Saturday, October 22, 2016

I’m with Minister Farrakhan


  1. A nasty woman, indeed !

    Ash's Heroine

    1. JOIN THE ILLUMINATI CALL+ 2348146888015 OR JOIN THE ILLUMINATI FROM NIGERIA, USA, OR ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD TODAY BE RICH, FAME, AND POSSES us on OR call us on +2348146888015 for immediate initiation New members registration is now open online now !!!!! BENEFITS GIVEN TO NEW MEMBERS WHO JOIN ILLUMINATI. A Cash Reward of USD $300,000 USD A New Sleek Dream CAR valued at USD $120,000 USD A Dream House bought in the country of your own choice One Month holiday (fully paid) to your dream tourist destination. One year Golf Membership package A V.I.P treatment in all Airports in the World A total Lifestyle change Access to Bohemian Grove Monthly payment of $1,000,000 USD into youonliner bank account every month as a member One Month booked Appointment with Top 5 world Leaders and Top 5 Celebrities in the World. If you are interested call the agent now+ 2348146888015 or send your e-mail to for immediately initiation.New members registration is now open online

    2. JOIN THE ILLUMINATI CALL+ 2348146888015 OR JOIN THE ILLUMINATI FROM NIGERIA, USA, OR ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD TODAY BE RICH, FAME, AND POSSES us on OR call us on +2348146888015 for immediate initiation New members registration is now open online now !!!!! BENEFITS GIVEN TO NEW MEMBERS WHO JOIN ILLUMINATI. A Cash Reward of USD $300,000 USD A New Sleek Dream CAR valued at USD $120,000 USD A Dream House bought in the country of your own choice One Month holiday (fully paid) to your dream tourist destination. One year Golf Membership package A V.I.P treatment in all Airports in the World A total Lifestyle change Access to Bohemian Grove Monthly payment of $1,000,000 USD into youonliner bank account every month as a member One Month booked Appointment with Top 5 world Leaders and Top 5 Celebrities in the World. If you are interested call the agent now+ 2348146888015 or send your e-mail to for immediately initiation.New members registration is now open online

    3. Hello everyone,i am one of the Agents sent by the Lord
      superior (Grand master) to bring as many of those who are
      interested in becoming a member of the great Illuminati order,
      am a business man, I own a Construction company, and i also
      own one of the Biggest Electronic Appliance shop in one of the
      country, and my family now lives in USA, i was once like you, me
      & my wife were financially down to 1 square meal a day, what
      kind of life was that to live, I lived in poverty until i saw an
      opportunity to be a member of the GREAT TEMPLE OF
      ILLUMINATI BROTHERHOOD and i took my chances and i have
      been a member for close to 10 years now. The higher you get
      the richer you become. Illuminati makes your business grow
      faster than you can ever imagine,illuminati brings out the talent in you and make you famous, as you become a member of
      illuminati order you will receive 2,000,000 US DOLLARS
      instantly on your Bank Account, these and many more other
      benefits you stand to gain, so if you are interested to be a member contact us now on whatssp +2349073889037 or email us( JOIN US

    4. i want to share my testimony of how i become rich and famous today… i was deeply strangled up by poverty and i had no body to help me, and also i search for help from different corners but to no avail… i see people around me getting rich but to me i was so ashamed of my self so i met a man on my way he was very rich and he was a doctor so he told me something and i think over it though out the day so the next day i looked up and i keep repeating what he said to me. ” if you want to get rich quick and be famous” you need to cross your heart and do what is in your mind so i tried all i could in other for me to do as he said so later on i told my fellow friend about this same thing then my friend was interested in my suggestions so i decided to look in the internet and i found their number so we decided to contact them and unfortunately we did as they instruct us to do and later they told us to get some requirements and all the rest… so this initiation took us just a week and later on the great fraternity gave us $1,200,000 to start up our lives…. and now am testifying that if in any case you want to join any great fraternity all you need to do is for you to contact them because they are legitimate and they do as what they instructed them to do, so you can as well WhatsApp me +2348106618681 or for more information +1(705)8062021 you can Email:


