Sunday, October 23, 2016

The Rigged Fixed US Election Process: Brent Budowsky Outed on Wikileaks

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Published: Oct 22, 2016
Author: Brent Budowski
Post Date: 2016-10-22 17:54:51 by nolu chan
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Warning to Hillary Clinton
Date: 2015-03-21 10:48 
Subject: Warning to Hillary Clinton 

It was not uplifting to learn in recent hours that problems with foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation continue, Hillary Clinton was still making paid speeches for hire this week, and Tony Rodham is hustling gold mining deals in Haiti. 

From the minute the email story broke I have been out there publicly and unequivocally supporting Hillary Clinton in multiple ways in multiple media unlike many Democrats and unlike most in the media. 

My mama taught me long ago that when I am seriously angry I should count to ten and choose my words carefully. In that spirit here is my toned down advice which I seriously doubt the Clintons are hearing from those close to them, and if they are hearing it, they are not understanding it. 

If there is one thing that could well bring down a Hillary Clinton candidacy it is this cycle of money issues about which I am now feeling red alertsloud bellswarning signals, and red flags and I am now seriously pissed off that there is a real chance that her candidacy and the Democratic Party could be destroyed by these self-created dangers that continue to proliferate the closer she gets to presumably announcing her candidacy.

If she is not hearing this from others, please feel free to forward this to her, I will play the bad guy here because I do not want her money and because she needs to hear this from her friends and she will sure as hell be attacked for this by her enemies, and it will be megaphoned throughout the media, and foreign donations and paid speeches and hustling gold mining deals by her brother are entirely legitimate issues that are self-created, and must self-corrected before it is too late....and I do not believe the Clintons fully understand the magnitude and immediacy of the danger in the current political and media climate.....Brent 

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  1. Hi Brent
    HRC doesn't care. She has too many useful idiots and low information robots who live off government handouts living in the barracoons who blindly pull the D lever.

  2. .

    You can whine about the MSM all you want...

    I've said all along the Trumpettes, just like Trump, would whine about 'We was robbed!" You confirm it for me, Dougo. I just didn't expect it to start a month before he actually lost.

    It wasn't the MSM that pissed off most of the country at one time or another during this campaign, including Latinos, other immigrants, an entire religion, the handicapped, women (half the country), his own party (objectively justified but hardly politic in a presidential race which by its nature is political), it wasn't the MSM that was constantly changing its position on almost every issue, it wasn't the MSM that justified sticking it to the little guy by calling it good business practice, it wasn't the MSM that laid out an economic plan that would continue driving the US further into debt while at the same time offering tax breaks to the rich which would further exacerbate the growing gulf between rich and poor, it wasn't the MSM that made broad promises but offered no specifics, well, with the exception of a wall, it wasn't the MSM who allowed Clinton to bait him into making a fool of himself during the debates, and it was the MSM that allowed her to pivot away from any mention of the e-mails and the Wikileaks issues and instead bluster about the stage like a 5 year old bully responding to her petty personal jabs, it wasn't the MSM that created Trump disapproval ratings from day one that were even higher than Clinton's, and it certainly isn't the MSM that is in the process of losing to Hillary Clinton, a person no one but her daughter, Huma, and a few libs actually like, a women who has had new scandals popping up every other day throughout this race, a women who anyone down to a three-legged dog with a shitty attitude and no house training could have easily defeated. No, it was Trump, a blustering bully with an attitude problem, a mental midget with emotional and psychological problems, an inexperienced dolt who tried to bluster his way though every debate and press conference, a man so unaware that he charged a smiling Hillary with being tired at the same time he was sniffling and wheezing about the stage like an old man dying of consumption.

    The MSM as you define it might have taken glee in reporting on Trump's warts, but it wasn't them who did any of these things, it was Trump. They might have emphasized his warts for ideological reasons, but they didn't invent the warts. Trump flaunted his warts, was proud of them, basked in the glory of them.

    You can whine until Trump loses; you can whine after, you can whine like the pathetic libs who even a decade and a half later are still whining 'We was robbed' and that 'Gore actually won in 2000', and in doing so you'll sound just like the pathetic deadenders they are.

