Michigan vote recount halted after judge says Jill Stein has no legal standing
The Green party candidate finished fourth in Michigan and didn’t have a chance of winning even after a recount and therefore isn’t ‘aggrieved’, the court said

A federal judge who ordered Michigan to begin its recount effectively ended it on Wednesday, tying his decision to a state court ruling that found Green party candidate Jill Stein had no legal standing to request another look at ballots.
The ruling seals Donald Trump’s narrow electoral victory over Hillary Clinton in Michigan.
US district judge Mark Goldsmith agreed with Republicans who argued that the three-day recount must end a day after the state appeals court dealt a blow to the effort. Stein, who finished fourth in Michigan on 8 November, didn’t have a chance of winning even after a recount and therefore isn’t an “aggrieved” candidate, the appeals court said.
“Because there is no basis for this court to ignore the Michigan court’s ruling and make an independent judgment regarding what the Michigan legislature intended by the term ‘aggrieved’, plaintiffs have not shown an entitlement to a recount,” Goldsmith said of Stein and allies.
It was Goldsmith’s midnight ruling Monday that started the recount in Michigan. But his order dealt with timing – not whether a recount was appropriate. More than 20 counties so far are recounting ballots, and some are finished.
Earlier Wednesday, the Michigan elections board said the recount would end if Goldsmith extinguished his earlier order.
Stein got about 1% of the vote in three states where she’s pushed for recounts – Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Trump narrowly won all three.
Stein insists she’s more concerned about the accuracy of the election. She alleges, without evidence, that the elections may have been susceptible to hacking.
“They present speculative claims going to the vulnerability of the voting machinery – but not actual injury,” Goldsmith said.
A court hearing will be held Friday on a possible recount in Pennsylvania. Wisconsin’s recount, which started last week, has increased Trump’s margin of victory over Clinton thus far.
Clinton needed all three states to flip in order to take enough electoral votes to win the election. Trump has 306 electoral votes to Clinton’s 232; 270 are needed to win. Michigan has 16 electoral votes, Pennsylvania has 20 and Wisconsin has 10. Electors convene 19 December across the country to vote for president.
Breitbart Senior Editor, MILO appeared at Michigan State University tonight giving a speech about Islam titled “Reclaiming Constantinople,” where he discussed Islam’s warlike history with the west, and the multiple attempts of Muslim empires to conquer the European continent.
“Turns out those corpses in the street that voted for Hillary couldn’t be counted the 2nd time around.” said MILO.
DeleteOl MILO is one flaming a-hole.
I have wanted to reclaim Constantinople, too, ever since I read Buddy Larson's advocacy of the idea over at The Belmont Club.
DeleteHell, I'd even like to reclaim Hamtramck, Michigan, where the agitators are demanding the imposition of Sharia Law.
DeleteWhich shows what a Dreamer I am....
Jill will have no choice now but to take all the 'recount money' she raised from fools, and buy a place on an island in the lake, like Bernie.
ReplyDeleteThere's some real money in recounts, if one handles it right.
DeleteOnce again, Boondock Bob peddles the Fake News.
After you got run out of Hamtramck, Michigan by an enraged crowd, your 'campaign' demanded a 'recount', raised funds off the demand, and a vote hadn't even taken place.
DeleteWhen 10 or 12 of your 'supporters' realized they'd been had, they filed suit against you, after demanding their money back, which you had refused to do, so you are now under Court Order not to leave your home until the Court works through the matter.
You obviously and correctly anticipate a ruling against you, which is why you were begging funds from me in your last e-mail to 'Boondock Bob', you having already spent on booze and Maria what you had gathered in, as usual.
A sad cycle indeed....
I have asked advice from someone that studies the human mind, and have been told I must no longer 'reinforce' you, 'enable' you, whatever that means.
DeleteI have written for a clarification of the advice.
I am thinking it might mean, bluntly, 'turn off the money tap', and if so, I want you to be prepared to tighten your belt considerably.
To make another comeback, you might consider starting up a 'nonprofit' raising money for 'sanctuary universities'.