    5. JOIN THE GREAT ILLUMINATI BROTHER HOOD TODAY AND LIVE A BETTER AND HAPPY LIFE. WELCOME TO THE GREAT TEMPLE OF RICHES AND FAME. Are you a business, Man, politician, musical, student and you. want to be rich, powerful and be famous in life. You can achieve your dreams by being a member of the Great illuminati brother hood. With this all your dreams and heart desire can be fully accomplish, if you really want to be a member of the great illuminati brother hood, contact the Lord illuminati now, Note: newly recruited members are given benefits , A Golden Ring, that will protect and guild you from enemies, and a free visa to United State Of America . Please will do not share blood. Do not miss this me or WhatsApp us for fast response and initiation via:+2348163089604


    6. JOIN THE GREAT ILLUMINATI BROTHER HOOD TODAY AND LIVE A BETTER AND HAPPY LIFE. WELCOME TO THE GREAT TEMPLE OF RICHES AND FAME. Are you a business, Man, politician, musical, student and you. want to be rich, powerful and be famous in life. You can achieve your dreams by being a member of the Great illuminati brother hood. With this all your dreams and heart desire can be fully accomplish, if you really want to be a member of the great illuminati brother hood, contact the Lord illuminati now, Note: newly recruited members are given benefits , A Golden Ring, that will protect and guild you from enemies, and a free visa to United State Of America . Please will do not share blood. Do not miss this me or WhatsApp us for fast response and initiation via:+2348163089604


    7. JOIN THE GREAT ILLUMINATI BROTHER HOOD TODAY AND LIVE A BETTER AND HAPPY LIFE. WELCOME TO THE GREAT TEMPLE OF RICHES AND FAME. Are you a business, Man, politician, musical, student and you. want to be rich, powerful and be famous in life. You can achieve your dreams by being a member of the Great illuminati brother hood. With this all your dreams and heart desire can be fully accomplish, if you really want to be a member of the great illuminati brother hood, contact the Lord illuminati now, Note: newly recruited members are given benefits , A Golden Ring, that will protect and guild you from enemies, and a free visa to United State Of America . Please will do not share blood. Do not miss this me or WhatsApp us for fast response and initiation via:+2348163089604

    8. Hello everyone am giving a testimony on how I joined the illuminati brotherhood, I was trying to join this organization for so many years now,I was scammed by fake agent in south Africa and Nigeria,I was down,I could not feed my self and my family anymore and I tried to make money by all miss but all invail, I was afraid to contact any illuminati agent because they have eat my money,One day I across a post of someone giving a testimony, thanking a man called mr Emmanuel of being helping him to join the illuminati brotherhood, then I look at the man email and the phone number that was written there, it was a nigeria number I was afraid to contact him because a nigerian agent eat my $500,000 and go away with the money then I was very tired, confused and I decided to contact the person that was given the testimony and i called him and I communicated with him on phone calls before he started telling me his own story about when he wanted to join, he told me everything to do, then I made up my mind and called the agent called mr emmanuel and he told me everything to do, and I was initiated, surprisely I was given my benefit of being a new member of the great illuminati brotherhood I was so happy,For those of you trying to join this organization this is your opportunity for you to join CONTACT mr Emmanuel call ( +2349033255083) or WhatsApp him (+2349033255083) or email)

  2. Trump's Gettysburg Address live on Fox now...

  3. Should it be Minister or Imam?

    1. On May 8, 2010, Farrakhan publicly announced his embrace of Dianetics and has actively encouraged Nation of Islam members to undergo auditing from the Church of Scientology.

      Lined himself up with the coo-coos.
      He's right about HRC though.
      Wicked ambition. Wicked woman.