    Any objective viewer will tell you Trump lost this race because he is a terrible candidate, the wooorrst. Only those who are wound a little too tight will whine that he lost because of a conspiracy by the 'MSM'; not when that conspiracy now includes nearly every media outlet in the country including conservative ones and those who have never endorsed a candidate before but are doing it now.

    It's one thing to be a loser. It's another to be a pathetic loser.


    1. .

      ...and it wasn't the MSM that allowed her to pivot...


    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. The election isn't over, by the way.

    4. IBD, universally recognized as the gold standard of American polling, has Trump up 2.


    6. The MSM dislikes warts so much they stayed away from The Wart's warts.

  3. October 23, 2016
    Nature’s own Republicans and Democrats
    By Michael Geer

    The last two largest living organisms in the world offer startling metaphors for the two parties.
    The Pando is dying after centuries of growth. It is no longer producing new trees. Meanwhile the Honey Mushroom is killing everything in sight by consuming it.

    The Pando is 106 acres of mountain forest around Fish Lake, Utah. It was, for years, thought to be the world’s largest living organism. It is an Aspen grove. A single Aspen grove. Aspen look like trees but every grove shares a single root system, making it quite like a colony.  This colony, with a single root, survives by sprouting new trees when older trees die off.

    The giant honey mushroom in Oregon is now recognized as the largest single living organism in the word. It is a fungus. Its footprint covers nearly 3 square miles. The visible part is a white fungus that spreads up under the tree’s bark and rots its roots. It is parasitic. Its black advance agent “shoestrings” form as they move slightly underground and out of sight, working their way into trees and scrub and shrub, choking the life out of everything they touch, then consume. Where the black tendrils go, nothing grows except for the humungus fungus.

    Republicans have long lived off a single root called the Constitution. Individual trees we may be, but we assuredly hold our common root system sacred. Conservative, Constitution loving Americans have had no political party to call their own except the Republicans and for the better part of a century it was a given. But now new trees are not replacing the dead and dying trees of the past because the Party has lost its way in the natural landscape of America. The grove cannot sustain itself. The GOP grew and grew but reached its limits of sustaining growth. Its sin was Establishment. A hierarchy of gilded, untouchable ascendency without regard for new growth. And so it dies, just like the Pando. Researchers into the dilemma say “ ... if nothing is done, Pando may shrink to become an ordinary, unspectacular remnant of its former glory.

    "We really need to hold on to this international treasure," Rogers said. "But it's slipping away very quickly.”

    I give you the Republican Party.

    In Oregon, we have the fungus that eats everything in its path; a more complete metaphor for the socialist quest of the Democrats may never be found. Silently sending out tendrils “underground” (since their mission cannot withstand the light of day), the honey mushroom works under the bark and skin and begins devouring its host in order that it should live. Growing, growing off the energy and labor of other residents of the forest, it leaves rot and and decay in its wake. A blighted landscape wherever is migrates. It is, quite possibly, the most silent and deadly thing in the forest.

    I give you the Democratic Party.


  4. Announcing a joyous addition to my extended family: one Howard, a big fat yellow tabby cat, saved from confinement at the Animal Shelter by my son in Kentucky.

    Like a good Democrat, like Hillary, Howard, like all cats, just doesn't give a shit, and often walks away with his tail in the air, his ahole aiming directly at your eyes, when you've said 'here kitty kitty, here Howard', if there's nothing in it for him.

    Additionally, the reports are, when my son is trying to get some honest well earned sleep, from working and paying his taxes, Howard often insists on trying to bite his ears and be a pest, like the Democats, and Hillary.

    I suggested my son get a head set.

    1. But then Howard the Democat would soon be at his nose....

  5. Real gunfire coming soon -

    In escalation of crisis, Venezuela congress to put Maduro on trial....DRUDGE

    'Never put an illiterate unemployed bus drive in charge of your country'

  6. "I'm not going to add ONE PENNY to the debt..."

    ...and the MSM does not address that, much less label it as more absurd on it's face than any claim trump has made.

    But the MSM has no influence whatsoever when they bury that along with Wikileaks, according to some MSM Zombies who imagine Fox and National Review (Never Trumpers) are any match for ABC, NBC, CBS, WaPo, Ny Times...