DeleteThe kids, these snowflakes, are idiots, and easy to plunder.
Think about this option.....
There have even been 'snowflake' protests at WSU and U of Idaho.
DeleteI am NOT making this up.
The insanity has even hit out here in wheat country.
ReplyDeleteRECLAIM Q's MIND !!
Delete"Q"Nit of the Day: Detroit, Michigan
DeleteDetroit Muslim intended to use explosives to kill, injure people in jihad attack
By Pamela Geller - on December 7, 2016
We’re constantly admonished that opposition to jihad terror is “racism.” This would-be mass murderer is a white convert. It’s not about race. It’s about Islam.
“Feds: Detroit terror suspect intended to use explosives to kill, injure people in attack”, WXYZ Detroit, December 2, 2016:
DETROIT (WXYZ) – A Detroit who was arrested after buying explosives from an undercover agent is facing multiple federal charges.
According to an indictment unsealed in federal court, Sebastian Gregerson, aka Abdurraahman Bin Mikaayl, 29, is charged with receipt of explosive materials with intent to harm, two counts of unregistered possession of a destructive device and unlicensed receipt of explosive materials.
According to the indictment, Gregerson received the explosives, which contained 26 ounces of Composition B, a combination of TNT and RDX, “with knowledge and intent that said explosive materials would be used to kill, injure, and intimidate a person.”
The complaint chronicles a counterterrorism investigation that began in April 2015 following a tip that Gregerson, who the FBI said also is known as Abdurrahman bin Mikaayl, had weapons. The FBI said he bought grenades on Sunday from the undercover agent in Monroe and was arrested.
The complaint said Gregerson earlier purchased “an arsenal of weapons, ammunition, tactical gear and tactical training materials.” It doesn’t say whether Gregerson was planning an attack or why he was purchasing explosives. The U.S. attorney’s office in Detroit hasn’t elaborated.
In June, the FBI said Gregerson bought road spikes online that can be used to slow or disable vehicles. Other purchases included tactical training items, including handguns and dummy rounds.
“The purchase of training versions of these weapons makes it unlikely that the weapons were purchased for recreational use, such as hunting,” the complaint states....
26 ounces of Composition B, a combination of TNT and RDX is not normally used for hunting out this way.
DeleteNor for defending one's home, or personal defense....
DeleteI'd wager that if a true house to house search were done in Hamtramck, Michigan lots of 'contraband' would leak out of the woodwork.
DeleteWhat is 'ableism' and why does it need to be fought ?
ReplyDeletePhoto published for Appeasement is violence
Appeasement is violence
Michael Moore: Let’s disrupt the inauguration
Having failed to prevent Donald Trump from becoming president at the ballot box, with a swing state recount and with an attempt to rally faithless electors, progressives are now planning to simply “disrupt” his inauguration. Michael Moore used Twitter to promote a protest, scheduled for January 20th and 21st in Washington D.C., to his more than 3 million followers. The group says it plans to “shut down the Inauguration ceremonies” and “paralyze the city itself.”
Michael Moore ✔ @MMFlint
Disrupt the Inauguration. The Majority have spoken - by nearly 2.7 million votes &counting! Silence is not an option http://www.disruptj20.org/
12:29 AM - 7 Dec 2016
Disruptj20 will converge on January 20th and 21st, 2017 to confront white supremacy, patriarchy, LGBTQ hate, (((((ableism)))))) and other forms of oppression that is exploited under a capitalist system that has...
What ever it is it's a new one to me.
I say let the recounts continue -
ReplyDeleteDecember 8, 2016
Wisconsin recount increasing Trump’s lead
By Arnold Cusmariu
FNC’s Andrew O’Reilly reports (my italics):
With the Wisconsin Election Commission working since last Thursday -- when Stein paid $3.5 million for the recount after alleging reports of fraud -- there has been little change so far to the unofficial results reported on Election Day. Trump won the state by 22,000 votes over Clinton.
In a twist, Trump is gaining.