    2. i want to share my testimony of how i become rich and famous today… i was deeply strangled up by poverty and i had no body to help me, and also i search for help from different corners but to no avail… i see people around me getting rich but to me i was so ashamed of my self so i met a man on my way he was very rich and he was a doctor so he told me something and i think over it though out the day so the next day i looked up and i keep repeating what he said to me. ” if you want to get rich quick and be famous” you need to cross your heart and do what is in your mind so i tried all i could in other for me to do as he said so later on i told my fellow friend about this same thing then my friend was interested in my suggestions so i decided to look in the internet and i found their number so we decided to contact them and unfortunately we did as they instruct us to do and later they told us to get some requirements and all the rest… so this initiation took us just a week and later on the great fraternity gave us $1,200,000 to start up our lives…. and now am testifying that if in any case you want to join any great fraternity all you need to do is for you to contact them because they are legitimate and they do as what they instructed them to do, so you can as well WhatsApp me +2348106618681 or for more information +1(705)8062021 you can Email:

  4. Deuce
    Have you an opinion on the Standing Rock Sioux versus Dakota Access Pipeline issue?

    Does anyone you know have a stake in the outcome?

    1. They have come by the hundreds to protest construction of the 1,172-mile Dakota Access oil pipeline, which would run within a half-mile of the Standing Rock Sioux reservation and cross beneath the Missouri River. Opponents say the pipeline will adversely impact drinking water and disturb sacred tribal sites.

    2. Make an intersection of oil and water, what could go wrong?

    3. i want to share my testimony of how i become rich and famous today… i was deeply strangled up by poverty and i had no body to help me, and also i search for help from different corners but to no avail… i see people around me getting rich but to me i was so ashamed of my self so i met a man on my way he was very rich and he was a doctor so he told me something and i think over it though out the day so the next day i looked up and i keep repeating what he said to me. ” if you want to get rich quick and be famous” you need to cross your heart and do what is in your mind so i tried all i could in other for me to do as he said so later on i told my fellow friend about this same thing then my friend was interested in my suggestions so i decided to look in the internet and i found their number so we decided to contact them and unfortunately we did as they instruct us to do and later they told us to get some requirements and all the rest… so this initiation took us just a week and later on the great fraternity gave us $1,200,000 to start up our lives…. and now am testifying that if in any case you want to join any great fraternity all you need to do is for you to contact them because they are legitimate and they do as what they instructed them to do, so you can as well WhatsApp me +2348106618681 or for more information +1(705)8062021 you can Email:

  5. Should it be Minister or Imam?

    How about Assaholla ?

    1. The Nation of Islam does have its good points as well as good works.

    2. Perhaps, but I don't like being called a white devil.

    3. Oh c'mon, You don't feel guilty about your white privilege?

      Neither do I. :)

    4. Petition for the White Hispanic moniker.

  6. Venezuela braces for turbulence after recall stalled....DRUDGE

    'Turbulence' ?

    The Venezuelan Civil War is starting....

    What would Hillary's policy be ?

  7. .

    Donald Trump the Anti-American Roger Cohen, New York Times

    Trump Can't Just Be Defeated. He Must Be Humiliated Dana Milbank, Washington Post

    The two headlines show the elitism, as well as, the fear of liberal media. They can't believe any candidate for president would diverge so far from their ideal of where this country needs to go. At the same time, they fear the movement his campaign has sparked and its breadth and width. The only thing to do is to abort it before it spreads and to bury it deep enough that it won't rise again. They (like their conservative counterparts) offer up the ultimate dis, 'He's un-American' or worse 'He's anti-American'.

    The same bias can be seen with some of the national TV commentators. The same liberal bias applies but I doubt it explains it all. IMO some of these people, especially on the cable programs, are just too damn stupid to endure. It's hard to tell if their partisan nitpickery is due to ideology or the need to build ratings or, as I said, they are just plain stupid. The criticism applies to both sides of the political spectrum, liberal and conservative.

    Unfortunately, where the dissatisfaction on the right is based on a declining optimism based on stagnant or ebbing opportunities resulting in nationalism and blame for the 'other', the liberal side of the equation has been nurtured in this country over the past 65 years by an ever encompassing progressive movement pushing growing statism and a coursening of the culture.

    The problem with the liberal side is illustrated by the video Doug (?) put up yesterday showing the interview on FOX with the lady who was so overcome by the perceived baseness of Trump that she broke down crying on air. This is a real problem. Much of today's America has been so inculcated with the idea of liberalism, progressive goals, and PC bullshit from the time they enter school to the papers they read and the people they hang with that they not only unquestionably accept the bullshit they are fed but they embrace it to the point of hysteria.