    Truly pathetic, not to mention ignorant and stupid.

    1. .

      Gee, does anyone else hear that persistent whine?

    2. Quirk joins Obama, Hillary, and the MSM in demonstrating that he can utter the word "whine."


  7. "Any objective viewer will tell you..."

    They, like you, tell me they are viewers.

    You claim you are objective.

    I claim you are absurd, as well as being a lifelong MSM Zombie programmed by thousands of times more brainwashing hours than I have exposed myself to.

    1. .

      That's ok, Doug. I don't think anyone really wants to hear who you have exposed yourself to.


    2. I'll let the multitudes here grade that on a one to ten scale!

    3. :)

      Who the hell are you, Doug Weiner ?


  8. Check out the average age of Hillary's "audience:" (organized stooges)

    Should be a child labor law violation.

    1. .

      Right, old fats unite. As if our generation has done so well.


  9. In QuirkWorld, if the MSM had repeated Hillary's "episodes," laughing fits, Wikileaks, etc as many times as they've repeated Trump's tape, she'd still be doing just fine.

    1. .

      You just don't get it. I'm not saying Hillary is any better than Trump, that people like her any more. What I'm saying is that politically she is so much better than him. In the end, somewhere along the road she has learned the 'law of holes'.

      When she screws up, she tries not to dig the hole deeper. When Trump screws up and finds himself in a hole, he starts looking for a steam shovel. The man is felony stupid.


    2. You just don't get it.

      I'm saying if Hillary got the treatment Trump is getting, and Trump got the treatment Hillary gets from the MSM, Trump would have a substantial lead.

      You are free to remain in denial, sadly.

    3. You merely go on with your complaints about Trump (mostly valid) and IGNORE that simple observation.

    4. The woman is felony felonious, but far be it from the MSM to fully inform the public of that FACT.

  10. "If there is one thing that could well bring down a Hillary Clinton candidacy it is this cycle of money issues about which I am now feeling red alerts, loud bells, warning signals, and red flags and I am now seriously pissed off that there is a real chance that her candidacy and the Democratic Party could be destroyed by these self-created dangers that continue to proliferate the closer she gets to presumably announcing her candidacy.

    If she is not hearing this from others, please feel free to forward this to her, I will play the bad guy here because I do not want her money and because she needs to hear this from her friends and she will sure as hell be attacked for this by her enemies, and it will be megaphoned throughout the media, and foreign donations and paid speeches and hustling gold mining deals by her brother are entirely legitimate issues that are self-created, and must self-corrected before it is too late....and I do not believe the Clintons fully understand the magnitude and immediacy of the danger in the current political and media climate.....Brent "


    Don't worry Brent:

    The MSM will bury it and focus all their attention on Trump.

    The Zombies will watch and respond like Quirk.

    Trust me.

    1. .

      There's that whine again.

      Hillary won't address the money issues for the next couple weeks. We will be lucky to see her anywhere near a newsman. If asked about them she will deflect the question and change the subject.

      So it's up to Trump. Will he zero in on any of these issues? Unlikely.

      Trump will spend the next couple weeks whining about a fixed election. How it's rigged. How the establishment is against him. How women who complain about him are only looking for their '10 minutes of fame'. The damn guy is so cheap he is unwilling to give them that extra 5 minutes. And of course, he will blame the MSM.

      Like a whiny little kid he will blame it on everyone but himself. 'Poor little baby.'



    2. I'm saying if Hillary got the treatment Trump is getting, and Trump got the treatment Hillary gets from the MSM, Trump would have a substantial lead.

      You are free to remain in denial, sadly.

      You merely go on with your complaints about Trump (mostly valid) and IGNORE that simple observation.


      You can endlessly repeat your Obama/Hillary/MSM/Quirk putdown, I'll start pasting this in response.

    3. Hot Air on a Whine String.

    4. .

      And I'll simply start repeating this...

      Boo Hoo.



  11. The Judges and the Audience too have given Round #104 to:


    Current Tally On The D/Q Debates:

    DOUG - 104

    QUIRK - 0