By Wednesday morning, Trump had widened his victory margin over Clinton in Wisconsin by 146 votes, with 23 of the state's 72 counties having finished their recounts as of Tuesday. In those counties, Trump gained 105 votes and Clinton dropped 41 votes...
Whatever Stein’s reasons, it appears the recount has been more of a help than a hindrance to Trump, who saw the number of votes for him go up in several counties.
In Green Lake County, which sits about 100 miles northwest of Milwaukee, the unofficial results from election night had Trump winning with 6,213 votes to Clinton’s 2,701. The recount found that Trump actually received 6,216 votes while Clinton lost eight votes to finish with 2,693.
And in those counties where Clinton picked up votes on Trump, Wisconsin officials said the number was not enough to influence the results.
“The overall results will not change,” Magney said. “It’s two votes here, two votes there.”
We need a logical explanation why Trump gained 105 votes and Clinton lost 41. The numbers may not be significant considered only in the Wisconsin context but what if they represent a nationwide trend, perhaps proving that Clinton did not win the popular vote after all as claimed by the MSM and the left generally?
In any case, the IRS needs to do an audit of Jill Stein after this nonsense is over, if only to send a message. Where did she get so many millions of dollars? What percentage of the money was actually spent for recount purposes? What happened to leftover funds, if any?
Maybe President Obama will pre-emptively pardon Stein before he leaves office, along with Hillary Clinton, Bowe Bergdahl, and who knows how many drug dealers.
DeleteQuirk would call this article 'fake news'.
DeleteNo, Fake News is stating Stein can use any extra money she collected for personal use. That would be a criminal offense. Laws against it were passed decades ago. Your statement against Sanders is even more egregious as the vacation home he bought was more a swap. They used money they got from selling his wife's home which she had inherited from her parents.
You've been told this before yet you continue to try to spread the Fake News.
Hard to tell whether this is intentional on your part or you just don't know what you are saying. The latter has to be considered since you were one of the two scissorbills here arguing that Ben Carson was qualified to run HUD.
I can only assume you would argue this under the false assumption that being a brain surgeon makes you a brain (rather than a talented and educated technician). If you can believe Carson's friend and spokesman, Armstrong Williams, a month ago Carson didn't consider himself qualified for any cabinet job because of lack of experience running any large bureaucracy. If true, it was a refreshing moment of humility and self-awareness.
Other than his personal business, the largest organization Carson has run was the neurosurgery department of a major hospital where his main responsibilities were to approve the expense reports of other surgeons and to make it to the departmental Christmas party. And remember, it is also Carson who believes the Egyptian pyramids were giant grain silos built by the biblical Joseph, that gayness must be a choice, because prisoners who are raped come out gay, that the theory of evolution was encouraged by the devil, and that the US tax code should be patterned after the Bible.
As for a Fake News tie in, it was also Carson who said that after meeting Gen. Westmorland he was offered a full ride scholarship to West Point, not only a fib but also proof Carson knew nothing about West Point or its enrollment policies.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete"Dirty" Harry Reid is giving his Farewell Address on the Senate floor....
ReplyDeleteEverything is turning up roses !
ReplyDeletePatent Office
Will Trump play the new sheriff in town when it comes to government featherbedding.
The patent office has struggled in recent years with reports that some of its employees are chronically gaming the system, a practice made easier by the large number who work from home with little oversight by managers.
The agency’s watchdog has found plenty of fodder. In 2014, the inspector general for the Commerce Department, the patent office’s parent, reported that paralegals at the small office that handles patent appeals were told by their supervisors to fudge their time cards because they had so little work to do.
Last year, investigators found that a single patent examiner racked up more than 18 weeks of pay for work he did not do while his teleworking manager never noticed...
I've said before that every agency in the Obama administration even the ones most people never knew existed has at one time or another been charged with either incompetence, waste, fraud, or corruption, yet, none has suffered any repercussions or accountability. I forgot about the Patent Office.
It appears there is still no reason to change my opinion.
So, the Patent Office turned down your latest application again.