    1. .

      Fanaticism is never pretty.


    2. If totalitarianism comes to the USA it will come from the left not the right

      See: Bobby Creamer/Clinton/Soros/Rules for Radicals/ etal.

  8. Trump expands slight lead in the most accurate poll in the nation -

    "The IBD/TIPP tracking poll has been the most accurate over the last three presidential elections."

  9. You are right, Mr. Q. Everything in moderation.

  10. Trump oughta offer Creamer a Billion to play a dirty rotten scoundrel on TV.
    Get him off the field of play.

    1. He ought to offer Creamer some real money to come to a presser with him and spill his guts.

      That would move the electoral needle.

      And set Creamer up for life.


      The Donald Way

  11. Is Madonna's Offer Of Blow Jobs For Hillary Votes Even Legal ?

    See the considered legal opinions here:

    "In other words, if you were hoping for Madonna to get a call from the feds, you’ll just have to suck it up, because it’s not going to happen."

    Oh, nonsense.

    Every Federal Employee across the nation will be phoning in for the servicing.

    First of all FBI Director Comey.

    And what servicing it is -

    "“One more thing before I introduce this genius of comedy,” Madonna told the crowd at Madison Square Garden, while introducing comedian Amy Schumer. “If you vote for Hillary Clinton, I will give you a blowjob, OK?”

    “And I’m good. I’m good. I’m not a douche and I’m not a tool. I take my time,” Madonna continued. “I have a lot of eye contact, yeah. And I do swallow.”

    1. Not once have I seen or heard an entire Madonna song, nor more than 2 minutes of Amy Schumer.

      Do you all know she's related to Chuck?

    2. "Her father is second cousin to U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer."

      What's a second cousin?

  12. WikiLeaks: Clinton Told Kaine He Was VP — in July of 2015

    The Virginia senator was not particularly well known, but his ability to give speeches in Spanish and his liberal take on Roman Catholicism suggest two major reasons Clinton would pick him.

    Clinton's staff had already admitted to supporting a "Catholic Spring," like the notorious failed "Arab Spring," in order to push traditional Catholics in the direction of supporting contraception and abortion.

    Tim Kaine: 'Spanish Was the Language of Our Country Before English'

    I rode a tricycle before I got a bicycle.

    1. I could drive before I could walk.

    2. Sahaptin was the original language in these parts.

      The Nimiipuu first got their horses when those escaped from the Spanish first made their way up here....

    3. The man who buried the victims of SLO’s cholera epidemic

      Many Chumash and Salinan still live in San Luis Obispo County. Their ancestors fled after the mission was taken away from the Franciscans in 1834. Most of those who remained died of “white man’s diseases” in the 1850s and early 1860s.

      In 1871, S. A. Pollard, the second postmaster and county recorder, whose store at Monterey and Chorro was the main business in 1850-60s, told Walter Murray’s Tribune about the deadly epidemic of 1852.

      “At that time, the population of San Luis Obispo consisted of about a dozen white men, half of them Americans, and several hundred Indians … who had been brought up about the mission” and who continued to live nearby after the Mexican government evicted the Franciscans and divided up the mission properties.

      Pollard recalled the constant tide of gold seekers flowing through the county.

      “Our cholera visitation came from one of these emigrants, a man from Texas named Moss, who with his wife was traveling along in a two-horse wagon. Just as they reached here, the man was taken sick, and they found an old adobe near where the corner of Marsh and Broad is now, in which they took refuge.


      “Chorro Street up toward Palm Street was then very steep.

      Breck could get no help and worked all alone and it was a sight to see him coming in a jog trot down the hill with the corpses riding in the wheelbarrow, the horrible ghastly head bobbing over the wheel and the limbs sticking out from the blue jeans covering we had provided.

    4. (Open in an Incognito Window if it's behind a pay wall.)

  13. Woman dies in wreck after trying to hit pedestrian, police say

    A woman died when she crashed in Charlotte, N.C., after trying to drive into a pedestrian she knew and had been arguing with, Charlotte-Mecklenburg police said.

