with the leader of Australia, one of America’s staunchest allies, at the end of a triumphant week.
    Instead, President Trump blasted Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull over a refu­gee agreement and boasted about the magnitude of his electoral college win, according to senior U.S. officials briefed on the Saturday exchange.

    Then, 25 minutes into what was expected to be an hour-long call, Trump abruptly ended it.

    At one point, Trump informed Turnbull that he had spoken with four other world leaders that day — including Russian President Vladi­mir Putin — and that “this was the worst call by far...”

    That's our boy.


  34. .

    To Doug with love...

    For those with the temerity to argue ‘They are NOT all dicks’

    Right: Goodwin makes no points outside the courts, in QuirkWorld's balanced opinion from his reading list of 80 percent MSM and 20% HuffPo, Think Progress, and etc.

    Doug, I thought I would have made my point bringing up one major area where the GOP was being obstructionist in order to make the broader point that the two parties are simply two sides of the same coin. Now, you want me to go through Goodwin’s whole silly diatribe point be point. Really?

    In fact he notes MANY examples for which no Republican analogs can be found in the early days of the Obama Presidency.


    Perhaps, you have forgotten what the term ‘Party of No’ means. No Republican voted for Obamacare. No Republican voted for the initial stimulus program. They killed the second one. Very few Republicans voted for the auto bailout. And take a look at the GOP’s Pledge to America which was put out about a year after Obama took office, a plan for the 2010 election and a pledge the GOP would reverse all of Obama’s agenda. Then came 2010 and the election where the GOP took over the House which was followed by MCConnell’s pledge to reverse Obama’s complete agenda including the judge appointments I mentioned. They continued to push hard against GOP for the rest of Obama’s term including voting against Obamacare over 50 times. All the time, they argued they were only doing what the American people wanted, like when they refused to extend the debt limit and allowed the government to shut down or when they fought tooth and nail to preserve Bush’s tax cuts for the rich.

    Also, if you are really interested, see that section of the Robert Draper book Do Not Ask What Good We Do: Inside the U.S. House of Representatives where he describes a meeting held the evening of Obama’s first inauguration while the president was still partying down in which top GOP leaders and strategists met to discuss not only plans for winning back the White House in 2012 but also to develop a strategy for sabotaging Obama’s agenda from Day 1.



    1. {…}

      Not to mention the MSM's unprecedented irresponsibility and dishonesty.

      Good lord, this from one of the guys who started out defending Trump’s idiotic claim that there were 3 -5 million illegal votes cast in the last election with EVERY ONE OF THEM cast against him. And what did Trump base his opinion on? The rants of some crazy conspiracy nut. And don’t even start me on some of the ‘faux news’ put up her by our faux famer. And how many times do I have proofread and correct the articles you guys put up here?

      As for the MSM, you blame them for reporting on Trump’s performance during the first week in a critical way? Think of what we’ve seen.

      For the first three days, all Trump did was complain about reports of the crowd size attending his inaugural and about the left’s carping that he didn’t win the popular vote. If he wasn’t such a flaming narcissist, he would have been able to tell them to ‘go pound sand’, that whatever they say is irrelevant, that he was elected president and that he is too busy doing president stuff to bother with them.

      But what did he do? Went on a rant claiming that he had a huuuuge crowd, the biggest ever, a record crowd. Then he gave us the idiot claim that the only reason he didn’t win the popular vote was that 3 – 5 million illegal votes were cast in the election ALL of them for Clinton. And he just kept doubling down on this shit. What did you expect the media to do, ignore this meltdown?


    2. {…}

      Trump helped feed the fire with his 24/7 tweets.

      As for the Goodwin article you were so impressed with, I’ll skip the first part where he makes excuses for Trump’s incompetent rollout of the immigration ban and promises that he will do better in the future and move on to his other claims.

      Look for the use of tell words like “Muslim ban” to describe an executive order that is no such thing.

      More nonsense. One of Trump’s campaign promises was to issue a ‘Muslim Ban’. Once, he had the presidency, he told Giuliani he wanted a ‘Muslim Ban’ and to find a way to do it legally. To see that Giuliani accomplished that all you have to do is read the executive order. Given the countries Trump picked and the language of the order which lists the reasons refugees can claim that status including religious persecution but then restricting that claim solely to ‘religious minorities’ in the countries on the list. Not surprisingly, Islam is the only religion in those countries that does not fit that minority status.

      SOP in D.C. where if you want help out a particular constituency or company you simple draw the requirements for the giveaway in such a manner that there is only one entity that fits the definition. And it works in reverse if you are trying to punish someone.

      Consider, too, their rediscovered love for Republican Sen. John McCain

      Really? They are being blamed for printing McCain’s comments on Trump’s actions? Terrible. Terrible, I tells ya.

      Yet if the media is the opposition party, what is the Democratic Party? …

      Unfortunately, the Dems are following a dangerously different path. Starting with a wide boycott of the inauguration and including their boycott of committee votes on Trump’s cabinet and their pledge to filibuster any Supreme Court nominee, Democrats resemble a party fomenting a secession movement.

      A dangerously DIFFERENT path?

      :o) Stop it, you’re killing me.

      A ‘wide boycott’ of the inauguration?