DeleteAnd I told you all you needed do was grease the skids a bit.
DeleteI tried but when I got there there was no one around.
I told you to call, say "I've got the cash, and we need a meet".
DeleteTry again, that way.
DeleteTried but I haven't any real experience with Paypal or Bitcoins.
ReplyDeleteRussian Spying
Obama is being pressured by Democratic leaders in Congress (as well as GOP hawks) to release details of Russia's meddling in the US elections, a charge both Donald Trump and the Quirkster have mocked.
Now, that same meme seems to be going worldwide. Germany has stated they are concerned about Russian interference in next year's election. A real fear or a campaign tactic given Merkel's tentative hold on the government there?
The UK has also indicated they fear Russian cyberattacks. One has to think this charge also has a political basis. Intelligence agencies rarely go public with preemptive scare stories. This kind of reminds of the politically motivated color-coded terrorist alerts during the Bush years.
The public charges are especially interesting since recent history (as noted in Wikileaks) would indicate that Germany has more to fear from the US than from Russia. And the UK is part of the Five Eyes intelligence alliance and has been accused of spying on their own citizens with aid of the other members of the alliance.
Me thinks the Ruskies are being given way too much credit in such things.......
ReplyDeleteI'm terrified of the Rooskies meddling in our next Moscow City Council elections.
ReplyDeleteThe Mayor has talked of hiring someone called The Quirkster to oversee the elections.
DeleteCity Staff - if you can trust them - have been tasked with looking into this proposal.
An objection has been raised based on the rumor going around that 'The Quirkster' is an undercover Rooossian agent.
DeleteA motion and vote by the Council on paying for a criminal background check on 'The Quirkster' passed 6 to 0.
DeleteThat is where the issue rests at this point.
Tip o' the Day for Bar Mates:
ReplyDeleteTake a deep breath: Inhaling through nose boosts memory....DRUDGE
Iran jails online models for up to 6 years
Meanwhile the gays and adulterers get hanged from cranes.
Or stoned to death.
DeleteIran opens military theme park; Teach kids to hate West....Drudge
DeleteIdaho Bob had to shoot the Elk to save it.
"What ?
DeleteI can't hear a damn thing !"
Scissorbill !
DeleteHottentot Hater!
With an ass like that who needs a stool ?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteIdaho Elevator Report: Carl's Jr named Secretary of Labor
ReplyDeleteMinimum wage, only undocumented aliens need apply, and if you don't like it I'll go to robots.
DeleteMaybe HUD stands for Halfbrain Under Development:
ReplyDelete"Some of Carson's most difficult cases involved patients who suffered from chronic seizures (uncontrollable attacks that come from abnormal electrical discharges in the brain). In some cases, patients were having more than one hundred seizures a day. Carson revived a surgical procedure that had been abandoned because it was considered too dangerous. Called a hemispherectomy, the surgery involves removing half of a patient's brain. Carson performed his first successful hemispherectomy in 1985, and since then the operation has helped many patients lead healthy, normal lives."
I'd rather die than live with you.
ReplyDelete...and she did.
Even Carson, ever the optimist, was not sure what the results would be. He tried to talk the two women out of the surgery, but after many discussions with them, he agreed to move forward. Ladan and Laleh had law degrees, were extremely bright and, according to Carson, they knew exactly what was in store for them. As Carson recounted to Andrew Pina, more than anything the women wanted to live independent lives: "They said, 'We would rather die than spend another day together.'"
Carson and a team of more than one hundred surgeons, specialists, and assistants conducted the fifty-two-hour operation on July 8, 2003, in Singapore (Southeast Asia). They used a 3-D imaging technique that Carson had developed for the Banda operation. The computerized images allowed the team to practice "virtually" before the operation and allowed them to follow a computerized reconstruction of the twins' brains during surgery. Midway through the operation, however, complications set in, and Ladan and Laleh both died because of severe blood loss.
Pic of 'Dirty' Harry Reid pinching Hillary's left tit up on Drudge now.
ReplyDeleteShe seems to be liking it....