    Nasty woman

  14. Last April, Clinton infamously declared that "deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs, and structural biases have to be changed" in order to make way for abortion and other forms of "reproductive health care." These remarks, given at the sixth annual Women in The World Summit, are fully in keeping not only with other denigrating speeches she has given about religious beliefs but even with her colleagues' political work behind the scenes, as recently revealed by WikiLeaks.

    For years, Clinton and her associates have demonstrated a contempt for traditional religious beliefs and an insidious effort to change them by whatever means necessary.

  15. Idaho Vandals are getting shit kicked and I don't want to mention the score or anything about it.

    1. Put on your Hillary Mask, the MSM will provide cover for you.

      (Even tho you can't define them.)

    2. .

      The MSM?

      What does that mean these days? Men who have sex with men? Main stream media? What the heck is that in today's age of cable news and online blogs? It seems to be like the Illuminati. People talk about it a lot but they seem to struggle with defining exactly who or what it is.

      This is the opposite of the Illiterati who are seen her daily and are easily defined as those outside the inner circle of the 'Brain Trust'.


    3. I know them when I see them.

    4. .

      Anyone who disagrees with you?




    5. -

      Those who uniformly agree with each other, draw the same conclusions, and all emit the EXACT SAME WORDS day after day.

      Early recollection: Dick Cheney brought GRAVITAS to the Bush/Cheney ticket.

      At this point there are daily examples of a dozen or more "reporters" repeating the chosen words of the day/"news"cycle.


  16. I’d take my chances with Farrakhan over Clinton.

    1. Isn't there something about some orbiting something or other that one can go to, in the Farrakhan Cult ? Or is that some other Cult I'm thinking of ?

      If the Clinton Cult doesn't have something like that on offer, I'm with you and Farrakhan.

      If the Clinton Cult does, then I'd want to compare the offerings like any good shopper, and make an informed choice.

    2. There a group artfully called "Qult - Where Up Is Down And Down Is Up", operating 'on the outskirts of Detroit, Michigan', that offers free trips to Earth Proxima. I am interested in this.

      Also saw an ad for a nutrient pill called "I,'Q'+" claiming to be able to boost your IQ by 300% or more.

      So I looked up IQ+ on the internet, and it was a fraud.

      Stay away from that.

    3. (the cost of the free trip to Earth Proxima is only $1999.99 according to "Qult", a 'bargain')

    4. ('a bargain at any price', according to the brochure)

  17. What’s going on with the polls? - 10/22/16

    There is a very large gap between Trump's and Clinton’s current national standing, as revealed by Goebbels/Pravda (CBS, NBC, ABC/Washington Post) versus the picture painted by three respected polling organizations that are not part of the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party.



  18. How tall is the tallest player in the NBA ?

    Answer later....

    1. .

      Once he finds his ladder.


    2. 7'6"
      Don't know if he is the tallest or not.

    3. Bingo, and a free authentic NBA Basketball provided by our EB Team BasketCase Quirk, for Doug Saxum !

      Article I saw said he was tallest.

      A real Trump Tower....

      Sounds like he might be Nigerian maybe....

  19. 10k for Jessica Drake - Good deal?

  20. MSM

    1. Maybe she's on LSD.

      Quirk will know.

    2. Sharyl thinks maybe there's a future for Quirk in DC writing fake Facebook and Twitter accounts, blogs, etc to create alternate realities as needed for the convenience of the administration and certain corporations.


  21. .


    Those who uniformly agree with each other, draw the same conclusions, and all emit the EXACT SAME WORDS day after day.

    Meaningless in its non-specificity. Under this definition, there are multiple MSM's that routinely exist at the same time.

    [Although, admittedly, there has been a gradual convergence of some of these "MSM's" around the notion that Trump is completely unqualified for president.]



    1. Unqualified maybe.
      More qualified than the other candidate?
      I think so.

    2. Quirk's Campaign For President has gone nowhere.

      The present vote tally is one vote, a write in, from somewhere on the outskirts of Detroit, Michigan.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. On the first day of his campaign, Quirk gave what will be ever remembered as The Hamtramck Address from a soapbox in Hamtramck, Michigan.