      Heck, I must have missed all those empty seats among that huuuuge record setting, biggest in history, mass of humanity that was there. Who gives a damn if a few Dems didn’t show up? More shrimp for the rest of us at the receptions.

      Their boycotts of nominations?

      Gee, does anyone remember what the GOP did during Geitner’s hearing. Their threats to bring Rangel down on criminal charges. Or, take a look at my post above on McConnel’s vow to scuttle Obama’s federal judgeships. Or, the GOP’s failure to even hold hearings on his Supreme Court nominee.


    3. {…}

      Then there’s California, the epicenter of Dem strength. Radicals there, spurred on by pro-Mexico immigrants, are ginning up an effort to split from the United States and they might get a proposal on the ballot.

      Really? How long has California been called the land of the fruits and nuts. Calexit is a pipe dream by people with more money and time than things to do. California will never vote for it. And if they did they wouldn’t be allowed to do it. And even if by some miracle it did happen the losers would be California and the Dems. The only winner would be the GOP which even with its penchant for turning every victory into a loss would still find it hard to lose any national election for the forseeable future.

      But to see how Goodwin’s little screed is pure political propaganda, all you need to do is observe that in his discussion of Calexit he avoided all talk of Texexit, the opposite side of the very same coin.

      The acting attorney general was rightfully sacked the instant after she climbed a soapbox and refused to defend Trump’s executive order in court…

      Her choice was not a minor act of insubordination. It was a public challenge to the constitutional authority of the president, a power left to Congress and the judiciary.

      Not a lawyer, so I’ll simply give my opinion. The AG doesn’t take an oath to obey the president. She takes an oath to uphold the Constitution and laws of the US.

      "I (name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and
      defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies,
      foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to
      the same; that I take this obligation freely without any mental
      reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully
      discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So
      help me God."

      What Yates said was that she didn’t think Trump’s order was constitutional. She acted accordingly and took the consequences. Good on her.

      She did what she had to do and Trump did what he had to do. I don't fault either one of them.

      The rest of Godwin’s article was advice to Trump on how to be a successful president. Having watched Trump in action over the last week, I’m sure he will be gratefully accept Goodwin’s advice and give it all the consideration he thinks it deserves.

      For those who still argue they are not ALL dicks, in deference to Doug, I will no longer suggest ‘grow up’. As I noted above, at this late date, there is little chance of that happening anyway.



    4. Wow, you musta got some good shut eye last night.

      Came out of the gate this morning like a race horse.


    5. Quarter horse, snortin' and shittin' right out of the gate all the way full speed ahead....

  35. I liked Goodwin's article, which is why I posted it. I think it's spot on.

    1. Having stated that, I haven't read an article in a long time that I agreed with 100%. But I don't have time to dissect and look for grammar mistakes. Smiley face, smiley face.

    2. .

      I don't. I think it provides a one sided view that ignores any obvious facts that are readily available to rebut it.

      The crux of his arguments are 'Poor Donald. Poor GOP. The nasty Left is attacking them.'

      To which, I respond, look in the mirror.

      They are all dicks.


    3. .

      But I don't have time to dissect and look for grammar mistakes.

      I honestly am not trying to criticize, Mome, but I think that you actually have to read any article critically even if it supports your general point of view. Otherwise you simply indulge in confirmation bias.

      Not that it doesn't feel good to have someone confirm your opinions, but then you always have to argue someone is going to argue against the position.

      I would honestly give you a smiley face but I'm not sure how you would take it.

      Oh, what the hell.



    4. . always have to expect someone is going to argue...


    5. You certainly have your opinion, Mr. Quirk. We are reminded of it daily. Carry On, my boy! And, as always, you will have the last word.

    6. The first word, and the last word, the alpha and omega of the blog....Q

    7. .

      Come on, Mome.

      When you put up your article, I pretty much ignored it other than a post I put up that was not knocking the article as much as in pointing out the humor and irony surrounding the Calexit movement.

      It was until Doug put up a post challenging me on the article that I offered him one example to make my point that I disagree with the general thrust of the article.

      However, as noted above that simply wetted ol Doug's appetite for the fight which ended up in my extended criticism of the article.

      Then when you countered...

      Oh. Maybe you're right.



    8. humility is a good thing, I say to myself, as I look in the mirror.

  36. .

    From the NYT...

    Trump Vows to Allow Tax-Free Churches to Talk Politics

    President Trump vowed to “totally destroy” the Johnson Amendment, which prohibits churches from engaging in political activity at the risk of losing their tax-exempt status.

    It is a potentially huge victory for the religious right and a gesture to Mr. Trump’s political base.

    The left has for years tried to diminish or eliminate the religious rights of individuals granted under the Constitution. Now, Trump seems determined to move 180 degrees in the opposite direction.

    As one religious authority once said, "Render unto Ceasar the things that are Ceasar's and to God the things that are God's."

    A secular society that respects religious rights has served this republic well since it was formed.


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. No one abides by the Johnson Amendment anyway, in my limited experience.

      It would be fine with me if everyone would just shut up about politics one day a week though.

      Has the Amendment ever been applied to the moslems ?

      Give an example....

    3. We need some 180s, IMO. Lots of them. However, not to be confused with M80s.

  37. I like M80's.

    Blow a beer can to the top of a pine tree.