A major 7.7-magnitude quake struck Friday off the Solomon Islands triggering severe shaking and a tsunami warning, but there were no reports of any serious damage, officials said.
The powerful tremor reportedly caused widespread blackouts and knocked out phone systems in the Solomon Islands. Some locals reported the tsunami warning system was also knocked out in the capital, Honiara.
The Solomon Islands quake comes after a shallow 6.5-magnitude earthquake struck western Indonesia before dawn on Wednesday, killing at least 102 people and injuring more than 750.
On April 9, 1959, NASA introduced its first astronaut class: the Mercury 7.
Alan B. Shepard, Jr. (1923-1998): Alan Shepard was the first American in space. He also walked on the moon.
On May 5, 1961, Shepard launched into space aboard the Freedom 7 capsule atop a Redstone rocket from Cape Canaveral. The flight lasted 15 1/2 minutes and did not orbit Earth;
Virgil I. "Gus" Grissom (1926-1967): Virgil "Gus" Grissom became the second American in space when he piloted the Liberty Bell 7 spacecraft on the second and final suborbital Mercury test flight on July 21, 1961. His flight lasted 15 minutes and 37 seconds and flew 118 miles high.
On March 23, 1965, he was command pilot of the first manned Gemini flight on a three-orbit mission.
John H. Glenn Jr. (1921-2016): John Glenn became the first American to orbit the Earth on Feb. 20, 1962, aboard Friendship 7 launched from Cape Canaveral. He completed three orbits around the Earth on a 4-hour, 55-minute and 23-second flight.
Glenn returned home a hero, having given Americans hope that they could catch up — and surpass — the Soviet Union.
7 Astronauts
Russia says the Syrian army has suspended combat operations in the city of Aleppo to allow civilians to evacuate from the besieged rebel-held neighbourhoods, but residents and fighters say there was no let-up in the bombing and shelling campaign.
The Syrian Government has dismissed a proposal for a ceasefire put forward by the rebels Wednesday.
In comments published Thursday in the state-owned al-Watan newspaper, Mr Assad in said he would no longer consider truce offers, adding that such proposals, particularly by the Americans, often come when the rebels are in a "difficult spot".
"In 1989, Glenn was punched in the jaw while recording a television interview at the Smithsonian Institution, UPI reported.
ReplyDeleteThe man who slugged Glenn, 31-year-old Michael John Breen, was arrested after being subdued by the senator, UPI reported. Breen said he punched Glenn because he wanted to bring attention to dreams he had about future events, which included a massive earthquake."
Breen later attempted to start his life anew under the assumed name "Quirk"
This comment has been removed by the author.
Delete"Quirk" was last spotted in a barber shoppe in Detroit, and is rumored to be writing a book about Breen.
Delete"QuirkBreen" has been diagnosed as being troubled by odd intermittent information flows in his brain.
Opinions differ as to whether or not he continues as a threat to himself or others.
A while back I was raked over the coals by some here for not accepting a story being pushed by the Israeli IDF alleging that Hamas was cooperating with ISIS in the Sinai. I was called every name in the book. It set me back a couple weeks in analysis. Quite traumatic.
Well, here's a story for all those credulous enough to accept without question any of the bull emanating out of the military, any military.
IDF map of Hezbollah positions revealed as fabrication
Army forced to admit graphic touted as ‘declassified,’ shown to foreign diplomats as real intelligence, was an ‘illustration’
A map of southern Lebanon released this week by the Israeli military that ostensibly showed Hezbollah positions, infrastructure and armaments along a section of the Israeli border was a fabrication, the army admitted Thursday.
The map, tweeted by the army Tuesday, appeared to feature over 200 towns and villages, which the IDF said the organization had turned into its operations bases, along with over 10,000 potential targets for Israeli strikes in the event of a new war with the terror group.
“This is a war crime,” the army asserted in its tweet.
A caption on the photo claimed that it had been “declassified,” in what was construed as an IDF attempt to build a case for future military action, and a warning to the terror group itself, demonstrating Israel’s superior intelligence-gathering capabilities.