      He was unable to finish 'The Address'.

      Half way through he was chased out of town by a mob of enraged Moslems, Christians, Jews, Hindus, agnostics, atheists, Republicans, Democrats, Independents and children of all ages yelling 'get the crazy creep, get the crazy creep'....

    5. Ever since, Quirk has been campaigning through the secluded safety of the Internet, and has taken to billing himself as "The Great Unifier".

      I will give periodic Q Campaign updates as we approach voting day....

    6. .

      Certain members of the Brain Trust would like to object to this line of discourse.


    7. You just want a compliant lying press.

  22. .

    4 minutes to go.

    Unranked Penn State just moved ahead of No. 2 Ohio State by a score of 24-21.


    1. .


      20 point underdog Penn State beat Ohio State 24-21.


    2. May it be a metaphor for our coming election.

  23. Over half of American voters surveyed in a recent poll disagree with the FBI’s decision not to prosecute Hillary Clinton over her emails scandal.

    A survey of 1,000 likely voters was conducted on October 18 and 19 by the polling company Rasmussen Reports. Voters were asked whether they agreed with the FBI’s decision not to file criminal charges against Hillary Clinton, despite acknowledging that she had been reckless and potentially exposed classified information to hostile countries. The results were released on Friday.

    Out of the voters surveyed, 65 percent broadly agreed that Clinton had broken the law by storing confidential emails on her private server, but only 53 percent believe the FBI should have filed charges, while 39 percent agreed with the decision not to. When split between Republican and Democratic voters, the survey found that 85 percent of Clinton supporters stood by the FBI’s decision not to prosecute.

    However, 92 percent of Donald Trump supporters disagreed, mirroring the opinion of their candidate, who has been vocal in criticizing Clinton for deleting 30,000 of her emails rather than handing them over to the FBI. At one point, he even promised his rival that she “would be in jail.”

  24. Hello brothers and sisters, I am one of the agents sent by the
    grand master to bring as many of those who are interested in seeing the light
    and becoming a member of the Illuminati to the great
    Illuminati temple,I am a business man I own companies all over the world
    but I was once like you I could not even feed my family
    what kind of life was that to live I lived in poverty until I saw an
    opportunity to be a member of the great Illuminati Family
    and I took my chance and I have been a member for close to 10 years
    now. Illuminati makes my business careers grow these and many more
    other benefits so if you are interested write me via my mail[] OR WHATSAPP number 08066163720

  25. Hello brothers and sisters, I am one of the agents sent by the
    grand master to bring as many of those who are interested in seeing the light
    and becoming a member of the Illuminati to the great
    Illuminati temple,I am a business man I own companies all over the world
    but I was once like you I could not even feed my family
    what kind of life was that to live I lived in poverty until I saw an
    opportunity to be a member of the great Illuminati Family
    and I took my chance and I have been a member for close to 10 years
    now. Illuminati makes my business careers grow these and many more
    other benefits so if you are interested write me via my mail[] OR WHATSAPP number 08066163720

  26. .

    Confident Clinton says she will no longer respond to Trump

    Democratic Hillary Clinton said Saturday that after three debates she “doesn’t even think about responding” to Donald Trump any more.

    Speaking to reporters on her campaign plane in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Clinton said she was “going to let the American people decide what he offers and what we offer.”

    She continued: “He can say whatever he wants to. He can run his campaign however he wants to. He can go off on tangents. He can go to Gettysburg and say he’s going to sue women who’ve made accusations against him.”

    Clinton said she’ll talk about what the next president should do and hope voters make their choice based on that...


    1. I'm confident I have Trump beat.

    2. There is no reason to respond to Trump. If someone brings up the leaks, I'll ignore it and change the subject. Foreign policy? Ditto. E-mails? Ditto. Libya? Ditto. Anything but the raid on Bin Laden? Ditto.