But on Thursday, based on an analysis by Twitter user JudgeDan48, it emerged that the map had in fact been prepared by the IDF spokesperson’s desk. The ostensible demarcations of Hezbollah positions were in fact patterns of dots, positioned on the map of southern Lebanon.
An IDF spokesperson admitted the graphic was an “illustration” that had been misrepresented as a piece of declassified intelligence.
“The illustration reflects how Hezbollah has positioned its terrorist infrastructure within the civilian arena,” the spokesperson told The Times of Israel.
According to a Channel 2 report Tuesday, the illustrative map has been shown to practically every foreign diplomat visiting Israel, to demonstrate that while Hezbollah may be heavily embroiled in the Syrian civil war, it continues to arm for conflict with Israel, while embedding itself ever deeper in the civilian population near the border.
Hezbollah has accused Israel of attacking its installations with airstrikes twice in the last two weeks. While Israel hasn’t confirmed its involvement, Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman said Thursday that the military has been working to keep chemical weapons out of Hezbollah’s hands.
Bullshit and bubblegum, folks.
Bullshit and bubblegum.
You've been trying to sell bullshit and bubblegum for a long while now, Quirk.
DeleteSince no one ever buys, why not think about trying to sell some other product ?
DeleteAccording to a Channel 2 report Tuesday, the illustrative map has been shown to practically every foreign diplomat visiting Israel, to demonstrate that while Hezbollah may be heavily embroiled in the Syrian civil war, it continues to arm for conflict with Israel, while embedding itself ever deeper in the civilian population near the border.
Shown to every diplomat visiting Israel. For the past couple days, the map has been reprinted in all the Israeli newspapers. So was it one of these quack intelligence agencies we keep hearing about from every country around the globe including those 17 US organizations we have heard so much about lately that blew the whistle on this scam false flag.
Hell, no. It was Twitter user JudgeDan48.
But on Thursday, based on an analysis by Twitter user JudgeDan48, it emerged that the map had in fact been prepared by the IDF spokesperson’s desk.
You can't make this stuff up.
You have to ask yourself who are the amateurs here. It doesn't appear to be JudgeDan48.
Bullshit and bubblegum?
It's not me selling it, Bobbo. That would be illegal.
You guys have the patent on both.
Obviously, the integrity of your data has been degraded, perhaps by some sort of cyber attack.
DeleteAs they well say:
Delete"Bubblegum in, bullshit out"
ReplyDeleteAn Iranian proxy war is brewing.
December 9, 2016 Caroline Glick
DeleteHezbollah has changed in four basic ways since the last war.
First, Hezbollah is no longer coy about the fact that it is an Iranian, rather than Lebanese, organization.
Since Iran’s Revolutionary Guards founded Hezbollah in Lebanon in 1983, the Iranians and Hezbollah terrorists alike have insisted that Hezbollah is an independent organization that simply enjoys warm relations with Iran.
But today, with Hezbollah forming the backbone of Iran’s operations in Syria, and increasingly prominent in Afghanistan and Iraq, neither side cares if the true nature of their relationship is recognized.
For instance, recently Hezbollah commander Hassan Nasrallah bragged, “We’re open about the fact that Hezbollah’s budget, its income, its expenses, everything it eats and drinks, its weapons and rockets are from the Islamic Republic of Iran.”
What our enemies’ new openness tells us is that Israel must cease discussing Hezbollah and Iran as separate entities. Israel’s next war in Lebanon will not be with Hezbollah, or even with Lebanon. It will be with Iran.
This is not a semantic distinction. It is a strategic one. Making it will have a positive impact on how both Israel and the rest of the world understand the regional strategic reality facing Israel, the US and the rest of the nations of the Middle East.
The second way that Hezbollah is different today is that it is no longer a guerrilla force. It is a regular army with a guerrilla arm and a regional presence. Its arsenal is as deep as Iran’s arsenal.
And at present at least, it operates under the protection of the Russian Air Force and air defense systems.