    3. I only have to stall a couple more weeks and I will be home free.

    Memo to self: My fist act as new president has to be to write a thank you note to Donald Trump, the only man in the US who could have handed me the presidency this year.


  27. I predicted she'd win long before Trump was her opponent:

    It's not rocket science: California, New York, the bitch vote, the MSM, I could go on, but why bother, you can't see the MSM when you're staring it in the face. (night after night)

    1. .

      Why don't you just say liberal media instead of MSM? It would make more sense.

      FOX News, the Weekly Standard, the National Review, News Corp, the Christian Science Monitor, the Denver Post, the Detroit News, Forbes, Commentary, and on and on. Are these part of the MSM as you define it? Heck, FOX is the biggest cable network around.

      I see a lot of media outlets whose editorial policies are left, right, and a few that are around the middle.

      You can whine about the MSM all you want, but it would take a fool not to see that the main reason Donald Trump lost this election was primarily one thing, Donald Trump.


    2. ABC's nightly news broadcast drew an average of 7.853 million total veiwers and 1.902 million viewers in the demo. NBC's "Nightly News’” was a close second with 7.81 million total viewers and 1.829 million in the demo. In Lester Holt's first week as the formal host of Nightly, the show topped ABC, pulling in 8.048 million total and 1.97 million in the demo, compared to ABC's 7.722 million and 1.933 million, respectively.


      Generally, Fox News dominated primetime with 1.64 million viewers compared to CNN’s 576,000 and MSNBC’s 525,000, though CNN saw a 20-percent percent increase in primetime viewership -- the largest jump for any of the networks. In the primetime demo, Fox News held the number one spot (and a 14 percent increase) with 311,000 viewers, followed by CNN’s 204,000 and MSNBC’s 136,000.

    3. Moron

      Obama: You can whine about the MSM all you want...

      Quirk: You can whine about the MSM all you want...

    4. CBS had about six and a half million viewers, coming in last, but swamping all the cables combined.

  28. i want to share my testimony of how i become rich and famous today… i was deeply strangled up by poverty and i had no body to help me, and also i search for help from different corners but to no avail… i see people around me getting rich but to me i was so ashamed of my self so i met a man on my way he was very rich and he was a doctor so he told me something and i think over it though out the day so the next day i looked up and i keep repeating what he said to me. ” if you want to get rich quick and be famous” you need to cross your heart and do what is in your mind so i tried all i could in other for me to do as he said so later on i told my fellow friend about this same thing then my friend was interested in my suggestions so i decided to look in the internet and i found their number so we decided to contact them and unfortunately we did as they instruct us to do and later they told us to get some requirements and all the rest… so this initiation took us just a week and later on the great fraternity gave us $1,200,000 to start up our lives…. and now am testifying that if in any case you want to join any great fraternity all you need to do is for you to contact them because they are legitimate and they do as what they instructed them to do, so you can as well WhatsApp me +2348106618681 or for more information +1(705)8062021 you can Email:


  29. JOIN THE GREAT ILLUMINATI BROTHER HOOD TODAY AND LIVE A BETTER AND HAPPY LIFE. WELCOME TO THE GREAT TEMPLE OF RICHES AND FAME. Are you a business, Man, politician, musical, student and you. want to be rich, powerful and be famous in life. You can achieve your dreams by being a member of the Great illuminati brother hood. With this all your dreams and heart desire can be fully accomplish, if you really want to be a member of the great illuminati brother hood, contact the Lord illuminati now, Note: newly recruited members are given benefits , A Golden Ring, that will protect and guild you from enemies, and a free visa to United State Of America . Please will do not share blood. Do not miss this me or WhatsApp us for fast response and initiation via:+2348163089604


  30. JOIN THE GREAT ILLUMINATI BROTHER HOOD TODAY AND LIVE A BETTER AND HAPPY LIFE. WELCOME TO THE GREAT TEMPLE OF RICHES AND FAME. Are you a business, Man, politician, musical, student and you. want to be rich, powerful and be famous in life. You can achieve your dreams by being a member of the Great illuminati brother hood. With this all your dreams and heart desire can be fully accomplish, if you really want to be a member of the great illuminati brother hood, contact the Lord illuminati now, Note: newly recruited members are given benefits , A Golden Ring, that will protect and guild you from enemies, and a free visa to United State Of America . Please will do not share blood. Do not miss this me or WhatsApp us for fast response and initiation via:+2348163089604

  31. Hello everyone am giving a testimony on how I joined the illuminati brotherhood, I was trying to join this organization for so many years now,I was scammed by fake agent in south Africa and Nigeria,I was down,I could not feed my self and my family anymore and I tried to make money by all miss but all invail, I was afraid to contact any illuminati agent because they have eat my money,One day I across a post of someone giving a testimony, thanking a man called mr Emmanuel of being helping him to join the illuminati brotherhood, then I look at the man email and the phone number that was written there, it was a nigeria number I was afraid to contact him because a nigerian agent eat my $500,000 and go away with the money then I was very tired, confused and I decided to contact the person that was given the testimony and i called him and I communicated with him on phone calls before he started telling me his own story about when he wanted to join, he told me everything to do, then I made up my mind and called the agent called mr emmanuel and he told me everything to do, and I was initiated, surprisely I was given my benefit of being a new member of the great illuminati brotherhood I was so happy,For those of you trying to join this organization this is your opportunity for you to join CONTACT mr Emmanuel call ( +2349033255083) or WhatsApp him (+2349033255083) or email)

  32. My Name is Bailee Evie from U.S.A, i want to share a live testimony on how this great Indian spell caster. DR Hortezima was able to bring my husband back to me,I have been rejected by my husband after five years of marriage just because another woman had a spell on him and he left me and with two kids to suffer.I tried all my possible means to get him back to me but it all seems to be in vain, So one day i saw a testimony on the internet about DR Hortezima how he helped one Stephen to get his lover back, although i didn't believe in love spell, i contacted him because i loved my husband so so much and i want him back, So DR Hortezima asked me some few questions and after he told me that my husband was under love spell from another woman butcontact DR Hortezima //His Email or you can text him on he's number or whatsapp him +1(512) 942-5736 he is going to help me get back my husband in just 3 days. i was asked to say some mid night prayers, which i dthat id, So surprisingly, the 3rd day like he said My husband sent me an apologizing Text and he started begging me to forgive him and from that day, we became together and up till now, We are in love with each other like never before.Today my family is back again, my kids are happy and we are all happy living fine and healthy, with DR Hortezima all my dream came through in reuniting my marriage,i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back and sole other problems in life because i am now a living example.. Thank you sir. DR Hortezima //His Email or you can text him on he's number or whatsapp him +1(512) 942-5736

    I want to tell the world the secret of wealth, you can become what you want to become in life, is just to do the right things and meet the right people who can help you to achieve your dreams in life, in any situation you are do not give up, because we are born to achieve our dreams in the earth, because we all will still leave the earth so we need to enjoy and be happy all time, i want you to know that the illuminati is to help you in any area you need help in life, joining the illuminati will bring you change of level in your life and good news, If you are poor or you have a family problems, or you want to be rich and famous in life you have to join the illuminati, so that you can be free in life and achieve all your dreams, joining the illuminati you will not share any human blood, because illuminati is an organization to help people how are in need of help, it is an organization that brings joy and happiness to once life, when you are totally initiated to the illuminati you will be given instant cash of $2,000,000.00 to settle all your outstanding, you have to know that it is free to join the illuminati because the illuminati is to help not to take money from who need help, if you are interested to join the illuminati and become successful in life you have to contact the illuminati official email: or call/text +1(301) 969 2020 or WhatsApp +1(508) 819 2672 on how to join the great illuminati, it is free to join the illuminati organization.

  34. I Never believed my life could changed in such a manner, i was initiated into Illuminati by the below link, which i got from someone, indeed the Great Illuminati Brotherhood exist, am a living witness, i never believed it until i got initiated into the Great Illuminati Brotherhood level 6, i was given sum of $30million, it was like a dream to me and also i was given a choice of house in UK with nice cars, i urge you brother and sister to be a member and enjoy the benefit attached to it add me on whatsapp +2348129175848