Hezbollah has deployed at least a thousand fighters to Iraq where they are fighting alongside Iranian forces and Shi’ite militia, which Hezbollah trains. Recent photographs of a Hezbollah column around Mosul showed that in addition to its advanced missiles, Hezbollah also fields an armored corps. Its armored platforms include M1A1 Abrams tanks and M-113 armored personnel carriers.
The footage from Iraq, along with footage from the military parade Hezbollah held last month in Syria, where its forces also showed off their M-113s, makes clear that Hezbollah’s US platform- based maneuver force is not an aberration.
The significance of Hezbollah’s vastly expanded capabilities is clear. Nasrallah’s claims in recent years that in the next war his forces will stage a ground invasion of the Galilee and seek to seize Israeli border towns was not idle talk. Even worse, the open collaboration between Russia and Iran-Hezbollah in Syria, and their recent victories in Aleppo, mean that there is no reason for Israel to assume that Hezbollah will only attack from Lebanon. There is a growing likelihood that Hezbollah will make its move from Syrian territory.
The third major change from 2006 is that like Iran, Hezbollah today is much richer than it was before Obama concluded the nuclear deal with the ayatollahs last year. The deal, which canceled economic and trade sanctions on Iran, has given the mullahs a massive infusion of cash.
Shortly after the sanctions were canceled, the Iranians announced that they were increasing their military budget by 90%. Since Hezbollah officially received $200 million per year before sanctions were canceled, the budget increase means that Hezbollah is now receiving some $400m. per year from Iran.
The final insight that Israel needs to base its strategic planning on is that a month and a half ago, Hezbollah-Iran swallowed Lebanon.
In late October, after a two-and-a-half-year fight, Saad Hariri and his Future Movement caved to Iran and Hezbollah and agreed to support their puppet Michel Aoun in his bid for the Lebanese presidency.
WE have enough problems without getting involved in Israel's bullshit. Let the Israelis do their own projects and sort out their own mess.
ReplyDeleteHillary Clinton, Obama and their Saudi and neocon masters are responsible for Isis.
ReplyDeleteObama is saying ISIS 'wasn't on my radar'.
DeleteDespite the fact all the Generals were screaming at him about ISIS.
December 9, 2016
DeleteObama: ISIL Not on My Radar
By J. Marsolo
Obama is trying to clean up his legacy. But he admitted to CNN on December 7, 2016 that he did not pay attention to the ISIS threat.
Obama said:
“The ability of ISIL to not just mass inside of Syria, but then to initiate major land offensives that took Mosul, for example, that was not on my intelligence radar screen.”
Obama admitted what was obvious to anyone paying attention to Obama’s handling of the war in Iraq and Syria. Obama simply did not seem interested in fighting Islamist terrorists. He wanted to withdraw from Iraq and did so without negotiating a status of force agreement. By failing to leave an adequate force to protect the hard-fought victory to stabilize Iraq after the surge, Obama allowed ISIS to form and grow.
Obama dismissed the ISIS threat as a “JV team” after it captured Fallujah:
“I think the analogy we use around here sometimes, and I think is accurate, is if a JV team puts on Lakers uniforms, that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant. I think there is a distinction between the capacity and reach of a bin Laden and a network that is actively planning major terrorist plots against the homeland versus jihadists who are engaged in various local power struggles and disputes, often sectarian.”
Catherine Herridge reported on September 2, 2014 that “Obama was given detailed and specific intelligence about the rise of the Islamic State as part of his daily briefing for at least a year before the group seized large swaths of territory over the summer.”....
Delete'Best military campaign of my lifetime'
Hillary Clinton has now turned to blaming her defeat on 'fake news'.
After lying her ass off for an entire lifetime, she now is blaming 'fake news'.
Deleteho ho ho
Which reminds me, are you working as Santa again this year, Quirk ?
If you are, make certain you don't 'fat shame' any of the kids.
Any fat joking should be aimed only at Santa yourself.
One kid was traumatized by Santa's suggestion he not eat so many fries and drink so many cokes.
He had to resign.